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COIF t DENT I /14b Approved For-Release 2003/03/12 : CIA-RDP8613002611R000500 3i9124taritl legistr7 ? 3 4 '7 7 February 1949 nemonetneen FOR: DIRLTTOR OF CEXTRAL INTELLIGENCE ABJECT; DuIles Committee report upon Lee ?face of Collaction and Dissemination 1. Tbe Dulles Committee proposes, in eeeences that the reference fanctione of OCD be divorced from the liaison functions, that the reference function be transferred to ORE, and that tele leeieen func- tiont be dministered by /COM The etatod reason for thie eroposal is that the refereuct end liaieon functions have little interreletion? that the former are clo6e4 reltd to the reseerch fuuction of One and that the latter are closely related to the coordioatine function of ICAPS. The best reply to this peemingly loeical proposal is teat the Agency hos already tried it out in practice, end found it =settee factory* 2. The Committee eeeietent who inepected the ereseat OCD did not spend, in total, more than a few hours in the Office, so it is not sure prisine thet he emerged with the impression that its functions were many. varioue, and enroleted. It had teecon ehe Anency many monthe of hard stork' trial, and error, to learn thet tee seeniegly different funotions of reference ene lieleon ere., in fact, so cloeely ratted that they ere better eerformed by single edmialetretive unit teat by eeparete mu,. It is too eerly to eay that the present is the beet of 41 p*,5-Able orgenizutiooel tterns for these functions, but it is not too early to k-my that it represents an improveoent over the older and more obvious- eettern which ia now eroposen ane. 3. It would be exact to etete thot the etentegeinen, of OCIe are eeny and various, involving tne ase of mach unique moceine equipment, but it is only on pLper that the funciepe appear onreletod. In truth Lhee all serve e einele and coon code to eet eed store inteilieence information and make it available to thoee who need it, 4. In 1947 the eeency Ntli organised with the Refereace Center, embracing library anti registers, in OEE; and with the lieieon functions useighed to the eeeerete Office of OCD. This ie the sane, in erieciple, as ehet the Committee now propoees. The only difference ie that the Reference Ceeter is WA to be installed in one of the two Divisions into which ORE is to be split, 1116 tALA. eee liaison function are to be administered by a rex* 10E4 IC1X6 staff iesteed of by an essiLtent Director. Approved For Release 2003/03/12 : CIA-RDP86600269R000500030019-3 CONFIDENTIAL (Wilt lUtH I IL Approved For Releese 2003/03/12 : CI1tr-RDP861300269R0041500030019-3 5. The seperation of liaison end reference function e did not work (out tell In prectice. The edniniatretive void between tee two eoreen to the detrieeat of both, If en enalyst in ORi celled for e eecueent known to be in the Utate Department lierery, it nee clearly the job cf the inter-librery loan people in CIA' e library to get it for him; but if it turned out that the document rue subject to etringent security restric- tions teen it became the job of a Lleleon Officer to neke errengemontso with apnropriate officiale of the etate nopertment, for the document to be releeped. The two jobs were- one end the eeee? but they required different approaches end different techeiques. A;5 the library and liaison people "ere under different adninistretiona they felled to develop intimete knoeledge of each other' e deily problems, and of the techniques and chennele being develoeed to deel eith them. Comeunioa- tione between them eere by typed memorende carried by couriere and messengerai, eith multiple carbon coi4es, 1el4ye eero eeny, end tenpers were eascerbtted. Reference Center and OCD were uccureed by all who had to deal eith them. Analysts who minted fast action eere prone to emberk on independent liiAson ventures of their owns thereby adding notably to the general oonfualon end interedepertmentel misunderstendingne 6. The reference Center, ungler ORE, found itself eithout adequate adminittretive uuderstending and support. The mein buminese of ORE waa to deal with critict1 problene of e substentive Attaro, and the epeciel- Late ereperine an importent estimete egtinst c tight deadliee neturtily took precedence over library and regieter people whose erobleme could be put off till the morrom. The aeeds ef the anaIyate, laud priority, end there was a tendency to postpone action on the more humdrum need of the Reference Center. It seems inescapable that the eame eituetion would develop &gain if the librury and registers were to be reesaiened to ORL, or to & Research and Reports- Division created out of On. In widition, there is now an Office of Scientific Iiitelligeoce wliich requires library tad resizter services no less than ORE, end it would be unwise to make it dependent on its eister Office for these services, I believe that the CIA Library and the registers should verve all of CIA, end ehee they curt best do so if dministered sep.rtely and epart from 'Any one of the con- sumer Officiate or Divisions... 7* The original Office of Coll2ction taad Di6eamintition hid no reference functions, but concentrated on the many facet* or .t.ht, liaieon activity, As a seperete Office-, it htd direct eetess to the Director of Central intelligenee, and this would no be denied if the ICAft (or *Coordinetion Division) staff were interposed. This eropoeal 14 diffi- cult to understand, for the Committee eeport places very great emphasis on the need for more forceful efforte by Cue to achieve coordination with the other egencies, and it strongly exprescee the opinion that direction of OIA affrays by tour-of-duty personnel can never win to the goal. !Os the smnll staff of ICAPSI or of the proposed *Coordination Division*, conaiste entirely of repreeentetive* of efte ntete end eervice Deperteeets. These men ere on tour-of-,duty zseignments, If capable end energetic they ? can reader great eervice to the United etetee eovernment, te tegelr re- epective Deperteents? and to the Ceneral Intelligence Agency. liut it is Approved For Release 2003/03/12 : CIA-RDP86600269R000500030019-3 CONFIDENTIAL WWII/CR.1mi Approved For Release 2c103?05/12 : CIA-RDP861300269R000500030019-3 impoeeible tOot they ehoull? tot one rood_ the $ENAD time, ond during rela- tively brief tours of outy, ochieve success Oath (1) in hondling the delicate orol difficUlt problems of policy determinution in inter- departmental relotionships, end (2) in learning, understlInding, and direoting the myriad teohniquez of collection, bibliography, and dic- sominotiont Thi$ second job ia a career oeeigument in itoelf, end it is unlitely to he ',performed well by men who aro tuckling it for the firet timo ond for e short tine. This job is of so 6reat common eon- cern to oll the Office n of the Agency thrt it Should here direct acoess to the Director, S. The ComAittee elo propooes thot the Contact Brunch of 00 tqld the Inforvation Control :'-ection of OSO be given a greater degree of autonomy in the diseemination of heir reToorte. It arguer that these ?Mese heae better knowlee4;s of the consumers who need Oteir meteri2,1s than 6oes Oal 1.trill la thib the Coamittee is oistoken. No one knows bettor who neodo whet meterial than (1) the reference people rho, on direct request from the conuners, ore daily compiling bibliogrephies ntt6tf,temente of avoileble information, ond (2) tho lisieon people WA000 deity Chore it ia to maintain oloee contact rith conl,;weere in .11, the agenoice, receivo their requests, nnd ensure tht, toey ore octed upon to the beet of CWa ribility. The Committee is also mistaken in its belief that Gantt-et iirnah nod. 030 do not now exercise autonomy over the Oistribution of tteir on products. OCD he not in at montho overroled t .eontect Branch decision us to where Ito report hould go and from Whom they should be withheld, onO the Informotion Control =tee- tion of 050 freely distribute to other ugencico reiorts which it denies both to OBE ond to OCD. This lotter activity is dangerous, is &imaging to the morale of CAlE saalysts, ond is hormful to the prestige of the AgAuCY. Liki5OR Officers ore frequently asked by officials of other egenciee? any doesn't CIA coordlnute itoelf/ CIAta left hand doesn't know whot ite right houd is doing.' The igency la now ting steps to remedy this situation, and it iv certoin that the remedy irvolves less autonomy rather than more autonomy for the oeveral Offices, JAM' A. AADREW8 Aseistaut Director for Collection Diaoominetion jaAforaed For Release 2003/03/12 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000500030019-3 CONEWNTIAL