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JLt.AL Approved 0 Release 2005/01/06: CIA-RDP83BOO7R000200 Functional Outline: Community Warning and Crisis Management Orgapization Design Objectives- .. o Provide the DCI direct, clearly defined channels into the Conmiunity for relay of guidance/requirements and receipt of feedback. X1 o Provide for centralized coordination of Community Operations on an all-source, all--agency, situation-oriented. basis. o Do the foregoing in a manner that integrates Community capabilities and operations under the DCI's leadership. o_ Use existing organizations; keep the wiring simple and direct. Des ijn Concept Two. paramount DCI responsibilities in warning and crisis m,,nagenu nt (as elsewhere): o providing the President et el most ,complete and timely iiifonnation, analysis .and forecasts possible; and o directing and'*~oordinating Coin:nunity operations so as to maximize ability to do the preceding effectively. The first responsibility is essentially for intelligence analysis and production, the second foi collection, processing and dissc-minatiun and their interaction with pro ur_tion.(requirements and tasking). In theory, both should bercoordinated by the same person or entity. In practice, the job is too big, the intelligence process too diverse; OfC or the other will not 'let full attention. It is feasible, hc-v,ver, to divide the functions, under the DCI's ov,.rall direction, on the principle that the primary mission of the elerient rnsp.onsible for coordination of. collection, processing and dissemination is to meet the needs of the analyst/producer. Thus, their relationr,hip should be wutually supportive rather than conil:ietilive. S'ich a division of responsibility would parallel the current DCI organizational structure. Executive responsibility for an.a-lysis/production would rest with D/DCI/NFA, that for the supportive functions with D/DCI/CT. Their principal instruments would be NFAC/NIO and CTS/NITO, respectively, FER 1- Jt Approved For Release 2005/01/06 : CIA-FDP83B01027R000200060003-7 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/01/06 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200060003-7 Approved For Release 2005/01/06 : CIA-RDP83BO1027R000200060003-7 Approved *elease 2005/01_/06: CIA-RDP83B01SR000200060003-7 Design Outline: National Indications and_Warnin9 ystem NIWS) o Two locational focal points, Lan ley and Pentagon,.with capability for DCI to operate from either (or both) in any given situation. o Analysis/production executive (D/DC.I/NFA) based at Langley with support by NITC. o, Locational focal point at Langley during active crisis periods would be CIA OPCEN. Chief, OPCEN or Chief, RES designated special assistant to D/DCI/NFA for coordinating interaction among NFAC; NIOs, NITC et al. o Collection support and coordination executive (D/DCI/CT) based at Pentagon. o Locational focal point at Pentagon would be DCI facility in i;NIIC supported by CCF, CTS and NITO/W. D/DCI/NFA functions: -- coordinate Community analytical attack on problem/situation heing addrr_scod; I- sponsor intreragency production efforts, e.g., IAM and SNIr, addressing Warning and Crisis Management (W/CM situations; -- prepare special assessments, Warning Memoranda etc, roquired by DCI and senior National consumers; organize and supervise Community analytical task forces required by W/CM situatis; -- manage product] n of integrated National Situation Reports or other Community products, if instituted; -- participate with NITC in development, and maintenance of dynamic ini.e_lligence collectiion strategies addressing evolving W/CM situations; -- establish all-sours:e information needs relative to W/CM situations as basis for collection tasking by NITC; -- advise D/DCI/CT concerning relevant collection, processing and.dissemination,priorities to assist in optimizing Community operations to meet time-sensitive intelligence production requirements. SECRET ',Approved For Release 2005/01/06 CIA-RDP83B01027R000200060003-7 Approved. FERelease 2005/01/06: CIA-RDP83B01*R000200060003-7 D/DCI/CT",fljnc"ti ons : operate a,central., Community facility for. coordinating all-source collection ,?processingIand disseminationoperations addressing desicjrlated W/CM.situations and for insuring effective interaction w~i th Community production el.ements ; -- provide, through th,e foregoing facility, a unitary channel for dissemination of DCI W/CM operational guidance and requirements to Connnunity action elements and for integration of responses to the DCI on results obtained and performance of relevant systems (excludes substantive analytical and.production operations coordinated by D/DCI/NFA); -- maintain dynamic data on capabilities`and status of intelligence and intelligence-related collection and processing assets available to DCI for use in W/CM situation being addressed, associated Lrade.-off and cost options, etc.; serve as executive agent for administration of the National Indications and Warning System in conjunction with D/DCI/NFA and other Coiranunity elements, including development and maintenance.: of Community procedures and mechanisms required for coordination of W/CM operations. ove`d' For Release 2005/01/06'''='CIA-RDP83B0.1027R00020,0060Q03-7