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Publication Date: 
February 18, 1967
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cv Fesiva1s Is Defends By Robert G. Kaiser Washington Post staff writer Gloria Steinem, a New York free-lance writer, acknowl- edged In an interview yoster- day that she worked c1'osely with the Central Intelligence Agency to organize groups of American young people to at- 111 'tend World Youth Festivals in Vienna and Helsinki in 1959 and 1962. She strongly defended her actions and had great praise for the CIA agents with whom she collaborated. "I1 found them liberal and farsighted and open to an exchange of ideas," she said., "I never felt I was being dictated to at all." Miss Steinem was director of the Independent Research Service, a group that spon- ? cored the trips of several hun- dred young Americans to Q Vienna and Helsinki. Its ac- tivities have been financed by a number of foundations, in- cluding the Independence Foundation of Boston, already cited by the National Student Association as a conduit of CIA funds. First Admission /Gloria Steinem had praise for the CIA while recounting her collaboration w i t h them in organizing student groups to attend international meetings. She is wearing a chinchil? la ringed gown in this picture at a supper party for the Shakespeare Festival Committee This was the first admission . in New York last by anyone connected with the June.. Research Service that it had, collaborated with the CIA. iss st.einem said Yesterday - ed d h . o k a that silt; sively with CIA agents in this country and at the two Youth Festivals. She said the budget for Re- search Service activities at the Helsinki Festival was m o r e than $100,000. She declined to say how much of that wasCIA ? in Shaul; now Akron, Ohio, told The Wash- ington Post yesterday that he knew CIA money was helping to filipnce the Research Serv-, ice. ; . 1 "There- was always legiti-, mate, money involved, too,"I "Shaul said. "To this day I' don't know how much CIA; money. there was." , Service .delegation that his only job was "to bring togeth- er a group of young people who were representative of- America" "We had Minnesota school' teachers" who were farther. right than Bill Buckley,'; i1Shnul,.said, "as well as mem b-?rs of Students. for .a Demo cratic Society. Nobody told them what to say." Shaul, also insisted that no, research Service reports had been' given to the CIA. He said only a very few of the people involved ills the Re search Service knew anything about the CIA connection. or ashamed of what I did," Sliaul l said. "The Helsinki ,Festival was a disaster from : 'their (the Communist world's) )point of :view, and I' think we : lean take. a good deal of credit l for that." The Research Service - now The current 'director is Bu-[ of Young Citizens for Johnson "There Js a possibility of a congressional inquiry on this matter and I am therefore going to 'withhold further com- ment." Since Theroux took over, two . World Youth Festivals have been canceled, One was to have been held in Algeria in July, 1965. It was canceled when President Ahmed Ben Bella was overthrown. A sec- ond Festival scheduled for Ac- era, Ghana, in the summer of 1966 was called off after the ouster of President Kwaine were held behind the Irony She said the Research ServJ Curtain. They have all been [ice was started without CIA controlled by Communists. funds, but that the Ageneyi Miss Steinem' .~d ycster- approached her soon after the, day that "almost none" of the:'nrganization was set up 'and) e pl h p o e w o went to Viennafoffered to help. or Helsinki with the Research The CIA was the only one Service knew that the CIA .. ith h e110Ug guts and fore- was helping to lv Americans went to Helsinki pay for their I tri sight to see that youth and with Research Service aid to p- student affairs were re import- offer an alternative to the She also said that no lnem- `1111" ber of either Research Service, she said. Communist line of the Fes- .-She first decided that'youth tival. delegation had passed informs- -polities was important during Nkrumah. helped pay for a daily news-; planned the best ways to op- j n v ~... + .u.a U1L~~ crate "she said. "They, nraduating Phi Beta Kappa paper put out in. three lan- wanted 'f'rom Smith College in 1956, guages during the Festival by to do what we wanted. to do- At the Helsinki Festival in a largely American staff but present a healthy, diverse 1962, Miss Steinem was co- under the ultimate 'control of, view of the United States." director of the Research Serv- a Finnish editor. ice, with Dennis Shaul, a for- All Controlled by Reds mer president of the National Student Association. 4 There h a v e beell eight World e d For Release 2005/01/05: CIA-RDP75-00149R000700220013-0 Youth Pesti ~I~Ji ~ World War II. The first, six WASHINGTON POST AND TIMES HERALD Approved For Release M/0,1(Pg96qlA-RDP_75700149R0 Wrrk CM With ths