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pfewomm, 2, "rho into profeBsorp Dr. Ilommald Gminsld: a remdniseence." P- I- (Gazete Oboerwatorn. Vol. 5, no. 11, Nov. 1952. 'Warszwa.) SO: Monthly List of East European JtcceS31ons, Vol. 3, lo. 2, Library of Congress, February 1954, Uncl. 'I : I r, , . . . . : . - . I I . I * , 1 1 " t . - - . ~ % :, , . . VO . I : I c f 11; ~ " , , .- . . . 9 3 9 0 0 so 0 00 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 Sol : 0 00 "" . '01 It 1-1 1 #A 0 Q a 0 0 p ci ~ CMperative mWdb0d 41 MM&MINCIeDIS mimatim cg crificw jampomm d inavidual 004 G*b mdxtum, V6, 8.0windsimmki and S c F Ban I.w., J.,id F.4.6 "I. 19MA 2 M) in Ealtish) 1"61 cal"Itary tubes diff ent subatanews or tbnr im ' - sc~ PIw-1 ISO* in the crit pbcmomrua~ ImBinmh 0 0 tube " o1werved &I vvirious tempt One r mcdjun, a ref"rem substairim The crit tivwvr~ of a ~troPs :,Zoo milt of C.% and ami-mic -72 1' of wvt,ww 243 3' with tbot of acirtane as =",.3* ma: :0 Risht 0 0 00 : go, 00 .00 see .00 0 t 0 .1vaLtvnKat WFINATWI CLA%VFKq" r j-1 Joe a a it 2 " n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 zee 0 0 go 000 0 0 * 0 is, 0 0 so 0 0 0 so* ov 009 0 o bb go 00 0 0 0 oes *be 0 0*0% 60 00 00 a see 11 *VIA. edema TONOW"On of hdmftw i&wb wid -Imo 1 le No-'&'n ABEL pableft &A 0 AdMW A W47"".. to AV", A awa I I moo b"M #All. 4kdftM ffxb*~ MA wasswrM b h" 6r b Amerbst A MAW d mkilown suipmed d me snows 6 sw 5 Mp d woftm) as SON&WOMb liew it b suft am N' I ba-Ircuhn "UPPAUMONSIONkN& VJkMtb&aftW- Wauume m a nhom" so" b fthm ft n?lr C, me aftw ii give Mwftl*Mkftft6lCI6MMd k be"WIDIft-IM Avvwm waft. -00 -00 -00 .0t so see ~.Mee 'moo .1 go* !moo coo go* of* we* uto moo voo~ 0 9 a 0 3 0 9 PIESYK, Z. The existential ard universal statements on parallels. A F-,2 Ms-t 9 no.10*761-Va4 161. 1. Department of f4athematics, University, Lodz, Presented by K.Borouk, EXCF.FPT4 YEDI^,A See 17 Vol 5!9 Public Health Sept 59 2722. TFIE ANALYSIS 0 F 1. LEC I RIC ,IiO('K,) IN LN L J((;Y 11 LAVF.,~, - -kna 11a ra~.ed prgdein eleklr)rzn~m * Z3K#adi- 11 energelo zn)i h V 1 1- 11oradru Hig. Ilra,y, Pr)znaA. - MLD.PRACY 1953, 9/5 3 Tables 4 In the flealth Centre for Occupational Ily giene in 11oznan. examination tif the . awse~, and cirt urnstant es of elet tri( shot ks %as performed. In energy plants. in sPlie .f the fat I that the total number of at cidents had been halved, the number of cle, 11-11 al accidents had not diminished. Accidents ( ansed by elet trit ( it rent amounting to 9.86% of all accidents and ot , urring in these plants less often than irec hanit al ones, are very dangerous inasmu, h as 41.60'. of all deaths are due It, thern. The greatest number of accidents caused by elei trit current Aas seen dui ing Wm King the distribution rentrem and transformer stanons, mid while repairing the Illick (63.2%). In these plants 78.6% of all lethal tit citients caused by elCLlric shot k ov- rurred. It was observed that the frequent y of a( ckdents was influenced by lut k of occupational training among the young workera and insufficient observation of the safety rules by the older workers. Among workers with an intermediate duration of employmert, the accidents are rare. Most of the accidents *ere due to the fact that neither the employees nor the managers observed rules for safe work. The re- lations of accidents to age, duration of occupation. current strength, kind of work. season. etc.. are shown in graphs; inadequate aid given to electrocuted persons is discussed. EXCERPTA FEDICA Sec 9 Vol 13/6 Surgery_ June 59 3378. THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ANATOMICAL RELATIONS IN OPERATION ON THE ADHENALS - Znarzente anatornicznych stoisunk6w w olteracp nad- nercza - P i e t a E. 1. Klin. Chir, A. M., Poznah - VOL. PHZEGL. CHIR 1958. 3CfT3-T2UT--M Ulus. 3 Anatomical investigations were carried out during 85 operations and on 50 adren.18 of subjects dying at an advanced age. The greatest amount of medullary substance and cortex was found in the region of the base and central part, and the least in the region of the upper (lateral) pole and the apex of the adrenal. On the basis of these investigations unilateral or two-stage bilateral excision of about 314 of the adrenal leaving the upper (lateral) pole or the apex of the adrenal. has been ap- plied in the treatment of arterial diseases. The method of operation in described in detail. Investigations on the removal of the medullary substance of the adrenalm have shown that as a rule this cannot be performed successfully and that r;kdical curettage of the medulla without injuring the cortex to impossible. The efficacy of this procedure in the treatment of arteritis obliterans is doubtful. (IX. I PO=ID / General Problems of Pathology. Shock. u-4 ,-,bs Jour Rof Zhur - Biol., No. 10, 1958, N,, 46763 Author Piskorz, A.; Pieta, E.; Gorecki, A. Inst Not given ------- -- Title The -Pffuct of NoradrenrJin upon Irreversible Slinck. Orig Pub Polski tygod. lekar., 1957, 12, No. 20, 741-747 ',b6tract In hoparin treated dogs with hemorrhagic shock (irrever- siblo phase), intravenous injections of noradrerr-.1in (1) did not always effect an increciao of blood pressure. im accuwulation of blood in the liver was noted here. W caused an increase of blood pressure in 8 do~;s suffering frola shock. Card 1/1 FIETA-POL(MSKI, Eugeniusz; WALCZAK, Mieczyslawl WOJCIBOHMKI, Kazimierz Role of adrenal histological changes in arteritis obl-iterans and in Raynaud's disease. Pol. przegl. chir. 35 no.16/11; 1024-1026 163. 1. Z Zakladu Histologii Prawidlouej i Emhriologii AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr K. Mietkiowski z I Uiniki Chirurgicznel AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr S. Nowicki. (THROMBOANGHTIS OBLITERANS) (RAYNAUDIS DISEASE) (ADRENAL CORTEX) (PATBOLOGY) PIETA-P=MKI., EugeT~Iusn; !-LA"KIEWICZ, Zy;T,,urt; SIKORSKI,, Jer-y. Adranalectomy ii Lhe treat-nOTIt of al-teritin obliterar:5. Polsk'. przegl. chir. 35 ro.9080-982 163. 1. Z I Kliriki Gh~i,-rgicznej V w Poznaniu. Kierownik: prof. dr. S.I;owicki. PMA. EllgeniUl3Z Bleeding from benign gastric tumor. N14, i prze4l. chir. 10 ro.5: 517-519 Aly 5h. (STOMACH IISOP"SM. compl. hemorrh. from benign tumor (Pol)) PUTA. Bugeniuss WWP"ACV~I"OIrtnnce of anatomical relations in operations on the adrenals. Polski prsegl, chir. 30 no.3:207-216 Mr '58. 1. Z I 11iniki Chirurgtcznej A.M. w Psnanju Kierownik: prof, dr St, Novicki I s Zakladu Anatomli Patologlcznej A.M. w Pozuaulu x1erown1k: prof. dr J. Groniowski. Adres nutora: PosnaA ul. Dluga I - 1. KlInIka Chirargiczna A.M. (ADFMAIBCTOXY, anatomical factors & technic (Pol) FIETA, E. FISKORZ. A.* PIRTA I B.; GORECKI. A. Iffect of noradrenalin on irreversible shock. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.20:741-747 13 MaY 57. i. Z I Kliniki Chirargicanej A. X. w Pozaanin; kierownik: prof. dr. St. Norwicki. Adres: Posuan. I Xlin. Chir. A. M. (SHOCK. experimental. eff. of arterenol in irreversible cond. (Pol)) (AMR NOL., effects, on exper. Bhock. irreversible (Pol)) FIVAJAUPAU92 Ivaluotion of sympathectomy based on eveat secretion. Polski prsegl. chir. 27 no.12:1179-1190 Doc 55. i. z ii niniki Chirurgicznej A.M. v Foananiu. Klerownik: prof. dr. St. Novicki, Poznan, ul. Dluga 1, Klinilm Chirurgiczna A.M. (STMPATHBGT04T. off. sweating) (SWFATING off. of sympathectomy) PIRTA, Rugentuss Ptlocarplne sweating test following lumbar symp&thectasW. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.6:250-254 6 Yeb 56. 1. (Z I Klin1kI Chirurgicznej w Poznaniu; klerownik prof. dr. St. Nowicki), Poznan, ul. Rokossowskiego 68. m. 13- (STMPATHICTOW, lumbar, postop. pilocarpine sweating test. (Pol)) (MATING, ilocarpine sweating test after lumbar sympothectomy. 1 poi)) (PI LOCARPI NE, sweating test after lumbar sympathectonW. (POW p Indication* and contraindications for renoval of the nails. Visdomosci lek. 7 no.3:173-178 Kar. 54. (NAILS, diseases, surg., indic.) PIETA, J.; KORZENIOWSKI, S. (Wroclaw) Turning and threading wormw an horizontal =ivers&l milli-mg r.- Me0hani 34 no*9%473 161o 'lore on tie r-,re:-s p. 3r r f; s FIFTA, Tadeusz, 6r Accrunt n!" '1-~ad!rg C-3tF ir. spal:crtE. Tech prosr --r~sa. 12 n- ~ .. 102-101. Al- '62. l . 'A~rzsza Szknla nonoricma, Sopot. PIETAK, Miecayalaw, agr inz. Rubber industry at the Leipzig Fair. Chemik 15 no.4tI38-140 Ap ,62. 1. MiniBteretwo PrzemyBlu Obpmicznego, WarBzawa. PIFTA-POLMSKI, Eugeniusz -1 t-r' :' ' -1 . whet ~ - 7~,T- LE a s I.: '-- =---- -E - se cf ~~( ' ~ s~i syr p rZ ej7 ' -- : -i -' a I : i. '1. 36 n( .~ ~-Fk 1. Z I Klir. -J~ -I Z'-'.i , znc- I -' ' Med-,,czne.4 w P-Znar. " u 1; (Kierownik~ prcf. dr. S!. Nowi-ki. , w 04414141009040e 04 4141014141*10 IO m o 00499006 : 99994, . . MV, a b 7b GO #A 0 .-A-, lot) &kp AII- go Alf1f, .,oQ .&C# vCKClt" -- -00 *0 Mo t V. AnTIVID, X#vv"" ,vu Lot, 7, T 1. . (,.m n-Stihs wr tel"Alrd kn t1w drIll. "I L low I cu MM ' 1 , I, 11 400 00,3 , in , 3-CA) mg , .4 Mg. /I. Cd In Ow pmlrwv 14 =Goo 1 will) a pro 11mitlary pa- ZjjMJ. joy a TwAxn4f3jlhW MCOK~ AN the soln, for I., 009 00 goo ties IL will m,LLURGICAL LITIPAITUMN C%.A%%WK&TlGm 11 z tloo too at, M .4 a n a mm, n IN IV t cp is 0 a 11 a 0 0 0 i Iwo 0 & 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 00000000000000000000000 0,'*00000000000 so PIETENETSKIY, G.Ye.; GIRKA, S.A. Voltage stabilizer for motor-operated au,otransfox-r--.s. F-1-1b. i tekh. eksp. 8 no.32179-181 Mj-Je 163. (K[RA lb*-Q) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR. (Voltage regulators) GROTT, Jozef.W.; LASKOWSKI, Stanislaw; PIETER, Regina; SWIEZAWSKA, Ewa Role of trasylol - t--ypsin Lnact~va--r - a-r,4 ',a-1' -:~ 4--. creatitis. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 n~ - -~3-1000 ' " 22 1-e1,4 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wowncvtrzryc~ AYridem It Modycmioj w Lodzi; kierownikt prof. dr. nauk mod. J.W.Ilwott. PO LAND T" 'M LASKOWSKI, Stanislaw, PINTER Re Ilna~,and SWIEZAWSKA, Eva; First Clinic of Internal Dlsoas~o linika Chorob Wownetrx- nych). AN (Akademia Modyasna. Medical Academy] In Lodz (Di- rectors Prof. Dr. wed. sol. J. W. GNOTT) "Studios on the Effect of Oxyterracine "PolfO In the Treat- ment of Chronic Progressive Pancreatitts." Warsaw, Polski 3Xgodnik Lokarski, Vol 16, No 22, 27 May 63, pp 783-789 Abstracts (Authors' Enoish summary modified] Observationt From 6 months to 2.5 y6ars, on the affect of oxyterracine (Polfa) on chronic recurrent pancreatitis, as diagnosed by anamneals, the Grott palpativo examination of the pancreas, and laboratory tests, led authors to conclusion that It in a valuable antibiotic In the treatment of this disease. Short treatment ('8-10 days) brought Improvement In 65 per- aent of the cases studied, and relapses were less frequent and wilder, and usually due to extraneous complicating fac- tors. 1hore are 33 references, *f WhIch.13 are Polish, 3 Gorman, 2 Soviet, one Czech. and the others Western. W2 __j LASKOWSKI, Stanielaw; PIETER, Regina; SWIEZAWSKA, Ewa Studies cm the effectiveness of Oxyterracyne "Polfal' In thb treatment of chronic pancreatitis becoming acute. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.22g783-789 27 Mq 163. L Z I Mnakl Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Lodzi; kierownik: prof. dr n. med. J.W. Grott. (PANCREATITIS) (CDCYTE'MCYCLINE) KALISZEWICZ, Sewery-m, PIETER, Regina; -S"ZCZELINSKA, Olimpia Our obsey-vations on the intraJerMal administy-dtion of no-vocaine in angina pectoris. Fol. tyg. lek. iS no.114%855-85" W Je tt3. 1. Z I KlAnAki Cbor~b Wevnetrmych AM w Lodzi; klerovnik, Prof. dr nauk med. T.W. Grott. (ANGINA PECTORIS ) i PROCAINE) PIETER, Regina Differences In the level of oxalic-acid in the blood plasm and erythrocytes of patients with rheumatic diseases. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.26.-932-935 Je 163. 1. Z I Kliniki Ghorob Wewnetrznych AM w Lodzi oraz z Onrnd)m Naukowo-leczniezego Kliniki w Busku-Zdroju; kierownik: prof. dr nauk mod. J.W. Grott. OXALATES) (ERYTHROCYTES) BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS) ~ (PLASMA) (ARTHRITIS) (RHEUMATISM) PO L AN r, PI_7T"I;jj. ja.-,ina. First Clinic of Internal Diseases (I i~Lll - nika Chorob '.%et-nietrznych) , WI [Aicademia MedycLna, Xedical Academy I in Lodz and Science and Therapy Center (Osrodek Naukowo-Leczniczy), Clinic (Xlinika) in .~usko-Zdroj (Di- rector; Prof. Dr. mod. sci. j. s. -;xrr) "Differonce in Oxalic Acid Levol in Plasma and !~od .~Iood Cells in Person5 with Rheumatoid Diseases." '..'arsaw, Polski a_,odnik Lekarski, Vol 13, No 26, 24 Jun 6~, -)~) 9~2-97) - Abstract: '- Author's Sn,,lish SUMIlitr-V rnodifieclj' Differences L in amount of oxalic acid (.';rott m6thod) in the plasma and in the red blood cells (rbc) were studied in Oll persons t%-ith rheumatoid diseases and ~50 sufferin;,, fro.-ii varl-OUS iiluscuto-articular symptoms and compared. Plasma uxalic acid was nonnal for most persons of both .,rOLIPS, and hi ;her in the rbc of both !-,roups. Differences up to 20 ni,~/Ijo cc were most frequent (33.3 and 31.3j), 20-40 mg, in 20.2 and 13.5~, and over 41 mg -- in 20.2 and 12.8116'. Author su7- ,-ests that the differences in plasma and rbc oxalic acid can help in early diagnosis of oxalic acid disorders. 3 Polish and 4 English references, 1/1 FIRM, Regina Behavior of oxalic acid in plasma & erythrocytes in rheamatic diseases. Polskie arch. mod. wewn. 27 no.12:1629-1636 1957. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob WewnetrzyWch A. K. w Lodzi orna Osrodka Naukowo- Klinicznego tej Kliniki w Busku-Zdroju. Kierownik: prof. J. V. Grott. (RH9MTISK, blood in oxalic acid in plasma & erythrocytes in rheum. die. (Pol)) (CDLAIATIS, in blood game)) LASKOWSKI, Stanislaw; PINER, Regina; KORZON, Janusz Clinical picture following cholecystectmW with special reference to the pancreas. Polskle arch. med. vewn. 26 no-3:379-392 1956. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. v Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr. mad. J. W. Grott, Lodz. ul. Kopcinskingo 22. (PANCREAS. physiology, eff. of cholecystectomy (Pol)) (GALLBLADDIR. surgery. cholecystectomy. postop. pancreatic funct. (Pol)) PIETKA H. --- I GEOGRAPHY & GEOLOGY Periodicalt RUCH TURYSTYCZNY. No. 2, Oct./Dec. 1957. PIETKA, H. The need for the development of a sense of researcb among tourists. p. 3. Wnthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 5, May 1959, Unclass. S/ 1 3-1/62/000/0-,,-_' A006/A 10 1 AUTHORS: Pietka, J.. Fikus, F. "I' I ILE; Experience and achievements In the operation of steelmeltinw furnaces at the Baildon Metallurgical Plant PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 2, 196P, 38. abs~ra- ("Energ. przemysl.", 1961, v. 9, no. 6, 202-204, Po1ish' TEXT. The authors analyze simple methods of raising the efflciericy ;1:-.:i continuity of electric arc furnace operation at the Baildon Metallurgi-a. (PPR). It is noted that a high economical effect was attained ty oon+r,~--'.Ing the operational voltage and improving the conditions of safety tecnr,!j;ie:, N- lvlov Abstrnctor~s note: Complete Card i/I S/137/62/ooo/oo4/bi5/2oi A006/A101 AUTHORS: Pietka, J., Fikus, F. TITLE: Experiences in operation with compact and hollow graphite electrodes on steelmelting are furnaces PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 46, abstract W269 ("Energ. przemysl,", ig6i, v. 9, no. 7, 246-249, Polish) TM: Brief information is given on the basic concepts regarding the correct use of compact electrodes on are furnaces, and technical and economical data are presented of furnaces.operating on such electrodes. On the basis of experimental data the advantage of hollow over compact electrodes was revealed, consisting in stabler burning of the are. The are Is fully concentrated on the inner edge of the hollow electrode, as a result the efficiency of the furnace and the transformer are raised, in particular, during the melting period. However, this advantage of hollow electrodes appears particularly clear only during operation of relatively small furnaces and manifesto Itself to a lesser degree, as the charge of the furnace increases. Information to given on results Card 1/2 LAMBDR, Julian; PIETKA, Zenon Application of hydroelectric aralogy in prognosee of urxtablee motion in open beds. Acta, geophys Pol 11 no.38153-160 163. 1. Panstwovy Instytut Hydrologiczno-Meteorologiozny, Warszawa. ,_PIETKA, Z~~dr~ - Electroresistence wasurewnte of the trangported sedimnt. Gosp wodna 22 no.12063 D 162. 1. Zaklad Hydrotechniki, Panstwovy Instytut Hydrologiczno-Meteoro- logiczny, Warszawa. JASIMM, Romuald, dr inz.; RADZIRUdSKI, Adam, doe. dr ins.j MANTHEY, Tadeusz, dr inz.; PIETKA Zenon, dr inz.; KAJETANOWICZ, Zbigniew, prof . dr inz.; I -- 1 0 c ch, agr Inz.; XCRDAS, Boleelav, W inz.; JAMIKOW, Bolselaw, mgr inz.; =GROMKI, Zbigniew, prof. dr Inz.; 141KIJGKI, Zygmunt, doe. dr Inz.; SORI~&AJ, Jerzy, mgr-inz. Discussionjon papers and communications. Rozpr hydrotechn nc.1-2: 49-64 162. 1. Technical University, Warsaw (for Jasiewicz, 7,migrodzki, MikLicki). 2. Technic&l University, Szczecin (for Radzikoweki). 2. Research Institute of Hydraulic Engibeering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk (for Manthey, Majewski, Jacenkow, Sobieraj). 4. State Hydrological and Meteorological In.stitute, Warsaw (for Pietka). 5. Technical University, Krakow (for Kajetanowicz, Kordas). PIETKA, Zenon Physico-chemical methods of measuring the water flow dischargi. Gosp wodna 29 no.8:355 Ag '61. 1. Zaklad Hydrauliki i Wzorcowania Przyrzadow, Panstwovy InBtytut Hydrauliczno-MateorolORiczny, Warszawa. p1m.A. Z. The use of radioactive isotopes in water researches. (To be contd.) p. 64. GOSPODARKA WODNA (Naczelna Organizacia Techniczna) warFzawa, Poland. Vol. 19, no. 2, ieb. 1959. Monthly list of -cast huropean Accessions Index (EW ), LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 uncla. PTFTKA, Z. The use of radi"etive isotopes in water researches. (Conclusion) p. 111. GOSPODARKA WOMA. (Naczelna Organizacia Tecbniczna) Wsrazawa, Poland. Vol. 19 no. 3, Mar. 1959. Mmthly list of East 'uroDean Accessions Index,(EM ), LCO Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 uncla. POLAND WJIBOR,, Julian; ?IETKAp Zenon Natiorml Institute of Hydrology and Meteorology (PIHN /Pawtvowy In3tytut Hydrologiewo-MeteorologicznX7) Warsaw,, Lqt gagnhyslag np ,IgaUB 3o 3v 63,, Pp 153-6t~. "Application of HydroeleotTlc Anm!!~gy to Forecast Norio-3teady Motion In Open bbdsu0 FrMKA, Zenon, dr., inz. AppLtmtixn of physical md chemical indices to field of non constraint discharge of ground water currerts. "osp 1 ~drn 22 no.Z%~~.0-63 F 142. 1. Politechnika Warszawska. POLAND CZA D. of the Department of Xicrobiology, Gen. Karol Swierczewski FamerwiAn -Schoal of Medicine (Zaklad Mikrobiologii Pomorskiej Akademij Y-edycznej im. geno Karola Swierczewskiego) Szczec:L-i. Prof. Dr. W. Rurczynska, Head. "Species of Yeast F'ungi Ftcountered in Patients in Szczecin" Warsaw., Przeglad EpMemio1q%_iczny Vol 20, No 3, 1966, pp 255-26o. Abstract: 250 strains of yeast fungi were isolated by mycologic and bacteri- ologic ixamination of material obtained during 5 years. Some of the more prevalent strains are listed, and their predominant occurrenee Is trSeed to the individual parts of the body. Contains a summary in English, 2 Tables and 6 references (2 Western, 1 Czecho- slovak and 3 German). 1/1 POUND mW ba.1 WAM04 P&Aubs, uV Ins.1 GVMMAW, Jaimb, dr iM2. *wswo Aw*)A~-2gjg!Mja I tqIgm!h!5Lklp No It Jot/mw 19660 pmos 101-113 *A bibliepeoW of eftpUve control mWatow 190-1964.0 YoUs WA9 is a coutimstion of OMIlogmdW of adeptive amtrol systems 19%-19620, publimbod as pswe lgftdgb !!dgMNM PMp NMW& Sp 1963o TOKARZAMEL, Maria; LIMIMCZ, Halina- ----V - Influence of the conditions of vinyl acetate polymerization upon the bydroly-tic degradation of polyvinyl acetate. Polimery tworz vielk 8 no.2.52-55 F 763. 1, Zaklady Chemicane, Zaklad Naukawo-Badawazy, Oswiecim. TOKARMSKA, Maria; JAIWISKA, Jadwiga; PIMXIWIGZ, Ralina; MITUS, Jan. Hydrolysis of high-,molecular polyvinyl acetates to polyvinyl alcohols containing loss the 1 peroemt acetyl groups. Polizery tworz wiel 8 no.121467-469 D963. 1. Zaklady Chemiczne, 03viecim. TOKARUWSU,, Maria-, JABLONSU, Jadwig&j PIETKIEWICZ, Beliza peration of nber formiAg polyvinyl alcohol. Polimery 4tw-rs wielk 8 n0&1:7-9 Ja 163* 1. Znklad Chemiczue Osviecimp Zaklad Naukowo Badawczy, Osviecim. PIETKIEWICZ, Krystyna Experimerts or; the lysoger,,ic c--v~,rsj(1-- r" ar-;,- ~- the E ;,rnuo r," Salmonella. Experiments in vivo. Bull. inst. mar. med. Gdansk 16 no.1:2?-32 165. 1. From the Institute of Marine Meddcine ir, Gdar.sko Vfitlonril Salmonella Gentre. PIETIamcZ , ftmtanty, ins 4tivity trends of the Voivedeohip Cooperation Comnittee of the Chief Technical Organization and the Scientific Technical Association in Lower Silesia. Przegl techn 84 no.1634 21 Ap 063. 1. Preewodniazacy Wojewodzkiego Komitetu Poroaumiewawcaego Naazelnej Organizacji Technicznej, Wroclaw. FIETKMGZ, Krystyna Ebcperiments on the lysogenic conversion of somatic antigen In the E group of Salmonella. Bull. inst. Gdansk 14 no.1&25-38 963 1. Institute of Marine Medicine in Gdansk, National Sa.Lmonella Centre. 41 MICHALSKI, ftgeniuszl CM01=19 Kazimierr; PIMUCHA, Kryatyza Catalytic microdetermination of ferrous ions basid w so- perometric measurements. Chem anal 8 no.N713-417 163. 1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University, lads* PIETKIEWICZ, Krystyna Some data on the biochemical charanter of 4 752 Salmonella cultures Bull. inst. marine m Gdansk 12 no.3/4:187--189 161. 1. From the Institute of Marine PLedicine, National Salmonella Centre. (SAiAUliELLA -iLiture) PIETKIEWICZ, K. "Some rerurks on forest nurseries. p. 9. (LILS POLSKI-, Vol. 26, No. 3, Mar. 1952) SOt Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 3, No. 4, April, 195-h BUCZOVSI. Zenon; KWHINVICZ. Krystyn& Innervations on strains of SiLlsonella types from the grours 11 and 12 occurring under natural conditions. Bull.Inst.Marine K. (Ransk 11 no.1/2:53-57 160. 1. From the Institute of Marine Medicine in Odansk, National Salmonella Centre. (SALMONNIJA) ULKOO Janina; PlaKILWIGZ tyr-AS Experiments on bacteriophage and biochemical typing of Sa1r. paratyphi B. Ball. inst. - . med. Gdansk.13 no.1/2:23-30 162. 1. From the Institute of Marine Medicine in Gdansk, Reference Labaratory for Enteric Phage Typing. (SAUADA-MA PkixATYPHI) (BACTS111OPHAGE) PIETKIEWICZ, M.t MICINOVMI, L. A method of detemining the power requirements of machine-tool drives under zero load conditions by calculating the angular distance and the self-braking time. p. 574. MECHANIK. (Stawarzyezenie Insynierow i Technikow Meabanikow Polskich) Warszawa, Poland, Vol. 32, No. 9, Sept. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accession (EEAI) LC., Vol 9, No. 1, Jan. 1960 Unc.1 PIETKIFdIi;Z. S. "Polish Cartograpky in the Yearft 1545-11~,54." P. 7 , 90 (PUZGLAD GZOGIU-FIGZN-!. P0111-Iii GZL(rAA.Pn!LA'-' --ZUE-4. Vol. ;~6, ItIo. ,, ". ~~4, Wa-Sz;_4wa' Poland. ) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, kKELL), IA~, Vol. 3, No. 12. Dec. 1954, Uncl. 7 Odem Prof. MAczaA on o r4fics4o, 'he Maw, 2f, f I and 1 ZSSR. ifie S',x ,,I DLC (9f), romi"', -.4 Ole N-P-sy): &Orn,c fT Of i;,Z and L4,iuve d PILTKIF';T-,Z, 3. problems involved in hydrographic mzps of fbland. p.325 FR7 I MLAD .:I 'A.- U-nw. 0,~181[a ~Zwk. Ins',ytut Geografti) Warszawa Vol. 2?,- no..-'-, 1"~55 So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 1 Jan. 1)5~- PIETKIE74ICZ, S. B. Dobrynixils Physical Geography of 16stern Europe; ~ book review. D. 400. PRUGLAD G-'X-I!,FICZNY. P0113H GEOGRAPHICAL jZTVj7...*. (Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Geografii) Warsza.:a. Vol. 28, no. 2, 1956. SOURCE: East European Ac,:esslons Lis~ (EF-AL), Library of CongM33 Vol. 5, No. 12, December 19p,. PIETKIEWICZ, S. PIETKIMCZ, S. Emmauel de Martonne (1873-1955); an obituar3r. p. 6hh. Vol, 280 no. 3v 1956 ATIAS POLSKICH STFd)JOW LUDOIN-fCH Poland So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5j, MaY 1957 's rm n I c rio( 1-:j f. 1,)T -ent -a rtorrw n i , c is 1 u rr PIZO.TKIMdCZ, Stanislaw (Warszawa) "The Quaternary era, with special reference +.o its glaciation" by J.K.Charlesworth. Reviewed by Stanislaw Pietkiewicz. Czasop geograf 33 no.2:263-266 162. PIETKIEWICZ, S. (Varamwe) A selection of new British atlases* Reviewed by S.Pietkiewicz. CzaeopiBmo geograficue 32 no.1196--90, 161. PIETKMVICZ,__~tardslaw, prof. dr. (Warszawa 27, u1. Leharuka 1) m.3) "Prze-,lad ~jeodezyjuy,' Yd. 15, 1959.Reviewed '-7 S.Pietkiewf.22. Czasopiamo 32 ro.2 246 161. 1. Uniwersytet, Warszawa. PIETKIEWICZ, Stanislaw Analysis of the accuracy of ame maps of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries which include territories of ancient Poland. Przegl geogr Suppl. to 32:21-27 160. (EKA.I 10:4) 1. Universite de Varsovie, Institut Geographique, Varsovie. (Polqm--mapa) PIETRUS17MC2, Stefan (Warazava) ~-- Association of Poliab Building Engineers " Technicians and the most urgent taskf3 of the building industry. Praegl budowl i bud miei?,~. IA , .708,") 391 J1161, PIMIEWICZ, T. Afterhw-vest tillage an a protection for plant3. p. 14. (FILN. 7ol. .1 , go. 7, - '15 -, SO: Monthly List of Ens' European Accessions, L.% Vol 3, No. 4, April 1954. FIETZIEWICZ, Tadeusz A.; ZARZYCKA, Hanna Research on flax rust (Nalampsora lini [Pere.) 1,ev.). Rocz nauk roln roal 81 no-1:229-251 160. WAI 9: 10) (Poland--Flax) (Poland-Aelampsora lini) P31MIWCZ, Tadeuez A.; CZYZWSKA, Sabina Influence of seed treatment on the Infection of flax seedlings by the fungus Colletatrichum lini Manna at Bolley. Roct nauk roln roal 81 no-3-.671-710 160. (EXAI 9:10) (Poland--Flax) (Colletotrichus) B, (Mechkov, H I! liulgfLrIal - , .11-111 1- . I On- tk ov, ?, j ' Bu "gar i R) ; ,-4 -. . - -, . P 1 "1 IFVSK 1. , .7 . 'I PI re --r 9k i , I . I 19, 1 Ig q-r ~Ln 11 ; , M4, ",':!iv, I N, '- ' Mashk,~1 n, L. 1.9ulgaria' Some methodological prob~nns of d(itormining the ef"Icifncy of T some energy carriers. pari energift 5 no.3;62 M '64. BRUHARSKI, Les)aw, mgr inz.1 UETKOW, WaIczo, dypl. inz. Controlling the =ount and position of reinforcing steel in ferroconcrote structures by means of the pachymeter. lnz,~.j bud 19 no.3:117-120 Mr 162. 1e Inatytut Techniki Budowlanej, Warszawa (for Brunar5ki). 2. Naukowo-Bawczy Insty-tut Budownictwa,, Sofia, Buigaria (for Ilietkow). riET-o(owall, Ralzi.-r-ir, pr-)f. Ir inz. i-ro.ressor '-Ii.,o'- Terzzpgni; :- --* :--u! 1-: -- .'2: --- 295 Ag 164. -'F T F -) . .N'K I s r~n '-hp 14Lf~%I,, , ng _0r, of erigl, neer_ geo g7. ;;,_Zeg gC no.l3i463-464 01611. _ ~j '. Pril'technika, kara~zawa. .;'I I , F . "Fundamentowanir" (Lavini- "o~unda-.*,-,ns), tv T-. i'iqUcws~i. I^:,-ited' 4r. Now 1-ookE (Nowe Yslazki;, '~, ~7,une 11, 1;!~6. C Pimowsn -,1% R. PIETKOWSKI, R. Geotechnics. Przef-lad Techniczriy, Warszawa (Central Technical Orrganization), Ja 1956, v. 77, no. 1, p. 22. P=OW'M, R. "Concretes and erosive the phenomenonmd possibilities of f irsiting it. p. 94. (321ZMMIX I BMMM'N'O. Vol. U, no. 3. Mar. 1954, Warszawa, PGland) SO: 1-bnthly List of East European Accessions, L. Cot Vol. 3, No. 5, MaY 1954, Uncl. FIFT-07113KI R. L 1--, 1 - , -... -- "Soil pressur- r, turmel lining." T. `:~;, I .. Nov. 1,)52, ',I,!rszayfA, roitmd) SO: 74onthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 2, #E, Librqry of 3,-aii,,ress August, 1953, Uncl. -PIETKOVISKI, RADZ1~aP Fundamentowanie. 6-yd.2. uzup. k,srszava, Poland, Arkaay, 1959. h16 P. Yonthly idst of Last European Accessions (FZA1) LC, Vol. 89 no. 9, jePtember 1959. Oncl. " K71 ~. I a -evisk a, '-., and ~-irto~ yli: I. !,, ~r. rif eq. nif~fmr zwo-'i, kor- .I ~*z? -)f ~e`e--tive -teve~c,)rr.,:t o tne re~ -ort D-I the nervms activLt~- )-' -3 1 9r-2 ,213 (327-33T) Il'us. qbser-vations on an r, ~ (-roc. nhal rhiln. e c J. rc ir r, c; ..... rr. without chatige iurinf- 3-IC Pcinths of life. airing this liTre the (-iby ii,'; :tot learn anything. ~--ncenhalorr;;tnhic f`inriini:s an(i oust rv:-?t',.ons -ate a ,7efectivc ievel~mx-,!tt -)-* t.h(, -!~c 'K. i n. 5,, h- rv, visual '111d --lidi tore, Ir as. ler-jow; z - -ro-la~--- 2011ib T*ChWWS1 Abst. A '49 2953 'jundim 111matry and 4- 25M 624-131-52t 624 193 -Pletkowl &LI6, Soil Pressure on Tunnel Linings. are 9 gruntu na obudowe tuneli. Inzyderia I Badownlotwo. No. lls 1952s pp. 359-363t 5 figs.,, 2 tabe. It Is essential, when computing soil pressure on tannsla to determine the magnitude'of vertical stio"'caused by the load force,,,,of the soilp topther with the horIzontel-to-w ertical side stress ratio. This prpblem ls'i~viewad In the of'opinions expressed by various inVestigators, light and Inferences which drawn from this review tend to prove that soil pressure exerted on the tunnel can'be detemined Ju- at'as schurately as the externAl fdoes acting on buAldlngs 0'roloted above ground level., al.ihe pressure on the tunnel i-9 contingent to VA~ a6re and 00"A40n of the soil r1mcwSKI, R. "Unfpk I r ter, 01--iric I es In our st,,w I pr(liznt I )r. ' " P. 15L. (ppSZMI- - 3,,jT0WL;,%r .Vol.. 26. No. 11. Nov. 195L. Warqzuwa, Pol.~~nd) Mk- y SO: Monthly List of Mast European Ac,-ts0ons. (FUL). LC. Vol. 4. No. 'i. Aprtl 1955- Uncl. MSII'IAK,, Leszek; CIIA- MCZ, Tadeusz-; Disorders -,f the serum Trn'e'!~ . ~ - ..,~ ',-. Fr,', . - . . F. ieK. 20 no.11:404-406 15 Mr 1 65 1. Z Klinikl ChirurUjczne,. I~erra- -i(,gi, VI Warszzawie (Ordynator.- doc. dr. med. Andr-zr.-. PIMAKIFEWU7, T. A few remarks an the finishing of flat surfece3, p. 251. (MECHANIK, Warszawa, Vol. 27, no. 7, July 195h.) SOt Monthly List of East European Acces-doast (EEAL)o LC, Vol* 4p, No. 6,4uwo. jo55, tIncl. PIWMNIM, B. Iftwer supply for the coal industry.0 (PRZIGILkD GORNICZY. Vol. 10. No. 12. Dec. 1954. Stalinogrod. Poland) SO: Monthly List of last Daropean Accessions. (ML). LC. Vol. 4. No. 4. April 1955. Uncl. PIETRANEK, Bonifacy, ngr inz.,- OLGZAKOWSKI, Wladyslaw, prof. ngr. inz. Power management in the Polish coal mining industry. Pt. 2. Gosp paliw 11 no.2:44-46 F 163- PIETRAIIEK Bonifacy., mgr inz, Pawer aspects in electrification of mines. Goop paliv 11 no.6i 201-204 Je 163. PIETRANEK, Bordfacy, mgr inz.; OILZAKOWSKI, Wiadyalaw, prof. mgr inz. Fbwer management in the Poliah coal mining induBtry. Pt. 1. Gosp paliw 11 no.1:3-7 Je 163. S/Q56/62/OOO/CIC/C76/C93 Ao6'./A:C,' K~"": ?I etrani ec rt' n 7-, : 7,,(- qi,anto:7, ti.c. :error,iagnetic resonance P ~--j CA!~: ~,e:erativnyy no. .0, 1),-;,2, ",j, abstract OT5')8 czost,)chow", no. '3, 17 Pc.11:-h; 5ummarir,F, in %ral, :'ng!I:-,h) 7:7,7: 7h-I's '-s !i rev,'e,.; of the quanturr, mechanics 'errc- resonance. It !:, si,:)-,-n that this theory essentially leads to the same rt-s.i.ts as the classical theory, Inasmuch as in this case one has to deal with vf-.~r-,- -'arge quantiin num,)(-r3. 't is vrtablished that in quantum mechani,~a' calcu- :erronagnetir r-sor.anco, t:-.r- elvenvalues o,' the oscillator energv ap- .(,ar to be sh.'ted o-.-~`nK t- tix- pre:,enc(~ of the energy of demagnetization. !t neressary in all n:. to , onsider a sanple large enough tc a:. ,,he ~erromiagnetic characteristics, and at the same time small enough compared the %'13Velength of the -.1ectromagnetic field disturbance. There are 25 ref- -cter's note: C--,- .,~tc tr -tion Car-; 1/1 122782-66 -, rwp(t)/Kj jjP(c) FO.41JD ACC-Nits- AFOW3799 SOURCE CODE: PO/0022/65/000/008/0234/0235 5'/ 1 AUTHOR: Ratkieviezo, Wilhelm (Proressor); Pietranik, Miroslaw (Master engineer) ORG: Warsaw Polytechnic Institute, Warsaw (Politechnika Wars2awaka) TITIEs Interference in radio reception caused by selenium ctifiers SOURCES Przoglad tolekcmunikacyjny, no. 8, 1965, 234-235 17 MPIC TAGS1 radio reception, signal interference, selenium rectifier ANTRACTe Me article presents results of measurements V&1ch were '*Me on the continuous spectrum in heterodyne radiation. This continuous spectrum# which appears alongside the discrete spectrum !in certain types of radio receivers, was found to be caused by Ahe selenium, rectifier. The overall measwing circuit is shovm and ourree of interference as a function of a) frequency, b) supply voltage* Certain neral conclusions are dravm, namely that the Anterference levotodeoreases Yrith increasing frequency. but in- creases with airing of the selenium rectifier. A variation of several To-1 Una of dealbe O'n the interference level was found between various ,upkes-and models of receivers. The importance of considering this in the design and construction of equipment is emphasized. Orig. art. hast 3 figures. CJFRSI = C=t 179 09 / SUBM DATE: none / CRIG REF: 002 Cold , TC G T Pprlodira'-: 117~~--r ' ' 'A. V Tj__7HAP.: F, t: n~- t'-e .4 a-.- r,r 1~ li;- 7- I- - andatirins. n. 2'_~. Monthl.,, List rf l-ast. !--.ur-nea-. Access onF Fe'urud.~-.- Unc.Lass. Pli!~Irlq.kHu, ~~. Apprenticesnip f(-r p. 3. GLUPIU, Pit'll"W. Voi. 3, nc,. 7, July 111-17, Bucuresti, Rumania) 60: Monthly List of East European iccessiw.s (ix-L) L,,. Vol. 6, No. 1,1, bc-r.19c,7- Uncl. P-r o~ i r al r, F A~ e r ar - I ow rij-i~ lr~~pjl 31 !Jon t T i 4 nOFIN, I i ."' -,:", '.'. ;,ri.F-iyl-i!! . - 5 . - . . :-i - - . S * , 0 fluid --I-- -, -- - . ., , -,; J- - , - - - PIETRAS . A I ) inz . The Poman locamotive brigadep are increasing the locomotlve rotation. Pnegl kolej mechan 14 no-3:67-69 Mr 162. PIETRAS, Alsksander Analysis of meltings of safety plugs. Przegl kolej mechan L4 no.51158-3 of cover My 162. 1. Zarzad Trakcji, Dyrekoja Okregowa Kolel Panstwowych, Poznftn. f fee fs thp r FIETRAS, S. 14'hy did I becom a rember cf th-i Towns~A- Coorjera~l-,,,!? :.. -. (ROT,',M,' SPOLDZIFIZA. ','o1. ',, no. 8, Feb. 295"., Poland) SO: Monthly List of East :-:uropean Accrsriori.- (EEAL) I,C. Vol. 6, no. 6, June 19",', ncl.