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Publication Date: 
April 24, 1974
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I} 432 Committee on Post O,~ice and Civil Service: Subcom- mittee on Retirement and Employee Benefits continued hearings on the invasion of Federal employees' privacy. Testimony was heard from Carl Sadler, American Fed- eration of Government Employees; and John McCort, Operations Director, Government Employees Council. Hearings were adjourned subject to call. FEDERAL EMPLOYEES' PRIVACY _ *~.~ _ _ [(~?? ~~yy `~ ~ Approved 3 RD 1 00 dt'13`1 ~~~ ~'pr2l ~1'~~t~~I~ ~C - ~AIQ amend the Canal Zone Code to transfer the functions of the Clerk of the r7:S. District Court for the District of -the Canal Zone with respect to the issuance and re- cording of marriage licenses,-and related activities, to the Civil affairs director of the Canal Zone Government. Testimony was heard from Army Secretary Callaway; David Parker, President, Panama Canal Company; S. Morley Bell, State Department;. Thomas Hayes, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, and public witnesses. Hearings were adjourned subject to call. ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT ACT ceiving testimony from Representative McCe William O. Doub, Commissioner; L. Manning M~. ing, Director of Regulation, Office of Licensing any Regularory Functions; and Dr. William R. Stratton, Committee on Reactor Safeguards, all of the Atomic Energy Commission; Carl Horn, Jr., representing Edi- son Electric Institute, North Carolina; Arvin Upton, LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby, and MacRae, Washington, D.C.; and Robert Lowenstein, San Jase, representing the Atomic Industrial Forum. Hearings continue tomorrow. BILL SIGNED BY THE PRESIBENT New Law (For last listing of public laws, see DIGEST, p. D42z, r1 pril z3, r974) H.R. i2ro9, to clarify that only a majority of voters voting on the issues in the May 7, iy74, referendum are needed to ratify the D.C. Advisory Neighborhood Committee on Public Works: Subcommittee on Eco- nomic Development concluded hearings on H.R. 12842, Economic Adjustmene Act of ig74, and related bills extending economic development programs. Testimony was heard-from Alfred Eisenpreis, Economic Develop- ment Administration, New York; D. Kenneth Patton, Council for Urban Economic Development, New York; - John Roberts, on behalf of Governor Lucey of Wiscon- sin,; and Representafives McFall; Sikes; Long of Loui- siana, Alexander, Meeds, and Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico Benitez, and Frank Tsutras, director, Congr`essionaIRural Caucus. NATIONAL HEAL'T'H INSURANCE Committee on Ways and' Means: Began hearings on national health insurance with testimony from HEW Secretary .Weinberger and other HEW officials. Hear111gS COntlnUe tomorrow. ANNOUNCEMENT OF HEARINGS .. The Committee on Ways and Means: Announced a pubic hearing will be held on the public debt ceiling on Monday, May 13; and A ,public hearing will be held an extension of the Renegotiation Acton Tuesday, May r4. $oth Bearings to begin at Io a.m. in the Committee Boom, lvor~worth House Office Building. . , Joint Committee .meeting j _ NUCLEAR PO~E1f IyLA1V'Ir' ST~i'I1~tG` ' : , A1V~ LICENSING ._ .. _ , . :.. Joint Committee on flto>aic Energy: Committee re= ~ted hearings on legislation designed to overcome pro~lems of delay in nuclear powerplant siting and y .are:,. ,.,. - __ .I,t~e.sin_g (H.R: i1957~`2823~ 13484, an S. 3178 , ra Council. Signed Apnl ~, ig14 (Publtc Law 93-272)? COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, APRIL 25 f.411 meetings are open unless otherwise designated) Senate Corzzmitiee on Appropriations, to continue hearings on pro- posed fiscal year r97g budget estimates for the Department of Agriculture, Io a.m. and 2 p.m., IIIe} Dirksen Office $uilding. Subcommittee, to continue hearings on proposed fiscal year 2975 budget estimates for public works, ro a.m. and z p.m., 12z4 Dirkscn Office Building. 'Subcommittee, to continue hearings on proposed fiscal year 1975 budget estimates for the Department of Labor, ro a.m. and z p.m, room S-IZB, Capitol. Subcommittee, to resume hearings on proposed fiscal year 1975 budget estimates for the Department of Transportation, to hear officials of the Panama Canal Company and Panama Canal Zone Government, Ir a.m., room S-Ig6, Capitol. Subcommittee on Intelligence Operations, to hold closed hear- ings on proposed fiscal year r975 budget .estimates for intel- ligence activities, Io a.m., 1223 Dirksen Office Building. Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Research and Development, to resume closed hearings on proposed mili- tary procurement authorizations for fiscal year 1975 9~3o a.m., 224 Russell Office Building. Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban A$airs, Sub- committee on International Finance, to resume hearings to ex- amine the role of the Export-Import Bank and the export controls as they relate to U.S. international economic policy, Io a.m., 5302 Dirksen Office Building. :Committee on Commerce, ocean policy study group (pur- suant to` S. Ives. i2), to continue hearings on the economic, social, and environmental effects of oil and gas extraction from the Outer Continental Shelf, ro a.m., 5i1o Dirksen ORice Building. Subcommittee on Communications, to continue hearings nn S. 585, giving the FCC authority to require that all AM and FM radios shipped in interstate commerce for sale be capable App?rawed For Release 2005/03/24 :CIA-RDP81-OOg18R000100fl6003