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STAT Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/06 CIA-RQP,7?WQ$80;FgU,09390.050019; 8, RUSSIAN MISSILE Soviet Missile Test May Chart a New Course or the Arms Talks CALLED SUCCESS Procedures, which he said would be "difficult." Today, Dr. Schlesinger said that the Soviet success meant that it was imperative for the United States to prevent the Russians from gaining a clear advantage by combining their quantity lead with qualitative equality. Information on the SS-18 and its successful test on a range ending on the Kamchat- ka Peninsula in northeastern Siberia apparently reached the Pentagon from intelligence sources yesterday. Dr. Schlesinger, characteriz- ing as "very adventuresome" a series of missile tests that started in May, listed four new- generation Soviet missiles that he said could lead the Soviet Union to "a clear advantage in counterforce capability" over the United States. The four missiles are desig- nated by United States defense authorities as the following: JThe SS-16, a missile pro- pelled by solid fuel, with a car- By BERNARD GWETZMAN warheads on their entire arse- a technological lead over the The announcement by De- nal of land-based and subma- Russians in multiple-warhead rine-la fense Secretary unched missiles. missiles, but that the Soviet James R. Schles- In a sense, the Soviet flight Union had a numerical edge in inger yesterday that the Soviet test has put the newly-devel- numbers of missile launchers. Union had finally flight-tested oped, improved state of rela- The two leaders agreed to ac- an independently targeted mul-Itions between Washington andicelerate negotiations so that an tiple warhead came as no sur-.'Moscow to its first real test. offensive-weapons treaty could prise, since :Pentagon leaders' The two nations will have to he signed by the end of next had been saying for more than decide in coming years whether sear. In crucial language, they a year that it was only a ques- to carry out their obligations, r1so agreed to be "guided by tion of time before the Russians in various accords, not to seek the recognition of each other's News Analysis caught up with the nuclear superiority over the e ;ual security interests and by Americans in mul- other or to let the Russian mis- the recognition that efforts to . , tiple - warhead sile advances lead to another nhtain unilateral advantage, di-'MIRVs it can it nch. In other'Nixon's national security advis technology. round in the arms race. re'?tly or indirectly, would be words, if the Iussians only er, have predicted that the' But the unan- On June 21, President Nixon :nccnsistent with the strength- flight test a x head missile, strategic arms negotiators swered question and Leonid I. Brezhnev, in the nning of peaceful relations b-- thi ns tha t is unlikely'would have a very difficult mea -perhaps sevnr tween the United States of they, will be a-, it to put a 12- time reaching an accord on Kremlin much to ta he White, ssummit econd meetin spa of to the g, signed America and the Union of SO-'head cap on op of their offensive weapons because of House-is whether the Russians. point document on the "basic,viet Socialist Republics." (launchers. the problems in verifying limits intend to use the development principles" governing further In other words, both sides on multiple-warhead missiles. simply to catch up with the negotiations on achieving a per agreed to take steps that would Accepted Lisadvantage But Mr. Kissinger and Mr.! Americans or to surpass them I manent treaty that would im lead to muutal trust rather Under the f vi-year interim Nixon have both said also that' in both numbers of warheads, pose limits on each sides of hap mutual suspicion, the and their destructive power. This would be conceivable if the Russians began to put these fensive nuclear weapons. cause for most of the previous It was signed in the knowl-: rms races between the two edge that the United States had nuclear powers. rarity in ~ignt numbers talsaid, the Soviet Union is "clos-I It was always clear from those of the United States. Noting that the Soviet Union had already achieved superior- ity over American missile caps bility in "throw weight"-big- ger missiles through bigger explosive charges-Dr. Schles- inger remarked: "I think the Soviets are seeking a strategic advantage." Not a Surprise, He Says He said it was not astonish- ing that the Russians should eventually achieve and deploy multiple - warhead capability, "whether in several years or half a dozen years." "One may have been sur- prised that they have all these missiles," he added. "It is the breadth of development, not the race, that is surprising." Dr. Schlesinger said that the Soviet achievement had great significance for the current second round. of talks on limi- tation . of strategic, arms be- tween'the Soviet Union and the United States "because our ability to monitor is rapidly, very rapidly deteriorating." "Once they come through the flight test the: ability to verify will be substantially undermined," he explained, adding that in the first round of talks "we repeatedly -insisted an the ability to verify." The first strategic arms agreement of 1972 imposed an interim limitation on the quantities of nuclear ? missiles each side could build but permitted qualitative improvements. Now, the Defense.Secretary rying capacity about that of the United States Minuteman -some 30 tons-and possibly intended as a mobile weapon.. llThe SS-17, also about Min- uteman-size, but liquid-fueled and a possible successor to the standard SS-11. cThe SS-18, largest of all, liquid-fueled and planned as the successor to the SS-9. !The SS-19, a hitherto un- disclosed liquid-fueled missile in the Minuteman range. The Minuteman carries three war- heads, each with an explosive content of about 200,000 tons of TNT. Sure of 2 Tests Dr. Schlesinger said that the Defense Department was certain that the Soviet Union had tested its multiple-war- head capability on the SS-17 and SS-18 rocket vehicles, and added, that there was "flimsy evidence" of such testing on the other two. The Pentagon, he said, had become persuaded that the Soviet Union intended to pro- vide all its intercontinental missiles with multiple, sepa- rately-targetable warheads. Judging from past expe- riences, he said, the new mis- siles could be ready for pro- duction and deployment by 1975. By the end of the decade, he said, the Soviet Union could have independently targetable ing the technological gapsltalking with Soviet officials through MIRV guidance andithat they regarded the MIRV warheads." as an important weapgpS sys- reconnaisance a?ellites either at their land-b, s( d sites or by spotting submit! ri yes. But the Mll- V s, placed on top of the laur -.l vehicles, are virtually impos ,il Is to detect. It is not pot dl ale to tell, by photography, f )r instance, whether a wa -h gad has one, three or a doze., i-idividual mis- siles. It is possible o ascertain this by checking the fight-testing of the United St u s accepted a disadvantage i _otal numbers of launchers- ,' 10 to 2,358- because with :1 e MIRV, the United States I ac a two-to-one edge in the .r nber of war- heads. By simple a ithmetic, the' "The United States is not in tem. A senior Soviet of.. a position to tolerate Soviet 1, once said that "we made the superiority," he went on ^We,mistake of going for an ABM [anti-ballistic missile] while you must have some equality.' !went for MIRV." The Soviet position, as out-i "I wish it was the other way lined recently by Russian Of- !around," he added. ficials here, is that the second Now that the Russians seem round of arms talks would l on their way to developing and succeed only if the Soviet !deploying multiple -warhead Union had a demonstrated imissiles, they will have achieved MIRV 'capacity. The Soviet: their objective of achieving argument was, basically: "What I technological parity with the you have we must get and I United States. Will they agree where you are we must be," !to a formula at the talks on in world strategic terms. I limitation of strategic arms, Dr. Schlesinger countered this ! due to resume this fall in view with the argument that Geneva, which would insure vantage by "marrying" its quantitative superiority to qualitative equality. He added that phase two of the arms talks "must prevent imbalance," though he cautioned: "The So- viets are not particularly in- terested in limitations." "The minimal point one can make is that the Soviets are unwilling not to demonstrate technology that the United Stat- es has demonstrated," he said. "Imagery is important." ) means," a highly complex field Asked whether the Soviet! involving "spy-in-the-sky" photo missile success would lead him to press harder for Congres- sional acceptance of the De- fense Department's accelerated gram, Mr. 'Schlesinger replied: I signed in Moscow in May, 1972, "No. I thought we were mak-(put limits only on the number ing a hard pitch. There is no in- of launch vehicles. These tent on my part to hmakc a launch vehicles-or rockets, to harder pitch." 'laymen-can be detected by Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000300050019-8 that a rough equality could be achieved, and sufficiently veri- fied, so that neither Moscow nor Washington felt at a dis- advantage? Visits Are Ruled Out "here are many possible ways of achieving this, but the agreement reached in June rules out visits by officials of one country to the missile sites of the other to inspect what is going on. Rather, verification reconnaissance satellites and various radar systems. Up to now, verification has Russians could surpass the! United States both in numbers of warheads and in their total i destructiveness by the end of the decade, if they chose. They would have more de-' structive power - "throw! weight," in the jargon-be- cause they have gone in for' mammoth land-based missiles; rather than the smaller ones deployed by the United States. In the past, officials such as Henry A Kissinger President the United States and the So-'' viet Union were entering a new! historic relationship. The rela-i tionship will be severely tested in coming months and years by, MIRV. PLEASE GIVE. THE FRESH AIR FUND. THE NEW YORK TI 1;49 *TlLFRRDJftl Bi 94'5i96/9ft : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 Cambodians Back Home To Rubble and Despair KRANG PONG RO, Cam- bodia, Aug. 17-Cambodian refugees who spent months running from successive bat- tles and air raids have be- gun returning to their home villages, discovering in most cases that everything they left was burned or destroyed. This village, which once had 3,000 people living in about 300 houses, was burned to the ground. The first handful of women who walked up the muddy trail to- day burst into sobs on seeing the destruction. Many spent the day aimlessly sifting through broken roof tiles, melted bicycle frames and smashed pots. Krang Pong Ro, which is a short distance from Route 3 and about a mile from the district capital, Kompong Kantuot, was engulfed in some of the heaviest fighting of recent months. The "tiny's June offensive cut ol`f the Government gar- rison at Kompong Kantuot and then overran the town, sweeping along the road toward Phnom Penh, 15 miles to the northeast. In the resulting rout soldiers and families poured up the road, in many cases with only what they could wear or carry. On June 19 Communist troops moved into Krang Pong Ro and be- gan fortifying it as an anchor of their whole front. Intense U.S. Bombing There followed a period of intensive American bombing of the region. Krang Pong Ro itself was not bombed, but the countryside in all direc- tions is cratered. Route 3, a well-graded blacktop road, has been churned by bombs, shells and monsoon rain into a cratered, rutted, muddy track. Government soldiers said the Communists had piled their dead in several of the houses, setting fire to them to cremate the bodies. The fire then spread through the deserted village. A United States Air Force fighter-bomber was circling overhead this morning, ap- parently on a reconnaissance mission. Apart from its roar the town was still. Cambodian houses are gen- PPrally built on stilts to pro- tect the occupants from wa- ter and rats. The houses of Krang Pong Ro, a prosperous and substantial place, had concrete stilts and staircases. Only a forest of stilts and stairs remains. There is no suggestion of battle anywhere now, and soldiers and civilians here behave more like people re- i urrring to a town ravaged by a passing storm than one still in the midst of war. "The Vietcong are all gone," a lieutenant said, using the official term for 'he Communist insurgents. "We killed them and drove t hem out, and they won't be hack around here again." The fortifications left by ' he Communists are remind- rrs of their martial -skills, however. Deep underground hunkers strong enough to survive even direct bomb and tirtillery hits are everywhere, and multitudes of foxholes c?ttest to the willingness of the enemy soldiers to dig. The pagoda, a large con- ',rete building with many brightly painted plaster im- ages of Buddha, is almost ruined. Whole stupas, on lowers, outside the main r.tructure have been over- turned or smashed by heavy rxptnsions apparently inside the buildings. There are no ign of aerial bombing. c;nvernment officers ex- plain that the "Vietcong" committed the sacrilege of using the pagoda as a com- mand post, even cooking meals within it. Government troops are using the pagoda as their command post now, but without cooking inside. A bulldozer arrived to clear rubble at about the time Mrs On Heang arrived on foot. She had walked most of the way from a squatter settlement near the Phnom Penh airport where she had been staving for weeks. Like most of the others he hurst into tears on see- ing the place where her family and two others had shared a large house, the stilts of which are all that survived. Through her sobs she said again and again, "Everything is gone!" SALE (I F NETSUKES and ade snuff bottles Exten:;ive Collection of Chinese Ja i?a and other Carvings Come in and ! 'r the unique and rare collector's items also on d si?lay, including many important jade carvings, sr it bottles and netsukes. Here is a great opportunit r add to your collection, Add $1.50 on 1E I Orders. N.Y. residents add tax. International. e.. elers ForAlmost Half a Century 680 Fifth At enue, N.Y.10019. 355-41500 h t. 53rd & 54th St.) (for 7e ?l y 730 Fifth Avenue) LOOK FOR THE cTORE WITH THE GARDEN IN FRONT End-cif -Summer Sale! i N1 r~niav Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 REPORTE ~FN 11 Its Penagan"s Chief eels of Moscow Br`eakfhrough in Multiple Warheads I ~ t Schlesinger Speculates on `a Clear4dvantage' over the American Arsenal By DAVID BINDS * Special to the New York 75obes WASI TNGTQ?, Aug. 17 -- Secretary of Defense James. R. Schlesinger announced today that the $o :iet Uiia.on t s; guc- cessfuily flight-tested missiles with rujtip1e 'warheads that can be directed to separate tar- gets. At, a briefin* for newsmen at, the Pentagon, Dr. Schlesing- er ssad that one of the intercon-tinental missiles, designated the SS-18, had carried at least six hydrogen warheads in the one-megaton range. One mega- ton' is the , quiyalent of a mil- lion tons of The United States began in- stalling multiple warheads -- known as "MIRVs," for "mul- tiple `independently targetable lniltetnan'1` missiles in April, 174, and has since spread the rietworl. ) on 8rezhnev Pledge On Tune I, in Washington, President 1evi qn. a1 d Leonio T: l e irtegrx fEie' Soviet ommu- "qualitative"_ limitations on strategic weapons, including I 1Tes with multiple war- SedDF#d.SrR[c wea- by the end of 1974. The first agreement on limitation of strategic arms, reached in 1971, dealt with quantitative limits. A United States official said that the Soviet success had virtually erased American hopes for a two-way moratorium on future testing of such missiles in the framework of a new agreement on limitation of stra- tegic arms. Earlier, the United States had planned to propose such a moratorium. Now, the official said, the stress would have to be on controlling MIRV deployment and verification Continued on Page At Column It Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 m-4-,.. Approved For Release 2005/06/06 :CIA-RDP75BA0,3,RD09 0050019-8 THE WASHINGTON POST DATE -( f PAGE er to i m to Oust Allende Called en aur'~an Io oTer Zander, 21, is wanted as a pa t .n he Allende overni rr it rote violator and that a war- American pa-1 wanted lest was convicted in ion rough Latin I The Zander on the FBI's `'edced"'it commlir 1 on May 9, 1972, and given a 10 - - a din nnn r;,,o ?Vigorena, in an interview) to avenp *MPTOW" w' th the Mexican daily Excels- tlam_on.the gentaur plan bu ice, char ed that the anti-Ai- a nonetheless conv#niec I delatt iuhat it is a bogus scliene:*itl Mexico. tuimo-spurces' heri Chile, former' ambassador toself employed." vemen in the Chi-l ence _ sources, g - - led to his death. arose at the Department's now iiie CIA White Tuesday briefing. a e ep z'St7tj State Department spokes- acTfaftl denied any ars`agb,he said,the Chilean govetnment did not discover it until six ` weeks before the ciup 11 that ous'ied Allende and orena Wa being d istri - 4.? jg a fugitive from justice." for the administration, in the epck ancT- ullabrication, said! The Centaur affair is laden he tovernm$nt official. "He! with potential embarrassment It was undestood that State Department officials were ap prised of the "Hoax" aspects of the plan in the event that lwnsive about dealing publicly with the matter without corro- borative documents or other evidence. Zander has reportedly left Mexico and there is no cur- rent information on his where- e House foreign attairs in- I can rye CVAClub1Y-.Y cs- r-aherlean'affairs subcom Iished as a hoax. "What's at " e subcommittee in. execu ive fri but Tie 'tesitifeil puff= cy that' he understood there ' an individual in Mexico IRo clattned" he had a dcu- said stake here is credibility, one government officer. Lastw? the CIA ac- 1c wledged, in_ `3ena e> '~ o"r' eUu Relations Comnn.. e e u'mentt:" hearings, tht it sought to pro- a. biscfi, said he would! mote economic distre~s,_-; in refer to discuss the plan With Chile during 1970 in an effort r Jack B. $ubisch testified esterday he' understood the ntaur `lan "was a spurious ittee, Assistant aecreLdry ut tote for Inlet-American af- Wee state Lepaitiuc?- 1. xt`ha 'come fromU-S. Intel= Once` 'sou ce5 -presumably The testimony was given by yzilliam V. Broe, at the . tipie the CIA's chief of clandestine serVlcps. for Latin- mel?ica. .t is,r that reason he C 1` is now vulnerable to' public . X spicicros (If, ipter_velltjqU in The uplle val.. that ousted Al- elide from office last week and led to his death. t1itC-, SLA no Aamment-on_the Vigorena a le- decal Bureau- of rrr Ions. Approved For Release 2005/06/06: CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/06: CIA-RDP75BO 000 95 50019-8 THE WASHINGTON POST DATE PAGE T WA,SmNG'TON POST Sauarday. Sept 22, 1441 63 8gton eit'-Go?Touii oie Seen in Chile Cc W that ?the United States must on undercover operations. Our of the first to brea .- and to have had some inkling of the smj es. who have access io'tli throw himself upon mercy fah osecutor5 o e r over has been cited as evidence 1'aaty C:c j ga ses storybook ending. H4 was one American ambassador to Chile, ,Qperat Witt nit 1hP played the spy role -r Al the cit .to hlg1 de from aasumiine Dower in V70, ~tYii ~T -~a'P Plan ug=papars in many 665-n-ff es time to come toWashington. worth of credits were granted cruited to do his dirty v ark. His singer' specified that Davis were known to be anti-Allende. key government v itness sfiould choose the most quiet - For example, $12.4 million against the Cuban- he re- v o'laatife situation in Chile, Kis- cause the Chilean generals Now Hunt appears , be the p the contrary, we have z e=t deliberations of tide plot. On learned that Davis chose that Fsrtycnmmittee,assure usfiat When he told t ,e other weekend for his visit because I so project.was approved to-Ac-4 Watergate conspiral(' s .hat he tively calm in Santiago. The Pentagon, meanwhile, cording to prison ourees, ington by Henry Kissinger, Chilean military, establish- "Keep me aw.,y i r n Kim. who, in anticip&tion of his cbr- anent. After Allende came to ]Liddy Y growled, ref r-ing to wanted to assess a few top dip Bred cutting off nili a t aid t' That was.-the. last t :e Liddy` ~fohats for possible Washington Chile. The- decisloii vds made Wand Hunt'have spok a to one, -Davis, of course, knew about to the Chilean armed forces last flair for the dramatic J=es him or the , test Tew ? mo iW.~s, shinaton has Tbeen bom- the stirrings within the Chilean year for the purchase of U.S., a charismatic sway ov r the Cu- that "events move slowly in' Pentagon had no direct part,' fandango, an he ret:r ned 10 dts~0 tat p"n p1ott n the Chile, or perhaps better said, i a ervices. n_ 1t' the day Chileans have great ability to militaryy 'ft. icer infrorme P't ie a U.S. embassy in Santiago WA ' ` ` coup was Imninet. 'h w rning,however,wasn't create as an` more siigni icant rush to the brink, embrace each other and back off." singer, according to our sources, they spent no more than five or 10 minutes review- 1114 ells o similar repo, ing the Chilean situation. Most fiat ave been gassed on o of their discussion was devoted on recentl a coii'1 to internal State Department Was ' n_ , e in a vane what e _ t }, 2J d si'b1e'ha 'The sudden ar~yal ins Wash- But the C1A is, orifldden to"in- inCton of'Naaniei Tavis, the xervene. in any m o T f$n however, in the plot against Al-'years later to recruit t; em for lende. the Daniel Ellsberg a ,d Water- Deadly Enemies-The Water- gate capers. gate developments have taken With heroic words girt could an ironic twist which has left have come from one -us own the two ringleaders, G. Gordon spy novels, Hunt swore them to Liddy and E. Howard Hunt, secrecy. After their r est, he deadly enemies. persuaded pl ai guilty Liddy is a fanatic who offered rather than risk revei i g what to submit to being gunned they knew in a courts on`Mer -4o^Ronnd 'THE VASHTNGTON POST 'P6 y av. ,103 fl7 . ' of to Tie Hughes, Democrats `ited By Jack Anderson Not lon after Bebe Rebozo took a $,000 ,cash gift in- tended for. _ President Nixon from industrialist Howard Hughes, the President's friend Joined Ina White House plot to link Hughes to the Democrats. . This amazing double-cross is revealed, in eo , ``;dential White 11 House memos, which we have utlooe izl tl}e. ourse,gf in- ves 1 ti, Itebozo's role as a tit i raiser or' he l'rosx ent. yc h-W . , H1X- n? gu It to plant ,tor, es th press np last, of two *50 000 installments paid in $100 bills from,, a Hughes aide Yet Rebozo p- part ntl,y. had no hesitation to help expose the financial ties .between the phantom billio- naire and the Democrats. Rebozo_,was W.eful to re- quest, l}owever,that_he be kept a;;ifn ate, .,action b n l,egard to Hughes" because of "his own dealings iththe'ughespeople. " Both Haldeman and Dean, therefore, knew of 4006'; dealings with Hughes al- clear tether bray were aware the gire h sJ pped Re- - 1000fortha President L,wer theless, to go ahead with the plot even if it meant "ealbar- rassing" Hughes. Haldeman in- structed Dean, however, to keep "Bebe out of it at all cost.,, Haldeman asked White House consel John Dean in a memo, dated Jan. 18, 1971, to begin "an inquiry into the rela- tionship between Larry O'Brien and Howard Hughes." Dean reported back hi.3 "pre- liminary findings" on Jan. 26, 1971. Among others,. Dean spoke to Rebozo.. - "I discussed the matter with Bebe Rebozo who indicated that his information regarding (a retainer paid by Hughes to O'Brien) had come from Robert Maheu, the recently rei.eased tign," reported Dean. "Bebe said that this informa. tion had come to his attention at a time when Maheu was pro- fessing considerable friendli- ness towards the administra- tion, but that it was not docu- mented information. Bebe in- dicated that he felt that Matieu had possibly retained O'Brien for his services without any di- rect knowledge by Hughes himself. "Bebe is under the impres- sion that Maheu had a good bit of freedom with Hughes' money when running the Ne- vada- operation. Bebe further indicated that he felt he could acquire some documentation try to get any information he could. "He also requested that if any action be taken with re- gard to Hughes that he be noti- fied because of his familiarity with the delicacy of the rela- tionships as a result of his own dealings with the Hughes peo- ple." Dean also reported that Rob- ert Bennett, son of Sen. Wal- lace Bennett (R-Utah).repre- sented Hughes. "Bennett in- forms me," wrote Dean, "that there is no' doubt about the fact that Larry O'Brien was re- tained by Howard Hughes and the contract is still in existence. .. Bennett also indicated that he felt confident that if it was. necessary to document the re- tainer with O'Brien that he could get the (documents)." Two days after receiving Dean's report, Haldeman sent him confidential instructions. "You should continue to keep in contact with Bob Ben- nett, as well as looking for other sources of information on this subject," Haldeman di- rected. "Once Bennett gets back to you with his final re- port, you and Chuck Colson should get together and come up with a way to leak the ap. propriate information. "Frankly, I can't see any way to handlethis without involving Hughes. The problem of 'em- barrassing' him seems to be a matter of degree. However, we should keep Bob Bennnett.and_ ,Bebe out of it a- all costs. . As it happnod, we were the recipients of the White House .leak. We re=orted on Aug. 6, 1971, that "H.Whes' lieutenants offered to s absidize Larry O'Brien so ht c uld serve with- out pay as 1 Democratic Na tional Chai3 m:in during the 1968 campait n. ' We quoted O'Brien, who ac- knowledged io had been "sounded o t by Maheu in 1968" but ii si ited he "never drew a dime fi om the Hughes interests -daring the cam- paign." Seve:ai months later, we reported t i'Brien was re- tained by Hu h ':is. We have s x-Ken to O'Brien, again for an plated comment. "If they'd v.,nted to know about my relationship to Hughes," he aid, "They could have looked a~ the public re- cord ... If t'Ae:- didn't want to look at the p iLlic record, they could have a:-ed themselves the trouble )y simply calling me on the tel: p n one." O'Brien sa d his fee twas "a personal ma tt r between me and my clien But in a letter to Maheu, dared Aug. 21, 1968, O'Brien said l as "annual fee would be $1:U,si00, payable in monthly inst. I'nents." Haldeman aid us through his lawyer tl at he remembers the exchang = of memos but doesn't rem r iher the out- come. Dean x ,d Rebozo ref- used to comn?-xt. 01973. Uniter area Syndieata and that he would proceed to Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 vA " ,m lease 2005/06/06: CIA-RDP75B00380R000300050019-8 `l'14ur,,l~or:1,1~73 S*3K3Lm lucky (i8tltAj READY THI Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 4lleetors ited b ~ators ~a $un/lay, betWeea 10 S- ro he' has insula. Cad a /ii?m.1 a the corn- y roam O-f the Spring- a f 3Rio n enter, .` a Y o eb e from 12 a ei if'11 meet to'&disscua i:u i.ri 0 `. aal1Q+.r co ecg 0 3' :c' iro , roam at onI Ca"A C, Ca"A C, ne Pee ass, aO- V o to ' 7nmei I. BarronL ern uIa- } ru';tliat 'tl~eri a'r`i` '$ Ob1? r` one. I 1~ . 6 a.,,. Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 PAGE G3~ DATE ___ T -9 STA. TeachEs terrorism to Friends By Tack Anderson ment refused to teach the bomb the curriculum at the Texas front pages. They fou ?id outthat course when it was set up in hideaway. The visiting police Hunt had eollecte tens of Bomb and booby trap experts 1969. Therefore, "the Central are also taught bomb squad or- thousands of dollars in behalf from the Central Intelligence Intelligence Agency agreed to ganization, record keeping and of the Watergate defendants. Agency have been quietly provide guest lecturers for this a course called "Press Releases But only a few paltry payments tt #ning foreign ponce to make portion of the training pro- and Press Relations." ever reached them. Ae used federal school ii . g, TO tu- At the secret school, he says, the decision to help with the own legal expenses. I U1 flint the demonstrations are given of anti-bomb courses was associ- triage is so I f _o testi y Pentagon has r9ffmA .. to have "the construction, use and ated with terrorist attacks on He is now prepare against the Cubans ~ . ors h I as th to do it. counter-measures against American personnel and Will- to Ells- 'die aid s ofdS~ homemade bombs and explo- ties in foreign land. The recruited to break i; - We sors are on loan r Q3 sive devices used by criminal courses are now being re- berg's psychiatrist's a fike, in hi t f t ~ i urn or mmuni , or m- the'Agency for terrorists." The foreign police viewed. re Developmenti wl It t#ms the also get graphic lectures on SILENT TREATMENT-Last self. sc_hgol at.,' col" booby traps, "incendiaries" year, the four foolhardy Cubans But perhaps the past straw A"de y faL Presnos. and otherlethal devices. To de- on the Watergate squad were was the deal he wa .r ?ed from stence . thg school fuse and dispose of bombs, Har- willing to follow their ring- the Senate Watergate commit- "State of * e, where eign1 first has to learn all about I blindly. Now they hold him in tion, the committee arranged traps ag:atnst polft?caf oppo-I Abourezk Snow that most of the not guilty and appeal to the I quarters at Ft. Ho: arird, Md. neits."Id the film was 165 policemen trained at the jury for understanding. But at Our sources say he cm apies his onaiy tie reality of the "terror backed regimes such as those wanted to avoid a public trial. chess. F ^- school' in Brazil, Guatemala, Thailand, a Hunt advised them to plead Dubious but curious Sen. Uruguay, Panama and El Salva- guilty, and overnight they , The four Cubans, ?f anwhile, James Abourezk d)-9 '.D) began dor. Only a thin blue line of changed their plan. are still behind bar they saw a quiet investigation. His confi- cops are trained for the demo- The Cubans sometimes quar- him as he was cas' irg a $100 eential find}ngsraise disquiet- cracies. reled among themselves, but money order just be !ore check ing questions shout Ariericars AID officials explained to us all four swore by Hunt. They ing out of jail. As,., gesture of police aid to militaryjuntas. that they have had fewer re. I wept with him when his ' wife contempt, Eugenic Martinez by Abourezk, Assistant`AAdntin tigations Co from'ceeth . ey would have died for him. out. Then they watched to- i~rator Matthew Harvey con= cracies. The inb-bu'ildft then tfie sordid Watergate gether in cold sileate as the Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 1t22 GQ Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B003 0 00 Ionr,0019-8 THE WASHINGTON POST DATE___________ _ PAGE The Washington Merry.Go.RoJ -B? THE WASHINGTON POST llfonday,IIho.24, 473 Nuclear Diplomacy Still Practiced By Jack Anderson The, Christmas theme of peace on earth has been pro- faned, regrettably, by the men who control the nuclear switches. They still engage in nuclear diplomacy, and the horror weapons are poised in their shipments from entering Cuban waters. Nikita Khrushchev, then the cock of the Kremlin, responded with a blistering se- cret message, demonstrated when he faced an imminent nuclear explosion. In December, 1971, President Nixon had an opportunity to stage his own nuclear show- moved to embarkation points. The airlift of military supplies to Egypt and Srria was sud- denly halted to make the planes available to haul the waiting troops. A flotilla of warships; landing ships and back-u,' ships moved out of the Black Sea into the Mediterranean. The Soviet fleet in the D e~iiterranean quickly swelled o 90 vessels, one-third more than the U.S. Navy's Sixth Fle, t. At least 20 Soviet attack submarines ap- peared on the tail, cf U.S. carri- ers and other key hips. Then Soviet it ader Leonid Brezhnev, in a blunt secret message declarin:; ' f will say it straight," called upon Presi- dent Nixon to joir him in send. ?ing troops to stol- the alleged Israeli cease-fire violations. Otherwise, he ti neatened to send in Soviet troops unilater- ally. The President responded in- stead by ordering a worldwide military alert. The Soviet forces never left Russia. Tensions were relaxed. Bu once again, mankind had take i a step dan- gerously close to the nuclear brink. 1973. United Feltp a yndjeate los and submarines ready for r 'numb tack into an Atlantic of earth now called Bangla- thhe e ultimate and ordered the Joint desh, the United States, the` So- In less s th than a holocaust. dozen , Chiefs to intercept any Soviet viet Union and China issued or- e e have years, ships that reached the point of ders. Armies and navies with nuclear confrontations. at least T he lat- three the thumb tack. h\Tdrogen-headed missiles re- nucl est occurred only last October, Soviet ship, loaded with sponded. as Soviet attack submarines Cuba-bound missiles, arrived It turned out to be a limited, targeted on U.S. warships and at the crucial spot. The Presi- two-week war. But it could have both superpowers ordered dent called the Joint Chiefs been otherwise. The secret in- -their forces on alert, back into the Situation Room, telligence reports reveal that The public has been given Slowly, he withdrew the tack the three superpowers were be only the sketchiest details of from the map, moved it back log sucked into the vortex of 'the incidents that. could have and pressed it into the map Jwar. ended in nuclear devastation, again. "Let's give them a little e The world was spared, ~ut Here are the stark facts, which more time," he instructed. "But none of the big powers can take men of goodwill would do well when they reach this credit. The war was not ended point, by the menacing of the to ponder while the carolers You'll have to stop them." moves Fussians, Americaanns and Chi- sing of peace top earth: As the missile-laden Soviet Ruse, but, by the spn ofthe Donat ry _g he 962 >alissile .,cri- ships approached the second: Pakistani army in Bangladesh. sis, aft wor is aware, John thumb tack, orders from Mos- Again, at the height of the lot- Kennedy ordered our, unclear cow turned them around. forces on red alert. eet Arab-Israeli war in October, Kennedy's handling of the: the United States and the So. Pres}dent, Kennedy threw a Cuban confrontation made a viet Union moved their nuclear naval bloci{ade, around Cuba, deep impression on Richard forces on the world chessboard. calling it a "quarantine," with Nixon. He spoke admiringly of Seven Soviet airborne divi- orders to stop Soviet misfile the cold courage Kennedy ba aiio,, oat gear were Nevertheless, Kennedy I down in the Bay of Bengal, called the Joint Chiefs into the I While Pakistan and India Situation Room in the White f fought over the dreary, humid, Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 L4ALol41. KjM Gov. Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038 R000300050019-8 THE WASHINGTON POST DATE +C__ PAGE fl How the CIA Snooped Ins i4a Russia -$y Jack Anderson We have been accused of com- promising an intelligence oper ation, perhaps even jeopardiz- ing the We of an agent, inside the Soviet Union. Let us set the record straight. More than two years ago, we were 1pped off that the Central Intelligence Agency had man aged to eavesdrop on the pri- vate conversations of Kremlin leaders. Some of the transcripts, we were told, were quite titillat. ing. We checked out the story with a CIA source who had access to the transcripts. He confirmed that the CIA was intercepting the telephone traffic between the limousines of , ,Soviet _.b .. wigs. Unfortunately, he said, they didn't hold strategy sessions in their limousines. The % CIA picked up small talk, however, which provided an insight into the personalities. of the likes of party chief Leonid Brezhnev,' Premier,Pllexei .iv is and President Nikolai l'odgorny. The transcripts revealed that the Soviet leaders gossip about one 'another and , mplainJcurtl about their ailments. Their fa-1 can't give a clue as to how its vorite limousine stop was a pri- done. But we can state categort- ate clinic where they could get Gaily that for years the CIA has steam baths, rubdowns , and been able to listen to the king- other physical therapy. `' pins of the Kremlin banter, Brezhnev, who sometimes bicker and backbite among drinks too much vodka and std- themselves." the Kremlin leader i knew their conversations had been moni- tored. But he plea e 1 with me to keep quiet and u g.xi me par- ticularly never to i 3e ntion how the conversations were inter- cepted. fers from hangovers, told Pod- The following December, we Accordingly, I om tied the r@f- gorny in a typical conversation quoted from secret White House erences from my bc, k and leftit that he was suffering from the minutes to show that President to others to revea' no secret woes and would stop off at the Nixon had lied to Congress and monitoring methor Not until. clinic for a massage. He men- the public about the India-Pali today, after the li n?uWne-lis- tioned a masseuse named Olga. Iran conflict. toning operation lad been "Olga! Oh ho!" chortled. the This brought the President's widely publicized elsewhere, Soviet President, who appar- gumshoes down on our necks have we mentionetx haw it was ently was familiar with Olga. with a vengeance. No newsmen done. Our source said the trap- in Nixondom have ever re- Nevertheless, n z Whits scripts showed that the Kremlin ceived a more thorough Going House has seized v =n this to chiefs were aware the CIA was over. The undercover work was listening to them. Anything they done by the plumbers, the bi- fair to justify the President's already knew, he agreed, should zarre pare-police unit whose claim of national se u'ity in the be safe for the American people operatives ran around in CIA plumbers case. to be.told. wigs and committed foolish This is strictly a e 11-1 herring. Therefore, ft. should do no crimes. which President Z' 4 .on hopes harm to write about the eaves- The bewigged ones, among will distract the Watergate dropping operation, said our other things, began checking bloodhounds. The ?;tth is,that source. He cautioned, however, into our account of the Kremlin (1) the monitored B -e nlin chit- that the monitored conversa- bugging. This aroused Richard chat was never an i at_ortant in tions didn't make clear whether Helms, then the Cu chief, who telligence source; 12) our Sept. the Soviet leaders had figured invited me to lunch on March 17, 16, 1971, story revs ?d nothing out how we did it, 1972 the Kremlin leade s didn't al- We published a careful atpl asked me not to mention ready know; and C. -he Preai- on Sept. 16, 1971, about &i eavesdropping operation in dent's claim of natif vt4l security eavesdropping. "For obviousas- my book. "one Anderson Pa- simply won't wash. y reasons," we wrote, "we pen." Be acknowledged that ?W73, united FeatureS n' irate, Inc. Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 .` ; Ate, Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75BQ0380, 0300050019-8 THE WASHINGTON POST DATE t PAGE_ X1.5 Billion Secret in Sky U .S. Spy Unit Surfaces by Accident By Laurence Stern Washington Post Staff Writer In the arcane and heavily classified world of "overhead" reconnaissance and spy satellite intelligence, the existence of the National Reconnaissance Office has been one of the best kept, trade top secrets. The -name of the organization, in fact, is top secret, and, according to intelli- gence officials, has appeared in public print only once before-by inadvertence. Yet the NRO, which is funded primar- ily through Air Force appropriations, spends an estimated. $1.5 billion a year acquiring and managing the most sophis- ticated, elusive and expensive force of spies that has ever been recruited into the government's service. Its customers include the Central In- telligence Agency, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency and the White House. Its operatives bear such names as SR-71, Samos, Agena, and "the Big Bird." Its activities are screened off from all but a relative handful of special- ists in the national security bureaucracy who carry some of the highest and most specialized clearances issued by the gov- ernment. Curiously enough, the only reference ublic t"rom the "skunk works, as specialists describe the facility, of Lockheed spy plane developer Kelley Johnson 141 Ne- vada also emerged the Ur2 and 1t4i. "The U-2 was perhaps the only govern- ment spy project to have a cost under- run and to exceed the prom- ised performance stand- ards," said one exp"r t on the program. Lockheed was also the prime conu-a' tur on the C-5A. which was plagued by $2 hill on in combined cost overruns, In addition to the conil,et- of-interest issue in Hull, mer's appointment, euncii'$- sional investigators are look ing into the possibilities of overruns in the supersecret reconnaissance satcli to pro- grams under NM's jurisdic- tion. "I've never hoard of one of these programs I hat didn't have enorrnotis eeist overruns," said one 1)el(Inse Department. official who has worked first-hand with some of the spy satellite opera- tions. The opportunities for to NRO that has been made in a 1, breaking cost and perform- government document was last Oct. 12 in breaking and is are t r of the citel Related to Secrett and greater in spy satellite pro- to Stud y Questions grams, this official said, he. Confidential Government Documents. The cause of the atmnsnhe,-e of drafters of the report unwittingly breach- ed security by listing, along with CIA, DIA and NSA on the concluding page, the National Reconnaissance Office. And, more obliquely, Sen. William Prox- mire ( alluded to the NRO's mis- sion in a recent statement challenging the appointment of Lockheed Aircraft Corp. reconnaissance satellite expert ,James W. Plummer as under secretary of the Air Force. In questioning Plummer's nomination on conflict-of-interest grounds, Proxmire made a pointed observation: "Normally, the under secretary of the Air Force has jurisdiction over certain intelligence matters and sits on a special committee that directs manned and un- manned overhead reconnaissance, includ- ing spy satellite programs. These critical projects have run into the billions of dollars-money that flows to defense con- tractors such as Lockheed." Plummer has been with Lockheed since 1955. The California-based firm is the principal corporate contractor in the so-called "black" reconnaissance satellite programs carried out by NRO. secrecy and narrow titan nels of accouirlabiiits in which they operate. NRO's existence is shielded from senior con- gressional intelligence over- seers. Former hieeh-ranking -staff members of , he Na- tional Security Council. who were cleared for some of the most, sensitive intelligence material to reach the t'resi- dent's desk, acknowlcflc=ed in interviews that the', had not been informed about it. "This is a black )rn.'ran1 and you're not supposen to know it exists," sire one Pentagon adminisuntot For the past several years it.,su- pervision has noininally been in the hands o;' the un- der secretary of ,he \ir Force. Operation>< rri nrn- curement ha%r h.,,,, nan- dled through the oh'i P of the Secretary of ihi? fir Force. accordin -z to it -t- nse Denartment so"t""': missile t;al ' the early 1960s. The. publicized use of the cram was to support 1 1cnt Iienne- dy's conten t i that the So- viet I- men installing of- fensive nil., i in Cuba. But coP t ional investi gator,; in t , unpublicized iuqui! ies e. t raising ques- tions about r ationships be- tween tort u tic contractors and the i ""r-secret pro- Its intelligence products grams obi :arried out um labeled L`LINT (for elec- der the ac of N RO and 'trontc intelligence) and other mil a intelligence COM:NT (for communtca- agencies. lions intelligence) are par- Pr-nxnrir .'oncern about, celed out under special code the I'lumn ? Ippointment is names to the government one exam I ? of this. Air "consumers"-such as CIA Force Sec, r ,;-y John L. Mc- or NSA. The users may get Lucas can to the govern- the product of the secret re- ment fror he Air Force connaissance, such as moni- think tani- 111TRIS. Assist- toring of Chinese nuclear ant \ir 1?' ' Secretary for tests, or radio transmissions p r o c it r ri e n t Frank in the Soviet Union, without Schrantz t ncs from Boe- being told of the collection ing, techniques. This is known as "There `coinpart.mentalizing" of in- enc~, stir' telligence data. recent me Since the inception of the tive of c U. S. reconnaissance satel- lite program in the mid- 1950s to 1970 some $10 to $12 billion had been spent on the spy birds, according to an estimate by aviation and space writer Philip J. Klass in his book, "Secret Sentries in Space." Since then the outlay may have grown by about $5 billion. Overhead reconnaissance has proven of enormous value in providing more re- alistic assessments of such t.: been a teno- r than ever in t to put execu- 'r .-actor agencies in these I positions," said one veter i )efense Depart- meet of ii. "Not that there is ping personally wrong w ,. hese men. But all their ; t t udes have been shaped i, heir experience working it ontractors. The la \ilen ,,:lender (D-ka)t r ,ter chairman of the Stn \pp"ooriatiuits Cummrtt was one of the few incr a 01 Congress privy to ,rue of ,govera- missile fensive capability, uutu u> It and defensive "If vm ew ti much . money % ,peed and how helped, in fact, to defuse much --n o we waste in What( t that amount might t w,I, probably never a t' ir in tl~e public dufflan ts knock . t off tour It' Crlm 1 Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8 Approved For Release 2005/06/06: CIA-RDP75F 0Q34O 00050019-8 THE WASHINGTON POST DATE "a i + F PAGE U.S. Tapped Top K ussians' Car Pho i yes By Laurence Stern mon e,lej._oI,I}gy~h ere.- Washington Post staff writer tapped by the Gamma Qup f Z11 ILL oyernment vstematically y e Soviet Party General $pgV ary romtorect t e La:p in rliosgf4op ? f egnJd . Brezhnev, PreslAeat,.,7 ilw1ai oviet offiicr>, M owjirrse.,e veral ors ending rn 19714axu~ mer intelligent_ L p with the operation. The prolett, ,namedG..anlxua chited by columnist Jack Anderson. A former inteil enc ~ y had access to the tr~nscrrptS._of_the ,Mon)torQd conversatnsin M_y scow bloat.. -valuable intelligencP -Pip?l ?gees the United ..States had. in the_ Soviet Luiwl- duce ill ~"Pce va gency in eollaboatzo-4,V1t, tJ" on` Security Uency ,.. tlza-~ern- igxu's and news serv- Star-News editors I , dis iiin,'rant authors. (A cussed this (natter it`, Mr. a journalist, usually O'Leary and other sot: ac 's and ,=,,i. who offers news have found no evident a sug e a piece-work gest that either he or v i~ news- e s-s organizations paper has been comps ,r,ised. 1:1,1 identified with WASHINGTON, Nov i-On I etc publication, and ley 1 ,_lYlx_,Colby, t e t,.LA hum are full-time in irector, assured The N s York hn Irankly use their Times, in response to a gt+es r'n)rting as a covis ,on, that nobody c==o tented I ?>rrsence in a foreigi with The Times was n olved , Approved For Release 2005/06/06 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000300050019-8