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Approved ForRelease.2004/12/15 : -RDP621300844RD00200190017-5 8 March liS A ce Planningt AltboutJt the earliest operations balile. not be mounted from overseas bases, until some urgency attaches to the development of tional structure which will then be required* f all from the need to select well en advance the individuate who are to be assigned to the will be nee d in the subsequent operational hen the aircraft are being tested and pilot* in which the operational organization itself ent of activities overseas* rinatiere it ng out of organizational details can be a e basic concept has been determined* light of these consederations, to ept. 2. These are, render overflight p b reaction lei the eneey after his discovery tad so threatening or carrying such menace to e United States as to result in a political decision to *1t o ihte. The probability of one or the other or both of these responses * with the passaee of time after operations have commenced. Accordingly, itis assumed in general that operations will not be undertaken until a considerable capability (in the form of both aircraft and pilots) has been accumnlated and that once undertaken, nissions will be flown with the greatest feasible frequency at least until high priority targets have been covered. The following are a number of more specific assumptions which depend in part on this one; a. Operations will be conducted from two to four rear at at each of which there will have to be provision for maintenance of aircraft and of photoeraphic and electronic egelpoent, bee of personnel, flight planning and possihty other functions. USAF reviEftWorwgewyttrtglease 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP62600844R000200190017-5 TS 103255/A Approved For Release 2004/12/15 iiICIA-RDP621300844R000200190017-5 n as neat undet could adduce to support a. Imervations of its own radar ar Lal will still be feasible. Accord, ret a. That neither 8fl?2 &etta no mutboried GOp1ein: thfrd untriss should acquit's env evidence w3i?h waAd ind sate from what bases missions were being flown or which i,ou1d demonstrate *AV kini of official V. S. oupport, and* b. Theta in the event of the ion of in aircraft over enemr territory* enemy authorities should be unable to OTC11. S. official support for the operation* Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP62600844R000200190017-5 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : 9A-RDP621300844R000200190017-5 of this fact, the ed to be necesry structereo Accordla Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP6260084 Approved For Release 201)4112/15TCWMP62B00844R000200190017-5 9 *sztion a. Airframes* i,photographie reconnaissance equipment* and electronic ete together with spares are tel procured and financed ter the CIA. OPE including especially -.lines* spare parte therefor* and certain standard photographic reconnaissance/ equipment (shish wi11 be modified for use in this project) is beine procured V* the Air Force. b. Tim CIA will procure err will reimburse tor) specialised supplies such Ai "4tographie film and electronic tape. The CI & is also procuring specialised field maintenance equipment from the suppliers. es All primmer sized recrtod sal eapicered by? the CIA. d. Personnel for the imintensuace or primary miseion aircraft and of *graphic' and electronic equipamt will be reereited and teethed * the suppliers. In the fields, they will be contract eniloyeee of the CIA Operational s ot,4aircrafte/p/tr, ed for toeing er asring and for transportation of person/eel "-iquipeent* and-primary ?IffitIttereffikgrstiPe to end from staging bases will be provided and amintained by the Air Force. f. Air crews for such operatoal support aircraft, and any maintenence personnel aspect/41,y Assigned to them will be U. S. Air Force personnel. S. The Air Force will supply supporting technical and legit,- tical serviness where it can do so more readily than the ciA in Accordance with detailed plans to be developed. eeeeke,*,(. h. Sispensibility for the procures/x:4 of current non-epecialised aupplies* notably fuel and amintertanceJ 1$ will be divided * the Air Force and the CIA on the of convenience and security. The costs of thee* supplies will be borne as aw be agreed. le The CIA will secure and equip special lehoratoz7 facilities 25X1 in the ?I to process all photographic approved For Ralanse 2004112115 ? CIA-RDP62B00844R000200190017-5 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP62600844R000200190017-5 a. dependent and terminate a to be maintained at a central pro rteteseitr will he buttresSed 4 the policy control over the project by Government. Both convidsrations po inhin,;ton. This would in egy case, as the MA is concerned. In the event iv that of paralleling but not completely' organisations, it will be osnend1s1 that '44 charge of Air Force partiCipation be stationed in he have adequate authority to deal direct:L./with the 3overnmeat agencies) on the project* b, la the interest both of *1 of overflight activities, lines the joint, or the two paralleling, projec operational units in the field. It wall presume ablish liaison 'with theater commanders but the anti atoll are peacetime clandestine irdealigence gathering 0 e not subject to theater commanders' diroction and contr idorations of policy involved extend far beyond the scope Approved For Release 2004/12/15 9IA-RDP621300844R000200190017-5 Approved For Release 2004/12/15A-RDP62B00844R000200190017-5 and have little relevance to, eny single theater. Apart trona liaison relationship with theater cemmanders? security censiderations will prebehly forbid the use of established commend channels in either the C/A or the Air Force. /twill be necessary to limit to only raw or two *elected individuals 'within each organisation unit from which the project draws support, knowledge or its nature and purpose. 8, this di and there will presumably be a eial Activit Group ostatUshed in the Air reeve, either within oneof the operational commeade or reporting directly to the air staff, to conduct, or as apo- priate to armee for, all Air Force, activities on the project. Specialised personnel in such field* as aeromedicel and meteorology who can best be furnished by the Air Force for service both in the ZI and at 0110110411 bases can either be assigned to the CIA for the duration f the project and eerve in the CIA project organisation or be assiipted to the Air Fort* Special Activities Croup and work in cooperation with parallel CIA mite. a, The CIA anization will consist of a project headquarters in Washington together. with initially bee and later three Air Sections in the field, each assigned to a particular rear bee.. The organisation will have its own Tic smart tr011t the operating divisions at CIA head- 25X1 quarters The line of *mood will be direcrAy from project headquarters to tine Special Air Sections 25X1 (I) The project headquarters' will have general control over the project and will be responsible Specifically for continuing liaison with other departments, for the clearance as appropriate of operational planet for the direction or continuing CIA procurement and recruitment, and, in conjunction with the Air Force, for operational planning. The headquarters will have three major sectional will perform its major functions jointly with a of the Air Force Special Activities Group, valent section of which it will constitute a group. It will halte responsibilite for opera- planning, weather, intelligence, targets, end dical The senior CIA officer will also be responsible (outside of the Joint naming Group) for personnel functions with respect to civilian pilots. including deal e. and d elopnt, procurement, financial functions with respect to procurement. Approved For Release 2004/12/15.: CIA-RDR62B00844R000200190017-5 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : dit-hDP621300844R000200190017-5 (a) Stlet who will also serve as will have respoteability aircraft* operational ecattmaxiato, and 7oc Special night* mission planning and '1 aud A rAii The ations th the b. Group in leadquarters three Special fl Clk kir Beetles. is I assigned to the S partic and will signed to d. All Air Force Activities Group p will AQUATME. bases task, of tical c' Approved For Release 20,9 light will man and d at each base. It DP62600844R000200190017-5 Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP621300844R000200190017-5 C. Th. MA Air Force Special Activities together, Tim' should* in any a provide unified direction of all phase* purposes; alnamoiste individuals in the two plearaing veto, In the field, too, certain act perforated jointly. The Operations Section of each A Air 3.ct Air Force Special Flight would in fact have to establish a *Iasi pluming group nate up of the two operation* officio. and including perhaps a weather officer from the Special Flight and an intelligence officer fro* the Air section. On the administrative side; joint action would eitaller4 be required on aullay. netters. d. Detailed supply and logistic procedures sill be developed as mquired, In general,however* they should be alma the following bleat d the he Afr elation will requisition directly on the for supplies, personnel, and services to A. This Section will* however* requis flight assigned to the, ewe fiel ,red equipent, specialised personnel rtation. Approved For Releas 4) ti ,A-RDP62600844R000200190017-5 Approved For Releasq fillirarkA-RDP621W844R000200190017-5 ' !W. at present) for procurement to be performed r the account o the other. The distribetion teeen, the CIA and the Air Force and the appro.- priate reiebursereent by one to the other to achieve that dietri'hution will be arranged by the. two headquetrtere on the basis of Ishatever =lee are Agreed. Under this to and initially 0,E* d at each active base, ed in par It personnel (including igneent to the CIA) and :in part with Air Force on active dity with the Air Force. It will premizably be necessary Air Force to constitute a Special aotivities hop as a =tit to which r ores project person/ma can be assiened, but this unit will have no separate ozi.eanization and will in fact be merely a designation for Air Force persemnel serving in the joint organizatiee. In general, the reactions of timo- project headquarters and the detachsenta in the field will be Amply a ?combination of those are* listed for the paralleling units that, under the alternative conoepts woad smeee up the tem noneinte ated organisations. a, The joint headquarters will control all project activities and will be resportsibie epecificelly for eentinuing liaison with other departments, tor the clearance SE appropriate of operational plans, for the direction of centinuing proevrements recruitment and deveopeent, and for eperetial pluming, It will. 114SNPE three major sections: ( ) .*rations including operational plarinines weather, intelligence, e.t-4 operational comeuenicatione and personnel functions with respect to civilian pilots. (2) Ala end legal (3) security* all regular maintenance time, e I including design and developeents procurements ial functions with respect to procurement. including organizational planning, ?ree, personnel functions with respect to CIA and Air Force personnel and civilise contract employees, and headquartere-toedetachemnt ceestuniese b. Inch field detachment will be organized in roughly parallel fashieet with an officer in charge, a general depute, who could also be operations officer, and a third senior officer in charge of advdnietrae tion and materiel. The Offierationa Officer will be in charge of air crew*, mission planning, itea 7,77:edicel (specialized), intelligence and targets, and eosounications (operational). The Materiel and Administration Officer will be in eharee Antateroanm conitinieationi ittestrige Center), personnel, secarity, a:ijutant activities, Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP62600844R000200190017-5 011 Approved For Release vogRDP62B0411644R000200190017-5 .10 and housekeeping as needed. With a joint organization, it should still be possible for each Detachment to requisition locally from Air Force installa tions for items available in the field, Presumably, requisitions for all items to be supplied from the ZI would be drawn on the joint project headquarters which would arrange for procurement (or supply) by CIA or the Air Force as appropriate. d, Financial procedures would have to be developed. Probably the pay of personnel and virtually all other disbursements would be made by either the CIA or the Air Force, although small joint cash accounts might be useful for certain local expenses overseas, There could, however, be centralized accounting for expenditures made on project account by both agencies so as to permit proper budgetary control and distribution of costs on whatever basis is agreed. 10.--Phaai Development, procurement, recruitment, and training for AQUATO proceeding satisfactorily at the present time with no forma organisation in the Air Force and none in the CIA other than a centralization of responsibility for project activities. Although some similar centralization of responsibility will very soon be needed in the Air Force, it is probably unnecessary to establish separate project organisa? tions with their awn T/Os (or a joint project organization with its awn T/0) for several more months. The timing of this step will be determined largely by the desirability of bringing into the project well before tests start in August 1955 most of the individuals who will occupy senior positions when the organization is fully established. On the other hand, an organization built along the lines of either of the two alternative concepts outlined above will not need to be fully staffed with three (or more) detachments in being for about eighteen months, that is, until at least twelve recon? naiesance aircraft are operational (in addition to ally held in the ZI for testing: training or modification.) Within these limits, the following tentative phasing is proposeds a. Centralization of responsibility within the Air For I April l955. by 1:14 Actition of CIA and Air Force Headquarters units, or of a joint Headquarters unit, with definitions of functions of head? quarters sections and assignnent of specific individuals by 2 May 1955. Completion of organizational plans for overseas detachments on and assignment of three senior officers for each of the detachnents by 1 July 1955, d. Majority of personnel of first two detachments to be recruited, assembled and trained at test site by 1 December 1955. Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP62600844R000200190017-5 Approved ForRelease,2,004/12/15 ?__CIA-RDP62B0044R000200190017-5 - e. First detachnnt to be activated 1 February 1956 with operations to begin 1 March 1F5b. f. The second detachment to be activated overseas 1 April 1956, to begin operations 1 May 1956. g. The third detachment to be activated overseas by 1 August 19562 to begin operations 1 September 1956. Approved For Release 2(104/12/15 Z1S-11FDP62B00844R000200190017-5 i