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~~/~~~~~J'~~i~Q04/O~OI~~$~~~975q~ 11 October 1953 Copy No. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN pOCUMENTNO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. ~~,,a.-----~ C# DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED Tp; TS S C NEXT R6VIEEN DATE: 2 ~ o q.__ AUTH: HR 702 DP.TE:~C?L7~2~ RtVIFWEr~: -~- Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DIA and DOS review(s) completed. TUP SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300260001-8 Approved For Rc~ase 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001 SUMMARY GENERAL 00266a~1 $A ? ~ British action in Guiana may influence Latin American UN v ' (page 3), ottng FAR EAST 2. Chou En-lai's political conference proposal (page 3}. 3. Coup against Rhee believed unlikely (page 4). SOUTHEAST ASIA 25X1 .25X1 I a (page 5), n ~ rench claimed angson raid reportedly less successful th F NEAR, EAST -AFRICA Ofl field in southeastern Turkey recorded as a ma'or reservoir (page 5). ~ ?. Comment on Syrian elections (page 7). 8. Kenya officials pessimistic over elimination of Mau Mau (page 8). EASTERN EUROPE W' Comment on Yugoslav reaction to Tr' Neste demarche (page 8}, WESTERN EUROPE erman .delegate progress made on EPC at Rome (page 10). 12. LATIN AMERICA Copper strike threatened in Chile (page 10). 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 11 Oct 53 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300260001-8 25X1A Approved For R se 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A00 00260001-8 GENERAL 25X1A 1. British action in Guiana may influence Latin American UN voting: A Venezuelan official and the ambassac ors from. uba, Ecuador and Argentina reportedly have made statements favoring the liquidation of the "colonial system in America:' e nQnse - overnin territorial issues are debated, Latin American reaction to the Guiana situation has- shown a strongly national- istic tone which may have its effect in the UN when the Tunisian-Moroccan and 25X1 Comment: Last year Cuba, Ecuador and Venezuela. joined Brazil and other Latin American countries in sponsor- ing amild resolution on North Africa designed to give the French time to undertake reforms in the area. The French, confident of defeating 25X1 any Arab-Asian proposal, have asked the Latin Americans not to take 25X1 any initiative on the issue this year, FAR EAST 2. Chou En-lai's political conference proposal: 25X1 A I I Chinese Communist premier Chou En-lai's 10 October message to the UN secretary-general proposes meetings between Communist and American representatives at Panmunjom to decide the time and place of the Korean political conference and, "more important," its composition. Chou specifically. reaffirms the Communist demand for the participation of "neutral nations" in the conference itself. The only modification of Chou's position of 13 September is the withdrawal of the demand that Chinese Communist and North Korean representatives be invited to conduct "yoint negotia- tions" at the UN General Assembly. The current statement waters down, but does not withdraw, the 13 September demand for settlement of the composition question before discussing the time and place. _3_ 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300260001-8 Approved For R se 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001 25X1A 25X1A Chows message does not reflect any Sino-Soviet disagreement on the canfer~nce. A Polish UN delegate .told an American official on 5 October that the USSR favors atwo- phase conference, t. e. , preliminary negotiations on procedure to be followed by the conference itself. Such a procedure would lend itself to the familiar Communist delaying tactics. Coup against Rhee believed unlikelyo juncture. It points out that police and possibly army support would be needed, and the president has successfully removed Yi supporters from key positions in both organizations. The American embassy in Seoul reports that in desperation supporters of Yi Pam- sok might attempt to unseat President Rhee, but that such action is unlikely at this Commenta Contrary to the embassy's views, General Chong Il-kwon,4 commander of South Korea's II Corps, .reportedly stated in late September that Yi stiYl could determine the actions of the army, and that there is danger of a coup by elements of the I Corps. There is no other evidence to indicate that an army coup is likely. 25X1A 11 Oct 53 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300260001-8 25X1 Approved For Ruse 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001 k~oo2sb~=~A 25X1 25X1A 5. Langson raid reportedly less successful than French claimed: n evacuate vehicles aid other supplies with the result thatlaut matic rifles were the only important stocks at the depot. Considerably less. than 1, 000 tons of enemy materiel was destroyed, in contrast to the figure of 5,000 tons which was given to the press. Comment: The Langson raid was widely acclaimed as a successful manifestation of a new aggressive policy instituted by General Navarre. The commander in chief carried out only one other operation of six which he reportedly planned during the summer rainy season, and it was even .less successful. had no signifbcant effect pn Viet Minh capabil deSeen expected, and A security leak gave the e t' the French High ommissariat in Saigon told the assist- ant US army attache on 8 October that the French raid on Langson last July was not as successful h NEAR EAST -AFRICA 6. Oil field in southeastern Turkey recorded as a major reservoir: 25X1A Oil reserves at the Raman field in south- eastern Turkey (see map,. po 6) are now estimated at 400,000,000 barrels, enough 11 Oct 53 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T009757~~~0260001-8 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300260001-8 25X1A Approved For R se 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A00 0026(=1~A to support for over 35-years the nearb Batman refiner which has a daily capacity of 7, 500 barrels, Turkey's plans for exploiting the Kaman oil reservoir, ormerly cautious, are now proceeding at full speed. Comment: This is the first evidence that Turkey may have significant of resources. In 1952 the proven reserves of this same, field were estimated as 70,000,000 barrels. Sharply increasing oil requirements have become a major factor in Turkey's foreign expenditures. On the basis of this latest estimate, the Raman field should be able to supply roughly 25 percent of Turkey's petroleum requirements, and thus reduce the drain on Turkish dollar .:earnings. 7. , Comment on Syrian elections: The rigged. election on 9 October of a yrian parliament at least superficially completes the restoration of constitutional rule promised by General Shishakli. when he seized power in December 1951. He now possesses the prestige and constitutional machinery necessary for implementing domestic reforms and foreign policies. He may be expected to push through parlia- ment aseries of agricultural, .commercial and financial reforms. He is also likely to renew efforts to obtain sizable economic and military assistance from the United States, as well as a loan from the World Bank, for which legislative approval is needed. He will probably now resume his efforts to get higher oil revenues from the Iraq Petroleum Company. The majoraty of Syrians are relatively indifferent to President Shishakli's dictatorship, but the disgruntled politicians and extremist. elements, currently checked by his police controls, are a constant threat to his position. 25X1A 11 Oct 53 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300260001-8 High Kenya officials are reportedly pessimistic 'about prospects of elimi- nating the Mau Mau. They are said to be extremely concerned over the secret -8- 8..Kenya officials pessimistic over elimination of Mau Mau 25X1A least one report. 25X1 25X1A e rea wt arise i t e Mau Mau resorts to sabotage of com- munications facilities and mass strikes, as has been suggested by at EASTERN EUROPE 9. Comment on Yugoslav reaction to Trieste demarche: Approved For R se 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001 society's continuing ability to intimidate Africans in Kenya and over .further indications that the Mau Mau is spreading beyond the Kikuyu tribe. The security situation. in Nairobi is reportedly now worse than ever. Comment: The deterioration of security in Nairobi and the continuing ail~ure o`f increased military operations to suppress the Mau Mau .are now reversing the wave of optimism which followed the appointment of Sir George "Erskine as commander in a;hief of -the East Africa command last June. Yugoslavia's opposition to the American- British demarche on Trieste was emphatically reaffirmed on 10 and 11 Octo- ber, when Tito warned that Italian aggression in Zone A would be met by all measures at Yugoslavia's disposal under the United Nations Charter, in- cluding the use of .armed force. He warned that Yugoslav troops would enter Zone A the moment Italian troops moved into the zone. These threats are obviously designed to disrupt plans for the replacement of Allied troops by .Italian forces. i To support this. firm position, all military leaves -have been canceled and Tito has affirmed that units of the Yugoslav army have already entered Zone B to reinforce the garrison there. The American embassy in .Belgrade has evidence, as yet unconfirmed, of troop ~?ov~~ments toward Zone B in the vicinity of Ljubljana. 25X1A V30026~~OT-8 , ~I O:t ~~ Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300260001-8 Approved For Re'F~se 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001 By these belligerent gestures, Tito is assum- ing astand from which he will find it extremely difficult to retreat. The emphasis which Belgrade ~a,s placed on the provisions of the Italian Peace Treaty and the principles of the United Nations Charter suggest~~_.however,, that these military steps are intended to prepare the- ground for a Jugoslav appeal to the United Nations on the grounds that the Ang1o~A~merican plan constitutes a threat to the peace. 25X1 -9- 25X1A 11 Oct 53 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300260001-8 25X1A Approved For Rey 11, German delegate sees progrees made on EPC at Romeo 25X1A predicted that its final report would contain no compromnses jeopardiz- ing the supranational principle of the community. r Walter Hallstein, chief German delegate, conceded that the meeting of the European Political Community at Rome had been "disappointing in some aspects," but flatly Hallstein added that the conference agreed to postpone the previously scheduled Hague meeting until late November, thus enabling working level diplomats to resolve some of the dilfferences between the various participants. Comment: At the Rome meeting, it became clear that the French represent fives wanted to water down the supra- national powers of the EPC executive. Since Franee and West Germany will probably negotiate on the Saar issue before the Hague meeting, it is possible that the French may reduce their demands for a weak EPC executive if Chancellpr Adenauer grants concessions on the Saar. French Socialists, whose votes are needed by the government for EDC ratification, will simultaneously be pressing their government for a stronger EPC execu- tive. LATIN AMERICA 25X1A 12. Copper strike threatened in Chile: with the workers prnor to a settlement of their various problems with the Chilean government. percent wage increase and additional benefits which would amount to as much more. The companies claim that they are unable to negotiate The Copper Confederation workers at the American-owned mines in northern Chile have called a strike for 12 Qctober unless the companies meet their demands fora 75 10- 25X1A 11 Oct 53 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300260001-8 Approved For R se 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A00 25X1A Comment: The northern mines produce about 65 percent of Chile's coppery With present government expendi- tures .running from 10 to 15 percent over 1953 estimates, any further loss of xevenue from copper would- seriously weaken Chile's already shaky economy. The Chilean government's attitude toward this striks threat is not .known, but a state of eme~cgency has already been declared in this area as a ~Cesult of a nitrate workers strike. -11- 25X1A 11 Oct 53 Approved For Release 2004/03/11 :CIA-RDP79T00975A001300260001-8