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ACC NR,-AT6034469 S-0.U-R-CE-CODes---Uk-f3~i"f6'6-f6O'O/l~-3/0074-/0081---' AUTHORt Piguzova, Ve M.; Shchebreneva, N. A, ORG: ywv%.~ TITLE: Technique of studying the subsurface feeding of rivers in regions of widespread permafrost SOURCE: Leningrad. Gosudarstvennyy gidrologicheakiy inatitut. Trudy,. no. 133, 1966. Issledovaniya podzemnogo stoka v reki (Studies of sub- surface flow into rivers), 74-81 TOPIC TAGS: hydrology, permafrost,Aground watert subsurface drainage, IL ABSTRACT: Schemes are presented for the analysis of river-discharge hydrographs obtained for four seasons of the year at stations on several rivers in the permafrost areas of the Soviet Far East and Siberia. A review is given of the research results obtained by Soviet investigators- studying the conditions which control the rate of interchange between ; surface and ground water. This interchange was found to be most exten-: sive. not in areas where the permafrost Is thinnest, but in areas which have been or are being subjected to structural deformations which Dro- Card 1/ 2 i ACC-NR,-AT6034-4-89 duce access routes for water migration (deep-seated faults, complex jointing, fractured and intensely folded zones, and dikes). Recent epeirogenic movements also are processes which favor ground-water mi- gration. The principal source of ground water in these regions gener- ally is where high-pressure heads have been built up in such subperma- frost zones as the Irkutsk artesian basin, the Lena-Amur interfluve. the Kama-Taseyeva region, and the Angara artesian basin. The develop- ment of naleds, especially those formed by water migrating Into rivers from subpermafrost horizons, are analyzed in terms of their contribu- tion to winter an 'd sumner feeding. Soil conditions and meteorological factors are also taken into consideration. Orig. art. bast 3 figures and 1 table. [W.A. 50] SUB CODEs 08/ -SUBM DATEI none/ ORIG REFt 015 2/2 PIHA3 B. Dusan Stefanovic's Problemi stanbene izgradnje i njenog finnsiranja u gradovima FNTW (Problems of Housing Costruction and its Financing in Towns of Yugoslavia); a book review. P. 40 IZGRADMJA, Beograd, Vol 9, No. 7, July# 1955 SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 5, No. 10, Oct., 1956 ~ T". I - A, ~ . " L';v sl ~ "; I '. ~t r.; -,, .. - .1 . - - 11 L., I - - , - , , , I , . I J IT - , -T,-J, , , . Reduction cf ccsts fcr r,.: ital --'rvestmert 4r. the row"r ~-.ldustrv. p. L65 (Energetika. Vc I . 7 , !:c - (,, , --- rt - 1 , Cz(--c!- I q I(, vr,- ~ - 'I- ~,c,nthly Index I f Last rx, (,, t~; r, I cceF- ~( !-S (- " T . IT, 1 . : ~ I I ; , n( . , , February 151~8 PlliA, 11. "Improving business accounting in the power industry." p. 307. (Enereetika. Vol. 3, no. 9, Sept. 1953. Praha.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions Vol. 3, no. A, Library of Congress, June 1954* Uncl. hit. -4jp4pb 4"A' 40 f-A - * 11 7 4~,, Y'. asbs~ lbe ljvrrvilb a Rinter i&l W4 the tbYriM the'Waile I COW U~ At ' ' Oftht 91; ~11ibibiliu vns gum x krillri. M. W Af ' I it'tb IM to -.Jtw-. , , 'tkis~ - - --$ I W " 114 AS 1my a x to " Ptivis k Wes no Iil-oh-OW Flak# milosl4v Plauming and control of electric pover cono=ption. Emrget5)ra Cz 12 no.7%355-357 JI 162. 1. Ceskoslovesneky statni energeticky dispecink, Praha. FIHAF, 0. "Biooxidation studies. V. Cooyidation of 3,L-benzo:yrene bv c.yto-hTofyie oxidese. P- 1503 (Collection of Czechoslovak Chemiral Communications. Praha, Czechoslovakia.) Monthly Index of East Eurcpean Acessions- (EEAI) LC. Vol. 22, no. 5, Oct. 1957 T R, Y CATEGORY N! q(.) r' '3 !~)C- 00. ABS. JOUR. RZlih i AUTHCR INST. T ITTLE aL ORIG. PIJ 13. AB3TRACT t tonc t. steps Ln e re':t Ul ~l C. U Ca rd 11, JIMUSIX, 4;FDM, 0. j New method of preparation of sodins p-nitrophanylphosphate. Gesk. farm. 2 no.1;11-12 Jan 1953. (GIML 2.5:1) CHARVAT, J.; PIEIAR. 0. Resistance of 3. 4-banzopyrone to hirman digestive juices. Cask. onkol. 2 no.4:293-297 1955. 1. 111. interni klinika fakulty vaeobacneho lekarstvt KU v Praze Akado-olk CSAV Josef Cbarvat a spoluprac., Praha 11, Ostrovni 5. (BENZATHRACENNS, 3,4-benzopyrone, off. of 4tiodenal & gastric juices & saliva. (Cz)) (SALIVA, effects, on 3,4-benzopyrone. (Cz)) (DUODENAL JUIC9, effects, on 3,4-benzopyrone. (CZ)) (GASTRIC JUICE. effects. on 3,4-benzop7rons. (Cz)) p1w, 0.- DUPAIDVA. L. gnsymatic oxidation of 3,4-bensopyrone in vitro. Cesk. oakol. 2 no.4:298-305 1955. 1. Indokrinologicka oddeleni polikliniky a Ill. interni klinika KU v Praze. Dr. Otomar Pihar a spoluprac., Praha Il. Karlovo nam.. III. interni klinika. (BINZAMMCMM. 3,4-benzopyrans, enzymatic oxidation. (CR)) (MiMES, effects, oxidation of 3,4-benzopyrene.(Cz)) JELPIFY, Vladimir; PIHAUR, ( tomnri S!'A' ~ F , !an Avr)vi-rat,is frr measliremftnt )' nry-Fl. ' , -,rlzges ,f 7. vo 1 tage .'hem li s%.- ~.~ n -- .-~ A '~,4 . I . ReSear-- Tnr., ' -' nn -:. * ' : ' - - .t , I'- f,,, ~- . - . i Pim" 0. PIhsr, 0. Catalytic oxi6ation of ascorbic acid in the presence of o-todophowls. p. 340. SO: Monthly List of East Daropean Accesaionj (EFAL), L-C, Vol. 4v No. 9, Sept. 1955,, Uncl* PIM, 0.; Cim, M. Mar, 0.; Mar, M. Activation of cytochrome oxidass by ferron. p. 352. SO: MDnthly List of East European Accession, (EML), IZ, Vol. 4v No. 9, Sept. 1955, Unel. PIRAR, Otomar; SONKA, Jirl -%Mwmwsg~ Clinical detemination of succinates In serun. Cas. lek. cesk. 91 no.52:1554-1555 P6 DecT. 1. Z Ustradni%- -A-i--4-Inpicksho ustavu, prednosta doc. dr. K. Silink, a z III interni kliniky K. U.. prednosta prof. dr. J. Cliarvat.) (BWOD, succinates, determ.) (SUCCINATES. In blood, determ.) PIHAR Otomar. RNDr.: CIHAR, Milos. Ing. Determination of succinates in serum. Ces. lek. cesk. 91 no.52:1551-1554 26 Dec 52. 1. Z Ustr"driho endokrinologickebo uetavu (reditel doc. MUDr. K. Silink) a z 111. Interni kliniky Statni fa)niltnt nemocnico v Praze (prodnosts Prof. MUDr. J. Charvat). (SUCCINATHS, in blood. determ.) (ISMOD. succinates, determ.) PIHAR,0 - . .1.1 ~4- 0. .31oxidati on studies. IV - 5-~v~ro--'-, , 4-,),,n - ';I -- - . -o,-y iene, a ne~: retanolite of 3, 4-'-->em.,op, -rene, p. -96. Vol. 50 no. 2 Foo. 1,)56 L.I.:TY, PRAFA, SOURCE: East European Aocessiona List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4, April 1957 PIHARP 0. Catalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid in the presence of o-iodophonols. P. 340. CHEMICKE LISTf Vol. 49, No. 3, Mar. 1955 SO: Monthly East European Accession (EEAL), LCX Vol. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. PMAa,, 0.; CIRAR, M. Activation of cytochrome oxidase by ferron. P. 352. CHEMICKE LISTY Vol. 49, NO. 3, Kdr. 195~ SO: Monthly East European Accession (EE4), LC, Vol. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. -~-, PLIiAR_p. Ze Socialne Ziravotnicke Poradny pro Ghoroby ZIaz a VnItrni Sekreci a ze ill. Interni Kliniky. Rychla mikromethoda stanoveni dusiku v moci A rapid micro-method for estimation of nitrogen in the urine Casopis Lekaru Ceskych 1949, 88/5 (127-128) The nitrogen compoLnds in urine are oxidized with alkaline bromJne S01Ltion anr! tne remaining bromine is deterndned fotocolorJjiietrically, using a green filter (530 ML-) Fifty analyses can be ma,'e urithin one hour. Comparing the resulta with those of the Kjeldahl method the de-cribed method appears to be satisfactory. Wenig - Prague SO: Physiolory Biochemistry and Pharmacology. Section I1, Vol. 2, No. 9. KRLWCZTMKI. J.;PIHAR. 0. Iffoot of folic acid on the activity of ffuccinic acid dehydrogenaze. Acts PhYstol. Polon. 3 SuPPI. 3'246-248 1952. (CLKL 24:1) 1. Of the Institute of Physiological Chemistry of lablin Medical Academy and of the Central Institute of Endocrinology in Prague. PIR&R. O.;KRKWCZTNSKI, J. The influence of benso-3yrin on enzymatic oxidation of succinic acid. Acts pbvelol. polon. 3 SDPP1. 3'243-246 1952. (GLXL 24:1) 1. Of the Institute of Physiological Chmistry of Lublin Medical Acadeqy and of the Oentral Institute of ftdoorinology in Pragus. 44-~ * 71HA2. 0.; DUP!LOVA-. L. "Now Methoile In Enzymology. 111. Polarometric Determination of the Activity of Cytochrome Oxi4aaes ana Succinoxidaces". P. 165, (CREMIca, LTSTT, Vol. 4P, No. 2, Ireb. 1954, Prithn, Czechoolovakin) SO: Monthly List of East Euronean Acceeqions, (ITAL), LC, Vol. 3. 1-10. 12, Dec. '954. Uncl. .14m of ihe i&dtt of dehydzopmes; 6ol fak, nemmtice. Pmpe 1 ~y 47,12 tnt ol -WK-ft"e at w sucditada~% bT dm&t imtkva --f- bl f l h 9 of t uc so ns. is mAde tic. The Cel e methAme. Imtoma ' b mablmd with the registrntion device of a phiot-eftr b- h ! i f % d d ihe d 6l i tj i~A & jm TV imlwvv* vm tm - t o tc 0t a on s " p druyi; a strong InhiNtew I the suc Wnodtbvd and %its rxElve cycit in the mt-n. of r6vnsw AL fludit- henil cI! (Coll or 'k JZ 141k IL Ww Udy':. a which" um ch ommn~oribcu)icvto it) i4 addr4 So. a "n' ofa welyk I LYS I di with XteAlItAl IOU AbW -3i ,am 6xi% ilka d ......... . . . . . . n p p) jk'b 4064daw .11) in She 4hrmtwipg effect tjX lluawr~,>OVOMAd r the jjm b alti~u V4 0-3 wha of 11AW. ' l of al "MW ~V ls lmc To dot i Ab j , W (0-210 hv i il ) AQ PhY4-UWkAJ'**llolA..j1;$vJ). add 1 l i d - t altd 1 miy an, tdoob a l : Mid Auftb WY OE N V I + a ann 0 V e i j CV81 w8ed. 0 PIHAR 0. Syntheti6a aktivita foafatAs v seru A v moci k'-,Te,-bezne tsdelarid) S)nlwti,~:t~4.,."P.,~ s7clivity of shosphatases in s,-rum an~ urine (Preliminary report) ftologicke Listy 190 29/3 (132-13h) iraphs I A phosphorus compourr' of unknown nature is formed fron arorganic poosphate by SM-e tra-!Eient enzymatic system, present in human blood serum anti urine. The deg-ree of syntnesizin-7 activity seems to be different in various patholodcal con itions; ther-fore il seems not Impossible to use the estimation of activity of these synthesizdng phosphatases' to diagnostic pixposes. Wenig - Prague SO: Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology. Section II, Vol. 2, No. 9 FiRah, C'. (3913', Prispevky k biochemii jociu. II Foluroeraficke stan-veni j~~,~u v -. ci detection of iodine Ir urine Casopis Lekziru Ceskych 1948, 87/45 (1182-111W Tables 5 Illus. 2 kfter e vaporatic., of the urine sample it is oxidized by ,ctass! in the presence of cone. sulphuric Iodate is free! by rc arsenite in Parnass's d"nti.1ini, Fip-,jrntus, -~xi-.-Iized by me-fins of ch~or-ine ~r --r~:- mine water ani, ziftei- c-3r.centrati.)n to a s:-nil! volume, Ir, Jete,Td-ed polarogra:hically. T~e error is 1-1 10't with 5C ml. of uiine ir o.5-5 ur. of iodine. Olbrich - Ldinburgh So: Excerrta Meaiga, Vol 11, No 8, Secti -r. 11 , 11 igust 1~.14- ~ I - r, - 1;11, . . ., '. I ; . , , ., ~ - c " ) 1, " I : ~- !I r; - . - . . . . I . . . -1. .- . . - . I .~- ~cc I * O-le , 11 T, ~: (7! ~ ~ -, ~-. Iv . ... - _; , - I . '~ .1 1 . . . . ~j : ;" . . - -I . . z . C C " . I . I - . P f HA 4c, Kr ; v 54~')'Q * ,UZYNird. J. '-'.'0 "F-ffecV of benzpyrene on the enzymWc oxidation of succinate.11 P. 255. (ChPjjcy'E LTsT-Y, vol. 47, #2, Feb. 1953, Czechoslovakia) East European Voi. 2, #8 303 Monthly List If Accessions,/Library of Congress, August 1953, Uncl- I U, KR.&WCZYBSKI. J.; PIHAR. 0. Inhibiting effect of folic acid upon the activity of Fuccizmo- dehydrogenase. Chekh.fiziol.2 no.2:190-194 '5). (KURA 7:2) 1. 1natitut fiziologicheekoy khimii -ikademii meditainskikh nailk, Lyublin, Mentral'nyy endokrinalogichookiy Institut, Praha. (Folic acid) (Enzymes) FIHAR 0. Effect of benzpyrene on the enzymatic oxiAr-tion of succir-te. (Chermical Listy. Vol. /+7, No 2, Feb. 1953) Czechoslrvakia SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 2, #F, IALrary of Goni-res~l, August 1953, Incl, f-1 1-1 tA f~, , C' VOTMOUT, C.S.; PIR&H. 0. - 1 -1 - Biochemistry of Iodine; Iodine deficiency in the Inhabitants of Csochoolovakia. Cas.lek.ceek. 89 no.20:579-583 19 MY '50. (GIML 19:3) 1. Of the Central Endocrinological Institute (Head -- Docent Karel Silink, M.D.). PIHAR, 0.; MVCYNSKY. 1. "Wows""eviaw Effect of bensopyrens on the enzymatic oxidation of tba succinic-scid anion. Sbor.Chokh.khts.rab. 18 no.6:883 D '53. (WAk 7:6) 1. TSentrallnyy ondokrinologichoskiy institut v Fra" I Institut fiziologi- chaskoy khluil Haditsinskogo faknl'teta v Lyublins. (Bonsopyrons) (Succinic acid) PIHAR, Otnmar Reaction of 1,4-banzopyrene with thin7 groups of succinodehydrogenaEe. Cesk. nnknl. I no.2:97-102 1955. 1. Dr. 0. Plhar, Praha KVI, Na belidle 15. (BENZANTHRACMS, 1.4-banzopyrpne, reaction with succinic dehydrogenAse) (DaffDROGENASES, succinic, reaction with 3,4-henzopyrene) PIHAR 4CTGW P i ne:vocn ce, rague, 19S3 h W&t B W ro- e c 3).-t y t ~ simm bossbok wetl:md, to free SH group3 were found in Ck"isl Abot- Atoi~ hE-m-~,Wm-Tn-1f COOChs. of &Mrasoctruri bensoatc an used. 0.8 mole of bftW1 rou e le o 1b i f i f d A r mo o a um n s . orme sugg". $ p p , 1954 " on b tna& that the previms detns- of SH groups In serum t li allb d ti l d t i f h i n were oa ue to par a ena ur n un(jc7 t e prote ng o the c6nditim',of the The dctu. of SH P1 III =,. FUMM h awrkd out 0.2 ml. blood in U IV-jib 9 R 1. in). Vb7". aalk Wn. h t" t inged, I - 5 nil, of I he d Ild. b etted blo the it I l " O OMW hl i - I oro- m . c p p imew binibate and 4.6 Na,HP04, and the ex- f , ~ ~- cm cd ft chloronercurl .ate W ls titrated potentiornet- rically,oM O.OMM cysteine. 1-1. Hudfick:~,- PIHAR~ irclKiR ibp AS 19% Obe 14try i Al "Cins. Otoopt e F, tee and accutW s proup on the gdli. c tow (1) :b a d a otc[n ad 7i; v&zsdc- n pq of Trith 0, Bowl cystelde. Wti;bk I detg. the SH pin nallvt~w e A , ' Abcd for. h IS, den :t= a Sol nat Hudl 3(l the cytochrime system. Otomar 'M IkdbItC;A' =22 ;d IPsIeft and succiboxidase by sallicylatc. I eh= [notate, M wk 81CM dIPID& On tbt defthtumiln Activities of these conipds., 'A t i I kNO f ow n M was elUnd with mallonste. The M c WN00i CO WtV use Is explained by the r & a o comoblined wtk - 0 0 UWPOIU part of the deter- ; Apt. 1-0t M4 lont Wall., Aw the diva of the rxuvity depends on the shemok at. the wdmk pap "d on the smutty of the c4 hY**b" pot c# detervent to brfrophoble rts of the r Its tM achrotoo sy9tesn. The dbibition of 'Y" of de. - ' ' ' mtwn= cc the em w mt~ wb w wltb a noxidase, tbo demMuft all the aum of the wulti-emme unit also a put ova when Individual ersytoe cw"ents keep bbb octift. M Hudlickt- 0 1% ~4 d, I ROBLING. Svatopluk. RNDr; RXISINAUER, Rown, Ing.; FIRAR,.Dtoww, RNDr; SILIM. Karel, doc. MUDr t. - Studies on the metabolism in the population of Bwhamia and Moravia. 1. Nitrogen metabolism. Cos. lek. cook. 93 no.45:1254-1256 5 Nov 54. 1. 2 Ustrednihe endckrinologicoho ustavu. (NITRO M , In urine, statist.) (UNINN, nitrogen, statist.) Paul, OTCHAR Cbmideel Abst- Va. 48 Apr. 100 1954 noiqlimacbealstry 7 now Mae WE L ph .6001 beenexyrunckbro, "FnISM, C Uly-v, 1511-16 lak methods for the determinn- .(Igo.-Tworapid otometric tion of the activlt~ ZYtochrome oidasq said. with cyto- iip oskintim of Iruco dirbloroindo- Mol T and of P-11HAII&NHo (U), re3p. Whervu I can appi only to system free from reducing components, 13 lpvto rellable results emn with rat kidney and heart lamogensta. One half mi. of a soln. of I prepd. by reduc- IInn O.OOD5N dichloroiudophenol with NaH g is added to U. I ,6r. emgae prepa., 0.3 M. 0.0DOI At cytoc-hrome c, and 2.1 .M9.0.1 p6bosphate buffer( 117.3g,~ndthechanEtoftx- thscition is measured for 3 X1, at cc. inttrvAls. Siml, Wirt sneastuments of extinction at 640 nka am made with q v"tem contg. I mt. DJAI phosphate buffer (pH 7-3). 2 m11. 0.2% aq. 11, 0.1 mi. enzyme prepn.. and 0.3 mi. 0.00024( cytochrome c. 11. Photometric determbution of xanthl n cKwase activity. Otomar Pihar and Karel Fischer 0, -It IvdnI endArincC Astay, Prajuc,,Czech.) - Aid. 11 =Iyd method for the'detn. ot the xanthtne ox] t is based an the measurements of the titir soUn. of I with dkhloroindophenol (M. ThentemuremenIA' "'rt in a system coniv. I mi. enzyme soln., 0 3 mi. O.ODDS 11, 0.95 mi. 0.05Af Na3IIP04 (pH 7 3) 0 45 nil DAM K11sPD# D'I mi 0 03.1f NaCN, and 0.0051 'nW,,e in 0.1N N&OR, The resulting pli Is 0.9, the extinction is jin"mired at 610 mp at 30-sec. Inten-aLs. . M. fludlic4:-: bit pidn - Dar -14' 6 - j~ oc I -Cs d.4. C.A. 4B 41~ t I %W.~~7= onn Venatoptpd, Iron; t b)70)d am jahlb tar ud VVIII03 is rcspcm. by. - nd Wea-w&lly,~ ' in tb WMA An AndkiW we= d b * t _R "J" W . -lu 4ITN" actInled duft locuba 14, all' -)dithA wIth iom'substmt F o &WOUMDILIAU6M bf 30 hadwelecta 777 Ji - i3~~ed. -lit tba liver. vt daV&S'p to jjujkbo;wtlc bile duct*- to 0 VcWthe- ~.Ivrtl of I In dbwsft j -cmpensated ciffhoses peAle Aae= itud U "a" Vauts did tkot'ctcftd tht Wur vi 10 y JqIW;fgrets of UVjr ims kvd- vrvm varims' 4, -~~ r ~ ~ . wic cw"'M miww vade of uver Is"I ~ 7 - - I j dl wrd 4' 777 IL ~3;"'w W 71 "' MR. Z' 4" J~r A 44M, Soi, 2A 7 UL -0 IjW ty ID th %ldl; wAYA Y. b Ue. ....... ... th mt lbI~lh iia 1 -61- the. T th A the., =atbodl~ ,,lkjAzvAWjDtbvr 7:7-77,7 vs T, Al-I 17 P;'. Is VA lus .44H TL 24r, ~~ t;f It bf -41 Chi wr d trm E An IfAu Q&w"- o at u t WNW i-ats, did -rof- ?u tice a Ima r e Ivey, "T(.Mthlf)lgn)UP3111 , Woeyr, durI4 lhe, first 24 bra This neg bftr4- nd- i driding is iaterpretc4 w un- cvidenc~ oflv&= of!] at Z - fe'lle no-Occa*, durilpithe fint P110d of its action on Sucts. t in~tabl the , =1h, 01.1i mf disulfidw, in tht Wand; PUMZAS-, E. -1-1- "Soil cultivation methods f~r reforestation piirposes in limestone reas vrit~ a thin layer of earth." r. 517 (9otsialistlik Pollurnaiandus) 7o1. 1". no. 11, Nov. lc"-? Tall-in. '~.stonia SCI: Yton+l-,Iy Index of Eist R"ropean Accessions (7AT) L7. Vol. 7, no..4, Arril 195P C,-)uiitry :USSR CatcGory: Forestry F,rt-sL Culturcs. ,*,bs J, ur: RZhi-,i,-,l . P 11 1953, N,- 48811 ..ut.; r ahel6as, E. Ins t Title Affarestat).c,i. Mt)cds for CuttiiiL;s (-n on the :,lv,~--ry Sc..1s (cf Estmin) CriG Pub: Sets. pollwrj,~.,.dus, 1957, No 11, 517-5j.,', *,bstract: N.,. abstrnct K C-n r a' : 1/1 C Ull L ry : USSR c ry: F, rcstry I-' C-'ii i turus ,,bs i ur: rahll~ i I - . , . I Y-, N ..uth r Pihel ---s Inst Eusti 77T-7- u. ii 1. Titl, F. rust Cu i s t:,L Pt 11Q 1, Cl, S, . 'v%r F--rsts Orl. Pub: Eusti lus I, I., LL I I.. St- naucl 3 7(~ ,,bstr-.ct: The uc C i .-.5 (chifly s cuttin,- -n th,2 -a, .1 s ils - li.,sc 11- Studi'l duri-i.- 21 -ur-,. s, the fu,-.s the succ-ss~'u' r~ f rvst-Ai ~r. r,f u-c .,-'t A-:,.t,'.Ii ZLd cuttinGs .4 Ii, ., r-t',. --:cl :,,,rthw,st ~'i,2 Esth ni-~:,i ;ISSR It w~.s ~-L,r-incd th7~t th,.s, scils an: C-.r,l 11'3 K-26 ;~ 02 -1:01r, C:V. ct Dm O.-f 4C TC IT, C Ll:~try : ussl" C,~ ry: F7jmstry F ,st "Ulturus ,'.ba J ur: RZhD 1 A '2 1.11-58. N- ~3482 Thc. art, cl, A, scr.,,-!s th, t,ch--dqu, f t", culturf--s. )~'c ~' .-`.tl -us Wit, r(: --'Is ri ~ds -.Is III,- ~ rt i c 1 c n~- tt- s k.1 if"- C t !7 5 0 ,.f ccver . ~~ntirf sltQs w L'I , ss litter ~r s~.iv Ah~-i t- :~~,sv,,rL ss "Pr,,:. the C,% r 3/3 K-27 KITSE, E., kand. s,-"kho7. nauk; PIHO, A., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ROOMA, I., TARANDI, K., dots., sellkhoz. nauk; REINTAF,L., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ARAK, A., red. [Soil science] Mullateadus. [By] E.Kitse ja teised. Tallinn, Eeati filiklik KirjaBtus, 1962. 406 p. [In Satonlanj (~'IRA 17: 10) L hj8l--66 ------ IM -M-m 7-~ 2- .,:5 a/ ,451/65/000/007/0i32/0190 XCE /V F P 16 ().V, Cz W Auniorf bzLL ~,. ~~ ~ ORG: Depe.; tment. of Marine Pow,- P'ants ~`atedra 3' low.A 0% - vuy ci, TITIL: A =-.Liod for de".ermlniiig t- Ll,)t.LMUM parK1n,,.t-:, of nuclear pow" la"t SOURCE: Danzig. __Lqlit~echnik . Zeszyty naukowe, no. 72, 196'. B-., down i - two r okretwe. ro. 7. Praco- tnstytu,,u okretavego, 131-19G TOPIC TACS: nucl, &r v-.I-er plan-., marine engine, nL;e1e,tr paw---d shlp, ncelear reactor co,lan.L ABSTFACT: A ri,-~thrl f~.r Jetf-rmi: 1-16 the -:1ptimum psrare.eks of _arin~_ nu,-'.F---r Power plants is ;~rtf~ej,tod. Tj ccnsials o, inci,., tile optivium 1.~e.- re r~x.d tewfera-Lure of the c,nlant M for x gi,,:!D marine powe-pl~nt -aperity wd re~,Lctor type. The erfe(t if ffe tem,-,ature -t arr,~-t-er-J:tiLs of tht, r-Lctor :re an the performance I I fi-cn 1~hp .,hysi,.:eJ )o`nt -W v lew. and i -'v - )ns an- obtf~ll ed f*,r th- effect I arn V7$' 0 the c -~ r,! --mi, - u.u ( c cia whe et. Rf '. or'F tae idv_c, --I. Tr-b-~-ions are kiven for ter7 - 1:- rt!7r h,at -W-put PwJ -,hL mayJmum cne&.! -.,,ryc-vu;,- -f a .,Lr,~&e nuclear powc r plent jitler giv.-!, dcv~gL. c~,%d aterl" 0;:~A art .1aj: -16 figures, 56 fomul,izi. jmd i tau!,.. (GE) ~'UB COUE: 13,, 18/ SUBM DATE: IODec64/ ORIG REF: 005/ ATD PRESS: 5075 ;ad ill, BMTCHA, Miloslav; PIHRT, Jaroslar Changes in the maxillary sinuees following the Caldvell-lue operation. Acta Univ. Carol. [mad.] (Pftha) 9 no.3t225-235 163. 1. Centralni rtg oddeleni fakultni nemocnice na Vinohradech (prednostat Prof. MMh-. R. Mahe) a Otorinolaryngoloocka kli- nika lekarske fakulty hygienicke University Karlovy v Praze (prednostas prof. MUM-. V1. Hlavacek). PIHRTJI J.; PASKOVA, Z. Bronchoscopy In bronchial asttm. Cook. otolaryng. 12 no.4; 230-235 Ag 163. 1. Klinika nemoci usnich, nonnich a krcnich lekarske fakulty hygienicke KU v Praze, prednonta prof. dr. V. HUvacek Alergicke oddeleni fakultni nemocnice v Praze 10 vedouci HUDr. B. Hodek. (ASTHMA) (BRONCHOSCOPY) [190SINOPHUS) (STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS) (Pmumocccul, INFECTIONS) (NEISSERIA) (STAPH INFECTIONS, RESPIRATORY) (KLEBSIELLA) I.11 -1 i-_ f--, I ,j HDRIM, J.; KOSTECKOVA, A.; RUMSOVA, D.; PIHICRT, J.; MKA. F. Up"W4 ~- Report from the infectious hepatitis ward of the Masary-k Hos,)it&l In Krea. Cas. lek. cesk. 90 no.31:928-933 3 Aug 1951. (ClAl 21:1) SUFLWIE Given Names PVR T? Country: Czechoslovakia Academic Degreest Affiliation: Source: Ceskoolovenska Hygisna (Journal of Ryglens) a Vol Vp Wo- 9, Prague, Noy 1960,, Page 5h7s Data: FIHRT, Jaroelav Affiliations Otolaryngological CIW.c LFHKU Z-?Z. Prague. Datas Author of Me Wgienic Problem of Pet7rol7vapore froa the Point of Viwd of the OtolaryagologLatpw Soweep Page 50. HLAVACEK, V1. Academic degrees# Doctor of Kwhaine. Affiliations Head of the Otolaryngological. ClIjAe LYM tvs' Prague. Page I of 1 (2) Uk buww %)PT In mff~- MJ14VUSA PAPP Ttda 1002, K 336 3U a St 'In Anslet at the M.Waval A aD)wftk'Am &ad %be oubwqatnt abiaw t%,n W the ink liv the palwt the Xcliexal dillefttkirs In Mh twtwren vrapws kinds ud V.prt virye An Ink-distributsm nunalwy is 4,-iiiiel " t uld. h a al. 1%-i aq M. am tranalomid I-, tbi lop,r) wW #gv.- is -,d tjw Mb IF&"rr to papm It* ildiment amoul". thelakilollitia- I,im, wils" WVAI, PAPM wism deermfo,4 cvwl,nmtauy. 5- %- Sal'""Ar. I , I - - - P I , 4 ', -, - % - - i . ~ I I - : - , I I , - I , N - . I . I P-IHLk'AE, 'Northern wild rice is a new plant worth cultivating. p. 20 SOTSILIKTLTK I" IS vT~jSTvt,7iLtW. Tallin, Hunrary. No. 1, IQ