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August 1, 1965
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WORLD MARXIST REVIEW Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP75-001 9R000700590008-6 English edition of Problems of Peace an Published inPraue, Czechoslo1 Alin incc Graza a's Straggle against Reaction and Racism,' for Democracy 1 95X1 and Independence 0 T HE question has been . posed-how and why has the The fact is that the superstructure of the Trades Union People's Progressive Party (PPP), which won three succes- Council (TUC) of Guiana is a bastion of reaction. sive elections in 1953, 1957 and 1961, been removed from But the TUC was not always a reactionary body. Prior to the government? The answer is that the British and U.S. 1953, it pursued a militant policy and supported the PPP. Its- imperialists, having failed to destroy the PPP in spite of a affiliates, catering particularly for workers in the sugar planta- Tory-engineered split in the party in 1955 and gerrymandering tibns, waterfront, saw-mills, wood-plants and quarries, were of constituencies in 1957 and 1961, and seeing no prospects of constantly engaged in, militant struggles for recognition, increased defeating it at free and fair elections in the future, resorted to wages and improved working conditions. force and fraud. But this militant TUC also became a casualty of the Cold They did not want another progressive independent state in War. Through the influence and pressure of the ICFT'U, the the Western hemisphere. Alarmed and hysterical about develop- TUC was unconstitutionally disbanded soon after the October ments in socialist Cuba, the U.S., after our victory in 1961 when 1953 forcible removal. of the PPP from oficc. Six reactionary we were poised for independence, stepped up their propaganda unions controlled by the Opposition, headed by the MCPA that an independent Guiana under the PPP would become a (the company-dominated sugar workers' union), formed a new second Cuba and a gateway for international communism into TUC. And after he split the PPP in 195,5, Burnham strengthened. South America. The reactionaries' slogan at home and abroad the new TUC with his British Guiana Labour Union and con-, was, "No independence under Jagan", fused and split the Negro working class with pseudo-Socialist Consequently, counter-revolutionary disturbances were en- demagogy and racism. gineered in 1962 and 1963 and a blockade imposed in 1963 The Trades Union Council, as presently constituted, is domi- with the aim of forcibly removing my government from office and nated by the MPCA and, unions 'catering for civil servants, giving the British Government the excuse for withholding inde- -teachers and other government employees in postal, airline, pcndence and suspending or manipulating our constitution. telephone and transport services.. The leadership of this group The opportunistic, collaborationist political and trade union ', comes mainly from opportunists, labour aristocrats and the leaders, aided and abetted by reactionary local big business, a middle class which to a large extent has been pampered by '? colonialism and imperialism. Many of these "labour" leaders corrupt, big-business-controlled press and foreign imperialist elements combined, to use the words of the Commonwealth have been taken on scholarships to Washington D.C., USA, for Commission of Enquiry into the disturbances of February 16, pro-capitalist and pro-imperialist indoctrination. Several have 1962, to "form a veritable torrent of abuse, recrimination and been put on the CIA monthly payroll. They fight to maintain the vicious hostility directed against Dr. Jagan and his government". stanrs quo and to preserve entrenched positions. This is the explanation for the TUC's opposition in 1963 to U.S. Imperialism-Inspired Counter-Revolution the Labour Relations Bill which it supported a decade earlier The excuse for the 1962 disturbances was the budget, which in 1953. The enactment into law of the Bill would have achieved was largely influenced by the Cambridge economist, Mr. two things; firstly, in a secret ballot of workers the MPCA would' Nicholas Kaldor. It was described and attacked as "anti-working have been replaced by the Guiana Agricultural Workers' class" and ... "communistic". Union (GAWU) and the British sugar planters would have been At the same time unbiased economists took a favourable view forced to bargain with a militant union; and secondly, the of the budget. For instance, Peter Newman, Professor of GAWU, with the nearly 30 per cent of the delegates at the TUC Economics at Michigan University, pointed out that it was the annual congress (who now represent the MPCA) would have first serious attempt at self-help. had the opportunity of changing the, reactionary TUC super. "It is ironic," he wrote, "that the grave riots in February of structure now headed by President Richard Ishmael. this year were sparked by the first serious attempt to make the U.S. involvement in our domestic affairs has been evident. Guianese responsible for their own economic development." for some time. In early 1963, Mr. William Tyler, Under-Secretary The real cause, declared the Commission mentioned above, of of State, giving evidence before a Congressional Appropriations the disturbances was political rivalry and fear that the govern- Sub-Committee, spoke disparagingly of my government and meet might enact measures injurious to the proprietary rights of categorically stated that the United States government would the upper classes and businessmen. be happy to see us out of office. In 1963, the excuse for the disturbances, lockout and blockade In late 1963, U.S. Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, was reported was the Labour Relations Bill. to have put pressure on the British Government to delay in... This bill was patterned after the National Labour Relations dependence and to change the electoral system. An unprecedented.' (Wagner) Act of the New Deal Roosevelt administration. Its number of U.S. trade unionists and CIA agents entered the motivation, as that of its 1953 predecessor of the first PPP country to stir up opposition to the government. During the Government, was the elimination of company unions, the ending, whole period of the 1963 disturbances, a United States trade of jurisdictional disputes and the establishment of democracy unionist was instigating the political Opposition and the Trades in the trade union xJ1t i b Union Council to continue the strike while the British trade )Pp osttib -&g-ng a settlement. With local and foreign' rb in~s';'t~ie ~he` w 4q parties and the imperialist-controlled press. the help of other United States trade unionists, the ICFTU and C.-4 nt* I nu P. (I