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- 140 ACC ",_- 66 00 oft: sta 0 shc i7t h ek4ba Coft. A. Met Lovoo,616s,000101 ftd At e ~*h. ea 424 e tic so 0/004 7/OOS,4 pft r . A CC. 'Pal; d y clut at# d In aneotm TbprC a &%Ie aftn8oci 7A, ated (Ste e epideAU Cine pftp eat, ttQar _. atabd ft*d 4 04 ectlo4s Ctisela-se, 0.10811 r*414" batj;~:* to 0 4trth and h4m mi no. 10 0 CX*Qbio., . th t it) a ans ah 296S t4lQ, IIJ)d 0 V~m 00 cej., a cclOes 6'rtle ,bft oVed that t4 Qjr ftle Or W.U, ftpotu. e dr. ass _t, Pzbce ' J, a 14 the &&' 84d SttbctLIt wft e, C~Ild r .941vai be, efte Wle. a Val Val ti , 13 r* ent to ?at On Of actl ated a t'r1spallent 9bant va Aftuniti, on bl)rt Vac- ~ ties ecibes -Pzbdtl,, - Ure of 61S- 374 Of ji the . Ocalftt Ing p ctrv -bact *01*ted P'19Z~zv- eria: .102,vacc., 2 651.45#S76 0j lie Alseu c04- 49 e L 14059-66 ACC NR: "6003500 0 10-20% tularemia, and 50-60% brucellosis. The trivalent vaccine is particularly suited for large-scale production should the need arise. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 7 tables. SUB ODDE.- OS/ 'SUIBM DAM llFeb65/ DRIG REr: OD4/ OTH IREF: ODO Card 2/2 ~'i4l , "'. ~, . ; PO LYA KOVA , A. M. 'GIZ I ra 1 ef `qct~ vf;rlena ff a3s , -'atf-I v;i-'- 1L, h -s n ri va~-iuu i vr, PILIPPIK( V.(,.; SHCIIE~KINA, T.A.; TIFIk)VA, L.A. - - Mechanism of the resistance of natural tuip-remla microf~ci as related to their cortrol problem. zhur. 44 n0.4:494-506 1 (~5. (MIRA 18 - 6,' 1. Ila,,G-issledovfitellskly protivochumnyy Institut Kavkaza i vitkavkazlya, SUivropol'-Krayevay. P ILI PEMKO , V.I. 0 inzf I.; V. Manufacture i,, -oncrute structures for the st~.te Regional i,wor I-la!,t znerg. stroi. no-34:6-12 163. (Ml.;~A 17:1) 1. Kurakrovseiv -zriv -A o:~::truktsiy (for Pilipenko). , :- r:-` - 2. Trez3t PILIPMW, V. 1. Data on the functioml morphology of the peripheral nervous system; neural cells wA g&ngila in vegetative nerves. Arkh.amt.glst. I embr. 32 no.1:11-17 Ja-Xr 155. (MLRAB:9) 1. Is laborstorii neyrogletologli ineni B.I. Lavrentlyeva (say. laboratorleyey Ye. 1. Plechkova) Institute. fiziologil AKE SSSR) (AUTDIDMIC XWOUS SYSTEM. anatowe and histology) PlLIFENKC, V. 1. "III sto-A.% F-1 I)loc,, of Slicer of the Pericvnill In the Formzi' !,,., Ri.' AbG(-,rrt I -,, -~ f Fl-.1 1t~p. 'r or I ri rO Sub 0 (c+ 'I. Ac;4,1 Mad Sri USSR. -1 /1 - - c Dissprtattons orpnentod fnr lp.,-r,--r !n Mosro~, Sc 0: Sum. 10. ! 3r,, 0 PILIPMO, V.1. Materials on functional morphology of the peripheral nervous system. Report II. Functional nature of type II Dogial's cells. Blul.eksp. 41 no-5:70-74 May '56. (MLHA 9:8) 1. Is laboratorii neyrogistologii imeni, B.I.lavrentlyeva (zav. Te.K. Plechkova) Insituta normallnoy patologicheBkoy fiziologii (dir. dey- stvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.N.Chernigovskiy) AKS SSSR, MoBkva. Predetavlens daystvitellnym chlenom ANN SSSR V.N.Chernigovskim. (NXRVIS, pbysiol. Dogiel's cells. type II. funct. in various animals) USSR / Human end Animal Morphology. Nervous Syst~~m. S-E Peripheral Nervous Systom. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 14, 1956, 64793. -.i:thor Pilipenko, V. 1. Inst ITO-f ~ - - - - Titl(j On tho quistion of thu, Morphological and Furic- tional Characteristic of the Receptors of t,',ij Internal Organs. Orig Pub: V sb.: Probl. morfol. nurvn. sistemy, L., Medgizo 1956, 72-79. i,b:,Lract: Research in total examplos of the layers of the wall of sox crgans, stainod with mothylena bluu, is particularly suitable to the study of widespread receptors covering an area of some square centimoters and onding in very fine branches in various tissue structu-es. The Card 1/2 USSR/Hu--n -n~ .'Ini-:.-I Morphrl.-gy (Nor-,-I ~-nd Frtholo:;ic-1) icriphcr-l Norvow Systo-_- Abr Jour j Rcf Zhur - Bicl., Nc 12, 1958, Plo 55095 Aut he r : PILlicnico, V.I. Inst 171,t ?, . ~cn Titl,-. Si,~i7ptic RuIrtionelAp Bctwcun thc Nourcos of the Vogotrtiv,. Nervour Systu,-.'F Ffiriphcrrl Suction Orig Pub t Byul. A~p,;rif . bic-1. i T-,_,iitpiny, 1957, 113, No 4, 112-116 Ab trrct : Thu "or the c---plct#,- rci,rv-1 cf *hc c~ull- in c-tr ir dc~,cril , 1. After rr_gcncr-ti-n -f the pr,,&!-nl,li.Dn ncrvc fi*)crI- (on thL l2th-21ct ~-y rf+Qr th,; cp(_r-tion), periccl- lul-r of vr-,ry thin fiberr vcro Aisclv-cd (u,hich wcrr IOC-tCl C:1 thL puriph-,ry of th-, n,-rv,. L-nilicn.). ThGy worz~ ~_r-idc_', -round the ncuronr rnd EOi:!Cti%F prr..onA,:! thickunc~ pcint~ in th, for- cf littlc buttonf. Frm- ti-u to tiT-c, th,.; fibr-rs i,,Pndcr(d fror one neuron to .' ncurotnry pl-rfcr-_~ on tho scnrory fibcrc cf th~_: -.-,j~-ontcric ncrvc,-, I-d ,I- - r,~,,!Lncr-tion *f thurc cynrproi3, -fret -hich r-rc)vcF- thrt Crrd s 1/2 23 USSR / Human and Animal Morphology - Nervous system. Abs Jour : Rof4 Zhurs - Blol-, No. 22, 1958, No. 101464 Author : Piliponko, V-I- Inst Title : Materials on the Functional Morphology of the Peripheral Nervous System. The Distribution of Sensory Neurons In Vertebrate Animals and 1~,--n. Orig Pub : Arkhiv Anatomli, gi6tol., I embriol., 1958, Vol. 35, No. 1, 28-33. Abstract : Through the entire extent of the spinal roots of a number of animals, sensory nerve cells can be demonstrated which sometimes form supplementary nerve ganglia either within or about the periphery of the roots. Nerve cells are also found along the course of the peripheral nerves far from the ganglia. Part of these belong to efferent neurons Card 1/2 PILIPENKO, V. I,,__ Synaptic c-)TmnfctlOns bet,.-ipr-n -jei!rons of I-' rn"Jurril in )f pelvic 0-57nns [with surmpry in Enrllsh]. i -lede 46 no.~:111-118 Ag 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. In In'-nratorii ne..-roristoln-.1.' (zav.- knn,_',.-)iol. riauk Ye.K. In~tt't':tn nr~Tmal I-noy i p'tclOj-icheE3*F'q7 '17i,lo,.:ii (dir. - dpyc'-itel'Ti~,y chlr-n U"114 SSSR V.F. PT S-0, Mopkva. Predstvv]-in '.'el'rivm 1.1Z S!~Sll V. T. ch'-d -ovskim. (GANGLIA, Kr-Ol 0111C, 9~mqp",~ connecti~.Yts 'notepor r,- mu r P-1 PILIMKO. V. I. PrWatologicomorphological characteristics of receptors Evith summary in English]. Izv. AN SSSR Ser.biol. 24 no-1:34-44 Ja-F '59. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Institute of Normal and Pahtological Physiology Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscov. (RECEPTCES (NIgUROLOGT)) PILIPEBKOt V.I. Synaptic connections of the periph-era.1 neurons vith the pre- ganglionic nerve fibers am axnr-q of --ripheral. sensory me--rons of Dogiel's cells of the second type. 6iul. eksp. biol. i med. 49 no. 4:118-121 Sp 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz Instituta normllnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen A~M SSSR V.N. Chernigovskiy) AMN SSSR, Moskva. (NERVES, PERIPHERAL) -KLIPMMO, V.I. (ItFlypeuko, V.I.] lb:perimental morphological investigations of Interneuronal connections of the spiml cord. Fisiol.shur.Uirr. 6 no.4t470- 480 il-Ag 160. (KIRA 13:7) 1. Institut morwalluoy I patologicheskoy fislologii ANN SSSR, Noskva. (SPINAL CORD) PAP,IN, V.V., otv. red.; VOLOKFOV, A.A., zam. ctv. red.; G.Y.o red.; FILIFILKO, V.I., red.; CIIUIW:, V.I., rod.; Fl-"KDV, red.; ZrM7,r.TSKJLrA, II.I., tekhn. red. [P.-oblems in the p)Wsiology and pathology of the centrF.1 nemrouq syster. of and animals In onto~,enesis]Voprosy fizio'Logii tsentrnllnoi nervnoi nistery cheloveka I zhivotrVkh v onto,~ene- 7e; sbornik nauchrWkh rabot. V,oskva, Kedgiz, 11,6-'. 212~1 j-. (MR,A 1-F) 1. Akade-iya meditsinskikh nauk :;"Sil, Moscow. (Nl-;."VC)US FILII,t;NKO, V. T. Central regulation of the inflow o' sensory impulses in !he lig-t of som general regularities In the structural and functional organization of the central nervous systen. Zhur. vya. nerv.doiat. 11 no.5t88/,894 S-0 '61. NRA 15:1) 1. Laboratory of Comparative Ontogenesis of the Nervous System, Brain Institute, Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow. (NEWOUS SYSTEM) PILII-ENKO, V.I. SignIficance of a recurrent axon collateral lin the structural organization of norvo centers. Biul. eksp. biol. i mod. 53 no.2:106-111 F 162. (MITU~ 15: 3) 1. Iz laboratoril srawnitellnogo ontogenezu nervnoy sistemy (zav. - prof. J-A. Volo.Lijuv; Instituta normallnoy i patoloCicheskoy fiziologii (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen kPIN S~,SR V.V. i~arir) AM' SSSR, Moskva. Ilredstavlena dey:Avitellnym chlenom A!-2: SSSR V.V. Parinym. (NERVES-ANATWY) r-2 WW/DJ SOURCE CGDEt AUTHDRSt Z~~v!yp!L_Y, Sol Re Go; buk Z~A~svt A. P. ORO: none -2 TITLE: Di~phragm compress Class 27, No, 176656 6 SDURCE2 Byulleten' izobretenly i tovarnykh znakovj, not 23., 1965p 39 70FIC TAGSt diaphragm, coWreBaor, gas compressor AMRA,CT-. This Author Certificate presents a diaphragm compressor. The compressor includes a case divided by a diaphragm into two chanibers(one pneumatic and one by&sulic)l containing a working piston with a crankshaft drive. To simplify construction and to increase reliability,, the kydraulic chamber is equipped with a auction valve and a plunger-type liquid pressure compensator (see Fig. 1)a The latter in placed in the piping connecting the hydraulic chamber with the lower piston chambero 4 UDCs 621.512.8 ZZ, HIS Orige art* hass 1 figures 50 COM 231 am DATEs lftv4 Fig* If I - case; 2 - diaphragm; 3 - gas chamber; 4 - hydraulAc chfimber; 5 - piston; 6 - crankshaft dz-ive,- - suction wave; - pressure compensator; 9 - piping; 10 lower piston chambers v a ~ I. o r- ~, cl~ i dR. o r. of i.he S7,at.o an, U: ,.r,e Ku:aK!it.v F~str;* fc- i-e 4 1, "I -;.ie.1 I LIT It A! L, enuz, In e t orave ~-Rne 'i r.~~.-LzhrN 0, Ku:-aRh,.v kovo zavtc:% r,el .1ANxil r. T- ruk If[), n ba;3.9eie r. :.k i)r .n.-,, i -~b v 1 r:,L11, i;; ~ . kop,o zav .,;,i z G ~l ~'ry. ~,-,ne r Kti:-i? v.:' e, mr,-- Zame. t t :11 "Ei ti .,a r r. r 1e PILIPEiiKo V.I. Evolutioaa-ry principle ii, the study of general rules of the structural organization of the central nervous system. Zhur. vys. nerv.deiat. 13 14o.2:338-351 bt-Aplb3- (14IhA 16:9) 1. Laboratory of Lomparative Ontogenesis of the Nervous Sys- tem, Institute uf Brain, U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences.% 14DSCOW. (NERVuUS SYSMM) (EVuLUTION) FILIFEVKO, V.I. Murph ological and functlonal characteristic6 of the pretemimal sections of the sensory and synaptic nerve endings. Arkh anat., gist.i embr. 44 no.1:84-92 Ja 163. RIRA 16:5) 1. Iaboratoriya sravnitellnogo ontogeneza nervnoy sistemy (zav. - prof. A.A. Volokhov) Instituta mozga AM SSSR. Adres avtoraz Moskva, per. Obukha, 5. Institut mozga AM SSSR. (NERVES) PILIMENKC1, V.I. , inzI..; JI-EPEEIZV, V."., irah. Built-up (no-attic) roz)fa of mesh-reinforced fly-asi, foa,-.1-,(i concrete. ~;nerg. stroi. no.22:55-59 "j1. I r: 7; 1. Kui,ak!wv,.,,'kiy savod atroymutorialov (foi- . r jl~ "Donbas ju nurj;oo troy" (for L;hepolov). (itool'InL;, Goncrete) (LighLweight c,)ncr t..,) .rizi..; SHEFELEV, I-Totection of t!.f--. re.I.Sorced of fli-az;h roncr-,-tr- ar*,.,-- Vr,m corrosion. stroi. no.22:95-98 101. C.i.- 15:7) 1. ,zivDd ;.ru3=tijria-'ov (for l'ilip 'nI-,o). (for 3~10:)OJOV) . ore, I O'rotr%ctive ooa"-~ BERENSHTEIT, S.A.; VAYSLEYB, V.P.; VAR111K, I.F.; DOBRYNCHENKO, M.V.; YEGOADVP B.P.; KLISERC, Yu.F.; MOGILEVSKIY, 1.1.[deceased]; P&O.'ASLAV`TSE1',, N.A.;_PILIPETIKO, V.I.; SAPOZMIIKOV, F.V., inzh.; SHEPELEV , V.M.; SIFULEVIC-11Y M.I.-; ~ARYOLII-iSKIY, 1.1-14; S1iA(-,ALGv, Ye.S., red.; KOqIKOVSKIY, I.K., red.; LAHI01:OV, G.Ye., tekhn. red. (Construction of the V.I.Lenin Stote "(egional Electric Power Plant in Simferopol] Opy-t stroitel'stva SJjrferopollskol C~JS izi. V.I.Lenina [11yj S.A.Berenshtein i dr. I oskvL, Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 151 P. (MIRA 15:6) (Sirid'eropol-Electric power plants) UVUS.Iia-millik SHUELEV, -Veisiliy Metod'yevich; 1K.N., lnzh., red. [Transporting reinforced wncre~_a structural units by rail- road; practice of the "Donbassenergostroill Tru tj Perevozka zhele20betonnykh konstraktaii zheieznodorozhn; transportom; opyt tresta "Donbassenergastroi." Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 38 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. kkademiya stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut or- ganizatsii, mekhanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy pomoshchi straitell- stvu. 2. Glavnyy inzhener-Kurakhovskogo zavoda hoelezobeton- nykh konstruktaly (for Pi~tpenko). 3. Zwoestitall glavnogo inzhenera tresta "Donbassenergostroy" (for Shepelev). (Reinforced con~_,rete- Transportation) :tCDCV G, n z imprcv itq, b S 1 r"-, '30, ". beamg rn .tie ext;~Tdec; I w- 1-31 ACC-Nit' -AT6034350 SMCE COM Woo66/&/666/6D0/007_2/OO787 AVMMt Pilipeakoo V. 9- (Dnepropetrovokiy gosudaretvennyy univereitet) ORO: sepropetrovsk State TIM: The nonlinear properties of electroluminescent indicators SORCE"t AN UkrSSR. Poluprovodnikovaya tekhnika i mikroolektroniks (Semiconductor engineering and microolectronios). Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1966, 72-78 TOPIC TAGSs volt ampere characteristic, phosphor eloctroluminescenoo, semiconductor rectifier, resin, audio frequency oscillator/ 9L-;IOM phosphor, X-411-02 resin, R-421-02 resin, EP-096 resin, ZG-10 audio frequency oscillator ABSTRACTs The nonlinear properties of electroluaineacent indicators were studied. The specimens were prepared from EL-510M phosphor by the usual method, and the dielectric binders were K-411-02 and X-421-02 polymerized resins, a 5(YA mixture of them, and EP-096. The phosphor was applied to a glass substrate with a transparent conducting coating. After 1-5 hours' drying at room temperature, the specimens were placed in a thermostat at 165C for 1-5 hre. The voltage from a ZG-10 audio oscillator was fed to the specimens through an isolating capacitor. The voltage on the specimen was me"ured with a M_7B vacuum-tube voltmeter. Analysis of the volt-ampere characteristics showed them to be similar to those of ordinary semiconductor recti- fiers (see rig. I). The application of ao voltage to the samples and increasing the cord IL AT6034350 Figo ' 1. Volt-anpers characteristibor'".'. I - unexcited; 2 and 3 - excited r frequency of the voltage lead to an increase in the direot current tbrough the specimm. Orig. art. hass I diaUam, 1 formula, and 3 graphs. SaB COMES 091 SUBM WES -Deo64/ ORIG REFS 003/ OM Ws, ODI ACC NR, AP7004971 SOURCE-CODE: __ UR/OD48/66/030/009/1454/1457 AUTHOR. Yakunin, A.Yn.; Pilipenko,V,M, ORG: Dnepropetrovsk State University (Dnepropotrovskiy gonudarstvcnnyy UnIverfiltot) TITLE: Variation of the through conductivity of ZnS:Cu electroluminophors during radiation /Roj-rt, Fourteenth All-Union Conference on Luminescence (Crystal Pho8phors) hold at Riga, j-23 Sept. 19657 SOMICE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya, Seriya fizichookayn, v. 30, no. 9t 1966t 1454-1457 TOPIC TAGS: electroluminescence, electric conductivity, impact ionization, zinc sulfide, copper ABSTRACT: The authors have mensured tho direct conductivity of ZnS:Cu clectro- I u-'ai ne sconce cell as a function of the temperature and the voltage of the 20 kliz alternating potc4tial applied to excite it to luminescence. It wag found that log (loj(1/10)) is a linear function of l/V for fixed temperature T, where I is the direct conduction current, 10 is a constant, and V is the alternating exciting voltage. This relation is consistent with the simple impact ionization mecl,anism of current carrier multiplication. When log (log(1/10)/T) was plotted against T for f;-xcd V there resulted a broken line with a oingle knee at about 350u K. The straight line dependence is in accordance with the Impact ionization mechanism, and the knee is explained by assuming that charges are preferentially freed at different temperatures from different levels. The derivatives dl/1dV and dB/BdV, where B is Cord 1/2 ACC NR: P.97004971 the brightness of the luminescence, were calculated from the experimental curves and plotted against V. The value of dl/IdV passed through a maximum as a function of V, and the value of V for maximum dl/IdV was a linear function of T. This bebavior is also consistent with the simple impact ionization mechanism. It is concluded that the clectroluminescence of ZnS:Cu.phosphor is accompanied by increase in the electri- cal COLIdUCLIVity; that the increase In the conductiwity is the greater, the more intense the luminescence; that the relation between the electroluminosconct.) and the conductivity stems from the fact that I>oth effects are due to Ionization; and that the observed behavior of the two phenomena is not in conflict with the hypothesis that the electrolumineacence is excited by Impact ionization propagating through the ZnS lattice due to the presence of a strong exciting electric field. Orig. art. has: 8 formulas and 3 figures. SUB CODE: 20 6VM DATE s Dome DRIG. RZFs 012 07H REF: 004 Card 2/2 ~- - - : -~ S:: F, , ;. ~'.. ; , ".:n. I . z . I . . - - - - . . . I I . --. _7 I e ~: *-,- c, :7 o,', cl , ~- '~ ' "' '- * Y:x - . , I- . .7 . 'I ti - . - , . . - - .. I 17 nn.31418-42, " ' ~'; 7 q~' -7/ op/641-9/642 1 slog" 44894- Y 00, /64/01 , , - R AUMRS "'Pi ~,exc ed-- 'I 6ii6bikfidii Blbbtr C.-C(5 e e M6~il TLEr .. , . - 7.7 7-77 77, -kttosk --no- 7 -423 v - ~ - , ' --, h IE.: ,- ~ ~ f 6 i dj fU bl l T ti - .~ ~eC r0 ., 3 ne cencei o pcon ,~:, M ec a RTOPIG AW j' ~ - ) o pe uc v ty , 1 i;v Coll u v nT ~ d;` ~ -n H ..., :~ sce "a i W:- e an enCe fo g ness'-:c Ji i p g,- t d --i th nves a ll.,- ;t ~7-bj k one -,-va ai~~ S'~ ypes 0m. f:, , of con uc v .. .-. 4,4 --Tha-blect tu i *ap ure'd- n'-'a" dire on p'ar'iill*e i:wasAndas enc osurt - w --per r'e on, penalcu . . c! ~- ft . of - tht ek:,measuremnt Ar6 Abe-I LuattAto I ACC NR, AP7004973 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/009/1,161/1462 AUT)JOR: Xol0m0Ytsev,F.I.; Pilipenko,V.M.; Yakunin,A.Ya. ORG: Dnepropetrovsk State University (Dnepropotrovskiy gosudarBtvennyy universitet) TITLE: On slow processes involved in the clectrolumincacenco of ZnS:Cu pho5phors /Roport, Fourteenth All-Union Conference on Luminesconce (Crystal Phosphors ) hold at Riga, 16-23 Sept. 19657 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizichoskayn, v. 30, no. 0, 1966, 1461-1462 ,TOPIC TAGS: clectroluminescence, zinc sulfidep copperoAaging, fatiguet rectification, electrolysis, I U/Ir?.'A~)O PMO/Z ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated the processes of aging and fatine in ZnS:Cu electroluminophors. The loss of brightness of an electroluminescent cell l (during operation is in part reversible (fatigue) and In part irreversible (aging). :Recovery from fatigue takes place by diffusion processes and is described by the sum f two exponential terms with time constants (at 800 C) of the order of 1 and 10 hours. ,It is hypothesized that aging is due to electrolytic action of the rectified current through the cell. To test this hypothesis cells were operated with forward and back dc biases of such magnitude as to alter the direct current through the cell by a factor of 3. Lous of brightness during operation was found to be appreciably accol- eratod by the forward bias and retarded by the back bias. The rooovery curves of Card 1/2 ACC NRi AP7004973 the biased cells are not discussed. It was also found that loss of brightness could be retarded by carefully drying the cells and sealing them from moisture. A well- dried cell actually increased in brightness during the first hour of operation at 1 kHz. It is concluded that build-up of brightness can be achieved not only in certain classes of electroluminescent cells, but in all types of them, by taking ~ mensures to reduce to a minimum the effects of rectification. Orij). art. has.. !3 figures. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: none ORIG,. REP: 003 OTH REF: 001 Ca,d 2/2 ON OF Ob ~-A"MSU 339.M.- SUA AVML 6. -;jM'wm.A-A I~k L Toot Pil Tv T=3 I-mw suminstift of psaft Aefftta in mtqllm I ustallownOW130, V- 20, M, 2s 1%5,, 2W-n costal lattice def"t, C"t, metal King astimp crystal lattice strmtwm AMMS ftystal-stroc- - defftts Im, reeme coaft"M ft jilm am ralstI'MILY usinvestigat". Tat they an of Special Ime, t im, vim of the promence is Co oft a pol3wwpuc trows I ties with OWS of a awtowitic mum. somme, the tiptoll, by somme of a do paddog dmj~wtv, "Opersity of, wasisms of t seattorfto sea momege of 4ustribstiou :J-. at Ed time Is spealsome of -W 4 p ddek c""t w* with "Unrest pmpwumo of ~ bumpod me some Go we":Irtims Saftsmatims -memo" peaft "facts Uwe boulp"l- sow IS the p p of substrate 2WC doft probability Is or 0.057, L i Cod 113 Ll Ao== M: APM1938 vloress at To 475* they were mot detected at all- 21M 40PONAMS Of the 4111000- micas of T"Ime of Cabernet mattariag (rsceaj and magaltuds of mderodeforms- tions m To is mommemotanic. At T 390*C the r.c.m. decrease and micradeforms- a tions lacrosse, vbIch is In agnment with the decrease is the sicrobardnams of do file. So film contsiming mostly cubic cobalt Coc displays both t"as of packlug defects at T - 240*C. Deformation-caused packlug defects are less best- malstast than S;;wA defects; at 33VC they can so longer be detected, mbereas the probability of growth defects persists as far all 6196C, at much tempera txm Uties Of cable Co can be detected: om dafect-fres, formiag is the process of heating, and tba otbar with &owtb defects, famisi is the process of com- densation. rm big% prebability of packing defects is vacumm-coadeamid cobalt film as compared with the vacuum-coudessed filims of other vistals Is conditioned by the specific sature of polymorpblem la cabalt as vall as by the low onera of packlas defects Is thin vistal. marmosic analysis of Ism profile Is the most nliable mthod of detunlaing the probability of packift defects Is vacumm-com- demsed cobalt. orig. art. beat 3 f1pno, 3'Ubl"i 4 Imal"a, 213 I CMA - L 1355- =a2 owl soma an 313~. cwd `,R 7 Ni,.V,,, A, V. . N! " V~-, ~ ~ N. ; ; : : - X ~ , V - V. ; ; 'V I ("UN , A . : . . - - -- I r 1 , - . -.,. 'y rr,- - : -6-1 1 : r, : nve - '.. j7~-. *.,.r.e x f -ma t ~ c~rj . n t t,e sya lemo ~ j - , I - ?, .. - -- fl-," u.,,J Clr 12 - K. fir- I~i, ~ C ~ Na - 1 - h ~ ~ i k-, e R -, dKhlm~ fak. Oc ir , nc,,,~ - 7 - ~ 2 ' t, I ~ WRA PF NK 11F 11 A Y ACCESSION NR: AT4010697 5/2601/63/ODD/017/0132/0137 AUTHOR: Gertariken, S.D. (Deceased); Dakhtyar, 1. Te.; Kumok, L, M,; Pilipeako,. V.V.' Khazanorv, moss TITLE: A study of the processes of diffusion and oxidation in the alloy ZhS-6k under conditions of cyclic heat treatment SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Instyktut metalofizy*ky*. Sbornik nauchny*kh trudov, no. 17, 1963. Voprosy* fiziki netallov t metallovedeniya, 132-137 TOPIC TAGS: thermal fatigue, heat treatment, flaw formation, chromium diffusion, nickel diffusion, volatilization, concentration gradient, oxidation, alloy ZhS-6k, cyclic heat treatment, radioactive isotope, diffusion ABSTRACT: The number of cycles of heating and cooling before the appearance of cracks is usually taken as a measure of thermal fatigue. After studying the dynamics of the appearance of cracks using the roentgenographic (X-ray) method, Mo Arkhirov noted that it is preceded by the development of block structure and the bending and buckling of block** One soot assume that diffusion vith high temperature conditime and cyclic stream** plays an important, if not decisive, role. Diffusion mW cyclic streams lead to the separation of a Card 1/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4010697 second phase (carbides and intermetalloids) into a finely-dispersed state, and in addition, to the redistribution of elements between the body of the grain and the border zones; thus, these two processes do have a substantial influence on the dura;jility of materials. As a rule, cyclic heat treatment has a nega- tive effect on the mechanical characteristics of materials: with an increase in cycles, durability decreases. The diffusion of Cr and Ni in the alloy ZhS-6k was investigated by vaporization in a vacuum and by radioactive isotopes. If one of the components of an alloy has a comparatively high vapor tension, it will be easily vaporized when heated in a vacuum. As a result of this vapori- zation, a gradient of concentration will form in the alloy, and this component will evaporate from the surface to the extent that the substance a ri es at the surface by means of diffusion. Measuring the quantity of evaporat3d 'substance, it is possible to determine the coefficient of diffusion of the component with high vapor tension* Calculations of this coefficient were made according to the formlas given by Grinberg and later mde ow precise and tabulated by Reraricken end his associates@ Yor instance, knowive the percentage of Cr in an alloy Wis possible to dateradne its absoUpte welot in a given,teample. The change in the veigbt of Ow ample during beat treatments reou so, CWd 2/5 ACCEMON NRV AT4010697 it is assumed, from the evaporation of the volatile element Chromium. There-. fore, it is possible to determine the coefficients of diffusion of Cr at various temperatures. In this particular case, the coefficients of diffusion were obtained for 5 temperature points between 1273 and 1423K. To determine the energy of activation of the process of diffusion of the alloy under invem- tigation, the dependence of the coefficient of diffusion on temperature was utilized. High values of the energy of activation of diffusion of the alloy under investigation and its comparatively low coefficients of diffusion showed that this alloy to a considerable degree restate softening at high temperatures. Diffusional annealing of the samples was carried out in a quartz tube pumped out, filled with Argon and placed in an electric furnace. The oxidation of the alloy ZhS-6k at constant temperature was investigated. A special instal- lation which permits weighing samples without taking then out of the furnace was developed to investigate the alloy for isothermic oxidation. Hence, continuous annealing and continuous observation of changes in weight due to oxidation was assured. Table I of the Enclosure shows the tins-tenperAture- weight interrelation for three temperature points. The curves are in accor- dance with the law of parabolic oxidation. In contrast to the results of continuous heating, a decrease in the weight of &"lea dependent on the time :lie beat treatment. The we ight of treatment took place in conditions of cyc, Cord 3/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4010697 decreased because of the breaking avay of oxides at the moment of a sharp change in temperature. Comparison of results obtained from our alloy with the data about oxidation obtained from Nichrome (Ni-Cr-Fe alloy) showed that at 1373K the speed of oxidation of ZhS-6k is approximately 1.5 times less than that of Nichrome under similar conditions. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas, 4 figures, and 2 tables. ASSOCLATION: Insty*tut metelofizy*ky*, AN UKrRSR (*Institute of Metallurgical Physics AN UKrRSR) SURM=D1 00 SUB CODE: MM 4/5 Cord DATE ACQ: 31Jan64 HD REF WV: 004 ENCL: 01 MIER: 000 A=SSION NR3 AT4010697 ZWCLOSURE: 01 K interval in sacs. T' K, -MJO- , where K-constant sec. 1273 0,36 1,33-10'4 1*10 4 0,36-1,8 1373 0-0,9 3.3-LO-4 0,9-4,5 1,97-10-4 1473 0-0,0~4 14,7-10-4 73-10 4 0,054-0L18 7. 00,10-4 0 o,18-3,6 , 5/5 GERTSRIKEEN , S. D. [ deceas -.J j ; :)EKPTYAR, I . Ya. ; KUMOK, L. M. ; F IL I I .':K L , .'.V. ; KHAMNOV, X.S. Studying Jifl'uBlon In-ocooom, and oxidlition in 1-ho Ztl";-(,K nl,oy Jlj- der the effect of thermocyclic treatmorit. Sbor. rmu ~,. :*,(: . 1,1:~' . metallofiz. AN :RSi~ nc,.17:132-137 163. 17:3) PILIPENKO, Yo.A.; AtJI,RFYFV, Yu.N. [decerisod! (Karaganda) Detprminatlon of hrjhf~qlvp Ir) rubber. ll.~ur. f4z. ehltr- 3P nn.1%16-lQ Ja'64. M:I,-A : ":, KOSTRZHEVA, Yelene Ippolitovna,fnzh.; BUZHIYEVSKIY, Ivan Josifovich, inzh.; EILIHALO,-jelizaveta Antonovna inzh.; SABASHNIKOVA, Galin& Petrovns, inah.; FRANTSEVICH, M.N., insh., reteenzent; BONDARENKO, O.P., inzh., red.12d-va; STARODUB, T.A., tekhn. red. (Nome for the output, normal losses and expenditure of raw product,is and materials In the processing of cattle, poultry and rabbits, and in the manufacture of sausage products in the meet processing enterprises of the Ukrainina S.S.R.) Normy vykhodov, estestvennoi ubyli, reekhoda syr*ia I materialov pri pererabotke skota, ptitay, krolikov I vyrabotke kolbaanykh iz- delil na miasopererabstyvaiushchikh predpriiatiiakh Ukrainakot SSR. Kiev, GoetekhIzdat USSR, 1%2. 130 p. (MIRA 160) (Ukraine-Meat industry-Production standards) KALLYUS, Vyacheslav Yaroslavovich; KOfID.,ATY'JK, I . I . , kund. tekhr.. r.aW, dots. , retsenzer, -tser.,.ent; FILIYU;K( Y.F., inzh., red.; Xifl'06-AYFOLI-~zEA. ~eklL L [.liay-harve.9tiK- ma-chines; i(3. i-,n, cLlculaticins, and the princiil,---S of utilization] S. nauboro.-hnyi~,, masiAny; Ironstruktsiia, raschet I o:- riovy ekspluatatsii. :'oskwi, Pi,sht~117, 1961. .'74 T-- (MDiA 1,-: 1~!) (Hay-llarver,tinj.) (Ai-,:-icultural /A JI/O AUT!'ORS Buyunov , R A dov, ch TITLE. Some Pr~_-b:ems of catalytic PERIODICAL: Khimi-heskaya ~romyshlennost', 89747 S I C,6 61 I C1 X31 ~ , A I-, I .ien,.~ Y~: 1,rcuiu ~t., r, -f u il no 2, 1'461, TEXT: Throe meth-is -)f incorioratinj; rt~ucti n vessels r - L~ fi: r ti Dr of p-h. d ro6en i nt o the .9~~stem of hi hyJ rcCen- I I qvjp f~I n~: j UT! 4 cribed. In the int roduc ti on , the iurj~ose : f i roducinC , -H , 4 E- x .-.e \1 , - "as - 1 Dn.; J,-, rabi ty Dw 4 n~- t o I ow eva, - ra t i - n 1 osses, a r: w hydrogen for ;%r3dL10i:,K deuterium, as fcr tart,,Pts and b u t ar.J as rocket fuel 'Phe threo ell r,,v't. are shown diagrammatcal_~, Sr~', e7~es a and 6 were elu~orqLed Lit tt kriogennaya laboratoriva (Cr.,,(-c( .~- 'acoratory~ cf t~.e autt.~-.r-' Scheme 0 was ~y A Fradkov. In the I ~(vo.f i. r hydroCen :eavinC th~- ~,PF, I ex-, 1.,t,.jer f tho c 111 zor". 11r.jer t" is hrancheJ ~ntr Iwo curre:_- One purt enters .--,to the 4 ) f c r H, of n -, r-, a' c o.,.-.pQE n-H th rc i t~ ''D t t I e va I part entering into u ni- c,, h rc ut:f. th. v vr~ s Card 1/5 8970 enn rel -an i s erc :ei t t!. a, ar, iritc i -H Ev a . heat of rver9,.c,, D S .9 ft,. ea nv or - takes pla-, -0u I i nr T F tho n recu:att-d a -a r s xS t,'-.r- 9 n Dewar vps~e. - lecting ve r wl~,. re t . r 6 7he T.-' v a r . s 1 r a w!~~ f f t t~ r t e u n t e r.- r: ?,. t heat exc~.an6-:_ Th ~ s var,.an* i ,s n w a r ran ai. . s e Froc,ss ar.-l is tr.,arefcre cnly su t h e f -)r t~,e 1 rc 1%jrt~ In t n c- t y r,,a - t 3n vcs-e P I S a vt s r q a t rS but .:.rcui-~. t~.o wa' '. s var-, a- P-H_ The n r~, r r v ting vessel. ro s T- he', 1 um v ~I : v 4 t cc s Card 2//r,- Some problems of - 69747 S/064/61 /oCr,/', The I i Ili I ~i 11~ er. te r9 from into rew-tion ve.9,iol, un ;N ra ned of f as by means of vfi,'vfl In t?,o var,,aT.t #? (6" V 0!1 f e,i t,3, it :i o flit ra t e I i ne w ith H, erri,~,,,i wt,. p-H- a-., 1!: 1 :,-r-vt'g 1 q Tne n-!! i r qte !3 be converted is 1 1 f ~'a r t q U i V sots .n a 1 r Pa i r- 3 S 11 1 -a C'I S, 6' '.S 2 rs an i -N -a a - t S ca- ac~ ty 1 00-'0C 1/1,r) whi c~, erat~-- E,- -,- rl,. Type a is rerommpnded f- r i~ r: (:rati-r. int Ii f i- rn w 1. T- would ari Fe w~.eri :n-,,r, r a 15 T f w t it C', v e r n e a s s V~'s ~Pl w r f t t t. liquefier ir, ~s -P r Mt, - ft t Fe( 01! "r(OH), and Mn(OH", are ment~ oned as catal.'-sts Ar t catalyst is difficult t, activate 'R-fq ~I Card 3/5 89747 S106 61/o,0 //~'c Some problems of B101 XB206 02 9i t i s -)nl y re commen ded f o r con t A nuou 9 )1 o ra t I on Th e h./ d r.- x io lysts are ar~tivated at 0.1 mm Hg by heatinK them at '?~ tc Ic--c r The poisoning by 0 2 is reversible !f these catalYsts are fil lel reaction vessel immediately after heatinj:, their activity is rvd,;-(-d that twice as much must be taken 'Phey ran, h(,wever, be rea~-tlvatpd t heatine, only in a vacuum Therequired amount of the -atalyst is from the ejuation: C),q[(, - C'/C C/C where V is the VH/Vk = 44 '7K f, F. of the installation 11 T-H ;-P-r hr, with Crn-pntratinn "; V IF, t!.p r.- 2 k 5 r is t!.P Initial --)ncentrat'.-r. -f quired volume of tht- catalyst, -m (25% as a rule); c. is tiie (-I~i cr)nrentr-Ition of 1-11, at th- R r Kr. :I I temperature "'4j as a r'ile); and F ~~s the rate e-onstunt of t~.e reaction Th- vail;esof K for various cata,~sts are r,,,ven in a tfib~' are I fgure, I table. and h references Soviet bl~,c and bloc Card 415 89747 s/c)6 Some prcbler-.9 of ... 2 A S S I-- C : A n s of' N',,:,~-ear Re~-earcl, Le~end to Fig~ure: v/,;ac,,;um p 1 5, 5 y U- ~ 7 43 7 2 aer n- ~7 2 6 KJ"Jj,"."Phj j'FO"rTaffTld )k hl. PA, 1 -ab'e: 1) constants Legend to - I 781K 22-K 3 3.sec; 2) cataolyc~~ 1: - 1 C g- m 0 1 '~/c m 7 Fr(01% 1.0-2~3 i - CrtOfl), O,Y~-0.74 0." Card V-- hin(UH), ().73-1.2 1 ZELIDOVICH, A.G.; PILIPENRO, Yu-K- Hydrogen fiquifier with an output of 50 liter per hour of liquid hydrogen. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.2:185-187 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh Issledovaniy. (Gases--Liquifaction) (Hydrogen) BUYANOV, R.A.', ZELIDDVICP, A.G.; PILIPENYO, Yu.K. Liquifier for producing parahydrogen and catalizers for the ortho-para conversion of hydrogen. Prib. I tekh. eksp. 6 no.i: 188-190 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh lssledovaniy. (Gases-Liquifaction) (Hydrogen) L 20840-66 EWP(t) IJP(c) WW/JN/JD ACCESSION NR: k5009454 Cz/oooo/64/ooo/ooo/0172/0178 /7 AUTHOR:. Zeldovich, A. G. - Filipenko, Yu. K. I...................... TITLE: Iarge laboratory hydroge 11liquifier V02 for use with large liquid hydr2&e bubble chambers -17 SOURCE: Conference on Low Temperature Physics and Techniques. 3d, Prague, 1963. - Physics-and techniques of low temperatures; proceedings of the conference. Prague_ Publ. House of the Czechosl. Academy of Sciencesp 1964, 172-178 TOPIC TAGS: bubble chamber, liquid hydrogen, para hydrogen, liquefaction technique, cryogenic device ABSTRACT: The apparatus described Is a Joule-Thrnson liquifier based on it regis- tered invention by -the authorn (Byulleten' izobrt-teniy No. 19 (1960), 18), and it smaller version was described by the authors earlier (PTE no. 2 (1961), 185 wid no. 1~ (1~q63), 191) - A diagram of the liquifier in shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. Its rated capacity is 200 liters of para-bydrogen per hour. The consideraLiuns governing the choice of some of the components of the equipment are discussed. Tables listing different characteristics for para-hydrogen production In the liqui- fier and of the design calculations are presented. Calculations based on the ex- Card -1/3 L 20840-66 ACCkZSICN NR: AT5009454 perimental, results show that the liquifier can work with 1500 m3/hr of compressed hydrogen and hence can produce 460 and 200 liters/hour of normal and para-hydrogen, respectively. "The authors thank W. K. Zelldovich, A. A. Belushkina, L. P. Belo- nolgova., A. A. D9AID, and G. 0. Khorev who took part in the design and assembly of the liquifier." Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy Inatitut yadermykh issledoyaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: OD ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: NP NR REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 002 Cord 2/3 MICLOSUREs 01 Fig. I .'I Ito liflurfier V()2 Cird 1 - nitrogen section of exchan. get "hot- zone, 2 - hydrogen 9"1101) Of exchanger "hot" -n zone, j - fittings, 4 - coil in b- quid nitrogen hath, j - heat exchanger of "intermediate" zone. 6 - nitrogen low prcs- %ure bAlli, 7 -- hent cAchancr "cold" zone, 9 - throttle valve, 10 - subsidiary collector, 11 - pneumatic valve, 12 - reactor. 13 - condensing coil, 14 - supplementary reactor, Ij - Outlet valve for para-hydfogen. 16 - outlet valve for normal hydrogen, 17 - Dewar flaik, 18 - To the vacuum- pump. L 20840-66 ACCESSION NRt AT5009454 t PlLIPHNXQ-,-_Yj_L_.,-,glavnyy vrach *ir~otiaic acid (vitamin PF) In the treament of sciatica. Zdrav. Belor 5 no.2:48-49 F '59. (KUU 12: 7 ) 1. Khvoyenskaya sellskVa bollaitBa Turovskogo rayona Gomellakoy oblasti. (NIGOTINIC ACID) (SCIATICA) Ye.G.; SAMOYLOV-'%, 7.P. (K-* -%-) Gar-~uF PreVen,~:7e L7,, fcr "-. --Ca- '7~af .' L - ir, the mother !gild rcom. Sov. zdravook". :2 --'. ( :~'T-:,A - ., . ' ' I-- detskoy '-,. I :i bcl tr.. ~ tsy 4c ! VENTSEL't Sergey Veniaminovich; BARABASH, M.L., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; LOSIKOV, B.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; FILIFENKO Yu P ^ inzh., red.; GORNOSTAYPC)L-~i~CYA-,-ii~~S'.~tek~'hn. red. P . I (L4rication of internal combustion engines] Smazka dvi- gatelei vnutrennego sgoraniia. Mosk-va, Mashgiz, 1963. 179 D. (AURA 16:4) (Gas &nd oil engines-Lubrication) DIOMIN, A.I., nauchnyy sotr.; Egjff~ ~ (Pylypenko, 1U.P.], prepodavatell sredney sholy; TKHORZHEVSKIY, D.O. [Tkhorzhevs1kyl, D.C.!, red.; SFEVCCITK~, L.I., (Classes in fitting and repairing; tractor rep&ir]Uroki z sliusamo-remontnoi spravy; remont traktora. Za red. K.I. Shvetsova. Kyiv, Radianslka shkoln, 1%2. 74 p. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Nauchro-issledovatellskiy institut peagogiki L*kr.SSR (for Womin). (Tractors-Maintenfince and repair) BELOTSERKOVSKIY, Aron Grigorlyevich, inzh.; MIKHALEVICH, Aron Abrmovich, inzh.; KALISSKIT, V.S., inzh., retsenzent; PILIPENKC, Ju_j,, inzh., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S., tek . red. [Handbook for motor-vehicle drivqral Pamiatka voditelia avto- mobilia. Moskva,, Mashgiz, 1963. 155 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Automobile drivers-Education and training) NASTENKC, Nikolay Nikolayevich; BCIFCSHOK, Lev Abramovich; DVOROVENKO, G.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; GOLOVIN, D.D., retsenzent; inzh., red.; GORNOSTAYPOL-SKAYA, M.S., tekhn. red. (Automation of production procesBes in agriculture] Avtoma- tizataiia proizvodBtvennykh protsessov v sel'skam khoziai- stve. Moskvp, Mashgiz, 1963. 194 p. (TRA 16:7) (Automation) (Agricultuial machinery) FILONENKO, Serafim Nikolayevich; AFANASIYEV, V.F., kand. takhn. nauk, retsenzent; BARAB-TARLE, M.Ye., Inzh., red.; PILIPENKC.-Yu.P., inzb., red.; t-e-khn. red. [Metal cutting] Rezanie metallov. Moskva, Mash.-iz, 1963. 209 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Metal cutting) VINOGRADOV, Gleb Andreyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; RADOMYSELISKIY, lzraill Davidovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SAMSONOV, G.V.p retsenzent; FILIF=Q,.Yu.P., Inzh., red.; GORHOSTLY20L'SKAYA, M.S., tekhn. red. [Pressing and rolling ceramic metal materials] Presaovanie i prokatka rastallokeramicheakikh materialov. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 198 p. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Chlon-korreep)ndent Akademii nauk Ukr. SSR (for Samsonov). (Ceramic metals) KORNEYEV, Georgiy Vasillyevich; SEDLETSKIY, I.D., inzh., retoenzenti PILIPENK4 Yu, P., inzh., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S,,, tekhn, red. (Hoisting and conveying devices of agricultural repair worishops" Pod"emno-transportnye ustroistva sellskokhoziaistvennykh remontnykh masterskikh. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 95 p. (MI-~'A l6t6~ (Hoisting machinery) (Conveying machinery) WAYGUZ, Watan Josifovich; BASIN, Mikhail Natanovich; MDXRDV, I.I.P 6016, retsenzent; FILIPMO X.P., inzh., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKATAILS.i Aekhn. red. [~rmses for cold briquetting of metal scrap] Presey dlia kholod- nogo briketirovaniia metallicheskoi struzhki. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1963. 94 P. (MIRA 16t6) (Pover presses) (Scrap metals) RUDINSKIY, Stepan Yakovlevich; ROZBNETSKIY, G.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotc., retsenzent; ZAMANSKIY, S.M., inzh., red.; n~IFUIKO, YU.P., red.; GUZOSTAYPOLISfAYA, I-II.S., tekhn. red. [Machine tools; collected problems and laboratory work] Metal- lorezhushchie stiuiki; sbornik zadach i laboratorykh rabot. Mo- 3kvo, I-Itasligiz, 1961. 380 p. (KMA 15:3) (Machine tools) litkI I&ONOV, Andrey Yevatef'yevich; KRAYMOVICH, Ye.M.. prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; PILIPMO, Yu.P.. red. LPtmps used in hydraulic eyetens of mchine tools and machinery] Nasoey gidravlichookikh sistem stankov i mashin. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-takhn.Izd-vo mgshinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 225 p. (KIRA 13:12) (Pumping machinery) (Hydraulic machin3ry) YMSENKC, Viktor AVftaelyeTich; GRIN', L.P., kand. tekhn. naukv retsenzent; PILIPENK0j, Tu.P.j inzh., red.; GOMIOSTAYPOLISKAYA, Y.S., takhn.- red, [Operation and repair of agricultural machinez7) Ekspluatetsiia i remout sallskokhoziaistvemrqkh mashin. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1961. 314 p. (Agricultural machinery) (MIRA 15:4) DASHEVSKIY, Illya Isaakovich; ZASLAVSKIY, Simon Shleviovich; FALIKOVSKIY, B.L., inzh., retsonzont; jqjJPP4KQ_L_Y-u-. P.-I inzh., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, H.S., tekhn. red. [~'echanization of the manufacture of metalworking and forg- ing dies] Nlekhanizatsiia izgotovleniia shtampov i press-form. Mosk-va, 14ashgiz, 1962. 172 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Dies (Metalworking)) OSIMAK, Marion Terentlyevicb; STEFANENKO, K.N., inzh., retsenzent; PILIPEKKO, Tu.P., inzh., red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKMA, M.S., tokbn. red. [Machines for harvesting and ensilaging green fodder]Mashiny dlia uborki -I silosovaniia zelenykh kormov. Moskva, I-ashgiz, 1961. 106 p. (KIRA 15:12) (Ensilage) (Agricultural machines) KLEBANOV, Boris Vladimirovich, inzh,; KUZIMIN, Vladimir Grigorlyevich, inzh.; MASLOV, Vladimir Ivanovich, inzh.; LEONCV, I.S., inzh., retsenzent; SOROKIN, A.A., inzh., retsenzent; PILIPENKO, Yu.P., inzh., red.; GORNCISTAYPGLISKAYA, M.S,, Sekhn. red. [Repair of motor vehicles and tractors)Remont avtowbilei i trak- torov. Pod red. n.V.Klebanova. Moskva, MAshgiz. Pt.2. 1962. 301 p. (MIRA 16:21 (Motor vehicles-Maintenance and repair) (Tractors--Maintenance and repair', KOND;iA7YUK,, Pavel Ivanovich; STETMIEIIKO, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; FILIF:31KG,_Tu,P., inzh., red.; GOfU40STAYPOLISKAYA, M.S., -f7e~. red . [Machines for the over-all c.echanization of hay harvestir,g] 14ashirW dlia koi-pleksnoi mekhanizatsii uborki trav na Scno. Voskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 156 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Hay--liarvesting) (Barvesting machineTT) SIIAL'NEV, Viktor Grigorlyovich; huNS11-1111NOV, 1.~;.p himl. tokhr.. iwraV, red.; PILIP-MITKO, Yu.P., inzh., red.; GORTOSTAYPOLISIXA, V.S., tekhn. red. [Progress in forging and sheet-Twtal working methods '-tazvi Lie matodov obrabotki metallov davleniem. ~.oskva, Masligiz, 1)6~. 618 ~. (mliA I, - 1r) (Forging) (Sheet-meta.1 work) DUDNIK, Prokofty Temolayevich; UMVIK, V.T., inzh., reteenzent; PILIFENKO,, Yu.F., inzh.,, red.; GOMOSTAYPOLIMIYA, V.S., 'WrEn. red. - - (Burnishing and flattening tools and mandredla) Obrabotki, raskntki i dorny. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 73 p. (Hakalworking machinery) (11MA 15:4) .1. SOLCHKA, Yakov Fedorovich; VLkMKO, S.K., inzh., retsenzont; ZLILIPU40, Tu.P., inak.,, red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S., tekhn. red. --- [Manufacture of bimetallic parts) Froizvodstvo dvukhsloinykh detalei. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 116 p. (MUWA .15:4) (Metalwork) (Laminated metals) TKACHENKC, Aleksey Yefir.ovich; KAAFENKO, Sergey Aleksandrovich; VORONEZESKI7, V.I., inzh., rets. nzent; PIMPEIM, 'Yu.F., inzh., red.; GORNCSTAYPCLISKAYA, P..S.,, tekhT.. red. [Xpchines for the over-all mechanization of field crop cultiva- tion] Vashiry dlJa komplekanoi mekhanizatsii rabot v iolevod- stve. ',,c--kvPJ. Gos. nauchno--tA1,hn.izd-vo mRshinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 128 p. WIFU 15:2) (Farm mechanization) KORIMEO, Aleksandr Stepanovich; KREHRESHTEYN. Lev leaskovich; PETROVSKIY, Sergey Dmitriyevich; OVSIY?,'IIKO. Grigoriy Hikhaylovich; BAEHANOV. Vasilly Yeflmovich; KROUVETS. M.S., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk. retsenzent; PILIPENKO, ru.P., red.; CrORNOSTTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S.. tekh~.iecT.- - LProject work for course credit in the theory of mechanisms and machlneaj Kursovoe proektirov8nie po teorii riekhanitmov i mashin. lzd.)., dop. i perer. Pod red. A.S.Koreniako. MoskvFj, Gos.nnuchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinoatroit.lit-ry, 196o. 259 P. (MMA 14:)) (Hechanical engineering) VASHCHIMO, KonBtantin Illieh; SOFRONI. L-mirentsio; FILIPMEO, Yu.P., inzh., red. [Nognesium cost iron] Kagnievyi chugun. lzd.2., dop. i parer. Moskva. Gos.uauchno-tekhnAzd-vo mehinostroit.lit-ry. 1960. 486 p. (MIU 13:11) (Cost iron) (w gme, 8 ium) LIBONOV, Andrey Tevetaflyevich; KHATMOVICH, Te.K., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; FILMEKO, Tu.P., red. LPamps for the hydraulic syntems of machine tools and machinery] Hasosy gidremlichaskikh sistem stankov i mBehin. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. 1960. 224 p. (KIRA 1):10) (Pumping machinery) (Machine tools--Hydraulic driving) DEVIZ, Anatoliy Ivanovich(D'ornin', A.I.J PILIPENKO, Yuriy Petrovich (Pylypen- ko, IU.P.); KIMEV, Vasiliy Petrovich lKyr1eiev, V.P.1; SUSHKO, I.S., red.; BE?" , Z.G. [Borman, Z.H.), tekhn. red. (Repair of tractors and automobiles, manual for secondary schools] Remont traktoriv i avtomobiliv; pidruchWk dlia serednloi shkoly. Kyiv, Derzh. uchbovo-pedagog;, vyd-vo ORadianalka shkola," 1960. 291 ~. (MIRA 14: 1-1) (Motor vehicles-Maintenance aDd repair) pILIpFAOV, A. T. i:~-12L- Ti-~3 I_C3 )f in a , 3 ;T .-)I* krzlyt4cP-1 Ch V. c'FLIM 33 '12 -!i2. (In RLso a tJ .- CS11 Of a O.Wdy 02 tl C 011. , 3. 1(.11 :f MID )VG c,, oune. i ~n (-.C:l solut; a ~,c-~ween the Utlh4zenatos .-alues, a-.! r..,' at ra a,6 conceit: '.1vi d 4"J.',Ork.t'L ,.nj if,s. Re"_DIU011Dhir,0 et-, -.-n te zonates 'Ac,-, r, t~,,l es of d _Ltals. scircc. c ACCESSION NR: AP4011435 S/0076/64/038/001/0016/0019 AUTHORS: Pilipenkol- Xe 6- A.,_(Karaganda); Andreyev, Yu. N. (Deceased, Karaganda TITLE: Investigation of the adhesive forces of rubber SOURCE: Zhurnal fiz. khim, v. 38, no. 1, 1964, 16-ig TOPIC TAGS: rubber, work of adhe-s-1-on, adhesive force, adhesive force determination method, di,,~!-~ylnitrile copolymer, natural rubber, diviny]-styrene copolymers, polybutadiene polymer, nitrile grou-p, SHN-3, SKN-18, SKN-26, sKN-4o, SKI, NK, SKS-30-A, SKS-30-AM, SKD ABSTRUICT: A new method for determining the work of adhesion be- tween a solid material and water is based on determining the ad- hesive forces from the motion of drops on a rotating disa surface. The adhesive forces of a number of rubbers were compared: divinyl- nitrile copolymers containing different amountB of acrylanitrile- SKS-3, SKN-18, SKN-26, SKN-40; cis-1,4-polylBoprene SKI; natural Card 1/2 ACCESSION ER: Ap4oiI435 rubber NK; divinylstyrene copolymer SKS-30-A and SKS-30-AM (the latter containing 15% "Antol-18" oil); and polybutadiene polymer SKD. The work of adhesion of the different materials In water in- creases with increasing number of polar groups. The Increase in the number of nitrile groups sharply increases the work of adhesion and can be evaluated quantitatively. Orig. art. has: 4 tables and 3 equations. ASSOCIATION: None suEmiTTED: 18xov6o DATE ACQ: l0eb,64, ENCL: 00 SUB CO*,,)E: KA, PH NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 000 Cord 2/2 AIIC _'A1 U- i A f ri c Hof. zh. KhLndya, Part II, Abs. ?3621 REF S0jRC_--': Tr. N.-i. oroyek-tno-konstrukt. in-ta tekhnol. mashinostr., no. 1, 1965, 75-9-1.1 TOP!-' TA33: thermosettin.-7 material, themoolastic material, polymer rheology, thermo- elasticityv elastic riod4sv thermal exDansion ':3T.'~AC7: Thernosettin- and thermoplastic Dolyners in the range of small deformations i-:ere tested, and their ohysiconechanical characteristics were treated mathematically. .Lhe following quantities were deter-dned: thermal eytension of polyolefins, dependence of Ezinell hardness on the elastic modulus and molecular weight, initial elastic -nodu- lus fron the thermoelastic affect, and relationshin between the latter and the coeffi- cient of linoar thermal ev.-oansion. 7he elastic orouerties of PIA fibersj!vere studied all - 201. On the basis of the ex-Dorimental data, a nomogram of the thermoelastic prop- erties of thermODlastic nolymers was constru ed which enables one to find the rela- tionshin between'the initial elastic modulusZe coefficient of linear thermal expan- sion, and the thermoolastic coefficiont. Z. Ivanova. [Translation of abstract] SUE, CO Cord L 0801-67 i;~P(j )/LLTkni) io ?k C ACC NRo AR6ol.61475 SOURCE COM: UR/0124/65/000/012/vo96/VQ97 AUTHOR: Mellent'yev. P. V.- Znamenska a Ye. A.; Pilipenok, D. A.; Stalevich, A. M., 'Y_ Petryayev, S. V. TITLE: Deformation- properties of polymer materials SUURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 12VB29 REF SOURCE: Tr. N.-i-:- ~ro ektno-konstrukt. in-ta tekhnol. mashinostr., no. 1, 1965, 75-95 TOPIC TAGS: material deformation, polymer physical property, metal deformation, poly- ethylene plastic ABSTRACT: The authors point out differences between the deformation properties -6f polymer materials and metals. The following empirical formula is proposed for cuxves describing creep in polymers under constant stresses: e -a+ W-21 where E is deformation, t is time and a and b are the curve parameters. These para- meters are linear functions of stress; at low temperatures T the curve parameters vary fairly smoothly as T is raised, but after T reaches some critical value (e. g. 401C for high-pressure Rolyethylene) a and b increase sharply with the application of Card 1/2 L 08471-67 ACC NR~ m66164t~ heat. An attempt is made to establish a correlation between nardness H- ara ne ~ni- tial modulus E0. The effect which the molecular weight M of polyethylenes has on the characteristics of EO and HB was studied in the range M=5 .104_9.105. It was found in contrast to previous data (see Alfrey, T., "Mechanical Properties of High Polymers", Moscow, Izd-vo in. lit., 1962) that rigidity has a maximum in the region of moderate The authors suggest the use of the thermoelastic effect (more precisely, the Joule ieffect) for determining the initial modulus. In conclusion, data are given on the re- ;Iaxation properties of various ribersv Bibliography of 10 titlea. N. 1. M&Iinin. [Translation of abstract3 SUB CODE: 11, 20 Corti 212 KA.',PF2,KI; , 1 V. , (;oktcr sei I z. nauj% , 7aF,- . ~ *.e: I nauki HSF."%; K:- , L.N., akaze! --'k , ret. enzent; IT, N.: I prof., retse- ert; 'U.'..' ~rof., retsenzent; 1','A.I:C'V' , S . Z. prc,,~. ~,Z~tFb'ftprt i,'- qRACT-VA , *~ . S . , red . r LSuFar-beet lzd.3., perer. lklo- skva Kolk's , "', '~ . 3 u.1, 11 . tN[,'il,,A 17:1C) 7 ZELIDOVICH, A.G.; PILIPENKO, Yu.K. Impravement and accelerstlon of a VOI hydrogen l1quiefler. Prib. I tekh. csksp. 9 no.41l9l JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Obl'yedinennyy Institut yadernykdi issledovaniy. Gh IS RAN IN, Ye.1 . ; KUKAV ADZE, G.M. ; LEPENI)lN, V.I. ; MAMEL(A'h , ;..Ya. ; JAC?,Cj7()V, I.G.; ORLOV, V.V.; PIILPET113' 11,.T. . 1 6- 4~. , , - Measurement of the absorption croaB secton -'cr -"~: snerg. 19 no.5:459-460 N 165. 1 "~ 1 llt~' , P: '. ACC NR. AP7002172 SOURCE CODE: uR/ooft/66/oa/006/0514/051~~ AUTHOR: Barchuk, I. F.; Pilipets, D. T. ORG: none TITLE: Method of checking the tightness of the fuel elements of the WR-M reactor SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 21, no. 6, 1966, 514-515 TOPIC TAGS: reactor fuel element, nuclear fission, fission product, metal cladding/ VVR-M reactor ABSTRACT: The method described by the authors was developed at the Physics Institute! of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1962. Its features are t'-st the gaseous fission products accumulated in the fuel elements are extracted from an unsealed fuel element by vacuum into a large volume, after which they are gathered and con- centrated in an ionization chamber whose volume is 100 times as small (Fig. 1). This greatly increases the sensitivity of the method. The current produced in the ionization chamber by the radioactive products from the fuel element serves as a criterion for determining the degree of its tightness. A procedure for applying this method under reactor conditions is described. The time it takes to test one ftel element is about one hour and requires the services of only one operator. Orig. art. has: I figure. Co,d 1/2 uDc: 621.039.547 I I~eC Nil AP7002172