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January 10, 1975
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Approved For Release 2005/05/20 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600010034-1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel rides -? .10 Januar 1975 IA IN rR tAL USE 6NLY S E C R1, ET Page 2 5. I Together with'i met with Gary Kim Wincup, House Armed Services Committee staff, and completed the security briefing for his access to compartmented information. The security documentation was also completed. 6. JGO) Delivered to Jack Boos, Intelligence Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee staff, an informal note on the Detroit News item of 11 December 1974 entitled "Secret Spy School Run. By CIA Located in D. C. Apartment, " 25X1 Met with William H, Hogan, Counsel, Intelli.gence25X1 Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee, and reviewed with him the correspondence from 8. In connection with his call of yesterday, Tom Lattimer quested copies of the following transcripts containing tes amony by Mr. Schlesinger: 11 May 1973, Senate Armed Services Committee; 14 May 1973, Senate Armed Services Committee; 23 May 1973, Senate Armed Services Committee; 9 May 1973, Senate Appropriations Committee, and 16 May 1973, House Armed Services Committee. Also sent to him was a copy of House Armed Services Report 93-25, dated 23 October 1973. 9. LLM) Received a call very early this morning at my home from Mike Sniffen (sp) of Associated Press concerning an article that would appear in the papers in the morning. I told Sniff en that I had no comment. 10. PLC) Met with Jim Cline, Associate General Counsel, I-louse Judiciary Committee, concerning the Agency material in the Committee impeachment files, which has been sent to Archives. Cline said he was still anxious to have all of the Agency material held by the Agency for recall by the Committee. Chairman Peter W. Rodino, Jr. (D., N. J.) was in agreement and Cline will discuss this with the Clerk of the House. CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY""' .." _~ Approved For Release 2005/05/20 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600010034-1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/05/20 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600010034-1 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/05/20 : CIA-RDP77M00144R000600010034-1 A a rov d or Release 2005/05/20 : CIA-RDP77M00144R0.00600010034-1 Jou r MR R - Of. ice of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 9 January 1975 L-A CIA INTERNAL USE ONLY Page 2 Armed Services Committee staff, who said he could not get a copy of Senator- Richard Schweiker's press release but said a copy was posted on the bulletin board and he took a few notes. Supposedly Schweiker has evidence linking CIA to planned industrial intelligence operations in England, France, West Germany, Japan, Canada and the Soviet Union and questions why we (CIA) should have an interest in mass transportation technology. Goldsmith said he was sure 25X1 .that the press release would be available to the radio and television by 6:30 p. m. this evening and that it is probably on the wires now. Goldsmith 25X1 said he didn't know how we felt about this but that it was a press release and maybe someone from this Office should go by Schweiker's office, identify himself as being from the CIA, and ask for a copy of the press release. This was done. 6. LLM) Received a call from Margaret in Mr. Thuermer s office, Assistant to the Director, saying she had received a call from Bill Raifford, Library of Congress (phone 426-5060). Raifford had received a request from a congressman wanting to know how many blacks the CIA employees and also if the CIA funded or surveilled any civil rights groups during 1967. A call was placed to Raifford. 7. Called Tom Lath and told him we would send him a Xerox copy of the 11 May 1 73 transcript before the Senate Armed Services Committee containing testimony of Mr. Schlesinger. 8. LLM) Received a call from Ken Garfield, in the office of Representative Charles Rangel (D., N. Y.) requesting figures on employment patterns of the CIA over the years, I asked him. what kind of figures he was interested in. I told him that normally the Agency, by law, does not publish overall figures for budget, personnel, etc., but we do, in connection with Affirmative Action Program of EEO, give certain percentages. Garfield also asked if the upcoming hearings on domestic activities would in any way pertain to this " matter..' I 'told him I would check on the figures and be back in touch with him. After checking with EEO Office. I calla rT 25X1 uarxieici and gave him the percentages for the past three years. He seemed satisfied with this information and no further action is -necessary. CIS i f `t t if", 'NA 41t,;1J ~.,,