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Approved For elease 2005/08/1.5: CIA-RDP85-009000100090 4- ~' 70'1 The kiorernbl a Cl,arlcs V. `>.mc&i1, Jr. The Secretary of L.nergy Washington, D.C. 20545 Hoar Charles: Pursuant to John Sa zi21's letter to a of Aril 15, rcpresent.itives from this Ag ?'icy -t 'i.thhJunes y'tt.'elley fr= year. i?rfice ofA '- ~ ~r tf ~s a ier ertcy PInartiw. The 1 Al x sv of ouy~ rc tin ~ was bo clarify, lid resolve this Agency's status T& .icr the m ter ^nsoir a allocation r' i.stinns. Can 25 March I a ivis you of x'y comerr; for the al'' rse ef.f as t'e roccrit. gasoline shortage iha1 on t- Az-cncy= and. of our nce_d to ensure that a strf- ficiert and c aintemm",d s~. ply of saaoline h available, during critic^ l shorta>>s to carry out this '>!ency' z = ission. At t iat tine I re .t~5ste y that the Central 'i teilige aeo a {yncy (CIA) :title to receive 10 rcr.rIt of base period use, not s :';:Meet to the s!1ppliersi allocation fraction on the basis of our national ieitelligt ce fission. As you are avsre, this Money east often operate In an o rya - ro ent xw'i ich req uir3s n -plic atio . of Corities > ft q=. to the ,\ -';*- cy rat v r than followin nor i rrocc-lur;^s established 1Wy statute v d rev.t1tt TV la"?".C.'L.R?s. This autbori.ty is found ir. the Ct ntrai lntelli~mnte Act of 1941, 71S (50 I;-SC 403j). I r? Ioy such extraordinary authority only after -. ir. a eteriination that no Other cause of action is available. no l partt-ent of Fncr y (;: I) re .lations iaro preser;to=3 a -gait .x- situation to the e 3rattonal, units of this For exarple, in CIA w2s b-i f r;: ed by ftael n pl lers that they coui. i not apply req &irnd WWLMS Of casolir: ` uUe to :+ F. nhloc1Ci *: ten res. i.--is ,f-c cy rf'r1' e`1 the sup l iers that it rorsess l rceuisite authority to procure t ,o, nccC 0d s lies. ad the s. p tiers quezt10;sI~#1 this assertion of autaority, it pears that your orv?nnization of ld ?hare ch.Men,7 d the asserti.v . Clearly, such a sitimtloia rust by our rlachi r some agr . nt as to ' ow this er cy 3.s to operate under present or ra_:it led MB regulations that protect the essenatial s urity of CIA oo^eratio,as. I '1E't sorry to report that t';c meeting with the Assistant A -:inistrator's staff dies r: at re-solve tke question of this :~ 'cncy's status. `'_: a, vises at that tip that the M nncv s- =Id request an Interpretation of 4 :e Tor. re :;laticam as they a'ciy to CIS ant to ~detezriiie if such I tcr::retstic would r.-..!et or Agency's rcquir gents. If our tats could not 1?e re3e1v ' by interpretation, it was further s r estet! that the Agency shoul,i petition ' OL 0 3984. Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP85-00988R000100090034-6 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP85-00& R000100090034-6 The Honorable Charles W. IAnzcan., Jr. for a rule change to the DOE regulations. In a subsequent telephone conversation. between our Assistant General Counsel and Mr. William Funk's office, we were informed that the Assistant General Counsel for Petroleum Regulation would not be sympathetic to such a request. I am, therefore, requesting that our need for priority .onsideration under the allocation regulations be addressed again. I am hopeful that we can look forward to a constructive and mutually agreeable solution tiiich would assure that the Agency's status is elevated corniiensur ate with r=.?y responsibilities to the President, the Congress, and the National Security Council. While this Agency has an active energy conservation program and we have not experienced any difficulties in obtaining our fuel supplies in recent nnths, these meetings have brought into sharp focus the dilemma which the gasoline allocation system creates for the Agency. Therefore, I an. most anxious to pursue this matter. As Director of Central Intelligence, I would be remiss in not correcting a situation which could in the future jeopardize my responsibility to carry out the mission of this Agency. ', y staff is available to meet with you or your representatives to continue these dis- cussions at a mutually agreeable time. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Yours, STANSFIELD TUENER STATI NTL Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 - DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - ER 2 - DDA P1 - OL Official Originating Office: 17 Date STATI NTL Distribution Withheld: 1 - OL/SD/SMB 1 - OL/PD 1 - OL/P&PS 1 - OGC/PLD 1 - D/L Chrono 1(12 Sept 80) OVSD/R~M Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-2 DP85-00988R000100090034-6