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Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 SECRET FINAL REPORT of the Defense Science, Board Task Force on TACTICAL WARNING February 1972 25X1 This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States with- in the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. , Sections 793 and 794. The trans- mission or the revelation of its contents in any manner. to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED SECRET Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 MEMBERSHIP Defense Science Board Task Force on Tactical Warning Mr. A. Carl Haussmann, Jr., Chairman Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Dr. O. J. Villard, Jr., Vice Chairman Stanford Research Institute Dr. Thomas B. Cook, Jr. Sandia Laboratories Dr. Walter F. Leverton Aerospace Corporation Mr. Roy F. Donegan Headquarters, NORAD Mr. James R. Drake R&D Associates Mr. Jerome Freedman Lincoln Laboratory, MIT Lt. Col. J. J. Hannan, USAF J3, Joint Chiefs of Staff Dr. Robert J. Hermann National Security Agency Dr. Charles M. Herzfeld International Telephone. and Telegraph Corporation Dr. Albert L. Latter R&D Associates Mr. Jackson D. Maxey Mechanics Research Inc. Col. Frank G. Richie, USAF J5, Joint Chiefs of Staff Dr. Harold P. Smith, Jr. University of California, Davis Brig. Gen. Lawrence Steinkrous, USAF, Headquarters, SAC Dr. Robert D. Turner Institute for Defense Analyses Dr. N.F. Wikner Special Assistant (NTA), ODDR&E Col. Wallace D. Henderson, USAF Staff Liaison, ODDR&E Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12/ft6ft RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF DEFENSE RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 28 April 1972 TO: THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE THROUGH: THE DIRECTOR OF DEFENSE RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING The final report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Tactical Warning is hereby submitted. I would particularly call your attention to the finding that, despite our large national effort to provide warning of attack by ballistic missiles, we have essentially no capability "today or in the foreseeable future," to detect incoming submarine-launched cruise missiles (see pp. 2 and 15). Gerald F. Tape Chairman Defense Science Board iii SECRET Approved For Release 2004/12/1 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF DEFENSE RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING WASHINGTON. D. C. 20301 April 25, 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR CHAIRMAN, DEFENSE SCIENCE BOARD SUBJECT: Final Report on Tactical Warning The attached report is submitted in response to the DDR&E's request of 18 January 1971 to continue the review of the tactical warning area with specific emphasis on the possibility of near term improve- ments. The report has been formally reviewed by the DSB and thoroughly discussed with both the DDRF,E staff and appropriate service repre- sentatives over the last several months. The present document incorporates to a large extent the essence of suggestions made during these reviews. It also incorporates the final thoughts of the Task Force subsequent to the various review actions. Growing recognition of the importance of tactical warning and needs for attack assessment suggests that a continuing DSB review of this area would be appropriate. da #Uaj1'VA^4% Carl Haussmann Chairman, Tactical Warning Task Force Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 Page Membership, Defense Science Board Task Force on Tactical Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii Memoranda of Transmittal . . . . . . . . . . . I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A. Requirements for Tactical Warning/ Attack Assessment 4 B. Survivability and Countermeasures Considerations . . 6 III. Discussion of Surveillance-System Capability. . . . . . 8 A. Comments on Ballistic-Missile Sensors . . . . . . 8 B. Tactical Warning/ Attack Assessment Systems . . . . 11 IV. Conclusions and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . 13 A. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 B. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Appendix: Status of Prior DSB Task Force Recommendations. . 19 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/.,/ne A-RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 REPORT OF THE TACTICAL WARNING TASK FORCE OF THE DEFENSE SCIENCE BOARD (U) 1. INTRODUCTION (U) (S) The Tactical Warning Task Force was reactivated by DDR&E on January 18, 1971 to continue its monitoring of tactical warning and associated issues. It was requested by DDR&E to apply itself initially to improvement of tactical warning in the relatively near term; other taskings of the panel -- e. g. , review of advanced technologies pertinent to tactical warning -- would follow later. By request the Panel's efforts were concentrated on the ballistic missile threat since it was understood that the bomber delivery threat was being addressed elsewhere. (S) The five meetings of the Task Force each emphasized a particular subject area as follows: (1) Surveillance Sensor System Capabilities -- Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, 25-27 January 1971. (2) NORAD Perspective on Warning Problems -- Hqs, NORAD 30-31 March 1971. (3) SAC Perspective on Warning Problems, Hqs. SAC 25 -26 May 1971. (4) Intelligence System Contributions to Warning, NSA, 12-13 July 1971, and the National Military Command System Interface with the Tactical Warning Function, National Military Command Center, 14 July 1971. (5) System 440L Improvement Potentials and Program 647 Capabilities, Hqs, Electronic Systems Division, L. G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Mass., 16 September 1971. (S) From the information presented at these meetings, our general conclusion is that today's launch detection sensors -- when presently programmed improvements are completed -- will provide overlapping coverage at least of conventional ICBM launches. However, the questionable survivability of these sensors and their associated com- munications remains a significant cause for concern. SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED lease 2004/12/sf1E2DP74J00828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12/ At DP74J00828R000100080012-0 25X1 (S) Submarine-launched cruise missiles (SLCMs) are not considered a part of the officially defined threat against CONUS. How- ever, the potential should not be ignored since today we have virtually no capability to provide warning of an SLCM attack. (S) The impact of more, better, and more diverse Soviet missile systems; the emergence of China as a nuclear power, and developments in national policy requiring more flexible response warrant continuing investigation of warning capabilities and potential improvements. It is believed that the sensor options discussed later can, in combination, offer significant improvement in early warning posture. A diversity of sensors with better correlation of data also has the potential of providing some pre-impact attack assessment capability. The requirement for and utilization of such attack assessment information was not deeply pursued by this Task Force. (S) System capabilities and requirements are evolving from Tactical Warning toward pre-impact attack assessment. We do not know if this is in fact the route that should be followed. The need to evaluate this trend and, if necessary, develop an alternative, requires a con- tinuing investigation of the following subjects: (1) National Command Authority (NCA), and individual command requirements for tactical warning and attack assessment information; SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Approved For Release 2004/12/:,(,V,RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/I 2 l RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 (2) Utilization of attack assessment information by ballistic missile defense systems, and the associated nuclear release authority for these systems; (3) New systems to meet more extensive tactical warning and/or attack assessment requirements; (4) Closer coupling between undersea surveillance systems and warning systems to provide both earlier warning and better assessment of SLBM attacks; and (5) New technology to meet future requirements. (U) In addition, it would seem advisable and useful if a con- tinuing or follow-on committee monitored the fate of this report's recommendations- -actions taken or the reasons for not taking action. (U) A review of these recommendations made by the first Task Force on Tactical Warning is included as an appendix to this report. (S) Items not considered by the task force or not considered in sufficient depth to produce significant conclusions or recommendations are: (1) Third party problems, etc. (2) MIRV and MR V (3) Launch from under (4) SALT implications (5) Survivability requirements Each of these areas will impact on tactical warning systems requirements and could well be the subject of follow-on task force efforts. Approved For Release 2004/12/15E RVYDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/1S/tStf14-RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 II. DISCUSSION (U) A. Requirements for Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment (S) Tactical warning and attack assessment are defined in JCS Publication 1 as follows: (a) Tactical Warning - - Notification that hostilities have been initiated including an identification of specific threat events. (b) Attack Assessment - Use of information from sensors and any other available source to determine the objectives of an attack and the nature of the targets. (S) The Task Force elected not to restrict its considerations to tactical warning since the function of attack assessment is inevitably associated with it in that some form of attack assessment will always be required by the NCA before a response to a nuclear attack will be made. Moreover, the same (or similar) surveillance systems provide - to some extent - both types of information. Therefore, it became evident that both functions needed to be considered in our review and evaluation of surveillance-system capabilities and requirements. (S) It seems worth pointing out that multiple warning and pre- and post-attack assessment systems supported by survivable communica- tions and associated hardware, and (hopefully) dependent upon different phenomenology for warning indications are essential to the deterrent at least in permitting the strategic bomber force to escape weapons aimed at the bomber bases. Portions of our strategic forces can also benefit from warning by being able to reposture themselves into a more survivable mode. ALCC, LOOKING GLASS, NEACP, TACAMO are examples here. The evident existence of a dependable warning system may also enhance deterrence in a more general way. If our warning systems are weak, any response we might make to an attack would either be delayed or be based on limited information and therefore less effective; hence the deterrent value of our "assured destruction" counter-forces is reduced. (S) The chance of obtaining effective warning is enhanced by use of divergent phenomenology for launch detection. Multiple independent warning systems can make simultaneous attack on all elements of the warning system more difficult. Approved For Release 2004/12/1SE ~IDP74J00828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 SECRET (S) A major and controversial question remains in the development of capabilities for improved pre-impact attack assessment: "Would the U. S. under any circumstance launch a retaliatory strike prior to detonation of nuclear weapons on CONUS? " The strategic value of a national policy which countenances such a course of action can also be questioned. Therefore, this issue seems worthy of future study from both a technical and political point of view. (S) Tactical warning is needed for many NORAD, SAC and NCA time-critical decisions. Some key decisions requiring this warning data are: (1) Bombers --scramble alert forces. (2) National Command Authorities- -take steps to improve survival potential and institute other delegation arrangements. (3) Defense-- scramble alert force and give nuclear release authority. (S) While these requirements for data can be met by current or potential surveillance sensor systems, the only concrete guidance for system designers is the JCS Validated Surveillance System Objectives outlined in JSIPS 9-69 and reiterated in JSIPS 1-70. These objectives were not constrained by either technological or budgetary feasibility. We believe that more emphasis is required on realistic goals of prompt and credible warning and assessment of the character of the attack. (S) In our view, the essential elements of credible warning and attack assessment are: launches have occurred, number (is the attack limited or massive), the country of origin and country being attacked. In addition, it is essential to the NCA decision process to obtain details on the character of the attack as soon as possible, although final retaliatory decisions will probably not be made until nuclear detona- tions have occurred on CONUS. In any event, whether functioning in support of a retaliatory decision, or as a basis for force reconstitu- tion, a capability for timely post impact nuclear detonation assessment is essential. Approved For Release 2004/12/1tE(;,IAff P74J00828R000100080012-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 SECRET 25X1 (S) Attack on satellite sensors and simultaneous ECM dis- ruption of redundant surveillance systems would in itself constitute warning. However, sensor vulnerability to countermeasures is also a matter of real concern during an interval of gradually rising inter- national tensions accompanied by successively more provocative acts. The Task Force has been unable to discover what resources could be brought to bear against a slow, insidious, gradually-increasing degrada- tion of our warning sensors which might easily take place in an atmosphere of threats and counter-threats. With current programs there would be relatively few retaliatory measures open to us; perhaps the most logical would be an equivalent attack on their sensors. In such a scenario, it is essential that we be able to unequivocally detect such countermeasures, and to take some protective steps which would at least increase the difficulty of such action. At present, the U. S. has no such capability. (S) As the number and diversity of warning systems is reduced, the ease with which the enemy can attack and disrupt increases. In this context we note that diversity of detection phenomenology does not necessarily imply diversity of vulnerability to physical attack. Both are needed. If the requirement expands from merely warning of mass attack to warning and assessment of limited and repeated attacks, functional survivability (survival of a warning and attack assessment capability) becomes more critical. The difficulty of adequately hardening any of the current or projected surveillance sensors for tactical warning suggests that functional survivability is best and most economically achieved through a diversity of sensor systems, each survivable to the greatest practical extent. A survivable nation- wide post-impact nuclear burst detection system (NUDETS), including its communication, also seems to be a desirable part of this mix. 7 Approved For Release 2004/12/ efif DP74J00828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 SECRET III. DISCUSSION OF SURVEILLANCE-SYSTEM CAPABILITY (U) (S) From the data presented in various briefings the Task Force has prepared some comments on current and projected surveillance sensor system capabilities in the light of the threats and the needs as we understand them. These comments may provide some feel for the relative cost and adequacy of performance of the various systems. SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/12/15SL"cJ - P74J00828R000100080012-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12 5t fi ffDP74J00828R000100080012-0 25X1 IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (U) A. Conclusions (U) (S) (1) is at best marginal. Even then coverage of all poten- tial SLBM launch locations will not be complete. Present sensors are extremely vulnerable to elec- tronic or physical attack. Our present ability to warn against cruise missiles is non-existent. SLBM warning coverage for complacency. Until the IOC of the first Although it can be said that when currently approved programs are completed (474N modifications) or become operational (647), we will have a modest capability in terms of coverage and probability of detection for early warning against the officially-defined ICBM and SLBM threat projected through 1976, we do not find any basis (S) (2) The strong push for dual deployment of in the eastern hemisphere is premature. The case for addi- tional satellites in the eastern hemisphere should be based on operational experience and confidence in the data processing software, coupled with the realization of the postulated threat (SSNX-8), and has yet to be made. (S) (3) In view of BMEWS capability for attack assessment as well as tactical warning, it is desirable to retain this system indefinitely or at least until the attack assessment capability of the northern PARs is fully demonstrated. While BMEWS provides a good impact point prediction capability for attack assessment, it does have coverage gaps against DICBMs, and FOBS. 440L provides only gross attack assessment, but provides good FOBS and DICBM coverage. (S) (4) Responsibilities for management of the tactical warning mission area are widely distributed and sometimes conflicting. We have found no clear assignment of the SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED 25X1 25X1 FA roved For elease 2004/12 RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12/A:C` EfDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 mission, specific tasks, or responsibilities for pro- viding tactical warning on a world-wide basis. CINC- NORAD/CINCONAD has an assigned responsibility for providing tactical warning of an attack against North America and as a result of specific JCS re- quests is providing data for attack assessment, but does not have the mission of providing a comprehen- sive national system for tactical warning and attack assessment. (S) (5) From the tone and content of briefings to the Task Force, we perceive within the Services and the JCS (NMCC) a growing interest in pre-impact attack assess- ment to support both SIOP selection and even more de- tailed control of strategic forces in a nuclear exchange. It seems to be assumed that this information will be forthcoming, but no one seems to know quite how nor precisely what it will be use f r he requiremerms for such data seem not to be clearly established, and the demarcation between attack assessment for NCA decisions and data for battle control is by no means clear. The problem of attack assessment for NCA decision support has received relatively little attention while a large effort has been undertaken to support a sometimes nebulous function of "battle control. " The highest priority should be placed on determination and support of NCA decision requirements. (S) (6) Post-impact NUDETS are integral and important parts of the overall attack assessment problem. We believe that more attention to this aspect of "attack assessment" is absolutely essential. (S) (7) The s stem specifications, and the demonstrated capability I Iconsiderably exceed the "requirements" for a launch warning system but fall short of providing an at- tack assessment capability. A simpler (warning-only) SPECIAL ACCESS R EOTTTR ET) , A 25X1 elease 2004/1211 E,C lDP74J00828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/1 Gti:g )j RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 system will, of course, support launching the bomber force under positive control and a policy of retaliation. It can be said that the trend of warning systems develop- ment is toward systems to support at least a limited attack assessment capability. (S) (8) The survivability of tactical warning surveillance systems and especially their associated command and control struc- ture is a matter for real concern. Since any system can in the end be put out of action by a sufficiently-deter- mined attack, functional survivability is best assured by redundant systems with different vulnerabilities. It appears neither wise nor feasible to attempt to make one system superhard and then to rely solely on it. The need for improved survivability is, of course, based on the assumption that warning systems may be required to survive to warn of repeated attacks, or that an inde- pendent attack on warning sensors might be made. (S) (9) Today, and for the foreseeable future, we essentially have no capability to detect incoming cruise missiles flying at low altitude. This is disturbing from two aspects. This has the effect of encouraging these missiles to be stationed close to our shores. In the absence of an adequate defense, this delivery technology presents an all-too-attractive method of delivering pay- loads. We have found no significant effort to address this particular warning problem. (S)(10) A potential way to improve our tactical warning/attack assessment capability is to make operational use .in near real time of intelligence data on missile launches. These data could be used both to test the TW/AA surveillance systems and to augment TW/AA in times of crisis. However, there are currently both security and adminis- trative problems in making these data routinely available to personnel responsible for providing tactical warning on a day-to-day basis. (S)(11) If the system performance specifications are met (in par- ticular an acceptable false alarm rate for SLBM detection) I will be technically feasible. Approved or Release 2004/1 4'eR14 RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 an automated bomber alerting system Approved For Release 2004/1 R L I -RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 (S)(12) Lack of comprehensive programs to either detect ECM efforts against warning systems or to counter such efforts may well make such attacks attractive to the Soviets in a period of increasing tension. (S) (13) The performance of 440L as a contributor to the sub- ject at hand, continues to be a matter of controversy. Unless the system can be made to give adequate around the clock performance its value remains questionable. Note: Another OTH system of :interest .is COBRA MIST. While the Task Force did not fully investigate aircraft warning intelligence systems, we were briefed on COBRA MIST on two occasions. In these briefings and subsequent discussions we could find no logical basis for establish- ment or continuation of this system. B. Recommendations (U) (S) (1)* An organization should be established within the DOD with the responsibility of staff supervision of the func- tion of tactical warning and attack assessment. With better management focus, technology can be much more efficiently utilized. An integrated tactical warn- ing and attack assessment management organization should in the near term emphasize a clear definition of NCA and CINC requirements, surveillance sensor system data integration, and command and control. New sensor technology can be explored later. (S) (2)** The possibility of assigning the tactical warning/ attack assessment mission to an organization respon- sible for satisfying all approved requirements should be explored. The roles of NORAD, SAC, and the NMCS and other key participants should be clearly defined in this mission assignment. * We hope that DOD Directive 5100. 30 will satisfy the intent of this requirement. The intent of this recommendation should also be implemented by DOD Directive 5100. 30. Approved For Release 2004/1 2+. RC I RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/11#+tM1~-RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 (S) (3) Studies leading to a clear definition of attack assess- ment requirements and current capabilities should be made as soon as possible. A specific aim of these studies would be to establish the difference between attack assessments required for NCA de- cision support (including the possibilities of second strike retaliation, and those required for launch- from-under attack) or for battle control. (S) (4) In the design of tactical warning systems and their associated communications, survivability and resis- tance to countermeasures should be a more important consideration than it is at present. While hardening of radar systems does not appear economically justi- fiable, greater satellite hardness against nuclear attack should be achievable at moderate cost. The criteria for survivability should be based on analysis of the relationship between the cost of survivability and effectiveness of the system on a case-by-case basis. (S) (5) The potential, and the need for survivable post- impact NUDETS, and how it might be achieved, should be restudied in the very near future. (S)(6) (S)(7) (S) (8) SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/1Sf CR?IP-RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/15eCR I -RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 (S) (9) The testing of sensor-system effectiveness needs addi- tional emphasis. Every opportunity to make real-time, in situ tests of the utmost possible realism should be taken. 25X1 (S) (11) Present R&D efforts to provide an SLCM warning capa- bility should continue and more active consideration should be given to deployment of an operational system. (S) (12) A definitive operational evaluation of 440L should be conducted as soon as ADC accepts full system respon- sibility in order to judge the wisdom of continuing investments in the system. SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Approved For Release 2004/1 J qt-RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/1 'E RCf-RDP74J00828RO00100080012-0 Appendix STATUS OF PRIOR DSB TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATIONS (U) (U) The first DSB Task Force on Advanced Tactical Warning under the chairmanship of Dr. Albert D. Wheelon submitted their report to OSD on 10 October 1969. It is interesting to note that many of their recommendations for action to improve our tactical warning capability continue to be pertinent and still require action. These prior conclusions and/or recommendations are summarized below in the order of priority which we believe to be currently appropriate. (S) 1. System Engineering and Evaluation. "We have observed that warning requirements are ill-defined." This continues to be true and the need for a full-time effort to quantify warning and attack assess- ment requirements is still apparent. . . "We believe that a useful and reliable early warning (and attack assessment) system can be supported by today's tech- nology, although no single sensor is itself highly reliable under a wide enough range of conditions. Information supplied by several diverse sensors, with their different coverages and failure modes, will do the job if it is properly correlated and distributed." . . . (S) It is also true of this as well as the previous task force that. . . "we did not dwell heavily on processing, display, and data utilization problems." . . . We did investigate data utilization in somewhat more detail than the previous group and still find that. . . "there is certainly more important progress which can be made in these areas. " (5) With the increasing SLBM threat and the growing National Military Command Center (NMCC) interface with the National Command Authorities (NCA) we find that responsibility for and approaches to use of tactical warning and attack assessment information is becoming more diffuse rather than more cohesive. While SAC and the NMCC may have requirements for information which differ in detail from each other and from those of NORAD, we believe that it is fundamental to a rapid and effective NCA decision process, particular- ly in times of stress, that all elements have a common basis of information presented in the same or a very similar manner. To achieve this necessary cohesiveness in the NCA decision process, it is still recommended that - Approved For Release 2004/12SIECRE RDP74J00828R000100080012-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0 f=RRUP 1. , ciuded from iihwngrading and declas-1 finrrtion. SPECIAL ACG.ES: RE U 1] ? Prograr, f ~ 'd Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080012-0