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Approved For Release 2005/03/16 : CIA-RDP80B04R003300260031-8 Tape 15 Side A, 4 1/3 - 4 1/2 14 MAY 1979 STAT MEMORANDUM FOR: Mr. Tom Watson may call or have his man, Bill Jackson, call for an appointment this week. If so, I want to do it. STAT STAT 0C Approved For Release 2005/03/16 : CIA-RDP80BO1554R003300260031-8 THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION Article appe ved For Releases 5 / 7. IA-RDP80B01554R003300260031-8 on page A-1, 7 CIA Warns Of Serious 'til Crunch WASHIIGTON (AP) - A new CIA.' study painted a gloomy picture Wednes- day of the nation's ability to recover from the loss of Iranian oil and warned: of major shortages, higher prices and an> economic slowdown. Industry and government energy offs- dais told a Senate panel they would not. dispute the agency s findings. And they. insisted that current worldwide oil short- ages are indeed real, not contrived by: big oil companies to drive up prices and:: boost profits. "The bottom line is that unless-Iranian.- production is soon restored to a level of about 3 to 4 million barrels per day, or oil consumption is restrained, stocks wilL-. fall to abnormally low levels by mid-: year." the CIA said. "rhis will inevitably lead to increased: rationing of supplies by oil companies,, higher prices, and curtailed economic. growth," said the study, which was released by Sen. Mark Hatfield, R-Ore. The CIA claimed these consequences: will happen "even with high levels of production in Saudi- Arabia and else where." Saudi Arabia increased its productiow by about 1 million barrels a day to help offset the loss of Iranian oil, but there has been considerable speculation that: the Saudis will back off their exports somewhat now that Iranian oil is ag flowing. Iran, which- produced about 6 millio barrels of oil daily before all production: was ceased is December, has recently.; resumed production. But. US-,, oHIcials. say Iranian production has risen to only::, about 2.5 million barrels aday, which.' they claim would permit maximum ex- ports of some 1.8 million barrels daily... Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, has said he will call for an embargo of Middle Eastern oil shipments to the United States be- cause of its role in arranging the treaty. But' Shariar Rouhani?,; who has been Iran's chief official representative to the United States since Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini came to power, told reporters at a news conference Wednesday that re- sumption of Iranian oil, shipments "en- tirely depends on American intentions and American friendship" toward Iran.:: _' "The American people have to get some oil, and the Iranian people have to sell their oil. So we shall export oil ac- cording to those principles," he said. Before the revolution, Iran accounted, for 10 percent of the world's oil and 5 percent of the U.S.. supply. Hatfield made public the conclusions of the otherwise-classified CIA report at at a Senate Energy Committee hearing ! into the magnitude of the 3-month-old Iranian cutoff.. Oil industry officials told the panel they agreed that restoration of Iranian oil supplies alone does not signal an end to tight supplies. They warned of spiral- lag prices and shortages of gasoline and other petroleum products in the months to come. "If demand is not brought into balance with supply fairly promptly, oil invento- ries will diminish to inoperable levels as working stocks are drawn," testified Robert N. Dolph,, president of. Exxon International Co. Dolph . denied contentions by some committee members that oil companies may be overstating the seriousness of the Iranian situation and deliberately boarding oil supplies.. to drive up the price. However, he conceded that Exxon is doing a brisker business and increasing its profits in Europe as a result of the events in Iran. But, he said, "eve do not think the record will show that benefit has been excessive." Assistant Energy Secretary Harry E. Bergold Jr. told the panel: "We have every reason to believe that companies are behaving reasonably and equitably in the present difficult situation." 'Questioned on the CIA's findings, Ber- gold agreed that serious shortages- especially of heating oil for next winter -are possible. And he said there". is.," no guarantee" that. Iranian production ..will reach the 3-million to 4-million-barrel daily level the CIA says is the-minimum production needed to-.avoid such short ages..... :_. . Bergold said that President Carter,, as he assembles details of his March. 29 energy policy address- to the nation;. is considering options to deal with the-loss of Iranian oil that include: ? Steps to reduce energy consumption. in buildings "and in the transportation sector." ? Fuel-switching ' by-. utilities-}:,and' industries from oil togas and coaL . ? Moving: electric power from `coal fired power plants to regions served by, utilities that burn oil: ? Increased production of oil from Alaska and the government's Elk' Hills petroleum reserve in California. Exxon officials also told the panel they supported decontrol of crude-oil prices-another option reportedly being ; considered by the president-but that it would not help ease shortages caused-by the Iranian turmoil. . - However, the Exxon witnesses- esti- mated that full decontrol would result in about $13 billion in higher costs to con- sumers over the next 2% years. Herbert L Goodman. president of Gulf Oil's Trading and Transportation subsidi- ary, told the panel in prepared testimony, that another major problem is growing, shortages of. the kind of oil-light crude! -usually. used to make gasoline and jet., fuel. . ?. This. scarcity began to: crop up even, before. the Iranian developments and,, "therein lie . the seeds of . the. next oil! crisis," he said. -._... ...'- ,. ... :j Approved For Release 2005/03/16 : CIA-RDP80B01554R003300260031-8