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Approved For Release-m#005/07/22: CIA-RDP80BO1495R00060= 060010-2 12 January 1.967 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence THROUGH : Director of Intelligence Support SUBJECT : Plans for the Reduction of OCR 1. In late November you asked me to submit plans for the possible reduction of OCR's personnel strength b up to one-third or from the authorized strength of attached study an~i its annexes, three alternative lI am ans submitting, in the 2. Any reduction of the order contemplated here will force a material reorient .tion of the effort and a reorganization of the structure of OCR. Our problem is complicated by the fact that we are just now approaching the point where we can commence testing the validity and usefulness of the so-called CHIVE design which has been under develop- ment for the past four years. Without the benefit of an operational test of the CHIVE system and a subsequent period for evaluation of its contri- bution to the production and other elements of the Agency and Community, it is difficult for me to select and recommend to you precise courses of action. ". In light of the above, I have approached ing manner. First, I have estimated that 18 months will be required tolow- complete and test the basic elements of the CHIVE design and at the same time to develop, as a derivative of that system, a much cheaper and less powerful computer-supported indexing and retrieval program. I then reviewed the variety of functions and tasks currently being performed by the OCR divisions and decided on the maximum level of cuts which I could levy and implement in an 18-month period while maintaining some capability in all our major functions and still retaining the current functional organiza- tion of this Office. A summary of these reductions is set forth in Tab A 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2605/07/21: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000600 60010-2 Approved For Release 2005/07/2 '`oA-RbP80B01495RQ?Q0600060010-2 and a more detailed analysis of them and tieir expected impact in Tab B. The total reductions to be achieved in this phase Thus, at the end of 18 months, the strength of OCR would beF and we would have had the experience of testing and evaluating both the CHIVE design and a less costly retrieval system as well. If you accept now, for planning purposes, the broad concepts of the three alternatives I am proposing, you will at the end of 18 months be able to review these in light of our experience with CHIVE, and with an alternative system, and make a final determination on the ultimate cut you wish to impose and the configuration in which you wish to see OCR operate. In the meantime, the basic functions and organization of OCR will be maintained and thus permit the reactivation of curtailed activities if experience indicates that this is desirable. 4. The three plans which I have drawn up present you with as reasonable alternatives as I can develop. In each instance I have preserved at the minimum level the basic document functions, that is, receipt, control, distribution, dissemination, storage, and copying. Further, in each case I have retained a systems development capability to allow the Agency to at least follow and experiment with new concepts and techniques in the information handling world so that it will not fall hopelessly behind out of ignorance. Similarly, I have kept at least a minimum EAM-computer capability, feeling we should not retrogress to a totally manual system such as we had 20 years ago. The basic differences in the plans center around the resources to be devoted to the foreign literature exploitation and translation business on the one hand, and the information and document, film and photo, indexing and retrieval systems, on the other. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 200 I CIA-RDP80BO1495R000600060010-2 Approved For Release 2005/07/22 Etf bP80B01495RO600060010-2 -3- 8. In summary, I am proposing the following. First, that you review these specific reductions I have proposed for the first 18-month period and authorize me to proceed with the curtailment or elimination, as the case may be, of the services mentioned therein. Secondly, that you review and approve as reasonable alternatives the three plans which I have set forth, with the understanding that, at the end of 18 months, we will provide an evaluation of the impact of the cuts already taken and of our test operations under the CHIVE design and also of a less costly retrieval system to be developed during that time. I will then give you my final recommendations and you can determine the ultimate strength you wish to devote to OCR. 9. Obviously a cut of the magnitude proposed could not be effected by any proportional reduction of present activities across the board. This is immediately apparent if you consider the fact that, in order to provide for merely the basic document services and to retain at least a minimum centralized language capability within the Agency, I am forced to extract a cut of approximately 48% from the remaining functions of the Office. Indeed, a reduction of this stringency requires a fundamental re-examina- tion of the concept and organization of the central reference function as a whole, and of the role of this office in the continuing life of the Agency and the Community. I have set forth my views on these matters and on the rapidly developing field of information handling, to which they relate, in Tab C. Director of Central Reference 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2 CIA-RDP80B01495R000600060010-2 - iYEVITt: 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000600060010-2 Next 47 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2005/07/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000600060010-2