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Approved Foil lease 2003R16/friaR-RDP79T011 CENTRAL I N GRE 0 :SI Ac;: .()Y OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE DAILY DIGEST Date: MAY 10 1951 00200130001-6 ? 49181 39 COPY NO. NOTE: 1. This summary of significant reports has been prepared primarily for the internal use of the Office of Current Intelligence. It does no represent a complete coverage of all current report ct in CIA or in the Office of Current Intelligence. 2. Comments represent the preliminary views of the Office of Current Intelligence. 3. Marginal letter indications are defined as follows: "A" - items indicating Soviet-Communist intentions or capabilities - important regional developments not necessarily related to Soviet/ Communist intentions or capabilities "C" - other information indicating trends and potential developments Army, USAF, ONI and State ? Dept. review(s) completed. TOP SECRET ? Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 Approved Fo lease 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T0114.00200130001-6 TOP SECRET SECTION 1 (SOVIET) USSR VE-Day Propaganda Stresses USSR's Postwar Peace Policy - But Maintains Significant Silence on Support of Red Forces in Korea. PRAVDA editorialized on the USSR's postwar program of peaceful con- struction and the growth of the peace camp, as opposed to "Anglo- American preparations of a new war for super profits." Stalin's recent assertion that "the people are taking the peace fight into their own hands," was again quoted. Marshal Sokolovsky claimed that the Soviet Union conducted broad demobilization (33 age groups) while the US, DK and French armed forces remained "more than double those of the USSR and are increasing." Major General Alexandrov, while hailing the "Soviet victory" over Hitlerite Germany, again charged that the Western Powers did not try to smash the Fascist aggressor but impeded the open- ing of a second front, "hoping that the USSR would become exhausted." The most widely circulated radio commentary cited the WPC demand for a Five-Power peace pact, quoting Lenin and Stalin on the possibility of peaceful coexistence. COMMENTg Embassy Moscow noted that PRAVDA carefully followed the of- ficial line of refraining from any reference to Soviet armed might be- yond its role as defender of the USSR. This line has been particularly noticeable since the beginning of Korean hostilities. So far, Moscow has significantly avoided mention of actual Soviet support for the Korean war while continuing to prod the Peace Partisan and Company to action in the name of "peace, " Their silence on military aid, a technique well used by them, is simply a cover for the material assist- ance they are in fact rendering to the Communist forces in Korea. 25X1 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 HBO ow, 25X1 Approved Fore lease 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01140p00200130001-6 TOP SECRET HUNGARY. Communists Seek Nazi War Loot Prom US. In fulfilling the US agreement to restitute Hungarian property in Germany, the US Legation Budapest agrees with HICOG Frankfort that careful consideration be even to any documented Hungarian claims not previously considered as resti.. tutable by the US. The Hungarians have repeatedly spoken of large quan- tities of machinery seized by the Nazis, although US authorities have never been able to locate such machinery. 1 1 COMMENT: One of the conditions for the release of Vogeler was US re- sumption of negotiations for the return of property from the US zone of Germany. These had been suspended after Vogelerls arrest as a retaliatory measure. The Hungarians have always considered the return of this property at a major issue. Although estimated at only about $50,000 worth of miscellaneous items by US officials in Germany, the Hungarians have al- ready claimed $3509000 in such property and are apparently preparing to. present additional claims. In view of the difficulties of obtaining Western machinery through normal trade channels, the Hungarians probably hope to satisfy part of their desperate needs with the machinery which they allege is located in the US zone of Germany. YUGOSLAVIA, Yugoslays Seeking US Radio Transmitters. The Yugoslav Government has requested the assistance of the US State Department in obtaining a reasonable priority for the delivery of two US-manufactured radio transmitters. US Ambassador Allen notes that the transmitters will be important items in Yugoslav broadcasts to Eastern Europe in which the Yugoslays regard US interests as parallel to theirs. Ambassador Allen recommendq that such assistance be given the Yugoslav order as may be feasible. the Yugo- slays have been able to point up in effective broadcasts the conditions existing in the Satellites under Soviet domination. The Yugoslav propa- ganda serves as a highly useful adjunct to VOL and other Western broad- casts beamed at the Soviet orbit. TOP SECRET 2 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 Approved Fo lease 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T0114.00200130001-6 TOP SECRET SECTION 2 (EASTERN) BP IRAN, Mossadeq Rejects UK Request for Arbitration on Oil. The Iranian Ambassador to London: in reply to the UK request, served notice on 8 May that Iran will proceed with the oil nationalization program, and will not submit to international arbitration. Meanwhile, according to the UK Embassy in T hran: the AIOC demand for arbitration was made as a result of a message from the Shah which indicated MOssadeq would welcome such a demand because it would enable him to stall for time. Mossadeq, however, is understood to 12AVR Trahseauentiv expressed astonishment at the demand for arbitration. COMMENT: Mossadegus rejection of the UK demand for arbitration is con- sistent with hi previous stand. It was probably conditioned by the consideration that Iran could not accept arbitration under the terms of the 1933 concession, and still maintains that the concession was invalid. Metter the UK action was taken at the Shah's instigation or not, it will probably have the effect of forcing Mossadeq to delineate his plans on the oil issue more clearly* To date he has indicated that he will not take drastic action immediately and that he intends to replace AIOC technicians eventually with Iranians, In any discussion of the oil prob- lem, two facts remain outstanding: (1) that the UK will not relinquish lightly its hold on Iranian, oil, and (2) that Iran cannot manage success- fully the oil industry without foreign assistance. 12All 00)340 INDIA. First Soviet Meat Leaves for India, On 10 May, according to the New Delhi radio, Prime Minister Nehru told an applauding Parliament that Soviet vessels were already on their way to India with the first shipments of a total of 50,000 tons of wheat recently bought from the USSR for cash* This purchase was subsequently described in an Indian government news releas as the "first result" of negotiations begun last meek:with the Soviet Embassy in New Delhi regarding the Soviet offer to supply 500:000 tons of wheat to India. Deliveries of the 50,000 tons are expected to. be completed by the end of June 1951. INDIA* Prime Minister Nehru Says US 'Pleat Offer Has No Political Strings., On 10 May: according to the New Delhi radio, Prime lanister Nehru announced to Parliament that in his view the two food bills now before the US C ngresa had no political or discriminatory conditions attached to them and that on these grounds" there should be no objection to accepting either of en. He ded that he preferred the terms of the House bill TOP SECRET 3 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 25X1 Approved For41'lease 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T0114000200130001-6 TOP SECRET because they were simpler. COMMENT: On 3 May, Sir Girja Shankar BaIai of the Indian Ministry of E5tternal Affairs told US Ambassador Henderson that Nehru could not make such a statement as that reported above without making himself look foolish. Strong US representations have apparently led him to do so anyway. It is notsworthy. howeirer that he maintains his independence of US favors by favoring the House bills which prnvides that the Ahole US wheat offer shall be on a loan basis, PAKISTAN. First ist_Chje According to the Karachi radio ofTMay, Ahmad All, Pakistanis first diplomat representative to Communist Chinas has presented his creden- tials to the Ohinse Deputy Forsigr Minister in Peiping. OOMMENTs Gmmunist China has not yet displayed any Interest in establishingdiplomatic representation in Karachi. "B" INDONESIA. Forp.ign Mininter Defr.nds Trade with Communist China. DUring a conversation with Subardjo, the new Foreign Ministers US Ambassador Cochran referred to the formerns press statement that Indonesia uhaa no need of either a Moscow or a Washington peace dove and would be willing to sell such material as rubber to CcrirIst China or elsewhere if the Interests of the Indonesian people are served thereby. STAardjo said that the "peace" statement was for domestic consumpAon only, and defended his trade statement on the basis of/LE:donee:tans independent foreign policy whereunder Indonesia will make goods available to any country which will provide Indonesia with the goods it requires. Cochran, pointing out the extent of past US assistance to Indonesia and current Indonesian requests for items now in sh4rt supply in US stated he could not guarantee whet US reaction would be to Indonesian willingness to sell to anyone serving Indonesians interests. 25X1 COMMENTs Subardjons statements indicate that he firmly supports Indonesiaos frequently affirmed policy of uneutralie ,u So fzr as the sale of rubber is 'concerned, the Indonesian Government has contracted to sell to the US the small output of Government-owned estates (1200 tons monthly) and whatever its policy the Government lacks the administrative machinery to control the destination of privately-owned rubber, the overwhelming bulk of Indonesian output. .),At "Bn PHILIPPINES. Firm Demand for Ja a ese R arations. Foreign Secretary Romnio told the US Charg4 on 9 May that the Philippines will remain'absolutely firm on the demand for Japanese repara- tions,although the amount and period of payment remain unsettled. Romulu mentioned a statement made 2 April in Japan by Horikoshi of the Federation of Economic Agencies (a private aesociati*n TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved Forelease 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T0114.00200130001-6 TOP SECRET of business executives) in which he stated that Japan is willing and able to pay reparations especially to the Philippines. Horikoshi suggested, for example, that Japan could pay processing expenses on raw materials and provide technicians. Romulo noted that Indonesia would also take a firm stand for reparations. COMMENTg There is some indication that the Philippine Government does not, in fact, expect to re- ceive reparations 'but hopes to use the issue to extract additional US aid. According to the Indonesian press, Foreign Office sources have stated that Indonesia would demand reparations from Japan. "C" INDOCHINAs Communist Chief Bids Peasants Be Patient, Truong Chinh, SYG of the Vietnam Workers u (Communist) Party in a broadcast outlining internal policies of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) made the following assertiones The peasantry of Vietnam constitutes over 90% of the population and its support is easential to the success of the liberation struggle; however, emancipation of the peasants must take place under the leader- ship of the "'working class." The needs of the peasant must be met, but no thorough-going reforms can be undertaken until a situation of "stability" within the country is reached. The Workerso Party slogan is "the land to those who till it," but conditions are not rips for the application of this slogan. The long-run aim of the Party is the establishment of mechanized, collective farming. COMMENTs The recent prominence of Truong Chinh and the laudatory references made to him in DRV propegand strongly suggest that he may be emerging as the successor to Ho Chi Minh. Truong oninias uncompromisingly Stalinist career and the tenor of his remarks is indication of TOP SECRET . 5 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 f 25X1 5X1 25X1 "C" 25X1 Approved Foie lease 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01140000200130001-6 TOP SECRET the more doctrinaire wing of the Vietnamese Communists, now in the ascendancy, which aims to force acceptance of the Communist dogma of "working class" leadership despite obstacles posed by the concrete situation. CHINA. Communist China SAeys Rubber From Indonesia. The Govern- ment of Indonesia is considering Communist China's offer to purchase 50,000 tone of rubber. In conversations with the US Ambassador, Foreign Minister Subardjo stated that the Chinese were offering rice and tungsten in payment for the rubber, COMMENTs This approach to Indonesia is testimony to the strong efforts of the Communists to find new sources of rubber supplies following Malaya's imposition of export restrictions. FurtheinnaanQrts on Expngngionatngainspse Communiet Airforce. The Chinese Communist airforce in Manchuria reportedly, has been recently increased by approximately 300 MIG-15 jet air- craft, 200 other jet fighter aircraft (possibly Yak Type 15s and 16s), and 100 light bombers (possibly COMMENTs If this report were true; chinese communist air strength in Manchuria would be more than doubled, It is very doubtful, however, that have access to such information. While there has been considerable speculation as to the possibilities of an "International Volunteer Air Force", no confirming information has been received. "B" Chinese Communist Terms for TIbe'. Chinese Communist terms for peaceful settlement of the Tibetan dispute would concede Tibetan control of internal affairs with the Tibetan religious hierarchy remaining in power, but would demand Chinese control . of Tibet's foreign relations and the stationing of Chinese troops along the Indo-Tibetan border. COMMENTs This report is in line with previous information on the Chinese CommUnist terms. A Tibetan delegation is now in Peiping for negotiation of a settlement and is prepared to accept Peiping's terms, but no formal agreement has been announced, net punglAtIhreatens oommunist Cotton Program. Emergency Instructions on the fighting of drought and cultivation of cotton, issued 1 May by the Committee of Finance and Economies, state that the drought, particularly in North China, has been a "maJor hindrance" to the cotton planting program, TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : 61A-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 25 25X1 25X 25 25X1 25X1 "oft Approved For/please 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T0114.00200130001-6 TOP SECRET COMMENTS. Probably 30-44 of Chinags cotton acreage is affected by the current drought. The 1951 cotton goals were designed by the Communists to eliminate the need for imports in 1952. Raw cotton has been one of Communist Chinags major imports, and if this drought continues a few weeks longer, there will be again a deficit .f raw cotton next year. 1======a_k_se..01I-al_alWiorel-oistttacl. Elements of the Communist 63d Division of the 21st Army, totaling 300 men, on 3 May sailed from &Ahem (off the Chekiang coast) and attacked Tgou Men-shan Island (15 Lies east of Haimen). 1 1 Alleged have "not yet withdeawn." GOMMENTs Action against various guerrilla-held islands off the Chekiang-Fukien coasts have been anticipated for some time. In March elements of the 21st Army were reported in the &Amen area as part of a build-up with the above intentions. There has been no confirmatio of thii report. 60 troops landed successfully and TOP SECRET- 7 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 25X1 25 5X1 25X1 25X1 Approved Forlpleese 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T011410)00200130001-6 TOP SECRET "B" KOREA. gAzgamlajleayy Antiaircraft Fire Reported over PyonEyanK. The US Air Force, commenting on extremely heavy flak received over Pyongy on 7 wy, reports the loss of one B-29 and the damage of seven other aircraft from ound fire. While most of the fire received appeared to be from fader-directed 85mm antiaircraft guns, several .xplosions four to five times the size of ordinary ex- plosions were also reported. Fragments from these burst were reportedly large enough to be seen. GOMMENTs Reference to antiaircraft burst 'f our to five times larger than 85y[ explosions" suggests the use of either 1 rger-type antiaircraft weapons (not previously report d in Kore ) or the remote possibility of some type of ground to air rockets. Recent field reports have noted a heavy increase (up to 400%) in antiaircraft fire received throughout Korea. ROK Vice President Announces Rosi nation Intentio Ambassador Muccio reports that ROK Vice President II Siyong announced his intention to resign on 9 May. The Vice President explained to the National Assembly that he had waited three years for an improvement in the Government, with particular reference to the caliber of ministerial appointments, and because of the Governmentos failure in this respect he wished to resign. It is rumorei that Yl is dissatisfied with recent Cabinet appointments because of their npro-Japa esen background, CO h4pTs The Vice President,who was a high official before Japan pmexed Korea, is 84 years old and a widely respected figure- he :d in Korea. His ction may have been motivated by dissatis- faction with the background of Cabinet appointees or as a gesture of protest at the c.rruption in ROK official ranks. In any case the situation is symbolical of the turmoil in ROK political circles as witnessed by an AFP report that Pusan political circles feel Premier Chang, who was appointed only three or four months ago, will shortly tender his resignation, t1CO "Cu JAPAN.aeTritoenolKoreenEsionlidaFr. SCAP has anal. lay announced the ppointment of a Military Commission to try the first eighteen members of a group of forty-five arrested in connection with three North Korean espionage rings. The defendants, including twelve Korean nationalt? four Japanese- TOP SECRET 8 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 25X1 Approved Forelease 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01141000200130001-6 TOP SECRET aturalized Koreans, and two Japanese face charges of acts inimical to the security of the Occupation, quasi-espionage, and con- spiracy to commit espionage. The trial will open Friday. COMMENT: CINCFE reports that the operation or the espionage ring began on an organized scale in late 1947 with the establishment of a smuggling ring, which later was expanded to three interlocking nets. The case was broken with the defection of one of the agents in July 19506 Wile Communist element in Japan will attempt to exploit the trial with demonstra- tions by Japans large Korean minority, it is doubtful that the Japanese public would react other than favorably to a Pguilty" verdict* TOP SECRET 9 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 ? 1lAtt Approved Foreease 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T011410)00200130001-6 TOP SECRET SECTION 3 (MESTERN) GERMANY* Berlin Court Sentences Kaeding for Illegal Shipments to Soviet Zone of Austria; On 5" May a German court in Berlin sentenced Erick Kaeding to 18 months in prison and a fine of DM 50,000 for his part in supplying 8,000 tons of iron and steel products to the Soviet Zone of Austria. Kaeding is the Berlin manager of the Duesseldorf Iron and Steel Company. US officials in Berlin believe that his conviction will set an excellent prece- dent for other illegal trade prosecutions and will act as a deterrent to future illegal trading. COMMENT: The Kaeding case is indirecLy connected with the Haselgruber cases whichwill shortly be tried by the same court. Chancellor Adenauer has recently announced that German firms trading illegally, with Soviet orbit countries will be targets for legal action. FRANCE* Communists Prepare New Strike Wave. 25X1 la widespread strike movement will probably be unleashed iollowing the Congress of the General Workers t Confederation (CGT) at the end of May. ,Although this renewed strike activity is planned as part of the electoral campaign, the Communist Party (PCF) expects to pursue the strikes primarily within the framework of economic demands, with such political tie-ins as conditions warrant* The predominance of economic over political slogans was particularly noticeable at this yearns PCF May Day demonstration in Paris, which was the largest and most impressive since 19470 Intensified PCF Propaganda at the plant level in support of both economic and political objectives has been making progress since the Easter strikes, and several well-informed non-Communist labor leaders have affirmed that a concentrated "unity of action" program on "exclusively worker demands" would force cooperation of the Socialist and Christian industrial unions, which otherwise would lose their 25X1 following. COMMENT: A new round of wage demands is to be expected soon, because the steady rise in the price level is rapidly nullifying benefits gained by the March strikes? .The Communists seem, however, to have picked June for fomenting new strikes with an eye to political rather than to economic aims since the pre-election government will not be in a position to commit its successor to a new wage program. Should the PCF concentrate upon political disturbances, labor's readiness to cooperate would be sharply checked by its wariness of PCF exploitation? 15X1 TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/09/23 :3eIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 25X 25X1 Approved Foe lease 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T011400200130001-6 TOP SECRET tic It MOROCCO. French Again Informed That US Could Not Support French Policy. The American Consul at Rabat, Morocco, has been instructed, in F3Frecting a misunderstanding by French Ambassador Bonnet, to inform the Residency again that the US would find it difficult to support French policy in Morocco if the question is raised in the UN. The US is milling to review its estimate of the situation, which is at variance with the French,, whenever more specific information is received from the French. COMMENT: The French Residency was previously informed, in early FebUTO7 1951, that the US could not support Francets policy in Morocco if the question were brought up in the UN. The Residency has been requested for information regarding the reform program which it claims to be introducing. This information has not been made available, and there is little indication that any actual administrative reforms, other than the nominal removal of censorship, will soon be implemented. In his recent dispute with the Moroccan Sultan, the Resident General implied that he had the full backing of the US Government. 25X1 25X1 TOP SECRET 11 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 25X1 Approved For ease 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T0114.00200130001-6 TOP SECRET SPAIN. Newest Strike Marked by Police Brutality. Press dispatches report tHaf-The general strike which broke out Tuesday (8 May) in Pamplona, capital of the province of Navarra, in northern Spain, continued to paralyze all industry and much of the commercial life of the city throughout Wednesday, despite the Civil Governor's threats of "severe sanctions" against all those who failed to return to work on that day. It marked contrast to the Bilbao and San Sebastian strikes during the last week Of April, this newest large- scale popular protest against rising prices and government mis- management touched off several incidents of violent reaction by the police?who allegedly fired directly into a parade of demonstrators, wounding five of the marchers. I COMMENT: BecaUse Pamplona ooes not rank as a great industrial center, this newest general protest strikeis not as significant as either the Barcelona or Bilbao demonstrations. Nevertheless, it does indicate widespread worker discontent against rising living costs and a mood of popular defiance against official maladmihistration and corruption. Navarra is a stronghold of "traditionalist" Carlists who advocate a return to an extreme reactionary form of Church-State absolutism under a Catholic monarchy as the only feasible government for Spain. While-Carlism is negligible as a positive political force in Spain today, the Carlist militia, the "RequetS.s"? furnished Franco with some of his best troops at the beginning of the Civillar. IT" UNITED KINGDOM, Principle of Grant Aid to Yugoslavia Accepted. The UK now accepts the principle of grant aid to Yugoslavia, providing a satisfactory burden-sharing formula is evolved, UK chief delegate Mudie told the US delegation at the US-UK-France 25X1 talks in London on economic aid to Yugoslavia. aid l princi caused the US delegation COM an MENT: Long delay in UK acceptance of the grant considerable concern. The three countries 25X1 are not far apart on the remaining question of substance--the actual share of the program for which each shall be responsible. GUATEMALA. Semi-Official Press Continues to Express Communist Line, The US Embassy in Guatemala reports tha the attitude of "determining circles" in Guatemala is apparently reflected in a Communist-line editorial carried by the semi-official Diario de la Mariana, which states that a decision to bomb Communist positions in Manchuria would signify clear and complete aggression and the formal declaration TOP SECRET 12 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 25X1 "Cit Approved Forelease 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01141100200130001-6 TOP SECRET of-a third world war. The editorial continues with a denunciation of the original UN intervention in Korea as a "shameful and grave prostitution" of the UN charter, and concludes that the UN is violating its awn principles. COMMENT: The Diario editorial is indicative of the degree to which publication of Communist-line material continues to be permitted by the Arbenz government. The official attitude--not necessarily attributable to Communist influence--was voiced in more circumspect language by President Arbenz on 6 April. With obvious reference to the Korean situation, Arbenz affirmed that to send Guatemalan troops outside the American continent "would violate the principle of non-intervention"; that Guatemala respects the right of all people to self-determination; and that Guatemala seeks to avoid, within the limits of its capacity, the possibility of expanding the existing conflicts. PANAMA. Political Tension. The press reports that President Arnulfo Arias has bowed to police and public pressure today and has ordered the restoration of the 1946 Constitution "which he scrapped last Monday". His decision came after a day and night of rioting which several were killed -and mounded. I 25X1 I IP0MNT: Arias used the confusion caused by a run 5X1 on the Caja de Ahorros, a savings bank patronized largely by the working class, as an excuse to abolish the 1946 Constitutiot and to restore the 19)11 Comstitutinn_ the National Assembly voted to impeach Arias, and the Supreme Court had declared the decrees of Arias as unconstitutional? However, should Arias not reverse his other "dictatorial" acts, opposition elements are likely to continue their attacks, and unrest and riots may well continue. Remelts control of the National Police, the only armed force in Panama, and his continued backing of the President, make it unlikely that Arias will be deposed at this time. It is doubtful if these disorders will constitute any immediate threat to the Canal Zone. Qualified observers all agree that the Communists played no important role in the present crisis-- in spite of Arias a charges to US officials that his firm action was necessitated because the Communists were getting out of control, TOP SECRET 13 Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 25X1 25X1 25 Sr* Approved Flip lease 2004M/HqM-RDP79T011410000200130001-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY DAILY DIGEST SUPPLEMENT MAY 10 1951 Not for dissemination outside 0/CI and 0/N3/ TOP SECRET 4918101_ Approved For Release 2004/09/23 : CIA-RDP79T01146A000200130001-6 TOP SECRET UNCLASSIFIED whenAppitteVedt 1515erfrelebeec2004?69i230433144RDNISTOrl-14.64430:002140.130416efid or declassi- ed when filled in form is detached from controlled document. CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE CIA CONTRAL ,N0k.--1, DOC. NO. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED DOC. DATE COPY NO. 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