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Document Release Date:
June 20, 2005
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Publication Date:
April 4, 1981
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~tA~r-~~t~9F-a ~t S 323.1.
Ap.prov ~ R~wR,l# 5/tl~/'r 68D40 2Q0910047-,8
millions of needy persons who depend
upon these programs for their Income
and their health care continues to
wo en. The National Urban League's
scat of black America 1980? reported
(M at AFDC payments have been sis-
niftca fly eroded by InEati.on ... (B)etween
1973 d 1979. the average state ma xlmum
for a. y of four withot t- other incoamte
(in co teat 1979, dales) dropped from
3124 to 349a-,=auth.
in N. : it'ot=k thebasic-cath.alloa ,ce
for a f oL -Jour : w m. set at. =59 a
month xclusiae of-shelter--in 1974. It
remains 259 today. Irt that time, con
.- sumer p have increa3e4 by 64 per
tonishingly. P
cent of maiortty
of mtaority cb lids
with children now r
Before their 18th
live in a Tamale-he
AFDC payments.
our children dependen
governments--which s
State governments.-aut-thts
of Federal reimbursement
only to those States that pro
and food stamp benefits in
decent level of cash assistance and he
care for their reediest residents..
minimum F'rdr al reimbursement level
under the "Medicaid formula" (which
8o?ierns both the medicaid and AFDC
programs) from 50 percent to 73 percent
in fiscal 1982, rising to 90 percent in fis-
cal 5933 and thereafter. The bill re-
quires that the additional-Federal fund-
.d.'M *1 t .108
of L~sues 4 vet} add, ..however, tlla
it me zo- quote:
likely--a-it" is female-
at scans Wit.. prior to
and 78 percent
eivek, ArDC -payments,
irthd3y. one-third of
here are likely to
household receiving
dren. A third of
upon their State,
text, but be-
rents, and
burden on
"passed localities residential .
sh ing In amounts. sufficient to elirn-. facilities through government controlled
inn the local share. When fully ins- sources. in many cases these are either
spar f expenditures for medicaid would or denied arbitrarily. However, in the
be o 10 percent-(down from the. Ares- United States, these governments are al-
ent av age of 44 percent)
and, the lowed to purchase both types of property
State . ( State-local) share or AFDC in Washington, D.C. All own either oftIce
cash ben is would also be 10 percent ? or residential space.
(down fro the present average of--48 Venezuela will not allow the Depart-
Percent). relent to purchase scat housing units in -
The easen propose of this btIZ .the - the capital pity. which imposes difcul-
of paying for bo welfare and medic- ropoiitan area for official Pu nrosm
aid. This is emir consistent with the: -- Zl`uwait, Bahrain, andthe-United Arab
edations. of. the Emirates will not allow the United States
NatiolialGovermnors. Ociattom It-Ls not to purchase badly needed s boaslnz
scar -,sites, which would allow residential cant-:
States-retal`n-;rstr'uetion and.ellminaation of.exor
tee' short-term lease charges. Yet these seine
distances levels, governments own residentid units. in our
$oonk4they capital; area.. i or^ example;_- ,tn. Darns.,
therm: The i
,_ .~, ~... .Qatar:`.lia?costs.'tha?-tf.Swciarenuneszv"
L. would. rn Indonesia,, the Bnvernmeut heat de-
mption termined that the U.S. Government may
spar- no longer own its. more thaa-20 properties
.hat . asid is now in the process of converting -.7
d- these to long-term leaseholds. Tie new
e ground rents will be. considerable. WO-
nests is free to buy,. lease, and, sell in the
United States. In Algeria, a prior expropriat'.an of -
e' U.S. property remains unresolved. Our
n- present facilities. are very inadequateand
our efforts to secure long-termn office and.
residential properties have met with neg.
ative results.
Our Embassies In the Soviet U.
East European, and. other countries with
state directed economies are required to
deal through service organizations with
in the Ministr es of Foreign Aflalra for
rl practically all administrative support
and services,- that Is, housing. matate-
` Hance, utilities, employees,. tickets for
cultural and athletic . Performances,
travel,. at cetera. These. organizations
us often Impose a substantial surcharge for
often unnecessary or. unwanted "sere
tees." The total cost to the US. Govern-
of ment and Its employees amounts to bun-
that. large -structural change, a realm
meat of fiscal responsibility would ca
Fo sions. in the United;States, thereby pro
moting-the secure and efficient operatia
of the U.S. missions abroad; to the Co
mittee on Foreign Relations.
ioaaiGN MSsSsONs ACT oT29ee-
. Mr. PERCY. Mr. President, today r a
introducing a bill which I call the Fo
elfin Missions Act of 1982. An identical
bill its. being introduced in the--House
This legislation is designed to Provide matta Personnel but. not tourists: a,"tee"--
the means to remedy & serious and grow- -equal to one nights, lodging for holding:
ingimbalance between the treatment ac- a hotel- reservation. Thus, a traveler is
corded In many countries to oMeIalrmis. required to pay, for one extra day- or
that made available to foreign govern- . the room was occupied.
met mission ins. the United States. - At In many areas of the world, both the
present the Department of State lacks U.S. Government and Its employees en-
authorit7 compared to that enjoyed by counter serious inequities regarding the
many other governments to enforce rec- Import or export, of privately owned ve-
iprocity in an appropriate manner. - hides and other personal effects. Em-
In an increasing number of countries, ployees of these governments' farei :
for example, the United States is denied mission in the United States do not face
suitable locations for our missions-or these same restrictions; problems eft,
long-term rights to property or facilities, for example, in Mexico, Venezuela. Stag-
often resulting in diminished seeu'rity-, apore, Guatemala,. and at ma-any Eurba
excessive or discriminatory costs, co in- sues in the Nye .st. .
adequate facilities which signidonatiy ' ? At the same tiu .e, rnissions at those:
reduce the effectiveness of our missions. same countries are allowed in the United -
For example: States, to ?rcquire: property and goods
In the Soviet Union and East European freely or obtain benefits or public serf---
countries, the United States is barred ices, often without limitation. The U.S.
Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000200110041-8
-S 0 0212 W ,,R fft1 EC WIVRO
MOM 09020011004 .1r X981
Government and its personnel are often eign missions in the United States is an rent accorded U.S. missions over-
confronted by serious inequities concern- Important aspect of the conduct of for- seas and that given foreign. missions in
ing the payment of taxes on goods and eign affairs and should be directly: un- the United States. I ask unanimous con-
services obtained in the host country. For der the supervision of the Secretary of sent that this bill be printed in the Rsc-
example; in Chile and Malta the Em- State. On the other hand, responsibility can at this point. -
baasy is not exempt from the payment for the hard decisions to deny or impose There being no objection, the bill was
of a gasoline tax of 48 cents and 25 cents conditions on benefits desired by foreign ordered to be printed in the Rxcoan, as
per .-_llon resp-?-tive1-- *n !Yugoslavi_ missi ns _l_ ___l _l 1. -' _.__-- - - ha ?__ . --l - .. _ .
cent tax on heating oil. Department which deal with foreign . Be tt-enacted by the Sma!a and Howe of
A number of countries also require a missions on substantive issues on a daily ..Regr entattves of the United stater a/
transaction tax on certain construction basis. 't'hese concerns will be met of - Amerces to Congress assembled, ir'bat (a) this
material&.An. example is_PortugaLwhere festively by placing the responsibility is State i)epartrnent Basic- Authorities -Alt at
Delhi; all Embassy: administrative and staffed by Foreign Service-. members,
support staff- and spe- d-staff
such .other:- Government employees, experts y - .
as Lit4ary of Con rpem=nel do note necessary t- .s :" 1. Tae seeretary:,
receive duty-free `i Secretary' of-State w .set ttse tb+ar, Aht i the r~xaar ds,d tryradd
for ; jar_& aa-neea for reciprocity- or other fac-
In most cases, the n~epartmeut.lsc . to In. ourrelsti+ with oil . lie c x os r?n ?,m~r:
authority to' fmposa-. ' rThe purposes served: include-the follow- . ? t _ ' ca gr_a.s is
situations .and are therefore rarely used. Assisting in resolving disputes. In- Polley .sit tt~al ta"
eft 048rat
n "An proposed Tore- Missions AM.- - t___..i:_ or _-_ .. _-- a curve and Cl
tions? of foreign miss s- in the United In carrying out the provisions of the states of ioret r-
States and the-benefit&,available to thenn bill, the Director is authorized to assist nattonat organ a
fro Feder 1 State and. 1-_.-1 --_Lh rl _. - -.. _ _ _
Lies, public utilities and--private persons
may be cleared tl lough the Federal Gov-
ernment and adjusted: according to U.S.
neees abroad as well as national secur
city interests at home
In this way. the conditions, -under
Which foreign--missions operate in the
United States can be made to reflect the
conditions under which missions of the
United States are required to operate in
the -countries represented by, such for-
governments represented by mission is The bill specifically provides that the "S; ' 202 a(a)
4 - T?-Jt,_A 4~4w 4ww will have an -
to prsvidte fair, equitable Ant:-nondis- - r-
.l>a,.:i,,. 41.sl4YneY.4 4w-TT,Q,.w.i oiwYw tart' May include& -requirement to pEiy zattorr tar
W bedeW . to - In the working can
casts . of .operating US- missions, im rrA/ Yai V' of UlK46V --chailg~
beuseii in carryfug out th a e provisions of f
proved working conditions for'U.S. Per- . the hill In additio the W-6.- Tau 1V
eigss relations. The bills authorities may requim a waiver. oy any foreign- mis- ties , a.u
also be applied to i n t ernational organize- scan of any recourse- against any' govern reque
boos to a limited ctant where neces- mental authority. -public service entity, (o: a
. ..,Yes 1-J, .14. Viu se up- an -_ Dailies from lawsuits. and will thus'. ea-
pendent Office of Foreign Mfssionsbl th Dit tt th~
aeerecoro carry oue, pro- wF
within the Department of State. The Of- -a 41..,, 1,;11 .,.-w- wPW _ai.. \--
ointed~by the~Secretary of State.. The The bill also provides that issues con- reteryn>