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Approved For Rel ase 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403ROQW200130027-5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE Under the protective provisions of the fifth amendment no person can be de- prived of his life, liberty, or property without due process of law. These guar- antees are as operative against legisla- tive action as they are against action of the courts. Due process is as much de- nied by arbitrary and unjustified con- gressional action as it is by judicial ac- tion which deprives an individual of his day in court or his right to justice. Due process demands that the legislative body, in performing its functions, jus- tify any legislation which would curtail the time-honored right of a property owner to use his property as he sees fit. This has not been done in the case of the legislation commerce. No respected legal scholar has ever suggested such a far-fetched theory. If the commerce clause can be stretched to such an extreme, then Federal power and authority could be used to achieve a completely planned economy by regulat- ing all business-local and intrastate as well as interstate-in matters connected with alleged civil rights. I should like to say that again with emphasis. If under the emotional im- pulse of civil rights we are to stretch the commerce clause far enough and broadly enough to reach all the matters out- lined in the bill, I submit to the Ameri- can people that the last barrier of pro- tection they might have in any of their private or business or social affairs is broken. The only exception is very in- nermost parts of the private homes. Congress has jurisdiction over inter- state commerce. If interstate com- merce is to be extended, to the limits at- tempted here under authority of the commerce clause of the Constitution, there are no boundaries to it. Incredibly, we are asked to stretch the commerce clause to reach even the tiniest of the allegedly covered busi- nesses, even though it is admittedly not in interstate commerce, if cumulatively the "total operations" of it and all the other similar businesses taken together would exercise a "substantial" effect on interstate commerce. In other words, the courts have held that a fragmentary or remote effect on interstate commerce will not give us ju- risdiction. There must be a substantial impact. Those who argue for the bill say that a single little restaurant will not itself affect commerce substantially, but, they say, "There are a great number of little restaurants on the highway; and if we add them all together they have a substantial effect cumulatively on inter- state commerce." Mr. HART. Mr. President, will the Senator yield at that point? Mr. STENNIS. I yield. Mr. HART. Accepting the Senator's statement as a statement of fact, let us suppose that for 100 miles on the high- way there are only tiny little restaurants, but, judging from a distance of 50 feet, a man is excluded from being served in any of those little restaurants because he is colored. Would that not affect in- terstate commerce? . Mr. STENNIS. It would have a very remote effect. Mr. HART. It depends on how hun- gry a person becomes in a hundred miles, and how much he needs shelter. Mr. STENNIS. The point I am ar- guing is that one little restaurant A would not have a substantial effect on interstate commerce. Mr. HART. I was ndt talking about restaurant A. I was talking of restau- rants A through AAA, in a stretch of road. I ask the Senator if such a sit- uation does not affect interstate com- merce. Mr. STENNIS. To obtain jurisdiction over the little restaurant A under the theory of the proponents of this bill, it is necessary to consider all its activities, all its customers, all its present and ex- pected business, and everything else, and to throw it in with a great many others. Then, and only then, according to the bill's proponents, can it be said that that small restaurant has a substantial effect on interstate commerce. My point is that we have no jurisdiction over it be- cause its business is so remote from the standpoint of interstate commerce. I understand the Senator's position. I ask Senators to listen again to Mr. Kennedy's testimony before the Senate Commerce Committee. He said: We intentionally did not make the size of a business the criterion for coverage because we believe that discrimination by many small establishments imposes a cumulative burden on interstate commerce. I wish to make it clear that that. was not my conclusion, but that Mr. Ken- nedy's conclusion. Based upon the interpretation of the Nation's highest legal official even before the bill is enacted, it is not too difficult to envision what this would mean to the lives, the property, the fortunes, and the very existence of the small restaurant owners, motel owners, theater owners, lodging house owners, and the like, who would allegedly be covered by this bill and forced to answer a charge that they were engaged in interstate commerce- not because of what they did-but be- cause they and other cumulatively were engaged in operations which collectively affected interstate commerce. The testimony of Mr. Kennedy evoked a pertinent comment from the distin- guished Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. MONRONEY], and I commend him for it. It was: Many of us are worried about the use of the interstate commerce clause will have on matters which have been for more than 170 years thought to be within the realm of local control under our dual system of State and Federal Government, based on the doctrine that those powers which were not specifically granted to the Federal Government by the Constitution are reserved to the states. Let me also point out that Mr. Ken- nedy's testimony before the Commerce Committee revealed that he apparently does not recognize the distinction be- tween a statute which compels racial seg- regation and one which grants freedom of choice. When he appeared he placed 4657 in the record a document entitled "State or Local Laws Compelling Racial Segre- gations in Public Accommodations." Un- der the heading "State Segregation Statutes," he listed section 2046.5, Mis- sissippi Code of 1942. He,'would have found, if he had bothered to completely read this statute, that it does not com- pel segregation. To the contrary, it provides for freedom of choice and au- thorizes the owner of an establishment to sell to whom he pleases and, if he so desires, to refuse to sell to, wait upon or serve a person that he does not desire to do business with. This is a right which I believe is one which is inherent in the concept of indi- vidual liberty and which is protected by the fifth amendment. This means, in my judgment, that the Federal Govern- ment cannot-even in pursuance of a nebulous concept of public welfare-pass a law dictating to the owner of an estab- lishment those customers he must serve. It means that a private owner has the basic liberty to choose, according to his own desires-be they arbitrary, capri- cious, or even irrational-the persons with whom he will do business. More and more, Mr. President, there has been an intrusion of national au- thority into matters which were hereto- fore conceded to be of purely local con- sideration and concern. It therefore be- comes increasingly imperative that the Federal Government respect those principles which mark the line of de- marcation between Federal and State authority. As we debate this new and radical proposal for a quantum jump in Federal intrusion, let us remember the words of the Court in Carter v. Carter Coal Co., 297 U.S. 238 (1936). They were: Every journey to a forbidden end begins with the first step, and the danger of such a step by the Federal Government in the direc- tion of taking over the powers of the States is that the end of the journey may find the States so despoiled of their powers, or-what may amount to the same thing-so relieved of the responsibilities which possession of the power necessarily enjoins, as to reduce them to little more than geographical sub- divisions of the national domain. Let us not, in misguided but impas- sioned enthusiasm, undermine our great Constitution-the repository of all our liberties. Instead let us dedicate our- selves to upholding the principles upon which the Constitution was built. Let us reject title II and thereby insure that in- dividuals will have the right to say what they please, to associate with those whom they choose, to use their property as they see fit, and to operate their private busi- nesses in the manner which they desire. In closing, Mr. President, if I may be permitted to paraphrase a popular safety slogan, I would say this to my fellow Sen- ators: Be careful of what you do. The constitution you destroy may be our own. Mr. SPARKMAN. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. STENNIS. I yield. Mr. SPARKMAN. I compliment the Senator from Mississippi most heartily on an excellent presentation. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 W r Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 465? CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE March 10 Mr. STENNIS. I thank the Senator. Mr. SPARKMAN. I was thinking as the Senator was speaking-and I wish to ask if the Senator agrees with me- of a quotation from Justice Brandeis, given yesterday by my colleague, the senior Senator from Alabama. Justice Brandeis was one of the all-time liberal Justices, and a clear thinker. Justice Brandeis is quoted as saying : Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the Gov- ernment's purposes are benencient. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel Invasion of their liberty by evil- minded rulers. The greatest dangers to lib- erty lurk In insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning, but without under- standing. Does the Senator from Mississippi think that is very real and pertinent at this time? Mr. STENNIS. Very real; and it cer- tainly is applicable. The Senator from Mississippi, along with the Senator from Alabama, I am sure, as young men, or perhaps only boys, remember when Jus- tice Brandeis was nominated for the Su- preme Court of the United States. Mr. SPARKMAN. I do. Mr. STENNIS. I remember that Jus- tice Brandeis was opposed in the Senate on the ground that he had extremely liberal views. Many people believed his views were not in keeping with our con- stitutional principles. Justice Brandeis was known as a man of impeccable char- acter, lofty standards, and a great mind. He adorned the Court with great learn- ing and pointed out clearly the funda- mentals of our Constitution, our liber- ties, and our rights. I thank the Senator for making that very fine remark, which is an excellent closing. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators answered to their names: iNo. 74 Leg.] Allott Hart Morton Anderson Hartke Moss Bartlett Hayden Muskie Bayh Hickenlooper Neuberger Beall Hill Pastore Bennett Holland Pearson Bible Hruska Pell Boggs Humphrey Prouty Byrd, Va. Inouye Proxmire Bvrd. W. Va. Javits Ribiooff Cannon Johnston Robertson Carlson Jordan, N.C. Russell Case Jordan, Idaho Saltonstall Church Keating Scott Clark Kennedy Simpson Cooper Kuchet Smathers Cures Lausche Smith Dirksen Long, Mo. Sparkman Dodd Long, La. Stennis Dominick Magnuson Talmadge Douglas Mansfield Thurmond Eastland McClellan Walters Eller.der McGovern Williams, N.J. Ervin McNamara Williams, Del. Fong Metcalf Yarborough Coldwater Miller Young, N. Dak. Core Monroney Young, Ohio Gruening Morse The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. INODYE in the chair,. A quorum is THE UNITED STATES SHOULIIi ET OUT OF VIETNAM Mr. GRUENING. Mr. President, the mess in Vietnam was inherited by Pres- ident Job nson. Over 10 years ago, after a careful study of the situation in Indochino, a report was made to the Senate outlining the following conditions for success in that troubled area of the world: The basic problem which confronts all three governments and particularly that of Vietnam Is to put down firm roots In their respective populations. They will be able to do so only if they evolve In accord with pop- ular sentiment and they deal competently with such basic problems as illiteracy, pub- lic health, excessive population in the deltas, inequities In labor, and land tenure, and village and agricultural Improvements. Fi- nally. It is essential that there be a constant rising of the ethical standards of government and a determination to use the armies, now the process of formation, strictly for national rather than private purposes. Failure in these fundamental responsibilities or self- government will result in the achievement of the shadow rather than the substance of In- dependence. It could also mean the rapid reduction of the three nations to chaos and the subsequent Intrusion of some new form of foreign domination from close at hand. The date of that report was October 27. 1953, over 10 years-ago. The person making the report was our very able and distinguished majority leader, the Senator from Montana fMr. MANSFIELD], whose knowledge of that area of the world is most extensive. With respect to South Vietnam, the recom- mendations of the Senator from Mon- tana, were prophetic, but they went unheeded. History shows that the major causes of the deterioration, not only of the U.S. poistion. but also of the position of the South Vietnamese governments, have been actions by the South Vietnamese government contrary to the advice of- fered by the distinguished majority lead- er 10 years ago. The war in South Vietnam is not and never has been a U.S. war. It is and must remain a fight to be fought and won by the people of South Vietnam them- selves. The will to fight and win must come from the spirit of the South Viet- namese. The United States cannot in- still that will in them. For 14 years now the United States has helped the South Vietnamese with men, money and material in generous amounts. I ask unanimous content that there be printed at this point in my re- marks a table showing the amounts of aid loaned or granted for this area over the years. There being no objection, the table was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: U.S. military and economic aid to Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam, fiscal years 1954 to 1963, inclusive Laos Cambodia South Vietnam IOU- ------------ 0. 1 195.5--.-.--_----- 40.9 38.2 325. 8 19&1------------- 76.5 70.8 353. 6 1957-------------- 48.7 55.3 391.6 1955-------------- 30.9 36.1 242. 0 19.59.------------- 32.6 29.6 249.0 iwo-------------- 55.5 26.0 251.4 1961-----.._..-..- 64.2 28,1 209.6 64.1 39.9 287.2 1963------- --- 36.8 29.2 208.1 Mr. GRUENING. Why have these been unavailing in bringing security to South Vietnam from the Communist-led attacks of the Vietcong? As Sam Cas- tan. Look senior editor, wrote on January 28, 1964: But in spite of our noble intent, our mas- sive aid and all the small acts of selfless hero- ism our men have performed In Its behalf. South Vietnam's path to peace is cluttered by the debris of mistakes that America either made or endorsed. I ask unanimous consent that the en- tire article by Mr. Caston entitled "Viet- nam's Two Wars" be printed in full in the RECORD at the conclusion of my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. (See exhibit 1.) Mr. GRUENING. It is to the past then, rather than to the events of recent days and months, that we must look for the answer to the "why" of the present dilemma of the United States in South Vietnam. When President Eisenhower took office in January 1953, the war in Indochina was not going well. It w a.% a French war, fought with French troop:, as well as the troops of Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. U.S. military and economic aid had been going to the French in ever-increasing amounts as the drain of maintaining a fighting force of a quarter of a million men and of supporting three Indochinese national armies numbering 120,000 men increased. In reviewing the situation on January 27, 1963-6 days after ,eking office- Secretary of State John Foster Dulles stated: Now the Soviet Russians are making a drive to get Japan, not only through what they are doing in northern areas of the islands and In Korea, but also through what they are doing in Indochina.. If they could get this peninsula of Indochina, Siam, Burma, Malaya, they would have what is called the rice bowl of Asia. That's the area from which the great peoples of Asia, great countries of Asia, such as Japan and India, get in large measure, their food. And you can see that if the Soviet Union had con- trol of the rice bowl of Asif,, that would be another weapon which would tend to expand their control into Japan and Into India. That Is a growing danger and It is not only a bad situation because of the threat in the Asian countries that I refer to but also be- Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 } Approved For Re4 se 2005/02/10: CIA-RDP66BOO403ROOe'200130027-5 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 4659 cause the French who are doing much of the fighting there are making great effort and that effort subtracts just that much from the capacity of their building a European army and making the contribution which otherwise they could be expected to make. In terms of fighting men, France was there as the only major power on the scene because the three countries had been and were French colonies. While they had been given independence in 1949, the independence was with respect to internal affairs only. They were still within the French Union and France had an obligation to them to help fight the Communist-supported internal fighting they faced. But the long supply lines and the fierce fighting continued to sap French strength. Then came the tragic events at Dien- bienphu in March 1954. The Commu- nists under Ho Chi Minh attacked that fortress in force, Those were the days of brinkmanship, of massive retaliation and of the domino theory-policies proclaimed b y Secre- tary of State John Foster Dulles. While the fighting was taking place, Gen. Paul Ely, French chief of staff, flew to Washington to inform the Eisen- hower administration that the French could not hold out much longer and needed direct U.S. intervention. This request .precipitated a behind the scenes struggle at the highest levels of Government circles both here in Wash- ington and in London. While General Ely was still in town, Secretary of State Dulles held a news conference in which he stated that what military aid was given to France was a military matter and that "if there are further requests of that kind that are made, I have no doubt that our military or defense people will attempt to meet them.." I ask unanimous consent that the text of Secretary Dulles' news conference on March 23, 1954, be printed in full in the RECORD, at the conclusion of my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. (See exhibit 2.) Mr. GRUENING. Mr. Fletcher Kne= bel, well-known Washington correspond- ent, in an article in Look on February 8, 1955, gave a forceful account of ma- neuverings in high places in Washington and London in those fateful, early days of 1954 when the United States stood on the brink of an all-out invasion of Viet- nam. According to Mr. Knebel, Adm. Arthur W. Radford, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, advocated art immediate airstrike from carriers; Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, Army Chief of Staff, was opposed since he believed that such a strike could lead to all-out intervention; Admiral Carney, Chief. of Naval Opera- tions, and Gen. Nathan F. Twining, Air Force Chief of Staff, felt that, while an airstrike might help the French at Dienbienphu, more force would be need- ed to win the fight in Vietnam. President Eisenhower, according to Knebel, agreed with Admiral Radford on two conditions: That the United States be joined in the action by other allies; namely, Great Britain; and that con- gressional approval be obtained for the action. Since neither condition could be met, the United States moved back safely from the brink. I ask unanimous consent that that portion of Mr. Knebel's article dealing with Indochina be printed in the RECORD at the conclusion of my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. (See exhibit 3.) Mr. GRUENING. Dienbienphu fell on May 7, 1954. At Genera on July 21, 1954, delegates from Great Britain and the U.S.S.R., France, the United States, Communist China, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and the Vietminh came to a settlement to resolve the fighting in Vietnam. The main pro- visions of the agreement concerning Viet- nam were as follows: First. Vietnam was to be partitioned along the 17th parallel into North and South Vietnam. Second. Regulations were imposed on foreign military personnel and on in- creased armaments. Third. Countrywide elections, leading to the reunification of North and South Vietnam, were to be held by July 20, 1956. Fourth. An International Control Commission-ICC-was to be established to supervise the implementation of the agreements. The United States was not a signatory of the agreement, but issued a statement, unilaterally, stating that- It (1) will refrain from the threat or the use of force to disturb the Geneva Agree- ments; (2) would view any renewal of the aggression in violation of the aforesaid agree- ments with grave concern and as seriously threatening international peace and secur- ity," and (3) shall continue to seek to achieve unity through free elections, supervised by the U.N. to insure that they are conducted fairly. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. GRUENING. I yield with pleas- ure. Mr. MORSE. I may say to the Sena- tor from Alaska that I had planned to sit through every word of his speech. I had expected it would come earlier this afternoon. Unfortunately, I must go to an official conference. I assure the Sen- ator from Alaska that I have read every word of his speech. I would have the RECORD today show that the senior Sena- tor from Oregon thinks this is one of the great speeches in this session of the Con- gress on foreign policy. I associate my- self with every word of the speech. I am awaiting my Government's an- swer to it. In my judgment, there is no answer to the Senator's speech. There is no justification for killing a single Amer- ican boy in South Vietnam, It is about time the American people 'awakened to what is going on in South Vietnam and recognized that South Vietnam is beyond the perimeter of American defense. There is no justification for murdering a single American boy in South Vietnam, for the issue has now become one of murder. Everyone 1knows that if we got into a war with Russia or Red China it would be a nuclear war, not a conventional war. I do not know what we are doing over there with a conventional program. Furthermore, as the Senator pointed out, where are our alleged allies in South Vietnam? In contrast with South Ko- rea, where are our friends there? So long as we are willing to pay 99 percent of the bill and spill American blood, they will be satisfied. If my Government wants to make this an issue across the land, I am willing to have it become an issue; but I do not in- tend to vote for a single dollar for opera- tions in South Vietnam or to give sup- port to the American Secretary of De- fense who is bespeaking American for- eign policy with no right to do so. South Vietnam is not worth the life of a single American boy. I say to my ad- ministration that I have no intention of giving any support whatsoever to contin- uing the cost in blood and money for operations in South Vietnam that can- not be justified on the ground of Ameri- can defense or on any other ground. The Senator from Alaska has set forth the issue in his speech in terms so un- answerable that the American people have a right to say to the administration, "What is your answer?" I wait for the answer. Mr. GRUENING. I thank the Senator for his helpful comment. Within 2 months, on September 8, 1954, the Governments of Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, the United King- dom and the United States signed a col- lective security pact at Manila, known as the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty. Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam were not parties to this treaty, but by a simultaneous protocol to the treaty all the parties to the original treaty agreed to include the territories of those three nations in the territory protected by the treaty from "armed attack and counter subversive activities directed from with- out against their territorial integrity and political stability." The United States made it clear to all the signatories that the type of aggres- sion it considered itself bound to prevent was Communist aggression. As Secre- tary of State Dulles explained it: We stipulated on behalf of the United States, however, that the only armed attack in that area which we would regard as neces- sarily dangerous to our peace and security would be a Communist armed attack. In his address to the Nation on Sep- tember 15, 1954, explaining the action taken at Manila, Secretary Dulles first reiterated his concept of the domino theory of possible events in southeast Asia in the following words: Any significant expansion of the Commu- nist world, would, indeed, be a danger to the United States, because international com- munism thinks in terms of ultimately us- ing its power position against the United States. Therefore, we could honestly say, using the words that President Monroe used in proclaiming his Doctrine, that Commu- nist armed aggression in southeast Asia would, in fact, endanger our peace and se- curity and call for counteraction on our part. Secretary of State Dulles had ex- plained the domino theory at an earlier Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 4660 Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5{ ; . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE March 10 news conference on May 11, 1954, in the following words: Asked if the plan for collective security could succeed if one or more of its segments were lost to the Communists, Secretary Dulles replied: The situation in that area, as we found it, was that it was subject to the so-called domino theory. You mean that if one went. another would go? We are trying to change it so that would not be the case. That is the whole theory of collective security. You gen- erally have a whole series of countries which can be picked up one by one. That is the whole theory of the North Atlantic Treaty. As the nations come together, then the domino theory, so-called, ceases to apply. And what we are trying to do is create-a situ- ation in southeast Asia where the domino situation will not apply. And while I see it has been said that I felt that southeast Asia could be secured even without perhaps Viet- nam, Laos, and Cambodia, I do not want for a minute to underestimate the impor- tance of those countries nor do I want for a minute to give the impression that we be- lieve that they are going to be lost or that we have given up trying to prevent their being lost. On the contrary, we recognize that they are extremely Important and that the problem of saving southeast Asia Is far more difficult if they are lost. But I do not want to give the impression, either, that if events that we could not control and which we do not anticipate should lead to their being lost, that we would consider the whole situation hopeless, and we would give up in despair. We do not give up in despair. Also, we do not give up Vietnam. Laos. or Cam- bodia. In his nationwide address on Septem- ber 15, 1954, on the Southeast Asia Treaty, Secretary of -State Dulles also expounded his massive retaliation theo- ries of how to contain communism any- where in the world, anytime, at the least cost: We considered at Manila how to imple- ment the treaty. One possibility was to cre- ate a joint military force. However. I ex- plained that the U.S. responsibilities were so vast and so far flung that we believed that we would serve best, not by earmarking forces for particular areas of the Far East. but by developing the. deterrent of mobile striking power, plus strategically placed reserves. This viewpoint was accepted. Thus, the treaty will not require us to make material changes In our military plans. These plans already call for our maintaining at all times powerfulnaval and air forces in the West- ern Pacific capable of striking at any aggres- sor by means and at places of our choosing. The deterrent power we thus create can pro- tect many, as effectively as it protects one. I ask unanimous consent that a sum- mary of events in Vietnam from the time of the Geneva agreements as prepared by the Library of Congress be printed in the RECORD at the conclusion of my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. See exhibit 4.) Mr. GRUENING. Mr. President, by January 1, 1955, U.S. aid began to flow directly to South Vietnam and on Febru- ary 12, 1955, a U.S. military assistance advisory group took over the training of the South Vietnamese army. Previously, U.S. aid had been given through France. In October 1955, the Eisenhower ad- ministration picked Ngo Dinh Diem to rule South Vietnam. There may be some room for disagree- ment as to whether Diem was a poor choice for the job to begin with or whether, after having come to power, the thirst for more and more power on his part and on the part of his many rela- tives, whom he placed in high govern- mental posts, became Insatiable. Seven months before the former em- peror, Bao Dal, was deposed on October 23, 1955, in a national referendum in which Diem received 98 percent of the votes, Diem met and greatly impressed Secretary of State Dulles. In a nation- wide broadcast on March 8, 1955, Secre- tary Dulles said: I was much Impressed by Prime Minister Diem. He is a true patriot, dedicated to in- dependence and to the enjoyment by his people of political and religious freedoms. He now has a program for agricultural reform. if it is effectively executed, it will both assist in the resettlement of the refugees and pro- vide his country with a sounder agricultural system. I am convinced that his Govern- ment deserves the support which the United States Is giving to help to create an efficient, loyal military force and sounder economic conditions. Ngo Dinh Diem ruled South Vietnam from October 23, 1955, until the coup of November 2, 1963, deposed him. As the guerrilla fighting intensified through the years, so did .the mismanagement and corruption of the Diem government. It became Increasingly oppressive, tram- pling the rights of individuals and ignor- ing the necessity for economic reforms to benefit the people. There is no room for disagreement concerning the fact that the United States condoned or ignored actions by Diem and his ruling relatives calculated to antagonize the people on whose sup- port any stable South Vietnamese Gov- ernment must rest-or fall. As Jerry A. Rose stated in the New Republic on October 12, 1963: For some reason, diplomats, soldiers in the field. and politicians in Washington are un- able to grasp the Importance of the people. While forever raising wet fingers to the wind of public opinion In the United States, the policymakers appear to operate on the belief that Asian people have no opinions, and even If they did have an opinion, It would carry no weight. A good Gallup poll would easily disprove the former proposition, and history has proved time and again the fal- lacy of the latter. I ask unanimous consent to have Mr. Rose's article entitled "Dead End in Vietnam" be printed in full in the RECORD at the conclusion of my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. (See exhibit 5.) Mr. GRUENING. The recent spate of optimistic announcements from the Pen- tagon on how well the war in South Viet- nam is going-despite contrary reports from trained observers on the scene- only carries on a tradition begun in the earliest days of U.S. participation in the fighting in Vietnam. Thus, in July 1956, in the face of con- tinued Vietcong sabotage and virulent propaganda, Vice President Nixon ad- dressing the first Constituent Assembly of South Vietnam, stated that "the mill-- tant march of communism has been halted." But by the middle of the next year, Vietcong guerrilla bands stepped up their attacks, bombing U.S., MAAG and USIS installations and attacking settlements near Saigon. Mr. Nixon's overoptimistic statement in July 1956 is on a per with his state- ment in October 1960, when he stated: As far as Indochina was concerned, I stated over and over again that It. was essential dur- ing that period that the United States make It clear that we would not tolerate Indochina falling under Communist domination. Now, as a result of our taking the strong stand that we did, the civil war there was ended, and to- day we do have a strong free bastion there. Vietcong guerrilla activities, reinforced by arms and men from North Vietnam, increased greatly during Diem's regime. So did corruption and the oppression of the people. As Castan states in his article already referred to: To his [Diem's[ personal credit, he alleged- ly managed, again with American aid, to amass a personal fortune of. some $5o million during the same period. Diem changed-too slowly for our then Ambesador Frederick J. Nolting, an intimate friend of both Diem and his charming sister-in-law, Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhu, to notice. Too slowly for Gen. Paul D. Harkins, Was of our military-assistance com- mand, to notice. No one, in fact, noticed un- til we found that we had been duped into complicity, and were compounding by assent the mistakes of Diem and his family. In the face of increasingly serious guerrilla activity, the so-called strategic hamlet plan was instituted in 1961. It was copied from Malaya, but served only to make it easier for he guerrillas to capture arms and supplies. It was a failure also as a means of isolating Diem's opponents. Two accounts illustrate the hows and the whys of the failure of the strategic hamlet plan: The first is related in ,he article before referred to by Castan: Pie! In Minh. one of the hamlets, is an ex- ample. "The soldiers forced us out of our huts," said the village chief, shortly before the November coup d'etat, "and told us that a fortified village was ready for us in the valley. 'Can we take our land?' we asked. Two men refused to leave our ancestral home and were shot. It took us 60 days to march here. We have no land to farm, and if the Government doesn't give us food soon. we'll have to sell the pigs and buffalo we brought with us. The Vietcong come at night for our weapons. We give them the tveapons. Why should we die for weapons?" The second is from a Reporter article by Bernard Fall in the October 24, 1963. issue. I ask unanimous consent to have the article printed in the RECORD at the conclusion of my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so orderec'. (See exhibit 6.) Mr. GRUENING. Reading from the Fall article: There is not one plantation that has not been attacked or partly pillaged several times by the Vietcong during the past 5 years, and which has not seen several of its French personnel kidnaped and held for ransom or killed. During the Indochina war, the plantations had been allowed to arm them- selves and maintained militia forces at their own expense. When Ngo Dinh Diem came to power he ordered all plantations disarmed and they thus became rilitary liabilities. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 1964 Approved For Re1Use 2005/02/10: CIA-RDP66B00403ROO 200130027-5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SENATE 4661 The plantation managers now keep in business by closing their eyes to the Viet- cong emissaries who come to the workers' villages and exact tribute; they silently pay millions of piasters of ransom to the Viet- cong-and as much again to bribe South Vietnamese authorities to allow them to op- erate. Here and there, the Saigon-controlled press announces that a French plantation was fined tens of millions of piasters (a million dollars or more) for "economic vio- lations." Everybody knows what that means, and business goes on as usual. The oppression of the people by Diem's secret police was intensified. In the summer of 1963, Diem turned on the Buddhists and the students, with wholesale arrests and imprisonments. And yet all through these years from 1955 to the November 1963 coup, Diem was shored up and kept in office with billions of American dollars and as at present as many as 17,000 American troops. The people of South Vietnam knew this. The United States won no friends and influenced no Vietnamese people when Buddhist priests were driven off to concentration camps in AID vehicles by Diem's secret police, who were paid by U.S. funds. In the light of Diem's long years of corrupt and repressive rule, the two coups in Vietnam last year should have come as no surprise to anyone. The surprise lies in the fact that they did not occur sooner. As I have said, the roots of the present dilemma of the United States reach back to 1955 and to the years of condoning corruption, misrule, and repression. Diem lost whatever support he had from the people through the use of U.S. money and U.S. arms. Where do we turn now for our solution in South Vietnam? The United States must start with one basic truth which should be con- stantly reiterated: the fight in South Vietnam can be won only by the South Vietnamese. Even if the United States would or could, the fight in South Viet- nam cannot be won by making of that country a colony of the United States. The French tried and failed, even though they used a quarter of a million troops. The question is this: After 20 bloody years of conflict, have the people of South Vietnam and the Government of South Vietnam the will and the capacity to fight to win? Putting it in other terms, Mr. President, has the present Government of South Vietnam the ability and the stability to wage the fight or is it obliged to look over its shoulder constantly in fear of another coup? If there is no heart to fight in the people of South Vietnam, the sooner we face that fact the better off we shall be. Since a victory in South Vietnam can come only through a victory by the South Vietnamese themselves, if the people and the Government do not want to continue the fight in a manner con- ducive to victory, it is contrary to the best interests of the United States to remain there. Some urge stepped-up military ac- tivity on the part of the United States, including carrying the war to North Vietnam. Even disregarding-which we should not-the grave possibility of drawing Red China into the fray in a Korean-type engagement, there are serious drawbacks to such a course of action. The first is the unwillingness of the South Vietnamese to follow such a course of action. The second, of course, is the fact that this is not, solely an en- gagement between South and North Vietnamese. South Vietnamese are fighting South Vietnamese in a country divided within itself. A comparison with Korea is not ap- propriate. There we had South Koreans who had the will to fight and win. And secondly, South Korea was not a coun- try divided within itself. And finally, there is one important difference between the situation as it exists in Vietnam and the situation as it existed in Korea. This is a difference which many people who are urging an escalation of U.S. armed effort in South Vietnam conveniently do not mention. In Vietnam we are ? alone-in Korea we were in there as part of a United Na- tions effort. Fighting side by side with American troops in Korea were troops from Aus- tralia, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Colom- bia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Luxem- bourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, and Turkey. Where are our allies in South Vietnam? The 1954 Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty was signed by eight na- tions-Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Republic of the Philip- pines, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. We do not read in the headlines about the officers and men of the other sig- natory countries being killed in the jun- gles of South Vietnam. We do not read about them because they are not there. Over 200 Americans have been killed in South Vietnam, 115 of them in direct combat. The United States is all alone in the fight there and the prospects are that it will continue to fight alone there. To give my colleagues some idea of the confusion prevailing in South Vietnam in the military command there and of the conditions under which U.S. troops are fighting, I ask unanimous consent that an article in the Washington Daily News by Jim Lucas on March 6, 1964, be printed in full at the conclusion of my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. (See exhibit 7.) Mr. GRUENING. Mr. President, de- scribing the "Spoils for Generals" after the most recent coup by Maj. Gen. Ngu- yen Khanh, Time magazine for February 14, 1964, stated: It is far from certain that all the military are behind him. But he has rewarded his chief collaborators handsomely. Maj. Gen. Tran Thien Khiem, whose III Corps troops arrested former Junta Boss General Duong Van (Big) Minh, got the No. 2 military job as Defense Minister and Commander in Chief. But among the ranks of Khanh's new, ex- panded, 53-man junta (8 major generals, 9 brigadier generals, 25 colonels, 10 lieutenant colonels, 1 major), there was endless wran- gling over the lesser spoils. Many a junior officer was disgusted. The theory has been advanced that the United States has no alternative but to remain in South Vietnam regardless of the course of action followed by the people and the government of South Vietnam. This theory follows the line ,that if we pulled our support out of South Vietnam now, it would quickly be taken over by the Vietcong who in turn would be controlled by North Viet- nam which in turn would be controlled by Red China. The theory then contin- ues that if this happens then Cambodia, and Laos would also fall "like a row of dominoes" to Red China. This is a con- tinuance 10 years later of Secretary Dulles' domino theory. Recent actions on the part of Cambo- dia in seeking its own neutralization cast considerable doubt on this theory. Cam- bodia, the middle domino, fell out of its own accord. The $300 million we have spent there was totally wasted. More- over Cambodia action took the United States by surprise. We were ill in- formed. How well informed are we in this whole area? The repeated optimis- tic statements of our officials in the past have been promptly refuted by events. The distinguished majority leader [Mr. MANSFIELD], on Monday, March 2, stat- ed: I think the best thing our country can do is reassess its foreign policy insofar as it is possible to do so, face up to the realities of today, and not depend so much on the wishes of yesterday. In no area of our foreign policy is such a reassessment of our foreign policy needed than with respect to the policy we are pursuing in Vietnam. The United States should no longer permit the dead hand of past mistakes to guide the course of our future actions in South Vietnam. President Johnson, by virtue of the fact that his control of U.S. foreign policy is so recent, is in the best pos- sible position to make the reassessment of our foreign policy suggested by Sen- ator MANSFIELD and not permit himself to be bound by a past made by his pred- ecessors. The domino theory is not President Johnson's-it is a theory ad- vanced by Secretary of State Dulles dur- ing the Eisenhower administration and, as in the case of Cambodia, already proven fallacious. A few days ago, the senior Senator from Montana [Mr. MANSFIELD] took an enlightened stand with respect to the attempt by the President of France to put forth a solution for the deteriora- ting situation in South Vietnam. He stated: It seems to me most glib to make light of the admittedly unsatisfactory situation in Laos or the unhappy state of our relations with Cambodia as a basis for any offhand rejection of De Gaulle's essay at a new ap- proach to Indochina and southeast Asia. I commend the majority leader for his statesmanlike approach to an admittedly difficult situation and join him in his statements on this subject. His state- ment of February 19, 1964, should be carefully studied in any reevaluation of our foreign policy in Indochina. I also wish to commend my able col- league, Senator BARTLETT, for his excel- Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R0002001.30027-5 Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66BOO403ROO0200130027-5' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE March 10 lent analysis of the Vietnam situation a few weeks ago and for his plea for less rigidity in our policy in Indochina: he stated: It is important, however, in our Asian policies, that we strive to achieve flexibility, flexibility which our policies in recent years have failed to have. We cannot allow our- selves to be frozen forever with a rigid policy hoary with age. In Asia as elsewhere we must be willing to discuss anything with anybody who is willing to discuss to a rational and responsible manner. We are the greatest power on earth and we have no need to fear Red China and no need to fear negotiations. I also wish to commend the able senior Senator from Oregon [Mr. MORSEI for his splendid speech last week on this same topic. Senator MORSE pointed out cogently that- American unilateral participation in the war in South Vietnam cannot be justified and will not be justified in American his- tory ? * ? we have always considered South- east Asia to be beyond the perimeter of U.S. defense. Southeast Asia is not essential to U.S. defense. Southeast Asia may very well be essential to the defense of some of our allies, but where are they? They ran out on us. And more pointedly, in response to a question from Senator ELLENDER what Senator MORSE would advise we should do in South Vietnam, Senator MORSE answered with his usual forthrightness: We should never have gone in. We should never have stayed in. We should get out. And Senator ELLENDER seconded that clear-and in my judgment thoroughly correct and realistic counsel-by saying: I have been advocating such a course of action. After my last visit there. I again stated that we should never have gone in there and that we should get out. My advice was never heeded. That is my advice today. Had this advice of Senator ELLENDER given some time ago, now repeated by him and reaffirmed by Senator MORSE been heeded 200 precious American lives would not have been lost. These are far more important than the billions of dol- lars we have now wasted in seeking vainly in this remote jungle to shore up selfserving corrupt dynasts or their self- imposed successors and a people that has conclusively demonstrated that it has no will to save itself. I consider the life of one American worth more than this putrid mess. I consider that every additional life that is sacrificed in this forlorn venture a tragedy. Someday-not distant-if this sacrificing continues, it will be de- nounced as a crime. 1 would ask my colleagues and indeed American fathers and mothers this ques- tion : If your drafted son is sent to Vietnam and is killed there would you feel that he had died for our country? I can answer that question for myself. I would feel very definitely that he had not died for our country, but had been mistakenly sacrificed in behalf of an in- herited folly. Let us do a little hard rethinking. Must the United States be expected to jump into every fracas all over the world, to go it all alone, at the cost of our youngsters' lives, and stay in blindly and stubbornly when a decade of bitter ex- perience has shown us that the expendi- ture of blood and treasure has resulted in failure? Shall we not, If taught anything by this tragic experience, consider that of the three alternatives: First, to continue this bloody and wanton stalemate: second, to go in "all out" for a full-scale invasion and the certain sacrifice of far more lives and a scarcely less doubtful outcome; or, third, to pull out with the knowledge that the game was not worth the candle. This last is the best of these choices. In the event of determining on that last and least unhappy alternative, we shall no doubt be told by sonic that the United States will lose face in Asia. I doubt whether we should lose face, whatever that may mean. But if it be so interpreted by sonic whose opinion should give us small concern. I say better to lose face than to lose the life of an- other American boy, or a score, or an- other 200 of them, doomed in varying numbers as long as we stay on. President Johnson, let me repeat, in- herited this mess. It was not of his making. As he approaches the difficult task of making the necessarily hard deci- sions with respect to the problems in South Vietnam, problems created long before he was President. he should feel no compunction to act In such a way as to justify past actions, past decisions and past mistakes. He should feel entirely free to act in such a manner and to make such decisions as are calculated best to serve the interests of the United States and the free world-a world changed greatly from the time President Eisen- hower and Secretary Dulles initiated our southeast Asia policies. Would South Vietnam go Communist if we get out? Probably, but It will doubtless do so In any event. What would the loss of a million men. or 2 mil- lion, or 5 million matter to the jam- packed nation of 700 million that is mainland China, that can and will un- concernedly pour its cannon fodder into an adjacent, long-coveted area, and peopled with its fellow Asiatics. Their lives mean nothing to their own bloody rulers who have liquidated vast numbers of their own. But our American boys' lives would mean everything to our own Government and people if sacrificed In a cause in which we should never have engaged. Of course, it Is a source of regret when- ever a new political entity appears to be falling behind the Iron or Bamboo Curtain. But why should we persist in seeking to prevent what is ultimately inevitable, in impossible terrain, for a people who care not, in the most distant spot on the globe. It makes no sense. Moreover there is considerable ques- tion whether South Vietnam, even if overrun by the indigenous Vietcong, or by the North Vietnamese, will not con- stitute another problem for Peiping as It was for the French, as it has been for the United States. It might well prove an aggravation of Red China's consider- able internal troubles. But surely we have no business there any longer, if Indeed we ever had. The time has come to reverse our pol- icy of undertaking to defend areas such as South Vietnam, whose people are so reluctant to fend for themselves. Let us keep on, by all means, supplying them with arms. Let us continue to give them the means if they wish to use them. But not our men. The time has come to cease the use- less and senseless losses of American lives in an area not essential to the security of the United States. Only yesterday the report came in of two more American fighting men killed in Vietnam. Last Wednesday the report was made that three American officers had been killed there. Part of the UPI story reads as follows: Two U.S. officers were i:illed yesterday in separate battles with the Vietcong, mili- tary sources reported. A U.S. Navy officer was killed yesterday in a aelicopter crash. One of the Army officers died as he at- tempted to rally Government paratroopers for an assault on a Communist position near the Cambodian border. There were few details on the death of the other Army officer. Reports reaching Saigon said he was killed in a battle at Trung Lap village 27 miles northwest of Saigon. It is obvious from this story, as it has been for some time now, that the United States so-called training mission is actu- ally engaged in fighting: the Vietcong in a war which the South Vietnamese are themselves reluctant to fight. I urge the President to take steps to disengage the United States immediately from this engagement. All our military should immediately be relieved of combat assignments. All military dependents should be returned home at once. A return of the troops to our own shores should begin. I also urge the President to go to the American people and explain in detail how the United States got involved in Vietnam: when we got involved in Viet- nam, and why we are getting out of there. I sincerely hope that President John- son will heed the advise of our distin- guished majority leader, Mr. MANSFIELD, and others in this body, as knowledge- able as Senators Moss:, ELLENDER, and others reassess the Dulles doctrine of seeking to engage communism on its own grounds-12,000 miles away-and bring our boys home. This is a fight which is not our fight into which we should not have gotten in the first place. The time to get out Is now before the further loss of Ameri- can lives. Let us get out of Vietnam on as good terms as possible-but let us get out. President Johnson is in an excellent position to reverse the previous unsuc- cessful policies in Vietnam which he did not make. ExHIBIT 1 [From Look magazine, Jan. 28, 19641 VIETNAM'S Two WARS (By Sam Castan) To a larger extent than we have ad- mitted. the United States is responsible for South Vietnam's agony. We were behind the scenes at its birth ti 1954. We hand- picked its leaders, trained its troops and paid for its economic and military survival. We didn't push it into war; file Communists did that. But in spite of our noble intent, our Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66BOO403ROO0200130027-5 = Approved For Reuse 2005/02/10: CIA-RDP66B00403R0O100130027-5 1964 CONGRESSIONAL, RECORD - SENATE massive aid and all the small acts of selfless heroism our men have performed in its be half, South Vietnam's path to peace is cluttered by the debris of mistakes that America either made or indorsed. Ngo Dinh Diem was one. In 1954, after an 8-year losing war to pre- serve its colonial holdings in Indochina, France took the knockout punch at Dien- blenphu. The United States had a heavy interest in Southeast Asian developments. We had underwritten fully 60 percent of France's military costs-about $2 billion- and were considering direct military inter- vention when the end came. France sued the victorious Vietminh-a largely Commu- nist guerrilla force led by a wily old Asian Marxist, Ho Chi Minh-for peace, and the Geneva Conference of 1954 divided the former French colony into four independent states: North Vietnam, led by He Chi Minh; neu- tralist Cambodia, Laos, and pro-Western South Vietnam. The West knew that Ho Chi Minh had for years been preparing his share of the spoils for self-sufficiency. A civil service was ready, factory sites were laid out, teachers and industrial workers were trained, and a communications system was already buzzing messages to Peiping. The West also knew that South Vietnam had been left unprepared by France, and that with all the help we might give the new nation, Its first, shaky steps toward demo- cratic independence would be menaced by Vietminh cells left behind for purposes of disruption. We badly needed a man in Viet- nam, and Diem was in. Descended from a family of central Viet- namese mandarins, Ngo Dinh Diem was an ascetic Catholic bachelor who had once lived in a Lakewood, N.J., monastery. As a civil administrator under the French, he had en- joyed a certain measure of popular support. Most important, he was an avowed anti- Communist. That was it. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles picked him, Senator MIKE MANSFIELD endorsed him, Francis Cardinal Spellman praised him, Vice President Rich- ard M. Nixon liked him, and President Dwight D. Eisenhower OK'd him. Although 80 percent of South Vietnam was, and is, Buddhist, Diem's Catholicism was good politics in the United States. The Catholic Bishops' Relief Fund and the Cath- olic Relief Service assumed major roles in the resettlement of refugees streaming out of predominantly Catholic provinces of North Vietnam. Cardinal Spellman kept shower- ing praise on Diem and his brother, Arch- bishop Ngo Dinh Thuc. At this point, some American Catholics were beginning to vote Republican anyway, and the Eisenhower ad- ministration, with a wary eye toward John F. Kennedy in 1960, stressed its own role in creating an Asian haven for Catholics. Out in the Vietnamese l,condocks, how- ever, Diem's catholicism didn't mean a thing. Both America and Saigon were remote from the peasant huts along the muddy canals of South Vietnam, where 80 ' percent of the population lives, and the nation's real strength lies. It was not religion that turned the people against Diem, and, aside from the extra aid it may have brought in, It was certainly not religion that helped him sus- tain the nation through those early, critical years. Diem managed, with half a billion dollars per year in American aid and his own skill, to keep South Vietnam afloat in the flood of propaganda and subversion let loose by the old Vietminh cells-now called Viet- cong. - That much was to Diem's administrative credit. To his personal credit, he allegedly managed, again with American aid, to amass a personal fortune of some $50 million dur- ing the same period. Diem changed-too slowly for our then Ambassador, Frederick J. Nolting, Jr., an intimate friend of both Diem and his charming sister-in-law, Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhu, to notice. Too slowly for Gen. Paul D. Harkins, boss of our military assist- ance command, to notice. No one, in fact, noticed until we found that we had been duped into complicity, and were compound- ing by assent the mistakes of Diem and his family. In 1958, the Vietcong turned from subver- sion and propaganda to violent guerrilla in- surgency. "And Diem," says a Vietnamese Army lieutenant, who was later called away from his post in the field to police Saigon during a martial-law period, "made things so easy for them that every time the sun rose on South Vietnam, the Vietcong was stronger than they had been the night be- fore." Diem installed virtually all of his relatives in key positions, and insured their tenure by rigged elections. Family friends became dis- trict and province chiefs; their sons received commissions and cushy Army spots. What- ever dissidence this caused among the popu- lation was left to Diem's brother, Nhu, to handle, through 18 separate secret police agencies and the Vietnamese Special Forces, which were not a branch of the regular militia, but in effect a private police force. Under cover of the 1961 rainy season, Viet- cong forces were bolstered by heavy rein- forcements, along the famous "Ho Chi Minh trail," Vietcong raids became more frequent and more ferocious. By this time,' corruption in Saigon was well known throughout the provinces. The Ngo's, influenced by Malaya's experience, devised a plan to contend with increased guerrilla activity and, at the same time, contain pockets of internal dissidence. It was called the strategic hamlet program, and it had still another benefit. For public relations, the fortified villages could be passed off as a reminder of the pioneer stock- ades of early America. This device would bring in still more aid money. It worked for everyone-everyone being Diem and the Vietcong. Diem got his money, the Vietcong got clearly marked and easily taken resupply points for food, weapons, and ammunition. But it didn't work for the people. Plei Is, Miah, one of the hamlets, is an example. "The soldiers forced us out of our huts," said the village chief, shortly be- fore the November coup d'etat, "and told us that a fortified village was ready for us in the valley. 'Can we take our land?' we asked. Two men refused to leave our ancestral home, and were shot. It took us 60 days to march here. We have no land to farm, and if the government doesn't give us food soon, we'll have to sell the pigs and buffalo we brought with us. The Vietcong come at night for our weapons. We give them the weapons. Why should we die for weapons?" Buddhists, who comprise the great bulk of South Vietnam's population, became special targets of Nhu's secret police last summer. Like the university students who followed them into the torture cells and concentra- tion camps ringing Saigon and Hue, they were too cohesive, too vocal to be allowed freedom. South Vietnam owes them a pro- found debt, for their protests, along with Madame Nhu's arrogant tirades about "Bud- dhist barbecues" and "American adventur- ers," focused world attention on the police- state measures Diem had adopted. The United Nations sent a special commission to investigate religious persecution In South Vietnam, but it arrived too late. On Novem- ber 2, 9 days after the commission reached Saigon, Diem fell, and a wildly jubilant Saigon crowd carried newly released Buddhist monks on their shoulders through a free city. The coup d'etat of last November was en- tirely predictable, despite the contentions of certain American journalists, notably Joseph Alsop and Marguerite Higgins, and the official word from the Public Informa- tion Office of our Military Assistance Com- mand Vietnam (MAC-V) that Diem was winning the war and enjoying popular sup- port. "You Americans wouldn't under- stand," said. one coup leader. "Diem be- trayed us in the critical hour of our fight against communism. We had to kill him." Added another, "Diem started a second war- himself, his family, and his American allies against the people. That was the important war as far as he was concerned. In another month, the Vietcong would have controlled every province in the country." What sort of war have Diem's mistakes, and ours for allowing them, left us to face in the bloody showdown ahead? South Vietnam's new military government estimates that hard-core Vietcong guerrillas total upward of 35,000 men, with around 100,000 part-time irregulars joining them each night. Nearly all are armed with the best weapons America has been able to man- ufacture. The homemade rifles they began with in 1958 are used as drill weapons for recruits. The number of Vietcong rose sharply last year, when Diem's political in- terference in the military campaign was at its height, and popular resentment against the regime was sharpest. "Diem hated large casualty reports," relates one ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) colonel. "Our orders were to surround the enemy on three sides, and let the main body out to avoid pitched battles. We had to head back for the barracks at dusk, even if it meant letting a boxed-in group we could easily handle get away." These factors, combined with outright neglect in some provinces, and the existence of isolated and vulnerable "paper hamlets," to which Diem could point as proof that he was "showing the flag," have so strengthened the Vietcong that they no longer operate in marauding cutthroat gangs. "They've got regular battalions," says one American ad- viser, "with heavy-weapons sections, radio communication-the works." Says a chop- per pilot, "I half expect to see a Vietcong jet fighter waiting for me every time I go up." The most critical factor in any guerrilla war. is still popular support. The Vietcong, for all their newly gained strength, do not have the staying power in any one area to set up hospitals, rest areas; training camps, etc. In many areas, they don't need them, for every hut is a place to eat and rest and have wounds treated. "Five miles down the canal, there's a Vietcong village," says a U.S. Army Special Forces sergeant at Tan Phu. "There are never any men around when we come through, but every hut's got a Vietcong flag on the wall, and there's a school with paper Vietcong pennants on every desk. I knew this was a strong Vietcong area, but the first time I hear about a Vietcong PTA, I'm getting the hell "out." We are faced, then, with a dedicated enemy grown, strong on an endless string of mis- takes we endorsed, fighting on his own ground and calling the tune. None of this has changed substantially since the coup. The new government will need months to 'replace commanders, district, province and village chiefs, and institute the civil reforms that will give South Vietnam its first real chance for democracy. Meanwhile, as sol- diers and peasants wait to see how the new government will go, some of the old habits remain. And the Vietcong have taken every opportunity during this transitional period to strike and strike again. In the 4 weeks following the coup, Vietcong activity rose 50 percent. South Vietnam's uppermost need is to re- gain the military initiative. No one in the new government deludes himself with the notion that we are winning the war, or that we even have the balance to jab back when we are hit. The common people of South Vietnam are tired after 20 years of fighting (against Japanese Invaders, French colo- nialists and now Communist guerillas). The new government must show its will to prosecute the war until a workable peace is in sight. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 4664 *10*1 Awe. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-51 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE March 10 How well the regime does depends upon the unity of the junta. Behind a facade of strength, strains are appearing among the 14 generals who wrested power from Diem. Most are loyal to Gen. Duong Van Minh, chairman of the revolutionary council, but some observers see the youngest general, 58- year-old Ton That Dinh, as a comer. He is an ambitious man who assumed nearly all the credit for the coup's success, and his high personal ambitions remain unsatisfied. It was Dinh's weight that swung crucial troops against Diem. Immediately after the Presidential palace surrendered, he promoted himself from two- to three-star general. "I was the coup," says Dinh. "It was my plan- ning, my courage, my leadership that brought Diem down. I did it for the peo- ple--not for money, not for another star. I have no personal ambitions." To prove that it believed him. the revolutionary council named Dinh Minister of Security, a consid- erably lesser post than he may have planned for himself. If dissension is actually developing within the provisional military government, the war effort may be adversely affected. So may the peace effort. If the generals decide. and If the United States. which pays their salaries, agrees, that the war cannot be won. and some sort of neutralism, such as that envisaged by France's President Charles de Gaulle. Is the best way out of a bad thing. As long as there is shooting, the American involvement will, of course, continue. The removal of over 1.000 Americans last month was characterized by one personnel officer as "trimming some of the fat off our Saigon surplus. Those boys had nothing to do but create a problem for the MP's. and stuff more money into Saigon's black market." Our field forces stand at their highest level of 2,700 officers and men. There will be more American fatalities, more wounded and more captured. And more, too, of the weirdly funny tales that are part of any war. There was the young Army pilot who, shook up by the presence of Gen. Paul Harkins as a passenger, forgot to drop his wheels for a landing. Harkins climbed out of the wreckage, saying, "That's one way to stop the damned thing." And those two ser- geants in Pleiku who measured their re- maining time in Vietnam by the number of weekly malaria pills they still had to take. "I'm dawn to 22 pills," boasted one to the other. "How many pills do you have left?" Thanks In part to our blunders, to our old policy of seeing, hearing and thinking no evil of anyone who labels himself "anti- Communist," and to our love of bucking reality, a tired, bloodied nation Is approach- ing its critical hour. How many pills does South Vietnam have left? IFrom Look magazine, Jan. 28, 19641 AN INTERVIEW WITH TON THAT DINH Question. General Dinh (full name pro- nounced Tone Tuck Dinn), What made you turn against Diem? You are the general who led his August pagoda raids against the Buddhists and ruled Saigon as military gov- ernor When he declared martial law. Answer. Diem did not order the raids. It was his brother Nhu who ordered me against the Buddhists, and as a soldier, I had to fol- low. They must have thought me a fool. those two. The very morning of the coup, I visited them in the Presidential Palace. I asked Diem how his head cold was coming. I was very pleasant. Then I mustered troops against them. Question. What made you decide to join in a coup d'etat? Answer. As a soldier, my resentment was building up for a long time, I was in the French colonial army as a private, and later became a cadet at St. Cyr, the French equiv- alent of your West Point, I have attended your General Staff College at Fort Leaven- worth, Kans. I did not like being told how to light the Vietcong. I did not like seeing them win because of Diem's and Nhu's Inter- ference. The last straw came when the na- tional elections of last October were fixed. I knew then that Diem intended to stay In power, to keep interfering and never to in- stitute reforms. Question. Which reforms. specifically? Answer. He had promised to institute re- ligious freedoms, to end press censorship, to insure justice in the courts, to restore the legitimate authority of ministers and army commanders. I knew that none of these would ever come about, and that he had no intention of removing Nhu and his wife, or of lessening the air of discord and suspicion that was everywhere. We all became masters of subterfuge and intrigue under Diem. That much he taught us, and we used it against him. Question. How do you think the war against the Vietcong will go now? Answer. In some areas, the situation is very bad. We will have to start from scratch. But now we will push much harder. We will try to control the Cambodian border, where many of their supplies come through. We'll step up night operations-until now, the Vietcong has been fighting at night. And we have been fighting In the daytime, and we'll take risks. I was not frightened of risks when I fought Diem. I led the attack. I was at the palace, hurrying the troops through breaches in the wall. I did it. And now I can do it against the Vietcong. Question. Would you consider taking a higher government post than the one you now hold as Minister of Security? Answer. I have no personal ambitions. I am a soldier. But if the people ask me to serve. I will obey-not for myself, for them. I only want to serve, as I served Diem. I was sorry that we had to kill him. I cried. EXHIBIT 2 IDepartnient of State press release. Mar. 23, 19541 INDOCHINA Asked at his news conference today about the situation In Indochina, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles made the following state- ment: "I do not expect that there is going to be a Communist victory in Indochina. By that I don't mean that there may not be local affairs where one side or another will win victories. but in terms of a Communist domination of Indochina. I do not accept that as a probability. "There Is a very gallant and brave struggle being carried on at Dienbienphu by the French and Associated States Forces. It is an outpost. It has already inflicted very heavy damage upon the enemy. The French and Associated States Forces at Dienblenphu are writing, in my opinion, a notable chap- ter in military history. Dienbienphu is, as I say, an outpost position where only a very small percentage of the French Union Forces are engaged, and where a very considerable percentage of the forces of the Vietminh Is engaged. "Broadly speaking, the United States has, under Its previously known policy, been ex- tending aid in the form of money and ma- teriel to the French Union Forces In Indo- china. As their requests for materiel become known, and their need for that becomes evi- dent, we respond to it as rapidly as we can. Those requests have assumed various forms at various times. But I think that we have responded In a very prompt and effective manner to those requests. "It there are further requests of that kind that are made. I have no doubt that our mili- tary or defense people will attempt to meet them. "As soon as this press conference Is over, I am meeting with Admiral Radford. But so far I have not met General Ely. and I do not know what requests lie has made, if any, in that respect because that would be primarily a matter for the defense people in any case. The policy has already been estab- lished so far as the political aspects of it are concerned. "We have seen no reason to abandon the so-called Navarre plan was, broadly speaking, a 2-year plan which anticipated, if not complete victory, at least decisive mili- tary results during the fighting season which would follow the present fighting season, which is roughly a year frc?m now. "As you recall, that plan contemplated a very substantial buildup of the local forces and their training and equipment. It was believed that under that program, assum- ing there were no serious military reversals during the present fighting .season, the upper hand could definitely be achieved in the area by the end of the next fighting season. There have been no such military reverses, and, as far as we can see, none are in pros- pect which would be of a character which would upset the broad timetable and strat- egy of the Navarre plan." Asked whether that ruled out any possi- bility of a negotiated peace at Geneva, Mr. Dulles replied: "At any time If the Chinese Communists are willing to cut oil military assistance, and thereby demonstrate that they are not still aggressors in spirit, that would, of course, advance greatly the possibility of achieving peace and tranquility in the area. That is a result which we would like lo see. "To date, however. I have no evidence that they have changed their mood. One Is al- ways hopeful in those respects, but, so far, the evidence seems to indicate that the Chi- nese Communists are still in an aggressive. militaristic and expansionist mood." ExHIBrr 3 [From Look magazine, Feb. 8, 19551 WE NEARLY WENT TO WAR 3 TIMES LAST YEAR BUT IRE SAID No (By Fletcher Knebel) Three times wthin the past 10 months, the United States stood on the brink of war with the Communists in the Far East. Three times the proposal of war in the Orient was advanced in the highest councils of the Ei- senhower administration. Twice it was re- jected. Once it was abandoned-but only after a veto by Great Britain. Last April, America came to the thresh- old of war to save Indochina from the Com- munist forces of Ho Chi Minh, a venture that might or might not have involved us in hot war with Red China. In September, the United States was but Inches away from a decision to go to war to prevent the little island of Quemoy, off the Chinese mainland, from falling into Com- munist hands. In November, America vas stayed from a naval and air blockade or Red China-an act of war by President Dwight D. Eisen- hower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. The story of how America narrowly missed armed conflict In Asia Is a fascinating inter- play of the convinctlons :)f powerful men, all of them high-principled, all of them shar- ing the Nation's top secret intelligence re- ports and all of them determined to guide America's destiny to the eventual goal of world peace. WERE IKE's DECISIONS RIGHT? History may credit a number of men with helping to keep America out of war in the last 10 months. They were Eisenhower, Dulles, Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, Anthony Eden and even, curiously, Jawaharlal Nehru of India. The strongest voice for peace was that of President Eisenhower. V, hether his dect- Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 1964 Approved For Rase 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R@90200130027-5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 4665 sions for peace were right or wrong is a mat- ford an idea of congressional opinion and to ter of violent dispute in the Nation's Capi- give congressional leaders Radford's view- tal. "Thank God for Eisenhower," says one point, Dulles summoned three top Repub- Democratic Senator who was consulted dur- licans and five Democrats to a Saturday- ing the Indochina crisis. "Ike has but post- morning meeting, April 3, at the State De- poned the day of reckoning," says another partment. well-briefed legislator who believes that the This secret briefing left the legislators bug- United States has taken the downhill path of eyed, for it was the first time they realized appeasement. that the administration waq actually consid- Right or wrong, Ike weighted the balances ering war in Indochina. for peace in the secret councils of his ad- The legislators said "No" in various ways ministration, far from the headlines and the to the suggestion of congressional authoriza- public eye. Without President Eisenhower, tion for U.S. solo intervention. And Dulles hundreds of thousands of American boys to- indicated that the President had no thought day might be plowing across the Pacific in of asking this anyway, since the principle of Army transports--destination Red China. "united action" had been determined. The men who urged war were sincere and The Secretary of State flew to London and dedicated leaders who believed that bold Paris in mid-April, got British and French American action would check the Commu- agreement to proceed with united action nists without plunging the Nation into allout talks, A communique was issued, after Sir land war with Red China. Ike believe other- Winston Churchill himself made penciled wise. changes. The struggle for war or peace in Washing- BRITISH MOVE ANGERS DULLES ton was contested on an oddly shaped trian- gle, its points resting on the White House, eight-power conference on methods of stop- the State Department and the Pentagon ping the Reds in Indochina. On Easter across the Potomac River in Virginia. Sunday, however, Sir Roger Makins, the Here is the inside story, as gathered from British Ambassador, called Dulles at home to many of the participants, of how the United say he had been instructed not to attend the States looped into the pit of war-and turned talks. Angry at the apparent British re- away. treat, Dulles changed the meeting into a INDOCHINA 16-power Korean peace conference as a face- Last March, the Communist warriors of Ho saving device. Chi Minh besieged the French fortress of The transatlantic maneuvering generated Dienbienphu in tremendous strength, seeking terrific tensions behind the scenes. At one a knockout blow to win the dreary, 8-year- Congressional briefing, a Republican legisla- old conflict. tor blurted, out to Dulles, "You are either a Six days later, Gen. Paul Ely, French chief liar or Eden is a doublecrosser." Dulles of staff, arrived in Washington and secretly vowed he had told the exact truth of the ne- informed U.S. leaders that American inter- gotiations with the British, that London vention was needed to save Indochina. This suddenly had switched signals on him. set in motion a month-long chain of private On April 25, the British Cabinet met in Washington huddles and frenzied diplomacy. emergency session and decided finally The Joint Chiefs of Staff, America's top- against military action in Indochina. The military body, met in the Pentagon. decision was relayed to Dulles in Paris by Adm. Arthur W. Radford, a carrier and air- Anthony Eden. U.S. officials learned that power naval officer and chairman of the Joint Nehru in India had influenced the British Chiefs of Staff, advocated U.S. intervention Cabinet's decision by voicing violent objec- through a carrier strike from the U.S.S. tion to British-American military action in Essex and Boxer, both then in the Gulf of Indochina. Tonkin, and by Air Force bombers from the Radford flew from Paris to London the Philippines. Radford had long favored a dis- next day, conferred with British leaders in play of force in the Far East, was already an effort to arrange some other joint action an advocate of blockading Red China. in Indochina. But this mission failed. This Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, Army chief of ended all thought by U.S. leaders of inter- staff and former. Korean commander, declared vening to save Dienbienphu, and on May 7 himself flatly against American intervention, the fortress fell to Ho Chi Minh's troops. He declared that an air strike would lead in- QUEMOY - evitably to action by American troops as soon Two months after the Indochina armistice as the first planes were shot down. He con- was signed in Geneva, July 21, the United tended that his limited army, with commit- States again moved to the edge of war in the ments around the globe, could not fight in Orient. This time, however, there was no the jungles of Indochina short of allout mo- question of "united action." This time, the bilization at home. joint chiefs proposed that America go it Adm. Robert B. Carney, chief of naval op- alone. orations, and Gen. Nathan F. Twining, Air In early September, Red Chinese artillery Force chief of staff, took a middle ground _ began shelling the Nationalist Chinese is- between Radford and Ridgway. They ex- land of Quemoy, a few miles off the Asiatic pressed belief than an airstrike would be mainland and about 125 miles from Chiang effective in aiding the defenders of Dien- Kai-shek's stronghold on Formosa. bienphu, but doubted the aerial blow alone The American Joint Chiefs of Staff, fear- could win the war for the French. ing preparations for the long-promised Red Radford took his recommendation for U.S. invasion of Formosa had begun, met at the intervention to the National Security Coun- Pentagon. They decided to urge President cil. President Eisenhower accepted Radford's Eisenhower to use the 7th Fleet to thwart an opinion that an airstrike would be effective, invasion of Quemoy, should it develop. but quickly laid down the rule that' the The joint chiefs split 3-to-l on the recoin- United States would intervene only if joined mendation. Radford, Carney, and Twining by other allies. In the circumstances, "other favored American strafing and bombing allies" meant Britain, which had a carrier alongside Chiang's planes if a Red invasion in the area. of Quemoy actually got underway. Ridg- President Eisenhower also stipulated that way opposed it, again because he feared it any move of intervention in Indochina re- meant eventual use of ground troops, lead- quired approval of Congress. But the Presi- ing to an all-out land war with Red China. dent and Dulles were convinced that Con- The other three believed such "clean" air gress was in no mood to give a blank check and sea action could do the job without in- for war measures at that time, before Britain volving troops. had signed on the dotted line. To give Rad- Ike summoned the National Security Council to extraordinary session at Denver to discuss war in Quemoy. The meeting was held in the Officer's Club at Lowry Air Force Base. Dulles was in Manilla, signing the south- east Asian 'collective-defense treaty. He cabled that he had two questions: One. Was Quemoy essential to the defense of Formosa (which the United States is committed to defend) ? Two. Was Quemoy itself defend- able? Dulles got the answers to his questions from Radford. Quemoy could be defended, but Quemoy was not absolutely essential to the defense of Formosa. Dulles then took a stand against any ironclad assurance to Chiang that we would help defend Quemoy. Vice President Nixon also opposed American aid for Quemoy. President Eisenhower in the end decided that we would make no definite commitment to Chiang to defend Quemoy. On the other hand, if the Reds attacked -Quemoy in force as an obvious prelude to an invasion-of For- mosa, we would be free to strike if we wished. President Eisenhower cast his deciding vote against war. THE BLOCKADE Barely 2 months later, strong men in the administration and the Republican Party again propelled the United States toward war with Red China. . In late November, the Chinese Communists announced they had imprisoned as spies 11 U.S. airmen and 2 civilians, captured in the Korean war. Secretary Dulles was vacationing at his home on Duck Island in Lake Ontario, where the chief blessing is the absence of a tele- phone. When Dulles stepped ashore Sunday, November 28, in Jefferson County, N.Y., he learned of the gathering thunderclouds. Senate Republican leader William F. Knowland, of California, had called for a naval blockade so tight that "no vessel can get in or out of China until these Americans are released," He was then backed by other Republicans. Also, Dulles knew that Ad- mirals Radford and Carney on the joint chiefs favored a blockade, not specifically be- cause of the spy "conviction" of the Ameri- can airmen, but as a tool to yank the fangs of militant Red China. Dulles decided to call the President, who was in Augusta, Ga., for Thanskgiving, but the President got him first at the home of friends in the hamlet of Chaumont on the shores of Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario. They talked for 15 minutes and agreed that a blockade would be an act of war, that America should not commit its armed might in response to what they believed was a care- fully timed provocative act by the Commu- nists. Dulles sketched a proposed revision of his scheduled speech in Chicago Monday night and Ike approved it. The next morning, Dulles called to dictate the text of his revi- sion, and an aid took it to Ike, who was out playing golf. As he sat on a bench beside a tee, the President made a few changes and approved the rest. The speech flatly rejected a blockade. The decision again was against war. Twice in 1954, the President turned down proposals, that America fight Red China. Once he approved war action, but only on condition that our allies join us-they never did. In the search for peace, an American Presi- dent must finger many tools. Once Ike used the hammer. To understand the peace quest of recent months, it is necessary to go back 2 years-to the time when Ike got tough. On December 8, 1952, the heavy cruiser Helena rolled in the seas off Wake -Island, carrying President-elect Eisenhower from Guam to Hawaii after his promised post- election trip to Korea. A helicopter brought Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 nw Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE - March 10 aboard Secretary of State-designate Dulles and other future Cabinet members. For the better part of 3 days, Ike and Dulles dis- cussed the Korean conflict as the Helena cut eastward. Ike took the firm position that "this war must end." Dulles agreed. American casual- ties then had mounted to 128,000, including 22.000 killed. Both men agreed that Red China wanted the conflict prolonged, that the Reds must be made to quit. "We've got to make them want peace" is the way Ike put It. Ike and Dulles reached a basic decision. If the Reds did not come to terms, the United States would bomb the new industrial com- plex of Manchuria above the then-sacred Yalu River and smash Red China's will to fight. IKE PUTS IT UP TO THE REDS By May, 1953, the truce talks still drifted in the Communist doldrums, despite an April agreement for exchange of sick and wounded prisoners. The Reds were playing the same old game of delay, frustration and obstruction, Ike decided the time had come to let Red China know we meant business. Dulles, ac- companied by FOA Director Harold E. Stas- sen, set off on a global flying tour. For 3 days, May 20 to 22, Dulles held confidential talks with Nehru In New Delhi, impressing on him that U.S. patience had come to an end In Korea. The Reds must either come to terms or face that allout bombing of Manchurian factories, he told Prime Minister Nehru. There is no concrete evidence outside the secret flies of India that Nehru relayed this "ultimatum" to Red China, but circum- stantial evidence Indicates that he did. Within 48 hours, our military negotiators reported to Washington that the Communist attitude had softened. The fits and starts of haggling at Panmun- jom continued, but the Reds had decided to quit. On July 27, the long-sought truce in Korea was signed. Three years and 32 days of killing ended. That was just 114 days short of the duration of our fight against Germany In World War II. America had been at peace for 18 months. No man is certain how peace should be main- tained. Ike seeks many ways. Men of deep conviction differ with some of his methods. The debate continues In Washington. EXHIBIT 4 SOUTH VIETNAM: A SUMMARY or EVENTS' 1954 May 8-July 21: Geneva Conference on Indochina: The delegates are from Great Britain and the U.S.S.R. (joint chairmen), France, the United States, Communist China, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, and the Vietminh regime. Agreements are signed on July 21 and the main provisions concern- ing Vietnam are that (1) Vietnam is to be partitioned along the 17th parallel Into North and South Vietnam, (2) regulations are imposed on foreign military bases and personnel and on Increased armaments, (3) countrywide elections, leading to the reun- ification of North and South Vietnam, are to be held by July 20, 1956, and (4) an In- ternational Control Commission (ICC) is to be established to supervise the Imple- mentation of the agreements. The United States and Vietnam are not signatories to the agreements. The United States Issues a unilateral declaration stating that it (1) "will refrain from the threat or the use of force to disturb" the Geneva Agreements, (2) ' This chronology has been compiled pri- marily on the basis of: Deadline Data on World Affairs, Deadline Data, Inc., New York, and memorandum RFE-14, Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Jan. 10, 1962. "would view any renewal of the aggression In violation of the aforesaid agreements with grave concern and as seriously threatening International peace and secur- ity," and (3) "shall continue to seek to achieve unity through - free elections. supervised by the U.N. to insure that they are conducted fairly." July 7: Head of state and former Emperor Ban Dal appoints Ngo Dinh Diem Premier. August: Flow of almost I million refugees from North to South Vietnam begins. August 31: Gen. Paul Ely, French High Commissioner for Indochina, states that France is unequivocally committed to support the South Vietnamese Government as the le- gal government In Vietnam and to grant it total independence. September 18: South Vietnam's independ- ence established as France turns over to the Diem government control of the police, jus- tice and security departments, public util- ities, and civil aviation. October: National Revolutionary Move- ment, mass political party In South Viet- nam, Is founded. October 11: The Communist Viehminh regime formally takes over control of Hanoi and North Vietnam. October 24: President Eisenhower sends a letter to Premier Diem of South Vietnam stating that American assistance will be given hereafter not through the French au- thorities, but directly to the Government of South Vietnam. The letter also states that the U.S. Government "expects this aid will be met by ? ? ? undertaking needed re- forms." 1955 January 1: United States begins to render direct assistance to South Vietnam, on the basis of the existing pentalateral agree- ment of December 1950. for the support of the Vietnamese armed forces. January 24: Premier Diem states, in an In- terview with a New York Post correspondent, that Vietnam would do everything possible to help the ICC and would wait to we whether conditions of freedom existed in Communist North Vietnam at the time stip- ulated in the Geneva Agreement for hold- ing Vietnam-wide elections. February 5: Premier Diem decrees the first of a series of laws initiating important and extensive land reform program. February 12: The U.B. Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG) takes over the training of the South Vietnamese army, fol- lowing the relinquishing of command au- thority by the French. February 19: Southeast Asia Collective De- fense Treaty (SEATO)-wtth Its protocol covering Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos- comes Into force. March 7: United States and South. Viet- nam sign agreement which supplements existing economic cooperation agreement of September 1951. March 29: Armed revolt is precipitated in Saigon by the Binh Xuyen political-bandit group, spreading ultimately into large-scale dissidence in the southern provinces with the participation of elements of the Cao Dal and Hon Hao religious sects. March 31: French-North Vietnamese agree- ment provides for a North Vietnamese liaison mission to the ICC to operate in South Viet- nam. April 17: South Vietnamese Government appeals to the U.N. against the North Viet- namese Communists, who, In violation of the Geneva agreements, prevent northerners from migrating to South Vietnam. May 10: Premier Diem forms a new Cabinet composed largely of his own followers. May 16: Time limit given by Geneva agree- ment for exodus of refugees from North to South Vietnam (and vice versa) is extended to July 20. July: Communists Initiate the first overt ,propaganda moves in South Vietnam by dts- tributing literature signed by North Viet- nam's National United Front. July 1: French formally relinquish com- mand authority over the Vietnamese Navy. July 7: French formally transfer Nha Trang Air Base to Vietnamese control. July 20: Mass demonstrations by anti- Communists in Saigon, Capital of South Vietnam. The demonstrators accuse the ICC of not preventing Communist violations of the Geneva agreements. On the same day, talks were scheduled to begin (according to Geneva agreement) for the preparation of all- Vietnam elections to be held on July 20, 1956, to reunite the country. The Govern- ment of South Vietnam rejects the North Vietnamese Government's invitation to dis- cuss the elections, on the grounds that in North Vietnam the people would not be able to express their will freely and that falsified votes In North Vietnam could overrule the votes In South Vietnam. August 16: Last French High Commissioner in Vietnam departs. October: Binh Xuyen is defeated as an organized armed insurgent force. October 23: A national referendum deposes Bao Dal, former emperor and since March 7, 1949, Head of State of Vietnam. Ninety- eight percent of the votes expressed prefer- ence for Premier Diem. October 26: A republic is proclaimed by Ngo Dinh Diem who becomes the first Presi- dent of South Vietnam. December 5: President Iltem decrees a new Vietnamese nationality law. December 30: Government plan Is pub- lished for resettlement of 100,000 refugees from North Vietnam. The government will induce landlords to 'sign contracts with refugee tenants, and if the landlords refuse to sign, the government will take over the contracts on behalf of the refugees. 1956 January: South Vietnamese army units oc- cupy Tay Ninh, principal Cao Dal political center, leading to breakup of the organized Cao Dal armed insurgency. Agreement with Cao Dal leaders on February 28 legalizes Cao Dal religious practices and forbids its polit- ical activities as a religous Sect. February 12: Tran Van Soai, leader of an important Hoa Hao faction, surrenders. Ba Cut, another principal Hoa Hao leader, is captured on April 13, leading to breakup of organized Hoa Hao armed insurgency. February 23: Communist North Vietnam calls for a new meeting of the participants of the Geneva Conference. North Vietnam ac- cuses South Vietnam of violating the agree- ment by refusing to participat in all-Vietnam elections and by preparing separate elections In South Vietnam. March 4: General elections for South Viet- nam's first National Constituent Assembly, which Is to have 123 members, result in the victory of the National Revolutionary Move- ment and other political parties supporting President Diem. March 22: French-Vietnamese agreement is signed for withdrawal of the remaining French expeditionary forces by June 30, 1956. April 6: The Vietnamese Government an- nounces it will continue to cooperate with the ICC and reiterates its position of sup- port on Vietnam-wide elections at such time as conditions in Commumat North Vietnam permit genuinely free voting. April 28: French Military High Command in Vietnam Is dissolved. July 4: Constituent Assembly approves unanimously a draft constitution providing for a strong executive with safeguards for Individual citizens. The President, whose term of office is to be 5 yeses, has veto power over all legislation of the unicameral parlia- ment and may rule by decree when the Na- tional Assembly (elected for 4 years) is not In session. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 Approved For Re, ase 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R(fti"6200130027-5 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 4667 July 6: U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon visits Vietnam, hands to President Diem of South Vietnam a letter in which President Eisenhower declares he is looking forward to many years of partnership between the two countries. As guest speaker before the Con- stituent Assembly, Nixon declares that "the militant march of communism has been halted." July 30: Vietnamese liason mission to ICC is established preparatory to the transfer of functions from the French liaison mission. August 21: President Diem issues decree regulating the status of Chinese born in Vietnam. The decree declares them to be Vietnamese citizens; those who refuse to accept their new status must leave the coun- try. September 14: President Diem reshuffles his Cabinet. September 19: French Air Force officially transfers the Tourane Air Base to Vietnamese control. October 26: South Vietnam's first consti- tution is promulgated and the National Con- stituerit Assembly is officially transferred into a national assembly. November 16: Radio Hanoi broadcasts ad= mit peasant resistance and armed clashes in North Vietnam's Nghe An Province. November 29: President Diem denounces the North Vietnamese Communist regime's military actions in Nghe An Province as a violation of human rights and a forceful suppression of persons wishing to move to the southern zone and urged the U.N to take the matter under consideration; Vietnam also protests to the ICC, charging the North Vietnamese Communist regime with viola- tion of article 14c of the Geneva Agreements. December 28: Nguyen Ngoc The confirmed by the National Assembly as Vietnam's first Vice President, following his appointment by President Diem. 1951 January 3: International Control Commis- sion reports that between December 1955 and August 1956 neither North Vietnam nor South Vietnam have been fulfilling their obligations under the 1954 armistice agree- ment. February 22: Attempted assassination of President Diem at a rural fair in Ban Me Thuot by a Cao Dal adherent. March 5: President Diem enunciates a new national investment policy. March 27: Asian People's Anti-Communist League begins its third conference in Saigon. Vietnam established as the site of the perma- nent secretariat. April 11: Lucien Cannon, chief of the Canadian delegation to the ICC, is murdered. May 2: In South Vietnam a national mili- tary conscription program is decreed. May 5-19: President Diem visits the United States. He addresses on May 9 a joint ses- sion of Congress. In a joint communique (issued May 11), President Eisenhower and President Diem declare that both countries will work toward a peaceful unification of Vietnam. The United States will continue helping South Vietnam to stand firm against communism. June: French naval and air force training mission withdrawn. June 10: U.S. Export-Import Bank grants South Vietnam a $25-million loan for eco- nomic development. October 22: Bombing of the U.S. MAAG and USIS installations in Saigon; U.S. per- sonnel injured in the incident. November 15: United Nations Secretary General announces plan for the development of the Mekong River basin, which is to be carried out in cooperation with Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam, assisted by the U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE). 1958 January 4: Large Communist guerrilla band attacks plantation horth of Saigon, reflecting steady increase in Communist armed activity since mid-1957. February 20: Fire sweeps Gia Kiem.ref- ugee settlement center leaving 20,000 per- sons homeless. February 26: President Diem announces cabinet changes. March 7: Premier Pham Van-dong of North Vietnam (in a letter to President Diem of South Vietnam) proposes a conference of the two Governments to discuss reduction of their respective armed forces. April 26: Declaration by the Government of South Vietnam on measures to be taken by North Vietnam in order to create condi- tions for the holding of free elections as stipulated in the Geneva agreements. May 9: President Diem distributes land ownership certificates to 1,819 landless farmers. May 17: North Vietnamese liaison mission to the ICC withdrawn from Saigon. June 25: Cambodian royal proclamation, alleging that South Vietnamese troops have "invaded" and occupied several Cambodian border villages, accuses South Vietnam of 19 cases of violation -of Cambodian territory since January 1957. Allegation is repudi- ated by the Foreign Minister of South Viet- nam. August 5: Ngo Dinh Nhu, brother of President Diem, travels to Cambodia to try to settle the drawn-out border dispute. August 10: Large Communist guerrilla force attacks in Tay Ninh. September 10: France and South Vietnam sign agreement under which France provides aid for the Vietnam Government's agrarian reform program-1,490 million francs. December 26: Premier Pham Van-dong of North Vietnam proposes a conference to dis- cuss limitation of military commitments and establishment of commercial and other ex- changes between the north and the south. 1959 April 22: United States and South Vietnam sign an agreement for cooperation for re- search in the peaceful uses of atomic energy. May 13: Japan signs a World War II repa- rations and loan agreement with South Viet- nam. June 11: Laos and South Vietnam sign series of agreements, on judiciary coopera- tion, commercial exchanges and payments, and border control. July: Vietnam Government publishes offi- cial publication, "Violations of the Geneva Agreements by the Viet Minh Communists." Annual installments published in July 1960 and May 1961. July 8: Communist guerrillas attack Viet- namese military base at Bien Hoa, killing and wounding several U.S. MAAG personnel. July 10: In Belgian Communist publication Red Flag, Ho Chi Minh, head of the North Vietnamese Communist regime, states "we are building socialism in Vietnam, but we are building it in only one part of the coun- try, while in the other part we still have to direct and bring to a close the middle-class democratic and anti-imperialist revolution." August 3: Premier Prince Norodom Si- hanouk of Cambodia in South Vietnam on official visit. August 30: Second national elections give the National Revolutionary Movement and other pro-Government political parties over- whelming majority in the National Assembly. October 30: Spokesman of the Vietnamese Army discloses that a campaign against Com- munist guerrillas in the country's southern- most region,-the Camau Peninsula, resulted in heavy guerrilla losses. November 14: French Minister of Finance and Vietnamese Vice President initial (in Saigon) agreements for the settlement of financial claims between the two countries and for a French loan of 7 billion (old) francs (about $14 million) and a credit of 11 billion (old) francs (about $22 million) for the purchase by South Vietnam of cap- ital equipment. 1900 January: In an article in Hoc Tap, journal of the Communist Party (Lao Dong) in North Vietnam, Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, head of the North Vietnamese armed forces, states "the North has become a large rear echelon of our army" and "the North is the revolu- tionary base for the whole country." A Com- munist guerrilla band attacks Vietnamese Army installation in Tay Ninh. March: Communist guerrilla force attacks leprosarium in Bien Hoa Province. President Diem inaugurates first agroville in Phong Dinh Province. March 24: France and South Vietnam sign agreement on outstanding financial and properties issues and on trade relations. April 17: North Vietnam protests to the chairmen of the 1954 Geneva Conference (Britain and the U.S.S.R.) against a formid- able increase of personnel in the American military assistance and advisory group in South Vietnam; and accuses the United States of turning South Vietnam into "a U.S. military base for the preparation of a new war." April 30: An opposition group of 18, call- ing themselves the Committee for Progress and Liberty, send letter to President Diem demanding drastic economic, administra- tive, and military reforms. May 5: United States announces that at the request of the Government of South Vietnam, the U.S. military assistance and advisory group will be increased by the end of the year from 327 to 685 members. June 3: U.S. Development Loan Fund ap- proves $9,700,000 loan to South Vietnam for purchase in the United States of diesel loco- motives and railway cars. June 18: Government announces that the Governor of Vinh Kong Province and his driver were assassinated and a bodyguard wounded by Communist terrorists. June 26: Government announces that South Vietnamese troops kill 34 Communist rebels in a battle along the Cambodian bor- der on June 22. June 28: Defense Ministry announces that Government troops killed 41 Communist guerrillas and lost 2 soldiers in a clash west of Saigon. June 29: Communist guerrillas ambush and kill the inspector of South Vietnam's youth and sports organizations. "Each month, from 250 to 300 Government officials are murdered by Red guerrillas * * * South Vietnam is clearly the target of a new Com- munist offensive." (Time, July 11, 1960.) July 16: Government discloses that in clashes with Communist guerrillas on July 9, Government troops killed 76, wounded at least 100, and captured 28. July 20: Vietnam National Assembly dele- gation leaves Saigon for 6-week visit to the United States. September 5: In addressing the opening of the Third National Congress of the Lao Dong (Communist) Party in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh states "the North is becoming more and more consolidated and transformed into a firm base for the struggle for national re- unification." September 10: The resolution adopted by the Third National Congress of the Lao Dong Party declares clearly that an "immediate task" of the "revolutionary struggle of our compatriots in the South" is to overthrow President Diem's government. October: Series of attacks by large Com- munist guerrilla force in the Kontum-Pleiku area. October 18: President Diem reshuffles his cabinet and replaces the Secretaries of State for Justice, Interior, and National Defense. October 26: President Eisenhower assures President Ngo Dinh Diem, in a letter of good wishes on South Vietnam's fifth anniver- sary, that "for so long as our strength can be useful, the United States will continue to assist Vietnam in the difficult yet hopeful struggle ahead." Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE March 10 November 2: Development Loan Fund an- nounces signing of an agreement for a 817,500,000 loan to South Vietnam. The loan is for the improvement and expansion of the water supply of the Saigon metropolitan area. November 5: In a daylight ambush a U.S. public safety adviser, Dolph B. Owens. and his driver are killed by guerrilla machinegun fire near seaside resort, Long Mai. On the same day the National Assembly passes bill empowering the Government to mobilize "popular fronts" and to strengthen existing military measures to "better insure the secu- rity of the nation." November 10: South Vietnam Government sends letter to the ICC charging that Com- munist attacks in the Kontum-Pleiku area in October (1) involved regular army forces from Communist North Vietnam through Laos, (2) constitute open aggression which was well prepared, commanded by high- ranking officers, and conducted by regular forces trained in North Vietnam, and (3) employed weapons made in North Vietnam and other Communist countries. November 11: Military coup attempt against President Diem's regime. Paratroop battalions led by Col. Nguyen Van Thy and Lt. Col. Vuong Van Dong besiege the Preai- dential palace. An order of the day issued by Col. Thy declares that struggle against the Communists will be Intensified, that President Diem is guilty of autocratic rule and nepotism and has "shown himself In- capable of saving the country from com- munism and protecting national unity" November 12: Loyalists troops enter the capital and subdue the rebels. According to press reports from Saigon, an estimated 200 soldiers and civilians were killed during the fighting. November 13: U.S. State Department ex- presses satisfaction at the failure of the coup against President Diem and also hope that "his powers will be established on a wider basis with rapid implementation of radical reforms and energetic action against cor- ruption-suspected elements," November 16: Ngo Dinh Nhu. President Diem's brother and political adviser, an- nounces that President Diem plans to ap- point a new Government and introduce a far- reaching reform program based on reports of the Ford Foundation and of a French study group. 1961 January 29: Radio Hanoi praises establish- ment of the National Front for Liberation of South Vietnam (NFLSV), alledgedly founded in December 1960. On January 30. Radio Hanoi. quoting the press organ of the Imo Dong Party In North Vietnam, states that the "sacred historical task" of the NFSLV Is to overthrow the United States-Diem clique and to liberate the south. February 6: President Diem announces (at the first press conference held by him in 5 years) his administrative reform program. February 7: President Diem announces he will be a candidate for reelection In the presidential elections to be held on April 9. March 10: The Communist-led newly formed National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam announces that a guerrilla offensive against the Government will be started to prevent the holding of the April 9 elections. The National Front also de- clares that it will fight with every means the dictatorial regime sot up by the Ameri- cans, that it stands for the peaceful reuni- ficaclon of the country. March 27: Cambodian and South Vietna- mese representatives reach agreement In Pnom Penh, Cambodia. on settling the Cam- bodian refugee problem which has recently strained relations between the two coun- tries. Large numbers of Cambodians settled in Vietnam crossed into Cambodia during the past weeks complaining that both Com- munlat guerrillas and Government forces have committed atrocities against them. April 3: United States and South Vietnam sign a Treaty of Amity and Economic Re- lations in Saigon. April 4: President Diem appeals to the ICC to make an immediate and energetic investi- gation of growing Communist terrorism and subversion throughout South Vietnam. April 8: UB. President John F. Kennedy and British Prime Minister Harold Macmil- lan discuss (according to press reports from Washington) the steps to be taken to pre- vent a deterioration of the situation in South Vietnam. On the same day, Govern- ment of South Vietnam announces details of nine engagements between Government forces and Vietcong guerrillas in widely separated areas. April 9: President Diem and Vice President Tho are elected by an overwhelming major- ity In Vietnam's presidential elections. May 2: North Vietnam calls for a cease- fire in Laos. May 4: Chairman of U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator J. W. FuL- salctrT, declares to the press (after a con- ference with President Kennedy) that he would not oppose direct military interven- tion In South Vietnam and Thailand to counteract the threat of a Communist take- over in those countries. He also emphasizes that he is opposed to the United States be- coming the primary defensive factor in southeast Asia over a long time, and says that role should be up to India and Japan. May 5: President Kennedy declares at a press conference that consideration is being given to the use of U.S. forces, if necessary, to help South Vietnam resist Communist pressures. He declares that this will be one of the subjects discussed during the forth- coming visit or "Vice President Johnson In South Vietnam. May 11-13: U.S. Vice President Johnson in South Vietnam. Joint communique on May 13 declares that additional U.S. military and economic aid will be given to help South Vietnam in its fight against Communist guerrilla forces. May 29: President Diem reorganizes his Cabinet. June 12: Communist Chinese Premier Chou En-tai and North Vietnamese Premier Phan Van-long (in Peiping on a visit) ac- cuso the United States of aggression and In- tervention in South Vietnam. June I9-July 15: U.S. group of financial, economic, and military experts, headed by Eugene A. Stanley, in South Vietnam to study methods of countering guerrilla ac- tivities and to establish long-term plans to assist the South Vietnamese economy. June 29: ICC decides it Is competent to Investigate North and South Vietnamese complaints of violation of the agreement on Vietnamese partition. July 8: Attempted assassination of U.S. Ambasador Frederick E. Notting. July 16: Government forces win an im- portant battle 80 miles southwest of Saigon in the swampy region of the Paaine des Joncs, a guerrilla-infested territory. July 17: U.S. Agriculture Department an- nounces an agreement to sell South Vietnam $11 million worth of U.S. surplus wheat. cot- ton. and tobacco, to be paid for in Vietnam- ese currency. July 24: Two National Assembly deputies assassinated by Communist guerrillas. August 2: President Kennedy declares that the United States will do all It can to save South Vietnam from communism. On the same day, the Government of South Vietnam orders all men between the ages of 25 and 36 to report for military duty. August 17: Government forces win anoth- er victory over Communist guerrillas on the Paine de3 Jones. September 1-4: Series of attacks, by 1,000 Communist guerrillas In Kontoum province. Army command communique states that during the month of August there were 41 engagements between Government forces and Communist rebels. September 17: British advisory mission on administrative and police matters, headed by R. G. K. Thompson (former Permanent defense secretary in Malaya), leaves for South Vietnam. September 18: Communist forces esti- mated at 1,500 men attack and seize the capital of Phuoc Thanh Province, only 60 miles from Saigon. September 25: President Kennedy, ad- dressing the U.N. General Assembly In New York, declares that a threw: to peace is "the smoldering coals of war In southeast Asia." October 1. Military exper s of SEATO meet in Bangkok, Thailand, to consider the in- creasing Communist menace to South Viet- nam. Adm. Harry D. Felt, U.S. Navy com- mander In chief in the Pacific, declares that there Is no immediate prospect of using U.S. troops to stop the Communist advance in southeast Asia, but he indicates that among the plans evolved for "every eventuality" some do call for the use of American troops. October 2: President Dien declares at the opening of the National Assembly's budget- ary session: "It is no longer a guerrilla war we have to face but a real war waged by an enemy who attacks us with regular units fully and heavily equipped and who seeks a strategic decision in southeast Asia In con- formity with the orders of the Communist international." The President ajso says that the U.S. committee headed by Dr, Eugene Staley recommended an increase in aid both for military measures and :for economic and social development. October 11: President Kennedy announces (at his news conference) that he is sending Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, his military adviser, to South Vietnam to investigate there the military situation and to report on it to him personally. October 18: State of emergency is pro- claimed In South Vietnam by President Diem. On the same day the President also begins a series of consultations with Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor. October 24: Government of South Vietnam sends letter to the ICC charging the North Vietnamese Communist regime with organiz- ing and carrying out "elaborate and inten- sive" program of subversion, terror, and di- rect aggression against South Vietnam. October 28: On the sixth anniversary of South Vietnam as a republic, President Diem Issues a message stressing the theme of na- tional emergency and the need for greater effort and dynamic solidarity against "Com- munist Imperialism." He demands the "complete destruction of Communist aggres- sion," for which purpose the state of emer- gency has been declared. On the same day, President Kennedy, in a letter to President Diem, assures the South Vietnamese Presi- dent that the United States "is determined to help Vietnam preserve its independence, protect its people against Communist assas- sins and build a better life through economic growth." October 28: Government announces that Cambodian and South Vietnamese troops clashed in An Giang Province In the border region where Cambodian troops crossed into Vietnamese territory. November 16: Following closely the recom- mendations in General Tay- ' or's report, Presi- dent Kennedy (with the approval oo the National Security Council, decides to bolster South Vietnam's military strength, but not to commit U.S. combat forces at this time. November 20: Discussicns between U.S. Ambassador Frederick and President Diem on measures to be taken by both Gov- ernments to implement General Taylor's report on South Vietnam and on possible reforms in the Diem administration. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 1964 Approved For Re4 pse 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R066200130027-5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 4669 December 8: U.S. State Department pub- lishes white paper that South Vietnam is threatened by clear and present danger of Communist conquest. December 15: U.S. President Kennedy pledges increased aid to South Vietnam. 1962 January 4: A joint United States-South Vietnamese communique announces "broad economic and social program [to raise liv- ing standards] * * * measures to strengthen South Vietnam's defense in the military field are being taken simultaneously." February 7: Two U.S. Army air support companies totaling 300 men arrive in Saigon, increasing (according to the New York Times) the total of U.S. military personnel in South Vietnam to 4,000. February 8: United States reorganizes its South Vietnam military command, estab- lishes new U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam under four-star Gen. Paul D. Harkins. - February 24: In a Peiping radio broadcast, Communist China declares her security se- riously threatened by an "undeclared war" being waged by the United States in South Vietnam. The broadcast demands the with- drawal of U.S. personnel and equipment. February 27: Two fighter planes, piloted by members of the South Vietnam Air Force, bomb" and strafe Presidential Palace in Sai- gon for 25 minutes. President Diem and his staff not injured. March 7: U.S. Operations Mission Director Arthur Z. Gardiner discloses that the United States will spend $200 million to support South Vietnam's economy this year and help raise living standards. March 17: Tass Soviet news agency pub- lishes Soviet Ministry note to the signatories of the 1954 Geneva Agreements. The note charges the United States with creating "a serious danger to peace" by its "interference" in South Vietnam, in contravention of the Geneva Agreements, and demands immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops. March 22: Operation Sunrise, a comprehen- sive plan to eliminate the Vietcong guerrillas in South Vietnam, begins with a mopping- up operation of rebels in Binh Duong Province. April 16: In answer to the Soviet note of March 17, the British Foreign Office rejects the Soviet charges and recalls that U.S. meas- ures in South Vietnam were adopted long after the North Vietnamese Government had begun its campaign to overthrow the Gov- ernment of South Vietnam, and that these North Vietnamese activities "are at the root of the present trouble in South Vietnam." April 20: National Assembly pledges full support to President Diem's plan to estab- lish thousands of strategic hamlets in the Communist infested Mekong Delta, during the current year. April 26: Foreign Minister Vu Van Mau accuses the Polish team on the ICC of "act- ing more like a Communist delegation than a neutral body," and says the Government is considering boycotting the delegation. May 9: At meeting of ANZUS (Australia- New Zealand-United States Defense Pact) Council in Canberra, Australia, U.S. Secre- tary of State Dean Rusk appeals for "a help- ing hand" in South Vietnam. May 12: Communist forces in Laos gain control of large territories; about 2,000 Lao- tian Royal Army troops with their com- mander flee into Thailand crossing the Me- kong River. May 15: U.S. troops land in Thailand to help deter a possible Communist attack. May 22: President Diem promulgates the protection of morality law, which prohibits all dancing and beauty contests, and makes prostitution and unnatural methods of birth control illegal. May 25: Canadian and Indian members of the ICC find North Vietnam guilty of sub- version and covert aggression against South Vietnam. The Polish delegation to the com- mission rejects the charge. May 28: President Diem refuses a U.S. pro- posal that $1.5 million be set aside for direct aid by_,Americans for emergency counter- insurgency projects. June 23: North Vietnam's Central Com- mittee of the National Liberation Front for South Vietnam orders intensified attacks against the strategic hamlets in South Viet- nam. June 26: South Vietnam's National As- sembly votes to extend its term of office by 1 year, to August 1963. The explanation given Is that it is impossible to hold elections now, because It would tie down troops needed against the Communist guerrillas. July 2: Fourteen-nation Geneva Confer- ence on Laos reconvenes, and on July 23 the Foreign Ministers of the 14 nations sign a declaration on the neutrality of Laos. July 6: U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara declares that, while a final victory over the Communists in South Vietnam is years away, he is encouraged by the increased effectiveness of U.S. aid to the South Viet- namese forces. July 17: Leader of the Communist-run South Vietnam National Liberation "Front Nguyen Van Hieu (in Moscow for a World Peace Congress) calls for the neutralization of South Vietnam similar to the 14-nation agreement on the neutrality of Laos. July 24: U.S. Secretary of Defense Mc- Namara in Honolulu, Hawaii, confers with the commander of U.S. military forces in southeast Asia Gen. Paul Harkins and 116. Ambassador to South Vietnam Frederick Nolting. August 19: U.S. aid mission in Saigon dis- closes that the South Vietnamese Govern- ment has agreed to embark on a program of deficit financing to help pay for the struggle against the guerrillas. August 25: U.S. Embassy in Saigon an- nounces that it will provide $10 million to be distributed by South Vietnamese authori- ties for emergency projects to help refugees of the guerrilla war. August 26: Dr. Pham Huy Co, president of the banned Free Democratic Party, announc- es in Tokyo, where he lives in exile, that he has been clandestinely in South Vietnam and that a meeting of the opposition to the Diem government has been held on a junk off the coast of South Vietnam. The meeting ap- pointed a 30-member National Council of the Revolution to head the anti-Communist, anti-Diem movement. September 11: Prince Uorodom Sihanouk, of Cambodia, warns that if South Vietnam undertakes two more incursions into Cam- bodian territory, he will break off diplomatic relations with South Vietnam and establish diplomatic relations with Communist North Vietnam. September 12: General Taylor, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, visits-the Central Highland of South Vietnam where mountain peasants (montagnards) are being trained by the U.S. Special Forces for war against the Vietcong Communist guerrillas. October 8: United States publishes Amer- ican war casualties in South Vietnam. Be- tween December 31, 1961, and October 1, 1962, 46 Americans dead, 56 Americans sick or injured. October 26: National Assembly extends by 1 year President Diem's emergency powers to rule by decree. November 8: South Vietnam breaks off dip- lomatic relations with Laos as a result of Laos establishment of diplomatic relations with North Vietnam. December 6: South Vietnamese Govern- ment protests to the ICC against the intro- duction of Chinese-made weapons and am- munition. A large cache was discovered by a patrol in the Central Highlands. December 8: President Diem signs a Re- organization of the Army Act creating a fourth Army corps area and making several changes in military command posts. December 12: Government announces plans to transfer provincial and district adminis- tration from military to civilian personnel. December 29: Government in Saigon an- nounces that 4,077 strategic hamlets have been completed (of a total of 11,182 to be built) and that 39 percent of South Viet- nam's population is now living in these com- munities. 1963 January 2: Vietcong guerrilla force esti- mated at 200 and armed with automatic weapons engages in an all-day battle against 1,200 government troops and inflicts heavy casualties at Ap Bac, in the Mekong River Delta 35 miles southwest of Saigon. January 9-11: Adm. Harry D. Felt, com- mander in chief of U.S. forces in the Pacific confers with Gen. Paul D. Harkins and de- clares, before his departure, that the Viet- cong guerrillas face "inevitable" defeat, and he says.: "I am confident the Vietnamese are going to win the war." January 20: Press reports states that a captured Vietcong document (dated Septem- ber 1962 and written by a senior Vietcong of- ficial) outlines the future of the war in Vietnam as a long and difficult struggle. Re- viewing the expansion of U.S. military as- sistance to South Vietnam within the last year, the document says that the United States Is the Vietcong's main enemy and that United States presence will drive many uncommitted Vietnamese to the Communist side. The document foresees a negotiated settlement of the war patterned on the Lao- tian agreement and it stresses the impor- tance of understanding so-called transi- tional steps to the achievement of victory. February 1: U.S. Secretary of Defense Dean Rusk says (at a press conference) that there are "both pluses and minuses" in the U.S. aid program to South Vietnam and he adds that "there is no more difficult, disagreeable, and frustrating type of operation than those that are required to deal with guerrilla ac- tion supported from outside of a country, such as we find in that country." February 2: Pharr Huy Co, president of the National Council of the Vietnamese Revolu- tion, claims (in Paris where he is a poltical exile) that his organization is the source of terrorist bombings which have occurred in Saigon and its suburbs since mid-January. He says the aim of these activities is to hasten the overthrow of the Diem Govern- ment. February il: U.S. Ambassador Frederick Nolting asks (in a Saigon speech) for greater frankness between U.S. and Vietnamese officials in the fight against the Commu- nist guerrillas. February 16: Times of Vietnam (in an editorial) attacks U.S. press and demands United States consider censorship of Ameri- can dispatches from South Vietnam, accus- ing U.S. correspondents of helping Commu- nist guerrillas and of responsibility for the deaths of United States and Vietnamese personnel engaged In the war. February 24: U.S. Senate study group, headed by Senate Majority Leader MIKE MANSFIELD, submits a report on southeast Asia made at the request of President Ken- nedy, to the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee. The report warns that the fight against Communist guerrillas in Vietnam is becoming an "American war" which is not justified by U.S. security interests and calls for a "thorough reassessment of our overall security requirements on the southeast Asian mafnand." While expressing doubts con- cerning the results of $5 billion in U.S. aid to southeast Asia since 1950, the report rec- ommends "extreme caution" in reducing military and economic assistance in this area. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 Aak Aft Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE March 10 February 28: Nguyen Ton Hoan, Secretary General of the DaL-Viet Nationalist Party and a political exile living In Paris. declares (in a letter to President Kennedy) that "President Ngo [Dinh Diem( is incapable of leadership and unamenable to reform. Ills government may suddenly collapse In the near future and leave a vacuum Into which the Communists will gladly step- unless both the American authorities and Vietnamese nationalist leaders are prepared to cope with such an emergency together instead of working at cross purposes." March 6: U.S. military sources report that the Vietnamese Navy has taken over patrol of South Vietnam's coast from the U.S. 7th Fleet. March 9: Soviet newspaper Red Star, of- ficial publication of the Soviet Defense Min- istry, charges that "American intervention- ists have again used poison substances In South Vietnam" resulting in the killing of hundreds of people. On the same day, U.S. Defense Department denies the Soviet charges. Of the chemical now In use, the Department says, "It is nontoxic to humans when used in the prescribed manner, that Is sprayed on trees and under bushes in the open air." April 8-10: SEATO Ministerial Council meeting in Paris (to discuss the Communist threat to southeast Asia) issues communique on April 10 expressing "concern over the continuing and widening threats to the security" of the treaty area; takes note of the "considerable progress" made in South Vietnam In the fight against Communist subversion and rebellion; emphasizes that ef- fective measures to "prevent and counter subversion continues to be a major task facing the member countries"; and notes the improvements in the "plans for defensive action, in the light of changing and anticl- pated situations.*' April 14: U.S. Under Secretary of State Averell Harriman (in a television interview) says that President Kennedy has decided that the United States must not become In- volved in the continuing conflict in Laos. He says that there are no plans to commit U.S. troops, and military supplies will only be sent if requested by the Laotian Govern- ment. April 17: President Diem proclaims an "open arms" campaign to Induce Vietcong guerrillas to give up their weapons and return to the side of South Vietnam. April 22: U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk calls the situation In South Vietnam "difficult and dangerous," and says that the United States "cannot promise or expect a quick victory" and that its role is "limited and supporting." May 8: Riot erupts in northern city of Hue, former imperial capital, 400 miles north of Saigon. Involves Buddhist celebration of the anniversary of Buddha's birth and the flying of flags on the special day. Twelve persons are killed, including some children. Buddhist leaders charge that Government troops fired into the crowd, while Govern- ment officials say that Communists were responsible for the explosion. May 9: South Vietnam concludes agree- ment with the United States in Which South Vietnam will finance the local cost ($17 mil- lion) of operating Its strategic hamlet pro- gram and transporting U.B. economic and military equipment, food and other sup- plies to these settlements. June 3: Buddhist demonstrations break out in Hue. Martial law is swiftly imposed. June 7: President Diem (in a broadcast) appeals for calm and makes a partial conces- sion to Buddhist demands that the Govern- ment accept responsibility for the incidents in Hue. June 11: Buddhist monk (Thich Quang Duo) commits suicide by burning himself to death with gasoline in front of the Cam- bodlan legation. Further aggravates reli- gious crisis involving South Vietnamese Buddhists. June 14: Press reports state that the United States has warned President Diem that unless he takes Immediate steps to alleviate Buddhist grievances the -United States will publicly condemn the treatment they have received. June 15: Tentative agreement is reached between Buddhist leaders and represent- atives of President Diem to end alleged reli- gious discrimination and meet Buddhist demands. June 16: Government troops use tanks, tear gas, clubs, firearms, and barbed wire to suppress riots in Saigon which follow an agreement between Buddhist leaders and the Government. Juno 27: President Kennedy announces (in Ireland while on a European tour) the appointment of Henry Cabot Lodge as the next American Ambassador to South Viet- nam, effective September 1963, to succeed Frederick Nolting. July 5: Trial of 19 Vietnamese paratroopers, admitted leaders of a revolt against the Diem government In November 1960 opens in Saigon. Prosecutor accuses former U.S. Em- bassy personnel of aiding the conspiracy to overthrow regime. Denied by the United States. July 7: Nine correspondents for U.S. news services in South Vietnam, including seven American, are physically assaulted by secret policemen armed with rocks at the scene of a memorial service for a Buddhist monk who committed suicide on June 11. July 9: Trial of 34 civilians, including Dr. Phan Quang Dan. leader of the Free Demo- cratic Party, allegedly involved In a plot to overthrow President Diem in 1980, opens be- fore a military tribunal in Saigon. Nguyen Tuong 'nun, a Buddhist and a prominent author, scheduled to be tried, commits sui- cide by poison. July 11: U.S. Ambassador Nolting returns to South Vietnam after consultations in Washington and issues a statement assuring continued U.S. support to President Diem and warning that "unity of purpose and purpose in action" must not be weakened by "internal dissension." July 15: Buddhist supreme leader, Thich Thigh Khlet, in a letter to President Diem, charges the Government with bad faith con- cerning the agreement of June 15 and says that there have been "acts of a terrorist nature', against Buddhists throughout the country. July 17: Armed policemen use clubs against 1,000 Buddhists protesting religious discrimination In front of a pagoda in Saigon. On the same day, President Ken- nedy says (at his news conference) that the religious crisis in South Vietnam is interfering with the war effort against the Vietcong guerrillas and expresses hope that President Diem and Buddhist leaders will "reach an agreement on the civil disturb- ances and also in respect for the rights of others." July 18: President Diem asks Buddhist leaders to meet with Government officials and say that he has instructed a special committee to cooperate with Buddhists in implementing an earlier agreement and that all Government officials have been instructed to cooperate actively in this effort. How- ever. Buddhist leaders Indicate an unwilling- ness to negotiate with Government officials until certain conditions are fulfilled: secret policemen who have attacked Buddhist dem- onstrators must be publicly identified; pris- oners being detained for their part In earlier riots must be released: permission to print missing persons notices In newspapers to locate Buddhists who have disappeared must be granted. July 23: Militiamen, war veterans, and widows parade through the streets of Saigon to demonstrate support for Government policies in the Buddhist dispute. July 30: Memorial services for Thich Quang Duc who committed suicide to pro- test alleged persecution by the Government are attended by thousands of Buddhists in Saigon, Hue and other cities. Peaceful demonstrations are staged without Govern- ment Interference. August 1: time. Ngo Dinh Nhu, sister- In-law of President Diem, declares in an interview for television: "The only thing that they (the Buddhists) have done ? (is that they) have barbecued one of their monks whom they have :_ntoxicated. And even that barbecuing was riot even with self- sufficient means, because they used imported gasoline." August 3: Ngo Dinh Nhu, brother of Presi- dent Diem, says (in an interview) that if the dispute with the Buddhists is not settled "it will lead toward a coup d'etat" which would be anti-American, anti-Buddhist, and against "weakness by the Government." August 4: Young Buddhist monk sud- denly immolates himself during a hunger strike at Phan Tiet. August 13: U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs Roger Hilsman declares (at a Washington press conference) that there are signs that toe Buddhist crisis in South Vietnam "is beginning to affect the war effort and to benefit the Communists, which none of the Vietnamese want, either the Government or the Buddhists." August 17: Forty-seven faculty members at the University of Hue resign to protest Government indifference in the Buddhist crisis and the dismissal of the university's rector. August 20: Vietcong guerrillas overrun and burn 137 homes in the Ben Tuong strategic hamlet, 30 miles north of Saigon. It was the showplace of t7ae strategic ham- let program. August 21: Martial law is proclaimed throughout South Vietnam by President Diem after hundreds of nrmed police and Government troops raided the main Budd- hist Xe Lot pagoda in Saigon. August 22: Foreign Minister Vu Van Mau (a Buddhist) submits his resignation to Pres- ident Diem. Also on the same day, South Vietnam's Ambassador to the United States Tran Van Chuong (father of Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhu) resigns. Both. resign in disap- proval of Government policies toward Budd- hists. August 23: Student demonstrations at Saigon University in opposition to Govern- ment disperse before police arrive on the scene. But the followirg day there are direct clashes, and many students are con- fined to jail. August 26: U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge presents his credentials to President Diem and confers with him at a second meet- ing on the same day. On the same day, U.S. State Department declarer.: "Present Infor- mation is that the top leadership of the Vietnamese Army was not aware of the plans to attack the pagodas, mu-,h less the brutal manner in which it was carried out." August 2B: Joint General Staff of the Viet- namese Army issues a reply to the U.S. state- ment Insisting that "These allegations are en- tirely and absolutely erroneous." August 29: French President de Gaulle is- sues controversial policy statement on South Vietnam. He declares that France is able "to appreciate the role th1:a people would be capable of playing In the current situation of Asia for its own progress and for the bene- fit of international understanding once it was able to exercise its activity in independ- ence from foreign influence, in Internal peace and unity, and in concord with its neighbors. Today, more than ever, this Is what France wishes to all of Vietnam." August 30: French Ambassador to the United States Berve Alphand declares, after Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 1964 Approved For Rejwse 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R09G200130027-5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 4671 meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk; that General de Gaulle's statement is part of a long-range French political solu- tion which would reunify North and South Vietnam in "independence and neutrality" and that his declaration is not meant as a slap at the United States. September 1: Three Buddhist monks, in- cluding Thich Tri Quang, take refuge in U.S. Agency for International Development mis- sion headquarters in Saigon. September 2: Times of Vietnam charges that U.S. Central Intelligence Agency agents had planned a coup d'etat for August 28 to overthrow President Diem. On the same day, U.S. President Kennedy declares (in a tele- vision interview with CBS Correspondent Walter Cronkite) that the United States is prepared to continue to assist South Vietnam "but I don't think that the war can be won unless the people support the effort and, in my opinion, in the last 2 months, the Government has gotten out of touch with the people." September 3: Group of 56 African and Asian UN members decides to ask the U.N. General Assembly to consider "the question of the violation of human rights in South Vietnam" at its next session which begins September 17. September 5: President Diem declares (in a press interview) that "the Government considers this [Buddhist] affair closed." He denies reports that his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu has taken control of the Government. On the same day, Ngo Dinh. Nhu. says (in a press interview) : "I have never controlled the Government." September 7: About 800 high school stu- dents are arrested by armed police and Special Forces (secret police) while engaged in anti-Government demonstrations in Saigon. "For the first time in student demonstrations here, the slogans they shouted included criticism of the United States" (New York Times, September 8, 1963). September 8: David Bell, Administrator .of the U.S. Agency for International De- velopment, warns (in a television interview) that the U.S. Congress may out back aid to South Vietnam unless the Diem Govern- ment changes its policies. On the same day press reports emanating from "highly reliable sources" in Washington state that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has decided to continue making regular monthly payments of $250,000 to support the special forces of Col. Le Quang Tung in South Vietnam. September 9: President Kennedy (in a tele- vised interview) says that "it would not be helpful at this time" to reduce U.S. aid to South Vietnam, because that might bring about a collapse similar to that of the Chiang Kai-shek Government in China after World War H. On the same day, U.S. Am- bassador Henry Cabot Lodge confers with President Diem "The United States has di- rectly advised President Ngo Dinh Diem * * * that it regards the removal of his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu as vital" (New York Times, September 12, 1963). September 12: U.S. Senator FRANK CHURCH, Democrat, of Idaho, introduces a resolution (sponsored by 18 Democrats and 4 Republi- cans) In the Senate which calls for ending all U.S military and economic aid to South Vietnam and withdrawal of U.S. troops un- less the Diem Government abandons its pol- icy of "cruel repressions." September 14: Presidential decree an- nounces end of martial law on September 16. September 16: Fourteen Afro-Asian na- tions demand a debate in the U.N. General Assembly (opening its fall session on Sep- tember 17) on the "ruthless" suppression of Buddhist rights in South Vietnam. September 20: U.S. Senate Majority Leader MIKE MANSFIELD, Democrat, of Montana, speaking in the Senate calls on all U.S. agen- cies in South Vietnam to give full support to U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. Ob- servers interpreted the speech as being di- rected against the CIA and some elements in the American military mission to Vietnam. September 21: President Kennedy orders Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara and Gen. Maxwell D Taylor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to go to South Vietnam to review the military efforts against the Communist Vietcong. McNamara and Taylor in South Vietnam during September 24 to October 1. September 22: Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhu, sister- in-law of President Diem, declares (in a press interview in Rome) that junior U.S. Army officers in South Vietnam are irresponsible "little soldiers of fortune." September 27: Elections are held for the 123-member National Assembly. All candi- dates were approved in advance by the Gov- ernment; many were unopposed, including President Diem's brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, and his wife, Mme. Nhu. October 2: Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara and Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, report to President Kennedy and the National Secu- rity Council on their mission to South Viet- nam. The statement says that the United States will continue its "policy of working with the people and Government of South Vietnam to deny this country to communism and to suppress the externally stimulated and supported insurgency of the Vietcong as promptly as possible. Effective performance in this undertaking is the central object of our policy in South Vietnam." ` October 5: Buddhist monk burns himself to death in Saigon-the sixth such suicide since June 11. Three U.S. journalists who see the suicide are beaten by police. On the same day, the head of U.S. Central In- telligence Agency operations in Saigon (John H. Richardson) is recalled to Washington. October 7: Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhu, sister-in- law of President Diem, arrives in New York to , begin a 3-week unofficial visit to the United States. October 8: U.N. General Assembly agrees to send a factfinding mission to South Viet- nam to investigate charges of Government oppression of Buddhists. The Diem govern- ment on October 4 had invited the U.N. to send such a mission. October 17: Ngo Dinh Nhu, chief adviser of President Diem, declares (in a press inter- view in Saigon) that he cannot understand why the United States has "initiated a proc- ess of disintegration in Vietnam." He adds that "the confidence between the Vietnamese people and the American Government has been lost." October 21: It is disclosed in Washington and Saigon that the United States will with- hold financial aid to the special forces of Col. Le Quang Tung as long as they are not used to fight Communist guerrillas. October 24: U.N. factfinding mission on the Buddhist situation in South Vietnam arrives in Saigon, and on the next day con- fers with President Diem and his brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu. October 27: Buddhist monk burns him- self to death in Saigon-the seventh such suicide since June 11. October 31: Vietcong guerrillas attack on armored train north of Saigon, inflict heavy casualties on Government troops, and seize a large number of weapons. November 1: Military coup (organized by the key generals of the armed forces) against the Diem regime. Rebels lay Beige to the Presidential Palace in Saigon which is cap- tured by the following morning. President Diem and his brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu escape from the palace, but a few hours later are taken by the rebels, and while being trans- ported in an armored carrier to rebel head- quarters they are assassinated. A proclama- tion broadcast by the leaders of the coup (a Council of generals, headed by Maj. Gen. Duong Van Minh) declares that they have "no political ambitions" and that the fight against the Communists must be carried an to a successful conclusion. November 2: Military leaders set up a pro- visional government headed by former Vice President Nguyen Ngoc Tho (a Buddhist) as Premier. The Constitution is suspended and the National Assembly dissolved. Buddhists, students and other political prisoners arrested by the former regime are released. November 4: Premier Nguyen Ngoc Tho announces formation of a mixed military- civilian Cabinet which has been approved by the military leaders. November 7: United States recognizes the new provisional Government of South Viet- DEAD END IN VIETNAM WE CAN'T WIN, BUT WE NEED NOT LOSE-I (By Jerry A. Rose') SAIGON.-The war in South Vietnam cannot be won. That is now the on-the-spot opin- ion of numerous Vietnamese, American and other foreign experts. After 4 years of closely observing the situation, I concur. But it is unlikely that the Secretary of Defense, Rob- ert McNamara, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Maxwell Taylor, have reached a similar conclusion, though they have heard passionately contradictory view- points. There are powerful voices of opti- mism. Gen. Paul D. Harkins, Commander of the Military Assistance Command, is one such voice. To many of us long in the area, his voice is like a frightening echo of past American commanders. Gen. "Hanging Sam" Williams considered President Ngo Dinh Diem a near brother and felt that the Viet- cong guerrillas could be eliminated with tanks and howitzers-and while he was molding the Vietnamese troops into standard warfare units, guerrilla terrorism increased. But Williams chose to ignore that lethal in- crease. Then came Gen. Lionel "Stonehead" McGarr, who once told me that "President Diem is a genius, a genius." McGarr, to the day he left Vietnam because of "heart trou- ble," stoutly contended that the guerrillas were being contained. The opposite was true to any rational observer. Strangely, the tra- dition of rosy optimism dates back to French commanders during the Indochina War who saw a final victory forever around the corner until one day they turned the corner and ran smack into Dien Bled Phu. "Vietnam has been the burial ground for more generals and diplomats than any other place on earth," said a laconic reporter the day Ambassador Frederick Nolting departed. And indeed it has, though more realism and less wishful thinking may have saved their own necks and the nation's. Lesser officials and the much-maligned correspondents have called the hard, unpleasant but realistic shots. To do so is not difficult; it takes but a recognition of the basic factors involved in Vietnam and in guerrilla warfare. And the most basic of these factors is the attitude of the people toward their government and national leader. But for some reason, diplo- mats, soldiers in the field, and politicians in Washington are unable to grasp the impor- tance of the people. While forever raising wet fingers to the wind of public opinion in the United States, the policymakers appear to operate on the belief that Asian people have no opinions, and even if they did have an opinion, it would carry no weight. A good Gallup poll would easily disprove the former proposition, and history has proved time and again the fallacy of the latter. 1 Jerry A. Rose, former Far Eastern corres- pondent for Time magazine, now resides in Hong Kong where he does freelance writing on the Far East. Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE March 10 During their week's stay in Vietnam, Mc- Namara and Taylor got little If any ipkling of Vietnamese public opinion and of Its sig- nificance In the war effort. Rather, they have been evaluating the war largely through military statistics. Such statistics-when ac- curate-Indicate trends but not solutions. The trend is: greater Vietcong activity. in- creased casualties on both sides (with the Government suffering generally fewer), and the crucial ratio of weapons lost and gained favoring the enemy by at least 2 to 1. A recent tabulation within 1 week showed the guerrillas to have captured 380 weapons from the Government while losing only 150 to the national forces. These figures tell a clear story: the Vietcong are winning the ground battles, though they incur heavy casualties from Government airstrikes. Thus, with a steady flow of weapons from within South Vietnam-and an Increasing stream of Communist-bloc weapons being smuggled to the guerrillas from the outside-it Is not surprising that the hard-core Vietcong force has jumped by an estimated 8,000 men In the last several months. There are now some 31,000 Communist guerrillas, well above last year's figure of 20.000 to 25.000. Nevertheless, $1.5 million a day and about 17,000 active U.S. military men has had some positive effect. The keynote strategic hamlet plan to urbanize and control the population goes well north of Saigon. As of September 8.227 strategic hamlets have been built, en- compassing 78 percent of the population or 9.6 million people. In costal provinces such as Quang Ngai, once a Vietcong stronghold. the "hamletization" coupled with sound agri- cultural projects (small dams for irrigation, tons of fertilizer and pesticides) has gone far to winning back the support of the people. And here, notable military victories have been won-for it only takes one govern- ment-oriented peasant to inform on the movements of the Vietcong, one peasant actively supporting the Government. With solid information, the military can prepare Itself. Just recently the Government caught the guerrillas by surprise and gained a de- cisive battle because one old lady came In to report the Vietcong's position. "We're lucky to hold our own" Incredible though it is, that one active individual is lacking In most areas of the Mekong Delta, the economic heart of South Vietnam. Americans working with the strategic hamlet plan in the delta readily admit that the program is floundering, has made little progress. Militarily, the situa- tion is equally unsatisfactory. Commented an American general: "Below the Bassac River, we're lucky to hold our own." Many feel that we are not even doing that. This economic heart of South Vietnam, the Mekong Delta, has suffered severe strokes over the last several years. In 1901, rice exports from the area-Vietnam's major ex- port product-were totally suspended. The exports began to diminish in 1962. Now, they have against been halted. Despite the vast American aid, the Government is finding itself short of cash. For example, this year the strategic hamlet program was calculated to cost about $30 million. The United States was to pay the flrgt 6 months (to the end of June), the Vietnamese the latter half of the year. As of September, the Diem gov- ernment had not yet started to fulfill its part of the agreement. From July of 1982 to July of this year, Vietnam's foreign and gold reserves fell from $200 million to $130 million. The national bank Is reported to have a plaster reserve of only $14 million. And Vietnam's debts to foreign banks amount to some $140 million (which to one reason why hardheaded Hong Kong busi- nessmen decided to cease trading with the country). "flight now, our greatest danger," said a Vietnamese economist, "is national bank- ruptcy and wild inflation." Part of this economic condition is due di- rectly to President Diem. He will not listen to the counsel of his own trained economists, Similarly. President Diem refused to listen to reasoning voices of moderation when the Buddhist trouble erupted. He took brother Nhu's advice and cracked down harshly. He has echoed his sister-in-law, the now in- famous Madame Nhu. In calling the self- immolation of a Buddhieh monk a murder. Then the Vietnamese students began to riot, and over 8,000 teenagers, both girls and boys, were Imprisoned. Ministers of the state, civil officials, army officers went to the prisons with packages of clothing and food for their sons and daughters. Throughout the coun- try, the word of these events-both with the Buddhtati and the students-slowly seeps down. (Slowly seeps down, for news does not travel quickly.) Slowly seeps down and takes seed In the minds of the Vietnamese people, who are perhaps the most politically sophis- ticated people in Asia. for they have suffered the wars of politics for more than 20 years. They have listened to many political ideol- ogies. They have learned to choose cau- tiously, but they have also learned that to survive they must, sooner or later, choose a side. The repression against the students and the Buddhists will inevitably affect their choice, for they are no different from any other peoples In the world. They do not like to see their religious leaders or their young people persecuted. Yet, almost unbelievably, some U.S. offi- cials maintain that the Buddhist and student demonstrations have not affected and will not affect the people and the "way the war is going." It has been said many times now, by U.S. Army officers, by disinterested ob- servers, by journalists, by Communist guer- rilla leaders themselves that "a guerrilla war cannot be won by military means alone," that "the people are the key to victory." It has-been-said so many times that the state- ment has become cliche. It is true neverthe- less-except I believe that the roots of rancor now run so deep in South Vietnam that the people can no longer be won over. at least not enough of them to result In clear-cut stability. "Outside of a miracle, a genius-like Mag- saysay-coming to the fore," said one Amer- ican In Saigon who has dedicated all his energies over the last 3 years to South Viet- nam, -this country Is lost." Then, rather wearily, he murmured: "Leadership, leader- ship." Even as late as last year, popular leadership may have spelled the difference. Today, the grassroot strength of the Viet- cong appears so strong, particularly in the delta, that It seems unlikely any leader could shake it. On top of this a few hardheaded observers contend that the war could never have been won. Said one Australian diplomat: "We must clearly define what we mean by 'win- ning' the war. An outright victory is impos- esbie. Stability as existed In 1957 might still be achieved-but as then, there will always be terrorism." While acknowledging the need of sound and popular leadership to gain that 1957 stability, this gentleman points to South Vietnam's long, gaping bor- ders: a border with Cambodia, another with Laos, a third with North Vietnam. "Porous borders," he calls them-they could never be sealed off; they would always permit a shower of infiltrators, terrorists. Thus: "In that sense, the war cannot be won. Peace cannot be established." According to good estimates, last year In- filtration Into South Vietnam ran In the neighborhood of 1,000 men per month. This year it fell off for awhile to almost nothing. now it is back to around 500 per month. But the shocking factor is not the actual number of infiltrators but the capacity for infiltration. An intelligence expert told me bluntly: "If North Vietnam wanted to, they could send down 20,000 Infiltrators in one swoop and it would be 2 weeks before we knew it," Now let us review briefly the current sit- uation in South Vietnam: (1) a national leader who is unpopular aid whose family is detested: (2) a nation of discontented people, two segments of which (Buddhists and students) have overtly demonstrated their unhappiness, another segment which covertly demonstrates its unhappiness (by siding with the Vietcong), a final segment which remain for the time being passive (popular passivity helps the Vietcong-for the government needs active informers); (3) a shaky. inflationary economy; (4) a war that grows fiercer each week despite vast American aid in both money, materiel and personnel; and (5) "porov,a borders" with three countries that perms; a steady influx of guerrillas. Take these five elements, place them against the stated American policy in South Vietnam: "To win and get out," and it should be starkly clear that the United States is at a dead end. We cannot win. But we do not necessarily have to lose. That is, though an outright victory over the guerrillas now seems impossible (and I be- lieve that despite the borders it was once possible), an outright defeat can still be prevented. But U.S. thinking must undergo some radical changes. Washington must begin to consider the propeaitlon that peace to South Vietnam will come not on the bat- tlefield but only at the conference table. And I do not mean General de Gaulle's con- ference table. Within the foreseeable future, reunification of the North and South could only result In a final Communist victory. But there are other possibilities. To under- stand them, one must be aware of the diffi- cult position of the Democratic Republic of (North) Vietnam. An Asian Yugoslavia? In the slow-seething years before Red China and the Soviet Union split totally asunder. North Vietnam's President Ho Chi Minh tried to play the neutral moderator. He preferred the Russians, but the proximity of China did not permit him to take aides. He knew that to become an oriental Albania was to risk eventual destruction. Now, since the split., Ho has, by necessity, leaned more toward China. But the Chinese ruled Viet- nam for almost 2,000 years, and China has never ceased to look hungrily at Vietnam's rice bowl, the Mekong Dei.a. In fact, it is the Mekong Delta which the North itself wants, and needs, to achieve a solid economy (the North has always been industrial, the South agricultural). All Vietnamese have a natural dislike, suspicion, and fear of the Chinese, and It is highly probable that Ho Chi Minh and the other Communist leaders of the North would do mach to disengage themselves from China's sphere of influence. They could do this if they were able totrade for food with South Vietnam and for mate- rial with the West. And they likely would be willing to enter into trade relations, cease hostilities-become a sort of Asian Yugo- slavia-providing they were convinced an outright victory could not be gained in the South within a reasonable length of time. The United States must convince the North it cannot win soon or easily. This could be done if President Diem were removed. a better leader emerged, popular support gained to some degree, the morale and efficiency of the Vietnamese Army im- proved. As Diem obviously is not easily removed. alternatives must be examined. One alternative is to put a division or more of American combat troops into action. Coupled with this direct Involvement would be the establishment of a dual chain of United States-Vietnamese Army commands that ignored and bypassed the President. We could continue to finance the Vietnamese Army, but through nongovernmental chan- Approved For Release 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200130027-5 Approved For Reisise 2005/02/10 : CIA-RDP66B00403R0200130027-5 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE nels. We could also cut back on our budget- ary support. North Vietnam's response to this chal- lenge could only be to heavily step up in- filtration with large units of soldiers. The moment it does, three important changes occur in the nature of the war : (1) North Vietnam will begin to suffer the financial burden of war, a burden which it can ill af- ford; (2) sooner' or later one of these in- filtrating units will be captured and North Vietnam will be inextricably caught in the act of aggression; and (3) with definite proof of aggression, North Vietnam will leave itself open to direct retaliation, as through bomb- ing attacks. At such a point, would the war escalate? The North Vietnamese do not want to be devastated, nor are they prepared to finance a war the size of the Korean conflict. Nei- ther is Red China in any financial position to engage on a lengthy battlefield. The Soviet Union not only has been detaching itself from this part of the world, but also seems to wish peace as much as the United States. The conference table stands ready. The contract for peace is comparatively sim- ple: trade relations in exchange for non- aggression. To sum up: One solution now for the United States appears to be a show of power in South Vietnam which would pave the way toward a compromising settlement. But is the risk of a power play warranted? Southeast Asia has been likened to a "set of dominoes." If South Vietnam falls, the rest of the blocks go too. It would seem, there- fore, that it is in the high interest of the United States, as a leader and a system of government, to risk much in stabilizing that tottering block. CIA's "thirst for power" In a scathing dispatch from Saigon dated October 2, Richard Starnes of Scripps-Howard reported that on two occasions the CIA in Vietnam "flatly refused to carry out instruc- tions from Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge." In one instance, "the CIA frustrated a plan of action Mr. Lodge brought with him from Washington, because the Agency disagreed with it." Mr. Starnes also said that