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1964 M fSig$W~[27R.E~I P66 tfflHO200190019-8 Prayers for the Jews in the Soviet Union EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. ABRAHAM J. MULTER OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, June 8, 1964 Mr. MULTER. Mr. Speaker, on April 5 and 6, 1964, 24 major Jewish national organizations gathered in Washington to give united expression to their grave concern over the plight of the 3 million Jews in the Soviet Union. This American Conference on Soviet Jewry was inspired during its meetings by the following prayer for Soviet Jewry by Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman, chief rabbi of Israel: PRAYER FOR SOVIET JEWRY (Prepared by the chief rabbi of Israel- translated freely) Our God who art in Heaven, Thy people stand before Thee this day in prayer for the myriads of Thy children for whom it has been decreed that they be but off from all who acknowledge Thy kingdom. They have been deprived of their freedom, their synagogues and study halls have been closed; and they can no longer study Thy Torah, keep Thy laws or observe Thy com- mandments without fear. In loneliness, our forsaken brethren cry out against the chains and shackles in which they have been bound to stifle their souls, blot out their identities, and remove all memory of their Jewishness. Yet, there still remain among them those who are loyal to Thy Torah and fulfill Thy commandments at the risk of their very lives. We, their breth- ren, pray to Thee and Invoke Thy help for them, for we are powerless. Our Father, Thou hast assured us that Thy Torah would not be destroyed nor for- gotten by the seed of Abraham; that "in all their affliction, Thou are afflicted" and that Thy divine presence will spare them, - We turn to Thee and seek Thy divine pres- ence; we beseech Thee to preserve the rem- nant of Jacob because there is none to help beside Thee. Let no curtain of iron separate our brethren from Thee. Show them Thy might and Thy salvation. Frustrate the counsel of those who would oppress them. Redeem them from their trials and servitude and proclaim Thy freedom until them, so that they may keep Thy Torah and Thy com- mandments with none to make them afraid. Open for them the gates of freedom and bring them up until Thy holy mountain so that all the nations may know that Thou art the Sovereign of the Universe, the Redeemer, and Saviour of Israel. The conference was also privileged to be led by Rabbi Solomon J. Sharfman of the Synagogue Council of America in the following prayer for the Jews of the Soviet Union: PRAYER OF RABBI SOLOMON J. SIIARFMAN OF THE SYNAGOGUE COUNCIL OF AMERICA AT THE AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON SOVIET JEWRY Our God who art in Heaven. Thy people Israel stands before Thee this day in prayer for the myriads of Thy children upon whom it bath been decreed to be severed from all who profess Thy sovereignty. In Soviet Rus- sia, their synagogues and study halls have been closed or destroyed; and they can no longer study Thy Torah without fear, keep Thy laws without molestation, or speak their language and live their lives in equality with their neighbors. They are singled out as Jews and harassed from birth to death and even in burial for their Jewishnese. The loneliness and for- sakeness of our brethren cry out even more when their own spiritual leaders are com- pelled to deny their evil lot, justify their in- justices and publicly protest all efforts of their more fortunate brethren in other lands to alleviate their plight and to restore their legal and human rights to justice and equal- ity under the law of their very own land. 0 God, our Father, see how we have be- come for too long now an object of contempt and derision among the nations. We are counted as sheep led to the slaughter, to be slain and destroyed, or to be beaten and dis- graced. And those who were loud in their outcries only yesterday have become so blind and so relentless that they have become our oppressors and tormentors today. Enlighten them, dear God to the evil of their ways that they may hearken to the wiser and kindlier and more just counsels that arise even in their own midst. Open their eyes that they may see the chains and shackles in which they have bound our breth- ren, to stifle their souls and blot out their identities, so that there shall remain no memory of Jews, Jewishness, and Jewish cul- ture in a land whose soil has been richly fructified by Jewish blood for over 2,000 years, in peace as well as in war. Show them that the bonds which are forged to enchain Israel always serve in the end to strangulate all people, the tormentors as well as the tormented. Strangers say to us: "There Is no hope for you." So hasten Thy deliverance, for Thy people are worn out and no rest is granted them. When men do evil and spare not, for Thine own sake, deal kindly with us and delay not. Guardian of Israel. Arouse the conscience and awaken the hearts of all mankind, so that deliverance may be forthcoming now, instead of pious regret and vain repentance when it is already too late. Let no curtains of iron separate us from Thee, our Father in Heaven. Have mercy and grant relief - to our brethren who are In distress and fear and desolation, that they may enjoy light instead of darkness, liberty In place of oppression, so that we may serve Thee as a people united in one faith, to help bring Thy blessings of peace and brotherhood for all mankind speedily and very soon; and let us all say "amen. " RECORD OFFICE AT THE CAPITOL An office for the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, with Mr. Raymond F. Noyes In charge, is lo- cated in room H-112, House wing, where or- ders will be received for subscriptions to the RECORD at $1.60 per month or for single copies at 1 cefit for eight pages (minimum charge of 3 cents). Also, orders from Mem- bers of Congress to purchase reprints from the RECORD should be processed through this office. A3111 LAWS RELATIVE TO THE PRINTING OF DOCUMENTS Either House may order the printing of a document not already provided for by law, but only when the same shall be accompa- nied by an estimate from the Public Printer as to the probable cost thereof. Any execu- tive department, bureau, board or independ- ent office of the Govdnment submitting re- ports or documents in response to inquiries from Congress shall submit therewith an estimate of the probable cost of printing the usual number. - Nothing in this section re- lating to estimates shall apply to reports or documentsnot exceeding 50 pages (U.S. Code, title 44, sec. 140, p. 1938). Resolutions for printing extra copies, when presented to either House, shall be referred immediately to the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representa- tives or the Committee on Rules and Admin- istration of the Senate, *ho, in making their report, shall give the probable cost of the proposed printing upon the estimate of the Public Printer, and no extra copies shall be printed before such committee has reported (U.S. Code, title 44, sec. 133, p. 1937). GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE Additional copies of Government publica- tions are offered for sale to the public by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., at cost thereof as determined by the Public Printer plus 50 percent: Provided, That a discount of not to exceed 25 percent may be allowed to authorized bookdealers and quantity pur- chasers, but such printing shall not inter- fere with the prompt execution of work" for the Government. The Superintendent of Documents shall prescribe the terms and conditions under which he may authorize the resale of Government publications by bookdealers, and he may designate any Gov- ernment officer his agent for the sale of Gov- ernment publications under such regulations as shall be agreed upon by the Superintend- ent of Documents and the head of the re- spective department or establishment of the Government (U.S. Code, title 44, sec. 72a, Supp. 2). CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTORY The Public Printer, under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, may print for sale, at a price sufficient to reimburse the expenses of such printing, the current Con- gressional Directory. No sale shall be made on credit (U.S. Code, title 44, sec. 150, p. 1939). PRINTING OF CONGRESSIONAL RECORD EXTRACTS It shall be lawful for the Public Printer to print and deliver upon the order of any Senator, Representative, or Delegate, extracts from the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, the person ordering the same `paying the cost thereof (U.S. Code, title 44, sec. 185, p. 1942). CHANGE OF RESIDENCE Senators, Representatives, and Delegates who have changed their residences will please give information thereof to the Government Printing Office, that their addresses may be correctly given in the RECORD. Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200190019-8 Approved For GUNU (Ul`Y.ikf l MWB00403R000200190019-8 REPRESENTATIVES WITH RESIDENCES IN WASHINGTON Osricx ADDRESS: Ho-we Office Building, Washington, D.C. , (Streets northwest un;ess otherwise stated] Speaker: John W. McCormack Abbitt, Watkins M., Vq;___ Abele, Homer E., Ohio. ____ Abernethy, Thomas G.. 6278 29th St. Miss. Adair, E. Ross, Ind-------- 4000 Mass. Ave. Addebbo, Joseph P., N.Y__- Alliert, Carl, Okla --------- 4614 Reno Rd. Alger, Bruce, Tex----_- _--- Anderson, John B., Ili. ____ Andrews, George W., Aia___3108 Cathedral Ave. Andrews, Mark, N. Dal: _-__ Arends. Leslie C., III------- 4815 De=ter St. Ashbrook, John M., Ohio___ Ashley, Thomas L., Oh:o___ Ashmore, Robert T., SC__- Aspinall, Wayne N., Co'o_--The Towers Apte., 4201 Cathedral Ave. Auchincloss, James C., NJ_113 S. Lee St., Alexandria, Va. Avery, William if., Kasa___ Ayres, William if.. Ohio____ Baker, Irene B. (Mrs.), Tenn. Baldwin, John F., Jr., Calif- Baring, Walter S., Nev.---- Barrett, William A., P,t____ Barry, Robert R., N.Y------ 3001 Norman- stone Drive Bass, Ross, Tenn-_ Bates. William H., Mass __-_ Battin, James F., Mont--. _217 Slade Run Dr., Falls Church, Va, Becker, Frank J., N.Y...... Beckwortb, Lindley, Teex___ Beermann, Ralph F., Nebr_ Belcher, Page, Okla-__--_- Bell, Alphonzo, Calif...... Bennett, Charles E., FIi---- 1314 Rusticway Lane. Falls Church, Va. Bennett, John B., Miclt---- 3718 Cardiff Rd., Chevy Chase, Md. Berry, E. Y., S. Dak-------- 118 Schotts Court NE. Bette, Jackson E., Ohio____ Blatnik, John A., Mint ____ Boggs. Hale, La__-_____--_ Boland, Edward P., Mcas___ Bolling, Richard, Mo------ 807 Warrenton Dr., Silver Spring, Md. Bolton, Frances P. (&s.), 2801 Wyo. Ave. Ohio. Bolton, Oliver P., Ohio____ Bonner, Herbert C., N.------Calvert-Woodley Bow, Frank T., Ohio ------- 4301 Mass. Ave. Brademas, John, Ind ------ Bray, William G., Ind ------ Brock, W. E. (Bill), T?,nn_- Bromwell, James E., Iowa__ Brooks, Jack, Tex_____-___ Broomfield, William S., Mich. Brotzman, Donald G.. Colo_ Brown, Clarence J., Chio__Alban Towers Brown. George E., Jr., Calif_ Broyhill, James T., N.C_-__ Broyhill. Joel T., Va------- Bruce. Donald C.. Ind. _-___ Buckley, Charles A., 11'.Y-__ Burke, James A., Mas::_____ Burkhalter. Everett 0., Calif. Burleson, Omar, Tex------ 2737 Devonshire Pl. Burton, Laurence J., Utah_ Burton, Phillip, Calif. _____ Byrne, James A., Pa_.._____ Byrnes, John W., Wis------ 1215 25th St. S.., Arlington, ;W Cahill, William T., N_'_____ Cameron, Ronald Brooks, Calif, Carey, Hugh L., N.Y......... Casey, Bob, Tex_____- Cederberg, Elford A., Mich- (- 'er. Emanuel, N.YThe Mayflower Chamberlain, Charles E., Mich. Chelf, Frank. My_-_-_--__- Chenoweth, J. Edgar. Colo_ Clancy, Donald D.. Ohio___ Clark, Frank M., Pa------- 220 C St. SE. Clausen. Don H., Calif..... Clawson, Del, Calif________ Cleveland. James C.. N.II___ Cohelan, Jeffery. Calif ----- 1028 New House Office Building Collier, Harold R., fii______ Colmer, William M., Miss__ Conte. Silvio 0., Mass--____5819 Lamar Rd., Washington 16, D.C. Cooley, Harold D., N.C----- 2601 Woodley Pl. Corbett, Robert J.. Pa_____ Corman, James C., Calif...... Cramer, William C., Fla---- 6714 Joallen Dr., Falls Church, Va. Cunningham, Glenn, Nebr_4920 Yorktown Blvd., Arlington, Va. Curtin, Willard S., Pa_____ Curtis, Thomas B., No_____ Daddario, Emilio Q., Conn- Dague, Paul B., Pa________ Daniels, Dominick V., NJ__ Davis, Clifford, Tenn ------ 4811-Butter- worth Pl. Davis. John W.. Ga_____.__ Dawson, William L., fit____ Delaney. James J., N.Y____ Dent, John H., Pa_______-_ Denton. Winfield K., Ind-__ Derounian, Steven B., N.Y_ Derwineki. Edward J., III___ Devine, Samuel L., Ohto___ Diggs, Charles C., Jr., Mich_ Dingell. John D., Mich_____ Dole, Robert. Kans-------- 3542 N. Abingdon St., Arlington, Va. Donohue. Harold D.. Mass Dorn, W. J. Bryan, S.C___ Dowdy, John, Tex_________ Downing. Thomas N., Va_-_ Dulski, Thaddeus J., N.Y__1719 New House Office Building Duncan, Robert B., Orey__-914 Lakeview Dr., Falls Church, Va. Dwyer, Florence P. (Sim.), N.J. Edmondson, Ed, Okla _-____ Edwards, Don, Calif _-_____ Elliott. Carl. Ala_--_______ Ellsworth, Robert F., Kans_ Everett, Robert A.. Tenn__- Evins. Joe L., Tenn -------- 5044 Klingle St. Fallon. George H., Md_____ Farbatein, Leonard, N.Y...... Fascell, Dante B., Fla_-____ Felghan, Michael A., Ohio_ Findley, Paul, III_____-__-_ Finnegan, Edward R., Iir___ Fino, Paul A., N.Y____-___- Fisher. O. C., Tex___-------Calvert-Woodley Flood, Daniel J? Pa------- TheCongressional Flynt. John J., Jr., Ga_____ Fogarty, John E., R.1------ 1235NewHours Office Building Ford, Gerald R.. Mich ----- 4 Crown View Dr., Alexandria, Va. Foreman. Ed, Tex________ Forrester. E. L. (Tie), Ga__ Fountain, L. H.. N.C------- The Westchester Fraser, Donald M., Minn___ Frelinghuysen, Peter H. B.. 3014 N St. NJ. ` Friedel. Samuel N., Aid---- Fulton. James G.. Pa______ Fulton. Richard, Tenn____ Fuqua. Don, Fla__________ Gallagher. Cornelius E.. NJ. Oarmate. Edward A.. Md_- Gary. J. Vaughan, Va__-___ Gathings, E. C., Ark_______ Giaimo. Robert N., Conn--- Gibbons . Sam. Fla________ Gilbert. Jacob H.. N.Y..... Gilt, Thomas P.. Hawaii ---- Glenn, Milton W.. Gonzalez, Henry B., Tex-__200 C St. 8E. Goodell, Charles E., NX --- 38U Macomb St. Doodling, George A., Pa__-_ Grabowski, Bernard F., Conn. Grant, George M., Ala----- 4801 Conn. Ave. Gray. Kenneth J.. III ------ Green. Edith (Mrs.), Oreg_ Green, William J., Pa_____ Griffin. Robert P., Mich ---- Griffiths, Martha W. (Mrs.), Mich. Gross, H. R., Iowa_________ Grover, James R., Jr., N.Y__ Gubser, Charles S., Calif___ Gurney, Edward J., Fla____ Hagan, G. Elliott. Ga______ Hagen, Harlan, Calif...... Haley. James A.. Fla_______ Hall, Durward G., No______ Halieck, Charles A., Ind-__4926 Upton St. Halpern, Seymour, N.Y____ Hanna. Richard T.. Calif...... Hansen, Julia Butler (Mrs.), Wash. Harding, Ralph R., Idaho__ Hardy, Porter, Jr., Va____-_ Harris, Oren, Ark--------- 1627 Myrtle St. Harrison, William Henry Wyo. Harsha, William H., Ohio-- Harvey, James, Mich______ Harvey, Ralph, Ind -------- Hawkins, Augustus F., Calif. Hays, Wayne L., Ohio ------ 1328 Barger Dr.. Falls Church, Va. Healey. James C., N.Y...... Hobert, F. Edward, La----- 26 Cockrell St., Alexandria, Va. Hechler, Ken, W. Va_-_____ Henderson, David N., N.C__ Heriong, A. 8., Jr.. Fla___-- Hoeven, Charles B.. Iowa__100 Maryland Ave. NE. Hoffman. Elmer J.. Il2___-- Holiffeld, Chet, Calif...... Holland, Elmer J., Pa____-_ Horan, Walt, Wash________ Horton, Frank J., N.Y_......_ Boomer, Craig, Calif....... Huddleston, George, Jr., Ala. Hull, W. R., Jr., No -------- Hutchinson, Edward. Mich- Ichord, Richard (Dick), Mo. Jarman, John, Okla_______ Jennings, W. Pat. Va-_____ Jensen, Ben F., Iowa ------- 2120 16th St. Joelson, Charles S., N.J___- Johansen, August E., Mich_ Johnson. Albert W., Pa____ Johnson, Harold T., Calif__ Johnson. Lester R., Wis____ Jonas, Charles Raper, N.C__ Jones, Paul C., Mo-------- 1111 Army-Navy Dr., Arlington, Va. Jones, Robert E., Ala_-__-_ Karsten, Frank M., Mo_____ Karth, Joseph E.. Minn____ Kasteenmeier, Robert W., Wis. Kee. Elizabeth (Mrs.). W. Va. Keith, Hastings. Mass_____5908 Harwick Rd., Kelly, Edna F. (Mrs.), N.Y_ Keogh, Eugene J., N.Y___--The Mayflower Kilburn. Clarence E., N.Y__ Kilgore, Joe M., Tex------- 4807 Newport King, Carleton J., N.Y..... King, Cecil R.. Calif....... Kirwan, Michael J.. Ohio_- Klucaynskl, John C., Ill____ Knox, Victor A., Mich_____ Kornegay. Horace R., N.C__ Kunkel, John C., Pa_______ - Kyl. John, Iowa___________ Laird, Melvin R., Wis__-__- Landrum, Phil M., Ga_____ Langen, Odin, Minn_______ Lankford. Richard E., Md__ Latta. Delbert L., Ohio_____ Leggett, Robert L.. Calif...... Lennon. Alton, N.C______-_ Lesinski. John. Mich __---_ Libonati, Roland V., III ---- Lindsay. John V., N.Y_____ Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000200190019-8