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Approved For Release 2005/07/25 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300060019-9 March '18, 19 68 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - Extensions of Remarks E 1989 Pfc. Donald B. Titus, son of Mr. and Mrs. PAPADOPOULOS ADDERSSSES STUDENTS this instinct. and controls his greediness. You John H. Titus, of Highland, Md. "Please . the moment is so touching too, educated young men, the future of the Pic. Norman A. Fossett, son of Archie V, and so sacred that you need not reinforce nation, must check your greediness. Life Is Fossett, of 1233 Lafayette avenue, and Mrs. this emotion by the expression of your not the acquisition of worldly goods as a Beulah I. Fossett, of 1001 Springfield avenue, support. whole. Creation should be your aim. And Baltimore. "Life is not an aim in itself. Life Is a Greece constitutes an example in world his- MEDICAL AIDMAN period of creative work. There is nothing in tory of creation which it has attained with- As a Seventh Day Adventist whose religion nature for the sake of living alone. Every- out having at her disposal in the historic forbids combat duty, Private Titus, 21, was thing comes to life to create, and this should moments at various ages the biggest and a medical aidman assigned to a rifle company be our goal.... Today you are being trained most advanced goods to satisfy all kinds of with the 9th Infantry Division in the Mekong by your wise teachers.... Their goal is that needs of man. Delta. He was killed Friday in an ambush. you become tomorrow's leaders of our society "We have written with your fathers the Private Titus once treated a South Viet- . . . a society . . . for an eternal and im- epic story of Albania, using the pillaged namese woman who had been shot by mis- mortal Greece, weapons of the enemy which we modified to take, and an Army doctor told him that his ". . at this stage in which you are strug- fit ammunition manufactured by the only first aid had saved her life, according to the gling to mould yourselves as tomorrow's lead- war factory in Greece and we won the war. soldier's father, ers of the society in which you live, is the At that moment we did not have the perfect On another occasion, Private Titus treated uncertainty of the future. For God's sake, invad offered by technology w teves thee a man the soldiers thought was a Viet Cong define your objectives as clearly as possible had invade er. But history. with. proved ved ourselves guerrilla. and define them with reality. Evaluate your hyd es won n nts our elves worth descendants of our forefathers. Mr. Titus said his son was a 1965 graduate real abilities, take stock of your own real "Thus we see that there is no strength in of Shenandoah Valley Academy and had at- possibilities and those offered by your all kinds of goods and means. Strength comes tended Southern Missionary College, in Col- environment in order to become part of the from faith in the creation for which we were legedale, Tenn., for a year. He quit college whole. Do not try to occupy more space than born, from faith in what we should fight for. temporarily to serve in the military and was has been alloted to you by nature. You will It is faith in preserving, in the history of drafted in May, 1967. face the complex of frustration. And the humanity, the cradle, not only the cradle in Private Titus, 18, is survived by his parents; complex of frustration will lead you to deny which we first saw the light of day, but the his sister, Sharon Ann Titus, of Highland, what you live for and what you have come cradle of the spirit and human values of and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. to fight for, world society. It is this sense of responsi- Snook, of Hendersonville, N.C. "Unfortunately, uncertainty has always bility, this sense of mission that we Greeks Private Andrews, a helicopter crew chief, been a weakness of youth which the enemies should have. We should not be inclined was killed Monday when his helicopter of the nation have exploited. The solution toward greediness to acquire material goods. crashed en route back to base from a combat again does not lie in' destruction; it lies in Let us always take stock of our possibilities mission, ourselves, in the revision of our objectives, and let us cover those needs which we can. ENLISTED IN JULY in the relation of these objectives to reality; And if whatever we do with faith, be sure He was assigned to the 189th Assault Heli- objectives which can only be achieved that victory in any endeavor will always copter Squadron, stationed at Pleiku, and through an endeavour in the field, and the be ours... . had been in Vietnam since late January. prevailing Olympic spirit which was born in "Gentlemen, believe in the country you Members of his family said he had volun- Greece and transplanted all over the world. were born in. Believe in what is called teered to be a flying crew member. So, for this reason, do not be filled with worry Greece. Believe in the mission you have A June, 1967, graduate of La Plata High over the end of the race. The end will come undertaken.... Do not look to escape School, Private Andrews enlisted in the Army in an natural way .. abroad, do not turn your eyes to the dark- last July. ... another sensitive weak point is the ness of curtains surrounding our commun- He is survived by his parents; two brothers, famous ego. Our ego is not the centre of ity... If Greece does not exist we do not Sgt. Arthur J. Andrews, Jr., of Fort Meade the world. We were all born as a unit, which exist either.... The Greeks are for Greece and Charles B. Andrews, of New York; and added to the remainder will form the social and Greece exists for the Greeks. Also, a sister, Estell Andrews of Benedict. whole. The social whole constitutes the final Greece should exist not only for the sake of Specialist Oliver, 19, who had been in Viet- target. We are a part of the social whole Greece, but for human society as well. Be- nam about two months, was shot March 2, which is influenced and prospers within the lieve in Greece. Fight for Greece. The great- according to his stepmother. She said he had social whole and unless the social whole est prize you could claim would be for you enlisted when he was 17. moulds well it is not possible for us to exist to appear to your descendants as genuine ATTENDED MORGAN STATE and prosper. descendants of our forefathers. Respect Private Fossett, 22, had completed three "Rid yourselves of the moths of egotism yourself at all times, yourself not as a unit, years at Morgan State College when he was and at the same time rid yourselves from but as a part of the entirety... Be sure drafted in June, 1987, according to members human weakness by never accepting inner that you have placed yourself on the right of his family. He was a graduate of Bates causes for your failures. Our environment path as regards your mission. Fight in the High School, Annapolis. should not be blamed for our misfortunes. field instilled with the immortal Olympic An infantryman with the 9th Infantry We ourselves are to blame. Let us search our- Greek spirit. Consider compromises as Division, he left the United States for Viet- selves for the causes of our failures. Let us blasphemies. It is not possible to prosper as nam last November 20. cure and lift the obstacles and our weak- a society if we do not fight with olympic cording to the Defense Department, he nesses and let us proceed towards the road of spirit. It is not possible to prosper as a According cord by gunfire the during action March 8. creation. The environment is always friendly social entity if we have ceased to ,be human as long as we are friendly towards it; as long beings and have crossed the boundary to- Survivors besides his parents are a half- as we are willing to submerge our ego to the wards animal instincts. Only wild animals sister, Deborah Brown, of Baltimore, and a ego of the whole. This usually constitutes a eat each other without a sense of responsi- grandmother, Mrs. Gertrude Jackson, of Glen point of weakness which leads people to bility in their endeavour to survive. By re- Burnie. anarchy. specting ourselves we must impose respect to (,~_ ! . Another point of weakness is to com- our environment. And if we succeed to earn promise with ourselves. It is not possible self-respect be sure that we shall have suc- Papadopoulos Addresses Students fora community of men to survive if those ceeded to be the units required at this who form it do not respect the moral and moment for the salvation of the fatherland. social laws which govern relations between Finally, let us fight as Greeks for Greece. Our HON. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI people. The respect of these laws by the peo- ancient ancestors have pierced darkness of OF ILLINOIS ple forming the community is the core, the the future in a distance of 3,000 years and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES linking point of societies. Deviations from piercing with their spirit the darkness of this position tend to compromise ourselves, metaphysics they have proscribed the path Monday, March 18, 1968 . beware the first steps of compromises of research and the road of struggle for Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, on towards which you will be driven by the human endeavour to expand the limits of weaknesses of society. We should never pro- the natural world. February 10, Premier George Papado- ceed towards a compromise. Never accept con- "Do not forget that even in the most poulos, of Greece, in a ceremony present- tradictions, nor the violation of moral and modern field of science today, the field of ing scholarship awards to students at social laws. Rather, oblige ourselves to the nuclear physics, the relevant centre estab- Athens University, addressed himself to environment which calls for us to respect lished in our country bears the name Dimo- present-day issues and philosophy in a the laws.... critos. Think how many years ago this Greek most timely and pertinent fashion. Since 11... Furthermore, protect yourselves from had pierced the darkness of the future and address by tGreek Greek Premier did the unlimited greediness around you. This is had reached a position where he could e mention in another weakness of our times-the weak- specify and define the path of research this not receive adress any the ness of the human race.... which could lead man to expand the limits world press circles I include as an ex- "Greediness, gentlemen, is a feeling or of the natural world, to reach what today is tension of my remarks parts of the ad- rather an instinct which dictates its will to considered as omniscience. dress as printed in the "Chicago Pnyx" a things not human. Man, with power of the "Ask yourself, is there anything in human semi-monthly 14ellenic pu li Lion: s irit and social educaton, always overcomes endeavour, anywhere in human communities, ipprovedN for Release 1005/07/25 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300060019-9 Approved For Release 2005/07/25 : CIA-RDP70B00338R000300060019-9 E 1990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - Extensions of Remarks which could be compared as an achievement in this effort? And I emphasize this as a distinction of the sense of what we should do. We are a small nation both in popula- tion and size. But, with humility, we pride ourselves because there is the margin of the Greek spirit. And who is developing this margin? Who is struggling today bearing the flag of our country to pierce the darkness of metaphysics and lead metaphysical research as a guide in this research? In recent years the pace of evolution in the field of natural sciences, the pace of evolution in the field of progress is such that men have no time to become acquainted with new knowledge con- quered in the field of science, in laboratories and schools. "And in this endeavour to come into con- tact with the new, we have lost the road of Greece. The road of Greece is the road of the spirit and it is towards this road that we must preserve the first place in the relay race of the nation. "You are the scientists of tomorrow. Keep in mind that the only objective in your en- deavour today should be the effort of the nation. Material means are not necessary. Materialistic means of civilization should also be rejected. "What we need is faith in enternal Greece. We need belief in the immortal Greek spirit. We need belief in the great inheritance we have borne on our shoulders as descendants of our glorious forefathers. "Greece should be rehabilitated to its scientific position as the torchbearer of hu- man society. We must turn to the pages of history as the guide of the human spirit, in our case in the field of science and wisdom. "We should make Greece an example of free law-abiding society of men living in harmony. Our mission Is great. It is great because today we are faced with a situation we inherited for the immediate future which necessitates a great effort to turn vision into reality. "Greece should become an area of Chris- tian spirit. It should be a place in which fundamental principles of Christianity should prevail. 'Love thy neighbor as thyself and Love each other' should prevail. "If we do not reach this stage of relations between men it would not be possible to be a society able to constitute traditionally the evolution of Greece. We should aim for a Greece comprising a society without poverty; offering protection to all members of our so- ciety. Our prosperity and our social welfare should extend security to any man living in Greece so that he should benefit from basic protection and care of his environment. This is something which it is necessary to achieve at any cost. "Gentlemen, be careful, communism to- day is not projecting its theory, nor Its pros- perity. Neither it is projecting its society as an example to the free world. Communism is not rejecting itself because it is fully aware that today it would be impossible for a man of advanced perception and human educa- tion to believe in it. "Communism projects weaknesses; stirs sensitive points of humanity and the feel- ing of injustice as compared to Justice. It stirs the feeling of uncertainty over the fu- ture; the feeling of indignation in face of the weaknesses of compromise of the envir- onment in which the people live. And, alas, impassioning these people beyond the con- trol of rational thinking they lead them as enemies of themselves and their environ- ment to overthrow the regime, to open the way to tyranny. And, alas, most of the free men today are the victims of this communist method. They reaffirm the saying by Lenin according to which the bourgeois, in his own expression, the free men in our own expres- sion, will give the rope and soap to be hanged by the communists. For God's sake, we Greeks whose heritage has nothing in com- mon with the tyrants of communism, let us safeguard ourselves from falling victims to the propaganda. Approved For Speech by Hon. Daniel J. Flood HON. WILLIAM J. GREEN OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, March 18, 1968 Mr. GREEN of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, under leave to extend my re- marks in the RECORD, I wish to include the address of my good friend and col- league, the Honorable DANIEL J. FLOOD, of Pennsylvania, delivered on March 9, 1968, at the Baltic-American Commit- tee's anniversary banquet held in my own city of Philadelphia. Congressman FLOOD was the principal speaker at this affair and the deserving recipient of this group's 50th Anniversary Award. The address follows: SELF-DETERMINATION: AN ENDURING DEMO- CRATIC PRINCIPLE I am tremendously pleased by this honor you are bestowing upon me tonight. To be given this 50th Anniversary Award for my services rendered to theBaltic peo- ples during my twenty years in Congress is without doubt one of the greatest compli- ments that has ever been paid to me (luring my long career as a Member of Congress. I shall cherish this award, as much as I have always cherished the memory of being with all my Baltic friends-Lithuanians, Lat- vians, and Estonians, whatever the occasion. This gala occasion, my friends, represents in many ways a contradiction to reality. Here we are gathered together in this magnificent setting, enjoying each other's company, eat- ing the most sumptuous food, and drinking our favorite cocktails and other assorted bev- erages in a spirit of good fellowship. This a joyful setting. Yet there is a sense of unreality about it. I say this because the world about us is anything but joyful. We Americans are a people pressed on all sides: we are pressed in Asia, In Europe, in the Middle East, in Africa, and we are pressed in our own Hemispheric island. Pressures seem to be building up all around us, and there seems to be on diminu- tion of these pressures in sight. I suppose this is an inevitable condition: it is the price that we must pay as a people who . are playing the role of a great power, indeed a super power. It is inevitable, be- cause it is upon us that rests the major burden for the defense of freedom in the world. How extraordinarily different is the role we play today and the power and authority we wield, how different it is from what it was 50 years ago when the Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, won their freedom and established their independence! For a few minutes this evening I should like to comment briefly on this difference. I should like to take a look Into our his- torical past and contrast the America of Wilson's day and how it accepted the re- sponsibilities thrust upon it, with the Amer- ica of our own generation today. This brief excursion into history can be instructive, I believe, because it demonstrates very graphi- cally the growth of the American people in assuming the responsibilities of world lead- ership. Fifty years ago President Wilson, as the great evangel of world democracy, carried his message of self-determination of people to Paris and laid this vital democratic prin- ciple before Europe's leaders who were then about to construct a peace treaty with the defeated Central Powers. It was this great and tragic figure Wood- row Wilson who more than any other per- son created within the souls of the oppressed March 18, 1968 principle, but rather as a goal that could be achieved by all people. When Wilson came to Europe, he was greeted as a sort of "messiah of democracy." He gave hope to the oppressed, confidence to the forelorned, succor to the suffering. But more than anything else, Wilson gave to the people of Europe, indeed to the people of the whole world, an expectation of a better future in a world that would be free of war and desolation. This was a grandiose vision that Wilson was projecting for mankind, but idealistic though it was, it still fired the imagination of the mass of humanity. The Baltic peoples, Inspired by this mes- sage of freedom and hope, were among the many Europeans who had in the course of time affirmed this natural right of self- determination and established independent national governments. While in Paris negotiating with other world statesmen for a peace with the Cen- tral Powers, Wilson had achieved great suc- cess. To be sure, he had to make some com- promises with the ideals he had set forth in his 14 Points. Reality had required this. But on the principle of self-determination that he asserted, there was no serious com- promise. And that vital principle of self- determination of peoples, was to become the foundation stone of the political structure of postwar Europe. Millions of peoples, such as the Lithuanians, ]Latvians, and Estonians heretofore denied the right to determine their own destinies, Were at last able to exer- cise a right that we Americans had enjoyed since the founding of our country. This, my friends, was a great accomplish- ment, and to Woodrow Wilson must go a great deal of credit for universalizing this most basic of all democratic principles, the principle of self-determination of peoples. But Wilson, upon returning to the United States, found that the American people were not prepared to assume the burden of world responsibility that hehad thrust upon them by the Versailles Treaty and the Convenant of the League of Nations. They were not ready to assume a large and responsible role in the politics of the world. And accordingly they closed their minds to the pleading of their leader, and in the course of time with- drew within themselves and within the boundaries of their own country. In a word, Americans turned their backs on interna- tionalism, preferring'to enjoy the illusion of isolationism that had been their condi- tion for over100 years. Thenceforth, we really played no major role on the world political scene. We were content to let Europe manage its own inter- national affairs as if those affairs were of lit- tle or no concern to as. Indeed, Americans derived a sense of false comfort from the pro- tection of the great Atlantic that divided them from troublesome Europe. This abnegation of international politics, this withdrawal to the nation's inner self, had no serious effects during the first decade of peace following World War I. Europe was being restored, much quicker than at first realized. Serious problems faced European leaders, but they could be managed. The Baltic States had firmly established their governments and were progressing to a new and higher level of national fulfillment. They came to terms with their powerful neighbor, Soviet Russia, who obligingly recognized Bal- tic independence and ;pledged to respect the independence and territorial integrity of all three states. So long as peace was not threatened, the absence of America from Europe and from the mechanism of peace contained within the League of Nations was not felt. Besides the United States did participate in some of the social work of the League, and, as a par- ticipant in World War I, did engage in rep- arations discussions with the powers con- cerned. in Europe and elsewhere in the world an But the picture changed radically In the R61999e? ?5 J7i26t: fCIAnF BM939RMI ?@06HA4S-9Loved out on