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Document Release Date: 
July 15, 2005
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Publication Date: 
May 28, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP70B00338R000300060044-1.pdf81.05 KB
Approved For Release 2005/07/25 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300060044-1 Reported Using Gas CIA Tells White House That Lethal Fumes Were Tested on Saudi Arabian Villages By Jack Anderson these missiles have poor South Vietnam. guidance and carry conven- Today the Egyptian army, OMINOUS REPORTS on tional warheads. But wild-fir- well equipped and well the Middle East crisis for- ing missiles could do great trained, is hell-bent for vindi- warded to the White House damage to Israel's population cation. by the Central Intelligence centers. Age= say that the Egyp- The only missiles in the Is- Lobbyists' Friend tians have used lethal gas in raeli arsenal are ground-t:o-air THE TOBACCO lobbyists battlefield tests against iso- Hawks, useful for knocking persuaded no less than the lated Saudi Arabian villages. down planes. The highly classified re- dean of the Senate, the ven- ports were not intended for THE STATISTICS may ex- erable Carl Hayden (D-Ariz.), public release. The authori- plain why Nasser, who has to slip them an advance copy tics consider the situation too had the worst of it in his past of the latest Public Health sensitive to be issuing accu- encounters with Israel, now Service report on smoking cations against President appears so confident. Anoth- and health. They turned it Gamal Abdel Nasser. But er factor is that the Egyptian over to their high-powered there is no question about starmy igma is smarting I three defeats and and Knowlton, which hadlthe the accuracy of the reports. This information is coupled itching to atone for them. tobacco industry's slick de- with the knowledge that Nas- Its officers remember with nials ready by the time the ser keeps on his payroll ex- shame the lightning Israeli report was released. Nazi scientists who for ten blitz in 1948, when the Brit- The tobacco boys made years have been working on ish withdrew from Palestine their first approach to the the latest type of rocketry. and Israel declared its inde- Public Health Service, whose Meanwhile, the Joint pendence. King Farouk was officials flatly refused to let Chiefs of Staff, in secret as- so confident of taking Israel them see the report in ad- sessments, keep insisting that that he had prepared a Tel vance. Hill and Knowlton tiny Israel is quite capable of Aviv stamp in advance. This suggested that the health of- defending herself. The stark defeat led to the young colo- ficials might not be so dif- statistics, however, are less nels' revolt against Farouk fident if they were called on reassuring. and put Nasser in power. their home phones. But they The Egyptians alone have a The second shame of the were as incorruptible at two-to-one arms advantage Egyptian army came in 1956 home as at the office. over Israel. Adding the weap- when the fast-moving Israeli Finally, the cigarette lobby ons of the other Arab states army cut across the Sinai des- pulled strings with Sen. n on Israel's borders, the ad- an d be ind the Suezi n Canal in Joint line's thHay e den, whoCo is 0 tee but in vantage is more than three to one. The same combination less than 48 hours. Thou- Printing, oversees the of Arab nations has a five-to- sands of Egyptians surren- Government Printing Office. one manpower advantage dered. Hayden, who is 90, but in over the Israeli armed forces The third Egyptian defeat perfect health, simply direct and a 50-to-one population ad- has been in Yemen, where ed the GPO, which prints al. vantage. 70,000 men have been bogged Government reports, to give Egypt also has an arsenal down trying to overthrow the the tobacco people an ad of missiles capable of hitting old royalist regime. It has de- vance copy of the report the; any spot in Israel. The Joint veloped into a war somewhat wanted. Chiefs have pointed out that like the present stalemate in ? 1967, Bell-McClure Syndicate, inc. Approved For Release 2005/07/25 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300060044-1