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SOV/21-58-2-21/28 On the Asymptotic Representation of Solutions of a System of Ordinary Linear Differential Equations treats the problem for a non-homogeneous system for the case when there are multiple roots among the roots of the charac- teristic equation, namely whenjk. is a second multiple and purely imaginary root, i.eo: J_ ( T) = A ~. (, 70 Z I.' Qc ( Z Two particular cases are analyzed: first, the "resonance" case, when the function LK ( 'I) may equal this root at a certain value of the parameter Z' from the interval (0,L); and second, the "non-resonance" cade, when the function Card 2/3 ~ K ( I ) -p-Ay "r) (V =1-3) at any value of from the interval SOV/21-58~2-2/28 On the Asymptotic Representation of Solutions of a System of Ordinary Linear Differential Equations (0,L). There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy pedagogicheakiy institut (Kiyev Pedagogical In- sti tute PRESENTED: By Member of the AS UkrSSR, I.Z. Shtokalo SUBMITTED: April 16, 1957 NOTE; Russian title and Russian names of individuals and insti- tutions appearing in this article have been used ir the transliteration. Card 3/3 FESHCHENKO, S.F. (Kiyev); SBKILI, N.I. [Shkill, M.I.] (Kiyev) Determining stresses in an elastic viscous string of variable length. Prykl.mekh. 4 no.3:269-276 '58. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Kiyevskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Slastic rods and wires) 21 M _JR -eshchenko. '~71ikil'~ N~I, -5,9-5-3/2,9 TITLE: on the Asymptotic evolution of a Special System of Ordinary Linear Differential Equations (Ob asimptoticheskom reshenii spetsial:noy sistemy obyknovennykh lineynykh differentsial'- nykh iaravneniy) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademil nauk Ukrains7koi RSR, 1958, Nr 59 PP 482- 485 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors consider a system of ordinary linear differential equations w~iich can be written in the vector-matrix form as follows: L "X where A (t is a square matrix of n-order; X and B (t') are n-dimensional vectors, and El is a square matrix of the n- order of the form; E 1 = f 1 , !.~ E , 1...... El Introducing a new indeDendent variable, -,he authors prove two theorems with the aid of which the asympto- .L Card 1/3 tic solution of the system of differential equations under 21-58-5-3/28 On the Asymntc,71C ~-0-1 o-f a -,rec--.a- -,.-szem of cr,-;inary 7-near :~ffere- tial Eauations consideration can. be found, Two Darticular cases are analyzed: .11 e with cer Li the "rescnanc~" cas tain values of 'r from the se-ment 0 L, when the function i d6 =L'k(T) may be- 0 If t come eaual to one or- the roc-ts of the characteristic eauation of matrix Ac"':' e:g~ , to the rect A3 ( Z ) which is assumed to be a ~:ec)nd mulTiple purely imaginary root; and 2) tn. 11-ion-rescnarcd" case. when K(-C) -L'A, (Z) (j = 1,2,-,n) T- j I in the segment 0 L where .-,I, (C ) are roots of the same characslerisz-ic equation. There gre 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION.- institus matematiki AN UkrSSR (Institute of Yazhematics of AS UkrSSR) PRESENTED: By Member of the AS UkrSSR, I.Z~ Shtokalo SUBMITTED: October 23. 1957 Card 2/3 21-58-5-3/28 On the Asymptotic Solution of a Special System of Ordinary Linear Differen- tial Equations NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and institu- tions appearing in this article have been used in the trans- literation. 1, Linear equations--Theory Card 3/3 FESHCHRIKO, S.F., (Kiyev); SHKILI, Nj. (Kiyev) k- Asynptotic solution of a system of linear differential small parameters in the derivatives. Ukr- mat. zhur. 160. (Differential equations, Linear) equations with 12 no.4:420-438 (MIRA 14:3) 88305 S/041J60/012/004/006/011 /4~3YOO C111/C222 AUTHORS: Feshchenko, S.F., and Shkill, N.I. TITLEt Asymptotic Solutions of a System of Linear Differential Equations With a Small Parameter for the Derivatives PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 24, No- 4, pp. 429 - 438 TEXT: The authors consider the equation (4) ~Lx = [Ao( -V) + CA, ( 'U )] x + 6B( -6 )e ig (r) dt where F-t B(t) is an n-dimensional vector and 0, 0, 0 a 11001 .... a ln(s) 01 0, .... 0 a a 21(c)' 2n(r) (5) A o(T-) a3'1(-C) a32('V)l ....a 31(r) A,(V) 0, 0 - * , , * * a 0 0 1a-n1 n2oo'- -9ann Card 116 88305 S/041/60/012/004/006/011 C111/C222 Asymptotic Solutions of a System of Linear Differential Equations With a Small Parameter for the Derivatives It is assumed that the aij (IV) the components of B(T), and the function (6) k (VU) -- Aic~l dt have derivatives of all orders with respect to t, on O.:~ -C_e-L A solution of (4) is sought which satisfies (7) (X)t=o = X0 if iM I i = n are the roots of (8) detl A0 Oc) - ~ E 0 then 6) = 0 (9) 2(' Let the other roots be simple on FO,Lj where (10) 3M = i,-~, (,C) Card 2/ 6 88305 S/041/60/012/004/006/'Oll C111/C222 Asymptotic Solutions of a System of Linear Differential Equations With a Small Parameter for the Derivatives Then there exists a non-singular matrix V(T-) so that (11) V_1 AON V(V) = W (r) where 171(t) 0 (12) W(V) 0, W (r)11 and (13) W1 0, W2(Z) ~10' 0~1 . . . . . . . . . .. 10 0 nk In the present paper the solution is constructed in the case of resonance, i.e. if k(T) in isolated points equals oc(T-) but for no V E FO,Lj Card 3/6 . I A .~ 88305 V60101210041006101 C111/C222 Asymptotic Solutions of a System of Linear Differential Equations With a Small Parameter for the Derivatives equals the other roots of (8). Theorem 1 asserts that if the above conditions are satisfied and the matrix -1 (-C)V(,r) dV(V) .2 - V (T) IA1 d r I Ls so that for all (;' GI0,L1 it holds A 1(r)V(T) dV(Z) j 0 (14) V- (r)I dr I ~ 21 then the formal solution of (4) in the case of resonance admits the representation (15) x = U + P (r, 1 -51 + I U2(C'I-) 5 2 where the 2-dimensional vector 51 and the (n-2)-dimensional vector 2 are detertined by d51 cc dt 1 S/04 I (16) 2 ik(-L )E] -C- dt 2 + Z Card 4/6 88305 S/04 60/012/004/006/011 C1 1 1YC222 Asymptotic Solutions of a System of Linear Differential Equations With a Small Parameter for the Derivatives while U1 and U2 are rectangular matrices, is a matrix of second order, OC2(-C', a) is a quadratic matrix of the order (n-2); P and Z are vectors with n and (n-2) components, respectively. The determination of all these coefficients of (16) is carried out with the aid of the formal series arrangement OD a) s (r U Z /I,- U(s) '~;7 s ct(s) j=lp2, (17) S=O S=O co (s) OD 3 (s) P (-C' '7 /- P 00 1 ZOCI .7- z s=2 s=2 In order to show that the solution x constructed in this way is asymptotical, the authors introduce the v66tor j:* irhich oi~iginates from t~A m vecior x by restriction to m-th partial sums in the sums of (1V . I Theorem 2 asserts t If beside of the conditions of theorem 1 t ere still Card 5/ 6 # t"\ .. S ~0/012/004/006/011 1 M190! 1 C222 C Asymptotic Solutions of a System of Linear Differential Equations With a Small Parameter for the Derivatives holds Re V- 1 (Z) I A (T ) V (T 0 L d ~21 (49) 1 V- 1M [A (-L) VM ii(Lll L ciz - ~ 21 where Re is the real part and I is the imaginary part, then for arbitrary L > 0 and 0 < /~o it holds (54) x - xm I ,, .,,m- 5C where C is a constant not depending on There are 5 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: May 21, 1960 Card 6/6 SHKILI, M,[Shki,11, M.I.1 Asymptotic representation 'of aolutions of a system of ordinary linear differential equations. Part 2. Dop.A-N URSR no.21W-145 161. (M-IP-A 14:2) 1. Kiyevskiy pedagogicheskly institut. Predstavleno akademikom,.AN USSR I.Z.Shtokalo. -- (Differential equations, Linear) 25006 S/044/61/000/003/007/014 C111/C333 ArT-H'OR Shki TITLE: On the asymptotic- representation of the solutions of systems of linear differential equations, the coefficients of depend on one parameter PERIODICAL: Referati-vnyy zhurnal, Matematika '. 110, 3, 1961, 36, ab- stra3t 3B158, (Nauk, zap.. Kyivslk derzh, ped. in-t 1958, 30, 53-69) TEXT-. The au*hnr considers the system dX N dclj x B e ! , where n. B. h-dimensional vectors, A -- quadratic matrix. Assume 'hat amonC the characteristic roots of the matrix A(V,O) there is a double root N , (lr:) ~ 1-1, (-!.) = i:-~- 0, while the other roots 2 . (ex-,--eut the two conjugate N, and .1\2) possess negative real Darts. Card 1/2 S/044 61/000/003/007/014 On the asymptotic representation C111/C333 I e jo Invesligated, whe The ca~;e ot re-qonan~~ re ik is allowed, and 'he case free of resonance, where this is prohibited. In both cases ~he aul.hor coni~tru,-.ts agymptctic expansions for the solutions some estima*1cn!3 are obta-ined,, ~Abatracter's note: Comu1ete translation,- Card 2/2 SHKILIJ N.I. (Kiyov) Asymptotic behavior of linear systems in the case of multiple roots of a characteristic equation. Ukr. mat. zhur. 14 no.4;383-392 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Differential equations) S~ i HKILI, N.11. M.~ : Asympt~Dtic 1--ehavior of lin.-,:LL, L~Jst,~m_- ~_n the case when the char- acteristic equation has miultiple r~2ct,_. " ~ . ~N URSIR no.9.,1138- 1141 1 '02. (MIRA 18-.,4) 1. Kiyevskii pedagogicheskiy institut. SHKILI, 111f.I. [Shkil', MI.I.-I Asymptotic solut-ion of' a system ol* linear ,11"LIfTerent-Jal equatLons with a small parp-meter. Dop. AN nc.5.-572-575 I --I (KIRA 17.9.) 1. Kiyevskiy pedagogicheskiy in:zl.itlut. Prelstavleno akademikom, .PdI,,Vk-rS3R Yu.A.Mitropollskim [Mytrnpollslkyi, ItI.O.i. L 1266~-63 EW (d) /FCC (w) /BDS AFrTC IJP(C) ACCEssION IM: AP30028M _6/0d20/63/10/065/;005/1bd8 AMOR: Shkill, H, TITLE: Asymptotic solutions of a system of linear differential equations with e. parameter no SOMCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, V. 150,- - 5, 1963, 1005-1008 TOPIC TAGS: asymptotic solution, linear, differential equation, determinant equation ABSTRACT: Asymptotic soluticrils of equation (1) of the Enclosure are determined- by, the behavior of roots of the determinant equation (2) of the Enclosure. The wrk considers those cases where several multiple elementary divisors correspond to each~;' multiple root. Orig. art- has: 30 fon-m-las. ASSOCIATION: KlYevskiy gosudarstvenrv*y pedagogicheskly institut im. A. M. Gortkogo (Klev State Pedagogical Institute) SUB'L6[=: 03Jan63 DA!rE-Acq: i5jul63 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV: .007 bDMR-. 000 Card 1/Pi ACCESSION NRi AP4033972 S/0140/64/000/002/0176/0185~ ~AUTHQRa Shkillp No 10 (Kiev) j.V1T1Xs Asymptotic solution of a system of linear differential equations in the :case of a characteristic equation with multiple roots SOURCE: IVUZ. Matematika, no. 2, 1964, 176-185 -TOPIC TAGS: asymptotio solution, multiple root, characteristic equation, linear ;differential equation, small parameter, exterior frequency. 'ABSTRACT: The author studies the system of differential equations A (-r, a) x + a B (r, Olt _dt- :Here x, B(7-, ~_) are n-dimensional vectors, A(T, is a real square matrix of nth ;order. He asnumes that A(7, E-) and the vector B(1, F-) allow the representation A 'A(') (r), B (t, e B(-') (c) 8-0 [Cord ACCESSIOlf NRz AP4033972 He considers the characteristic equation of the matrix AM r): Apt I! AM (c) -A El - 0, 'Aere E is the identity matrix. Its roots are denoted by A jr). Let 'A 2k l-) =lt'P"0"7 (-r): on(IO L3, have constant miltiplioity ki, the root .k~.... A multiplicity k (k1+ k2 + ... + k - ix). Ass---a that the p p p Y _,bave the same multiplioi th ir corresponding roots :ele enjary divisors ...... 2~ k .1. Then for the matrix AVe 7*) Gono'can oonstruct a nonsiAgglar': .Matrix T( -r) .9 that 0 IVk, 0 ... A T 0 wUS 0 (4) 0 0 w 6 Card- ~ACCESSION NRs AP4033972 'Where .-f- 1 0 0 0 0 P. W", (t) 0 0 The author considers the "resonafioell case, where the function at isolated points of -booomes equal to one of dt !the 'roo-ts-~f` (3Y, for example the root howeverl v (c) ~A. 2, ....p. Tor any V ~ E0,Q- For"this O"e, 'he proves -the theorms If A(r, B(.r, e,), have derivatives in T Of all orders, and the k, .+kj aoupments of the ;veotor (.t) lip) (,C) _dull", j-:ka.- 11 11P -dr (7) LCIrd ACCESSION NRs AP4033972 I(U (0) (T,) is the eigenvector of the matrix A(O) (T) corresponding to the root, i A j(-r) do not become zero on [OpL]p than the Eisymptotic solution of (1) can 'be 'represented in -the form Jul (T, h, + P ell+ j Uk (T., Pk) At (8) where dh, + Z (9) dt Pk)ltk, k-2....,P. (10) Here the vectors u (T, P(Tt Uj) and the scalar f=ctions x(,r,,Ol) (j 1,2,3,---,P) all;w .9Q' representation 01) Xj PI) - Xj &V4 i Card 4/5 ACCESSION NRs AP4033972 -77 t"PI'l(c), ply 8-0 where. iOrig. art. hans 88 fo=ul&a. ,ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: loApr62 DATE ACQt 07May64 ENCLt 00 ;SUB CODE: MA NO REF SOV: 005 OTHMs 000 iCard 5/5 ACt-25SION NR-. AP4o15118 S/0041/64/016/001/0132/0135 AUTHORS: Feshchenko, S. F. (Kiyev); SWCil", N'-I" (Kiyev) TITLE: Error asti-matJon for asymptotic representation of solutions of linear differential iquation systems contairiing a parameter SOUPCE: Ukr. matem. zhurnal, v. 16i no. 1, 19643 2,32-135 TOPIC TAGS: error estimation, asymptotic represent4tion, linear differential equation, ordinary differential.equation ABSTRACT: The following system of linear differential equation is consideredt dx io wheVe x and B are n-dimensional vectors, A(-C, E is ii real square matrix of order n, CD A (v, e) B Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4a5w A"(r) -h 0, 0 < T'. d -< L,,- and Z is a small positive parameter, An algorithm for the conlatruction of approximate solutions was given by H. L Shkill (UMZh t, XIV,, No. 4. 1962), The asyTT~~)totic character of these approximate. solutions is given in this paper. Orig, art. has: 23 equations. AFA9XIVLION: , none SUBMITTO: 26Dec62 DATE ACQs ldqar64. EIML: 00 SUB CODE: 1-14 NO REF SOV: 002 OTHERt 000 Card 2/2 olution of a syster. of I-Lnear di-f-eren-lial equa~-ions i. r le case of ,;-ult-;ple roots, of a rharactl~;; equatiGn. Dc AIT UF6R no.6:699-703 165. (MIPuk .18:7) 1 . Klyevskiy peedagogicheSkiy Ins Tut. L 50340_65 EWT(d)' Pg_4 ijp(c) ACC88MION NR: AP5008349 8/0021/65/000/003/0277/6M AUTHOR.- Shkill M.I. (Sbkjll,.N.I.), TITLE: Improvement of the algorithm for construction of an -asymptotic solution of a system of linear differ!~n~aLMStio.ns ontaining a parameter SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Dopovidi, no. 3, 1965, 2277--281 TOPIC TAGS: linear differential equation, asymptotic solution, solution algorithm, matrix, Jordaneau cell, i ABSTRACT: This article Is a continuation of the author's previous work (Doklady AN... URSR, 1138, 1962) -on asymptotic solutions of linear differential equations, only now slim improved method Is given for evaluation of some of the required coefficients. The equation to be solved is dx/dt dx A x + eB (T, 8) oil (1, 8), where x and B, (4' , Care n-dimensional vectors, Ad C) is a real square matrix of. the nth order and cc A (2) 0 Card 1/3 11 1, 'D03h3-60' 'd :ACCESSION NR: AP5019612 UR/0376/65/001/007/0868/08,79 AUTHOR: Shkil' N 1. Systems of linear differential _Eq2atlons with a small parameter applied to ,part of the derivatives :SOURCE: Differentsiallnyye uravnenlya, v. 1, no. 7, 1965, 868-879 ;TOPIC TAGS: ordinary differential equation, asymptotic solution ~IABSTRACT: An algorithm for constructing an asymptotic solution of a nondegenerate isystem of linear differential equations is offered for the case when a small para- ,meter is a coefficient for n-k (2&k &n)derivatives, and the roots of the charac- p P iteristic equation and the elementary divisors corresponding to these roots have an arbitrary identical multiplicity. The system Of equations is dy E, A (.r) y + E,b (x) WD dx ~where AW is a real-valued square ma-irlx- of- or'-d-e-r- n*-,*y and b(x) are n-dimensional vectors, and Et is a diagonal matrix of form 11P i E, !Card 1/2 L 0032-0-66 ,ACCESSION NR: APS019612 Mere e is a small real-number parameter. With a suitable transformation, (1.1) can,! !be written in the form dy + E A I y + eb (,t) dt iThe asymptotic solution is then developed on the basis of the behavior of the iroots of the characteristic equation detjjA,(,r)-Xgj =0 For this equation, two cases are treatedi the "r6sonant" and the "non-resonant" 79 formulas. icase. Orig. art. has: ASSOCIATION: Kievskiy gosudarstvenn3ry pedagogicheskiy institut im. A. M. Gor'kogo (Kiev State Pedagogical insti+ute) SUB14ITTED: l8Dec64 ENCb: 00 SUB CODE: MA NO REF SOV: 015 Card 2/2 OTHER: 000 1-P0543-66 EIVT(d) IjP(c) ACCESSION NR: AP5ol&76 UW002i/65/OO0/OO6/O699/OTQ3 AUTHOR: Shkill, M. I. S J, N. I.) ~TITLE: On the asymptot a solution of a system of linear differential equ iong ,the case of multiple roots of the characteristic equation SOURCE: PIT UkrRSR. Dopovidi, no. 6, 1965, 699-7o3 TOPIC TAGS.- differential equation system, linear equation, asymptotic solution .ABSTRACT: A system of linear differential equations In n-dimensional space :is considered, and the form of the asymptotic solution is considered for the case ,;of multiple roots of the characteristic equation; in particular, the "resonance acase is considered when the external frequency becomes equal at various points of ,the segment (01 L) to one of the identical multiple natural frequencies of the sys-! ,tem of equations. Solution is obtained in terms of formal series in powers of the :parameter kt -1 ^7~ ---84 where k > 2 (k is the multiplicity of the natural frequency X~0), P) .in the rm: jo Lcardl/3 p A11501&76 t%4) hA, SION NR. ')J.Pyq~) + u ACCES h x tit I z (C' Ilk) I ana p vee"OTSY NJO) C mTe n- dill Xpanded' it jqhere tIj and ? I be orma,13,y e IgetionS vIlic" can scalar U, (,V, es Q* two y co,d2/3~ L 00543-66 ACCESSION NE: AF50"76 This report was presented Yu. 0. My-tropollelkyy (Yu. A, Mitropollskiy)o Orig.- art. has: 29 formlas. ~b ASSOCIATION: Kyyivolkyy pedahohichnyy instytut [Kievskiy pedagogicheakiy institut)l (Kiev Pedagogical Institute) suBmITTED: o4may64 ENCL., 00 SM CODE: MA NR REP SOV: 008 OTHER: 000 ROCHEN, NZ., glav. red.; VAVILOV, PJ., red.5 VERTELI, E.L, red.; GORELIK, A.I.Y red.; GUZIWI, I.S., red.; KUMIETSOV, C.U., red.; MEDVEDEX, G.A... red.; MODYAIJOV, Ya.V,, red.; PARTELEYEVA, A.A.. red.; POLYAKOV, V.V., red.; POPOV, S.A., red.; FOFOVA, &M., red.~ i~VEVSKIY, S.S,, red.; RU- DAKOV, S.V., red.; SYUTKRT 1, A.F.., red,~ USOV, A.L., red.; USTDIOVA, I.K.j red.; --- red.; CHEBYKIN, red.; MEZENTM, S.A., red.; I-IOROZOV' V.S., red..; OPLESNIN, I.I.. tekbn. red. [Forty years of the Komi A~S.S.R., 3.921-1961; studies on the cultural and economic development of the Komi Republicil.40 let Komi ASSR, 1921- 1961; ocherki o razvitii ekonomik.L i ku-I'tury Komi Respubliki. SyktyVj:ar, Komi knizhnoe izd--vo, 1961. 154 P. (MIRA 14.--Ia) (Komi A~S.S.R~--Economic conditlon5) (KoMl- A,,S.S~R.--Ci:.Lture) ku L L~__ ACCESSION !M Z AP50201621':~VWEI! (c M/01 35/65/000/0-03/0025/0027 621-791:534-8:621-315.3 AUTHORS: Kagan, Ya, I. (Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences); Neonet-11 V. P. n r (Engineer) (Engineer) n, i, ee TIT1E: Ultrasonic welding of*lacquer- or enamel-in-sulated wire connections :SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. B, '1965, 25-27 C 'TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic' welding, wire connection, wire welding, insulated wire/ PEV twire insulation, PEL wire insulation, PSDK wire insulation, BPVL wire ;PGV wire insulation, UZSY1 1 ultrasonic welder 1ABStUCT: To determine the feasibility of ultrasonic welaing of vdre connections wJthout prior removal 9f the4insul,-etion, a,~ranCe of copner/and aluminum rire sizes- (insulation -types PEV,NPSDK7BPVL,PPETV-TL PGVY dand PEL)L~nere experimentally welded on ultrasonic vield~ir_ UMIN-1-1 ir~t_oiviFe_-to-vire and wire-to-copper plate connections. The contact force, welding time, and ultrasonic vibration amplitude for best connea- tion ctren~ th `rt; wera determinoi for each case, and a table of best parameters for 22 different connections is presented. IL -,-,as found that the wires had to be hold proporly rh3;--nrj, the zelding proceo.-, (:~cc rig. on the EnclostLre) to give satis- C _T _ gLL~ ~t- L 24,46-66 -AP5020162-- 1ACCIESSION NR: i(with PU or PEY insulation) and aluminum wires (without"insulation) could be welded 1-mithout difficulty into w1re-to-wire and wire-to-coppem plate connedtlons (.for a3.1 !vtire diameters). Insulated aluminum single-strand wires above 2 mm in-diaimeter ;could also be welded, but smaller diameters required special care and gave unsa'tis- !factory results. The static strength in tension-shear of the connections was found j rength, but c to be 75-9qf of the wire st' )nlY 30-351% of this force was required to :pull the weld apart (perpendicular to axis). The resistance of the connections was.1 :more than 87/1 of the wire resistance. Grig. art. has: 2-tables and 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: VNIITELEKTROMLSh-. SUBLEITTE D: 00 IRTCL: .01 SUB CODE:* IE ;1%0 REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 V Card 2/3 L 2446-66 -ACCESSION NR: AP5020162 1. Well-dJ-ig heaa geometry f or -u-i r e - t a - -o1 a t e ka) and wir_,a-to--~dre (b) welds: I- Lict-nziaent, 2- plattle.,, reflectorg 4- wi-re T k Ji ('C) '()'I-t/01:',7/G(;/00(;/00'1/-f-'03,i/)-'034 Y one- 'a N 0 z,, V. P 13tit A. A Shkil V. PA. 'I'ITLE: UUrasoni( weldin, of wire enamel insulatior) SOURCE: Rof. zh.' AMetallurgiya, Abs. 7E242 R11-:1" SOUR.C11": Tr. Vscs. n. -i. in-ta tekhnol. clektromashino- i apparatostr. , vNp. 3, 1965, 30-46 'j'O "7 C C ~S: ultrasonic xvoldin~-r, electric %%,ire, insulated wire, enameled wire, ABSTRACT: An analysis was made of the process of ultrasonic welding of electric wire without removing 'the layer of enamel or varnish insulation or perliminary preparation of surface. The possibility has been established for welding single- core and multicore PEL and PEV insulated copper eleciric wires to each other anci to a Cu plate for practically all diameters used in the electrical industry, as weil as aluminum single-core uninsulated electric wires to each other, to insulated sinrrle-core CL,- wires, and multicore uninsulated Al wires to Cu plates. Welding of Car-d- 1 / 2 UDC: 6 21. 7 91. 16 o