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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 23, 1982
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Approved For lease 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-01138 00100100040- 2 3 AUG 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Executive Director Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Bruce T. Johnson Chairman, Fine Arts Commission SUBJECT: Portrait Bust of Vice President Bush 1. Vincent Melzac, whose art collection is the source of the art works on display in the main concourse of the Headquarters building, has a number of miniature bronze statues by a sculptor named Marc Mellon. The Fine Arts Commission has arranged to borrow these bronzes, which depict gymnasts in various athletic poses, for a display in the exhibit hall in April 1983. 2. Mr. Mellon has just completed a portrait bust of Vice President Bush, and Mr. Melzac, who sponsored the sculpture, has offered to ask Mr. Bush if we might borrow the piece and include it in our exhibit of Mr. Mellon's work. In view of Mr. Bush's past association with CIA, the presence of the portrait bust in the exhibit would add greatly to its interest for CIA employees. 3. It seemed appropriate to obtain your approval before accepting Mr. Melzac's offer. Have you any objection? STAT Bruc donnson STAT Ctcuin,j1 Director a-F Central I ligence Prefer not to borrow portrait: ILLEGIB No objection: Director of Central Intelligence Date Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-0113OR000100100040-5 DDY 4 1.eg'. rJr Approved ForR (ease 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-01130&00100100040-5-----'-----,--__-. ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Portrait Bust of Vice President Bush FROM: Bruce O nson o? Chairman/FAC 2D00 Headquarters bldg DATE 2 3 AUS 1982 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) RECEIVED FORWARDED A 7D24 Hqs ~???' Y 2. AI L 1982 7D55 Hqs 4. 5. DDCI 7D601 Hqs 6. 7\Y`- 7. DCI 7D60 Hqs a. 9. 2 7 AU 1982 C/FAC 2D00 Hqs 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. i- F STAT FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS I-79 roved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-0113OR000100100040-5 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-01 1 30 20001 001 00040-5 Request for Approval to Incur Expenses Under Bruce T. Johnson Chairman, Fine Arts Cornmissi 2D0 0 HQS C/AS/ODP 2D010 5 HQS D DA 7D18 HQS AO/DCI 7C17 HQfi DCI/B&F 7C17 H03 EXDIR 7E12 Hc6 CH/FAC 2D00 HQS 16 AUU 1982 INFORMATION APPROVAL INFORMATION CERTIFICATION APPROVAL Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-01130R000100100040-5 Approved For W ease 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-0113000100100040-5 1 6 AUG 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director THROUGH Deputy Director for AdministratiorOr Head of Independent Office) Administrative Officer, DCI SUBJECT Request for Approval to Incur Expenses Under 1. Approval is requested to incur expenses allowed under 2. I believe the expenditure of appropriate funds is authorized STAT under ror the costs for kxaaOilsm, meals, cofi6eix, or on 2 August ]982 for the , purpose of maintaining a working relationship on behalf of the Fine Arts Commission with a noted art 3. Designated Official' and Persona present including their grade, title, and organizational affiliation xbe x was: Vincent Melzac, from whose personal collection have been borrowed many of the art works on display in the Headquarters building. 4. Other U.S. Government employee$ present including their grade, title and organizational affiliation xx was: Bruce T. Johnson, Chairman, Fine Arts Commission 5. Other persons present including title and.organizational'affiliation will. be: Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-0113OR000100100040-5 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For W ease 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-01130$O0100100040-5 6. I certify that the attendance of the individuals listed in paragraphs 4 and 5 is considered essential to the conduct of official Government business and further, that the funciton will facilitate the accomplishment of the DCI's duties and responsibilities. - 7. The estimated cost of this function is $5.62 (*Exact cost of Mr. Melzac's lunch, according to the EDR staff. No claim made for my own lunch.) Brut. T. Johnson C airman, Fine its Commission Name and Title of Requestor Deputy Director for Admintsuratton Deputy Director or Head of Independent Office I certify the availability of funds in thQ amound indicated in paragraph 7. paragraph 7. Budget and Fiscal Officer, DCI Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-01130R000100100040-5 Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-01130R00@P00100 EXECUTIVE I INING ROOM" Datc?_._._.. _""~ t... 1 Regular Lunch . .............................. $3.85 u 2 Steak L3elrnonico Lunch ` ............... $140 ^ 3 Filet Sandwich ................................. $3.90 La 4 Steak Special ..................................... $2.75 0 5 Light Lunch ...... ............................... $2.25 L l 6 Soup & Salad Bar ............................ $3.00 ? 7 Salad Bar ONLY .............................. $2.25 ^ 8 Sandwiches; ............... - .................... $2.25 11 Ham & Cheese O Roast Beef U Turkey D 9 Eggs Benedict ................................... $2.25 f.I 10 Ornelet of the Week ........................ $2.25 U 11. - Low Cal ............................................ $2.25 ; 12 Soup .................................................. $ .75 f.J 4 Salad-Vegetable ................................ $ .45 14 Dessert .............................................. $ .50 16 Milk .--- Coke --- Tal> - $ .40 17 Juice - Coffee Tea , .... 40 Signa re Room No... Receipt Requested Approved For Release 2005/08/22 : CIA-RDP87-0113OR000100100040-5