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Approved Fc R se 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP83B01027 (2662-f"- 7r WHEN DETACHED FROM ENCLOSURE TREAT AS UNCLASSIFIED 0 6 FEB 1978 MEMORANDUM FOR: Ambassador Carlucci FROM : Robert R. Bowie Director, National Foreign Assessment Center .SUBJECT :. Crisis Management 1. Crisis management is a topic that. needs to be addressed soon from the standpoint of intelligence support to the President and cabinet officers in crisis situations. There is some ambiguity about the specific role of the DCI in those situations as well as-the support he requires from the Intelligence Community and the Agency. 2. The.attached papers (Outline of Intelligence Community Actions During Crises, draft 6 October 1976, and Checklist of Intelligence Community Action Durin Crises, draft 6 October 1976) are the result of careful del b ti i era _ons__ by.. an Agency:_commi ttee..----But, .i s that--to_ , further action _ hastake ~ lac ; . n p e nce.these-draft papers-were--sent-to --the DDCI= a y d ear an a half ago. 3. My personal knowledge of what has been done to study this problem is, of course, limited'by the short time I have been here. I did note that the last chairman of a committee to study this issue was a Special Assistant. to the DDCI. My judgment is that the subject deserves your attention. 4. Some of the issues requiring discussion, if not immediate resolution are: CIA task force arrangements to support DCI in crisis management situations Interagency or National Task Force procedures to marshal Community resources in support of DCI -- and conflicts with departmental .responsibilities Role of National Intelligence Tasking Center CIA relationship with State and Defense in either single agency or interagency task force Approved For.Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200120002-1 Approved .F ease 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83B01087S0200120002-1 WHEN DETACHED FROM ENCLOSURE TREAT AS UNCLASSIFIED Subject: Crisis Management CIA procedures to support DCI in PRC and SCC roles during crisis situations Procedures for moving from crisis management situations (Korea tree-cutting exercise, October War, evacuation from Beirut) to major emergency action. procedures such as displacing intelligence support to follow President to alternate command sites.-. 5. We are reviewing our procedures in NFAC to follow the checklist of October, 1976, and I am confident that we can do a creditable job of providing support to you and the DCI in the event of a crisis. But, I. will feel better about this after we have considered the roles of other elements of the -Agenc and the Community. My representative on this matter will be - 25 and he is available to provide you the background of the problem it you wish to discuss it. 25 Robert R. Bowie Attachments: as stated Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200120002-1 _ A63rcved F Release 20049 , k$IA-RDP83BO1 00200120002-1 . , DRAFT 6 October 1976 OUTLINE OF INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY ACTIONS DURING CRISES .A. Initiate CRITIC Reporting B Notify Senior Officials and Intelligence Components C Issue Alert Memorandum FOCUS A Designate Principal NIO for Crisis B Review and Adjust Collection Activities _ Identify and Retask Analytic Activities Community. Crisis Collection Coordinator Collection Program Managers __Is sue. Crisis Collection Guidance 38- 4. Prepare Status Report C Review and Adjust Analysis and Reporting 2. Consider Need for: a. NISR and Other Special Crisis Reports b.. Community Analytic Task Force c. Agency Task Force 3. Identify Special Crisis Reporting Requirements and Issue Guidance Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200120002-1 Approved Fo(,ase 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP83B0102??0200120002-1 D Participate in Crisis Planning and Decision Groups 1. WSAG 2. 'State Interagency Crisis Task Force 3., .JCS Crisis Task Force (CAT/NTF, etc.) E Review and Adjust Intelligence Support Activities 1. Communications 2. Facilities S 3.: Personnel RESPONSE' A Identify and Provide Intelligence for Decision Options B Advise President and WSAG G Inform=# rm~zuin#yy=o S`33ec sioas=and'Activities D? Plan and Implement Community Support for US Actions E Monitor Implementation of Community Actions A Notify Community of End of Crisis B Critique Community Performance 2 Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83B01027R000200120062-1 IV - SUBSIDENCE Approved F~r Release 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP83B0100020120002-1 DRAFT 6 October 1976 CHECKLIST OF INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY ACTIONS DURING CRISES .RESPONSIBILITY Initiate Crisis Situation Reporting, All Collection and including CRITIC Reports (Per DCID 7/1) Analytic Components Ensure Prompt Delivery of CRITIC NSOC Reports to Washington Area and U&S Command Intelligence and 'Operations Centers Establish NOIWON Conference (see NOIWON Members DCID 7/1, Appendix F) and Consult jCLhiefs:_ eratio Reports' and Alerting Actions Offices)'...... 0n-jilitia _Sig-~1f1Ga I1Ce Of ~T C _-v -e-44,6-r-:0 d Watch Notify Senior Officials and Intelligence Commnunity Components Alert DCI, DDCI, D/DCI/NI, D/DCI/IC,. DDI, D/OCI, DDS&T/DO, DDO/DO, O/DDA, to Crisis Situation . Notify CIA Vi atch Officers in WHSR, Chiefs of Operations Centers C/CIA/OPS Center C/CIA/OPS Center Notify FBIS of Crisis Situation and C/CIA/OPS Center Request Pr:.ority Coverage' : Alert Appropriate Field Stations and. Issue Appropriate Tasking DDO Stations and Bases DDO Area Division .Chiefs (on Alert from DDO/DO, thru O/DDO) D/OEL Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200120002-1 SUI _ FIE Field Stations D/FBIS -- NSA/CS:S Field Stations and Units -- Specified DoD Reconnaissance NSOC JCS/JRC -- Specified National Reconnaissance COMIREX Staff Activities DIA/AH Notify O/DDA of Crisis and Arrange for DDA Component Support Review Situation and Consider Recom- , mending Issuance of Alert Memorandum Issue Alert Memorandum C/CIA/OPS Center D/DCI/NI ..DCI Designate Principal NIO for the Crisis. DCI on Recommenda~ SECSTATE, SECDEF, C/JCS, D/DIA, DIRNSA, DDI, DDO, DDS&T, DDA _~enct._IVOta~?ica~aa~nc:to._~..s_st:- . ta- Pre$adeiit; -- Provide Substantive Intelligence Support to DCI in WSAG Need for Additional Community Crisis Mechanisms -?- Advise DCI With Respect to the Provide the Central Point of Contact Between the DCI, WSAG, NISR/TF, and the Intelligence Community -- Arrange for and Review All Special Crisis Substantive Intelligence Products Prepared for the DCI, WSAG, and the President (excluding the NISR and Current Intelligence Periodical Reporting) 2 Approved For Release 2004M12,~,,r fIA-RDP83B01027R000200120002-1 Approved FqrR lease 2004/11k264 W-RDP83B01 c2,00200120002-1 -- Assist the DCI in Obtaining Access to All Relevant Intelligence Analytical Views and Operational Information -- Provide Substantive Guidance and Production Priorities to the Chief, National Intelligence SITREP Task Force, and Agency Task Forces, (when-established) and to Intelligence Agency Production Components as Appropriate --- Provide Collection Priorities and Requirements to Collection Program Managers with the assistance of the Community Crisis Collection Coordinator* Mediate Any Interagency Community -Review Crisis Intelligence Collection Capabilities and Requirements with Collection Progra}n Managers, at the Direction of the Principal NIO -- Receive and Review Reports from Substantive or Procedural Problems That May. Arise Collection Program Managers on Collection Actions and Changes in Capabilities -- Advise Principal NIO and Chief, NISR/TF on Community Collection Actions and Changes in Capabilities -- Recommend Changes in Collection to meet Priority Crisis Requirements to Collection Program Managers, under the direction of the Principal NIO and in consultation with the Chief, NISR/TF. Submit major Collection Trade-off Options to the DCI, through the Principal NIO, for Approval Ccmmunity Crisis Collection Coordinator : See coRpr ve memoliganed 4/12/ ~~ TI i DP83B01027R000200120002-1 Approved F(r Release 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP8313010iff 000200120002-1 NUMBER ITEM RESPONSIBILITY -- Maintain Status of Crisis Collection Actions and Capabilities for DCI, Principal NIO, and Chief, NISR/TF .I13 priate Tasking. Notify and Consult Staff, JRC, DIA, FBI -- Plan for Intelligence Community Collection Support to U. S. Actions Review Crisis Intelligence Collection Collection Program - Capabilities, Target Opportunities Managers (NSOC, DD and Requirements and Adjust Appro- D/OEL, COMIREX with Principal NIO and Community Crisis Collection Coordinator Review, Coordinate, and Adjust DDI DDI Work Schedules, Production Schedules, and Report Formats Identify Available Expert Analysts and Their. Components Principal NIO _. -IiC2a Desigiiateltxeutive Ajent forSNatioiial Intelligence Situation Report UC2c . Designate Chief of National Intelli- gence SITREP Task Force (NISR/TF) -- Provide Facilities and Support Request Participation From Communi Consider Establishing a CIA Task Force -- Purpose/Need -- Effect on Present Arrangements -- Location -- Support Requirements /Capabilities DCI on Recomrr_er_datid from DDCI, D/DCI/IC, and D/DCI/NI Executive Agent DDCI (on Recommends tion of DDI, D/OCI,_ DDO, DDS&T, -C/CIA/ OPS Center Approved For Release 2004A /2 4? IA-RDP83B01027R000200120002-1 a~:s,. . Approved r r Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83B014000200120002-1 - Designate Chief -- Assign Individuals -- Review Continuing Need Participate in WSAG Meetings -- Provide Current Intelligence Briefings -- Provide Estimates of: Foreign Capabilities Foreign Actions and Reactions to Possible U. S. Actions -- Recommend Appropriate CIA Operational Activities Identify Special Crisis Reporting Requirements and Issue Reporting Guidance to Community Production Components Principal NIO --Principal NIO (for Intelligence Support and Coordination) Support DCI at WSAG Meetings --DDO, when appro- priate IIDZ Designate DCI Representative to State Department Interagency Crisis Task Force --Identify Purpose of Representation --DDS&T, when appro- priate DCI, on Recommenda- tion of DDCI, D/DCI/NI D/DCI/IC, DDO, and DDI Approved For Release 2004Zf2 tlA-RDP83B01027R000200120002-1 Approved ?Fo(Release 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP83B0102M00200120002-1 Aso& ? NUMBER ITEM Intelligence Support to State Planning Keep DCI, Principal NIO, C/NISR/TF, and Agency TF Informed on State Planning and Actions . .. Notify State of Intelligence Actions Notify State of CIA Operational Activities and Coordinate such Activities as Appropriate RESPONSIBILITY -- Designate Reporting Procedures and Points of Contact Designate DCI Representative to JCS Crisis Planning Groups (Crisis Action Team, NMCC Task Force, OPS DEPS, -0PS Center=?? Identify Purpose of Representation Intelligence Support to Military Planning Keep DCI, Principal NIO, C/NISR/TF, And Agency TFs Informed on Military Plans and Actions . Notify JCS of Intelligence Actions Notify JCS of CIA Operational Activities and Coordinate such Activities as Appropriate -- Designate Reporting Procedures and Points of Contact Arrange for Use of OEL OPSCOM Circuits for CIA Task Force DCI, on Recommenda~ tion of DDCI, D/DCI/ D/DCI/IC, DDO, DDI, DDS&T, and C/CIA/_. D/OEL (on Request of C/CIA/OPS Center thru DDS&T/DO) Approved For Release 2004/1g 4VNCIf-RDP83B01027R000200120002-1 ?Approved F~r ease .2004/12/22: CIA-RDP83B01027 HUMBER ITEM Maintain?and Support CIA Crisis Task Force Facility Provide Watch Officer and Clerical Support to CIA Task Force III - RESPONSE i;IlA Identify and Arrange for Intelligence Support to Decision Options Advise WSAG, NSC, and President on Foreign Intelligence Aspects of Crisis Response JUG Inform Appropriate Community Elements of WSAG Decisions and US Political and Military Actions Plan and Implement Intelligence Community Collection Support to U. - S, Actions _ IIIE Monitor Implementation of Com- munity Actions During Crisis IV - SUBSIDENCE Notify Community of Subsidence of Crisis Situation Critique Intelligence Community Performance 0200120002-1 RESPONSIBILITY C/CIA/OPS Center C/CIA/OPS Center (o Request from C/CIA/ TF) , Principal NIO Principal NIO Collection Program Managers in consulta- tion with Community Collection Coordinator D/DCI/IC Principal NIO D/ DCI/IC Approved For Release 2004/'E ? C A-RDP83B01027R000200120002-1 Approved For RSse 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP83B01027F200120002-1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Sayre Stevens UNCLASSIFIED WHEN SEPARATED FROM SECRET ATTACHMENT Deputy Director National Foreign AssessmenX Center Chief, Collection Liaison Staff SUBJECT : Crisis Management 1. Crisis management was_brought-to Mr. Carlucci's attention by Mr. Bowi i n a mrr~e o`ra_ndum dated 6 February 1978? In that memorandum, Mr Bowie sited that t e C was reviewing its procedures to ensure proper support to the DCI in the event of a crisis. 2. Pursuant to this review, I met with representatives of the office directors and provided them with the January 1977 draft Checklist of Intelligence Community Actions During Crises prepared by Cord Meyer. Then, I revised Cord Meyer's draft and circulated it for comment to Messrs. Stevens, Walsh, Lehman, and Heyman on 17 February 1978. Suggestions were provided by Lehman and Heyman. 3. Attaj1e, i ..thwl,atest draft.of..,a crsi$,checkli t.fgr~your review The next step will be to discus this checklist with the office directors and NIOs prior to working out a modus operandi with the DDCI, and aoorooriate elements of the Community. 4_ T rarnmmPnd that this draft be circulated to office directors go Outline of Intelligence Community Actions During Crises cc: Messrs. Walsh, Lehman, Heyman UNCLASSIFIED WHEN SEPARATED FROM SECRET ATTACHMENT Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83B01027R000200120002-1 25: Approved For Release 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP83BO102000200120002-1 ? DRAFT: HFH 10 March 1978 OUTLINE OF INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY ACTIONS DURING CRISES I ALERT A Initiate CRITIC Reporting B Notify Senior Officials and Intelligence Components C Issue Alert Memorandum II FOCUS A Designate Principal NIO for Crisis Review Collection Requirements with NIO, NITO, and Collection Program Managers C NITC Issues Crisis Collection Tasking and Prepare Collection Schema Review and Adjust Analysis and Reporting 1. Identify and Retask Analytic Activities Consider Need for: a. Agency Task Force b. National Intelligence Situation Report c. Community Liaison Arrangements 3. Identify Special Crisis Reporting Requirements to NITO and Collection Elements as Appropriate Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200120002-1 Approved For Release 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP83B010p000200120002-1 0 SECRET E Participate in Crisis Planning and Decision Groups 1. PRC/SCC 2.. State Interagency Crisis Task Force 3. JCS Crisis Task Force (CAT/NTF9 etc.). F Review and Adjust Intelligence Support Activities 1. Communications 2. Facilities 3. Personnel III R,SPONSE A Identify and Provide Intelligence for Decision Options 3 Advise President and PRC/SCC C Inform Community of US Decisions and Activities as Appropriate 0 Plan and Implement Community Support for US Actions E Monitor Implementation of Community Actions IV SUBSIDENC A Notify Community of End of Crisis 8 Critique Community Performance ' SECRET Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200120002-1 - Approved For R*se 2004/12/22 : Sj,6{f P83B01027F*200120002-1 DRAFT 10 March 1978 CHECKLIST OF INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY ACTIONS DURING CRISES ITEM I - ALERT Initiate Crisis Situation Reporting, including CRITIC Reports (Per DCID 7/1) Ensure Prompt Delivery of CRITIC Reports to Washington Area and U&S ? Command Intelligence and Operations Centers Establish NOIWON Conference (see DCID 7/1, Appendix F) and Consult on Initial Significance of CRITIC Reports and Alerting Actions Notify Senior Officials and Intelligence Community Components Alert DCI, DDCI, D/DCI/NI, D/DCI/CT, 1DD/NFACLAD/NFAC/S$;; DDS&T/DO, DDO/DO;, 0/DDA,, to. Cri s i s- Situation Notif CIA Watch Officers in WHSR, and NMCC of Crisis Notify FBIS of Crisis Situation and Request Priority. Coverage Alert Appropriate Field Stations and Issue Appropriate Tasking DDO Stations and Bases -- DDS&T Field Elements -- FBIS Field Stations SECRET -2- RESPONSIBILITY All Collection and Analytic Components NSOC NOIWON Members (Chiefs of Operations Centers and Watch Offices) Chiefs of Operations Centers C/CIA/OPS Center C/CIA/OPS Center C/CIA/OPS Center DDO Area Division Chiefs (on Alert from DDO/DO, through O/DDO) D/OSO D/FBIS Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200120002-1 NUMBER : ITEM SECRET 0 Approved For ease 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP83BO102 NSA/CSS Field Stations and Units Specified DoD Reconnaissance Activities Specified National Reconnaissance Activities Defense Attaches Notify O/DDA of Crisis and Arrange. for DDA Component Support. Review Situation and Consider Recom- mending Issuance of Alert Memorandum Issue Alert Memorandum II ;-.FOCUS RESPONSIBILITY NSOC D/DCI/CT and JCS/JRC D/DCI/CT. DIA/AH C/CIA/OPS Center . D/DCI/NI DCI Designate Principal NIO for the Crisis. DCI on Recommendation Send Notification to Asst. to President, of D/DCI/NI SECSTATE, SECDEF, D/DCI/CT, C/JCS, D/DIA, DIRNSA, DDO, DDS&T, DDA Principal NIO would: --- Provide Substantive Intelligence Support to DCI in PRC/SCC --~ Advise DCI With Respect to the Need for Additional Community Crisis Mechanisms --- Provide the Central Point of Contact Between the DCI, PRC/SCC,_ Agency jask.Force and the. Intelligence Community Arrange for and Review All Special Crisis Substantive Intelligence Products Prepared for the DCI, PRC/SS, and the President (excluding the.Task Force Situation Report and Current Intelligence Periodical Reporting) SECRET Approved For Release 2004/12/22?ETA-RDP83B01027R000200120002-1 ,Approved For Release 2004/12/22: CIA-RDP83B01 SECRET NUMBER ITEM RESPONSIBILITY Assist the DCI in Obtaining Access to All Relevant Intelligence Analytical Views and Operational Information -- Provide Substantive Guidance and Production Priorities to the Chief, Agency Task Force, (when established) and to Intelligence Agency Production Components as Appropriate Provide Intelligence Information Requirements and Priorities to the NITO and/or the Collection Program Managers Mediate Any Interagency Community Substantive or Procedural Problems That May Arise IN Review Crisis Intelligence Collection.' NITO. Capabilities and Requirements with:C&Ilec- tion Program Managers,. based upon the. Guidance of the Principal NIO - Receive anT Review Reports from Collection Programanagerson.. Colletan Actions and Changes in Capabilities -- Advise Principal NIO and Chief of Agency Task Force on Community Collection'Actions and Changes in Capabilities Recommend Changes in Collection to meet Priority Crisis Requirements. to Collection Program Managers, in consultation with the Principal NIO -and the Chief, IF. Coordinate Major Collection Trade-off Options with the Principal NIO and Submit to the DCI for Approval SECRET -4- Approved. For Release 2004/12/22 CIA-RDP83BO1,027R000200120002-1 NUMBER Approved For lease 2004/12/2%E 1e1RDP83B0102r00200120002-1 ITEM RESPONSIBILITY -- Maintain Status of Crisis Collection Actions and Capabilities for DCI, Principal NIO, and Chief, NISR/TF IIB IIC IICl I IC2 I1C3 -- Plan for Intelligence Community Collection Support to U.S. Actions Review Crisis Intelligence Collection Collection Program Capabilities, Target Opportunities Managers (NSOC, DDO, and Requirements and Adjust Appro- D/OSO, JRC, DIA.FBIS) priate Tasking. Notify and Consult with Principal NIO and. Review, Coordinate, and Adjust NFAC A/D/NFAC/SS Work Schedules, Production Schedules, and Report Formats Identify Available Analysts A/D/NFAC/SS and and Their Components Principal NIO Establish CIA/NFAC Task Force D/DCI/NI Provide Facilities and Support within CIA Operations Center Consider Liaison Arrangements Between Task Force and Other Agencies. Identify Special Crisis Production Reporting Requirements and Issue 1Rep6rting Guidance to Community Production Components Participate in PRC/SCC Meetings Provide Current Intelligence Briefings Provide Estimates of: Foreign Capabilities Foreign Actions and Reactions to Possible U.S. Actions Principal NIO DCI Recommend Appropriate CIA Operational Activities SECRET -5- Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200120002-1 Approved For 2004/12/22SE IRA DP83B0102 'ease IH NUMBER ITEM ? 1101 Support DCI at PRC/SCC Meetings 1102 Designate DCI Representative to State Department Interagency Crisis task Force 1103 Designate DCI Representative to JCS Crisis Planning Groups (Crisis Action Team, NMCC Task Force, OPS DEPS, etc.) Identify Purpose of Representation Intelligence Support to State Planning Keep DCI, Principal NIO, NITO and Chief of TF Informed on State Planning and Actions' Notify State of Intelligence Actions as Appropriate Notify State of CIA Operational Activities and Coordinate such Activities as Appropriate Designate Reporting Procedures and Points of Contact Identify Purpose of Representation Intelligence Support to Military Planning Keep_ DCI, Principal NIO, NITO, ''and Chief of TF Informed on Military Plans and Actions .. Notify JCS of Intelligence Actions SECRET -6- RESPONSIBILITY Principal NIO (for - Intelligence Support and Coordination DDO, when appropriate DDS&T, when appropriate DCI, on Recommendation of DDCI, D/DCI/NI, and DDO DCI, on Recommendation of DDCI. D/DCI/NI,',D/DCI/C 1DDO,_DDS&T,_and D/CIA Ops Ctr ' Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200120002-1 Approved For,ease 2004/12/2 Q1AjRDP83B01024000200120002-1 IIIE Monitor Implementation of Community DDCI Actions During Crisis IVA IV - SUBSIDENCE Notify Community of Subsidence of Principal NIO Crisis Situation P18 Critique Intelligence Community DDCI with D/DCI/NI Performance and D/DCI/CT SECRET -7- Approved For Release 2004/12/22 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200120002-1 0 NUMBER ITEM .. Notify JCS of CIA Operational Activities and Coordinate such Activities as Appropriate Designate Reporting Procedures and Points of Contact RESPONSIBILITY ]IEI Arrange for Use of OSO OPSCOM D/OSO (on Request of Circuits for CIA Task Force C/CIA/OPS Center through DDS&T/DO) 11E2 Maintain and Support CIA Crisis Task C/CIA/OPS Center Force Facility III - RESPONSE IIIA Identify and Arrange for Intelligence Principal NIO Support to Decision Options ISIS Advise PRC/SCC, NSC, and President on DCI Foreign Intelligence Aspects of Crisis Response ISIC. Inform Appropriate Community Elements DCI or.-Principal of PRC/SCC Decisions and US Political NIO upon Instruction and Military Actions ilia Plan and Implement Intelligence Collection Program Community Collection Support to Managers in con- U.S. Actions sultation with D/DCI/CT,