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December 31, 1967
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I . B.I., ln7.h.
Construction, tec~-.nnlop,"i of the manufactre, and
of the regenera or of the gas *.urbine drive of --he -,lower
--~f Inp GTN-9-57"O E-Fis '-urblnp ~75'em. Eneri-on-ji.9, in F*roe!~-`-
11 no. 1C: 7 G 1t5. ('~:`A ;
PE r S, I K H 1 13 1
leningradskiy metallicheskly :mvod, Ieningrad
Paroturbostroyeniye i gazoturbostroyeniye (Steam and Gas Turbine Construction)
Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 551 p. (Series: Ito Trudy, vYP. 5) 3,500 coPies
Additional Sponsoring Agency: RSM. leningradakiy ekonomicheskiy rayon. Sovet
narodnogo khozyaystva. Upravleniye tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniva.
Editorial Board: Grinberg, M. I., Doctor of TL-chnical Sciences, Professor (deceased);
Stepanov, I. M., Engineer, and Kolotilov, A. I., Engineer; Ed. of Publishing
House: Ieykina, T. L.; Tech. Ed.: Pollskaya, R. G.; Chief Ed. (Mashgiz,
leningrad Branch): Bollshakov, S. A., Engineer.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for engineers and technical
personnel employed at turbine building plants and scientific research
institutes, and also for students of technical institutes.
COVERJUM: This book contains articles dealing with the problems of design and
operation of gas and steam turbine installations, and high-pressure
feed pumps. For abstract of each article see Table of Contents.
Card *K
Steam and Gas Turbine (Cont.) 584
Design and Operation of Steam Turbine Installations
Grinberg, M. I., Doctor of Technical Sciences., Professor. Progress in Tw-bine
Building at the leningrad Metalworking Plant
In this article the author dic-cusseB the past and present accomplishments., and
outlines pl- for future developmentsin the field of steam and gas turbine
building at the Leningrad Metalworking Plant.
Batyrin, A. S., Engineer. Staadardization of the General Arrangement of Steam
Turbine Installations
In this article the author givto an accomnt of experience with general armnge-
ment of steam turbine installations-gained at the Leningrad Metalworking Flant.
He discusses the procedure for pivparing detailed drawings and presents diagrams
of standard arrangements of stAiam turbine installations.
Card A-ft
Steam and Gas Turb im (Cant . )
Nikolayev, G. V., Engineer. Condensers for LMZ Turbines
The author presents details of desiga and construction of various types of'
condensers developu~) at the 1,~ningrad Yetalworking Plant.
Peysikhis, B. I., Engineer. 3pecial Valves and Equipment for Steam Turbine
Instal-lation. 48
The author presents a detailed description of safety valves and special reg-
ulating devices used in high-pressure steam turbine installations. The article
contains numerous diagrams anti specifications of various types of valves.
Shapiro, Yu. B., Engineer. Svlection of Thermal Scheme for Steam Turbire In-
stallations 68
This article deals with the tw~sic problems involved in the developing of new
regenerative vapor-cycles. 'Die author presents a basic method for selecting
feed-water preheating temperatures,and the optimum distribution of Bteazi extract-
ion points in a regenerative vaporcycAe. There are 7 references, of which 6 are
Soviet, and 1 English.
Car,d 3*
om e. 't, zL-.rna FJ f~ h:,!
T'-'TLE: Acce~130r_IeS J-"
PER70D-1(:A_:~ '7. Lzningpz. !9S7~ li-
ABS-_RA'~:I. 'c,, LMZ, 31~CCJ_~.l C-,-C_-JSZrit:.
c~s_i -e i-zz, ?r.)tecti--,,e TI:E
lc~.I-ln Er_j .,,,._,veE .)!l :;tearn-ext:,zct,*,:%_, ppi-e3 en.:;
e a : e r c .T~12 lao er cornnrl:;F_: Z.U~o-nLl.:c ---I
OuL,*Iow IiLes of regenera."ve t,.~ate7ss anl
I e 3i~ tv?e KOS r. onr cturn val' la A
e q,t 'L n in _, iz ato aria v 2.1 E Z; '-Ite.-Il- Z-d Ai7
ar e e ~iu iop 2 n vi it' i a C' li a k - -.)o,3 i- i- o--, inc
-hit'. aezvornctcrs a s%_-cial lever ,-a)-,
T~ r 3 C z"I Tn uon~: an-l z luo fc r 18 - -,3 V -
rn e
Jt- L,
e d-. 2 Z c t
cia f EA e
7 '1
FWSMIS. B.L. inzh.
"~~96'fk fittings of' Bteam-turbine urdts. [Trudy] IbM ao.5:45-67
15?. (NIW, 11:6)
(Steam turbines)
LIBERMAN. L.Ya..kand.tekhn.aauk; PEYSIRHIS, M.I.,inzh.; K&UYRV. A.A,
kand.tekhn.aank, red.; POLISZLU,
[Handbook on propertieB of steel used in boiler and turbine
construction] Spravochnik po evoletvam stalei, primeniaemykh
v kotloturbostroanil. Moskva. Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd.vo
naohinoutroit. lit-ry. 1958. 408 P. (Leningrad. TSentral'nyi
nauchno-iseledovatellskit kotloturbinnyt inotitut. [Trudij
vol-32) (MIRA 12:2)
LibermanY L. Ya.j, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and M.I. Peysikhis, Engineer.
Spravochnik po svoystvam Stal-ty, primenyayemykh v Kotloturbostroyenii (Handbook
on Properties of Steels Used in Boiler and Turbine Construction) 2d ed., enl.
Moscow, Mashgiz, 1948. 408 p. (Series: TsentralInyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy
kotloturbinnyy institut. Izdaniya] kn- 32) Errata slip inserted. 3,500
copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Tsentrallnvy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kotloturbinnyy institut.
Ed.: A.A. Kanayev, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.: P.G. Pol'skaya.
PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for designers, physical metallurgists, metal-
lurgists, metallurgists of boiler and turbine plantst and also personnel of plant
laboratories and scientific research institutes of other branches of machine
COVERAGE: This is the second edition of a handbook on boiler and turbine Steels
originally published in 1955. The present edition describes 90 types of steels9
Card 1/9
Handbook on Properties (Cont.) 30V/1956
and is based exclusively cr experimental material obtained duz-.'L.-,g pas-
several years at various Soviet scientific research institutes a.-.d Dla:.r
laboratories. Coptributions from TaKIT (Central Committee for Heavy 1:iduBt.ry)1
TsN1IMASh (Central ScienLific Research Insitute of Heavy Machinery), Ti~~111r!NM
(Central Scientific Resear2h Institut of Ferrous Metallurgy), and the 1%bora-
tories of the Leningradski.f metallicheskiy zavod (Leningrad Metal Plan*-),
Kharlkovskiy turbinnyy zavod (Kharlkov Turbine Plant), Nevskiy machinostroitel'nyy
zavod (Neva Machine-buildi!ig Plant),and the Novo-Kramatorskiy nietallarzicheskiy
zavod (New Metallurgical P':ant In Kramotorsk) are represented. The handbook
covers systematically the whole range of materials from carbon steels 1,,) tne
most heat-resistant high-aLloy and nonferrous metals used at presentor which
-may be used in the near future, in manufacturing boiler and steam- and gas-
turbines. The authors say that all available information for each type of steel
on mechanical properties, Etability of properties at various temperatures, data
on creep~resistant and creep-rupture properties, and design graphs for selecting
design stresses and straine are presented. For those steel types which are in-
tended for fastening parts of boiler and turbine units, stress-relaxation
characteristics are also presented. The handbook includes existing GOST
(All-Union State Standards) and Technical Specifications for materials used
in boiler and turbine making. The thermal conductivity coefficients experi-
mentally determined by Engineer R.Ye, Krzhizhamovskiy, TsKII, and not included in
the first edition for many types of steel, are given, The authors thank chief
specialist on metallurgy Ya.l. Kulandin of the Gosplan
Card 2/9
Handbook of Properties (Cont..)
EmdDepartment H*M Candidate of Technical Sciences A.V. Stanyukovich for
their assistance. There are no reference5.
Preface to Second Edition
Preface to First Edition
Conventional Symbols
Ch. 1. Selecting Steel for Contirluous Service at iigh Temperature and
Determining its Heat-resistant Properties
Ch. II. Carbon Steels 16
GGOST 380-57 normal and improved quality types
Type 10
Type 15
Type 20
Card 3/9
Handbook of Properties (Cont.)
Type 25
Type 30
Type 35
Type 40 L!
Type 45
Types 15K and 20K
Types 22K and 25K 4c,
Type 22GK steel with increased manganese content 4.)
Ch. III-. Constructional Alloy Steels
Type 16m
Type 124a
Type 15KhM
Type 12KhMF
Type 12Kh 1MF 71
Type 12Kh2FB 76
Type E1454 79
Type E1531 36
Type 16r;mm PA
Type 3OKh ge
Types 38XhA and 40Kh 92
Type 20KhM q(-
Card 4/9
Handbook of ]properties (Cont.)
TYPe 30KhM Di
Type 35KhM and 34KhM 107
Type 35M24FA 114
Type 25KhWA 11.3
Type R2 124
Type E1723 130
Type E1415 134
Type 21N5 149
Type 40N 1~1
Type 4oKhN 154
Type 12KhN3A 1 ~', 6
Type 34KhN3m
Type 35KbNW
Type 50KhFA 16~
Type 6052 172
Type 38KhMYuA 171i
Ch. IV Stainless, Scale-resistant and Heat-re81Stant Steels 1'17
Types M13, 2Khl3, 3Hkl5, and 4Khl3 stainless steels ~ 7
Types lKh13 stainless steels i~q
Types 2Khl3 stainless steel 133
Card 5/9
Handbook of Properties (Cont.)
3nl3 stainless steel
Type 4Khl3 stainless steel J?z
Type KhlOS2M(EI107) scale-resistant steel 196
Type 15KhllMF stainless heat-resistant steel 201
Type EI802 '15Khl2VMF) stainless heat-resistant steel 204
Type E1756(mlevEw) stainless heat-resistant steel nA~
Types lKhl8N9T ( hYaIT), and MlBN12T stainless steel L10
Types Khl8NllB, and E1724 stainless steel 217
Type 11~hlO102M (E1257) heat-- resistant steel L22
Type M14TI14V2W(EI257 containing titanium) heat-resistant steel 223
Type lxhl3Nl6B (E1694) heat-resistant steel 231
Type iKhl3Nl8v2B (E1695) heat-resistant steel 254
Type Kh23N13 scale-resistant steel 257
Type Kh23NlP (E1417) scale-resistant steel 241
Type MIJ8N2592 scale-resistant steel 247
Type E1123 heat-resistant steel P50
Type 4Khl4Nl4V2M (E169) heat-resistant steel 2Y;
Type E1572 heat-resistant steel 2~1
Type E1400 heat-resistant steel 273
Type E1403 heat-resistant steel 281
Type E1405 heat-resistant steel 23-1)
Type E1395 heat-resistant steel 20~
Card 6/9
Handbook of Properties (Cont.)
Type E1424 heat-resistant steel
Type E1612 heat-resistant steel
Type E1612K heat-resistant steel
Type E1434 (IW10K) heat-resistant steel
Type Ei388 hgat-resistant steel
Type E1437 (KhN80T) heat-resistant alloy
Types EI607 and E1607A heat-resistant alloy
Ch. V. Steel for Castings
Type 2 L cast carbon steel
Type IML alloyed cast steel
Type 20KWL alloyed cast steel
Type 26-20 cast scale-resistant steel
Type lKhl8NWL heat-resistant cast steel
T~yW Kh25NlYrL heat-resistant cast steel
Types IAl,IA4, and LA5 heat-resistant cast steel
Type LA3 heat-resistant cast steel
Tyj* LA6 heat-resistant cast steel
Ch. VI. ODST exdTechnical SpecificatioriB for Materialn Used in
Boller and Turbine Making
Card 7/9
Handbook of Properties (Cont. ) SOV/1936
Carbon sheet-steel for boilers 539
Steels for boiler-tubes, superheaters, collectors, and piping 39c,
Steel flanges
Forgings from constructional carbon-and alloy-steel (GOST 8479-51 302
Chemical-composition of steels used for discs, shafts, and all-
forged rotors of a steam turbine (in %) (Standards 1233K, 1234-K and
Technical Specifications of plants) 394
Forgings for shafts and all-forged rotors of steam turbines 395
Forgings for steam-turbine discs 395
Chemical composition of steels recommended for making forgings
for shafts, all-forged rotors, and discs of steam turbines 396
Standard mechanical properties of forgings for shafts and all-
forged rotors of marine and stationary steam turbines
(TUMM 20-5-54) 397
Standard mechanical properties of rgings fo, discs of marine and
stationary turbines (IUMTM20-5-54T 398
Blanks for steam-turbine blades heat-treated hot-rolled and
forged from stainless steel (13gi-K,194o standards) 599
Sheets and strips for steam-turbine blade fastening bandages
heat-treated cold-and hot-rolled frov chromium stainless steel
(1392K,1240 Standards) 399
Card 8b
Handbook of Properties (Cont.)
(GOST 977-53)carbon steel castings 400
Castings from variouo types of alloyed steel 4,01
Welding vire made from GOST 2246-54 type steel 402
Electrodes for velding boiler and turbine steels 404
Electrodes for welding constructional steels 407
Electrodes for welding alloy steels with special properties 408
AVAILABLE- Library of Congress
U /gMp
Card 9/9 B-6-59
LIBERM. L.Y&;, kandidat te)dtnicheakikh nank.; PHYSIXHIS. N.J.. inzhener;
XANAYNV, A.A., )'AndidAt te)dinicheskikh naukr. re(Wrto~:-ft'SKAYA. R.G..
tekhnicheekly redaktorl
[Handbook on the properties of steels used in mnrine boiler and
turbine building3 Spravochnik po ovoistva stalet, promeniaemykh v
ketloturbostroonii. Moskvn, G*v.n^uchno-tekhn.i%d-vo washf-hostrelt.
lit-ry. 1955. 195 P. (Leningrad. TS&ntrql'nyI nauchns-lesledovatel'
akil kotleturbiwWi institut. [Trudy). vol. 29.) (MMA 9.10)
(Steel--Specifications) (Boilers, Marine) (Steam tarbines)
Optimum pass band of a resonance system for pulses of randote d-,t7
ratio. Radiotekhnika 13 no.5:40-46 Hv '58. OTRA 11:6)
(Pulse techniques (Electronics))
ACCESSION NR: AP4026138 5/0106/"/000/003/0005/0016
AUTHOR: Levitan, 0. 1.1 Peysikhwan. A. L.
TITLE: Signal-to-noise ratio monitor
SMIRCE: Elektroavyazl. no. 3. 1964. S-16
TOPICTAGS: arignal, signal noise ratio. signal noise ratio monitor, frequency
manipulated signal. noise isolation
ABSTRACT: Two systems of a signal-to-noise ratio monitor are considered (see
Enclosure 1): (1) amplitude limiter plus frequency discriminator type and
(2) AGC plus amplitude detector type. Both were developed in 1960-61 for
frequency-keyed signal reception. Theoretical relations for the square spectral
density of noise at the output of frequency and amp1itude detectors are
established. Higher components of keying frequency pass through the,band filter
along with the'noise that produces information In the m-4tor; these components
Card 1/ 3
are called "residue. 11 The effects of the residue and Its contribution to the
monitor error are discussed as is the connection between the inertia of the
monitor and that of the information channel. Some hints for designing the ratio
monitor are offered. Experimental verification of both systems of the monitor
was made by connecting them to the 215-kc IF channel of a short-wave receiver.
The latter's internal noise was regarded as a noise source. Tabulated data of thl
maximum signal-to-noise ratio permits a rough evaluation of the effects of the
passband, frequency deviation. h-f filter cut4afrequency, and ondulation of the
IF -ang4ifier band filter. Orig. art. has: 13 figures. 18 formulas, and 3 tables.
ASSOCIATIDN: Odeaskly institut "zi (Odessa 1wtituts, of Conununications)
OU33MITTZD: 19Mar63 DATZ ACQ: l1Apr" ENCU 0 1
Device for tracking the ratio of a signal and noise. Elektrof5viazI
18 no.3:5-16 Mr 164. (KI-RA -'L--.4 I'
AUTHOR: Peysikriman, A. L~
TITLE-. On the Optimu-i 'irransmission Band of a Re3onance
bystem for e-lses With Arbitrary Reciprocal of th-
Pulse Duty Factor Ob optimallnoy polose pro-pus",an--ya
rezonansnoy s.ptemy dlya impullsov s proizvollnoy
PERIODICAL- Radiotekhnikn, 1950, Vol_~ 1', Nr 5, P-)-~ 4C)-4(, ~USSF)
A-5STRACT- Here the depr-ridence of the optimum transmission band of
re8onance L;yr-tem with respect to the reception threshold
an the reciprc4,al of the pulse duty factor 0 is
investigated ine -,ioblem is solved in genernl f*or-.,, and
;n apn
..lication -iPon the pulses of a rectangular and n
bell-3haped ap-zi.)ximation. rhe here derived equation
~1) r.?present7z the solution of the problem of the
optimum band f7om tho aspect of the maxi-num siEnril-to-
-noiae ratio in Ceneral born It is valid for pulses
the pl-,ase fTC'q11enCy spectrum of which is linear ,.nd
the aiap'--.'tud~w -,Pe~itrum functions of which can be
Card 1/3 intep.-ated and jiffcr-ntiated to the second order
On the Optimum ~'rens7nlcsi-.n a nogonance 1 u~-
Sys tc.-n for Pul ses '%7I th A r t ir, i y Rcr ; pr ~ _-zil of the r1i 1 se Du ty ?,ar, t(..) r
incliiolveiy. host, limitations allow to solve this
p r ~- b a t c- a 7 tfor he two basic pulse approxi-lations
t,'-.- ri, ril th~- bell-shaped one. SuiT _ri7inr~li
t a n 7 1 -a r a -ia
I' 3tafea 7h~- JPt-rium tran:,,mission band of a
pu T-,,m the aspect of the maxi:7,ui:! signal-t3-
-n-ji-e rat-'.)) r---t depend only on the pulse durati-n
but ilso deper.,IF Dn the reciprocal of its pulse duty
`a, t - - -
I z. P Th~ o i-renden--~, for pulses with a linear -Jnase
~,pect,r..m fund, -~on --.s -xpressed by equation ~1), This
-?q,_iation Ine integral and two derivativeO Df thp
%mplitude :,p,-~tr-.,i f_;nr*ion of a single pulse. 2) in
Case -f rta!-~v ztj..-~~ied pulses the mentioned o,-,,ti7nu7
'ransmission ba!,.-- _~&f - -L*-2-A , wherebyA-_!
,0.7 opt IL
at P;,",Uc; a-, P