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Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200160009-8 bb ] 1 USSR T'TTIE.RNATTONA:L AiThAIR3 16 may 1961 CIA ACTIVITIES GENtATE PUBLIC A1(IEj.Y Interference in Britain Moscow TABS in English to Europe 2323 GHT 13 May 1961--L (Text) The editor of the London DAILY WORKER's foreign affairs department writes on 13 May that growipg anxiety is being generated by CIA's interference in the domestic affairs of other countries, including Britain. This anxiety, the author says, is caused, specifically, by the exposure last week in France and in the United States itself of CIA's participation in the Algerian rebellion, in the invasion of Cuba, and in the interference in the affairs of Laos and other countries. In Britain, the author says, there are 1+,000 Americans working in different organizations. There are CIA agents among them. The spy network of CIA. has sprawled out from Washington to Paris, Algeria, Bonn, London, and also to the borders of the socialist states. It is fraught with the permanent danger of incidents which may lead to war, the author concludes. Washington Demonstration Moscow TABS in English to Europe 1320 GMT 14 May 1961--L (Text) Washington-0 demons:ti ation was held outside the CIA building on 13 May by American public organizations opposing the aggressive policy of the U.S. Government regarding Cuba. The demonstrators--students, young, middle-aged and old people--expressed their indignation at the provocative activities of CIA, which is headed by Allen Dulles. For two hours they picketed the district where the CIA is located. The demonstrators carried posters reading: "Hanes off C.ubat" "Independence, Yes, Intervention, No!" "Down With the Central Intervention Agency!'' U.S u PUTS FUR COATS ON STRATEGIC LIST Moscow TASS in Russian to Europe 1529 GMT 13 May 1961---L (Text) Moscow--The United States has surpassed itself in the senseless ban on the export of "strategic goods." The dispatch of a consignment of women's artificial fur coats purchased in February from an American firm has been banned unless special permission is granted by U.S. authorities. Part of the consignment has already arrived in London and Stockholm, but the coats are not being forwarded to the USSR. Accompanying documents say Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200160009-8 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200160009-8 bb 12. USSR INTERNATIONAL AF'FAIRS 16 May 1961 that U.S. law does not permit the export of these goods to the countries of the Soviet bloc, to Communist China, North Korea,- ,Macao, Hong Kong, communist controlled parts of Vietnam and. Laos, and Cuba unless other instructions are received from the United States." It is indeed rather amazing that U.S. trade officials have included women's coats on the list of strategic goods. One would, hardly think that the security of the United States dependedt or.. trade in articles constituting part of a ladies outfit. U.S. SENATORS VIE ON WAR-PEACE POLICIES PRAVDA Report Moscow TASS in English to Europe 1138 GMT 11 May 1961..-L (Text) Moscow--Today's PRAVDA publishes a Washington report by Ronald Nessen, a correspondent of UPI, concerning the position of several American senators in questions of war and peace. The paper accompanies the published materials with comments stressing that the report by this correspondent patently shows the confusion reigning among the American senators--from "liberal" Wayne Morse to dyed-in-the-wcol reactionaries like Styles Bridges. Their statements are discordant; sober ideas are mixed with hysterical war cries. The ruling quarters in the United States are obviously nervous and embarrassed by the recent stunning failures of Washington's adventuristic policy. Senators Fulbright and Morse have strongly conderined the recent attack on Cuba. According to Fulbright, the operation against Cuba was largely a mistake. Morse warns the Washington leaders against unleashing a new American armed venture in Laos. PRAVDA. notes that Morse's view this time is shared by such cold war advocates as Javits and Bridges. So far, it writes, these senators had only one "argument" against the national liberation movement--a military fast. Today they found it necessary to come out against direct U.S. military interference in Laos. Further, the comments say: arguing against intervention in Laos, the Senators propose ... (TABS ellipsis) to seek "more convenient" pots for international provocations. With traditional cynicism, :Bridges calls for new ventures in South Vietnam and Thailand. With his notorious senselessness, Javits comes out for a full blockade of Cuba. and for direct U.S. intervention against; the island of freedom. Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200160009-8 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200160009-8 bb 13 USSR IN~TI 10A'WIONNJ AP AI 2S 16 May 1961 Is there anyone, PRAVDA says, who will not be shocked by these cynical speeches by the militarist-seratorg? Zn broad daylight, near the White House, responsible U.S. Government leaders publicly discuss where it is "convenient" or inconvenient" to set the war flame burning. The question arises: How can this provocative rumpus be reconciled with the assurances of the U.S. Administration about the desirability to consolidate peace and relax international tension? Aleksendr Petrov Commentary Moscow in English to Eastern North America 2338 GMT ..12 May 1961--L (Excerpts) A few days ago in Washington, the UPI reported on the opinions of a number of Ser_a-tors on U.S. policy in tine Caribbean basin and in southeast Asia. Judging from this report the capital is far from being optimistic and it is not very hard to realize whjr. In recent weeks, the United States suffered two main setbacks. The attack against Cuba, organized by CIA and the Pentagon, failed miserably. Despite generous military assistance to the antipopular clique of Boun Oum and Phoumi Nosavan, lady luck frowned on Washington's attempts to throttle the Laotian patriotic forces fighting for a neutral policy. Have the people who pull the strings of U.S. foreign policy deduced any- thing from these events? Judging from statements of U.S. laimak.ers, they agree to admit failure only in tactics. According to Senators Fulbright and Morse, the attack on Cuba was clearly an unjustified under- taking. Senator Morse and his colleagues Javits and Bridges admit that U.S. prospects look pretty dim for strangling the patriotic forces in Laos, even if U.S. troops are called into the picture. However, in general, the stand taken by the senators in all probability follows the principle "by hook or by crook." For example, Senator Bridges, who was bitterly disappointed in the Laotians, who apparently do not want to be protected at all, has picked Thailand and South Vietnam as a new target for U.S. intrigues. He has called for an airtight blockade around Cuba to force it to its knees through starvation. Mr. Bridges advised that if this does not work to get the Marines to do the job. Apparently Mr. Bridges did not learn a thing. The events in Cuba and Laos have clearly shown that nothing but confusion was generated by U.S. attempts to use brute force. Mr. Bridges' war bellowing is putting people on the alert because it indicates that among those who are in charge of the American nation's future there are such people who will stop at nothing and will risk all for the sake of their selfish aims. Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200160009-8 Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200160009-8 bb 14:?. USSR J:NTE'RNATIONAL AFFAIRS 16 May 1961 Clearly self-delusionedy they are taking upon themselves the role of saviors, The only thine; wrong with such a setup is that the U.S. liberation mission is not meeting with support of those whom Washington is endeavoring to protect. The key to all this is vt-x-y simple : people do not like gendarmes. PATON SEES CIA VICTIM O' MISINFORMATION Moscow TASS in English to Europe 0738 GMT 13 May 1961--L (Text) New York--The New York TIMES on 13 May publisi. .ed a letter from the eminent U.S. indust:fiialjst and public figure Cyrus Eaton criticizing the foreign policy of the Kennedy administration. "What lessons have we learned from the failures of American intelligence and diplomacy in Cuba and Laos?", Eaton_ asks. "The abortive policies we pursued to the point of debacle in both places were based on information obtained by CIA and State Department representatives. It would appear therefore that our overseas operatives are not in touch with the true sentiment in many of the nations in which they are assigned." "Where the State Department seems to suffer from insufficient information," Cyrus Eaton goes on, "CIA given evidence of being the victim of self- inflicted misinformation. The conservative London TIDES :recently observed that the anti-communist fervor of the CIA is legendary, "Cuba and Laos have demonstrated that the improvement e q ected with a change of government has not only failed to materialize., but the lack of realism in our foreign policies has actually become more acute. Have we not reached the crucial hour when our whole international approach calls for a thorough and objective reexamination and reorganization?" CANADA TRYING TO OBTAIN :NUCLEAR WEAPONS Moscow in English to Eastern North America 0111 GML' 1.3 May 1961--L (Commentary arranged for station CHQM in Vancouver, British Columbia: Leonid Yeniseyev discusses Canada's position on the subject of nuclear armaments) (Excerpts) No one took it as a joke when Mr. Hazen Argue, the CCF leader, proposed that Canada reduce its contributions to NATO to one dollar. He, too, was not joking when he made the proposal. It was a very serious protest on his part, and one of the many that have arisen in Canada lately against the rearmament race. The protests are well found_a'I, for it is not just a matter of increasing conventional. arms; what Canada's leaders are trying to do is obtain nuclear weapons for their country. Approved For Release 2004/10/12 : CIA-RDP64B00346R000200160009-8