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Approved For Rel ase;2Q;011 iECIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 i- a 1, US c3 7 September 1962 RARDI FOR: Acting Director of Central Inte3ligence VIA: The Executive Director SUBJECT: Semiannual Report on Implementation of Joint Study Group Reconm andatic ns on Foreign InteLlIonce Activities of the United States -'ernment 1, lose!:d is the recd ended. draft of the secrxi eemimanual. report on status of implementation. of Joint Study- Oro up F emnate ndstIcna, in response to the requirement levied on the Secretaries of State and Defense and the Director of Centre. Intelligence by Mr. McGeorge Bundy on 3o August 1961- 2. It is reeomended that the Coordination Staff be eutbori.ed to reproduce a distribute the enclosed, report as indicated in the attached Rec rxded. Di tiou List. This uld be consonant with the procedure followed in connection Frith the 1 March 1962 Semia ual Report. Acting s an ? off" tip ination 2 Enclosures: 25X1 Retyped.:0/rad Distribution: copy # 1 Acting DCI w/encl 2 - ER w/encl 3, t. & 5 - AC/DCI 7-E-22 w/encls 6 & 7 - AC/DCI 1-H-19 w/encls OSD AND DOS review(s) completed. C' c:at~d6, TB Copy #.& ofr 7 copies 25X1 GROUP 9 Ezcludad from automatic dov,zrad!n; and daclas.IiicaUon Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 Approved For EjeIease 2004/10/20 NC}. ADDRESSEE DATE1 Director of Central Intelligence 2 Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 3 Executive Director (f*A.?, laa, Zni yr.6,0y 4 Deputy Director (Plans) 5 Deputy Director (Intelligence) 6 Deputy Director Research) 7 Deputy Director (Support) 8 Inspector General 5 September l)6? RECCLItWM DISTRIBUTION LIST FOR REPORT ON D PL tiENTATION OF JSG REMMIDATIONS - 31 August 1962 /'Y3c2 ~;Y 25X1 9 General Counsel 10 Chief, FI Staff 11 FI Plane Group 1-~, P77 IJ fl? 00269,,, 00200060034-6 15 Department of State (Mr. Hillman's office) 16 Department of Defense (Secretary Rubel's office) 17 Bureau of the Budget (Mr. Amory) 18 Bureau of the Budget (Mr. Ecker) 19 National Security Agency 20 Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (Gen. Pitch's office) 21 Director of Naval Intelligence (Adze. Lowrence's office) 22 Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence (Gen. Breitweiser's office) 23 Director, J-2 (intelligence) 12 AD/CI - Mr. R. J. Smith 13 AD/NE - Mr. Kent lL AD/CR - Mr. Sorel 24 25 26 27 28 25X1 29 30-38 39 40 (Geri. Collins' office) Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Director, Defense Intelligence Agency Deputy Secretary of Defense (Mr. Gilpatric's office) USIB Secretariat Executive Registry AC/DCI Staff members and files Vital Documents Division AC/DCI - R1ri 7-E-22 - file copy Approved For Release 2004/1 0/2? ,)QI, DP86B00269R000200060034-6 Approved For Release 2004/1 FQO : C I 86B0026SGE000200060034-6 33. August 1962 MDR RAM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Semiannual Report on Implementation of Joint Study Group Recommendations on Foreign Intelligence Activities the United States Government CRS : a. The Joint Study Group Report on Foreign Intelli- gence Activities of the United. States Government dated 15 December 1960 b. Rarport on Implementation of Ream ndations of Joint Study Group on Foreign Intelligence Activities of the United States Government dated 1 May 1962 c. Report by the Director of Central Intelligence on 'u 1eme tation of Recommendations of Joint Study Group on Foreign Intelligence Activities of the United States Government dated 21 August 1961 d. M mo-ndiam from Mr. McGeorge Bundy to the Secret=7 of State, the Secretary of Def ease and the Director of Central Intelligence dated 30 August 1961, requesting asemiannual reports, beginning 1 March 1962, on the status of imple- mentation of Joint Study Group Recommendations a. aorauadum for the Director of Central Intelligence, subject as a above, dated 1 March 1962. The status of actions taken to date in further implementing the recommendations of the Joint Study Group on Foreign Intelligence Activities of the United States Government (Reference a), as approved by the President on 18 January 1961, is reported in the attachment. 2. This is the second semiannual report requested in Reference d, updates Reference e, and was prepared by the Coordination Staff. The Departments of State and Defense are preparing separate reports on those recommendations which fall within their respective responsibilities. In the course of preparing these reports, cross-consultations were conducted by personnel of the Coordination Staff and the Departments of State and Defense. %-/_5 /737 ;.=t Approved For Release 2004/10/20 ~1IAJR&88600269R00D20006&034-6 Approved For-Release 2004/16 A 186BO026' OO0200060034-6 3. In continuation of the procedure in the first semiannual report, progress reports will be recommended for discontinuation in those instances in which it is apparent that only normal continuing action is indicated or that implementation is substantially completed, even though the Departments of State and Defense may continue to report on those for which they have action responsibility. As you will recall, 18 items were recommended for discontinuation in the 1 March 1962 progress report, and are not reported on in the attachment. Two additional Joint Study Group recommendations are submitted for similar discontinuation at this time, as follows: Recommendation No. 14 - Review compartmentation of sensitive information to ensure adequate dissemination. Recommendation No. 33 - Review of committee structure of United States Intelligence Board. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/20tlA-RDP86BO0269R000200060034-6 Approved For Release 2004/1 0/26 w+tI 60466002691"00200060034-6 Recommendation No. 3 Closer control of intelligence budgeting procedures by the etary of Defense . Action Responsibility: Defense Status. The DOD Program System is contributing to clearer identification and delineation of anticipated intelligence costs, and management analysis techniques are working in the direction of improved budgetary control. The Combined Cryptologic Program was submitted. to intense 06D review this year, and plans are being evolved to submit future years' programs to an equally intense but more systematic review. Planning and procedures for a similarly intensive and thorough review of the combined non-cryptologic intelligence program and budget are well advanced. Approved For Release 2004/10/20~;:-Q;1A- 7F 002691000200060034-6 Approved For Release 2004/10/26: CIA-P86B00269R000200060034-6 Recommendation No. 4 Improvements in selection, training, and rank of personnel assigned to intelligence duties. Action Responsibility: Defense Status. Actions are continuing under the responsibility assigned the Director, Defense Intelligence Agency in the field of training and career management within the DOD. The comprehensive proposal for DOD intelligence career selection and management which had been targeted for July 1962 is under study by the JCS. This comprehensive plan further refines the currently rigorous selection criteria for personnel inputs. DOD intelligence and language training is under revision with the Defense Intelligence School being developed through integration of A and Navy schools in the Washington area. The school will offer courses on the strategic level tailored to varying requirements. Attache language qualifications and training have been intensified, attache wives' train- ing is receiving further attention, and Army, having been given respon- sibility for overall foreign language training for the DOD, is developing plans for assumption of such responsibility. Recommendations for COQ, SIGINT, and cryptologic training improvement have been developed by NSA. Air Force has implementation plans developed to carry out assigned responsibilities for air intelligence training with DOD and for advanced training in PI and related sensor areas. Approved For Release 2004/1 0/20;; _C, AyR_P 00269R000200060034-6 Approved For.Release 200404 Z91 DP86BOOR000200060034-6 Recondation NNo. 5 heoura,ge the military services to maintain and develop clandestine collection capabilities. Action Responsibility: Defense S .ate. The DIA has been charged with responsibility for policy guidance governing all DOD clandestine activities, including review, validation, coordination with the DCI and CIA at the Washington level, and ensuring that coordination proceeds at the field level. A DIA plan has been prepared relative to acquisition of necessary resources by transfer to DIA. Under DIA control and supervision, the Services (principally Army) and the commands will continue to conduct clandestine activities. Improved career personnel development will have a positive impact on the professionalism and capability of military clandestine resources. Approved For Release 2004/10/20 elrk-RBPe6I360269R000200060034-6 Approved Fwr Release 2004110/20 :CI)P86B009R000200060034-6 Recou?nendation No. 6 Improve the SSO System. Action R ,onsibility: Defense Status. Realignment of the Special Security Officer systeri ).,=proceed on a planned basis as military intelligence relationships and cold responsibilities and functions are altered and realigned. Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 Approved ForRelease 2004/M6/2b? `C1A IDDP86B00269R000200060034-6 Recta mendation No. 7 Re-examination of feasibility of placing more electronic intelligence resources of unified and specified commands under control of Director, National Security Agency (NSA). Action Responsibility: Defense Statue. The Department of Defense review of this subject refs red to in the status report of I March 1962 is still under wsy. The question of how to reach the optimum interaction between technical and command requirements in LINT is receiv- ing much attention in the Department of Defense. The consensus, when reached and approved, will be set forth in a new Department of Defense PLINT directive. Meanwhile, NSA and the military staffs have been developing a draft national B LINT plan. Approved For Release 20041,10/2Q :CIA- 2PP86B00269R000200060034-6 Approved For-Release 2004/1 0/:d' :?CI X=Rt'P86B002 R000200060034-6 Recommendation No. 9 Reappraise adequacy of research and development for electronics intelligence. Action Responsibility: Defense Statue. A comprehensive ELIN research and development review his eeb n conducted by the Office of the Director of Defense Research and Ingineering, supported by ISA, the Joint Staff, and the Services, and provides an interim basis for evaluation and coordination of research and development require- ments. Final action on Recommendation No. 7 will bear directly on aacomplie1ment of this objective. Approved For Release 2004/10/20': CIA--R-E) # 86B00269R000200060034-6 i '!'T 4 Approved F01` Release 2004/19 0 + I F P86B00MR000200060034-6 Reco e;ndetion No. 11 Greater emphasis on intelligence reep ibilities in the indoctrination of State Department personnel. Action Responsibility: State Status. The Department of State is continuing to i element t ecommendation through indoctrination in connection with courses at the Foreign Service Institute and through special briefings of Chiefs of Missions, other selected. Foreign Service officers, and Foreign Service Inspectors. Personnel and budget stringencies within the Department continue to delay an increase in the existing program of indoctrination. Approved For Release 2004/1 0 2'0 : GaA- D $6B00269R000200060034-6 Approved Fer Release 2004/1TOP : SE 6BOO R000200060034-6 Re oaama nd.ation No. 12 Improved career management for intelligence personnel in military departments. Action Responsibility: Defense Status. This recommendation is interlocked with Recommendation To-77-relative to selection and training of personnel, and plans for career management improvement are incorporated in the DIA study now under review in the Joint Staff. Reference is made to the status report under Recommendation No. k, sure. Approved For Release 2004/10/20:CIA- 8 B00269R000200060034-6 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 Approved For-Release 20(T /2_EGOff P86BO02MR000200060034-6 Recommendation No. 14 Review cc artmentation of sensitive information to insure adequate dissemination. Action Res,onsibility: United States Intelligence Board status. on 4 April 1962, the United States Intelligence BOW'd noted a report by the Security Committee in which the Security Committee found: (a) that community-wide systems of conax-t- mentation are necessary and did not result In vital information being withheld from organisations or individuals with urgent national security responsibilities; (b) that security clearance recticee in compartmented programs were generally uniform; c) that, in certain instances, limitations on numbers of clearances resulted in an insufficient number of personnel to carry out programs using compartmented information. Tae USIB approved the Comittee's recommendations: (a) that USIB depext- ments and agencies review periodically compartmented systems and practices with respect to clearances; (b) that programs using ccapartmer_ted intelligence be reviewed periodically to ensure that a sufficient number of individuals necessary to carry out effectively such programs have access to compart- mented information; (c) that consideration be given to including within existing interdepartmental systems of compertmentetion any proposed new such system. Approved For Release 2004/10 : i ALROO16BOO269ROO0200060034-6 Approved ForRelease 2004/ TOP: $6 B00260R000200060034-6 Bacc ndation No. 12 Determine the adequacy of staffing level of the National Indications Center, and ensure the comniittees access to neceesf-ry sensitive information. Action Reeionsibiljtys United States Intelligence Board Status. In addition to improvements in the staffing of the tional Indications Center end provision of controlled and special clearances, TJSIB has approved revised terms of reference for the Watch Ccximntttee and its supporting std, the National Indications Center, which clarify and more clearly define their respective functions. It is noted, however, that all agencies have not as yet been able to fill, their staffing ccanplement at the NIC. Approved For Release 2004/10 2 C 6 o0269R000200060034-6 KO- d 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 Approved FcrRelease 2004 Recon endation No. 18 Greater community attention to counterintelligence and security overseas. icy Responsibility: United States Intelligence Board S. tus. The United States Intelligence Board has approved for issuance, as recou ended by its Security Committee, a policy statement on counterintelligence and security responsibilities, and a USIB OLzide for 'Practices and Rxocedurea i C ter- int. ell.i ce and Security of Overseas Personnel and Installa- tions, a Coordination Staff bAs been requested to prepare & t consideration a study and report on the question of establishing a Board committee on counterintelligence. rU'0269ROO0200060034-6 Approved For Release 2004/10/26 61ARMA Approved For-Release 2004/11/ of: 6E1Q B002&9R000200060034-6 Recom endations No. 21 and 22 Establishment of a central requirements facility. Use of Central. Intelligence Agency Office of Central Reference as a reference facility. Action Reponsibility: United States Intelligence Board Status. As was reported in the semiannual report dated ch 1962, both CIA and CIA have established machine pro- cessing for recording requirements and have taken steps to insure that their two jsyetems are compatible. Certain of the State Department's requirements are being forwarded to CIA and CIA for inclusion in their machine systems. On 25 Jul;;r 1962 the United States Intelligence Board recc wended that USIB members encourage and support the strengthening and improvement of the systems within member agencies and in the USIB committee structure for coordinating the development and processing of collection requirements, and agreed that such measures, coupled with those actions mentioned above, constitute the most feasible method of implementing Recom- mendations No. 21 and 22, under current circumstances. Approved For Release 2004/1012D .J ~tAA- B00269R000200060034-6 Approved For. Release 20010/2iq DP86B002fr9R000200060034-6 Recommendation No. 2 Integration of Collection requirements manuals, and creation of integrated country requirements guides. Action Responsibility: United States Intelligence Board t t The Central Intelligence Agency has established a highXevel, intra-agency requirements coordination group which will serve as a focal point for discussions with the Defense Intelligence Agency on further implementation of this recom- mendation. In the meantime, the Department of State and CTA. are considering possible ways of adjusting the existing CIA. Periodic Reporting Lists so as to reflect the joint requirements of State and CIA. In the economic field, State and Defense, with the collaboration of the M. have agreed on new procedures for community-wide economic requirements and for coordinating economic reporting. Approved For Release 2004/10/20-:CIA-R0 B00269R000200060034-6 Approved For-Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86BO02WR000200060034-6 TOP SECRET Roeac endation No. 24+ Coordination of overt and clandestine requirements by chiefs of mission. Action Reaaponsibilityt State, Central Intelligence Agency, and other aagendiees carrying on intelligence activities abroad. Status. Progress continues to be made in implementing this reeomn- dation. The Department of State, in briefing each chief of mission, stresses his responsibility to coordinate all his requirements. The chiefs of mission returning from oversees have indicated that, as a result of CIA's in structian of last August, they are being ?sit more fully advised by the station chief of cestine collection activities that axe being conducted in response to Washington requirements. Within Washington, the Department of State has recently charge the Director of Intelligence and Research with the responsibility for insuring that the Department itself is aa. ropriately informed of the requirements levied on As was indicated in the semiannual report dated l Meapch 1962, the majority of U. S. missions overseas have been made aware of this rec ndation. in cc ction with individual State Department instruc- tio designed to provide guidance for intelligence collection in the particular area. However, no general State Department instruction has been sent to the field concerning this reccmmaendatton. 25XI Approved For Release 2004/10/2 " bl 86 00269R000200060034-6 Approved For-Release 2004IflJ T 6BO02MR000200060034-6 ommendetion No. ?5 A uaxl evaluation report to the National Security Council to pay specific attention to collection, and similar evaluations to be requested from each chief of mission and military cider. Action Responsibility; United. States Intelligence Board Although the requirement for annual, evaluation reports no ;er exists, the Coordination Staff has reviewed the evaluation systems in use in each agency to determine whether current practices can be related to or used as a basis for coordinated programming of future collection efforts. It has concluded that current practices closely oriented to the individual management and super- -ry responsibilities of the agencies that they do not provide a practicable basic for an overall evaluation of intelligence collection. in cooperation with elements of CIA, the Coordination toff Is investigating in a single selected field the possibility of a different approach using machine record techniques to determine if it is feasible in this field to assemble and collate data suf- ficiently meaningful for evaluation purposes to warrant a broader con tity-wide effort aimed at coordinated collection programing. Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : Cl -2 00269R000200060034-6 4f, Appr oved For..Release /16 I RDP86BO02&AR000200060034-6 Recommendation No. 30 Reduction in membership of United States Intelligence Board phased with Defense reorg 3niz .tion. Action Responsibility: Defense end Director of Central Intelligence Status. Action on this recommendation is being deferred, pending f her reorganization of military intelligence. Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 DP86BOO269R000200060034-6 Approved Foe Release 20itQ/ an. Recommendation No. 33 Review of committee structure of United States Intelligence Board. Action Responsibility: Director of Central. Intelligence (Coordinator) Status. In recent actions, the United States Intelligence Board, ' onsideration of recommendations by the Coordination Staff concerning the committee structure of USIB, approved the disestab- lishiient of the following USIB committees: Critical Communications Committee Committee on Exchanges Committee on International Coumnunism Committee on Procurement of Foreign Publications Emergency Planning Steering Committee In earlier actions, the USIB merged the Communications Intelligence Committee and the Electronics Intelligence Committee into the 6IGINT Committee and disestablished the Space Surveillance Intelli- gence Support Committee. Diseetablishment of the followin&. two committees is under consideration by USIB: gaMittea on Mmloitation of F ign Language Publications The following committees are being retained: Security Committee, SIGINT Committee, Committee on Documentation, Watch Committee, Economic Intelligence Committee, Scientific Intelligence Committee, Joint Atomic nergy_ Intelligence Committee, Guiazed Missile and Astronaut{cs Intelligence Committee, Commnittee on Overhead Reconnc~, a collection Prio- rities Committee, I land Critical Collection Problems Committee. The Coordination Staff has developed draft revisions of pertinent Director of Central Intelligence Directives (DCIIs) to reflect the actions noted above. 25X'1 Approved For Release 2004/10/20 CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 Approved For Release 2004/0 : 86B0029R000200060034-6 Recommendation No. 34 'r ns ittul of intelligence guidance to unified commands through channels directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (except National Security Agency communications). Action Responsibility: Defense Status. Following the I December 1961 JCR proposals, the DIVA has been designated the primary JCS agent for transmitting such intelligence guidance, and necessary organizational alignments have been made or are in process, together with necessary transfers of personnel and other assets. DOD collection guidance documents are also progressing. Approved For Release C A - 2004/10/W. 0034-6 [Or SLUM Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B00!9R000200060034-6 Recommendation No. 35 Control and command by Unified Commanders over intelligence activities of Component Commands. Action Responsibility: Defense Btratus. Plans have been formulated which assign specific resJonsi- bi ities to Unified and Specified. Commands including control over Component Command intelligence activities such as intelligence produc- tion and clandestine collection. One Unified Command intelligence requirements center has been established, and another is about to come into being. Necessary personnel and resource shifts are under active, short-term deliberation. tl4 ) Ei p y Approved For Release 2004/10/10 SCI 6600269R000200060034-6 JILOMI Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B0029R000200060034-6 Recommendation No. 38 Determination as to activities which properly are foreign intelligence, and an improved system for utilizing dollar and manpower data in the entire U. S. foreign intelligence effort. Action Responsibility. United States Intelligence Board Status. The instructions to the United States Intelligence Bard member agencies for reporting their Fiscal Year 1964 intelligence plans and programs contain a detailed list of activities deemed to be sub- ject to Director of Central Intelligence and USIB coordination because of their foreign intelligence characteristics. Refinement and modi- fication of this list in conjunction with the review of the ccuunity' s Fiscal Year 1964 plane and programs, which is now in progress, should result in identifying those activities which properly are foreign intelligence. This should provide the necessary basis for the develop- ment of an improved system for utilizing dollar and manpower data. Approved For Release 2004/1(/: PB00269R000200060034-6 Approved Par Release 2d T1O/;p 1 tiDP86BO1f69R000200060034-6 Recommendation No. 39 More effective coordination of research and development activities for intelligence purposes. Action Rceponsibi3 ty: Defense and CIA. Status. The Deputy Director for Research, recently created within CIA as .focal point for coordination of this activity, has established the necessary liaison and working arrangements with the Director of Defense Research and Engineering. The United States Intelligence Board now has under consideration as part of a larger study a rec- ommendation of the Coordination Staff for providing community-wide assessment of the intelligence usefulness of proposed research and development projects intended to meet national intelligence needs. `1`' SECRET Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 Th.P SECRET Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 Recommendation No. 40 Monitoring the development of automatic data systems for storage and retrieval.of intelligence information. Action Responsibility: United States Intelligence Board Status. The community-wide staff approved by USIB to examine in detail the information processing problems of the USIB agencies in the light of current and projected developments in the field of data handling has been established. This staff, consisting of 18 full-time and 4 part-time members, is now engaged in the first phase of its approved study plan. Approved For Release 2004/10/20 :C-R "269R000200060034-6 17 May 1962 Approved Fc Release 2004/10/20: CIA-RDP86B002? R000200060034-6 DISTRIBUTION LIST FOR REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION OF JSG RECOMMENDATIONS - 1 March 62 TS #17,11w17 NO. ADDRESSEE 1 Director of Gent al I t 11 i r e n gence G 'A' x 2 Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 3 Executive Director ' `=t "- ~~-.~ 4 Deputy Director (Plans) 5 " (Intelligence) 6 Research) 14 7 It (Support) 8 Inspector General 9 General Counsel 10 Chief, FI Staff 25X1 11 FI Plans Group 12 AD/CI - Mr. R. Smith 13 AD/NE - Mr. Kent 14 AD/CR - Mr. Borel 15 Department of State (Mr. Hilsman's office) 16 Department of Defense (Secy Rubel's office) 17 Bureau of the Budget - Mr. Amopry 18 Bureau of the Budget - Mr. Ecker 19 National Security Agency 20 Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (Gen. Fitch's office) 21 Director of Naval Intelligence (Adm Lowrance's office) 22 Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence (Gen. Breitweiser's) 23 Director J-2 (Intelligence) Gen. Collins' office) 24- Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff 25 Director, Defense Intelligence Agcy 26 Deputy Secretary of Defense (Mr. Gilpatric's office) 12 6 7-3 US-LB members. 37 USIB secretariat 38 Exec utive Registry i!` 39-4+8 AC/DCI Staff members 49 Vital documents Div. 50 AC/DCI - 7-E-22 file copy 51 To roc. o e 25X1 xsevici'y c.-r," , rn="L - aj'-P''''{ "Z' 25X1 25X1 IL LEGIB Approved For Release 2004/10/20 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060034-6 UNCLASSIFIED wh n blank S CRET w en attached to To Secret ' ument - Automatically downgraded ~i4Y~?~nF,if~P4d>~d>11ed'.et6B00?,69R000200060034-6 to SECRET when f CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT DOCUMENT. DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE ~~+b +il CIA CON 1by /3 i1. 11 j DOC. NO. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED DOC. DATE COPY NO. LOGGED BY NUMBER OF PAGES NUMBER V *N* ATTENTION: This form will be placed on top of and attached to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intelligence Agency or classified Top Secret within the ?CIA and will remain attached to the document until such time as it is downgraded, destroyed, or transmitted outside of CIA. Access to Top Secret matter is limited to Top Secret Control personnel and those individuals whose official duties relate to the matter. Top Secret Control Officers who receive and/or release the attached Top Secret material will sign this form and indicate period of custody in the left-hand columns provided. Each individual who sees the Top Secret document will sign and indicate the date of handling in the right-hand columns. REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN BY OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE TIME SIGNATURE OFFICE/DIV. 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LOGGED BY NUMBER OF PAGES NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS 2/y 27 e ATTENTION: This form will be placed on top of and attached to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intelligence Agency or classified Top Secret within the aCIA and will remain attached to the document until such time as it is downgraded, destroyed, or transmitted outside of CIA. Access to Top Secret matter is limited to Top Secret Control personnel and those individuals whose official duties relate to the matter. Top Secret Control Officers who receive and/or release the attached Top Secret material will sign this form and indicate period of custody in the left-hand columns provided. Each individual who sees the Top Secret document will sign and indicate the date of handling in the right-hand columns. REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN BY OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE TIME SIGNATURE OFFICE/DIV. DATE NOTICE OF DETACHMENT: When this form is detached from Top Secret material it shall be completed in the appropriate spaces below and transmitted to Central Top Secret Control /or record. DOWNGRADED DESTROYED DISPATCHED (OUTSIDE CIA) TO BY (Signature) TO BY (Signature) WITNESSED BY (Signature) BY (Signature) OFFICE App DATE roved For Rel OFFICE DATE ase 2004/10/20 : CIA- DP86B0026 OFFICE R000200060034-6 DATE FOR 9060 26 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS. TOP SECRET (40)