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n 119 Approved For Release 200 A-RDP82-00457R00092100D0 1 ~~f 0 I ' ' PORT 25X1 SUBJECT Soviet indw-tria.1 .ctiviti s it Austs i,-'- 25X1 OR'1N DtSTR I BUTION 'TATS WAR NAVY 1EISTICE DIST. X Septa* w 1947 P 't 3ES 2 '.;g'PLEMENT fc&D 25X1 25X 25X 4. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1. 25 5+. Since the Soviets took over, the G' 4 ~2c 'Fabrik Neu r in Brtaan on 2 August 1947s ihey have released no cberdoal s ? } : ? ot~.,* .an indivotm. and the Austrians halve been able to obtain alt no lac-wu.: `'; a , t w -s:plant 'was seized betn ~17and 24 July 9 ma or concerns xr L~ aE :F ,.~.4..~ :~ ae commodities are under SSoviet: control] .ie average monthly production of the S .t, ccntro7led Simens-Schucl 'twerke in V'ie is: satory Y s 1200 electric m: t ag, - ? a dt. xg transformers,, electric heaters, hot plafies, hot tr:r :& , and other e~lertrical eq~.tip tan- a total value oW 385n-0,10s,31 avhiUingar Doa= i +. CLASSIFICATIOhR Class. C-gj,~- DDII7 o, 4 Apr '? 7101763 25 1 Approved For Release 2OO& EQIA-RD SEp2~1947 E9 ~ 25X ?!?R ~IBR~RY Approved For Release 2005 25X1 A-RDP82-00457R000900210 - si== Ci :`S L IN iTLLIGT NCT GROUP -2- Tactary- Its lectrie cable of varying sizes to a total value of 2,500,000 schillings, 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 7. 25X1 25X1 8. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 It is believed that all products arc transportod to the USSfl and satellite countries since 1 Ault 1,947, finished products have not been for sale to :trians, r hive .",ustrianj been a -le to- Set any electrical repair , ork done by the sip factories. Furthermore, all technical notes and name plates on finished products, firm names, and descriptions on the pacldn- cases nest be in Rzoaian. The destination is not inscribed on the cases. Goods are shipped frm.the factories in Yuzhtrans trucks. ;opo,esentatives of the Siemens- Schuckert plants axl other , ,o f on lied iaetoriee have reported that on 6 Iuaust 1947 the T'..: ans announced they mould not adhere strictly to the nerr .lustrian rrage-price 1;..t. in the enter ,rises under their control, but mould establish a more favorable system for these concerlr, MV A asked all employees in Soviet-administered ezterpricos to give thamsolves an effideney norm, rhich mould be used as' a b s oor efficiency bonuses to e loyees belonging to the Corruunist Party. ~tto i Thin bonus ar..4~, is apparently in line with the Soviet plan a r, their enterprise, as -,kw 130d ors as possible, using high wages as the bait and the Conz,rist "arty as the hook. Similar plane disregarding Austrian attents to stabi4ze .he eeono r have been reported in effect in the Zistersdorf oil fields.) it ffs qulte pool a that the Sieonsc ~u ter central af3 c arse ac Vienna, Would be tai:crn over by Soviet authorities durintthe month of :,t ask L^ ' newt, The Soviets are now manufacturing ammunition in the former Munitionsfabrik Hirtenberg. I IQomm I Gustloff-Werica, Otto Eberhardt Pat , roaenfabri Hirtenberg, Lower Austria b) The Russians have completeld closed off a part of the Berndorfer Metallwaren- fabrik, employ only Russian experts and Austrian workers whose political relt.. ability has been investigated, and are manufacturing special fusee and other munitions for the Soviet Army. This section of the factory, which was built especially for the needs of the Luftwaffe, did not suffer any damsgi during the war, in addition to rayon, the Glanzetoffabrik St, Poelten is manufacturing cellulose products similar to those used in connection with V-2 weapons. Approved For Release 200 This document contains irformation affecting the nF; tional defense of-the Unitesi t7tates within the meaning of the Espionage Act 50, U.P.C. 31 and 32 as amended. Its transmission or the rev latio f i s co tents in any manner is proRib1te by flaw, SECRET E IA-RDP82-00457R000900210002-1