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December 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 8, 2005
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Publication Date: 
August 29, 1980
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PDF icon CIA-RDP85-00988R000100090054-4.pdf61.02 KB
Approved For Reiyjse 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP85-00988R0Q00090054-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 29 August 1980 Mr. Bert Silver Assistant Staff Director for Administration Commission on Civil Rights 1121 Vermont Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20425 Dear Bert, jq&i Enclosed is the Statement of Work that GSA has developed for the NAPA study team. The team membership and the schedule are also included. Bert Harding was on vacation all week and I have had trouble pinning anybody down on how we might best relate to this study. I hope to talk to Bert Harding Tuesday or Wednesday after Labor Day and I will get ahold of you then. My current. thinking is to propose to. Bert Harding that your subgroup proceed with development of criticisms and suggestions about GSA and that we invite him and members of his team to a briefing at our meeting scheduled for 24 September. At that time the entire group could offer criticisms and suggestions regarding the GSA problem. Evidently there is growing commitment to the reform of GSA by the Administration. The National Journal of August 16, 1980, contains an article entitled "Carter's Plans for a Second Term--More Progress on Familiar Problems." Under a subhead in that article entitled 'Managing Government,' Jack Watson evidently has indicated to the writer that GSA reform is to have high priority in the second term. Since / ly, Don I. Wortman Deputy Director for Administration Enclosures DDA:D1Wortman:kmg (29 Aug 30) Distribution: Orig - w/cy ends I - C/MS w!cy endls STATINTL 1 - SA/DDCII w/cy ends I - DDA Subbjj w/trig ends ,,,Y- D/Log iyic encls n IFOKiTq 2005/08/15: CIA- P.$5' 8 0090054-4 414 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000100090054-4 MISSING PAGE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MISSING PAGE(S): Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000100090054-4