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MARTSINUVSKIY, A.M.; PIKUS, G.Ye.; SOVIN, D.E.; YURIYLV, V.G. Effect of interelectrode barriers on the alectroconductivity of a cesium plasma. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 32 no.6:770-772 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut polupravodnikov All SSSR,, laningrad. (Plasma (Ionized gases)-Elect7ic properties) (Eiectrodes) r v c alt. cj,, y (u I/. c2) ctid, 1 21juy). (2 y uH) Idli ., , r/ld2 , Measurement of electr,;n H oc 10 .-,e 11-H (j- li ')6 -H, cm oe/v sec '61 r) u cm /V,sec 4 For the, mob, 11 ty . u a slipht lecrease ei:iq, A. 1 1. 1 -1 t ribove I ROO K V~e u valut-.~ ttiiinol fr,- t iv At ttrTp,;r, ures . : .- ~, , ., e as i r em e r. t s w --. thr)L; t a YrmkT I ~r f r~ , t"'Ir. ~r~~..btf _;H r ~:7 m f, ~i s, i r - 7. !. t.,; i t.,. P117 rl t ~ f e T~- v - -- 1.'- 9 F I E E! s t at rl K T~,,- ~-ict thnt wi th T .-r. i I t t 1 e faster th,in u is attribUtOd t t h e mrr, r t pi I ncrv ,3,, H' I /I. . "R w i th T The crcss si~-ction ratlo I'S R,, R R - R R tal re~~istance; At T ievl,nK H %R, T. B. Ya. bloyzhes , V. L. G,ir,~,v-. --ri E. V. Sor,l:-! ~ir- Carr! 3/., e Fis- r e m . n tf e 1 e c t rn B t :i a n K e d f - ri .- u s t n D . N '. i r Ts.rkt-!' --ind 1 G . Ar t i-,-. .-, ~v f or he'. p enc ~*s 1 7 Bov,.,.t %ij! 2 r.Dn-Soviet, The lanpiage publicatirns read as follows: 257, 1933; Phys. Rev 34 , 67 J , 1947 A ThcrE- -t rt f g' r 9 tl~ree refor-rjret3 t- E:. i R. B b r,A f; Rev . Mod . Pli., !l Est~,-rmrin -t %, Ph, -i - R -i ASS,, C 71 AT I (..,N ln~t,!-it Aklil~,mi, nal~k 6SO"R I n.-, t iT, f 3 #; i -. o n d i_; crs 3 f t h o A c q 1 emy , f 6 : i t- r - -!3 IJ j SUBUITTED, June '16 1 Carl 4,,4 k "J-1 H G ii") i~',artninovskiy, A. MI., Pikus,- G. XQ., Bonin, B. E., arid Yurlyev' V. 6. T:T-'P,: Zffect of electroae barriers on the electrical conductivity of a cesium plasma 10 ~, IL Zhurnal tE',(hnicheskoy fiziri, v. 52, no. 6, 1962, 7*1o - "J" '11~.';T: in an earlier paper (FTT, 11, no. 4, 756, 1960) a method was pro- ~osed for determining the scattering cross section from measurements of the electrical conductivity of a cesium plasma. It was not considered, however, that the electron work function depends on temperature and ,,:'~ss"re of the Cs vapor. In orcer to explain the effect of the electroce the authors of the present paper usea a special arrangement with electrodes to measure the depencence of the plasma resistivity R or. tne length d of the gap between the electrodes. It was found that R increases linearly with d. Measurewents with d - 0 showed that at high temperatures t"Lere is an additional resistance owing to a layer of cesiur, adsorbed on the electrodes. This layer increases the work function. This S/05 62//032/006/020/022 Card C1/2 S/057/62/032/006/020/022 ~,ffect of electroae barrierE~... B108/B102 is also the reason why the eff--'ciency of plasma thermocells decreases. It is t-tre"ore necessary to increase pressure in these cells in order to reauce t~.e wcrk function. There are 2 fig,~res. ASSOCIATION; Institut poluirovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (institute Of semiconductors " USSR, ningrad) .j Aj S U:~ LIZ I Itovember 21, 1961 bard 2/2 17,~2 9 18116210C 4 '005/011 7/0" 1A 25/131 u4 or:.:an -Las , and i'ikus, G. Ye c e-:euts in se i c o n ci_ c t o r siit'h decenerate v omnq 7, e t. i zi K~_ tver~~),7o to - i~ , v no 1 r162 uu r~ ore :.recise t.~eory of :aivanomarne Lie effects 'in p-type ,'e c~n,`uc tors :-resei.tnd `.ere '~.irnlshes substantial corrections to t~.e -,or vz_'ues o' *he ai .at.7,etic conotants and explains the depen- 0~ t.-.e .--all on -~ne mat,,netic field observed experiment~.11y- ID 1-1 1 'i t.-.e 4,.;-_,,.:, of carriers fror, otl%er bands involves crossed re:axa- tior. t~.e distriljuti~)n .7a.-,cLion of IiGht holes more thIn f an t.,.e contr'bution of ti,e various -,:Iv,,- cnes, .-:-.d ch- i-f-s o 1 4 C ~,--,--s of ca--r-iers -.o the kinetic coef.. ents. Jwin,, to the small con- i-011~tlio:i of '-.oles to -the electricc-I conductivity, the effects due to a:.d e..vy hole:3 about the same contributions. ?he relaxation ti:~es of onfitudini.l vibrations for (--vu are given by Card 1/) Si /18 1, 62/004/C05/01 7/,,,, V, 0m a, :n 0C e Iects i.. B 12 5 13 4 L L I G TY 1 0 3 j 4 2 .14 T). 0 th 0 fl M, /M, .'ere, a and b are tae constants Of t'.-e C- I, , :-~~a i On p 0a n t i a 1 , --I and m2are the effective masses of lij.;ht i-i-Aa ~,C:~Vy 3 c e C t i V e I yt h t7 J and smr~! 1. values of t-e relaxLtior. tizie -f hc-v.;~ no.Les will be a little shortpr '.han the relaxation time o I- L i , ~. t I., I Aen. In the case of scattering by acoustic vibrations of the lattice tit )-->O, the inverse relaxation timen tire givon by Card 2/ 5,"81,62/004/005/017/055 Calvanomagnetic efiects in ... Bl-'5/BlO4 3 C L' C r C', 22 '22 n (2.1ol -1 -,1 -j 4 (1 --4- 3-ri Ci and 22 may differ considerauly. t',2reaches a maximum at 5. -Is, J nE t!.e ',rLLnsJtior, probabilities for scattering inside and between Vie ban"s one -ttains t,,-,e relaxation times bard S//1 a~B62/004/005/01 7/G55 Galvc-noma,-ne tic ef-ects in B12~1 104 1 e4-..N V3 (-"j) I (j 71~ 1), I- t) 2 (3-7) and 'Z12 '21 "3.8) with 3k 9X) q) ((I - 3k (2 )2 1 2 ). I ?. 12, 31 (3-9) (1 ?7 (T, 0 -1,1)2 q':; 7 n f rom io.-.) zed impuri ties and 2 2 :n *.,C C~_Se 4 - 1 , wnich is imnortant in practice, is reduced '0 5/2 In n :nE/k2~ TCJ Vj~, 2 _' 1 (3-12) 0, /,,~ I, %th' 'cj:- . oimi,'Le 'Lan a if '~~l . :heavy hollos make trie greatest to the o1cctrical conductivity. The contribution of light -.0 1' of the share of heavy holes, viz. at ~ I I't22 - for - - 0, anO 21 for ().75,-. I'o r b U, the hole mobility Card S/ 181, 62/004/605/017/055 effects in i- 12 5/7? 104 -,,,ie %i0 of t"'le t~%o-ury ij trice that ObLalne~l 'LY -vea k f i e I (I s and fu r 1.,. '-I.e c,~oe uf u iLr,d 6 Co.-, ~ri ions of ~,el-v.v 1-,oles "re ?o ai.d b',',,, re.,,-.ect-,vely, aild iicre-se 0. licei'tra"ion (-~f %,stic .~Ic At 66 r, %nd a cu 17) - 'I) fro::. ties is. e c 0.. " C :- s o " z 1, o C;A s c e. t t c z I , ~,--e 'o be continued. -',vpra,-e vtlues for the cor-,~tants of tne '.'here are u fitures txid o r-.i:. o i. en '. i; -.1 %rc ,.v(3n in i un eVillx. 'I i~(7uaje reference is : C e r r i r. tab 1 e :",e :-o,,t ort".:A -n--n. -lut ...... s. 944, ll()56- (InstitLte of u Kov 3 3 eninCrad .Jem i con-u c to r-, :-en i nl,-.-ad ...stitut i matemp-LJ.,~i A:: :At. 53'R, '-,Iillnyus (:nstitute of 1"hysics and -athematics '..'i Litovskaya SSR, Vil'nyus) 23, lo6l Card BIR, 0. L.; PIKUS, 0. Ye. "The relaxation time and the width of the spin resonance line In semiconductors with degenerate bands." report submitted for Intl Coaf on Physics of Semiconductors, Paris, 1~o-24 jul 64. PIKUSf G.Ye. Effect of deformqtions on the optcal spectrum of unirtzite type crystals. Fiz. tver. tela 6 nc.1:324-326 Ja 164. 'kMJ.U. 17:2) 1. Institut, pol,iprovo(inikov AN SSSR, I,eningrad. Acwwot; NRt AP4o13511j ALITHORSI Aronov, A. G.; Pikus) 0, yet TITLEi Magnetic susceptibility in cros5ed electrical and magnetic fiolcl-, SOURCE% Fizika tverdogo Lela, v. 6, no. 2, i?6L, 06-511 TOPIC TAGSt nagnotic sancnptibi i i Lv, ir-f-,twt, i~: field, olectric f ioLd, (-A.,: I,- moment ABSTFUtCTi The withors have examined in,.resti,-a%~nt- susceptibility ir. crossed elocLrica-I ;vvi f-olds wlien it is to take scattorjn~,, into account in tho fil-'(' Tim magnetic Giiscoptibility or-, the olkoulxl-il ~"O)id nvk~cl it POBSII)io to di.roctly t1io orroot:Lv o ma3:, t;irwo tli,t ,fxly comporient in tiio oY-',vus.'.1jt1 for full PL-ignotic moment that doponlizi ~--i -.111 i'icantl-v oil the eloctrical r~olti I S t' he magiintic moment of the free carrier-;. It is found ~Aiat by moa-suurin~ Uie c~-L~-ige in magnotic moment when the electrical field is applied it is possible to discriminate reliably the magnetic moment associated with the free carriers. If an alternating current is sort through a sample, the frequency being many times Cord 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP40135114 the intrinsic mechanical frequency of the system, this system und-3r the eflfeCl, of ponderomotive forces will remain quiet, whereas the affect of an electrical field on magnetic susceptibility leads to Wie a,)pearance of a constant force, proportional to the magnitude of the effect. However, ponderomotive forces pioportional to the current may be practically excluded by nakine the sample of two coaxial cylinders, one wit4in the other, so connected that the current flows in opposite directions in tho two parts. Tiiis makes the total current through the section equal to zero. "The authors thank Yu. N. Obraztsov and V. L. Gurevich for their useful advice during discussions." Orig. art. hasi 12 foratulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSR, Leningrad (Institute of Semi- conductors AN SSSR) SUMMED i 22Aug63 DATE ACQ i OXI" ENCLi 00 SUB GODEs EX NO RLF SOV: 002 OTER i D03 Card 2/2 NN, AF6OW51 SCrP/1JP(0 SOURCE CODNs uWoi8i/65/007/012/3~36/3~- V)GlJbIJG or OWD Institute Semiconductor# AN SSSR Lenlngra~ (Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSS .71TIZi 7hresbold current of a semiconductor laser ~5'411 7 SOME: 7#13a tyer6ogo telap v. 7P no. 12., 1965, 353&3547 7OnC: MW: semiconductor laser, pri Junction,, laser eminsionp Impurity band,, conduc- q Uon bandp: valence bandj, Axllium menidep, AlLrrier density ABSTRAC Ts A kinetic theory In dev a semiconductor laser with a steep p-n eloped to Junctionp Inwhich the min recombination taken place in the Junction itself and the .carrier distribution in determined by the Junction field. 7be Impurity concentration in the n and p regions are assumed sufficiently large so that the Impurity band mer- ges withtbe conduction band or the valence band and that the transitions occur be- twien asias of the se bands. 7he spectrum Is assumed to be quadratic. The distribu- tionofAM acceptors In the Junction In assumed to be sufficiently steep, so that the vidtbof the active region does not exceed the diffusion length. It is shown that the'thresbold, current at low temperatures does not depend under these conditions on the-~ And Increases with Incressiqg steepness, of the p-n Junction. At h*b teopmtores,* the tbreabold current Increases like the cubs of the temperature and decreases with locressing steepness. 7he theoretical conclusions are in good agreement with the experimental data. In the case of a GaAs User, the calculations I Cmd JV2 L 9916-66 of the tbr*sMld awrrentjo the tbresholA. junction voltagep the electron and hole densities'at'hI& and low temperatures agree well with the OXMlwxw data. Autbor tboas N. I, Perel" and A. Go Aronow. for an active discussion and useful.advice. (021 OrJg. bas: flgurex..~33 flormulasp sM 2 tables. Me CMIS 20/ MM DA73: 200065/ MW W: OA/ 07H Mffs 016 ATD PRIM: Card 2/2---1 ACC N& A16MM52 SCTB/Ijp(c) wG/jG/jDSWWE CODE: MV0101165/0D7/022/3548/3557 AU7M: Map. Arenov, A. Run ORG:' Institute of Somiconduetorajp AN SON, nlrW*d I(Inatitute pajprvvodrAkov AN TITINt Lim width of a semiconductor User SCUM: nalla tyardogo teUx Y. 7.. no. 22, -196% 35W-3557 70PIC UW: semiconductor laser, line wIdtk# arsenide,, pn junction,, carrier density AW7WT: Ode Is a convanion to a paper by one of the authors in the saw source (Pikus., PTT v.. 7j, 3536,, W5; Ace. Nr.AP6000851) dealing with t h e threshold voltage and thresbold current or a semiconductor laser with steep p-n Junction. In the -present article the authors calculate the line width of such a lamerp In which the main re- coskinatice occurs In the Junction Itself and the carrier distribution is determined by i3w.-Junetion field. It In abown first that the laser emission spectrum In not con Aime M- but consists of lines with strictly--deftned "usneles. The line broadening ;.Ak'brvijO* about by the finite rate of Innux of curlers to the levels between which tMWItlems A" Troftheed %W the radiftlen. It Is 81W dMn that the usual forvad" to be equal to the average dis, f6r.,nobilltyp In whieb the screening radius Is as ANwe 1jeWs Impuritles., am bound with good ism FA for smalconductors used fW-lawsp mob Oaks. the Use broademirg Is towa* to to samm lama to 9919-66 ACC Nib (j itbr)1/3p vbwe i in the currm nowft tbrowo 09 2&ow mad Jtbr Is tbe tbwemboU 7bIs Is ft=G to be ft gwd agmemAnt witb the GXPN aria. wt. bast 2 flgwosv 26 ftawa3aso and .3 tabus. 1021 SM CM8 20/ BM IDA29i 200=65/ MW MWs OW OTH MW: OD3 ATD PUBS: 441" wd 2/2 ~'-AP.5611646 1 666 i ii6 n lk, L 32258-66 E'e:,-(!)/tEC(k):?IETC(F)/EPF(n)-2/El'r,(m)A&.,:A(h) Ijp~c) 7TAAI/AT C NR, AP5028321 SOURCE ODBS% f-V AVrH D v, 0. A.; Mutsinovskiy, A. M.; Muse a TsIr'kel B. 1. OR Y ureyev. Ve G. ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of the volt-ampere characteristics-of thermionic converters SOURM. Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v. 35, no. n, 1965, 2054-2o64 70PIC TAGS: direct energy conversion, thermlonic energy conversion, thermlonics ABSTRACT: The volt-ampere characteristics of cesimb-filled thermioi~fq enermy con- -ivrtext'vere examined both in the diffusion and are modes at' operation. Plane-Par- allel diodes with interelectrodi spacings of 0.02-2 is and electrode surfaces of '10-3-0-8 cv~ vere.used In all the experiments. At the diffusion'node, the character- Istics conformed with theoretical data (B. Ya. Moyzhes and 0. Ye. Pikus, YrT, 2, 4, 7569 iq6o).' At hi& temperatures, the transition to the arc mode took place smoothly, 4hich is explained by'the presence during the experiments of an accelerating field at, the emitter. The fact that even the somillest,are current was close to the eadasio* current was also attributed to-this accelerating field. The absence of saturation' in the volt-ampere characteristics was.thougat to be connected with the anomalous Schottky effect arising sa the result of the cathode barriero., Orij. arti,-'bast 6 for, nAas and 9 figures. (ZLI UDC: L 45100-66 EWT(l) IJP(c) AT ACC NRi AP6024889 SOURCE CODE:UR/0056/66/051/001/0281/0295 AUTHOR: Aronov, A. G.; Pikus, G. Ye. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences ~_SSSR (Institut poluprovodnikov Alcademii nauk SSSP) TITLE: Tunneling current in a transverse magnetic-field SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v.51, no.1, 1966, 281-295 TOPIC TAGS: block function, two band model, Dirac equation,semiconduc- tor crystal, Brillouln zone, valence band, conduction band, lead sul- fide, lead selenide r-.erc7-1P,c_ morloA,'I-re .' A,~ 4,,~ V ABSTRACT: It is shown that in the case of a strong electric field a two-band equation should be used in analyzing the motion of elecr,==_ In crossed electric"~/magnetic fields Ex and Hz. In the simplest case, this equation is equal to the Dirac equation except that the limiting velocity is not c but s = (cg/2m)1/2. For sHz/cEx < 1 the electron motion is infinite, just as in the case Hz = 0, and the decrease of the n tunelling current is due to a decrease of the effective field E = (Ex2-s2HZ2/c2 )112. For sHz/cEx 11 the electron motion Is finite L 45loo-66 ACC NR' AP6024889 and direct transitions In a homogeneous electric field are forbidden by the energy and momentum conservation laws. The effect of a magnetic field and deformation on the current in PbTe-, PbSe-, and Pbs-type crystals is considered, where the constant energy surfaces are ellipsoids. The results of the calculations are compared with the experimental data of Rediker and Calawa for PbTe (Journal of Applied Physics, v-32, 1961, p.2189). Orig. art. has: 52 formulas and 3 figures. [CS] SUB CODE: 201 SUBM DATE: 04Feb66/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 019 -Card-2/2 b1g L 04609-o? EWTM/T 11P(c) Al' ACC NRj AP6033429 SOURCE CODE: UR/005-,/66/()3(1,/Olo/igol/19o4 AUTHOR: J~~an ~V. B. ; W1zhesj B. Ya. Shakhnazarova, G. A.; Yur'ye V, ORG: Institute if Semi con duc tors jjqi S~:,-3P, (jiisttut 1,,.~Iupruv,-~drikov AN SSSR-)-- -- , - --- -- -b TITLE: Spectroscopic measurements of the plasma parrtmeters of a thermionic converter SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 10, 1966, l9ol-19oh TOPIC TAGS: thermionic energy conversion, arc discharge, plasma arc, plasma dynamics, plasma diffusion, spectroscopy I ABSTRACT: The plasma parameters concentration, electron temperature, proportion of excited atoms, Jet-c-.T-in an arc-mode thermionic converter were optically determined by meana of a mirror monochromator with photoelectric registration and potentiometric recording. Care was taken to exclude from the treatment the long-wave lines of the P-D and F-D transitions, which showed significant adsorption, and to eliminate the cathode illumination while the measurements of the continuum intensity were being taken. The investigations vere made at cathode temperatures from 1100 to 1600K and at cesium vapor pressures from o.4 to 2.0 mm hg. The interelectrode distances varied from 1 to 2.0 mm. The investigation demonstrated that the electron temperature decreases monotonically between the cathode and anode. The maximum of the electron Card 1/2 ~O~. 5 L 04609-67 ACC NRs AP6033429 concentration was found at a distance of 0.3 mm from the cathode, It was also found that the distribution of the excited atom concentration does not follow the changes of the electron temperature. The transition from generation to recombination takes place close to the point at which the temperature and line intensity curves intersect. If it is assumed that at this point neither generation nor recombination occurs, then the concentration of electrons and excited atoms at this point should be close to the thermodynamic equilibrium. At Te = 2500K, the thermodynamic concentra- tion should be 1.25 x 1014 cm-3 (the measured concentration was 7 X 1013 cm-3). From' their own calculations and a discussion of the less pronounced changes of the electron temperature registered by other researchers using the probe method, the authors conclude that the plasma of a thermionic converter operating under the investigated conditions is essentially of the nonequilibrium type. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and 3 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 04Dec65/ ORIG REF: 010/ OTH REF: oo4/ ATD PRESS: 5100 C d 2/2 L 47035-66 EFC(k)-2/El-IT(!)/,74T(m)/T/E6P(t)/ETT IJP(c) RTWITTIATIM41JD FAcc-Nk APC031273 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/oog/1685/1697 AUTHOR: Dyuzhev, G. A.; Baksht, F. G.; Martsinovskiy, A. M.; Moyzhes, B. vs.; I Pikus, G. Ye.; Yur'yev, V. 0. a ORG: none TITLE: Probe-method investigation of the plasma in thermianic converteKs with high esium pressure. III. Distribution of the concentration, the electron temperature, li~ndt e space potential in the interelectrode gap of thermionic converters SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 9, 1966, 1685-1697 TOPIC TAGS: thermionic energy conversion, direct energy conversion, arc discharge, cesium electron tube ABSTRACT: Specially constructed instruments with novable probes were used in exten- sive investigations of the operation of a cesium-filled thermionic converter. The investigations were carried out at pressures characteristic of both the diffusion an arc modes. The measurements confirm the theory of the diffusion mode advanced in 1920 by Moyzhes and Pikus (Moyzhes, B. Ye., and Pikus, G. Ye., FTT, 2, 756, ig6o). They also show that, at low cathode temperatures, the ionization starts in this mode next to the anode in the region of the anode drop. The transition to the arc mode is accompanied by a redistribution of the potential and a shifting of the ionization region tovard the cathode. In the arc mode, a substantial part of the applied vOlt7 Card 1/2 L 0035-66 FA:Ct_NRI__A_P&3l273 -4- - age drops on the near-cathode barrier and in the region close to the cathode. Next to the anode and in the anode region there is only a small potential barrier, which vanishes with increasing current. The electron temperature in the gap appears to be almost constant, although it increases slowly with increasing current. At the same time, the carrier concentration increases rapidly when current increases. The valuios of electron concentration and temperature obtained by the authors agree with those obtained by other researchers in spectral measurements. While they consider their method highly useful and accurate, the authors concede that, unlike optical methods, it does not yield information on the degree of equilibrium in the plasma. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas, 10 figures, and 2 tables. [ZLJ SUB CODE: 20/ SUBIM DATE: 04Sep65/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 007/ ATD PRESS: 5089 cot,, L OU052-67 WT(1) - W(c). Go ACC NR, AP6031442 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/051/002/0505/0516 60 AUTHOR; Aronov. A. G.; Pikus, G. Ye. _S7,7 G ORG: Institutp of Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut poluprovodni- kov Akadernii nauk SSSR) TITLE!: _Lig6 absorption in semiconductors in crossed electric and magnetic fields SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 51, no. 2, 1966, 505-516 TOPIC TAGS: light absorption, absorption coefficient, electric field, crossed electric field, magnetic field, absorption edge, Franz Keldysh effect ABSTRACT: The effect of an electric and magnetic field on the light -absorption coefficient in semiconductors is analyzed. It is shown that the Frixnz-Keldysh effect occurs in the magnetic field for ca. I sit, > I where p - (ex _/ 2m) W when the electron motion is infinite and the spectrum is constant; with increased magnetic-field strength, the absorption coefficient decreases more rapidly with decreasing frequency than for H-0 . The spectrum is discrete for "C8. I 88.';i: 1, and with an increased electric field, the absorption edge shifts' 2 L OB092-67 ACC NRI AP6031442 towards the low frequencies, but the transition probability drops. The authors thank A. 1. Ansellm, G. I- Bir. V. I,,Gurevich, L V. Keldyah, and B. D. _I.AXkhtman for their valuable advice during discussions. Orig. art. has: 68 formulas. [Based on authors' abstract] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 04Feb66/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 029/ ,Cwd 2/2_ W ACC NR: AJ'6013124 SOURCE CODE: UR 0057/66,0*16 AUTHOR: Dyuzhev, G. A.; Martssinovskiy, A. M.; ~byZhGS, B. Ya.; PikuB, S. Tsirkell, B. I., Yurlyev, V. G. ORG: none TITLE: I'lasna sounding, In thermoemissioa converters with high pressure ceLllun vapors. 1. -Experimental methods and theory SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 4, 1966, 679-691 TOPIC Z~GS; pli.sna arc, plasma probe, thermoelectric converter, cesium plasmn A~ VILIXT: The equipment for the prohl.-,:-, of an isothermal p:-.-ia and Lno experimental data processing are described for the case of it thennoolli-o-, converter with high-pressure cesium vaPors ~,nd small Interelectrode FLps. Movable molybdenum probes 0.2 run in diameter and 7--8 rn, lonZ were used. A detailed description of the construction of the probes Is 31ven. The measurenents were carried out at 1200 and 19000K cathode temperatures and 10-1--4.0 m.. lig cesium vapor pressures with the cathode and vapor temperature stability of +20 and +0.50, respectively. The th-ory of probf- in a igh-density plasma and the method of processing the probe ~h8facterl:_ LOW -1 ~ UDC: 533. - ACC NR. U,6013124 tics are analyzed. Formulas are derived on the concentration, carrier temperature, and the potential distribution in a thermoemission converter In which the plasma Is generated by the arc. Orig. art. has: 2 figureB and 4b formulas. SUB CODE. 20 / SUBM DATE: 21Jun65 / OTH WEF: 002 / ORIG REF: 015 Card 2/2 ACC NR: AV6013125 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/(~-)4._)2/G703 AUTiM, Dyuzhev, G. A.; Martsinovskiy, A. It.; 1.1,oyzhes, B. Ya.; Pikus, G. "'0.; Yurlyev, V. G. ORG: none MD.: 1, lasma sounding, In thermoominslon convertors with high-pi'l3sr"Uro cesium vapors. 11. Verification of the probe mothod. Certain export- mental results obtained in the diffusion and arc modes SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 4, 1966, 692-703 TarIC TAGSt plasma probe, plasma arc, plasma diffusion, thermoelectric converter, cesium plasma ABSTRACT: TIiis paper Is a continuation of the theoretical work on the plasma probing which appeared In the sxie issue of ZhTF (pp. 679-691). The equip-ment and the data processing methodL were checked experimentally using an isothermal plasma which was diffusion- or arc- generated in an Interelectrode gap of a thermoemission converter with high-pressure caslum vapor. The experimental results show that in an isothermal plasma with knoun parameterss the probing method yields data on the electron concen- CarVation and the space potential when the length of the free path Is smaller UDC: 533.9.07 ACC NP. AP6013125 than the probe dimensions. In this connection, elevated values of elec-_ror. temperature were obtained. The divergence Is due to a large thernoelectron emission of the probe and a slow energy transfer between the fast and slow electrons. Measurements carried out in the diffusion mode are in agreement with theory presented elsewhere (Moyzhes, B. Ya., and G. Ye. 1111cus, FFTT, 2, 755, 1960). Measurements carried out in the arc mode indicate that the cesitvn plasma generated between the electrodes of a thermoemission converter differs greatly from a plasm-q In conventional gas-discharge equipment. The electron temperature is low, approximately 25000K at all the test points of a v-a curve, and the ionization does not exceed 1%.' The fact that a plasma in a thermemission converter remians sufficiently cold can be used to achieve high-efficiency conversion of thermal to electrical energy. The experimental values of the electron temperature and concen- tration for the arc mode are essentially in agreement with those calculated and presented by MDyzhes et al. (ZhTF, 35, 1621,.1965). In general, the measurenents in an Isothermal plasma show that the experimental equipment and methods used have yielded satisfactory results and can be used in a study of nontsothermal plasma. The authors thank Yu. M. Kagan, V. 1. Perell, and F. G. Bakshta for useful evaluation of results and for valuable advice. The authors thank Yu. It. Yagan, V. 1. Perele, and F. G. Baksht for useful discussions and valuable ndvice. Orig. art. has: 12 figures and 1 table. SUB CODEs 20 / BUBM DATh: 21Jun65 / ORIG RE;'; 009 / GTH RZF: 007 Ccrd 2/2 VIKUS, L.N. Investigating the 1-12 steel. M,.tallove(l. 11 trrr. otir. mf-t. no.11:29-30 N '65. (~,:" A ii,: I'l-, I 1. KharIkovskiy traktornyy zavod. LYUBOSHITS, 1. L. L. i1-Y, 1 at I on cif' oo~-- Li i at iiie :Cf, I J t W. t: t i vu mati-r I ai.-. in -z r-' -; ,! i . reiort sid' mitte! f'c-r Aii-17nior. -ozil' ~:tat c Mass Ma-, 1 In.;t ~ t' ;Ieat ', MaL :-~ Tr%nz ULSYANOV, V.A.; PIKUS, L.S. Improving the quality of cast rapid steel. Metalloved. i tc-rm. obr. met. no.llt4l-42 N 163. OCRA 1611l) 1. Ukrainskly zaochnyy politekhnicheskly institut i Kharlkovskiy traktornyy zavod. ~qy, Zj.Uq yevna; SLITSKAXA, I.M FjKUS'j_j,y.U v inzh., red.; SHILL11G, V.A., red. izd-va; iXLOGUOVA, I.A., tekbno redo [Easy to tknookout, chemically hardening cores for the produc- tion of large steel castings J Legkovybivaemye khinicheski tverdeiushchie sterzhni dlia proizvodstva krupmogo Btallnogo litlia. Leningrad, 1961. 16 p. (LeninUadskii Dom nauchno- tekhnicheskol propagandy. Obmen peredovyr opyton. Seftia: Liteinoe proizvodstvo, no.6) (Coremaking) (MIRA 15:3) PIKUS. Lyubov' Zinovlyevna; AVKRBUIR. N.M., Insh., red.; FREGER, D*F.9; RM60G=-TA-,- I.A., [Chemically hBrdening mixtures for the production of large steel and Iron castings; experience of the Neva Rachinary k9nufacturing Plant in Leningrad] Xhimichaski tvardolushchle emeal v prols- vodetva krapnogo stallnogo I chagannogo lit'la; opyt Nevskogo mashinostroltellnogo sevoda Im. lenins. Leningrad, 1960. 17 p. (Laningrodakil dom nauchno-tekhnichookoi propagandy. Ubmen pere- dovym opytom. Serila: Liteinoe proizvodetvo, vyp. 6). (mIRA 14:3) (Leningrad--Sand, Foundry--Additives) GORAMKIT, G.X.; PIKUS. M.. redaktor. TRUKWOVA, A., tekhnicheskly re- daktor. [HIgb production tools; cutters] VysokoproIzvodIte1'nyI instrument; reztey. Minsk. Goo. Izd-vo BSSR. Red. nauchno-tekhn. lit-ry, 1954. 221 p. (Nicrofilml (MLRA 8: 2 ) (Cutting tools) GORABSKIT, G.K.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nank; PIKUS, H., redaktor; TUIERARDYA, A., takhnichookly redaktor. --"' -- : ' [Profiling] iPasonnoe tochenie. Minsk, Gos.Ixd-To BSSR, 1955. 283 p. (Ketal cutting) (MIRA 9:1) BLYUMBERGr I.B.; IVANOVA,, V.G.; NED40t A. Ys.; PIKUS, 14. ya. Kinetics of fixing of photographic materials. Zhur. nauch. I prikl. fot.1 kin. 6 no.1:39-49 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14.3) 1. Institut kinoinzhenerov, Leningrad (LIKI). (Photography--Fixing) 3/081/61/000/022/054/076 MOW AUTHORSs Blyumberg, 1. B , Ivanova, V. G., Neyman, A. Ye , Pikus, M. Ya. TITLE: Kinetics of the fixing process of photographic materials PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 22, 1961, 380-381, abstract 221,335 (Zh. nauchn. i prikl. fotogr, i kinematogr., v- 6, no. 1, 1961, 39 - 49) TEXT: A survey is given of the factors influencing the rat,.~ of the chemical reactions and the diffusion. The swelling of the photographic layer in the fixing bath was measured. The dependence of the fixing rate on the increase of the diffusion rate (destruction of the boundary layer)-- and the chemical reaction rate (admixture of NH 4CNS or NH4Cl to the fixing bath) was studied. It was found that the kinetics of the fixing of the photographic layer is of combined nature. With lower concentra- tion of the solvent and greater thickness of the emulsion layer, the diffusive nature predominates. If thin layers with a low silver halide content are fixed in the fixing bath and with high concentrations of the Card 112 -FIKUS, 4.31u.; KHBKU, S.V.; GOPa)bHKU, V.F. 1wrestigating the nature of feed-value variations, pressure and pover cnuncu. on of the 8W cutting machine. Sbor.trud.Inst. mash.i avton6 MSR no.1:95-108 161 (MIRA 16:5) (Gutting machines-Testing) UTh I KF-V I CH, L.F. ; I I HE, t. Yu., dots., red.; KU,,, I1IFNIT, , G.A. :-ed. [!--anual for the I~rep&~,Rtiur. c' co~-rZe tools; textbook for students of the dep&rtments of' cal engineering specializing in "~ecnnoiogy of machine manufacture, rrachine tools ana cutting tools"' ;'Ui.C,- vodstvo po kursovoiru proektirowniiu metal lore zhushchi kh stankov; metodicheskoe po~;obie dliti studentov mashino- stroitollnogo fakulltota vuzov po spet3iallnossti "Tekhnologlia mashinoNtrueniiat otanki i iz,:~trumenty." Minsk, lzd-vo "V,ysshaia shkola," 1963. 56 p. (ML(A 1?:7) , , . , I *. . . . - I . , K"l, - 1 . ~ -:__ i.1hus, m. YU 5 N/5 6,6.,.331 .i-6 NAREZANIYE R~VbY (THRrAD,.NG) GGS. LD-Vo iZbil, 1955. 1145 P. DlAGRS., TAbLES (BBUOTECUA RALjOCHi!LO FASHINOSTilOMLYA) AT hijtb OF TITLE: VSE5C)YUZN0YL NAEliNCYL ObSHCHLSTVG AASH LqCSTHV'1TLIZY . .~U,-iWSSWYL ullLLEINIYE. :)IDLiCL?,ArhT: F. 143-1". PIM,M.Yu.; GORMIXY.G., redaktor; TRUKHANOVA.A., takhnicheekly re- dait or (Cutting screw threads] Narezanle resiby. Minsk. Gos.izd-vo BSSR. 1955. 145 p. (KM 9-2) (Screw cutting) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3662 Pikus Meyer Yudelevich, Grigoriy Sofronovich Talsko, and Mikhail Protyazhnyye avtomaty I poluavtomaty (Automatic and Semiautomatic Broaching Machines) Minsk, Goa. izd-vo BSSR, 1959. 213 P. Errata slip inserted. 3,000 copies printed. Ed.: A. Molochkov; Tech. Ed.: N. Stepanova. PURPOSE. This book is intended for technical personnel. COVERAGEz The book deals with basic constructions of automatic and semiautomatic broaching machines manufactured in the Soviet Union. Detailed descriptions of the characteristics and technical sj>e-cifications of types of general- and special-purpose machines are given. Hydraulic, electric, and manually operated auxiliary equipment is also described. The principal manufacturers of these machines are the Minskiy stankostroltellnyy zavod iment Kirova (Minsk Mach1ne-Tool Plant Imenl Kirov) the "Stankokonetruktaiya Plant, and the Kolomenekly zavod tyazhelogo stankostroyaniya (Kolomna Heavy Machine-Tool Plant). No personalities are men- Z~L~~ Automatic and Semiautomatic (Cont.) tioned. There are 14 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 1. Basle Types of Broaching Machines II. General-Purpose Broaching Machines Model 7A510 horizontal broaching machine Basic constructional and operational date Description of the construction Electrical equipment Description of the electrical circuit Instructions for operation and maintenance equipment Hydraulic actuation Description of the hydraulic circuit Lubrication of the machine Setting up the machine SOV/3662 of the electrical 3 5 6 6 6 7 12 12 15 15 19 1 20 PIKUS, Heyer Tudelevich; TALAKO, Gri,~oriy Sofronovich; SHIPAKOV6KIT, Mikhail Antonovich-, MOLOCHKOV. A. , red. ; ST&PANOVA, N. , tekhn.rod. LBroachina mchines] Protiazlinye Fivtomaty i Dolumvtomaty. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSM. Red.nnuclino-t-Achn.lit-ry, 1959. 213 p. (FIRA (Bronchirit., imichinne) . , N El E", 1b r,~J ol forward mot'lor. speed of *re working In machllne woLq A-th a hydraulic drivej a m Der I .~:;,turej Reg-ul.'rovanie skorosti poatupaialtnogo dvizhEt- n,'Ia raoochego L-rgana v r,.et6I.Io:-ezhushrhikh 3tnnkak~. s g.'drLvi-,.'-nesk!:n tnrivodom.; iektt~iia. Minsk. Vvsshaia Sks'Cls, i~64. J8 P. f, xn-A 18'. F) PHASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION 765 Pikus, Mikhail Yurlyevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences Narezaniye zubchatykh koles (Gear Cutting) Minsk, Goo. i%d-voBS8R, 1957. 179 p. (Series: Biblioteebks rabochego innahinostroitelya) 5,ODO copies printed. Ed.: Goranskiy, R.; Tech. Eds.: Trukhanova, A. and Kalechits, 0. PURPOSE: The book is intended for operators of gear cutting machines. COVERAGE: After a concise description of gear types and gear cutting processes, the author describes generating-type gear cutting machines: hobbing and shaping machines. He discusses setting, operation and maintenance of these machines. Gear inspection methods are covered briefly. There are 14 Soviet references. TAXZ OF CONTENTS: I. Basic Information on Gears 3 Basic types of gears 3 Elements of gearing 3 Card 1/6 Gear Cutting Spur gears Parallel helical gears Worm-Sear transmission Straight bevel gears IT..Gear Correction III. Gear-mitting Processes Milling process Generating process TV. Gear-hobbing Machines and Setting Then Up 765 9 13 15 18 20 24 24 25 29 Types of bobbing machines 29 Work principle of bobbing machines 30 Basic schemes of bobbing machines 31 Derivation of formulas for change gear ratios of bobbing machines 32 The sequence of operations in setting up bobbing machines 36 Technical characteristics of bobbing machines 46 Formulas for determining change gear ratios of bobbing machines 56 Card 2/ 6 Gear Cutting Cutting regimes and lubricating coolants Basic Information on gear hobo Model 5D32 semiautomatic hobbing machine Spur gear cutting Setting speed change gears Setting feed change gears Setting indexing change gears Setting for the depth and heigbt of milling and setting the stop-dog to svitch off the automatic feed Parallel helical gear cutting Worm-gear cutting Method vith radical feed of hob Method vith axial feed of bob Worm-gear cutting vith a single-point flying cutting tool Spur-gear cutting vith a prime number of teech Tuning-tip and lubricating gear bobbing machines Some kinds of rejects in gear cutting and haw to eliminate them 765 60 63 66 74 74 77 80 87 89 90 91 99 100 101 101 106 Card 3/16 Gear Cutting 765 V. Cutter-gear Generating Machines and Setting Them Up log The sequence of operations In setting gear shapers 113 Technical characteristics of gear shapera 122 Formulw for tuning-up gear shapers 126 Cutting regimes 127 Basic information on cutter-gears 128 V1. Model 526 Straight-level-gear Generating Machine 131 Operating principle of the machine 131 Technology of tooth cutting an the model 526 machine 133 Basic information an cutting tools 134 Description of the model 526 semiautomatic machine 135 Terbnical characteristic of the machine 135 The cutting speed mechanism 13~:, The control mechanism and setting feed-change gears and generating- change gears for contact arcs required to cut one tooth 138 Indexing mechanism and setting indexLng change gears 144 Setting generating change gears 145 Card 4/6 Gear Cutting 7b5 Mechanism for radial feed of the gear blank carriage 149 Sequence of operations in setting up model 526 stra-4gbt-level gear generating machines 150 Adjustment of cutters 157 Setting the Index plate of the indexing head for cone angle 'Pii of the tooth space 159 Adjustment of the gear blank and the indexing head 160 Setting the travel of the cutting tool carrier 162 Splitting the machining allowance for tooth thickness between tooth sl.~es in finishing 162 Some troibles of machine operation and their causes 163 Cutting regLmes 164 VII. Inspection of Spur Gears Master gear and dial-indicator method 168 168 Card 5/6 Gear Cutting 7,65 Block-gaging method (measurement across profiles) 169 Pin and dial-indicator method 170 AppendIxes IAterature Cited AVAILABIE: Library of Congress 172 178 card 6/6 GO1jw 11-10-58 i I , " L, ( f I /,/ . - l/. "I "I, : I 1 1: ksnd.tOkhD.nBUk'. GORAISSKIT, G., red.; TRUKRANOVA,A. PIKUS KLWA -' , - t~ihn0i:;~d0;11IRCHITS, G.. Deer cutting] Narezanis subchatykh koles. Hinsk, Goa. ird-vo BSSR, 1957. 179 P. (MIRA 11:2) (Gear-cutting machines) PIKUS, N. N. Egypt - History Form and content of the PaoyrLs Tebtunis 701, Uch. zap,!*,osk, Ln, no. 14), I'd-. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, may -1954. Unclassified. 2 IL'YASHh:IJKC,, A.V., kand. med. nauk;-PIK!",S, T.F. [deceauedj Cas- of ar, extensive :esion rf the sma:2 iLt-C-StJMe -:L granulomatosis sim76-lating ovariar cyst. ~Ilzu-rgila i.- 1312-133 Ap 165. :~ :5 1. Ginekologicheskoye i khiri.rgicheskoye otdelenlya ('jdesskc)y oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnp, vrach V.S. Ternovoy). I-LkTVEYL'Vp G.A.P doktor tekhn.nziuk, prof.; PIKUS, V.Yu. -, inzb. Problem concerning the choioe of the optimum temperature of "ced water. Teploemergetik-i 9 no.8:73-75 Ag 162. WTI;, 15-7) (Feed-water) (Steam turbines) m , . . , ,~ - M. Ye . . !, 'U.- , V, YL;. Ff f e: : z: ~"-- ':-equ,~ncy and ampll'-Am cf f",w ~,, . I 'p-, f,ux,9!1. ! -. "!3--r I I' ' r! - nzn. 'iz. ztu- -.. , ~- 11 .1. In9tttu. Ilmen! r,,M. Krztlzhanovskoj~ , PIUS FYU04--y' r. Design &M testing of electric propulsion devices on whalers. Suds- stroemile 23 as.5:31-35 W 157. (MIRA 16 - 6) Nhalers) (Ship propulsion. Alectric) PIIWS, Ya.G., insh. Designing and testing electric propulsion plants on vhalers. Trudy SM eud.prom. 8 no-5:95-112 159. 04IRh 13:7) (Whalgra) (Ship propulsion. Blectric) V T Ya.7. nv:il i t,.v Px, t ao-J-4- 'k na, v L 88h3-6 ACC NRs AP5022734 SOURM CDDE: W/0101165/097/009/2843/2844 - AVZWR-. Ki scrodsidyl-A. -I.; goroubkow, a. D.; Pikus# To. _16 ORG: Institute of Note &OX&SUC Compounds, Has" Unstitut slementoorganich*skikh -Y TITIXt Characteristic temperature of molecular crystals SDURM: Mika tverdogo tole, v. 7, no. 9, 1965, 2943-2844 70FIC TAGS: molecular crystal, organic crystal, ~he 2#1 VY, .5 co ANTRAM The characteristic toopersturs 9, defined an the soon geometric frequency of the uproal mode, Is calculated ftw a number of organic cnrstals.7 no results are given grapbleally, It in found that ozZonic valecilar crystals have low characteris- :tic ta"Wrat- lybw In the SM'00 rw*e of 90-1500K. In most cum, the chanse- torlstle teaperato fall smoothly with temperature. roe derivatives of 0 with re- apect to r Ao witun an even marrawar reogs than the volues, at 9. conosquentiy thei, Grawlson cometmets y am extromely elam* OrJLg* wto bes: I figure. $Moms 2D/ SM IDATIC-. 1511vibes/ Me Mr: 09/ Orm Imr: OU GRILCRYBOV. LV.. kandidad neditsinskikh neuk-.PIKUS, Z.. kandidat wditsinsidkh nauk; BANDURISTYT. N.Y.. leandIdAt moditsinskikh umuk.OSMYKO, V.Te. Bxpert medical determination of working capacity In ostooorticular tuberculosis. Ortop.. travs. I protez. 17 no.3:36-41 Ky-Je 156. (NLRA 9:12) 1. U Donpropetrovskogo filials TSentrallnogo nauchno-iseledovatell- skogo instituto ekspertisy trudomposobnoott I organizatail truda Invalidov (dir. - prof. A.P.Xotov) (TUBARCUIMIS, OSTBOARTICULARO working capacity determ. (Rue)) (VORK. capacity deters. in osteoartioular tubere. (Rua)) ORTS,-Xh. [Cobo Orts. J.); TjgPPA_Z.R,; POMALINA, I.M.; TSDOWOM, M.G.; rMIN, ?.I., retsenzent.- VOSKOBOINIK, D.I., doktor takhn.nauk. nauc" red.; Fur -TORUS. Uh. (Plaig Torres, Inzh., red.; WBOLKVA, N.M., [Concise BRanish-Russian and Ruselan-Spanish scientific and technical dictionaryj Iratkii Ispansko-rusekii i rusako-ispanakii nauchno- takhnicheWdi slover'. D.I.Voskoboinik. Red.A.Puich-Torres. Moskva, Akad.nauk SSSR. In-t nauchn.informteii, 1960. 438 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Spanish language--Dictionerieo--Russian) (Russian language--Dictionaries--Spenish) (Technology--Dictionaries) 14-57-6-122 58 Translation froms Referativnly zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6. p 79 (Us' AUTHOR., Pikush, N,, V. TITIEt otion o Constru a Hydrometric Weir and a Nonsilting Spillway With an Automacing Water Level Recording Mechanism (Ustroyetvo g1drometricheskogo lotka i nezailyayemogo vodooliva s obahchim samopistsom urovnya) PERIODICALs Tr. Ukr- n.-i. gidrometeorol. in-ta, 1956, Nr 6, pp 70-72 ABSTRACTs Bibliographic entr7 Card 1/1 .. ,, - C , - ') : , c , " .. , . .. -I - - .'. , -~ _: G , - 0 - ~? "-: -~ - k,.l a -T 4) 1, -,.: "7 -C~ nv Lr"", . I . I I ( I :rl.,) 11'r I "Method of ]-:i-inj, for the L;e'ermination of the -jischprres of -ater," i rr.iaroloriya, :.o 2. 1953, -,, 3~---'E The electrol~rtic method, of measurinf: the dischar.~e of water of sriall ~-urre ts ~, ur. to tens of culAc meters per seconi) is 1-,!:,aA on tl.,, of the electric ti vit -+ y of the e1 ectrol.,, le :-,olutlon the cloiid of vill-Ach nasses throu.-h a spf-c Lal svsle.,n, of electrodes. The systen consists of a twin-core conJuctor -,.rith chlorvin~vl inslil:,t.ion, a small nart of which isemosed. The noruniformity of depth of f lovi is coi-~ en:iated by the corresnondingl,y nonuniform disnosition of the exposures on the cond',dt which serve as electrodes. Eeasurement of electric conduction is done by usual methods. Frt-lir-inar v calibration t)ermits establishing the denendence between conductivity and vrater lischart7e (c;irried out 1-y comnutational for-inila). Ilia -,uantity of salt reouirili fur anounts to 0.2 to 0.5 kiloL-ram per mi/sec of water discharr-e. In the aut:.or's oriaian, use of the indicated method obviates the necessity for creatiriv a steady-st~ite rer,7ie of irAxinv and of finding tho 11rection of total r-Li)-ini-. In rnr~,Uel iiaasure:iints of ',- discharp-es of wnter 'h'v srillwa,v~, a-d watir van-!i anA by tho electrolytir metliod it was established that for flows with mean speed greater than 5 meler r)er secon-1 th- error d1d not exceed -80' for ordinar~v elpetrodeg'. Less accurate were the mea--zur-vients or. r,-.,,-rs with speeds of the orier 0.05 to 0-10 m/30c. (17,hl-leol, No 5, 1914) SO: Sun. ':0. 568, 6 Jul 55 PTYUSII, ~.,. V. "The Runoff fron Flementar,- Areas" Izv. In-ta Sidrcio7ii i Gi~lrotekhnild A" !SSTs, rpf-~ the I-,'r1of fareas (-tafxrs!,e(.1 3rva) nf th, The author bricfl-,, dvzc T -1v1 h' -ical st,t ROMASI, Ydrolof ion and '.he resi,14s there areas. The ma;or-*t- o~ thf- artdcle r"I"of f fron I 11C with ta~-les of daf.a on rain runoff anc! on The surface ninof-I from areaE la,-, :Oil w,~en precipitation is "'Ji-her tlian or the ca.,c of kl,-v -,c;~l ;s Max I'L -, n ima not o-rzerved even when thr, , r,c rj m o~f fron 7el'in,- f:nolv does nct t~xcee(: M,Geol, No SO: W-311E7, C 1.1ar PINME, N.V. Blectrolytic method for determining discharges of water.Truo Mr. NIGNI n0-3:143-150 '55. (KRA 9:10) 1, Ukrfttnskiy nauchno-looledowatellakly g1drometeorologicheskiy Institut. (Stream memurements) PIKUSH. V.,ty, M*WMUW-A� Rrmporimetor with R liquid indientor. Trady Ukr.NIGNI no.4:109- 111 155. (KLRA 10:1) (Atmometer) PIKUSH, N.V. Determining the capacity of small hydroelectric power stations and computing water flow in them. Trudy Ukr.NIGPI no.6:37-47 156. (MLRA 10:5) (Hydroelectric power stations) PIKUSH. II.V. Mmuftftowasm Construction of a vater measurement trough and a nonsilting spillvay with a common self-recorder of the level. Trudy Ukr. NIGMI no.6:70-72 '56. (WaA 10:5) (Stream measurements) PIKUSH, N.V. Yeasuring flow rate on the basis of discharge of the fluid frov a container. Trudy Ukr.NIGKI no.6:73-77 '56. (MI-RA 10:5) (stream measurements) PIE~, ~V~~ Computing the Inflow and outflow volumes and the water surface area of reservoirs on the basis of the intensity of level fluctuations. Trudy Ukr.N1GMl no.6:78-81 156. (MLRA 10:5) (Reservoirs) PIK=, W.V. "ftft%*A"WmM"v"a, Calculating flow at hydroelectric power stations. Meteor.i g1drol. no.9:41-42 6 156. (NLRk 9:11) (Strwo measurements) Pikust-1 0 .IV - V I AUTHMS: Lebedeva, N. V.; Mishutin, D. A.; Pikush, N. V. TITLE: The Disastrous Cloudburst in Nikolayev (Katastroficheakiy liven' v Nikolayeve) PERIODICAL- Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, 1957, Nr 1, pp 37-41 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The force and effects of a terrific cloudburst (with lightning and hail) which occurred on June 30, 1955, in Nikolayev and its surroundings during which time from 165.0 to 195.0 mm of water were deposited, are described. Table I shows the amounts of precipitation deposited in various points of the region affected. The dynamics of the storm according to pluviograph recordings are analyzed. Many homes were flooded, many damaged, and some completely destroyed. The asphalt sidewalks on many streets were demolish- ed, stone bridges were washed away and trolley car lines damaged. The water depth in some places reached up to 1 - 1.5 meters, the depositions in some streets were 0.5 - 0.7 m. Railroad causeways were washed out in many places and the crops suffered immensely. Large nurbers of wild life (rabbits, birds) were killed. It was the first case in 150 years of meteorological observations that the Nikolayev region has seen such a cataclysm. Chart in Fig. I shows the distribution of precipitation in the Nikolayev region on 6/30/1955. Fig. 2 shows the weather chart at Card 112 2100 hrs.on that memorable day. h N vo H, N V 141SHMIN, D.A.. kandidat geografirlheaVi". nauk- PIKUSH, B3. knndidet tokhnicheakikh neuk. Umisual shower. Pr1roda 46 no.6:125 Je '57. (MI-kA 10 7) 1. Ul-rainsirty nouchno-19pledovatel'okly gidrometinatitut (Kiyvtv) (11kolayev-Rnin and rainfall) FIKUSH N 7. MeasurIng ia!.-r I.Ischarpps witt. a achymrter. Tr Ay Ukr.41'~Ml n-,.~Otq3-103 '65. (ml~'; 'P: ill, PIKUSHP N.11. Meas,.ring the inean veloc' ty of a watercourse by the electrolytic method. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.50:104-107 '65. (MIRA IP:11) PIKUSII~ NIV, Ul A precipita"ou and pr6cipitation self..-,e corder urith a liquid shield. T--udy MO no.1?5:164-166 165. (MIRA jet8) I* Mcrainski-y naim-linc-iseledovatellakiy gidromateorologiaheskiy inatitut, KONSTANTINOV, A.R.; KISILENKO, A.A.; PIKUSII, N.V.; M11a,10VICH, L.A.; BELOUSOV, V.V.; VITKOIISKIY, B.I. Exper:Lmental stud: if methods of measuring liquid precipitation. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.1,2:163-185 '64. (MI RA 1-8. 1 ) PIRUSH, N.V.0 kand. tekhn. nauk Outflow method and the tachymeter for measuring water current velocity. Meteor. I gidrol. no-3146-48 Mr 165. (MIRA 18t2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iscledtvatel'skly g1drometeorologicheakiy inst1tut. PMMHI, II.V. A ovinging water gauge and bathometer. Trudy UkrrilCa4l no.32:58-60 162. 04IRA 15:7) (Flow motors) PDM, N.V. A vater flow meter. Trudy UkrNIGM no.34:61-67 162. (MIU 15:7) (Flc;~-twitera) '1~11- FUSHEK,, B.S.# kand geogr. mauk; POPOV, I.V., kand. geogr. nauk; OBRAZTSOV, I.N., in2b.; FEDOROV, N.B., kand. tekbv. nauk; GRUSHEVSYM p M.S., kaM. tekbn. nauk; JaUVOSHEYv B.Z.j, insb,p; POPOV,, O.V.. star. naucbmyy sotr.; PIKUSAI-N.V.t kand. tekbu.nauk; LEM, A.G., kand. tekbn. mauk; DIKMO irsh.; GAYRILOV, A.M. j, kand. geogr. nauk; K0NDRATIYL?VqN.Ye. 9 kand. tekbn.nmkv red.; URYVLTEVp V.A. 9 kand. tekbn. muk, red.; SRkTlibA, M.K. q red.; S010MCH119, A.A., tekbn. red. [Investigation of unsteady flow of water in the Tvertsa wid Oredezh Rivers] lealedovaniia neustanovivshegosia dvizbeniia vody na rekakh Tvertse i Oredesh. Pod rod. N.E.Nondratleva i V.A.Uryvaeva. Lanin- grad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1961. 287 p. 6 charts (in pocket) (MIRA UtO 1. Ley-lim7rad. GosudarstvemM$r gidrologicbeskiy institut. Tivertsa River-Hydrology) (Oredezh River-Hydrology) PIKUSH, N.V. Fornstion of rain-water runoff in minor basins and possible methods for its calculation. Trudy UkrNIGM no.19:66-84 159. (W R& 13-4) (Runoff) PIKUSH, N.V. Possibility of dotermining the flow rate of undergmind vh~ers by the intensity of water exchange in a bore holo. Trudy UkrNIGHI nn.19:149-150 159. 0111h 1):4) (Water. Underground) FIKUSH, N.V. Profile of complete mixing and deformation of the solution --Io,,.d in the flow. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.15:S6-60 159. kMIRA 12:7) (Hydrodynamics) I I fj ( i k ~,-/ , PIKUSH. 11. V. Generalizing the experience in determining water discharge b7 the electrolytic method. Trudy Ukr. NIGKI no.9:79-87 157. (MIR& 11:1) (Stream measurements) I iKusq, il. .1. .yn, 4.1'' J,i ~ n,- -~i - 7~1 I t f -~ :- i- t -'. - :.e tn -,,, ...L( -.i i-_ i, . "i - I I ~- -a I. - . . : . -Ci- - ' Wfit43r -.,,r the rdxing 1 1: - - ... (!'LRA. 10. Q I PIKUSHCHAK, L.K. Technique for capillarography. Vrach.delo no.8:1,35-136 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Kafedra propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney Omskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty - V.P.Putalova. (GAPILLARIES) ACC S Cj U W,' .CODE UR /0113/64/000,1006/0007/00ID L.-,v.1.-")V, A. Pikushov, A. N. 'K~V'11; Central Scicntizic :,-ISLitur-e of Mechan-ization and ?ower nf~ln_erlng for Zorest industry (Tsentral'nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut -.,ekhaniZaLS_`-.' ieaergetiki lesnoy promybhlennosti (Kavkazskiy filial)) .ITLE: 'oraking in four-cycle diesel vehicles SOURCE: Avto-mobil'naya promyshlennost', no. 6, 1964, 7-10 +A,, e. +AA. A_ -L,D?10 TA 3 S vehiclel"a s,,%izem, C_ /ilk ABSTRAC-,: To increase z't.e effectiveness of ~eccleration of heavy four-cycle diesel trucks lnzei,_!ci for travel on mountain roa(Is, t1ie exhaust braking system is investi- gated. ~.n this system, the motor exhaust is covered whenever braking action is de- s1red. T~L. increased pressure in the cyl4n,~Ilers and the exhaust system (zhe fuel is not zo rotor at rnis zime) i--creases the braking action. -.he effective- ness 0. L1--5 sy.;zam was tested at the KavkLz -ranch of TsMIME (Kavkazskiy filial TsN IT'%-' nd 1962 on the Tatra-1-11 10 ton, V-12 cylinder, four-cycle diesel truck. :zs max-'mazz. power is 180 hp at 1500 r?m. The test results of deceleration with and wit.-Iou: the use of exhaust braking system are ta' -alated. The effec:iveness Of the exha ,st braki-..- system is suc"- that z:"-.e deceleration effect is a?proximately equivalenz: _.; .1-1a.Zzing (down by one gaear. ~;--ig,art. has: 7 formulas, 1 table, and 6 ;-igu:-es. S*U'B CODE: 13/ SUB-1! LA-,E: none/ ORIG REF: 003 -Card I/:. LTDC v 621-43,06:62-59