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'$ WASHINGTON POST Approved For ReleaW2~M219'IA-RDP88-0131 w Owners for Esquire It's Sold to Clay Felker et al, Who Want to Make ii 1V.Core Tiniei r' B y Judith Martin i mained adamant about not isclosing Felker and. Flarmsworth "want to aim and Karen De IP/itt the price. the magazine more at the decision- . Esquire's new owners have acquired makers in New York, Washington, Esquire magazine as been sold to all the stock,of; the magazine,.in ex- Houston and Los Angeles." editor Clay Felker, g change for preferred' stock in} the graphics designer newly-formed a uirin company, I squire was founded in 1903 by Ar- Milton Glaser and the London-based g nold Gingrich,. Who died last year, and which has not yet- been given. a name Associated Felker told staffers that he wants the . News Group, it was an- The- corporation; -owned by Harms-, 'magazine, to be again "the' pounced yesterday in New' York. wortha Briton; publishes 44 daily-and; magazine The new, owners plan, to; convert the weekly newspapers urcIuding 5#he, that Arnold Gingrich founded.'' 44-year-old : features .. and. fiction Daily Mail and the Evening-News. of In its early days, it published the monthly hard hit financially in re- London. It also has holdings in maga work of Thomas Wolfe, William cent years-into a "more timely." bi- tines; North Sea oil, restaurants, fur. ' Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott weekly. At a staff meeting yesterday, niture companies, transportation, real' Fitzgerald, Saul Bellow,, Damon Ftu Felker said he was considering : put- estate and Canadian newsprint mills. nyon, William Saroyan, Ralph Ellison Ling the motto "The` Magazine for Its annual report lists net assets of; and Vladimir Nabokov, afliong others. VIcn" back on Esquires cover, which more than $106 million as of last April Its decline was marked. dramatically still carries the logo of an. old man's and pre-tax earnings of $21 million in 1974, when the W.R. Simmons-Co. happy face.. The announcement of the sale noted published _-6, _ y Oi Es; Stud that Esquire had suffered from rleelin-.- a dem gra r' esterd Reached in New Veb a y ay hickd- -aking over Esquire. "I've been out though the. figures were said to be im- .f '"?? c din uu auverZisers_ Jf journalism for nine mnn+hs nn.x, proving in the last two boars. The sir- cor l to a staffer from..,the , Associated News Group, Flarmsworth Felker said that he wanted to spend Felker was known to be looking was anxious to get Esquire bbecause: he :ome time at t e magazine be ore he for a publishing venture since he lost Esquire cau . h f hd bn d se aeeefeated in made any changes in it, he adding, how- N " ' , ew York magazine It its anbi the Londo Dil Stdd . ovousnayanar, the Lon- ever, that he planned to "aim it more place for him,' said writer Nora Ep'. don Daily Express and, recentlyi,'the toward m n." e hron who satiidaiditr N YkPt ,rze a mgazne eo,ewor 'os, which Mtl4doch "With the women's movement , called "Clay Filter". in a column.'in . bought. He added that' Harms wx-ti 's -men's role in .America today needs to the April Esquire, "That's a magazine ., father, Lord Rothermere, who itired be looked at," he said, "I'd like the that Madison Avenue. went cold on a from the group to Florida, had--told magazine to investigate men's role in couple of years ago.. Now they'll- come him, "You've got to buy something" . the country. See what It is, where it's back because there'll be a strong, Harmsworth had gone, to pi~zdy- mooing " energetic editor land with his sotdyd .n yesera; an Felker had been fired from Esquire Senior editor Christopher Buckley . : could not be reached ' after being an editor there from 1957 said that the staff feeling yesterday ~o 1963. He eventually took over New was relief "that the other shoe has York magazine, which,, became an dropped. We've been living with the Esquire rival but last January, In a rumor of this sale for, a couple of oitter power struggle. with Australian:. months.. You can't, get any work done. Dublisher.Rupert, Murdoch,;..',he,Iost when you're constantly hearing that: -ontrol` of the New York Magazine you're going to be sold."' lompany,: which--also publishes New ` Yesterday's staff meeting, said Vest magazine and The. Village .Voice. Buckley, was "very cut and dried. . Felker will be president' and. chief' 7 her was very-soft-spoken. He: said'? xecutive officer of Esquire; and Vere' he would be moving into his offices larmsworth, who heads the Associ ' next week some time.". ted News Group, will be its chair- He also. said there would be no ma Tan? Byron- Dobell wilt'continue as ]or staff changes, d litor, and David M. O' pub- Aaron Latham, who had' quit New #her... ... York when, Felker did and had, previ- -The amount of the sale wa`s not an- ously worked for Esquire,; said'. yester'- Dunced,,. and,, Felker night.. rQ-. day -that he has been "led to believe. th t I a will be workig f Cl noray again. We've, had endless talks about where he would like the magazine. to go:.: Clay has: a phrase-he says he- hopes to hook Esquire, to the engine 'of the news, make Esquire more timely." ' Buckley said, he,: understands: that Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100500007-3