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Document Release Date: 
June 7, 2005
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Publication Date: 
January 30, 1974
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Approved For Relea -2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000600010004-4 1 : IiiJ r1 30 July 1.074 MENMORANTUM FOR : The Director SUBJECT : First Phases of NIO/SA Activity 1. In my initial discussions Ydth you and MVir. Cap ver , I suggested that before considering new approaches to collection on the Soviet Union it would be best if I brought myself up-to-date on substance through discussions and briefings with appropriate NIO?s and the Soviet specialists of those offices "in house" and in the comr~~i,un.ity responsible for' the production of finished intelligence and analyses in the Soviet field. 2. In these discussions, I would plan to go beyond briefings on stubst,wice. In order to move with all reasonable speed on problems related to collection, I will also concentrate during these discussions on the following considerations : First,. do the l975 :IQs appropriate subordinate questions) truly and accurately re(plus ilct the vital needs of analysts responsible for critical areas? Second, I will try to obtain assessments by the concethed NNIO's and analysts of the relevant value of the full range of collection assets, human and technical, overt and cl 9 andestine available to them. Third , to determine the degree of "collection consciousness"on the part of the producer/analyst. To what extent in the course of their work do they perceive opportunities to ' rove existing collection systems or suggest new approaches to the problem of collection in their special areas? Do they have an effective means for channeling such thoughts to collectors? 3. Completion of the discussions d ib d escr e above should give me both substantive updating and a feeling g for the produceris view of the collection effort being undertaken by all elements of the coTmrunit With these evaluations in hand, I will -then proceed to arrange for y' briefings by collection elements on their programs. I will commence "in house" with the DDS~TT and DDO and then move to State, DIA, NSA, etc. 4. When the above series of discussions and briefings has been completed, I would hope to-be able to propose: a. Guidelines for the functioning of NIO/SA Approved For Release 2005/06 - I# R1DP80B01495R000600010004-4 ` :J'I>U L b. Recommendations for modification or improvements of existing collection systems c. Suggestions for new departures in our collection: programs. cc: dir. Carver Approved For Release 2005/06/09 ; CI R P80B01495ROQ0600010004-4 NIO/S_4 Approved For Release 2005/06/09 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000600010004-4