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Publication Date: 
May 14, 1968
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25X1 gpproved For Release 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP80B01676R002900100006-6 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP80B01676R002900100006-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08: CIA=RDP80B01676R00290010000 gxaautia~ Aegistz~t ~~ 24 April 1968 ~E~pR~rtnu 5U~3JECT: Comments on Eastern European N5C Paper of 'Aim ..._~ 1. The paper does nt~t accurately reflect several im- portant general aspects concerning current conditions in Eastern Europe, -- P11 the Eastern European countries doubt to one- degree or s.nother the credibility vr.re- al.ity of the "Bridge Building" policy. --- The paper does not indicat+s that ?~ussian con- trols and concerns have eased to the point that the Eastern European countries are freer tra deal with the t~3est as independent entities seeking to sesrve their own interests. _~- The paper underestimates the effect of the war in Vietnam and of US legislative restric- tions an hindering the establishment of "Fridge Building" policies and Frustrating the implementation of those which exist. The following paragraphs-set forth specific comr.~e~ts aaint- observatic~ns about each country report in thawpaper, P ing to certain errors yr providing additiana~~d~ta. 2, Czecha?~lavakis: Party boss I7ubcsk's cosiition is arr~ong Communist party leaders, but has significant popular support. The Russians appear to have grudgingly accepted ote: T 1,s memorandum was prepared by the affice off' Cur- r~rst Zntelligenca and was coordinated with the affice of Economic Research, the affice of National Estimates, and the Clandestine Services. Approved For Release 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R002900100006-6 ti.s ~, b.s s ~ z , : Approved For Release 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP80B01676R002900100006-6 the o~~anges in Prague. '~~~~ new re i hms :she ~lf.acreet a xoa~hes ~c~r ~ supre. dared ~t~t`the~tJSSF"~, but rcay inclade ne~? autt~a[tic ~~+-- P~sr Iic~ht artillery, ~d ars~ored persc~n+al carr~iera. have never cagtt~rerl an~* +~~ th~~t ite~~. In 157 Czt~t~ ecot~i~ a.ic~, tc~ Vietnam a~.auntec~ tt~ a#~o~at ~l5 ~i3.2ioz~. In diecx~ssinr~ tl~e Crack"e new ?a~ction Prcgra~" the CSC Paper s~verstates the iiheral.iration ~sf t;~e economy rshen ti ~ i ~ n c rnc i~~ ti~+a d t ~$ a proq=am c,.~-ils for ref~rr~a~s ~QCialist market acc~n+~smy." ~?~1~nd= '~hc: regime `~ ~ntia~ar_itic ~~x~e ~a~~~i~r~ ct ~~ nat trni~ newish Stalinists i~ut A4~a-newish ~_ a3:e and Stalinists as well. as CatF:ol.ics, g~agi~ _~ r~epr~~sf.c~a~ fleets the i~~ersity c-f the pcna~r strugc~l.e going +~~ hetween chauvtnia~t3.c hardl~.ners . and yonn~'er r~ ~srogressive teciznacrats. ~~.asty boss Gox~ulka has no certain f. ut~re aa~ Icnger a~ und3s~aut~ed l+~mdex . ~e a,ses tts have a~13.~.ed hims~if with th+e progreas~.ve~~ hoping Fap~-iar aeceptanc?~ in Poland and ~~ost os< cur ir.fi~tential proc~t~s are still in effect. 4. 1anf.a ~ the deacriptfan t~f t~:e xu~an~.an rc- gi as e~ce~`~r~g "firm ~st~ia~ax control* mores a signs e++~onc~~.c~refor~! ig ctesigne~ tc- all.?~ acme fr~eed~ o~ aca . a~ local l+avela t gc~3i~c~ pars have men aewhat ca~rtaled; int~el3ectua3s are 3~eing granted t~ideer freedom vi ex~~ress~.on ~ and there is gz~ring ~~aeis on the PrQ-- tect,ion csf a rig~tt~a of ind:~vidnal~s . ~ ~Sa-rty plena s+ch+~tlul.+~d ftar ~~-23 aril. is exgeGt+~d tc~ ta-kQ Wiese pro-- gress3~~e steps further. Zsa ,~gp~Cl~V~.~',cl the. changea ta~ir~< p3ace in C~ech~aslcva~fa, rhos regis~~a clsima that a si~il.ar trend way set #,n ~?ticm in mania in l~b~. fih?~ fiw ~aian~ are an~iQ~ ~~r c~l.tural and. eetu3car-ic agxe^,emts ~~.th ~e t~S, anEs particu3.ar1.~- in c,~aininr~ 333t?st-f~-vC>zt1c3~ nation sta~a ,. ~. ~~ a ~.'2~~ radar rec~iffie i$ resst3,mg defen- t?~~~s irF CacechQS2ovakia anri Palms, ar~ct has v~el y ~.~. cla~e?~ tic~l~t contral:s ean~ the youth. :~e~n~ary ~ keen 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 :-6 B01676R002900100006-6 'Approved For Release 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R002900100006-6 peeking to establish its own fc~rsign policy image, but is now dtx~nplayinq this, fearing that chazagea nor might be m$sread by the- populace anti the USSR. The regime has reiterated its interest in the gradual solution of bi- lateral problems witl~~ the US including that of Cardinal Mndezenty. &. ~3u1~ ar~.as Bulgaria can no langer be characterized as ~atal~~"orthodox" in its internal control. It would be more accurat+~ to point out that the Bulgarian segirne is no longer monolithic and is beginning tv seek contacts outside the St~vi~:t bloc. 7. Yu oslavia: It is mis3c~ading to say that '~ugo- slavia: con nu?s t~ "push aggressively the develapment of a ?ree market economy." About all that cart be said is that the central. government is still relying an a complex +of constantly changing indirect controls to =un the econ- omy in place of direct control over enterprises. Approved For Release 2004/07/08 ~tiR~3~6~9'1~676R002900100006-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP80B01676R002900100006-6 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 :CIA-RDP80B01676R002900100006-6