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November 18, 1944
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Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP90-0061 OR0001002c4j g 18 loo eiher 10,44 Miss Grace Tully The ''h? to Douse radhinEton, L. C. Dear Grace: I P .-m a{ tachina a ..emormdur for th? Pr--:.Tacit dealing pith the organization of an intelli f.nce vice for the cos t-rar period. Kid! 1 you p1eaL:e see that it reaches ha:: desk. Thank you. Sincerely', Willi ran : J. Donovan Director Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP90-0061 OR0001002000 G 0 P Y Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP90-0061 OR0001 002000 1 ' Tti95~~lY"4Tr .-+J~~}Du < t ::- JA1 ?aruua-it to ;tour noto of 31 October 1544 1 have ivo o:a~ i o tiorl to the orgganizciuiori of an i11~clligonco wor?Aco or ':btu : ~~-3j poriC In t e Carly daps of the =P : cn the soma ' s upon in.! c11 iCcn c+:3~"? ts7+? and for ~1.~..M 1~r~3T ` ?t : ..+iCv9 were ~. ;j' in and `~" 0~~~3~~tlt~:..~~, ~ t1~3 03"; -m3 placou uador the u.i.r etior o ho SC . Once our on=ie:i are defeata= v he c orLand. of .1l bo o a 1al l'! -tress, inr for inf o tion teat .rill aid us in solvin; the prob .e* _ c of pea, ;'xi a will require t io t sin ;n: - 1. 7n hat- intoi.ll emace co t,rol be returned. to t supervision. o. the 'president. "io e otabli h ont 'o a central authority repcrti.n direetl: to you, with respon ibilit, to Arai iritclliaoneo obiactaves and to collect and copr mate the intelligence material re ui rack b - Lhe b :ecutivo Branch in plannin, and car~^;ri ~R:; out ra"'o-al p ~xn, a atr tem. I attach in the form of a drat directive (Tab L- aichx I thir'k this could be realized without difficulty o 1o.,33 of tjz e. You .All note that coordination and centralization are ?itace at the policy level but oporati.`vnal intolli ;enco (that pertainL primarily to Dopartont action) roiains within the e istin. V;, _ncie Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP90-00610R0001002000 Approved For Release 2002/10/10 :#IA-RDP90-0061 OR000100200003-2 rt s conccrnc,d. +` e oroa ti on of a ccntrul authority taus - ~1d not conflict with or li ai t necessury intelligonco function :i FL, hln the /r. , 5;avy, Dopart; ent of State and other agencieee. In accordance with your wlis'i, this is sot up ac a per: anent Ion,-, range Plan.- But you nay want to 'oonsidor iothor this: (or part of i v shoal ho nano no, by e.ocutive or la;islative action. ` E s h e r e are cc r mon-'sewe reasons ; t t i y y cu may desire to la - the ire :~l of the :Sip -ut onco. The i u 3diatc rov1 ios. and Coordination of our prezont inter, 90-Me systo .could effect substantial economies on aid in t! e fi'i.c:ient and speedy tcrY.:tinatidn of the w. u ormat i on important t(> the national defense, vein-; gathered now by certain cpartLonts and agencies, is not bein:-, usoc! to full advant~ oi a tine Mrs, Coordination at the stratea level .iId ?, ?event mr-stc, and avoid t: e present confusion that bade to -a to and uocca.r~ a?a.i ea,t.i cn. Thou h in the midst of war, we are case in a period aL tray si tion v uich, before We are aw 5 e, ? 1i ak ` Into +re V rehabilitation. An adequate and or erly intelligence s;ut:.: t In the early days of the tar, ;hen the de mans upon intelligence services were mainly in and for nilitsry opera- tions, the OSS was placed i n.der the direction of the JCS. once our enemies are defeated the demand ,will be equally pressing for ' information that will aid us in solving the problems of peace. This will require two things; I.- That intelligence control be returned to the super- vision of the President. . 2. The est4blishment of a central authority reporting dixectlY to you, with responsibility to frame intelligence objectives and to collect and coordinate the intelligerce material required by the Executive Branch in planrinf and carrying out national policy and strategy. I uttt;ch in the form of a draft directive (Tab t.) the means by which I think this could be realized without diffi- cu1lty or loss of time.` You will note that coordinatic l and centralizu.t:lon are placed at the policy level but operatiorll intelligence (that pertaining .prim&rily to Department action) remains within the existing agencies concerned. The creit_on Approved For Release 2002/10/10 CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100200003-2 18 NovembE?r 1944 P Approved F*z Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP90-00610130001 - 2 '. a central authority thus would not conflict Dith or limit necessary intelligence functions within the Army, Navy, Department of State and other agencies. manent longd-rfir-a plsn.'-- But you r ay want to consider whether 1. this (or part of it) should be done now, by--executive or legislative action. There are common-sense 'reasons why you may desire to lay the keel of the ship at once. The immediate revision and coordination of our present intelligence system would effect substantial economies 4nd aid in the more efficient and speedy termination of the war. used to full advantage in the war.- Coordination at the Information important to the national defense, being gathered now by certain Departments and agencies, is not bung strategy level would prevent waste, and avoid the prevent confusion that leads to waste and unnecessary duplication. transition which, before we are aware, will take us into N:=e n accordance with your- wish; this is set up as a per- tumult of rehabilitation.* An adequate and orderly in tells - gence system will contribute to informed decisions. Though in t1i4 midst of war, we are also in a period of We have now in the Government the tw=ined and spec ial:_z_ed personnel needed for the task. This talent should not be dispersed. William J. ilonovar Director Approved For Release 2002/10/10: CIA-ADO-90-0061 QR000100200 Approved-,For Release 2002/10/10: CIA-RDP90-Od610R000 COPY Ta,:3- .4 UEuTAi4TIVE ItUThOh.ITY RECESS/RY 114 LbTI L16UIJhI.4T OF A Chir'TWWL IlwTELLIGLIXE SI hVICE In order to coordinate and centralize the policies actions of.the Government relating to intelligence: There is established in the Executive Office of President a central intelligence service, to be known as the , at the head of which shall be =a Director appointed by the President, The Director shall discharge and perform his functions and duties under the direction and supervision of the President. Subject to.the approval of the President, the Director may exercise his ,powers,, authorities and duties through such officials or agencies and in such manner as he may determine. There is established in the an Advisory Board consisting Of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Wart. the Secretary of the Wavy, and such other members as the President may subsequently appoint. The Board shall advise and assist the Director with respect o the formulation of basic policies and plans of th.: 3. . Subject to the direction and control of the President, and with any necessary advice and assistance from the other Departments and agencies of the Government, Approved For Release 2092/10/10 : CiA-RDP9,0-0061OR000100 D Approve. For Release 2002/10/10: CIA-RDP90-00$;9 0R0001 ?- 2 functions and duties: (a) Coordination of the functions of all intelligence agencies of the Government, and the establishment of such policies kind objectives as Will assure the integr. tion of (b) Collection either directly or through existink? Government departments and agencies, of pertinent infor-- raation, including military, -economic, political and national intelligence efforts; scientific, concerning the capabilities, intentions and activities of foreign nations, with particular ref?=rence to the effect such matters may have upon the national security, policies and intc_ rests of the United States; (c) Final evaluation, synthesis and. dissemination within the Government of the inteiligence required to enable the Government to determine policies with respect to nz:tion .i planning and security in peace and war, and the advancement of broad national policy; (d) Procurer:ent, training and supervision of its intelligence personnel; (e) Subversive operations a.bro4d; (f) Determination of policies for and coordin.tion of facilities essential to the collection of information under subparagraph n(b)" hereof; and Approved For Release 2002/10/10: CIA-RDP90-00610R00010 F~ Approved For Release 2002/10/10: CIA-RDP90-006108000100 QO3 (g) much other functions and duties relating to intellig ;n.ce as the President ' from tinne to ti:ae r.;:.y direct. 4. The shall have no police or lav,-enforccient functions, either at home or abroad. 5. Subject to I'ara;;.?~.;a'~ 3 hereof, existing intelli- - W..~ u" : i1t:ttsli[. Zl J.i Co11ect, evalu- ate, synthesize and disserinatc dcpartwcntal operating intelligence, herein dcfi:icd ss irltclli once re-aired by such ai,cncies in the actual perforr nee of their fur:cti:Dns and duties, d. The Director .hall be authorizes to call upon Depart: ent5 and a; encies of the Government to furnish pPropricte spvclalists for such supervisory and functional position:, within the as be required. 7. All Govt: rflment i;epartucnts and agencies shall, rake avajiab; e to 'the Director such intelliGence material as the Director, with the approval of the Pre;,ident, from time to time m:-Ay revues L. 8. The shall operate urr~er an i.ndopendent budget, `. lr time of v:ar or unlimited national emergency, all prograns of the in areas of actual. or? projected military operations shall be coordinated with Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP90-00610R000100200003-2 Am cm Aft I Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP90-9Q610R00 military plans and shall be subject to the approval of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Parts of such programs which are to be executed in a theater of mi.litr~ry operations shall be subject to the control of the Theater Commander.. 1..0. Within the limits of such funds as nay be n ade uvallablo to the , the Director may employ necessary personnel and naico provision for necessary supplies, facilities and services. The Director shall be assigned, upon the approval of the President, such military and naval personnel as may be required in the perfor.:.:nce of the functions and The Director Gaay provide for the and man :go;:-cnt of the as he may determine. duties of the Internal organiz~:ti_on in such manner Approved For Release 2002/10/10 : CIA-RDP90-0061 OR000100200003-2 ev r i`"'t