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Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900060002-7
734 WALT WHITMAN ROAD ? SUITE 202 ? MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 ? (516) 694-5013
P.O. BOX 2766
P.O. # 28542
Mn. GE.)F '- BECZ
(804) 262-6737
Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900060
Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900060002-7
Description, Installation, Maintenance & Operating Instructions
Spray-Type Deaerating Heater
Internal Vent Condenser
Spray Valve Installation & Assembly
A 516 GR 70
3,300 G
165,000 #/HR
10 PSI
Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900060002-7
The principles of deaeration of water are outlined in these instruc-
tions and the physical equipment which accomplishes this deaera-
tion are basically described. It is the intent of these instructions
to present in broad terms only and to allow this manual to cover
any passible variations of equipment or operating conditions.
deaerating heaters are flexible and will meet the guarantees of
deaeration and heating of water when operated in accordance
with these instructions provided that operating conditions load
fluctuations are within the design limits and operating personnel
understand the principles of deaeration and the equipment.
Any drawings contained within this bulletin are general and for
exact details; please refer to the engineering drawings. This
applies to both the drawings of PM I equipment and any
auxiliary equipment used in conjunction with the deaerator. For
a complete fist of this equipment refer to the engineering bill of
These instructions should be carefully read and fully understood
before proceeding with erection and/or operation of the equipment
and thereafter referred to as required.
The function of a deaerating heater is to remove non-condensable
gases and to heat boiler feed water. A deaerating heater consists
of a pressure vessel in which water and steam are mixed with
controlled velocities. When this occurs, water temperature rises,
and all non-condensable dissolved gases are liberated and removed
and the effluent water may be considered corrosion free from an
oxygen or carbon dioxide standpoint.
A deaerating heater is the watch dog of a boiler plant as it pro-
tects the feed pumps, piping, boilers and any other piece of equip-
ment that is in the boiler feed and return cycle from the effects of
corrosive gases. It accomplishes this by reducing the concentration
of non-condensable gases, i.e. oxygen and carbon dioxide, to a
level where they are no longer a factor of corrosion.
Principles of Deaeration
There is a physical law which states that the solubility of any gas
in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of the
gas above the liquid surface. Another law states, The solubility of
a gas in a liquid decreases with an increase in temperature of the
heaters, the trays are sometimes shipped loose.
liquid. Experience has shown that more rapid and more complete
Accessories and piping are usually shipped separately
removal of non-condensable gases from a liquid is obtained when
handling and to avoid damage in transit. When acce
the liquid is vigorously boiled or scrubbed by condensable or
piping are shipped separately, each item is described co
carrier gas bubbles. Therefore, essentially the deaerating heater
the job Bill of Material. It is a simple matter for the
must first heat the feedwater to as high a temperature as possible,
to identify each piece received by referring to the fi
i.e. to the temperature corresponding to the steam pressure. It
Material. At times, where shipping problems are e
must vigorously boil and scrub the heated water with fresh steam
protruding parts, such as vent condenser, vent pip
which can carry to the liquid surface any traces of oxygen or
shipped inside of the heater. Always check the storag
carbon dioxide. The partial pressure of the oxygen and carbon
deaerator shell for any loose parts. When the deaeratin
dioxide in the steam atmosphere must be maintained as low as
liberated. To avoid waste of steam an efficient vent condenser is
required to concentrate non-condensable gas mixture as it leaves
the heater.
A deaerating heater utilizes steam by spraying the incoming water
into an atmosphere of steam in the preheater section, it then mixes
this water with fresh incoming steam in the deaerator section.
In the first state the water is heated to within 2 degrees of steam
temperature and virtually all of the oxygen and free carbon
dioxide are removed. This is accomplished by spraying the water
through self-adjusting spray valves which are designed to produce
a uniform spray film under all conditions of load and corsequently
a constant temperature and uniform gas removal is obtained at
this point.
From the first stage section the preheated water containing minute
traces of dissolved gases, flows into the second stage or deaerator
section. This section consists of either a distributor or several
assemblies of trays. Here the water is intimately contacted with
an excess of fresh gas free steam. The steam passes into this stage
and it is mixed with the preheated water. Deaeration is accom-
plished at all rates of flow if conditions are maintained in accord-
ance with design criteria. Very little steam is condensed here as
incoming water has a high temperature caused by the preheating.
The steam rises to the first stage and carries out the small traces
of residual gases. This mixture of steam and non-condensable
gases pass through first stage compartment to the vent condenser.
In the preheater most of the steam is condensed and the remaining
gases pass through to the vent condenser where most remaining
steam is condensed and the non-condensable gases vent to the
atmosphere. A very small amount of steam is passed to the atmos?
phere which assures that the deaerating heater is adequately vented
at all times.
The water which leaves the second stage falls to the storage tank
where it is stored for use. At this time the water is completely
deaerated and is heated to the steam temperature corresponding
to the pressure with the vessel.
Preparation for Shipment
Usually all deaerating heaters are shipped with main shell corn
pletely assembled and with all interior parts in position. Normally
the only exception to this would be that for very large tray type
for ease in
ssories and
mpletely on
nal Bill of
es may be
e tank and
g heater is
possible, particularlvat the pofnnt her t e deaer,~J ~ 5~ a. 11a y, arge i not permit shipment of a
rates from the stealAAMOCYRdb l sPe rus4"Bb" ~d fralIF at f ~f-~~ Sfj A 4i it, or hen the customer
withdrawn from the heater at the rate at which they are being specifically requests disassembled units, the main tanks may be
DESCRIPTION, INSTAL1jed For Release 2005/07/12 - CIA-RDP02-06298R000900060002-7
shipped in two or more pieces. Field joints are always marked
and clearly identified on the engineering drawings. Therefore, a
deaerating heater can be easily reassembled by the purchaser, as
the shells normally are completely assembled and tested before
being dismantled and sealed for shipment. Normally, only a field
piping connection, either welded or flanged, depending on the in-
stallation and bolting between the preheater and storage tank,
must be made. Large vessels are either skidded or supported on
their own saddles for ease of handling. All nozzles and openings
are plugged to avoid entrance of foreign matter. Smaller parts and
accessories are normally boxed and tagged. All parts should be
checked and if any breakage or shortage occurs, this should be
reported immediately to the carrier's representative. If the parts
are not to be erected immediately, it is best that the boxes remain
closed to avoid their being mislaid or subjected to the elements.
Deaerating heater foundations normally do not have to be of the
massi\e design as required for moving machinery.
Foundation should be level and be of adequate strength to support
the maximum loads that the deaerating heater can impose upon it.
The foundation should be designed to carry the "flooded weight"
.which is the maximum weight of the deaerating heater vessel
when completely installed and flooded for hydrostatic test. In addi-
tion to this, there must be an added allowance for piping, plat-
forms, stairs and any other attachment on the deaerating heater.
The normal weight which the foundation must carry is that weight
shown on the engineering drawing as "operating weight". This is
the weight of the instilled unit with the water level in the storage
tank at the maximum operating or overflow level,
The deaerating heater should be firmly bolted to the supporting
steel or reinforced concrete foundation.
That weight shown on the engineering drawings as "shipping
be high enough to overcome any loss of head caused by pipe
friction, control valves, vent condenser and spray valves. It must
also overcome internal steam pressure. Normally, minimum pres-
sures for condensate not flowing through controllers, vent con-
densers, etc., must be equal to the steam pressure in the vessel plus
approximately 3 psi. at the heater connection where spray valves
are used and approximately 7-9 psi. is required where spray pipes
are used.
Inlet control valves have been selected to operate within the range
of pressures. If the pressure is too low, sufficient water will not
enter the heater. If water pressure is too high, difficulty may be
experienced with the control valve. A high pressure drop across
control valves could cause valve shatter, hunting of the unit, and
reduce the efficiency of the plant. In such cases, it is necessary to
install a water pressure reducing valve and regulator.
Steam Requirements
Steam is required to heat and deaerate the water in a deaerating
heater. The amount of steam required does not depend upon the
design of a deaerating heater but only upon thermo-dynamic laws;
to determine accurately the amount of steam required, it is neces-
sary to make a heat balance.
The amount of steam consumed by any deaerating heater is that
amount determined by the heat balance required to heat all of the
incoming water to the saturated steam temperature within the
heater, plus a minute amount that is vented with the gases less
any flashed steam from hot condensate or trap returns. This calcu-
lation should be taken with the incoming water at its lowest tem-
peratures. If there is insufficient exhaust or bleed steam, then
makeup steam should be applied at reduced pressure.
The following procedures may be used, the first two methods "a"
and "b" are approximations, the third "c" is an exact method. A
complete heat balance can be made of the entire heat cycle, in
accordance with any established procedures.
weight", is the approximate weight of the deaerating heater vessel a) If the operating steam pressure is between 1 and 5 psi., and
as shipped. Rigging facilities must be available to handle this if the maximum inlet water temperature is below 100? F, the
weight both for unloading and raising the unit to its foundation. required amount of steam will be one seventh of the outlet
Qualified riggers should be used to set the deaerating heater upon flow.
the foundation. Slings, blocks and handling rigging must be care-
fully placed and care must be excercised to avoid damaging noz-
zles or internal parts of the heater. After the vessel is placed upon
the foundation, it may be shimmed if necessary.
The deaerating heater, storage tank and all equipment carrying
hot water or containing steam should be thoroughly insulated to
prevent condensation of steam and loss of heat. Sample connec-
tions and thermometer wells should not be covered, and provision
should be made to allow for annual inspection through manholes
and to inspect control valves, .level controllers, etc., without dam-
aging the insulation and covering.
Elevation of Deaerating Heater
Any deaerating heater must be elevated above the boiler feed pump
to insure sufficient net positive suction head on the inlet side of
the boiler feed pump. The minimum head required on the suction
of the pump should be carefully checked with the pump manu-
facturer, emphasizing the fact that the pump is handling water at
a temperature corresponding to the saturated temperature of the
steam supplied to the deaerating heater. Flashing and consequent
steam binding of the pump may occur if the boiler feed pump is
operated with a low or negative suction head. The suction head is
considered that distance from the low water line in the deaerating
heater or bottom of storage tank to the centerline of the feed pump.
Steam required
Example: 60,000 #/hr. outlet capacity
heater operating at 2 psi.: 60,000 =
required. 7
entering at 60? F.
8570 # /hr. steam
If the operating pressure is between 1 and 5 psi., and if the
inlet water temperature is between 100? F and 150? F, the
required amount of steam will be one tenth of the outlet flow:
(2) Q (outlet) = Steam required
Example: 60,000 #/hr. outlet entering at 140? F, heater
operating at 2 psi.: 60,000 = 6,000 #/hr. steam required.
c) Exact Method
Water Pressure T2
Total deaerated outlet capacity (#/hr.)'
Inlet Water (under consideration)
(# /hr. )
Steam pressure (psi)
Steam temperature (saturated tempera-
ture at inlet pressure) ( ? F)
Water Temperature ( ? F)
Sufficient water presst l f yeA Ft%i9@IPl;} ZQA5iP7ggZe.CIA-RDPOB,.06 a98ROOOS6bil001 --Ateam pressure, see any
aerating heater for all entering water supplies; this pressure must H1s steam table) (BTU/#)
DESCRIPTION, INSTAAlVieved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900060002-7
Qm (T, - T,) _ #/hr. steam required
Piping should be supported independently to avoid strains from
being exerted upon the heater or storage shell or any nozzles.
The pump suction line should be as large as practical and the use
of sharp angle bends should be avoided. The line should be as
direct to the boiler feed pump suction as practical. Vent condenser
vent piping should be installed with care to avoid any traps or
pockets. Normally, a vertical line short as possible, is best. A gate
valve should be installed in this line. Normally a 1/8" hole is
drilled through the disc of the valve to prevent the valve from
being closed completely. An alternative to this would be a gate
valve with no holes drilled in the seat and with a pipe cap mounted
above the valve. This pipe cap should be drilled with an orifice
that will allow sufficient venting. This method is most feasible for
a system that would have a fairly uniform amount of non-conden-
sable gases venting from it. Care must also be taken to avoid
closing the gate valve at any time except for maintenance or
change of the orifice.
The drain line should be piped to waste and all of the connections
made in accordance with the layout drawings using usual pipe
Sampling lines should be installed using extreme care to avoid
leakage of air into this line. For a full description of the installa.
tion of sampling lines, refer to section under Oxygen Testing.
Thermometers are supplied only when ordered and then they are
usually of the indicating type. They are installed to indicate the
steam temperature within the deaerating heater and the water
temperature within the storage tank. The thermometer wells are
usually of the separable socket type with extension neck and with
union connections. It is possible to remove thermometer for
calibration without reducing the pressure in the deaerating heater.
For special installations, indicating, remote, or recording instru-
ments can be supplied. Temperatures external to the heater often
supply useful information. This would be temperature of any water
stream coming to the heater, temperature of steam to the heater,
temperature of the water at the boiler feed pump.
Pressure Gauges
Pressure gauges are normally supplied when ordered and are
usually of the bourdon tube type which are used to indicate the
steam pressure. A siphon should be installed between the vessel
and the gauge to insure accurate reading of the gauge. The gauge
is usually installed to indicate steam pressure in the preheating
section of the deaerating heater. On special installations or where
specifically required for remote control, indicating or recording
pressure gauges can be supplied
It is often useful to have pressure at sources external to the heater
should information ever be required, such as pressure upstream of
the inlet control valves, steam heater piping, feed pump suction.
Condensate (Not Flashing)
(4) Same as (3) using applicable temperatures.
Condensate (Flashing)
(5) % Flash -r Hf (higher) - H, (lower) 100
H,. (lower)
cl( Flash X Qm - #/hr. steam flashed.
Then sum all of the flows of required steam for inlet water heating,
deduct any steam flashed from hot condensates. This sum will be
the maximum steam volume required by the deaerating heater for
the loads in question. This procedure may be reversed and solved
for any amount of makeup required.
Good deaerating can only be obtained if a sufficient steam supply
is available to maintain a continuous positive pressure of at least
1/2 lb. gauge on the deaerating heater shell, unless there has been
special provision for vacuum operation.
The only cause for a deaerator to operate at lower temperature
than saturated steam temperature is the lack of steam caused by
having too small a steam makeup valve, an insufficient supply of
steam or improper venting.
Vibrating and hammering can be caused by too low a steam
pressure supply or some blockage within the passages for steam
within the deaerating heater.
Deaerating heaters can be made to intentionally operate at tem-
peratures below steam temperature by starving the steam supply
either with a temperature or a pressure control valve on the steam
inlet. However, if the pressure in the heater drops under atmos-
pheric pressure, a vacuum system is required to withdraw the
vented gases.
The job Bill of Material will always list all accessories purchased
with the heater. This could include any of the following control
valves and level controllers, gauge glasses, water thermometers,
steam theremometers, steam pressure gauges, oil separators, oxygen
test equipment, level or pressure recorders and relief valves, pip.
ing, etc. We furnish only that material which has been listed on
the engineering job Bill of Material. No other equipment is sup-
plied with this order. For operating any of the accessories or
auxuiliary equipment connected with this heater, refer to separate
instructions which follow.
Provisions should be made for platforms or ladders so that various
valves, controls and instruments are accessible to the operator.
Manholes should be accessible for internal inspection of the
Piping Connections
Previous to connecting the deaerating heater to the piping, the
heater and storage tank should be bolted firmly to the foundation
and the interior should be inspected to ascertain that all interior
parts are in position and working order.
When connecting steam and water lines to the heater, care should
be exercised in the piping arrangement. Include expansion joints
if necessary to avoid imposing excess piping strain upon the
Relief Valves
Relief valves, when furnished, are not designed to prevent excess
pressure in the steam line. They are designed to relieve excess
pressure which might occur in the deaerating heater when steam
is flashed from high temperature waters returned to the heater
in the form of trapped discharges, condensate returns, etc. These
relief valves are sentinel type valves.
Main steam lines should be protected external to the deaerating
heater to avoid pressurizing for any cause. They must be sized to
completely remove any steam formed from pressure reducing sta-
shell. Isolating gate valves in these lines are desirable, as they lions, or other control devices, which may be installed between the
allow for complete iAq~q(~ n r6F K99le s' 1N0? $r~lAa ~8 " = hey must also be capable
bypassed around in a on ro va ves or steam pressure reducing o relieving t e comp ete vo ume o steam flowing to the deaerating
valves. heater.
DESCRIPTION. INSTAIAppRWed For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900060002-7
Normally, the relief valves supplied have hand release, and it is
recommended that occasionally this relief be manipulated to check
free movement and to avoid freezing of the valve seat. This can
also be opened when starting the deaerating heater to relieve dis-
placed air when filling the unit.
Vacuum Breakers
Vacuum breakers are occasionally supplied to protect shells from
external pressure where they have not been designed to withstand
this force. When a vacuum breaker is observed to be opened,
there is a definite malfunction within the deaerating heater, as
normally this vacuum breaker should never he used. It will only
open when there is an insufficient supply of steam. Water going to
service during these times could conceivably contain dissolved
Vacuum breakers which are supplied are steam tight, suitable for
the design pressure of the vessel and are set to open at the slightest
vacuum. These should he checked periodically to insure that the
seats have not frozen or allowed to become excessively dirty.
The following procedures should be followed when commencing
operation of a deaerating heater, after the unit has been com-
pletely installed, and all equipment has been tested and checked.
Other Equipment
For a description of the other equipment sometimes furnished in
deaerating heaters, as inlet valves and controllers, overflow valves
and controllers, oil separators, vent condensers, tray banks, spray
valves, etc., refer to those sections outlining installation and operat-
ing procedures to be used.
Normally, deaerating equipment requires little maintenance. The
operation should he completely automatic. For normal operation,
little or no maintenance is required, except for the usual attention
required for instrumentation and controls.
Complete annual inspection should be made of this equipment.
In plants where duty is unusually severe, or abnormal water sup-
plies are used, inspection may be required semi-annually, or more
These inspections should include the following:
1. Internal inspection for evidence of corrosion or scaling.
2a. Spray Valve: Valve must seat firmly. Check under plug for
debris. Valve nuts should be tight with no evidence of leakage
under gasket. If disc appears to hang down spray valve can
easily be adjusted by removing from tank, loosening top lock
nut and hand tighten spring retainer until valve disc just
seats then turn one-quarter turn more. Tighten lock nut
firmly and re-Install.
2b. Spray Nozzle: Should likewise be checked for foreign matter
and see that all holes are clean and clear.
3. Check packing of controllers and valves, replace if necessary.
4. Check manhole gasket, replace if there is evidence of leaks.
5. Check operations of all controllers; they should move freely
and not have excessive play. Make any necessary adjustments,
paying particular attention to the overflow valve and con-
troller as this is not used frequently and may have a tendency
to corrode and freeze in position.
6. Open and cluse all gate valves that have not been used since
last inspection. Lubricate when necessary.
7. Recalibrate thermometers, pressure gauges and any other
8. Inspect all piping connections for evidence of corrosion.
9. Inspect insulation.
The startup period should be carefully planned so that wast-
age of water and steam to the drain do not unduly overload
existing facilities such as pumps, engines, heaters, etc.
Flush out all lines and tanks with water until there is no
apparent indication of foreign matter or rust. Spray valves
and nozzles should be freed of all large pieces of mill
scale, etc.
Manipulate manually all controls; see that each is working
freely and that shipping stops have been removed.
Check all instruments to ascertain that they are operating and
indicating correctly.
Open vent valve from vent condenser to atmosphere. Do not
depend on 1/8" orifice in gate. Refer to venting instructions.
Close outlet valve from heater to feed pumps.
Start flow of inlet water and slowly increase from 50?j% to
60?/r of design rate.
Open valve, admitting steam into tank slowly. Possibly some
rumbling may occur but this may be disregarded with the
cold tank. Check steam gauge in heater and make absolutely
certain that positive steam pressure is maintained in heater;
if steam supply is insufficient, utilize other source such as
makeup steam with reducing valve or any other auxiliary
steam supply. Provide suitable relief provisions if these other
supplies are not protected for the low pressure condition.
Filling the tank with water will purge most of the air from
the vessel. As the water approaches operating level, increase
the steam flow. Caution: Filling the tank with steam and
then flooding with cold water subjects the tank to undue
stresses caused by vacuum created by rapid condensation;
normally the open vent may relieve this condition but caution
is urged.
As the water reaches the operating level, check the operation
of inlet controllers. Make adjustments at all controllers. Manu?
ally continue the flow of water until high level controls
operate. Check operating level of controllers and alarms,
if any.
When a considerable volume of steam is issuing from the
vent valve, start throttling back on the vent valve until only
a plume of vapor can be seen issuing from it. The water
temperature should rise to within 3? of saturation temperature
of steam at heater pressure. A lower water temperature indi-
cates that pockets of air have not been completely purged.
If this occurs, open steam valve wide, then open vent valve
fairly wide for a few seconds, then throttle back to force
pockets to the vent.
Open steam valve wide.
Keep checking water temperature until the unit comes within
2? F of steam temperature; when it does, the unit is now
ready for service and the outlet valve may be opened and
vent valve throttled back in accordance with instruction
shown under vent condenser description. When the unit is
operating, the storage water temperature should be at the
saturated temperature of the steam at the heater pressure.
10. After unit is rep
1pp00Zfler5gfp1SP,I Y die ~2 CI~l4R~j?jn ~s (g
rformed with more frequency to ascertan thatthevent TibaC K
q`ty,l~galg been supplied with this
Wietw{ r re and operating instruc-
setting is correct. tions for that equipment.
Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900060002-7
Efficient removal of the non-condensable gases from the de-
aerating heater requires that the vent valve be opened suffi-
ciently to allow complete discharge of the gases passed to the
vent condenser outlet pipe. The maximum concentration of
the non-condensable gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide
passing out the vent depends on the degree of condensation
produced by the steam and gas mixture passing through and
around the spray created by the special spray valve. The
optimum condition is when the unit is venting all non-con-
densable gases with the minimum steam loss. This point can
only be found through trial and error.
A vent condenser is not functioning properly when there is
entrainment of water in the plume discharging to the atmos-
phere or where a steam plume cannot be observed, or the
plume appears to be puffing. These malfunctions can be caused
by any of a number of reasons such as insufficient vent open-
ing, erratic spray valve action or incorrect vent piping,
All the spray valves should be checked to ascertain if they are
tightly bolted in place. Silver plated stainless steel "elastic stop"
nuts are normally used on each stud for fastening purposes. A
Teflon gasket is located between the valve and water box. Spray
valves should not require field adjustment as they are pre-set in
the factory for zero spring compression. That is, the plugs
should just set in the seats with no looseness or apparent spring
force. The disc should move freely. The gasket should be
firmly seated.
The area immediately above the spray valve should be in-
spected after all piping is in place. It may be necessary to
remove one valve, or cover plate or inspection hole to check
for pipe scale, pieces of welding rod, rocks, bottles, or other
foreign matter that may have washed in through the piping
during the testing of the plant or the installation of the water
piping which could possibly lodge in the spray valve and
cause difficulty with the operation of the unit.
The vent piping should be installed with no sharp vent bends
or traps that could obstruct the flow of gases. The ideal vent
pipe rises vertically from the heater to the valve located above
the junction of the vessel in a short length of pipe above the
valve. This is normally satisfactory where a slight amount of
steam vapor can be tolerated in the area of the deaerating
heater. Where this is not possible, and it becomes necessary
to pipe the vent line to the outside atmosphere, precautions
must be taken to avoid consistently long lines with a great
number of turns. Horizontal runs should be avoided wherever
possible. Trapped pockets in pipe lines must be eliminated if
the heater is to operate successfully. The vent plume should
be visible to the operator to enable him to periodically check
the plume, therefore avoid piping the vent to stacks, risers
or other closed systems unless provision is made to allow for
this periodic inspection.
Normally the vent valve has a 1/8" hole drilled in the seat to
prevent this valve from being tightly closed during operation.
For very light loads or plants where there is a small amount
of non-condensables in the feed water, this vent orifice is
sometimes large enough to act as the throttling orifice, but this
is the unusual situation. The vent valve should not be operated
in a closed position unless adequate venting is indicated by
temperature checks and thorough oxygen tests. Normally the
valve should be open one or more turns to allow for complete
removal of the gases. To determine the correct amount of
opening required, the vent valve should be opened approxi-
mately one or two turns and the effect on the operating tem-
perature noted. If no appreciable effect on the temperature is
noted after a period of one hour, oxygen tests should be then
made to determine the effectiveness of venting; satisfactory
reduction of oxygen is obtained when tested by a recognized
sampling and testing procedure. The vent setting of the valve
can be further decreased by tightening the vent valve. Nor-
mally, the plume of steam would indicate sufficient venting if
it appears firm and rises approximately 18 inches to three
feet above the termination of the pipe. If after reducing the
vent valve openings, a drop in operating temperature is ob-
served or a difference between outlet temperature of the water
in comparison with the saturated temperature of the steam' as
shown in a thermodynamic table the indication is that venting
is not adequate and the vent valve or orifice must be opened
Where loads are very small or where uniform operation (flow
rates and pressures) can be expected for long periods of time
a fixed orifice may be employed. This would usually consist of
a drilled pipe cap. mounted above the vent valve. (When an
orifice vent cap. is employed the vent valve should not be
drilled). The vent valve should always be full open, and pre-
cautions noted above should be observed. The optimum size of
the hole in the orifice cap can best be found by drilling a small
hole (1/8" to 1/4") and checking the dissolved oxygen in the
effluent, also observe the water temperature to see that it is at
saturation temperature of the steam within the heater. If the
oxygen reading is high or the temperature is low increase
the hole size in the orifice and recheck. Repeat until oxygen
is below the guaranteed level and the temperature rises to
steam saturation temperature.
Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900060002-7
Form 132-6/69
Approved For R
MELVILLE, N.Y. 11746
Each Spray Tray type deaerating heater has been spe-
cifically tailored to fit the power plant cycle and operating
conditions of the individual plant in which it is to be in-
stalled. This assures the most efficient use of steam and
pressure and energy level in the feed water cycle and the
lowest operating cost.
The shell structure is of fabricated steel. The design pres-
sure is shown on the job bill of material or, if an ASME
Code vessel has been ordered, the pressure is stamped on
the vessel.
In general, the deaerating heater will be of the following
1. Fully vertical deaerator with a self-contained stor-
age tank.
2. A vertical deaerating heater mounted on a horizon-
tal storage tank either directly welded (tank car)
or connected by nozzles and structural attachments
(Double Shell).
3. A horizontal deaerating heater mounted on a hori-
zontal storage tank.
Regardless of the arrangement of the shell, whether the
deaerator and storage are joined together in a common
tank or separated in different tanks, the operation is iden-
tical. Basically, the first stage spray section sprays the
water through spray valves which discharge the water in
thin films or sheets into the steam which fills the first
stage compartment. In this steam space the water i? heat-
ed to within 2-4? of the steam temperature, and virtually
all of the dissolved oxygen and free C02 are removed. The
self-adjusting, non-clogging spray valves are designed to
produce uniform spray action under all conditions of load.
Consequently, a constant temperature and uniform gas
removal is obtained at this point. The spray valves are
arranged so that the preheated water is sprayed down-
wardly, and does not strike the bottom surface or the sides
of the preheated chamber until most of the gases have
been removed. Water saturated with oxygen and other
non-condensable gases at normal atmospheric tempera-
ture will have more than 95% of these gases removed in
this first stage preheater.
The water, containing traces of non-condensable gas then
enters the tray section where it is intimately mixed with
a large excess of steam. The fresh gas-free steam passes
into the second stage rising through a tray stack. Within
the second stage section, very little steam is condensed
because of the high temperature of the preheated water.
Therefore, most of the steam remains in a vapor to carry
the small traces of residual dissolved gases through to
the first stage steam space where the steam is condensed
in preheating the water. The residual steam then passes
to the vent condenser where it is condensed and the non-
condensable gases pass to the atmosphere. The water
passes counter-current to the steam through stainless
steel tray assemblies. These assemblies are grouped to
form a tray stack. The degree of deaeration is determined
by the number of water reversals or changes in direction
that occur in passing through the stack. Each reversal
exposes another surface of the water to the up-flowing
steam. This contact physically loosens the dissolved gas
molecules and separates them from solution. The rising
steam sweeps the gas into the upper section where it is
eliminated. The scrubbing action of the steam assures
final deaeration as guaranteed. The second stage of every
heater is tailor-made for the particular operating con-
ditions prevailing at the plant, and the deaerator has been
designed for these specific conditions.
Inspection should occur before start up. Every deaerating
heater has been designed to meet specific operating condi-
tions. Fabricating and inspection procedures are the best
known. The material selected for each of the components
has been proven over many years of service to be the best
for the service within economic considerations. However,
before the unit is installed and operated it is strongly
suggested that the deaerating heater be re-checked to
insure that no damage has occurred to the heater since
its inspection.
The spray valves should be checked to insure that they are
installed correctly. That is, with the spring on the water
side of the water chamber, special silverplated, stainless
steel elastic stop nuts are used to fasten the valve to the
vessel. These nuts will not loosen under any load. The
nuts should be tight and the gasket should be firmly seated.
Inspection should be made to make sure that all internal
inspection plates are in place, tightly bolted, and that all
debris has been removed from the tank. This is especially
true after all piping connections are made and the unit is
flushed out. It is recommended that the water side of the
water box be checked if the pipe lines have been hydrau-
lically flushed, as often debris will wash in and will lodge
in this compartment and eventually work through the de-
aerating heater to the boiler feed pump. Baffles should be
inspected to insure that no damage occurred during ship-
ping or installation, such as cracks of welds or other
points that could be subject to damage.
Trays are shipped either separately boxed or are some-
times installed within the heater; refer to your job Bill
of Material under "tray assembly" to determine how these
are shipped. If shipped within the heater, inspection
should be made to ascertain that no damage accrued dur-
ing shipping or rigging. The trays should be level and
nested together with no gaps or spaces between. To in-
spect or install trays it is necessary to open the access
door and the inner tray door or holding braces. The trays
should be installed as indicated on the internal assembly
drawing. Some trays have serrated edges; install these
with the edges (saw teeth) pointing down. For trays with
channel shaped sections, install with the channel flanges
pointing up.
Approved For Release 2005/07/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900060002-7
Approved For
e 2005107/12 : CIA-RDP02-06298R000900060002-7
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Approved For Release 2005/07/12 :
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