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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
October 17, 2003
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Publication Date: 
October 26, 1950
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Approved For Release 2003 /22 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006300590008-4 n irtlnrrxMTIAI CLASSI FICATION COUNTRY 5OVi t Zone of Oermaany TOPIC Juetorbog-Alted Lager Airfield 25X1 EVALUATION DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES -._.___._PLACE OBTAINED I.._GATE PREPARED 26 Octobor PAGES 1 ENCLOSURES (No. & TYRO REMARKS 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 1. The runway at the Juetor jog-A1t/o Ltger ON 52/C 69) airfield was completed on 6 October 1:3500 (1) big'lt poles, tracks., and building oqui,n nt were removed from the ii nw4 yo The loading; ramps for standard-gauge railroad cars c 7t. the ez.stern edge of the field were no longer being used. There .aorc oily dutrocars and tracks of the construction firm that gore shippi ag their building equi pment. Three biplanes and ono sin ;le engi ne, low-wing monoplane were parked in front of the closed hangars.. ': reoccupation of the field appeared possible 2. A laborer at the field who was to return to Guben (0 52/A 79) said that the runway, 1,800 motors long, was completed. (2) The taxiways were finished, the capacity of the asolino installation had boon doublel and the landing field was b eing graded and enlarged. (3) Most of tho workers tore transferred to i aerstenbor y0der (0 53/V 71) (Li) The uubon airfield, i'olish occupied 'Zone, eras d eraolished but the buildings at the field have recently boon lighted at night. I/or onto. (1) a co-:1-)' cion of the runway was ro 7ortod by the in J uly 25X1 1950 It was confirmod 17.r I L'oe 25X1 T ho tZ-.- wags are also a ;pnrently donqxrouwao esld Trill 25X1 ,loss y soon be reoccupied by an v.ir unite 25X1 (2) The stator.2onts on the length of the runway received from various sources disa