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Approved For?Zebea~e~~/10/~~~~~0975AQ00200360001-9. CURRENT ~TT~LJ~I~E:NC~ BULLETIIAT DOCUMENT NU. ~_ NO CHANGE iN ~I-~~~~ I-~ DECLASSI*!F_D CLACS. CHAra'~D TC~: T S C Q NEXT fiEVIE:VJ Dr": L: _-._~ AUTr,,I~~ r~ri ~ ~- DATP~~ S v~ ; '~`!1; WER~ Qf#i~e ~,f C~xxent In~ellig~n~c~e CEN',T'RAL TN~~~~ICi~~TC~ ,AOEI~TCY' 25X1 DOS review(s) completed. Approved For ~2eleas~~0'.~~/15~~~~~75A000200360001-9 `~ ~ ~o ~y is~~ S tTMMARY GENERAIL.... 25X1 ~gyptia~ns dissatisfied with British. atti :issues (page ?). e on Curren EASTERN EUROPE agencies (page 8)? WESTERN EtTR(~PE -25X1A B.elgium.favors meml~.ership of:Greece and Tnrke~..in NA'T'O (naae 3). +Czech police increase activity against W~stern? news session '(p!age g). - , 10. French Communists gain in municipal elections (page.9). 9..-'West German leaders c8s~.ppointe~l over ,Council of Europe J-N~v':REC~IV~D~./~47~: ~l.k''~ MtNH r~FFENSivk ::1~: -~ n o-r#~~~1 ~tor~~1N: 25X 25X1 Approor Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000200$60001-9 25X1A 2,~p1n6,ve~ GENERA]L~ Belgium favors membership of Greece .and Turkey, in NATO: became NATt~ members. Although. Belgium wishes first to havefuller understanding of the -views of other countries and the risks. involved, Belgium does not consider- the fear of Soviet reaction to Greek and Turkish membership in NATO as a valid reason for- opposition in view of the defense commitments already undertaken by Western Europe. Comment:. Belgian support of the LIS position is an indication of a definite break in the opposition to Greek and Turkish membership in NATO on the part of the small countries of Western Europe. -The Netherlands, which has been speaking fox the small countries,. has. indicated a possible modt:-, fieation of its- opposition if themportance of Greece and Turkey. in the- defense of the Mediterranean is spelled out. A Belgian Foreign Office official. has informed the US Ambassador in Brussels that, on balance, ~8elgium feels that Greece and Turkey should Approved 2.5X1A 25~I 25X1 gpproved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000200360001-9 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000200360001-9 2~ovec~ Egyptians dissatisfied with British attitude on current issues. 25X1~A ceived the British protest on the blocking of ?il tankers through the Suez Carnal coldly and. said that the Egyptian Government had `no intent2.dn of changing its policy ins that respect. , As a result of the Bra.~ish failure tro reply cn the defense negotiations, the Egyptian Foreign Minister indicated. to Caffery .that he was in "despair" and ~e~s only trouble ahead.. Commento There is no indication that the Arab determinat%on to prevent oil fram.reaching Haifa has weakenede British representations on this subject will only exacerksate already strained Anglo-Egyptian relations. 360001-9 According t? US Ambassador Caffery in Cairo, ,the Egyptian Foreign Minister is not pleased with (a) the UK attitude regarding the transit of tankers through- th.e Suez. Canal, .and (b) the: current situation regarding Anglo-Egyptian defuse negotiations. The Egyptian .Foreign Minister re- .Approve 25X1A 25X .. _.. , .Approved >vAS~E~1~.~1~~a~E.:,.. Czech police increase activity against We~stex~a~~aews:,ageneieso 25X1A TJS Am}~assadar .Briggs. in. Prague h~.s. been notified by his. French colleague that.the Acting...~hief .of the Agence France. Pre~se, _a Czech national, has been. arresteda IncrPase.d police -activity against. tl~e _Czecho- Slovak ernplcayees of the LTz~itecl Press. and. Reuters News agencies is evidents as we~.lo Br. iggs interprets. this- activity as an .attempt to intimidate Wester~a correspondents iffito leaving.Czechoslovakia car. at least ia~t~a refraing. from re~aorting:.m..ateriaL.u~favorabie to the Commuxai.~t .regime.-. _He _poixats out,.. however, that the Gzechosl,o~vak_Go~ernment. z'nay be -preparing. to arrest other foreign ~orres~ondents a.s ~.ccompl~.ces of the recently arrested US oorrespondez~t, William; C7atis. WESTERN EUI~QPE West Germa~.__Xe~.de~?s disawoointed over Council of Euro 25X1A West German del.egat~s to the recent Council of Europe meeting in StrasT Bourg have indicated. their general ~nsa.ppointment with the #ailure of the Coun~~il. to achieve concrete results. They are riow con, vtnced tk~at Fir~a~;a~.n ns unwl,l.l~ang to join a ZJnited Europe and that, wl.tl~a~~aat Engl.and,A French supper. t is at best lukewarm.. Leaders- oi` ~~??.e~ ~c~rman govera~mea~t coabitio~a were, however, pleased w~.tti e posl.tive acti~an of the C?uncil in endorsing the Schum~.n Pl.~an~ ~,~d. want to proceed with rapid ratification of the Plan ix~ f3o~ .1,~ order tt~? give ~.ew impetus to the European movemen~~o 1Vleanwla~.~e the opposition Se-cal Democrats have _ criticized the Co~anil se~si~~n and its endorsement of the ~ehuma~n Pl~~ a,s i~ac~a~~l~.siveo 25X1A Approv~d For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A00020036~ Approve 25X1A Gomxne .: , Ini.tial,..West .German enthusiasm. over .achieving .eq .status in~._the,.f~,ounc.il of Europe-has apparently wand as a.result of th.e recent council session. The. f ~.~r.~gaan. g'av~rent..Te~aders, s#all feel, :however, that the CQUnci~.can. prQVide a goad. opportunity for increased ~Ger~nnan influence in Western European affairs, and they will continue to press for the creation of a~. of#ectivs Europe Parliament within the Council structure. 25X1A 14. drench CQmrr~unists gain. in municipal electionso French Communist- Party, .lists were returned with outright majorities ~ .two rr~unicipal e~.ec- J - tic~ns, ire the Pads region on 27 May. Although both elections occurred in traditional Communist strongholds., it is noteworthy that in each. case Communist candidates reg~l.stered an increase Aver the previous municipal elution figures, ,~u~npiag from 43 percent to 54 percent in one instance. Communist laxopaganda is pointing out that the French Corr~munist Pa~t~- is r~ovv capable o~ ~,chieviing a. flat majority and thuxeby winn~.ng all fiats ~~ the departments: where it secured 40 Ferbent of the 1946-vote, ~'he US Embassy: in Paris comments. that in 1946 CQxnxnunist candidates secured 40 percept of the popular. vote in oni~ twA depnr~xnents. Cgmn~}ent' While elections. ix~ the Paris ''Red $clt'' give little besis for axi estimate.. of the national strength of the Communist&, these results bear out recent. reports tk~at the. par~ky is recouping its earlier losses. Infl~.tion and successful strike activity -have re-established Communist prestige. in working- class communities, and can. be expected, to counteract the effects of electoral reform and limit French Communist Party losses in the..June national elections.. Approv 000.1-9 25X1 gpproved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000200360001-9 Approved For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000200360001-9 25X~~pro~ed For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A000200~i60001-9 ~"~R`1Vf~i'~Q~ REC~fVE.D ~'LTS'f' 1~~fC~~ ,~tJBLfCA"~fC)I+T Viet 11lii~nh:C?ffe~.sive in ~vuthcrn Tcankiano t1S Consul Blanckc~ ina ~Iaa~oi r~:ports that the 25X1 A ,a.nticipated Viet 1Vf~a~h offensive i~- the south ~x?n 'f'?~.kian d?~i~~, app~:irer~tiy has beguxn. iii r~o~t ~~1'iet Z4~i~n version of the offensive sees t~iat r?some 20" ~~i ~att~~lic~ns ?~~v~ a~t~cc~~~~~1 tt~~~ ~'x~;~ch chew fe~zse rirr~~;G;~r ~,t Binh Bam.hi 9 .50 mia:~:~~ s~~rith of Bain?i. ~Blancke r~ps~rtts o'~servi~ng sta~ong ~'rei~ch~tx"'~a~~ ~?ei.ln~~orcements and air support k~e~.~g sc~}~t t~> ,~~e ie axea on 29 I1~a~. Comn~ento Fa:~~vitcuus reports had. predicted '~.n. offe:~n:s~~~~c~ ixn ~rh~ ~Tirnkn Bi~ax~eu~?~~.r~g t1~e ~~.,~t v~ec~k in May vcrith the `~,'~~e~;~~~i~~~ ~>f' ~ap~iring rice stores ~~~~d The ri~e~pro~ucia~g Yand east ?f ~I'ixnP~ Bi~a~x. the average- stx?engt,~~ of ~, '~i~t 10~i:~. teat.lion is 50Q~fi00, t~.us the at~~a.~k c~~~~aid invobve as mazrn~ ~~ ~~A OQO a~c~nn. earlier evidence ~sf ~~,he c~iep",a?>y~n:~e~a~t of three Viet lYf:~a~P~ ,tiiii~~.si~,~na~ ,opposite the soa,crn ,~ex?~.mr~~t~~ ~ ~;~y~.~~~led. v~~ath tine alleged co~nk~~,t.~:ae~nst of ~0 battaRions indim ~a's~;s, i~~la~; u~!.~ '~iLl~ Miarnh may. ~i~.ve lao~~~c~nec~t ~;_n~~ of ~.td, Z~.rgwst offea~siv~ e~~:ort ~ t,~~ ~~,fs~. 25X1A Appro~ed For Release 2003/10/15 :CIA-RDP79T00975A00020~036.0001-9