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August 3, 1972
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or '' 4a proved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R0001000$0008-54 %C 90 OFFIF~JIiE ASSSi`,4N'T' SECRETARY OF DEFENSE TON, D. C. 20301 AUG 3 1972 MINUTES OF TA-SZL(:L AL, WARNING/ATTACK ASSESSMENT TASK FORCE MEETING The first meeting of the Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment Task Force of the Defense Science Board convened at 0935, 23 June 1972, in the Pentagon under the chairmanship of Mr. Fred A. Payne. The agenda and list of attendees are shown on Enclosures 1 and 2. Several draft charters were considered; the accepted version is Enclosure 3. It was agreed that the study would be conducted at the SI/TK security level and that information would be exchanged with other appropriate study groups such as the C3/Intelligence and Strategic Panels of the Defense Science Board and the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. A tour of the NMCC will be arranged for the members and they will be furnished copies of the final report of the Tactical Warning Task Force, reference material for the warning systems and for SALT, and copies of the interim report of the Air Force SAB Panel on Tactical Warning. A discussion was held of what a credible and useful total Tactical Warning Attack Assessment System might include. It appears that, except for some missing coverage which could be supplied by greater quantities of existing equip- ments, the needed sensor elements are available, including most of the necessary communications, and that the principal deficiency lies in correlation and display elements. The basic instrument errors of the sensors are probably satisfactory for determination of launch and probable impact points to an accuracy sufficient for reasonable decision processes. A "first cut" system concept was conceived consisting of 3 processing centers located in existing national command posts. The processing centers would be fed from the existing sensor data nodes through existing communication channels. These centers would then drive a number of "subscriber" displays which could be located where desired, including mobile command posts. The following assignments were made to the various members for xvork to be reported at the next meeting which is scheduled for 13-14 September 1972: OSD REVIEW COMPLETED. ALREADY DECLASSIFIED PER STAMP ON PG. 1 Clq.ssified by-_- ASD(I)-T_____________.-__-__-___ SUBJECT TO G ?NERAL, DECLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE OF RXECUTIVE ORDER 11652, AUTOhiATICALLY DO;tNGRADED AT TWO YEAR INTERVALS. DECLASSIFIED ON_ 31 Dec , 8 O Approved For Release 2004/12/15: CIA-RE 8R00010008 F,5 AS-D (I) Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R0Q 00080008-5 1. Outline/first draft of final report - Mr. Payne 2. System definition/ engineering - Mr. Everett/Dr. Shea 3. Decision process needs - Dr. Bobrow/Dr. Wilson 4. Military operational needs in excess of decision needs - Gen. Ferguson 5. Post attack environment - Mr. Haussmann 6. Naval system inputs -- Dr. Paolucci 7. Intelligence system inputs - Dr. Steininger The meeting adjourned at 1600. Norman W. Spa LTC, USA Secretary Enclosures: Encl. #1 - Agenda Encl. #2 - Attendance Roster Encl. #3 - Charter, TW & AA Task Force Distribution: Task Force Members Secy., DSB ODDR&E OASD (I) OASD (T) JCS 4----_~ Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA- 0828 R000100080008-5 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R 100080008-5 c..TlC;a `I.`actical Warning/Attack Assessment Task Force 23 June 1972 0935 Task Force Charter 1035 Tactical Warning Systems Briefing, Colonel Henderson 1140 Tactical Warning `.task Force Report, Mr. llaussmann 1.205 Lunch 1325 Air Force Scientific Advisory Board Report, Mr. Everett 1330 Discussion 1540 Task Assignment 1600 Adjourn ENCLOSURE 1 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R000100080008-5 Approved For Release 2004/12/15: CIA-RDP74JO0828R00 't00080008-5 Attendance Roster Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment Task Force Z3 June 197Z Mr. Fred A. Payne (Chairman), Martin Marietta Corporation Mr. Robert R. Everett, MITRE Corporation General James Ferguson, USAF (Ret.), United Aircraft Corporation Mr. A. Carl Ha.ussm.ann, Lawrence :Livermore Laboratory Dr. David E. Mann, ARPA (AM only) Dr. Dominic A. Paol.ucci, Lul.ejion and Assoc., Inc. (AM only) Dr. Donald. H. Steininger, CIA (AM briefly) Dr. Lloyd Wilson, R&D Assoc. (AM only) Observers LTC Anthony Albright, JCS Mr. Daniel Brockway, ODDR&E Mr. Robert Langelier, OASD(T) Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080008-5 Approved For Releae'e 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R00 0080008-5 DEFENSE SCIENCE BOARD Task Force on Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment A new DSB Task Force on Tactical Warning and .Attack Assess- ment is formed. " This new Panel has the pr. irn.ary objective of .formulating recommendations for an R&D program for future systems to cope with. evolving threats. To accomplish this objective, the new Panel will focus attention on the following specific tasks: 1. A review of the Tactical Warning Area Coordinating Paper and the Missile Attack and Warning Systems Program both in light of the findings from the former Tactical Warning Task Force. 2. A determination of future system possibilities of satisfying requirements for tactical warning and improved attack assessment. The needs of the NTCA and NMCS, NORAD, and SAC will be reviewed in detail. The near-term threat will also be reviewed and possible future Sovi.et responses investigated. Potential. improvements in survivability, availability and credibility of current and future systems will be assessed and special R&D programs to maximize the capability of the current mix of systems will be recommended. 3. A. determination of current and future system possibilities of satisfying requirements for attack assessment will be made. Special Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74JO0828R000100080008-5 Approved For Relea 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R00?.'10080008-5 emphasis will be given to cr edilAlity of data to support NCA decisions. 4. A review of new technologies which could be useful to tactical warning, attack and damage assessment but which are not yet mature enough on which to base a system concept. Their possible impact will be assessed anal. recommendations on future emphasis will be made. 5. An investigation of the utility of programmed and possible future tactical. warning systems in mutually assisting SAFEGUARD, HARD- SITE, and other potential missile and air defense systems. 6. Further investigation of the feasibility, utility and desirability of integrating selected near real time intelligence systems into the tactical warning and attack assessment complex. 7. Review current concepts and methods by which sensor data enters the communication system with particular attention to timeliness of data and survivability of data links. Identify alternate methods of com- munication if deficiencies arc indicated. It is anticipated that the new Task Force could begin with the first meeting in early June 1972. An interim report would be prepared in September 1972 and a final report in January 1973 on these tasks. It is anticipated that additional tasks will be assigned to this Task Force in the future. Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP74J00828R000100080008-5