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August 27, 1977
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t# pla6 ed R ~e~as~ 1/08/01: CIA-RDP91nnan 5001
E 444,407
AUG 2 71917
The listing in the current Manhattan tele-
phone book seems innocuous enough: "Society
foie the Investigation of-Human Ecology Inc.;-71
56. Austin St.,. Forest. Hills, BO 8-4500."
The,,.?society, knowledgeable congressional
sources now say,: was one of the Central Intelli
Bence' Ageney's, major "fronts" that funneled mil-.
lions,of dollars to university'scientists for mind-
'_ control.'experiments, some. on unknowing sub-
jects, during the .1950s and 1960s.
Operating out of apartment 207 in a four-sto-
ry walkup near the West Side Tennis Club, the
society was one of two or three top CIA conduits
directing behavior-control and. brainwashing re-
search '.using LSD and other drugs under the -j
code name MK-ULTRA, the sources said. The
-'mind-control.l experiments and. the CIA. cover
agencies that ran them are now the subject of a.
congressional investigation,' as well as,the con-,
cern,of a number of the nation's most prestigious
i I . universities such as Harvard, Columbia, Prince-*
ton, i4IIT, Stanford, Ohio State,:-Pennsylvania;'
Penn.:: State, : Maryland.-,- Georgetown, George
Washington and Rutgers,:. where the CIA -has
said some of -the research'was: conducted..
name- supposedly. was - disbanded -:in -1965, =-the..sourcess-said, after changing its name to the Hu
-man Ecology Fund and moving first to Manhat-
tan and=then?.ta Nashingtan~
-Butwhy does an organization that is-,no long
er supposed to exist have a current listing in the
white-pages of the Manhattan directory? That's
a mystery. to everybody including some of the-
people formerly -associated;: with" the society
'It"'comes- as a great shock, I didn't., know
that, said Dr : =LawrenceB. `Hinkle Jr..-of New
Canaan, Conn., who said last night that he and';
Center had' helped to found the society "in 1953-
officials of the federal government" to study le
In an interview yesterday;Hinkle said that"
toward: the end of the Korean. War,. the-late CU
`director'Allen W._Oulles,had become-concerned;
that' the_..Chinese and Russians ' had :discovered:
highly-developed brainwashing techniques:: Dul
les asked a friend at Cornell,' the late Dr. Harold:`
"No drug experiments were, everdone at Cor-
nell or New York Hospital, Hinkle said. "We
had no pant in the whole drug business. Dr. III
Wolff, . who died ; in 1962, was the senior man.
.The society was. a corporation organized at the
request of Mr- Dulles and his people in order to
protect their. identity. The CLA, started it. This
corporation belonged to the federal government
;from the very -beginning. Harold Wolff and I al- .
ready had a- human. ecology program at New,
.York Hospital, and we were going to get this ex-
tra money. So I told him why not have a Society
for the Investigation of Human Ecology? That is
why it got its name. If I had known that Rachel
Carson was going to write 'Silent Spring' [which
popularized the. word ecology and triggered the
environmental movement] I"would have thought
of a different term-" In 1956, Hinkle said-, he and
= his colleagues finished their brainwashing stud--
ies and they were. published in the Congressional
Record. "As far as we were concerned our job
was done.". Then; Hinkle said, an Air Force colo-
nel, James L. Monroe, "came aboard as executive
director about the. time of the Hungarian Revo-
lution. When the proposal was made to send Jim
Monroe up and organize this thing in a different
way, there was very serious objection on our part
at .Cornell because it cast all sorts of doubts on
very serious- research,- It -was suggested to. us--
.,that -it would: be a desirable 'thing if this mecha-.
nism that had been set up [the society]'would be
used to mobilize other scientific resources in sup-.
,-port of the .CIA. %At'this point I and, others de-
murred.: These' people were involved .in sorts
of things, so .we "just quietly'.. resigned: all
,`Now, Harold Wolff had a commitment to
this, a' [Dulles],. and be remained:'
They moved to Forest Hills, and I remember vis
icing there,, and:: T-knewJim Monroe and these
One of the people he remembers secing-there-
is Estelle Brodsky, who. still lives in an apart-
'-, merit at-.71-50 Austin St. in Forest-Hills close to -
, where.-. the 'society -was located at 71=58. -The
:;buildings are owned by the same company, ac
cording to the superintendent-of both' buildings.
_~''I was about 18 at the time,'-' Mrs; Brodsky said,'
"and at $75:;,a week, who were, they;gong, to
g DP91-00901 R00050011'0028-4
assort th es; inclunkie; to aoiiduct researci~:
on-b Awashing
Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000500110028-4
24 August 1977
0.11! P11 6"T.,
. Reception, the b j e is . e the
and Spies, Sun and. urge
Betty Beale
At. Alejandro Orfila's reception. last
evening, a former high CIA official was ex-
plaining why the agency got involved in
mind-control tests on human beings.
When American prisoners in Korea and
captured agents in Russia made anti-U.S.
statements, he said, Allen Dulles, then CIA
director, "told the boys to go and find out
how human beings could be manipulated or
forced to confess to things they hadn't done.
Were they being hypnotized, drugged or-~
what? What training could we give to pro-
tect our men against such experimenting?
"As far as I know, nobody has turned up
in any of these cases yet who Was not
briefed fully on the consequences and {
voluntarily accepted participation," he
Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000500110028-4
Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000500110028-4
By Bill Richards and John Jacobs
SS's;hi!u: oa Pont Stab writers
The Central Intelligence Agency
used the University of Maryland
and George Washington University
for some of its top secret IIKUL-
TRA experiments in behavior con-
trol in the 1950s and 1900s, tlic
agency has informed both univer??
The CIA also officially informed
Georgetown University that it had
sheltered some of the MKULTRA ex-
periments. Georgetown's part in the
project had been previously reported
but not officially confirmed.
The three local universities were
among 80 private and public institu-
tions told in the past few days they
had played parts-some wittingly,
some not-in the IIKULTR 1 tests.
In a related development, the CIA
yesterday made public under the
Freedom of Information Act an addi-
tional 1,760 pages of documents per-
taining to MIKULTRA behavior con-
trol experiments.
These documents show that many
high-ranidng agency officials knew
and approved at least the Georgetown
part of- the mind control program, in-
cluding then-CIA Director Allen
Dulles and senior aides Richard M.
Bissell Jr., C. P. Cabell, Lyman Kirk-
patrick, Lawrence Houston and Rich-
ard Heltns. helms later became CIA
The documents show that anion,'
things tested at Georgetown were sub-.
stances to promote "Illogical thinking
and impulsiveness to the point where
the recipient would be discredited .in
public," and substances to promote
and prevent "the intoxicating effect of
Another reference in the documents
The agency was also interested in
"a knockout pill which can surrepti-
tiously be administered in drinks,
food, cigarettes, as an aerosol," to pro-
vide a "maximum of amnesia,". and a
substance, also to be administered
surreptitiously, that would make it
"Impossible for a man to perform any
physical activity whatsoever."
The documents also referred to
tests of a "knockout" drug on termi-
nally ill cancer patients at George-
The documents say the uni\"crsity
administration was to be '*totally un-
witting" of CIA sponsorship of the as-
sorted mind control experiments.
A CIA spokesman said yesterday
that the agency had located all but sb:
of the 80 institutions and companies
involved in MKULTRA. "The -others
no longer exist," said the spokesman,
who declined to give the names of any
of the institutions or firms involved.
None of the three Washington-area!
universities notified could theniselvesl
supply details of the types of i\IKUL-
TI:A experiments in which they wereI
involved. However, spokesmen for all'
three said they. would take advantage
of a CIA offer to supply - dditional de-
tails on .request.
In its letter to University of Mary-
land President WiLon' H.- Elkins;
which arrived ' last Friday, the CIA.
said: "While we recognize this may be
unwelcome news we believe we have
an obligation to advise you of this fact'
[MKULTRA participation] so that you
may initiate such action as you deem
necessary- to protect the interests of
-z-our university."
:-1n thelet.ters of notification, the
C1A noted that in some cases the'
. 'KULTRA institutions were aware of
reached y
dent, the
at the sch
of the uri
for coma'
The do
say one
and them
rogation ;
It has
the CIA
toward a
cal wing
use for i
was funn
Fund fo-
front nar
taught at
A Gco;
terday ti
found no
the CIA
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has beer
tact him.
18 August 1977
poenaecl to .e~uQ' OciL. / "U: VI ' a
Senate subcommittee investigating
the MKULTRA program.
A long description of the proposed
Georgetown facility suggested that -
"human patients - and voluatcers"
would be available for experimental
purposes. It said the agency could
"recruit new scientific -personnel" at
the medical center, because agents
t corking under cover there v,ould-be'
in daily contact with "tile' graduate
school." The identity of the school
was censored in the documents.
To further its interest in producing
stress throu.h chemical means, the
CIA also proposed studying chemical
agents on "advanced cancer patients."
These means included a "K" or knock.
out drug, which one memo-writer de-
scribed as a "good Mickey Finn."
their participation in the program and Another MK-ULTRA project sought
had been while the experiments were to understand "toxic delirium, uremic
.taking place.- coma and cerebral toxicity from poi-
Elkins, who' has headed itilaryland soning." Toward that "end, chemical
since 1954, declined to comment yes- .compounds were acln:inistered to can-
terday on whether he 'knew of the; ter. patients and to at least four diabe-
is to "sttbstanecs which will prorluca
..MKULTRA experiments. Lloyd H: El-; tic patients, with plans for more tests
'pure' euphoria with no subsequent let- liott, who has headed George Wash- 1, to "study the effect on mental font-
clown,' a type of permanent high. ngton since 1965 ? could not be. Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RUP91=0090 00 -4
i'2PqFO10'Iy ()ffP$PP'nN*'300050
U7 A a ,~ 7 7
ASHINGTON There seemed to be
nothing the Central intelligence, Agency
drugs,. hypnosis, mental telepathy, depriva -:
lights. The agency even consulted magicians and employed
But_ nothing gave. the agency the formula it sought
for creating its own Manchurian candidate. And. last week,
under attack again -for having violated ethical norms in
their psychological experiments," agency` officals maintained
that "they'were through tampering with the human mind.
They hastened to add, however, that they' had not aban-
doned the aspect of their 25-year exploration 'into the world
of psychiatry that was perhaps the most benign and may
have been the only blossom in a rank garden:. The construc=
tion of elaborate personality profiles of employees in sensi-
tive jobs, potential. agents and international military and
political figures.
"The work we're doing iiow does not involve attempts'
to modify behavior,",Admiral Stansfield Turner, the director
of the agency, told a Senate hearing last week. "It involves
studying it." He said that "the kind of thing we're interested
in is what will motivate a man to become an agent of
the United States. is a very difficult' situation: We have
to be familiar with the attitudes and responses of people
we approach to become our spies."
Intelligence 'officials call these psychological studies
"personality assessment." Potential spies are indeed as-
sessed, but the sweep of_ the program is much greater than
the admiral suggested. The agency has developed "personality
assessments" of Fidel Castro and the late Che Guevara,
Mao Tse-tung and his successors, the leaders of the Kremlin
-and the chiefs of state of most of the nations regarded
as allies of the United States. "You do it on friends and
enemies alike," said one intelligence specialist, "because
you can never know when someone's going to switch."
When the President of the United States goes to meetings
abroad, he is armed with assessments of the officials he
will confront, as were members of the United States negoti-
ating team at the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty talks.
At times the assessment program has overstepped the
bounds of the agency's charter, which forbids operations
directed against Americans inside the United States. The
agency ordered a personality study of Daniel Ellsberg when
he was awaiting trial for allegedly having given the Penta-
gon Papers to The New York Times. An assessment was
done also of Mr. Ellsberg's lawyer, Leonard Boudin. E. How-
ard Hunt, a former intelligence agent who was jailed for
`. A personality assessment Is simply a guide to an indi-
vidual's behavior. It describes his weaknesses and strengths,
:predicts" actions and reactions,- and suggests how he can
be influenced. The psychologist preparing an assessment
for the agency asks: What are the person's principles? His
habits? Is he a drinker, a woman-chaser, a reader, a jogger, "
a hockey fan, a chess player, a chain-smoker, a'dog lover,
a Sunday morning gardener? Who are his friends?.Where
is he from? Who was his father?
Usually the psychologist is unable to interview the
subject.,So he works with photographs and reports provided
by agents and other Government employees and informants,
...published materials, and official records. Whenever possible
the psychologist likes to have a tape-recording of his sub-
ject's voice to analyze.
Personality assessment in one form or another is as
old as the intelligence profession. But it received increased
emphasis in the early _1950's from Allen W. Dulles, then
the director of the agency..Mr. Dulles had sought neurologi-
cal treatment for his son, who had been . seriously injured
in Korea. He went "to see Dr. Harold G. Wolfe, a New
York neurologist.- Mr. Dulles became interested in research
Dr. Wolfe was 'doing on indoctrination by the Chinese of
American pilots captured during the Korean War. Before
long, Dr. Wolfe, at the behest of the agency, had set up
the Society" for the Investigation of Human Ecology at the
Cornell Medical Center in New York. The society became
,an important mechanism for funding a number of agency
studies manipulating human behavior.
} The Department of Sociology at Rutgers University was
1 paid to conduct a study of Hungarian refugees. Dr. D. Ewen
Cameron of McGill University in Montreal got a grant to
explore "the effects of repeated verbal signals upon human
behavior." There was an LSD experiment conducted by a
team of social and medical scientists at the Massachusetts
Mental Health Center in Boston. The Educational Testing
Service of Princeton, N.J., which conducts the National Col-
lege Board and Graduate Record Examinations, received
funds to investigate the relationship between two broad
theories of personality.
When the society was disbanded in 1965, Col. James
L. Monroe, a psychologist who had been a senior intelligence
official, and several others joined another agency-backed
organization called "Psychological Assessments Inc." After
Psychological Assessments closed its doors a few years ago,
Colonel Monroe moved to Texas and set up a firm that
prepared studies for business and industry. The colonel said
recently that he hoped the agency had benefited from some
of his research. "If they're going to make judgments about
foreign powers," he said, "thr:y've got to know about how
people function."
Joseph B. Treaster is a reporter-for The New York
his part in the Watergate break-in, burglarized the files S f,,-,j i 4aC4L ZvvcA-**1 csi
of Mr. Ellsberg's psychiatrist to get material for the assess-
C~"Iy, U I FS' 'J ~+4 1 U. V y -vt s U N
901 100 'F'F`b~413~?"4~ Z`~s'F%~j Sala vc e
Approved For Release 2001/08/04-s 1?~ It-A,
Ci*4(_aY z.,>zuJ~~.s4- e,~.. '`
1 ` J -I.r: L'i_*" J1 1 VL11\ 111;{iJ
7 A' '~or Release 2001/08101~v. 4RmPI)-00901ROOMORI' 28-4
Ne'rr.-'Information'::About Funding
and { Operatians ,:Disclosed by
oc iniprl s an'd:in etview
investigative reporting.; teaht consist=
ing of John M:. Crawdson, Nicholas M::`
Horrock,. Boyce Rensberger, Jo Thomas
and Joseph B. Treastei It was written:-
b Mr. I'-'orrock.
.1 - r1a to The New York Tlmei
WASHI GTON, : Aug..:1 Several
prominent medical .research. institutions
and Government hospitals in the United
States and Canada were involved in a
secret, 25-year, $25-million effort by the
.Central Intelligence Agency to learn how
to control the human.mind.
The existence-of-the agency's lnvestiga-
jtions into behavior? and thought control
was- previously known., But through acr
tens to 2,000 C.LA. documents and -wide-
rariging interviews; a group of New York
Times reporters-has developed new infor-
lmation''about the;:' cost of the program,:
the range of its penetration into presti
ous research centers; :the identities of
some lnst4Eutions,1 the secret funding con-
about ,the- program expressed by some;
Z' ciantists. r
The original research`.was spurred by
the conviction-later: proved unfounded
-that:: the Russiartv'and Chinese had-de-
veloped brainwashing .and mind-control
devices. But the C.I.A: quickly- turned to
seeking an offensive use for behavior con-
trol..;it sought to. crack the mental de-
fenses of enemy agents-to be able to
program them and its own operatives to
ainst their
mission even a
carry ou
will and "against such- fundamental laws
of nature as self-preservation."
It: channe
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of these, th
Medical Re:
is still acti
the Investig;
was disbar,
in : one repc
Bowers, din
there was
I conduit for I
The C.Li
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control, exi
By the eat
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added 'diffit
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that' -it ha(
tions using
What ei
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gene offi,
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to assembi
governor en
inns itution.,
ducted by
and-:the ii
c7Dr. Ct
now; assoc
center in I
the Federal penitentiary in Atlanta- and
the Bordentown Reformatory in New Jer-
sey between 1955 and 1964. He was paid
$25,000 a year through the Geschikter
Foundation, he said in a telephoned inter`
41The Geschikter Foundation'contribut
ed t'o the construction of a .$3 million
building at Georgetown University Medi
cal School iii Washington, D.C. Newly di
covered records indicate that the,- C.LA
wanted to "establish at an appropri ate
university" a forensic. medicine depart-
ment ' so the project,"and allied agency
needs could thus be served with complete
received that only: a fragmentary picture
emerged of the extent to which the agen-
ny was engaged 'in behavior cant.rol re- t;
weeks ago that seven cases of records
containing some 5,000 pages of docu-
meets pertaining to these projects had.
been' discovered in the agency's archives-.
newly discovered records before a joint
hearing of the Senate Select Committee
control, le ai perarmance, ana apprupn-; a n e and the Senate Subcom-
Approved For Release ~@0$ sp R?r1GOO9Ol I b05 E i Q alt1, on Wednesday. He is
said - that' the university was reviewing expected to disclose that the C.I.A. paid
its records on the construction but,thatl for tests of a "knockout" drug on unwit-
there i was no indication the, money had i ling terminal cancer patients.
elease 2001108101r fyI I Df KOgq@x'4 00050011
G ~ Pi.&G6 / C~ 2 Au gl.t:n t 1977
Mind-Control Studies Had 2
of Min dsze ty
8a.ehl to The New York Tlrrtei
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1-In the summer
of 1977, it may be difficult for Americans
to comprehend the frame of mind of the
men who nearly 30 years earlier started
the Central. Intelligence Agency's effort
to manipulate human behavior.
,As some of the former high-ranking
C.I.A. men recall-now, they had looked
into the vacant eyes of Joseph Cardinal
Mindszenty at his treason trial in Buda-
pest in 1949 and had been horrified.
They had been convinced that his con-
'fession had been wrung from him while
he was either under the influence of some
mysterious mind-bending drug or that he
was standing before the dock in a post-
hypnotic trance. The sight touched off
memories of earlier "show trials'' in the
Soviet Union.
The C.I.A. leaders were certain the
Communists had. embarked on a cam-
paign to control men's minds and they
were determined to find a defense, setting
out in earnest the next year---190--with
Project Bluebird, which evolved into
Project Artichoke, then became MK-
ULTRA-MK-DELTA. With each code
name change, they broadened their
sweep, until there remained virtually no
avenue of human behavior control they
were not exploring.
Fears Seemingly Confirmed
director, Allen W. Dulles, and a handful
of operatives and high-ranking aides.
"Precautions must be taken," one agen-
cy official wrote in an internal memo,"-
not only to protect the operation from
exposure: to enemy forces, but. also to,
conceal these activities from the Ameri-
can public in general," adding that this
information "would have serious repe.r-
cessions in political and diplomatic cir-
a v
a p;
ties and would be detrimental to the ac- jacket," they tried out sinsli
lishment [of the a
In attempts to develop ways to admin-
i ter i t^a' and ;Hind-ait.ri drug: ur- i
through clothi:'g as thic;, as
I pr
nd pencil-
ike injectors.
Fragmentary accounts of the C.I.A.'s
efforts to control men's minds have been
published in the past. But a far more
comprehensive. picture has emerged from
a study of more than 2,000 pages of fresh-
ly released agency documents and an in-
vestigation bya_team of New York Times
reporters. _
The behavior control, undertaken by
amen who presumably saw themselves as
sincere and patriotic, takes on in retro-
spect the appearance of a bizarre grope
into the world of science fiction. The
C.I.A. investigators let their imaginations
run: Was there a way to dissolve the
Berlin Wall? What about a knockout drug
that could incapacitate an entire building
full of people? A pill that would make
a drunk man sober; a way to manufacture
food that looked and tasted normal but,
when eaten, would create "confusion-
Rubber From Mushrooms?
Subsequent developments seemed to
confirm their fears: The arrest in Germa-
ny of two Soviet agents armed with iden-
tical plastic cylinders containing hypoder-
mic needles, said to cause a victim "to
become amenable to the will of his cap-
tor." Then, the startling confessions of
downed American airmen to false charges
of carrying out germ warfare against
..North Korea.
A short time later, however, in 1953,
a high level military study group deter-
mined that events had not been what
;they seemed. Neither the Russians nor
anyone else had devised a means of turn-
ing men into robots and there was "little
threat, if any, to national security."
The intelligence community rational-'
ized: They would go ahead anyway,.
against the chance that the Communists
might some day live up to their dread.
Furthermore, they saw great potential in
developing these tools For their. awn of-
fensive use. .
There was an "urgent need;" the C.I:A.
and other intelligence- agencies `argued,..
to develop "effective and practical tech-
niques" to "render an individual subservi-
ent to an imposed wilt or control."
The-C.I.A. men, who led the way, en-
listing the support of the Army, the Navy,
the Air Force, the Departments of Age-
cult-ore, Health, . Education and. Welfare
and several other. agencies, acknowledged
among therriselves that much of what
they vrere.setting do.was.."unethL
cal," borderrt'01MQINlW l
be repugnant to the'American people. So
they. made,certain that these activities
were tightly held, known only, to the
One long discussion focused on whether
rubber could be produced from mush-
rooms. Another on whether water witch-
ing could locate an enemy submarine.
They worked on ways to achieve the
"controlled production" of headaches and
They wanted to reduce a man to a be-
earaches; twitches, jerks and staggers.
wildered, self-doubting mass to "subvert
his principles," a C.I.A. document said.
They wanted to direct him in ways that
.,may vary from rationalizing a disloyal
act to the construction of a new person."
One of their longest running goals was
to develop a way to induce amnesia. They
wanted to be able to interrogate enemy
espionage agents in such a way that nei
then the agents nor their superiors would
know they had.been compromised, and
they - wanted to be - able- to wipe clean
the memories of their own agents after
certain missions' and, especially, when.
they were going into retirement. "-
. They were interested in simple destruc-
tion, too, As with the other business that
glade-amnesia, so attractive; they wanted
to be able to get away with murder with-
out? leaving a trace,:
An Expert's Suggestions
One apparent medical- or Scientific ex-
pert, whose- identity has been, deleted
from the documents, suggested- that- the
Qd ri t M ght =aRD9* Or 9!
in a small, air-tight room with a chunk
of dry ice,. giving off suffocating carbon
dioxide gas. He- also proposed reducing
They conducted interviews with scien-
tists and doctors and members of other
intelligence agencies around the world.
.They studied the writing of the psycholo-
gist who worked with Adolf Hitler, won-
dered about the use of the "occult" and
of "black psychiatry," and of, course
pored over their own stream of intelli-
gence- data.
There was on agent's report of a "con-
fession gang" that had Shang-
hai, and, without the use of "old-fash-
ioned torture or drugs," could- obtain
.,any confession they desire." In one case,
the report from China went, "the prisoner
was not allowed to close his eyes for
26 days-"
i+fost of the ideas the C.I.A. considered
never got off the drawing board. For a
few years in the early 1950's, though,
the agency had one or two "special inter-
rogation'' teams that went on operational
missions in Europe and Asia. A team was
supposed to consist of a psychiatrist, a
hypnotist and an interrogator and was
to elicit information through the. use of
drugs and hypnotism.
In actual practice, the size of the teams
and the procedure they followed varied.
In one series of interrogations in Europe,
for example, they employed neither hyp-
notism nor a combination of drugs and
hypnotism-the very essence "of special
interrogation" at the time--because the
psychiatrist was in a hurry to resume
an interrupted vacation-and no hypnotist
was available.
11 Days or Questioning
police in. civilian clothes, the team ques-
tioned three European espionage agentsI
who had been working for the C.I.A. "be- I
hind the Iron Curtain" and whose loyalty
had become suspect. .
- Over-1 1 ? days, - the three, agents were
individually given intravenous injections
of an unidentified drug-possibly sodium
pentathal--then engaged by the interro-
gator and the psychiatrist in fantasies.
. The -team decided that all three agents
had responded to? questions truthfully and
should be continued in operational use:
But they reported in the document that
one of the agents who had resisted the
effects of the drugs-and later disappoint-
ED011ieGZ"tors by making reference
to the "solution" that was injected, thus
giving_ no indication of "amnesia," `~:rf