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PIETRASZEK, Antoni, mgr Ina. Cascade syntem of automatic tempqrn-ize contr,;l of a-.,pe- r. e 0- *. -rd stemm of an OP-1)0 boiler and Its simulator operated rogil^,aton. P".2. Energetyka Pol 19 no.31guppliBiul energopomia-r 11 no.2: 9-13 Vx '65. '.4. -'.ai,c.r:3k i r 7 r.~, ".,kr i r-y ini FamiLU, Felicjaj SLOMNSKA.-PETELENW-A, Teresa Morbidity of diabetes in Zabrze in the light of 8-year observatIon. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.2:97-60 Ja 164. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych i Zawodowych Sl. Akademli Medycznej w Zabrzu (kiervanik; prof. dr W. Zahor8ki) oraz z Wojewodzkiej Przychodn--i d1a Chorych na Cukrzyce. JONDERKO, CA-rurd; IIIETRASZEK, Felicja; K66SMANN, Stef&n Hemorrhagic changea of the skin in d1abeteB compli-Ated b7 focal inflammatory conditionB. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.23:825-SQ9 3 Je 163. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych Sl. AM; kisrownik: prof. dr mod. Witold Zahorski. (DIABETIC ANGIOPATHIES) (HEMORRHAGIC DIATHESIS) Snoond Clinic of !r2terna- V13*&'46- , 11 Flknlka Ctjorub 4%unetrzayoui -vb'lX'4 LSIPsl~c Akwt-tmia Moorlyc-xr,&, Sllvsi~" Madics-t Acade-n'tj Jn Zabrz-v ~VirputvL Pr,~f. mod W. UNJn,5XV) " 'h at,c.-tcq end Her&di tary Tendoncv." wirs rake u, Fryfoal .teid LckareKk, Vjj 19, Ser U. So i, '16-5, :F-' 2-5 Abstriacts fAuthor's Xgrglizh suw.;Isary On the baxlx oC -no 2,015 d 1&botln paritilt-'I fuld 'Soo per-,0-1-4 with no dicLbates, tho Ltuthcr found a statisticallY nig-nif-i- covit :3ioat4r harcpd~tsr 'v ton(denu-i In the pationts than in C-10 Con L ru I t ndency i-I P1kT-ti0k1)akrj)f DJ&FktU 11. thQ grl>up. zi 9 LeA,')T. It VQ'1r-K diftbatior. 7honll irsdinutp thbit litroolt.v m4ar play &*me roli, in the atllolo,?y of diabutox. of th a 20 references, six (6) are Polish, threv (") aro EnC;11~,qh, and 1). are in the Gvrysur: luncuago. FIETRASZEK., Stefan,, mgr. Some more remarkB on technical eatalogB and refe.-ence books, PrzegI techn no-52:12 28 D 160. 11IRYLKO-PRIMA, N.; ZUTOWSKA, N.; KOSSAKC)~SKA, T.; 11ETUSZEK, Z. An attempt of by objective measurements the -mnol er t J.,- quality of selected examples of canned ham. Prar- instjrt i labor bad przem spoz 12- no.1:1-10 162. 1. InstiLut Frzemyslu Miesnego, Zaklad Technologii, Warszawa. PIETRASZKIEWICZ, Razimierz, mgr in2. Influence of the bedding material during the retting proceas with applied bedding. Przegl w1okien 17 no. 2: Supplement Biul Inst przem lyk 10 no. 21l-2 F 163. PITTRASZIUICZ, W. For a synchronal renovation of measuring instniments. p.h9l (POMIARYt AUTIOMAITKA, KONTRCLA, Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1956, Warsaw, Poland) SO: Monthly List of Fast Furopean Accessions (FEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 9, Sent. 19q7, Uncl. DYK., Tadeusz; PIRTRASZEWSKA-CICHOWICZ, Jolanta Corticosterold withdrawal syndrnme. Pol. arch. med. wew et. 35 no. 8t1277-1282 165. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych AM w Gdmi.okii (KtPT'OU-- n1k: DYK, Tadeusz; PIFTRASZ34SKA-CICHOWICZ, Jolarta Severe sal4cylate poisoning im a patient wiQ'. acute :-!!c fever and r--.eumatic liver diseane. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 noo42: 1621-1622 19 0 164 1. 3 111 Klinik! Chorob Wownetrwych A'Rademil Medyczne~ w CAansku (kierownikt prof. dr. mod. Mienyslaw Gamski)* PIErRASZEWICZ, W. *LineWization of ring scale deflections by shaping the tamgent vessel* by W. Pietraszevicz, J. Ssamotulski. Reviewed by W. Pietraszevicz. Pomiary 9 no.1:47 Ja 163. - PIETRASZEVICZ, W. 'Asasuring Aanverter for pressure, level, and temperatures by H. Kroxiottler, Reviewed by W. Pietraazewicz. Pomiary 9 no.1:48 Ja 163. PIETRASZEWIC,Z, W. wHicrometer steundard baramoUrag WIL'-Mr. "VNWdW IV W. Fietraszewiez. Pouiary 9 no.1:47 A 163. FIETRASZWI Vlow meter for measurements of small amounts of liquid' by G. Majackij. Reviowed by W. Piatraszewicz. Pcmiar7 9 nool;48 A 163. PIETRASZEWICZ,W,;--SZAI~CTULSKI, J.W. Linearization of Lngular deflections of' ring b4hincct! by tt-~ of the inclination vessel. Pomiary 8 no.4:IEI-184 Ap '~2 1. Glowny Urzad Miar PTMASZ.MCZ. W. Standardization of nozzles, n. 639. ~ (POLM KONfITET NORMIALIZACUNY, Wai-szawa, Vol - 22, no. 10, Oct. 195L-) ,0: Monthly List of EaBt Furcp an Acceissions, (EEAL), LoOp Vol. L, I~o- 4,, jwp, 1~55, 'incl. BIELEWICZ, Eugeniusz; PII,"IV.SZXIFWICZ, Wojciech (Gdansk) Designing cylindrical shell roofs; comparison of folded plate methods with Shorerts approximation. Archiw inz lad 9 no.l:P9-105 163. VrZTRg * I rIlam.--& The project of Standard PNAI-54861, "Flowneters, Bellow Gas Meters, and ClassificatioLi." p. 659. (POLSKI XOKTET NORMALIZACYAY, Warszawa, Vol. 22, W. 10, Oct. 195b.'. I SOt Monthlv List of East European Anceesion5, (EEAL), LC, Vol. L, No. 6, ji=6. 195~' Uncl. KRUSZEWSKI, S.; PIETRASZKIEWICZ, E.; SZCZERBAN, J. Retrograde filling of the hepatic veins vith a contrast medi=. (Preliminary communication). Pol. przegl. mdiol. 26 no.3:225-229 '62. 1. Z Zakladu Chirurgii Doswiadesalnej Polsklej Akademii Nauk Kierownik-, doe. dr med. J. Nielubawicz. (ANGIOGRAPHY) (HEPATIC VEINS radiog) POLAND a First Surgical Clinic (I Klinika PTU BAg Rius -T_h_irurg:Lc_-x`H~, -AN-tuademia Medyetna, Medical Academy] in Warsaw (Directort Prof. Dr. mod. J. NIBLUBDWICZ) "Acute Appendicitis In a Patient wida Compltto Situs Inver- BUS. Case Report." Warsaw, Polski T odnik Lokarski. Vol 18, No 23, 3 Jun 63, yg pp 832-834 Abstracti [Author's English summary) Author describes suc- cessful diagnosis and appendectomy due to acute appendecitis :In a female patient with situs inversus and atypical course and pain localized in left iliac fosga, despite postoperative suppuration of the integumens. He rovaiwa the literature concerning situs invers&xs, and analyzes in detail the clinical course of appondecitis Jin such patients. X ray examination of the abdominal cav-ity in such cases is most helpful. There are 12 referoncos, of which one (1) in Polish and the others are English. 15 PIEMSZKIEVICZ. Bugenines Experimental studles on anglorrhapby of the small arteries. Polski tygod.lek. 16 no.2-:41-47 9 Je 161. 1. Z Zakladn Chirargii Doeviadosalnej P.A.N.; kierownik: doc.dr nod. J. Nielubowics. (AIRTEMS surg) (Strru S) PTETRASZUN, Lidia A contribution to the appearance of optic nerve atrophy in children. Pediat. pol. 38 no.1.71-74 163. 1. Z Oddzialu Ocznego Szpitala im. Januszs. Korczaka w lodzi Ordynator: doc. dr med. M. Wilk-Wilezynska. (OPTIC ATROPHY) (RE INJMES) WIRLICZANSKI, Honryk; PIVRAMT-11, RomusId Clinical oliser7ations on differential dlaenaviB of tes--Ie!nlar tumors. Polski Driegl. chir. 31 no.10:110Q-1112 Oct 59. 1. Z II KlintIci Chorob Wevnetranych A. M. w Lodii Kierovnik. -rof. dr J. JnIcnhovski i % II Kliniki Ghiriirpicsnej A. H. v 1-ndni Kip-cwnik: doe. dr J. Moll. (TDSTES, neoDl.) PIR7FLLX--7,-,?SKT, A. "More about the Intensificatinn of agriculture" .L p. 783 (Nowe RoL-dctwo, Vol. 7, no. 18, Sept. 1?58, Warsaw, Foland) Monthl,v Index of East European Accessiono (EKAI) IL, Vol. 8, No. 1. Jan. 5?. ~ '~ 7 ~.;. 1 P * , ; . 1 .1 - TT,,j ~.-. ~ : -,, , . . . " - , I I , -. PlErRKIMCZI, S. : KFAMRS, T. Desulfurization of Cast Iron In a Basic Ladle, P. 153- PRZEGLAD ODLEVNICTWA (Stowarzyszenie Techniczne Odlewnikow Polskich) Krakow, Poland Vol. 9# no. 5. May 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EFJI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 11., November 1959. Uncl. 00 -n_-- P" kba; (19M t maods a, dnUtization of cut Iron in the Iladle briefy djacumd. and the mutts of 4esulfurim- Om under the phat conditions b A plying bask kdk "', ly *= wen dwAbed. 71he Was of the It was M a bulk consi tins of bumt dolorni viteb (10%). and "Inten y heated W 24 lh'r~*4 of out Iron via$ carried out by 1;5% Na carbonate. As a result the content of 6 was mduced by GD-70. 8131, P 12. 8w Ms Asdiadvan- Asses of the method the Mowing isciors %?ert quoted, lo%v: degree of desullurixation in the Ist portions of cast ironT decrease in Si content, and the necessity of cardid heutin~ of lining before use. W. Tomauwyl. FIMOIUJ 0. Development of the Republica Tube Planta in the years of people's democracy. p. 700 METALURCffA SI CONSTRUCTIA DE MASINI. (Ministerul Industriei MetalurcAce si Constructiilor de Hasina si Aaociatia Stiintifica & InRinerilor si Technicierdlor din Rominia) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 1-1. no. 8. Aug. 1959 Monthly List of East European Acceseions (EEAI) LC Vol. 9, no. 2 Feb. 1950. Uncl. MYSAKOWSKA, Helena; E"',_'.'RON, Eugeniusz; SIKORJt-R(~,-Y'.l,'SU., ma.-~n; SMAGA, Marta; LI-WIN, Barbara; -,YBI Fit, -of '!i Results of aritibac',erbl *,rr-L*.rrf;n*,. a' pu:mrnary tiuber-_oc'.F, in patients -with prl~mary resisl..ance to drugs. iol. '_yr. -.ex. 20 no. 19.(,86-688 10 My ' . - Katedry Ftyz,'a~r 4 1 A'~ v ",i.; H ;(,:,. ir. . I P. . 14YSAKOWSKA, Helena; - I _LIETRON, Eugeniusz; SREDNICKA, Danuta; GRONKI, ~;tanis_'aw; CYGAN, Edward; ROZYINSKA, Maria; SMAiKIEWIC7, Ludwi-K Results of examinations of students 18 months after tne of chemoprophylaxis. Gruzlica 33 no.7:bOl-604 ,'1 165. 1. "L Katedry Ft!zjatrJi AM w IA~blinie (Kierown-4-k: dor. H. Mysakowska) i z Akademickiej Poradni Przeciwgruzlitzej ~; Lublinie (Kierowni-k: lek. E. ~ietron). PIETRON, Kazlmlerz On llndlcal.---rm, and duodenum r. c r 1 przog.j. radinl no./. I-A9, 144 J). c I ov~ r P.O. vc w !,r,)Wn k doe, dr mned, K, I*korrv, I 'i I ) n j re : ItTvC -,ri,j ~,I(nrjpmj 4 Medyc zne ~ w lu I)i i n i Dekowa). prolappse Of --f bulb in chlicr~r.. I'T*C4 1. Z Za'V, will ~mhlAroc- OpAorowrJ~~ doc. dr mc-d. r.; Oz I r V.- r ow r, WHIR, Aleksander; PIETRON. Razimierz A case Of Aclate occlusion of the lover duodenum. Pedist. polska 33 no-8: Q73-976 Aw 58. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgii Dzieciecej FSK. Nr I v biblinle Avrektor Szpitala i Kierovnik Oddzialu: dr med. A. Nnumik. Adres: Inblin. ul. Sklodowskiej 46 m. 6. (INTMI"INAL OBSTRMTION. in inf. & child (biodenal, case report (Pol)) PTETRON, Kazimiarz; DOBRZANSKA, Alina Radiologicm! studies -m thhe osseaus s)-st~= in '---Lkem-a !m children. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.28tII02-11104 13 - 20 J1164 1. Z Zakladu Radiologli Akademil Nedycznej w lublinie (kierow- nik: prof. dr. med. Kazimier,,T ~Korzynski) i z II K2iniki Pe- diatrycznej AkademU Hedyczne~ w Lublinie (kierwnik: prof. dr. med. Antoni Geb-ila), ZYTKIEWICZ, Anna; TREDICKA-VIATKOWSKA, Barhara; FIFTP(N, Kazimierz; WOZNIAK, Franciszek 2 cases of hemimelia in newborn llnfa:-~,-s. 'yl;,. -e&. .. no.16:575-5?6 19 Ap 165. 1. Z I Kliniki Polomictwa i Chorob Kobieryri Am ; Juhllrije (Kierownik- prof'. dr. mod. Stanislaw Liebliart,, .* nklakl.1 Radiologii AM w Lublinie (Kicrownik: doc. dr. Kazimlerz ~)'k-C,77YIsKl i z Zakladu Anatomii Fatologicanej AM w Lublinle doc. dr. med. Marian Rozynek). GERKOWICZ.. Teresa; PIETRON, Kazimierz F'~.inctional card lo-esophagea' sy-ndrfDmes ir. Infants. Yo-'. vr7ei:"- -aJ'-,*.. ~'# v-l-'- '". 1. ,* , h.i.1-Ki ;'01~ntryc".'t, A~, w ~L,:~ \'. .1 '.' OW, ~ ~ ,.. .:*. ined. A. Sokolowska-Dokowa~ I z 7a'X~adi'l I-a'dioiog" A!~ w Jlerownik: doc. dr. med. K. Skorzynskl). HATARASCU. Ovidiu; AT,A~"SJU, Gheorghe; P=TROSL,aA,X, l-',ioara; Dlil ITR- , ~:-,cfa Research on the direct reduction of ixon ores in basculating reactors with the aid of reducing gases obtained by conversion of methane with air. MetFAlurgia Ptum 15 no.4:298-305 Ap 163. SKOCZYNSKI, A.A., [Skochinskiy A A !) prof.; LIDIN, G.D., dr. inz.; PIETROSJANY A. [Petros;a~: il K.N.T.P inz. Length of the longwall and the problem of seam gases. Przegl gorn 18 no.11:588-593 N 162. 1. Calonck Akadamii Nauk ZSSR (for Skoozynaki). FISTROW. Borys (Warssawn, u1. Granlema 2 M. 36) Current vievs on therapy of esteoarticulax tuberculosis. Pc~l& is tygod. lek. 14 no.4:177-1?9 26 Jan 59. 1. Z Oddstalu Ortopedyeano-Urazowego Centralnego SzpitalA MON; kierownik naukowy: prof. dr M. Urlicki. (TUB]IRGUI,06IS, OSTECARTIGUIO. ther. (POI)) OPIENSKA-BLAUTH, J.-, KOWALSKA. H ; PIRrRuSIxwICz K. an kliiw Now methods of idontification of anino acids on uni- and bldimensional cliroma'.ograti. Acta blochim. polon. ) no.4: 557-58D 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Chemii FisjologlOguej Akadenil Hadycznej w Lublinie Kisrownik Zakladu: prof. dr. J. Oplenska-Blauth. (AMIND ACIDS, determination. chromatography, unl- & bi-Mmensional (Pol)) PlEMOWA, N. PArperimental pain renction. Actn physiol. polon. if' no.~:,'45 Sept-Oct 59. 1. Z Kliniki Interny Polovej Kierownik: nrof. d- A. Himmel Z Kliniki Chorol) Oczu A. M. w Lod3t Kierownlk: nrof. dr J. So-Rnski. (PAM. exper.) - Nonna Contribution to the relationship between focal infection and eye diseases. Ilin.oczna 29 no.3:297-300 '59. 1. Z KlWki Chorob Oczu A. H. w Lodol Xierownik: prof. dr mod. J. Sobanski. (INFIXTION POCAL compl) (M DISFAORS compl) EXCEIRPTA YEDICA S,~c 2 Vol 12/12 Physiology Dec 59 500. CHANGES IN THE EYE GROUND IN THE COURSE OF IRREVERSIBLE EXPERIMENTAL SHOCK DUE TO BURNING - Zmiany na dnie ocznyrn w przebiegu raeodwracalnego do4wiadczalnego wstrz;;tsu oparzeniowego - __Pi_etrowa N. Klin. Int. Polowej and Klin. Chor. Oczu. Kierownik - ACTA PRYSHX.POL. 1958. 9/6 (697-704) Illus. 4 Changes in the vessels of the eye ground in 14 rabbits and 2 dois were observed. The animals were in a condition of irreversible shock caused by !,,irning. The Ist group of animals was burned without anaesthesia. Parallel to the increasing signs of shock (acceleration of pulse and respiration, fall of blood presaure) progres- sive narrowing of the arterial vessels and less marked narrowing of the venous vessels was observed. In the 2nd group of experiments burning of the animals was performed after previous intrathecal anaesthesid with procaine (2%). Much later a slower narrowing of arterial vessels and slight narrowing of the venous vessels were noted in this experiment. Distinct narrowing of the vessels appeared before death. The animals of the 3rd group were burned after previous decortication. The decortication as such did not cause changea in the vessels of the fundus. Burn- ing these animals brought about very slow narrowing of arterial vessels of the funius and did not cause changes In the picture of veins. In the next group of ara- mals decerebration was performed before burning. Considerable narrowing of the ve &&Is of the eye ground appeared before burning. and after burning it increased ra:idly. 7 4, PIEMOWA, Nonna - Changes in the fundus cmull In shock. ChIr.narz.ruchu 25 no.4: 321-323 160. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Oczu A.M. v Lodzi. Rierownik: prof. dr J.Sobanaki. (FUNDUS OCULI) (SHOCK diag) PISTROVA, Donna; HALMOVSKA. Danuta Ocular changes In Karfanle syndrome. Klin.octma 10 no-1:111-IL8 060. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Oczu A.M. v Warazavie. Kierownik: prof.dr med. W.H. Kelanowski. (ARACEIRODACTYLY diag.) (EYE diag.) 31 f1p.. 7A In tW p4rr, mtgiNw the roalts of inveattallono over rio--~alled 0 forting cr-m-mm titruclural uliioy lKmnvpnAuH(m kv dahk y the tzutborll as n 4U- Wiad L Ot pleftl (MA i4Otg) ftflM dvr ~rfn. Lion Lin tho courlp of lm%Jj)r of rolAng. The rtt-Otr a tvAq iming Wf- teremt methmb for ille evRitialkon of the 4igree rf may-be Wvm to follcmw. 1) 1414tti Lin clMm-limnick metk~d lot filve. StigEt.4v the mkW"egT%A A wa3 sscertzh*d. that the vWzut!~ uf the WecbvdwmlcaI fne.4$6t of the deVet a! tfe&AO aftec ~the hmm*'L-Jz "ran"Ung G! steel ln'a r."ge of tenve- IP9 '0C' a komkicrobte dersetwo. la We index, IOC W ratur - iin "-10W e U Z kV hbqllV,3kv-AipC-- AWiffil- vil~v~j fwa* ti ted 4a DU vasm, 2) BY L lhim$ 46j. tbf~ szn'Yie:p Mod; It wits as~cmWnod air4 *.4 ~miWrtzblln de- m-kre-ftegrontlm- oocum &A-kng the Drpt 51-are t 4 lo~ i- hours! 04&r h ng bextlng~:ji n6t t6,2 Ibm iflvsullA only In wi Inaigulli- -sy 3) trSting the zwChmillcal r4ai -~7 . ..... .... vt j All- _S br, n. t CtUtiAl ~.H(APZMI; Za $I,-'n_t."MM_enked ant? I., c!IrNc irovemelits W e 'r icduttiun. In aren et 'Oi~d U.,baut aille), and WOUM104 MOW 2r.41. The A. WOOff"O' Ax'M function of tile tit,,;! Come ___d I gL ut!_L 161"T"WiN Ig a elearm em Annes"" ~11)4 "t undc?9011114 anY 110ttr%-.rthy changez; in the fu-'Aher stagm. 4) A partictilitiy strims Ofea of hOtn0genl7ing -I gkmed -.vhm .1crgfhg with 9 hl9b 4egree of Wastic dernTmillon; twl; effect cxj~ncjq es to adecm,'.t I ex., SnaLl! &gree Of sfinglilvity, to botriogenehation. 5) Pa:r.11- j1d InveAl lions Of 1110 znkTO- Plid macrostrieture t~f g2 vtid homm -m the mqying inil I f 11 .1 mil d apeciptens emtL, Um Ce 6on r)- izin$ WMeAllNg- 6) StaLiAtIVal NaaFl)'SiS Of 2 grC3t nwWJPV Of MCJW3FL1r0- tM toul#-mem and avdudlimi of ea of tr sv -sal ar m alsv Jmvmtrp1te6 the evicacy and suit-PbUlty this is shown N~ the coTmIderable im- '~:*Dveinenl iij.A!io Vj~~ertjpq montloned, In the nphion of thp authm, -0. the MIALK Of WS WOrk &M tot &HY a:ld economte-ally Importmit in Qe 1mg!V41 of platw, aVredaay Lhiuga foT the prxkjcU4-'n of heavy fwg- 41- PIETRUCIIA, Herbert Seventy-fifth anniversary of the Hajduki Coxe ?rocessinF Works. Koks 6 no.5:1-41-143 S- "' 163. 1. Zaklady Koksochemiczne liajduki. Katowice, ROJEK, Stanislawj PIETRUCHA Herbert -- Lz:z~~~ Technological progress as a development factor for the Rajduki Coke Processing Works. Koko 8 no.5:143-151 s-o 63. 1. Zaklady Koksochemiezue Hajduki, Katowice. Jcw..--tr2v,;rlt of Inc;r&anla ~itryj Un-Vw,alty of -Oca 'e-klad ilcorg~.nloxnaj univemytotus, -ocis~ 0:-3AV, -),-;;:dg AaaI&v:RzpA. ~-"o ~)# 1,?63s 3n. 71:,,--17e "t"OtDayt-10 NIO-zodetolTa'A nn ~Vlcn of *~Qrrcus ..Cma rm-,n 1~ normctrtc 'icasumaonts" 0 PLETT,AS~~,K, intoni, mgr irz. ascade syqt,~,m !'f-,r a~.tormit!f7 temperature of the. ()1-130 boiler and a simulatcr. Pt. 1. ' 'nergetyka Pol' 19 11 nc. 1 - F 'a 1, '. c,f st.i,~r:.eL zi*~.ft- ~ts setting by ireans -.' nG.I:Sul I:Energ)~~)r,~ftr FIETRASZEWICZ, W. *Attaining and measuring deep presoures* by A. Klopper. Rovieved by W. Flistroazovicz. Pomiary 9 no.1:47 Ja 163. FIETRABMMI W. - - --- mOurrovt probemO by W. Vuest. Pt.1 and Pt.2. Revieved by W. Pistrassevics. Poniary 9 no.lt48 Ja 163. FEVWMMGZV W. *Nerw measuring principle of flow intensity of gases' by J. Iw3-iczev, E. Ismijev. Revieved by W. Pietraszewicz. Pomiary 9 no.1-.48 Ja 163. FIETRASZSWIM, W. - OIntensity measwownt of liquid flow based on nuclear resonance" by A. Zernawoj. Reviewed by W. Pietrao2eWiCZ. Pamiary 9 no.1:48 Ja 163. JUTRASZEWICZ, W. gIn connection with the problem of measwevents of the pnlaating intensity of flow" by V. Goniek, L. Kirmalow, B. Pilipezuk. Reviewed by W. Pietrasteviez. Pomiary 9 nc).1:4.8 Ja 163. PIETRASZEWICZ, W. 'OA generalized equation for rotameters vith spherical floatsO by R. Gilmont, P. *surer. Revieved by W. Pietraazewicz. Pcmiary 9 no.1:48 JIB 163. pler'T4 NIBLUBOVICZ, Jan; XUMDM. Boleslaw: PINTUMINWICZ Intrasplenic portal radlograpby. FbIski tygod. lek. 9 no.20: 612-615 17 &Y 54. 1. 2 KlInIkI Chirurgicznej Akademit Modycsnej v Warozavie. dyrektor prof. dr T.Ratkievics. (VIINS, PORTAL STSTBM, rsdiograp4, Intrasplenic admin. of contrast media) (ANGIOGRAPff, portal, Intramplenic admin. of contrast media) POLMID / Hunan ~,nrl Viim-11. Morpholo(,y, Nr)rmal P-id Pathoioi;ica] System. Abs Jour Ref Biol., No '-, 195i j6o,-7 ,,uthc)r LJP-&-%-~i-~~ Inst tIct jven Title C;-O cifLcr-tj,,)n rS Cart f La ~-P ~,(-c ~i Ims of the Rt I) s:i Ne'l-I t:.. Persons and in Patients I'ron :-~Inph,vsem- riC Pub t.- od. lekar., )5(', 19, Ahstrart 7.e i.,)st;a-I cartlla~,es of 7iii linr~lthy persons, be,ween )f r,,) wid '(0 years, in(l of 4,-k) 1),itients, suf''or :i.. emph:,uema, were sLudiled. it -.mG demonstrated that,, with'. ck.-o,, c.icificati,)n is increased, Aiereupon t~-~ Ist. dnrl ribs are caicif'ed equaily in 3:c.- anc! pcrL;,)nz,, w1liereas calcification o~ the cartila,,es ;f t~!,e :bs s considerabk, .7iiider in eiaph~,-ceina t' vaa III iler Ie o1, 1, c .'Ilie (-,irtflawe -al-ific-ati,,n does nct ch-v -Lily uence )n U)e deveiopment ).C A. M. Vok ert. Card 1/1 31 STASKIKWICZ. Wladvalaw; K",MdICZ, '"'ofia; PrZT31-UNK, Andrzej Intentinal helminthipppa Ir ~Iinicslly normal and sick dogs in Warenw. Vindomosol parasyt.,.Varez-4 no.5-607?-578; Rngl. tranal. 578-579 1958. 1. Z Kliniki Chor. Wewn. Wydz. Wet. SGOW w WarBZaWi9. (DDOG, d is. - helminth Infect. (Pol)) (HRIMINTH INYWTIORS. epidemiol. in dogs (Pol)) KOSSMWI, Stefan; PlETRAS7EK, Felicia; SLOMIN3KA-PET1,11117. Tereia Fffect of chlorpropumid*- on the blood coagulut,' -r, syttj~-;-, !r. patients with diabetes me!.itus a83or'r-ted rosis. Pol. arch. med. wewne'. 35 no.,.:473-4"5 '!5- 1. Z Klin'ki Chorob Wewnetrznych I 7awndowych f~suskie.! AM (Kierownl~: prof. dr. med. W. 7,ahors"ki) i z Woje'wodzkiej Przychodn! dla Choryci, na Nkrzyce w Zabrzu (Kierownik: dr. mod. F. Pietraszek). RASIEWICZ, Wieslav; PIETRASZEK, Felicja; KUJAWSKA, Aleksandra The problem of acute vesicular septicemia. Pbleki tygod. Iek- 16 no.29: M&-1129 17 JI 161. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob, Wevnetranych Slaskiej A.M. w Zabrzu; kierownik: prof. dr Witold Zahora)d i z Klini)d Dermatologicznej Slasklej A.M.; kierownik: prof. dr Tadeusz Chorazak. (PEMPHIGUS case reports) PlkTRZ2i;i~SKJ , Aieksan,ier Permanent asget.3 in , * -. n . no. 3 130 5- 360 '64. 1. Deeil&rtiri~nt of Agrii-- , iraj - - 7- 4 , - --r.- , pir. ~ -,.:i - . ,...;- of Ag- ~ -al tu--P, :,o7ran. MARZINN. B.; 'BOMMI. M.; JMTTNA, M.; FAMINSKI, B.; JjI4.TASZK1Mt=. X.. POICLWSKA, L; RTTOWSKI, If.; SWURPAN, J.: SZCZTG13L. B.; W130KOVSKA. W.; UWADOWSKI. J. Mmeriments with the new apparatus for extracorporeal circulation & oxygenation constructed by Z. Semerau-Siemianowski & J. K. Folga. Pre- limi"ry research. U. Surgical management. Polski tygod. lak. 13 no-50: 2030-2032 15 Doc 58. 1. Z Zakladu Chirargii Doswiadezalnej PAN w Warszawie; kierownik: doe. dr med. J. Nielubawicz. (HAkRT. artif. heart-lung appar.. surg. management (Pal)) - ,# V - NI]kLUBDWICZ, J.; FIETROMMICZ, H.; FINTRkSZKINWICZ, I. '-'- Detection of microorganisms in clinically normal "cles. Polski przegl.chir. 26 no.11 Suppl.:60-72 1954. (HUSCLES. bacteriology, detection of microorganisms in clinically normal musc. In non-musc. die.) Technic and limitations of vagus block. Polski prregl.chir. 26 no-11 SUPPI-:321-326 1954. (ANISTHESIA, OGIOUL, vague block in thorax inj.) (THOW, wounds and Injuries, ther., vagus block) (WOUNDS AND INJMIES, thorax. vague block) (MMVES, VAGUS' block In thorax tnj.) -P1k7R1qs x lrjEw.,c 5.0 C- 0 C-0 C,,Y/ u s ;6 GLINSIA, Danuta; PINTRILSZKIZVICZ. SIVOWIPS. No translation. Polskie arch. sod. wown. 25 no.1:81-87 1955. 1. 2 klin. chor. vown. A.M.W Waresswis; kler. prof. dr. med. Andrzej Biernacki. (RUMOSCIXROSIS Kimelstiel-Wilson syrA. pathol.) (DIAERTZS KBLLITUS, complications Kimmelstiel-'lilson m7nd.. pathol.) IWINSKI, Zbigniew; PIETRASZKIEWICZ EU&ODJWZ Fal,tial obstruction of the duodenilm eauBed by, a biliary calculuB. Polaki przegl. radiol. 25 no.4'353-362 161. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Lskar'3 kiej AM, v Warazavie Kierownik prof. dr wed. W. Zavadowski i z I Kliniki hirurginnej AM. v Warazawi6 Kierownik prof. dr mod. J. Nialubowicz. (CHOLELITHWIS compl) (INTFZTINAL OBSTRUCTION etiol) FIETHASZKIMCZ, Eugeniusz; SZCZERBAN, Jerzy ftperimental studies on homologous transplantation of the inferior vena cava. Pol. przegl. chir. 34 no.9:893-8" 162. 1. Z Zakladu Chirurgii Doswiadezalnej PAN Kierownik: prof. dr J. Nialubovicz. (BLOOD VESSEL TWSPIANTATION) (VEM CAVA INFEFaOR) pIqRgZKZV=,_EugenjUM. SZCZYGIEL, Bruno; SZCZERBAN, Jerzy; BORKOWSKI, Maciej; KAMINSKI, Bogdan; SEMrJiAU-SI124IANOWSKI, Zgigniew Collateral flow in experimental ligation cif the thoracic aorta. Fol. prsegl. chir. 34 no.8:769-775 162. 1. Z Zakladu Chirurgii Dowwiadezalnej PAN w Warszavie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Nielubowicz. (AORTA THORACIC) FIETRASZKIEWICZ, EugeuiuDZI SZCZERUN, Jerzy Experimenta:L studies on homologous transPlantatim- P01- Przegl- chir. 34 no.9:893-" 162. 1. Z ZaUadu Chirurgii Doowiadozalnej PAN Kierownik: prof. dr J. Nielubovicz. (BLOOD VESSEL TRANSPUNTATION) (VENA CAVA RWMOR) NIKUMWICZ, Jan; HARZIM. Boleslaw; PINHASEKINICE, Rugenluez. Assumed role of the hepatic sphincter in shock. Polski pr-zegl. chir. 27 nn.7:653-663 JulY '55. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Waresawie Iterownik: prof. dr. T.Butkiewics. (SHOCII. physiology role of hepatic sphincter. biochem. histopathol. & physiol. aspects) (P,'INS, UPATIC hepatic spincter, role in shock. blochem. histopathol & physiol. aspects) SENUU-SIEHIANOWSKI, Zbigniew; FIETRASZKIEWICZ, Nugenluez; SZCZYGIRL, Brune; MKMSKI, Bogdan; WIBCKOWSKA, Van"- --- lxp*rlmms vith heart-lung mehijas. Polski tygod. lek. 15 no.47: 1793-1796 21 Tl 160. 1 1. Z Zakladu Chirurgii Doeviadesalnej P.A.N. v Waresavie; kierawnik: doe. dr Jan Niolubevies. (HEART MHCHANICAL) PJETKA-S2J1