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October 27, 1972
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25X1 25X1 Approved For Releas 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SUBJECT . Notes on MC&G Working Group Meeting of 20 October 1972 1. I lopened the meeting (at Albert Hall, Topographic Center) by briefing the group on the "tools" that NRO has available for planning and controlling the "take" from the T-KH camera systems. He described how the various weighting factors and the weather thresholds can be manipulated in simulations before the mission and during the day-by-day review of operations. Although no one could absorb all the details, his effective presentation certainly made the group more sensitive to the potential for directing the collection operations of both the pan and the mapping camera so as to satisfy the MC&G high priority require- ments. 2. The status of the coverage requirements for the 12-inch mapping camera was discussed. The requirements have been integrated sufficiently by DMA so that can proceed with his simulations, but DMA is expecting to make some additional modifications before the final requirements are turned over. simulation for the mapping camera "take" provide the following results: area attempted- 3. 1 -1 then outlined the proposal for a quick-response L Area istory File, usin the basic data provided by Topographic Center and having unit do the recording and reporting of MC&G collection accomp ishment, supported by CIA's Cartography Division for the preparation of subject, his recommendations to establish an informal working group to study and draft out the details was accepted without any controversy. necessary graphics. Thanks to previous briefings on the NRO review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP79B017 TOP SECRET d 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 04/11/01 : CIA-RDP79B01709A000400040018-6 TOP SECRET Nor 4. then reported on the status of his subgroup's draft recommendation on the continuation of en ineering desi nn the improved lens for the 25X1 IIowas pushing for getting this draft over to you for your approval. However, I emphasized that this was a preliminary draft which still needed to be coordinated with DIA and approved by General Penney. I I the DIA representative. LOA-1 raised a question concerning the propriety of an expenditure for a ZbAl requirement which has not been established officially. of NRO made the point that the justification, which is needed now, for even the immediate smaller amount must 25X1 consider the alternative of using the pan photography to satisfy the requirement; furthermore, the requirement for the larger sum of buying the improved resolution cameras must be fully justified by June 1973. 5? of the DMA Topographic Center briefly reviewed the status o is work on handling and processing the future film from the Since the full details of the answers that he had worked out in conjunction with EXSUBCOM and had been appended to the minutes of the last MC Working Group meeting, there were only a few spot questions concerning the procedures. was almost finished with his review, and expected to be able to brief COMIREX around the end of November. He will continue to monitor the handling and processing procedures until all t oredurns are fully operational and working without hitches. provided a one-word answer to my question why DMA was processing the film--costs. He pointed out that the cost factor was also behind farming out the processing of intelligence film to the maximum possible extent to Westover and NPIC. Earlier had shown me some documentation indicating that NRO had initiated the request for DMA (then DIAMC) processing as far back as 1969. There is still an element of doubt about the timing of the drop of the mapping bucket. Both now feel it will 25X1 be dropped whenever it is filled, which accor ing to preliminary 25X1 simulations should be after the third bucket. expects to get a 25X1 definitive answer on the timing in his next trip to the West Coast. Approved For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP79B0170~ 25X1 Approved For Releajs e 2004/1 Imp CSI -RPE7,19B01709A000400040018-6 6. With respect to the agenda item on procedures for handling MC&G guidance to NRO developmental efforts, outlined 25X1 the substance of the two attached drafts, which he had drawn up on the basis of suggestions from (who 25X1 reflected the views of the NRO staff). The general concepts of the MC&G Working Group developing explicit justifications in terms of the degree of need and the savings of time, manpower, and costs for the specific requirements, and passing the justifications and recommendations through the Chairman, COMIREX, for NRO study of potential feasibility, cost, and impact were accepted without discussion. I Ipointed out 25X1 that the results of the NRO studies will furnish t he basis for the final COMIREX r i d id b l S 25X1 ev ew an gu ance. u sequent y, I indicated 25X1 to that adherence to these procedures would make NRO's job easier. Copies of the two memoranda have been given t o 7. In view of the extended briefings and discussions characteristic of recent Working Group meetings, 25X1 indicated a more frequent scheduling in the future until the ac og is cleared up. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP79B01709~4000400040018-6 I 25X1 TOP SECRET II Approved For Relea4 TOP SECRET e 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP79B01709400400 -6 DRAFT :I I 25X1 SUBJECT : Draft Procedures for the MC&G Working Group in Handling Requirements through the COMIREX REFERENCE . Draft Memo to the Director, NRO Staff, from the Chairman, COMIREX 1. For the immediate and near future, guidance and justification statements not included in formal COMIREX papers for USIB review will follow the procedures outlined in reference. 2. Also, as indicated in reference, the MC&G Working Group will be responsible for developing any necessary revision of collection requirements to be included in the COMIREX Long Range Guidance for NRO Fiscal Planning, including the degree and the nature of the need for meeting these requirements. Horizontal and vertical accuracies for MC&G materials for specified support over the next five years should be described, with indication of the seriousness of short-comings if improvements in current and assured improvements in collection configurations can be demonstrated to make these accuracies unobtainable. Approved For Release 2004/lItM.. G t9B017094000400040018-6 25X1 Approved For Releaso TOP SECRET 2004/11/01: CIA-RDP79B0170$&00400040018-6 3. In each case, explicit justifications for the resultant mapping, charting, and point-positioning data should be given in terms of recognized over-all military support needs, in terms of priorities. Where would there be MC&G benefits, in terms of savings in time, manpower, and costs, in the next five-year period, if improvements were developed to meet newly stated accuracy and area coverage requirements? 4. Cogent, annual submissions by the Working Group for inclusion in the over-all COMIREX guidance for NRO fiscal planning would provide the basis for action by the NRO. 5. Meanwhile, as developments might dictate, justifications and recommendations for specific improvements by the NRO will continue to be submitted by the Working Group through the Chairman, COMIREX, for NRO study in terms of potential feasibility, cost, and impact. The NRO response will furnish the basis for COMIREX review and guidance to the NRO. 6. With respect to the procedures outlined above, it is understood that there will be frequent and informal interchange of ideas between DMA scientists and technicians in the MC&G field and NRO staff in order to identify, and expedite the presentation of justifications for, potential NRO research and developmental projects of interest to the MC &G community. Approved For Release 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP79B0l709Aq TOP SECRET 25X1 Approved For Releas TOP SECRET 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP79130170RW" MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, NRO Staff SUBJECT . Handling of Guidance on MC&G Requirements for NRO Technical Developments and Revised Photographic Coverage 25X1 REFERENCES : a. Memorandum for Director, NRO Staff, from Chairman OM t + X 27 September 1971 25X1 b. Memorandum for the Chairman, COMIREX, from the Acting Chairman, MC&G Working Group, 21 April 1972 1 1 1. Last year, in reference a, COMIREX noted MC&G interests in several NRO potential developments in addition to its response to your request of 22 March 1971 directed to the Chairman, MC&G Working Group. 2. At the present time, in contrast to last year, you will receive through me, from time to time, separate statements from the MC&G Working Group, each of which will have been 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/1 i1161F (51A W1B017094000400040018-6 1 25X1 Approved For Releao TOP SECRET e 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP79B01709AD0400040018-6 developed to indicate the degree of need to the MC&G community and the justifications for individual potential improvements, s= . those some of which may relate to/mentioned in reference b. It is assumed that there will be a continuation of exchange of views between the MC&G Working Group and the NRO for the purpose of identifying potential improvements and their feasibilityf-9, 3. It is requested that, subsequent to NRO study of these statements, the COMIREX be provided with NRO's findings with respect to the general feasibility in relation to timing, potential costs, and possible impact on primary intelligence missions of improvements discussed in these MC&G Working Group statements. Approved For Release 2004/1' {69PdAA5MB017094000400040018-6 1 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved For Relea4 e 2004/11/01 : CIA-RDP79B0170 A00400040018-6 4. The COMIREX will then report to you its views on the advisability of pursuing the research and development required to meet the MC&G requirements in each case. 5. It is anticipated that future long-range guidance for NRO fiscal planning in the MC&G field will form an integral part or an appendix to the overall guidance that will be submitted next year by the COMIREX to the NRO through the USIB. The MC&G guidance will include such revision of MC&G collection requirements as may be needed, with statements of the degree and nature of need in~cr meeting these requirements, along with related factual data; and MC&G :requirements for development of technical improvements considered necessary to meet its needs. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/11//1- IJ 01709/000400040018-6 125X1