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LES AsP,,Approved For Release 2005/06/22 CIA-RDP74B00415R000400Q 1j1 IIOME OFFICES: 603 MAIN STREET RACINE, WISCONSIN 53403 414-632-3194 210 DOGE STREET JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN 53545 608-752-9074 June 27, 1972 Mr. Richard Helms, Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Helms: SERVICES COMMITTEE SURCOMMITTEE: ARMED SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEE #4 WASHINGTON OFFICE: 515 CANNON HOUSE OFFICE UUILOING 202-225-3031 I am publicly releasing today substantial new evidence that indicates that U.S. pilots flying CIA-operated helicopters have been smuggling opium inside Laos. These allegations are contained in a letter and additional information that I have received from Mr. Alfred McCoy, author of a forth- coming book on heroin traffic in Southeast Asia. If these allegations are true, then the CIA is implicated in fostering the drug traffic that ruins the lives of tens of thousands of Americans. I am writing to you today to request that you thoroughly investigate Mr. McCoy's allegations. Since Mr. McCoy obtained his information last summer, it is imperative to determine whether this kind of drug trafficking is still going on. A principal unanswered question which the CIA must resolve is: "At what level in the CIA were officials aware of this illicit :I hope that you will report tome in full he results of your investigation. Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000400050011-7 Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000400050011-7 Jttne 27, 1972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE though the first Congress of the United States met in New York in 1789, in 1790 it chose Philadelphia as the temporary seat of the new Government when Wash- ington was President. As students of history know, the Con- stitution was not a suddenly devised framework of government but the cul- mination of experience dating back to the Magna Carta of 1215 when 25 bar- ons of England united to force King John to sign and observe it. The Baronial Order of Magna Carta, composed of men who are lineal de- scendants of these 25 barons of England, and of which William Hannis Perot of Philadelphia is Marshal, customarily commemorates the signing of the Magna Carta on the Sunday nearest June 15 of each year at historic Christ Church in Philadelphia, the church attended by Washington. Most of the members of the order live in the Philadelphia region; some in the Washington, D.C. area. This order through the years has been a highly effective patriotic group in keep- ing alive the memories of the Magna Carta as a vital landmark in the de- velopment of constitutional liberty. On June 11, 1972, at this church, the Barons celebrated the 757th anniversary of the ensealing of the Magna Carta in an impressive program led by the rec- tor, the Reverend Ernest A. Harding, D.D., in which a member of the order, the Honorable Maurice H. Thatcher, dis- tinguished former Member of the Con- gress from Kentucky, and the sole sur- viving member of the Isthmian Canal Commission that. supervised the con- struction of the Panama Canal, made the address for the occasion and received the Annual Award of the Order, which reads as follows: The Baronial Order of Magna Carta pre- sents its Magna Carta Day Award to Gov- ernor Maurice Hudson Thatcher in recogni- tion of his service to humanity: Particularly is this made for his champion- ing the Freedom of the Individual, further- ing the significant tradition begun in 1215 by the Barons of England. (Panama Canal Seal.) (Kentucky Seal.) (Picture-ship in Panama Canal.) Christ Church in Philadelphia. Magna Carta Sunday, June 11, 1972. WILLIAM HAATNIS PEROT, Marshal. HENRY PICHow KROGSTAD, Keeper of the Signet. (NOTE.-Framed with White House Tim- ber. ) During the program, Governor Thatcher, together with Marshal Perot, former Marshal Charles Edgar Hires, Capt. Miles P. DuVal, Jr., also a member of the order, and Gilbert H. Dehnel of Washington, D.C., sat in the George Washington pew. So that the indicated address may be suitably recorded in the annals of the Congress for the benefit of present and future readers, I include herewith the indicated address as part of my remarks: ADDRESS OF MAVRICE H. THATCHER To the Members of the Baronial Order of Magna Carta and their families; friends and neighbors from Washington, D.C., Phil- adelphia, and other points; Rev. Doctor Harding and the membership of this historic Church, I must extend my deepest thanks and most grateful appreciation for their presence on this occasion. I also wish to thank with like appreciation, Baron and Mrs. Ross Porter Skillern for the gracious courtesies accorded myself and my traveling companion, Mr. Gilbert Dehnel of Washington, D.C. as guests in their charming home. Also, my thanks to others. Then, I wish to give assurance of my most grateful acknowledgement for the outstand- Ing honor that was voted to me by the Baro- nial Order last fall, and now awarded. When I recall that men of such eminence as Generals MacArthur and Bradley; Chief Justice Bell, and certain outstanding mem- bers of the Baronial Order have been recipi- ents of this Award, I am indeed, humbly grateful that I am now thus honored. I know of no region more historic than that of Philadelphia, and its environs. In- dependence Hall and the Liberty Bell have their significance and memories. Great appreciation is due the Welsh and Swedes, as well as the English, Scotch and others. William Penn and his Quakers struc- tured a lasting monument. Here Benjamin Franklin grew into the vast proportions of a practical idealist, statesman, scientist, and successful civic and Revolutionary leader. This Commonwealth itself is a beautiful domain. Its great rivers, its mountains and valleys-together with its farming areas- present an unexcelled panorama of beauty. Valley Forge and Gettysburg-and the Get- tysburg Address-speak for themselves. Its historic worth is beyond all measure- ment. Besides the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania there are three other Commonwealths in our American Union, namely, Massachu- setts, Virginia and Kentucky. My own Commonwealth of Kentucky- with the aid of Daniel Boone, himself a na- tive of Pennsylvania, led the effort for the early settlement of Kentucky; and in time's course, there were born in Kentucky, the respective leaders of the North and South in the Civil War era, Lincoln and Davis. During my service in the Congress as Rep- resentative of the Louisville and Jefferson County, Kentucky District (1923-33), I had pleasant relationships, on both sides of the aisle, with Pennsylvania members of the House. I make special reference to Doctor Henry W. Temple of the Washington Dis- trict, J. Banks Kurtz, of the Altoona District, and Thomas Butler of West Chester. Dr. Temple, as a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and on special National Park assignments, occupied posts where he was able to serve my efforts-and did serve them-to obtain enactment of Bills I sponsored. They were important meas- ures, and became laws-such as the Acts creating the National Cave Mammoth Park in Kentucky, and the Gorgas Memorial Labora- tory in the City of Panama, an institution dedicated to research touching the cause and prevention of tropical diseases, both human and veterinary. The Laboratory, starting with an annual authorization of $50,000, now has an annual budget of a million dollars; and Congress also has authorized and appropriated sev- eral millions for expansion of the Laboratory activities, made necessary by the great func- tions it has been called upon to serve. Indeed, its achievements have been of such character as to make of it the out- standing institution of its kind in all the world. Panama is an ideal spot for such activity. For more than 40 years, I served as the Vice President and General Counsel of the parent institute; and am yet filling the post of General Counsel; and am now the Hon- orary Life President of the Institute. All these services, I may say, have been rendered without compensation. Some of you will recall that I was a Mem- ber of the Isthmian Canal Commission H 6191 under appointment of President Taft, in April 1910. I served until August 1913-all during the construction era. My identification with the great enter- prise throughout my tenure was also that of Civil Governor of the Canal Zone.. Colonel William C. Gorgas of Yellow Fever fame, was also a Member of the Commission; and we had our official headquarters in the same building. I was charged with certain duties which supported him in his important health and sanitary work; and it has given me great pleasure, in and out of Congress, in the years that followed, to have the opportunity to further provide for expansion of tropical research: The Republic of Panama ceded to our In- stItute, for the purposes of a laboratory, im- portant lands and buildings in the City of Panama, and we have erected additional structures with Congressional funds. On an occasion of this character, it Is ex- pected, I believe, that the Awardee should submit some remarks dealing with mat- ters of current concern. This is the Age of Violence. Never in hu- man history has there been such brutal con- duct by people In the world, as is now tak- ing place. Under science the miracle of today be- comes the commonplace of tomorrow. The great achievements of science have been, in large measure, utilized by evilminded individuals for the most wicked deeds which mankind has ever conceived. Conununism-the deadliest of evils, is busy as never before. We must wisely deal with these conditions, else they will destroy us. For this reason I speak of them. Assassinations, murders, thefts, robberies, holding for ransom, hi-jacking, guerrilla monstrosities; slaying by wholesale of the innocent and defenseless, and degeneracies, have become, the order of the day. No de- praved or cruel act is missing. The news media, in every category, In large measure, are being prostituted; and the old Commandments, containing the es- sence of life experience; and the noble in- structions of the Sermon on the Mount, are being discarded in the world-at-large, and held in contempt. We canonize our criminals. They get the publicity, the sympathy, and the eulogies, and the acquittals. Our virtues are kept un- der the bushel, and fail in inspirational value. The red-carpet treatment has all too often been accorded by naive courts, juries, and others charged with the responsibilities affecting the social structure. Shrewd, bold, conscienceless members of my own profes- sion, often go beyond all decent bounds, and defy the courts, and enable the worst crimi- nals to escape the whips of justice, and re- peat their offenses. The TV and radio, and other media with certain exceptions, which so often have in- structed and inspired, and with so much potential for good, have all too oft become sewers of filth and degeneracy. In 'large measure, the children are neglected, and left to establish their own associations and con- siderations-with the inevitable results. No further enumeration is required. How- ever, we cannot ignore what is so patent; such things bring disaster. I am a firm be- liever in the divine mission of Man; but I can have, of course, no conception as to the time he must live and struggle before he scales the peaks of lasting good. He has come far, but yet has far to go. Meantime, we must may seem to be. Also, it is fortunate that most of our hu- mankind are optimists, rather than pessi- mists. They are moved by the consideration that the glass is half-full, rather than half empty. Only virtue makes for lasting peace and happiness. War is monstrous, yet, It has always obtained. Thus, the race muddles on. Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000400050011-7 H 6192 Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000400050011- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE June 27; 1972 In our own country, we stand in greater thor of a forthcoming book on heroin need of what we call conscience. Order is traffic in Southeast Asia, which details Heaven's first law; the Universe, with the the allegation of United States and CIA infinity of celestial bodies, is regulated by complicity in drug traffic. If these allega- law and maintained in order. The human bons are true, then the CIA is Implicated creature on our own planet-as well as those which may inhabit any like orbs-is en- in fostering the drug traffic that ruins the dowed with the faculty of reason; with faith, lives of tens of thousands of Americans. that is to say, reasoned hope; with the belief According to the information Mr. of the purein heart that the soul shall have McCoy has given me, a Laotian district immortal being. chief and other officials have told him "H ts oif to the past and coats off to the fj f - t o ers ew co that American helicop future." must yet be the homely slogan. fifers into Laotian villages where they I believe that mirth and music are mate- Member r of Congress. m was also i i Th e op um. u rial gifts from Heaven to Man, in compensa- purchased op tion for the tragedies of life. Good thought transported out by American pilots and and conduct constitute good morals. Evil is planes to Long Tieng, the CIA headquar- the exact opposite. If we transgress, we are ters in Northern Laos where it was al. punished, in one way or another. legedly refined into morphine and even- All the qualities of humanity that are pos- tually heroin. sessed of hope, faith, courage, diligence, rea- son, love of home and country, vision and colleagues know, had been recruited by noble ideals, must be exercised as indispen- sable labors in humanity's forward march. the CIA and form a mercenary army Apropos, the spirit of reverence and the which fights the Pathet Lao Communist Church must perform their necessary roles. guerrillas. For the Meo, opium is consid- These observations are indeed trite. The erect an important cash crop. multiplication table is trite, but reliance on Mr. Speaker, I have asked CIA Director the mathematics of Newton took the Astro- nauts Richard Helms to thoroughly investigate space. to the moon, and thru the voids of Mr. McCoy's allegations. Since Mr. Me- Our Baronial order-whose members are Coy obtained his information late last decendants of sureties of A.D. 1215, has great summer it is imperative to determine opportunity for noble and patriotic service. whether this kind of drug trafficking is It has also great responsibility, and, I be- still going on. A principal, unanswered lieve, is meeting its obligations with fine question which the CIA must resolve is dispatch. "At what level in the CIA were officials The Magna Charts is a lengthy instru- ment aware of this illicit drug traffic?" aof to 61 hold in articles. restraint, June a cruel, 12, 1215, It ddespotic was It is also becoming increasingly clear, adopted dop King John of England. Twenty-five sureties Mr. Speaker, that the Nixon administra- were named from the roster of Barons, to tion is covering up and contradicting require the arbitrary King to pay allegiance itself about the importance of heroin to the Great Charter, which relates to bene- traffic in Southeast Asia. After Mr. Me- fits and property and other rights to the Coy testified before a Senate committee Barons, as well as the people in general. last month the State Department termed Charta, Under the England, and benefits the cou a course conferred of f civil and Magna his charges about the involvement of d religious liberty made lasting progress. Government officials in Southeast Asia The next great document of liberty was as "unsubstantiated." However, the U.S. the Mayflower Compact, adopted in Novem- Army Provost Marshal reported in 1971 her 1620 by the Pilgrims in Cape Cod Harbor. that high ranking members of the South It was brief, but of essential character. It Vietnamese Government were in the top provided, in simple words, a comprehensive, "zone" of the four-tiered heroin traffic organic and formal insrtument enabling the establishment of Plimoth Plantation-on the pyramid. midMcCoy, . quite rightly, also disputes Plymouth Rock site, binding equally on all: and assuring total equality, and to make all the State Department's claim that needed laws. Under it, the Pilgrims lived and "Southeast Asia is not a major source of prospered, with complete civil and religious heroin on our market." This statement liberty. by the State Department directly con- This modest compact proved to be the tradicts a General Accounting Office re- of which rooted and grew to the great oak port which states that: of our Constitutional government, which we must uphold and sustain. The Far East is the second principal source In conclusion, let me say, as did Tiny Tim of heroin entering the U.S. in the immortal Christmas Story of Dickens, Mr. Speaker, it is imperative to deter mine bless us all, each and everyone!" mine whether the CIA is still involved In CIA SMUGGLES OPIUM the alleged Involvement of the CIA with The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a My letter to Mr. . Helms follows: previous order of the House, the gentle- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, man from Wisconsin (Mr. ASPIN) is M- 'Washington, D.C., June 27, 1972. ognized for 5 minutes. Mr. RICHARD HELMS, Mr. ASPIN. Mr. Speaker, I am releas- Director, Central Intelligence Agency, ing today substantial new evidence that Washington, D.C. indicates U.S. Pilots flying CIA operated. DEAR MR. HELMS: I am publicly releasing helicopters have been smuggling opium today substantial new evidence that indi- inside Laos. cotes that U.S. pilots flying CIA-operated What this new evidence indicates Is helicopters have been smuggling opium in- that U.S. pilots using U.S.-owned planes side Laos. These allegations are contained in are illegally smuggling opium in Laos, a letter and additional information that I have received from Mr. Alfred McCoy, author some of which has almost certainly been of a forthcoming book on heroin traffic in sold to U.S. GI's in Southeast Asia and Southeast Asia. If these allegations are true, some of which has almost certainly been then the CIA is implicated in fostering the smuggled into illicit U.S. drug markets. drug traffic that ruins the lives of tens of I am releasing today a letter which I thousands of Americans. have received from Alfred McCoy, au- I am writing to you today to request that you thoroughly investigate Mr. McCoy's alle- gations. Since Mr. McCoy obtained his in- formation last summer, it is imperative to determine whether this kind of drug traffick- ing is still going on. A principal unanswered question whichthe CIA must resolve is: "At what level In the CIA were officials aware of this illicit drug traffic?". I hope that you will report to me the results of your investigation. Thank you for your cooperation. ROONEY REQUESTS HALF BILLION FOR RELIEF OF FLOOD RAVAGED STATES The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the.House, the gentle- man from Pennsylvania (Mr. ROONEY) Is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. ROONEY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, in the wake of probably the most destructive flood in America's his- tory I have today announced that I will request an additional half billion dollars in Federal funds for relief in the five States which have been declared disaster areas by President Nixon. The $92.5 million now available to the States in the President's disaster relief fund will not begin to compensate the losses suffered by the five States. If Pennsylvania were to receive the entire $92.5 million it would cover only about 10 percent of the cost of putting the State back together. I have introduced legislation to provide relief funds in the amount of one-half billion dollars to the States which have been declared disaster areas by the Presi- dent. This money would be disbursed by the Office of Emergency Preparedness whose primary function is the adminis- tration of the President's disaster relief fund. In past crises involving disaster areas in several States OEP has appor- tioned financial aid to the States accord- ing to the amount of damage sustained in the respective States. This is the only fair and realistic method of tackling the massive cleanup job ahead. Pennsylvania, hardest hit by the flood- ing by a wide margin, would receive the lion's share of the supplemental appro- priation, and Florida, having the least amount of damage of the five States, would receive the smallest portion. The remaining money would be distributed by OEP to Virginia, Maryland, and New York. Other Members and I of the Pennsyl- vania delegation will meet with Governor Shapp today to discuss the crippling ef- fects of the flood. I hope to explore all avenues of Federal assistance with the Governor and arrive at some concrete goals with regard to the needs of the stricken Pennsylvania communities. BEEF PRODUCERS. GET SHORT END OF STICK The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentle- man from Kansas (Mr. SKUBITZ) is rec- ognized for 10 minutes. Mr. SKUBITZ. Mr. Speaker, in my opinion the action the President took on Approved For Release 2005/06/22 : CIA-RDP74B00415R000400050011-7