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PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION (7 Z E C H /4 8 -.7 Petrzvflka, Va/clav Metody pro detekci a registraci Jaderne/ho zA~enl (Methods Used to detect and Record Nuclear Radiation) Prague, Nakladatelstvf Ceskoslovenske' akademie v4d, 1959. 260 p. 2,450 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: Zdenevk Plajner, Doctor of Natural Sciences; Sclen- tific Reviewer: Jan Urbanec, Master of Pharmacy; Ed.: Antonfn Burda. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for students at technical and nu- clear-physics departments and personnel working with nuclear radiation, particularly In radioactive Isotopes. COVERAGE: The book describes equipment and methods used for the measurement of nuclear radiation. Phenomena occurring in ma- terials subjected to nuclear radiation and the design principles of nuclear-radiation indicators and detectors are described. Emphasis is given to the processing of numerical data, the use C a P4 T/4 Methods Used to Detect (Cont.) CZECH/4879 of a field of saturated current In ionization chambers, pro- portional counters, types of Geiger-Mueller counters, spark counters, crystal counters, scintillation counters, and Cherenkov counters. Electrical and electron-tube circuits used for radiation detection and recording devices are described, and procedure for estimating numerical values and measurement errors is outlined. The final chapters discuss detection meth- ods based on the photochemical effects of nuclear radiation (nuclear emulsions), ionization effects and the condensation of saturated vapors on ions formed along the particle path cloud chambers , and bubble formation along the particle path ~bubble chambers~. The book Is based on lectures given by the author at Charles University, Prague, and is Intended to add to the published literature In Czech on devices and equipment of Czech or Soviet manufacture used in working with radioisotopes. The table of elementary particles is based on data from the Alvarez report read at the Kiyev conference on the physics of high-energy particles ih June 1959. The amplifier and coinci- dence circuits were developed at the Ustava jadernych vy`zV_um6 Caild 219 Methods Used to Detect (Cont.) CZECH/48-,) of the &AV (Institute of Nuclear Research of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences). No personalities are mentioned, There are 253 references: 97 English, '72 Soviet, 38 Czech, 23 German, 13 Italian, 9 French and 1 Hungarian. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Ch. 1. Introduction 11 Ch. 2. Cha---acteristics of Nuclear Radiation 2.1. Nuclear processes accompanied by emission of nuclear radiation 15 1. Low-energy nuclear reactions l6 2. Interaction Qf particles with atomic nuclei at low energies 17 3. Radioactive changes of atomic nuclei 18 A 4. Review of particles emitted during interaction of particles with atomic nuclei 2-4 2.2. Interaction of nuclear radiation with matter 2~ 1. Enprgy losses undergone by heavy particles when C a =L-3/-9 FENYVES, Ervi-n; FRENKEL, Andor; PETRZILKA, V.; SEDLAK, J.; VRANA, J. Investigati m of high-energy electron-photon cascade In emmlsion. Koz fiz kozl MTA 7 no.4:183-188 '59. (EW 9:8) 1. A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Kozponti Fitikai Kutato Intezete, Immikus Sugarzasi Osztaly (for Fenyves, Frankel and Telbisz). 2. Csehszlovak Tudomanyos Akadem" Fizikai Intezete, Karoly Igyetem I+aszaki es Magfizikai Fakultasa (for Pertzilka, Sedlak, Vrana) (Electrons) (Photons) (Cascades) JEZEK, VI. Technicks spolupracei PETRZILKOVA,J.; KROUZKOVA,L Hemodynamic effects of some d rogr-Ire-flng on the tone of vege- tative nerves. I. Effect of sympathomimetics amd parasympatho- lytics. Sborn. lek. 66 no.3.-75-84 F164 Hemodynamic effect of some drugs acting on the tone of vegeta- tive nerves. II. Effect of parasympathomimetics and sympatha- lytics. lbid:85-91 4- 8/056/601,"P89 . -, .11 5~04, SC -0 .11THok3. B--: -o' ~ T~ A. - I ~ It- for' A - al V - I 4-4-, 7. A.. S- M ,.1. 59. So. We . pp. 9 '7_9 7 r '-B .. ......... . tth .... .. p,p,r. rb, p-L-L-7 (Gul-LI-JAY.- t'. ...... . f 4DO- ~100 Ith t" of ~jr.; 'h- Th I ul I "I by 1. S. hankov.p3; by :p:. A 459 :I'. Tll* .1 b f .11 ?or -:,r -b r of 7h.' lim: .1 a- to pl.. p -g-l- I.." %%... r. to, r- -d I.. I- r rm. . :. 0.5 B- th& WW-1- -t dl-rlb A th."'mont" ft. Pros- Ih.11 I.. 4 l,trl f o It tbl -.r -re.4 -if rub.ll.. of tt. .-b- ~f I,,* rp-114 by y. ?-h . ....... r, b" of "d"' of or. o. C-d 2/5 4 of 4-'0 -Z-Z 51* , - . 1-1r, of 0' .%o tberef-. -W T. I. 1,21.rj r P (jow t I. IL-Y ". '9b0 C-ld PETRZY'K, Igancy Difficulties and arrore in diagnosis of chronic appendicitis. Polski przogI.chir-27 no.ioi965-970 Oct. '55. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznoj A.M.w Krakowle. Kierownik: prof. Ir K. Michajda Krakow. ul. Kopernika. 21. (APPMMICITIS, diagnosis. difficulties & errors) PETRZILKA, V.A.; TEICHMANN, J. One possibility oil h. F. sealing of magnetic trap with cusped field. Chekh031 fiZ zhurnal 14 no. 7:485-500 164. 1. Institute of Pls- Ptysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Pragnie , Na-.dmlynska 600. 6s, dm s sea Ail .':the , eh~j,bta. a -vac" I k i L 36181-66 ENT(m)/E4P(t)/ETI JJP(c) JD/JG ACC NR: A?6014260 C C;:~ 0 1 ?ets, L. I.; Aleskovskly, V. 3. MG: Analytical Chemistry Department, Leningrad Tachnolo.gical --nst--tuto TITLS: Concentration of trace amounts of tantalum by coPrecioi-,at-Icz; -SCURCE: IVUZ. Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnolopliyl, v. 9, no. 1, 1966, 22--'--~ TOKC TAGS: tantalum, chemical precinitation, trace analysis, ca&nium sulfl--~,-, ca-1- cium carbonate ABSTI~CT-: A tachnique aDplicable to hydrochonical Drosnecting is nronosed for co:~- cen-~--..~&t--ng tan-~alum from dilute solutions and natural waters. It involves c3ore';~- p*ta-,ion of tantalum with cadmium sulfide, calcium carbonate, and ferric hyrr3X--'dO collactoi-s. '!~-ie influence of a numbc,r of factors on this copreciDitat--on was -ir.e coorecipitation was increased by introducing third components (0.1 of iron or aluminu;n salt), and varied with the initial r)H of the solution in the ca~"-- of ~d-:' in the prasence of iron salts. Changes in tha time of contact between the procini- tate and the solution, the presence of ex-Lraneous electrolytes (coprecipitation in sea water',, a change in the ionic strength of the solution and in 'termerature from -t4 to +700, and aaing of the collector with the trace element for 14 days had no effect on the extent of coprecipitation of tantalum with the collectors. It is postulated UDC; 543.3-546-883 CQrd L 36181--66 ACC NR: AP6014260 that the coprecipitation Involves the formation of tantalate-type compounds in t1he alkaline range. It is shown that the proposed method can be successfully used to determine microgram quantities of tantalum undor field conditions. Orig. art. has; 2 figures and 5 tables. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 13Mar64/ ORIG REF: 011/ OTH REF: 002 Card 2/ Z, KVETIEI:A, Yarnslav [K-jetina,Jaroslav]; GROSSMPJ:N, Voytekh [Grossmann, Vol;techl; tekhri,,J,esVnye art:-ul- .; 1 v . PETS,', , n. r I-, , 0. 1 Effect of peLhi,JIr,.(? an~j U,iopefntal ,r w,(~ survival of irradia- ted animals. Cesk. otolar7ng. 12 n(,.o11C'1-103 D'o3. !. KaFedra farTna-hoiogl1i Modit:iiishogo fakulltota Karlova lit I- versiteta v Gradtse Kralove (nikovodItcIl: Grossmann) Goes**w*- 11 of v u 61 a is u is a w A. is is a Rojo VOID- idgm. cbpmk. ___AA Ned. XCI.M. 4 10 W-1- am JW6+Kci is o-111410. mid cd Naft0a: 0- 4. Kmo+Xalpu& M 'I- JU TW in nectialls lru= 0 v%x+ 1w emb addition ol chiu"- whobion With aim,* Cm U 0 All 00 A% a is Ow a n 1 0 45 0 0 a 0 1 111 Doe, 000006.1 69*0~e 0*44100660609 i roe re 0 '.'!coo j - Lo 0 too A elp sell 4" V I SWOWA MAL EMIL. ads. to., I mia407 mu,:; go* owe two I** 161 -1 Ines Oil As. woo 40 0. 010 0 0 Is 00 0 0 ,*,* ewA A, I* lp. W * 0 0 0 far a W 5 , a I v 5 W 10 jo* 16 v is far a 4) v a) a fare . . All U 4 M~ P 2. a 11 r-Ji - , is, INO 9t9001 d mat md oWS I XI Lkw"buLtm of -I I-smarmayo AM 16. N" Larakfaltov and M. r 00 a , - 21. 23-& 1041), t Isr. Z'salp. 19". U. l(lLr -C".S 00 shown Wilt, very Jp.xl coll-tor for A.. Byf..i,..ath -60 Cas,44 A esoticra. of list Au in tilt farm all up far Dam j um 00 .4. flat .lam ..aly j All 00 00 %'lien villisissfou. ftliakfill. MIT Civatllll mt lall-14-1 ~11- 101"a allitips ill Is in Ali flavor ohistum-al 1111. ".4. 00 l".4mial lit, t" all 11"'"llplelar Wilm .4 flat 4.4 11"m Ill. ~ 00 00 k:uS,val~r; in thr ina t tsustal bartas-o 2 4... awl . ?b 04D J 'a FCS is a Irsa effective "Alr~uar thall cu'S %%lien Oil, *1441 %As tused with purr FrS A Au malit as air thar am.At of Ilts, Was otplasn"I. Or, 'lad ""llawril 41mml 2, I 000. K ,or". '11cf; rulssam were f el Ist, I " k4 :"; : 0 f1%.01 f5-141's, VIA Au-frre %lAV wrr ,k . 00 .3. The lu'l(vals victc naryll'I oval all .' fa-Itall."a f,.rva4- at see 00. 125W as,mm c,mls "4(f~ 1,21A. ' 00 Ili all, A. ~LY_ -I Au ~U -1 1, .34 ALI w, IN, 00 It War SJ 00 00 des i tie 0 Isto IL A IstIALLUlarKAL LITIMAILOM CLAISOKATICas C300 free, - - - I Oat - .. .` 1 ftl " too 40 9 AW a U 1 1 1 1 I I It a as all, as . . a g . 0 1 full as 0 0 0 0 o es 0 0 u 0 e. 0 0 0 0 * : 0 0 ~'o 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 000 919 : 0 000 000000 IS 0 0 0 0 000's * 0 0 0 0 0 o q 0 * 0 0 9 0 0 Woo, PETSEK, F. Device for transporting insAAtion shells. [Suggested b7l F.Petsek. Na strol.Mook. 2 no-3:25 Mr '59. ,(KrRA 12:5) 1. Glavnyy A--.hener tresta Mospodzemstroy NO-3. %Insulating materials--Transportation) h &LkLO-66 EWT(1VW(9)1WW1T IJF(c) WWIWIWH ACC NR: APAM2188 SOURCE CODE: UP/0386/66/003/008/032-T/0329 AUTHOR: LkaMevj B. A.- Petselt Ya. ORG: Physic Department., Moscow State University im. M. V. lawnosov (Fizicheskiy fakulftet Moskovskogogosudarstvennogo universitets) TITLE: Parametric interaction of infrared waves in a medium in which Intense molecular oscillations are excited SaMCE: Zhurnal ekaperimentallnoy I teoreticheakoy fiziki. Pialma v redaktolyu. Prilo.,zheniye, v. 3. no. 8, 1966, 327-329 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen, ruby laser, laser application, ir phenomenon, ir spectrum, parametric converter, molecular interaction ABSTF*T: Preliminary results are reported of an experUwat aimed at observation of paii6etric light interaction in the far Afrared r%ion (Fig. 1). The pumping was with intense molecular ose llations (excited by using stimulated Raman scatter- ing (SRS), in the visible part of the spectrum). Coherent molecular oscilla~yns were excited in hydrogen at 130 atm by the focused beam of a Q-switched ruby'laser of 100 Mw power and,15 nsec pulse duration (when SRS was produced in the w7rAing medium). One of the interacting infrared waves was the third Stokes component of the SRS in hydrogen. The parametric-interaction effect was registered by m---ans of ;c.,d .113 L 20640-" ACC NR: AP012188 ISP-28 ~Fig. 1. Block diagram of the M I PC L experimental setup I F 2 2 P2 ZMR-2 ru 4&A M - Resonator mirros P ,,:nd M e-paallel glass platel Li quartz lens, L - fluorite lens; PC - chamber' kith hydrogen; PD - PD PR ISP-28 - quartz spec- I' photodiodel, SI_ 1: trograph', P2 - plane-parallel ger- manium plate; ZM-2 - mirror mono- chromator vith LiF prism; PR - photoresistor of germanium doped with golde, SI-II !.4 high speed osci.1loscope. aH~;~G~cir_omat'orp to the output of which was Connected a germanium photoresintor doped with gold. The signal. from the photoresistor vas further fed to a high-speed oscilloscope. Pulses of infrared radiation with wavelengths 4-50 and 5.16 p (cor- responding to the difference frequency and to the third Stokes frequency) were re- corded with approximately identical intensityp demonstrating the sufficiently large parawtric interaction. The wealmess of the dispersion,, and by the same token the large Coherent- interaction lemgtbj, are evidemed by observation of 5 lines in the L 206!4.66 Acc n: Ap6o12188 anti-Stokes region: 5388, 4-403, 3723, 3217, and 2&4 A, the local intensity of the fifth anti-Stokes line amounting in the best case to 5% of the intensity of the first anti-Stokes line. It is concluded that self-excitation at infrared frequen- cies by selecting resonators for these frequencies is feasible. The authors thank L. Fabelinskiy and his co-workers for supplying the pressure chamber, D. P. _~Xrindach and V. Samomatin for help with the experimentj, and S. A. Akbmanov, V. T Platonenko, and R.- V. Khokhlov for interestj, advicej,. and a discussion of the re- -sults.- Orig. ar'f._Su~:_ ~flgure and 2 formilas. [02] Imm com 2o/ sm DA7E-. oims;66 oRiG PEP: oo3/ OTH REF: 001 ATD PRESS: 41 -2 -1 SIMOVA, P.; POPOVA, M.,, D:MITROV ?F.TiF*;, N. Stud-'as 'In Dh-~no'. ?. . ', .'tok:ady '-IN 17 no,2:113-116 I ~-- ~ I. Submitted by ~~orrsnponi~ng Member F%~')zhnJrov. DDUTROV, Khr.; STOILOVA, Kr.j PETSEV, N- Chem4cal composition of the gaBoline obtained th*Jugh the koking of the anphalt of the Tylenovo aromatic na ht*a. Pt.3. Godishnik khim, 55 no-3:23-32 6o/6i (pvbi.162 . 11! v V." ~iANt K In ,, ~ . 'T 9 pp n Or ili-frl I s--MOVA, P - ; P'-11""j " . ~ I . 11C y - r ;~ r -: - 7 * --- ' , - - . - - . 5 I . , -. \ ~ -1 .1 o , , f * ~ . ; -r e'! s S I WV A, i . , POPOVA, X. ; INIC"TITI.CV, Kh. , PETSEV, N. -' alk~'- jpneno' ?* . 3. -'ok lacy RAN '-'- rl-,. _: "I I- I ", " I.. .. !,.-odstav!l(!n,) '-:. rnitkovym. DINITRCIV, Kh.; FSTSEV, N. DealkylAtIon of 0-isolzopylpenol., &nd its kinetics. DOklad7 Ra 16 lio.5:52-5-528 161. 1. Softy3kiy urdversitet, Ke-fedra org. klilmii. Prodstavleno akad. D. lvanovym. DIKTROV, Khr.; PETSEV, N. On the chemical composition of the benzine obtained through the coking of the asphalt of the T7ulenovo naphthene aromatic naptha. I.Ghromatographic separation of benzine. Godishnik khim 54 no.31 47-54 1959/60 (pub. 161) (EEAI 10:9) (Ligroine) (Asphalt) (Naphthenes) BUILAFTA/'irganic Chf,~Jstry Syntheti- 'organic Cher-istry. 11-2 tS T(,_~r Ref Zhur-Khij..., nc, 24 ~iQ L, Author Marekov N., Pets Inst AN Bulgaria T tle The Preparation of Aryl 3ubstitutes of,.\ Arylardno- ethanoulfonic Acid fron the Tiiff's Base and the Sodium Salt of ('\, -Lithium-Toluene-,-~ -Sulfonic Acid. CriE. Pub: Dokl. Bclg AN, 1957, 10, No 6, 473-476 Abstract: From the reaction between C,,HrCH(Lt)SC?Na (1) and ArN=CHAr' (II) ArN(LOCH(Ar' )C.H(C~~x )S(Ijia were synthesized by the hydrolysis of which !;ere obtained the corresponding ArN`HCH(Ar')CH(C(,H,-)SO,H (III) I with (%H.T~CO (boiling for 6 hours,! gi'ves 72-81(p' of (C,H.,)~ C(O~)CH(C,~,,)SO?H- I was obtained Card 1/3 ( f TIT--i fror, which III-!~ wqs separatert oy f1cialiY111c, C a rt 2.,! 3 A- 7,ULr,ARIA,'Orj~ar-ic --he:.istr-y Syntlie-~.i-- Orgar-ic ,L6 TOUI- - Ref Nc 24 .1956, ~16C8 r:.p. "with i tion- frci.. a1cc-hr-"; 3-ter.zyl is--,hi%rcrJo salt (PS. -. 1, 21C-I-a~2 Ir- the same way, the cLhers III are 1,rejare--~: -ire giver.: .'.r' yield ~n ', ~f III wi,~h cs ~t ~~i- f rcl- a1cchr' Yle~ rf the ari..cniu!'. sr~lt ~f ti,e !.I and C - f ~14 ',frf~: oh c- 1 77-17E, Y--:F F 5 25~ 64, i3q-ion, ,H~ -wH.- ~7. 252 c,"- 2C i - 2(-,2)- C", cloh 252, 49, W-5c `arOl ! :1 .. I . . . ! 19-- PETSEVA, 0. 2 cases of invagination of the appendix. Khiz-argiia 15 no.-: 651-653 '62. 1. Iz Katedrata po bolnichna khirurgiia pri ISUL [Institut za spetaializataiia i uouvurshenstvuvane na lekaritel. (INTUSSUSCEPTION) (APPENDIX) STANCHEV, G.; PETSEVA, 0. N cases of echinococcosia of the intrahepatic bile ducts. Khirargiia, Sofia 14 no.1:84-85 161. 1. Klinika po bolnichna khirurgiia pri Instituta za spetsializataiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite. (HEPATIC DUCTS dia) (ECHINOCOCCOSIS case reports) FIMRVA, 0. A case of diverticulum of the dnodenum. Khirarglia, Sofia 12 no 10:907-908 159. 1. Iz Klinikata po bolnichna khimrgiia, - ISUL. (DUODINUM dia.) Pirpsm, 0. ........ Diverticula of the gastrointestinal truct. Khirurgiia, L;ofia 12 no.2:126-137 1959. (DIVIRTIGUIDSIS, surgery (Bul)) Fz"zvA , 0. Sportnneons rupture of the spleen. lliirurglia, Sofia 10 no.10:892-;~97 1957. 1. Institut za spetsializataiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite - Sofita KlInika no bolnichnn khirur,-Iia Direktor: prof. K. Stolanov. (SPMN, rupture spontaneous, ense reports) DIMITROV, I.; PETSEVA, 0.; GRUEV, Iv. ; TIRM, St.; STOUKOV. 1. -5 Street acciden*s and their cor+rol. rhinirgiiA, Sofia P no.l: 75-90 1955- (ACCIDEWS, traffic, prev. & con"rol) .: r.-I. rV- I kN, A. . Oo - . - I hl, . . :Is , , " 1 S - .-, .:. . - . . . -a, sr : . :. 7 PETSH A 'FR?, A.". !,:AY. 'f AN. V.A., nah. ) KORFIIYUK, Yu.m., I ng lxnd~-. - 'i --c c, f 4--x50.,nm c,,-)pper ring 3. ~v;37. -,T rj Itf '65. Y-~:~A I- Ngcslan~kiy zavo~' i--l~ktrotf-ml6h-A-skogo ob,~.radovrnlyn P.,tshAu,.v-.i;t ma~rlv~ir- 2. 'nsllt.ut p1p4troavark! lm. Ye."'.IsfLona NEVYAROVICH, A. [Niewiarowicz, A.]; PETSHIKOVSKJO V. [Pietrzykowski, W.j Establishing the aging factors of pigskins in preserving and storage. Mias.ind.SSSR 32 no.6:53-54 '61. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut khozhevennoy promyshlennosti, Pollskaya Narodnaya Respublika. (Hides and skins--Storage) . , I I I -- I . I . . . . . I I- - I X tj ROZENFELIDP B.A.; KLIMANOVA, T.M.; PETSKO, N.D. Projective vector theory. Part 1. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mat. no.2:130-14.1 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Kol3menskiy gosudarstve=yy pedagogichaskiy inBtitut. (Geometry, Non-Euclide&n) ROZENFELID., B.A.; KLIMANOVA, T.~L; PETSKO, ]LD. Projective vector theory. Part 2. Izv. vys. u--heb. zav.; mat. no.3-.12-2-130 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Kolomenskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Vector analssis) FETSK N. D. F! I q -j p *, err. n c, s;,;. in r. ~-,n- Fu (I bar pe fr;t~. AN ;:rn. ." 5F. ~6 n5.Z,57--261 '63 M IRA 17 17 T'reds'-dvi eno akadle- ir;,.oin AN ArrvEur-Iii, y SM ROZENFELID, B.A.; KLIWOVk, T.M.; PHTSKO, N.D. Equivalent systems of vectors in quasi-elliptical spaces Dokl.AM Azerb. S5? 16 no. 6:531-534 160. (MIRA 13-10) 1. Kolomenskiy pedagogicheBkiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom AN AzerbaydzhanBkoy SSR Z.I. Xhalilovym. (Spaces. Gneralized) (Vector analysis) KALER, I.B.; yA~jFf)VAYA, A.G.; PETSKO, P.A. New types of canned fo3d. Kon5~ i ov. prim. 1( no.9:20-21 S '(.l, (MlitA 149T) 1. Belorusskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut promyshlennosti prodovol'stvennykh tovarov. (Vegetatles, Canned) (Fruit, Canned) KALER, L.B.; PrSKO, V.A.; ZARUBKINA, A.K. 514 ". R--fra -tometric me-hod for determin"rv sugar can--ent ~,?' and cranberry and apple ja:zs. Tn~dy BNIIPPT no.407-611 16i. (AURA 17-10) KALRR, L.B.; ZAIMKINA. h.K.;-TTjTSKO, V.A. Refractometric method of determining the sugar content of arple saucecranberry, and apple jame. Kons.i ov.-rom. 1~ no.2:39-40 F 160. (MIRK 13:5) 1. Belorusskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inntitut pishchevo.7 promyshlonnosti. (Jam-Analysis) (SugurB--Analysis) PETSKIYP P. G. Vertebrate Embryology Dissertation: "Embryonal Para6io3is and Fertility of Farm Animals." Dr ~-iol Moscow Fur and ?eit Inst, 2) :,.ar :,'4. (7echernyaWa :,;oskva, Moscow, 17 mar ~'ij) SO: TUM 213, 20 Sep 1~54 PETSKO, N.D. Projective metrization and complex numbers. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 36 no.3:137-140 163. (?ERA 16:10) 1. Kolomenskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom AN Aryanskoy SER A.L. Shaginyanom. Pr=GY, P.G. P-4 Conditions of intrauterine development of Bos taurus, causing Dhenomenor, of fr*emartiniem. Doklady Akad. nank SSSR 90 no.4.,693-695 I June 1953. (CIAL 25 : 1 ) 1, Presented by Academician A. 1. Abrikosov 4 April 1953. 2. Institute of Animal Morphology iment A. N. Severtsov of the Academy of Sciences Concept and types of embryonal paratiosis. Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR 89 no.6:1123-li26 21 Apr 1953. (CLML 24:4) 1. Presented by Academician A. I. Abrikosov 15 February 1953. 2. In- stitute of Animal Morphology imeni A. N. Severtsov of the Academy of Sciences USSR. PIUSKOr, P.G. Nzbryonn2 parablosis and fertility in farm animals. Trudy last. morf.zhiv. no*14:44-206 155. WaA 9:1) (Parabiosis) (Eirth,jftltiple) (Domestic animals) ZEN C I IPIKO 11. A.; i i T~'M A, :.N.; _;I k''. I (It i I Ic 1; orwe.-.' e-. fr~):- "4 43-45 1:1' - -7: - - I 1;acha-ll I i~ I k otclf~ 'a npt'Knryk.,. '-e',rst I I I rykJ-, mate a --cv VAiininskogo edovi~ te - 'sk,jru r-- 1, 1, 1,u La ',o Vs t: t ri r .-'e n C: - r n1"'. :aved--rusnchiy 'a , -a*r.i-:yey netkarykh *-'.n.---'nlrsi,.c-g-, nauc*,.ro---ss-ea-)vate'-Isko~7c ins-.ituta I I.., 'or tde-- netkanykh zFksti1'ryk-,- c',.nc,-'ssedo- vatellskogo -'nst.-*t,,;ta te'l,:s*,l.'no.y promys-Jermrsli '~'f(jr 3emenova Eff(m) C: t^ Monograph UIR/ J!TIOT, NikolaW Prokhorovich; Bessonovs ValerlX GeoE&-vevich; Zalogg. Vitaliy Tedorovich; ~evi~# E A'Mesh-reinforced concrete constructions (ArmDtsementnyye konstruk;;sii) Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, 1965. 90 p. illus., biblio. 2000 copies printed. -70PIC TAGS: construction material, reinforced concrete, engineering technology 1?UMIOSE AND CDVERAGE: The book recommends technology to be used in manufacturing reinforced-concrete structures. It sumarizes the results of the investigations of rigidity and crack-resistance of reinforced concrete and analyzes some partictilar features of its work and design. In addition, an ex=Vle of the design of a reinforced concrete structure is given, end the results of an axperimental investi- gation of its perflormance are outlined. The book is-inti6ded for engineers and technicians working in building and designing organizations, as well as for studenti specielizing in construction and research Vorkers in this -field. There are 46 f which 26 are Soviet. references$ o TAWZ OF ONTEM: Introduction -- 3 Ch. 1. Use of reinforced concrete in construction 5 L 27220-66 FRO LOV ,Nikolay Prokhor-vich; LIESSONOV, Valeriy Georglyevj- -h; ZALOGO, Vitall.y Fedorcvlch- PEISCLID, 7~4.mofey Fak.sizDvich; SIAEKH, Alvan Vasillyevl~:h; doktor tekhu. nauk prof., nauchn. red. (Mesh-reinfarcea concrete products] Armotsementriye kon- struktsl'.. Minsk, Nauka -, tekhnika, 1965. 90 P. (VIRA 18:F,) PETSJ' J. Cina par augstam zalu seklu razam; Igaunijas PSR Antslas rajona kolchoza "Edasill sasnisgumi salu seklu audzesana. Riga, Latvijas valsts izdevnieciba, 1956. 48 p. (Kolchoznieka biblioteka) (Fight for a high grass-seed yield; achievements in growing grass aeed on the Edasi Collective Farm ii, the Antslas District of Estonia. DA Not in DLC SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 , PRSUINVICH, I.N. Check-on-the-ground for stereotopographic surveys at the scale of 1:10,000. Good. i imrt. no. 11:36-39 M 160. (KIRA 13-12) (Aerial photogrammetry) 3 (4) AUTHORt FetSkIkeViCh, 1. A. SOV/6-59-11-6/21 TITLE: On the juality of the Triangulation .','orx of ~wl and )'r' Order in t:.e Moscow, Aerogeodetic --*nt,-rprise PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kurtografiya, 1959, Ar 11, pp 17-20 (USSR) AB3TRACT: A table lists the :ne.n triangle miaclosure an'l the root mean square error at tne measured angle of triangulation of 2nd and 3rd order in the years 1952 - 1956. The errors fDund witn different obst-rvers are shown and compared. T. V. Kosimenko and Z. Ya. Grishina, team Nr 95, as well as S. G. Fomin and A. F. Shvetsov, team Nr 20,did a very thorough job. Low iegree of accuracy was found with V. A. Khanov and Ye.I.Zhukova, f~~om tezim 11;r 95 and with V. Y&. Zakharov and M.I. Danilin from team Nr 20. In connection with the abov.~, measures to be taken are listed, which should improve the degree of accuracy on surveys. Surveying must be carried out by highly qualified engineers. The marks should be neither too low nor too hi;-h. A cross-country vehicle must be at disposal as well as a si.ecial ladder as for exam,,-le the one designed by N.V.Shreyber. 3ince 1")59 trianirular signals, 10 to 39 m high, are bein6 bard 112 cons tr;ic t~-i since 1959. Th,-,, lave to be 1,roperly fixed. All PETSULI j, K.S., inzk, Spillway hydroelectric power station vith horizontal OcapsiLle- type" units. Gidr. stroi. 32 no.6:25-27 Je 162. (1,'dRA 15:6) (Hydroelectric power stations) -,ing of mhs- PETSULEV, Spiro, inzh. On the incorrect use of some radlotechnical terms. Radio i te2evitiia 10 no.11/12:331 161, FETSULEV, S. - inzh. Computihg the elements of heterodyne disks while using continuously adjustable capacitors with variable maximum capacity. Radio i televiziia 12 no. 12:360-261 163. PETSMEV, 3.K. Computing the long-wave inlet systems with correcting elements. Godishnik mash elskt 9:71-78 161. [publ. 162) ZCRIKII4, L.M.; PETSY-UKHA, Yu.A.; -'TADNIK, YO.V.; YAK(,-IV!,,EV, h.l. Gas saturation in tne formation waters of the Lower Garbor-'ferou-9 and -Jpper DevorJan r!arbonata sediments ira tnu Boutheastdrn part oil' the Russian Platform. Tmdy VNIIG,~z no. 25:88-94 165. 1 m I P, . I.,-, " PZTTAKOV, I.S. (Reutovo, Hoskovskaya oblast') Pedagogic lectures at the Moscov Regional Institute for Advanced Teacher Training. Hat.v shkole no.2:8849 Mr-Ap '57. WaA 10:5) (Mathematics--Study and teaching) PETTE, J. On enteropathies in anima-1s, especially in svine. Stuj~. inframicrobiol. 13 no.5:513-518 162, 1. Institutul de microbiologie si boli infectioase ale anima-'e1or, Munchen. Director: profesor dr. A. Meyn. (ENTEROVIRUS INFECTIONS) (ECHO VIRUSES) (SWINE DISEASES) (ANIMAL VIRUSES) 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 If o 0 '1 w 1. ww S, A ItI1 4A #A It 00 -00 009 -00 00 -00 -00 004- -00 If 0 11 ~0 1 r 00 googol 14. 041 1 194 AMAMI I'lic A(I*kn' 00 the ; ~ u -1 111- -111=1 ." Aab,w,t Me 00 1 --- It. its gw4whWit's huIpd mn'~U[ If-) fh~ --t coo A W C.Mtml ".t as Well as of quality *0 00 00 .00 00 .00 00 , l t Wi 000 e ll, '00 moo 0 0 '00 " "00 00 Iroo 00 ' 1 9 01 5 a40 u IMP IN to Ita4aOf u If If n* ~ ~ o o s 0:000040,000090006000099 000000000*00400000000 10 o o**O*00(*OOOOOOOOOOOo. s soooof 900000900099*w / .1 - -.1 TI LTOR. G. ; DU hr BRAUN, G.[Brown, fil; lNGRV M. [Ing am,Mj; KHMEN, R-Lgayden, Rj; MSS, D.[Hess, DI; LARSEW, Te. [Iexeen,B.Jr.j Isotopic state and occurance of uranium, thori,:m, and lead in Pre- Cambrian granite. Biul.Kom.po opr.abs.vozr.geol.form. no.2:90-97 '5 7. (MLRA 10-4) (Uranium-Iaotopes) (Thorium--Isotopes) (lead--isotopes) 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 * 1 V I m a OC M U.1 t 4 00 00 'a 00 mWin mbwW AlWom If P~ttri 00 min mith F. Form B. Karlik. and L. Ronaj (Aa. .44a. , it - 11 1M. owat* ".t KI . 1937. 127- 12M . Arm Z_t, 00 & IS13%. I,. SSIM - .9"prralt wA.11.0 ~ ontisam, 10 a M Th nd 1-&- 2.0 x 10 94 -4 U per I ~ the Th. Utatai %. thus W,Imt4y - 114 T)~ dir it 4 Th a. du~ t. ..PPID 1:1 ~dimrut. 00 with Fr(OH). rirnultan~m. pptu. of 1. niii, t. th~ -0 ~ &uw a( a reduced R& U ratio in the Hs(j. although pptn of RACOO with CACO. in living Organisms is also Possible -00 A L W, _* * -00 is 0 The , Salle n 04 *11* :Sege* o**ooe_ so* *go - 1 *: ;* 0 0 0 6 0 0 * *go 6 dis 0 6 We V a 3% a to u r, m is a V xv m X so, 4(11411) Tw,, &md. 4 clairs aer umelf In "Wi6d WitaIii.n. I I I -Iuml clay. th, ' -00 11111" s -fib eye.. a I (?I clay. .4 th, I..1-mite tvtw ni~ ist" it,, mA drev"ir, Ittmmt a SmirlintinAvy scil"teim with 11~*als AM. air ripsainved hy (11 alml (21 in 00 4 .1-1t III, sanic man"" A cL-4y ktwmn Ile **Gunibirin." milved in WV quantities in th~ 4 vinnity of Tifill (C.itumsm). ha* &I M10' a higher Ekvtihipiring Immer then 1uflrr*vv earth A ficutmitc istwo tnincd in thr ahtsw ch,itrict. after Irratturnt with If,&), i, ItnuirOW"t hy -00 IWI11% and its 1wrlawntancir 1% 21111 ;%111% hillfirr 1han that 4 "Tirrevina" ~&" activatni 0 risy jwvpd in C-euminy) This ortmatcd licnimiotc. which mov .1,11 rimitain -w 11,F4), 1. U-1 in iiihmst -sib .6firf bir Imsting 11,11ricating i'11. 1 .4 Irrating .00 00 ."d etivatt"S A A U.-kiii-tim,m -00 00 00 411 00 .99 400 00 00 op. 140 , zoo Lbe 00 to 0 00 ' a' V 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 61 60 io * 0 0 0 : * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0'o 41.4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'JL;S- 'C n/ rcneracl a- Gnetic.3. Plant Genetics. I ur: ;i(~f Zhur--i .1 , !; 17, 1)56, 763-j9 r Fettevich, E. L;. L.St Litle. Exl-)eri,..f!,-,t -.i Hyl-ri,'.iz7~ti~..-: f uckwho-A . ,jri;- Pub: Selcktsiy-i i se:m.-vc.IILst%,( 1',")7, Ro t,,, 47-5( ' str ,11 iC L: N~ UStraCt. 17 00 00 00 pe 00 .00 000 .00 goo goo goo goo goo SOW goo a** goo goo We* goo -W 9 n 9 1 v a a A 0 2 1 If Mali, ii, viia ita ii ifii a'ir- a 0; *00 0 0~ O"o 0 0 OL Oo * 0 0.0000000000000000,00000000 A .'-AL L;,-) IYE-V , "'r-i *-riy Konstan! inovich; P! MIN11. , C-. A., red . '[Cr,-inc-.s over the city; .9~.etcnezj K,-w,,y naa goroc~o.- ; ocherki. Petrazavo6sk, Karb] fskoe ~rdzluioe iza-vo, l9f~4 . 70 P. (ri;t-4 18:3) POLESZCZUK, Mikolai, technik; CZARNOTA, Zbignlew, *Iechnik; C-','YZEWSKI, Witold, mgr. 'Inz, FE-YY, Norbert, technik Two-stage turboset for milling chalky marl sludge. Gosp paliw 11 Special issv~ no.04)-51-52 Ja163. 1. Zjednoczenip Przpmyslu Cementoxego, Sosnowiec (foT Foleszozuk and Czarnot&) . 2. Gementownla, Wdjherowo (for Czyzewski and Pettke). POLESZCZUK, Mikolaj, technik; CZARNOTA, Zbigniew, technik; CZYZFWSKT ~y Witold, mgr.inz.; PFTTKE, Norbert, technik Two-stage turboset for milling chalky mrl sludge. Gosp paliw 11 Special issue no. (95):51-52 Ja 163. 1. Zjednoczenie Przemysly Cementowego, Sosnowiec (for Poleszczuk and Czamota). 2. Cementownia, Wejherowo (for Czyzewski and Pettke). CZYZEWSKI. Ulto'do rnpr.,i~z.: ZAKRZEWSKI, Tadeusz, inz.; ROHDE, Wladysllaw, techrik; PlITKEliorbert, technik; CY'WINSKI, Stefan, inz.; Kr-'rJC"*SF.1, Tadeusz, technik; CZARMOTA, Zbigniew, technik Use of cone 9haped white cast iron grinders for cement grinding. Enetpetyka przem 10 no-3:106-307 '62. BACHRACH, Danes; LASZLO, Aranka; B. SZABC), Eva; FETTKO, Emma; KCRPAS,',Y., Bela Effect of the protracted dosage of the posterior nypottiaiamus extract on the thyroid gland. B.Jol orv kozl MTA 13 no.4: 29?-303 162. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomany-i n;gyetem Korbonctaiii es Korazovottani Intezete, Borgyogyaszati Klinkiaja es Orvosi Vegytani Intezete. KCSZEGI, Danes, dr., igazgato; MORVAY, J07,3ef; PETTKO, Emma Application of the juice of sweet scrghum for the fermentation of feed and baker9s yeast. Biol kozl 1-1 no.1:51-57 163. le Szegedi Orvostuda!zanyl Egyetem Gyogyszereszi Vegytani Intezete (for Koazegi and Morvay). 2. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Kgyetem V#gytani as Biokemiai Intezete. Igazgato: Dr. Kramli Andras (for Pattko). PETTKO' Emma iACHUCR. Deneal LASZL0b Aranka; B. SZkN,_Cv&jj*ttk*, Mmmi and KOFJ'A35Y. Bela, Of the InstitUts or-p-M-Olo-gio&I Insiuly 1111 Pit olo- gioal ElIstology (Zorbonetard *a Koresovatteni, Inteset). Deriatological Clinic (BorUog;7&sz&tI Xllzdke) WA Institute of Medicinal Chemistry (Orvoel V*Lyt&ni Inteset) of the Steged College of NedIcine (5sogedl orvoatudommvi &gyetsm). laf,3ct of Prolonged Admdnistration of Posterior Hypothalama Dttract on the Thyrold Gland" BWI&?*St. A NTA ~Iolqxlaj' *a orvomi 'rudommy4k DpItolya"k Val 13, So 4. 19621 pp 297-303. A~gvtractt LAuthors' HungarUsk sumcAry. modified] PhysiologirAl spalno su3pszision or wMract prepared fron rat-, bovine- and re ~,,tt posterior hypotMImus was adninistered over a prolonged period of time to famale rats. It was found that the weight of the andmalml thyroid glands increased as a result of the treatment to a moderate but nevertheless otatistioally sIgaWlaant degree. Ila such effect was noted with &us- pensions prepared frcm the ciddl*- or anterior portion of the hypo- thalamus or froo the cerebral *art*&. Zn rate protrested with thyrsq-~ TT2__ .4wapeat, A nA ~Aolozial es Oryoul. %dorzanjok vol 2,3. No 4. 1962; PP 297-303- troplo hormone, administration of & suspension prepared from the poste- rior hypothalamus over & period of ton days Inhibited the return to riorzal of the byperplasic thyroid chang". The affect of the ouspension Is noticeable also in very young ard"Is, *,ile in older animals It is reduced or aboont. No Iodine-cobcontratimg abilAty In demonstrable along wIth the w*lgl:t incre"s of Us tbyroid, in fact the 24-hour radio- &Qt1ve-Ud:Lu* upt&ks of the tyroid Is lower In tarxw of unit weight thaz is the case with the group treated with aortle&I wmmot. ?&king into corAsidw&tjon the latter phawwon It s*wj that "o Is dealing with an Inhibition arAlopw to tbet of geltor-produair4 agents. CSU referaw". au wasterA]. 212 16 HUNGARY/Microbiology - General Mir;robiology F-I Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol., r0 18, 1958, 81410 Author Kramll, A. P~ttkoj_ E., Turay, P. Inst Title Effect of Thioglycollic Acid on the Metabolism of Yeast Cells. Orig Pub: Biol. kozl., 1957, 5, Vo. 1t 45-49 Abstract: The fermenting power and caroxylase activity of yeasts is increased by thioglycollic acid under aerobic conditions, ohile the dehydrase activity is unchanged. The quantity of ace- taldehyde, which represents an intermediary product in the fermentation process, Is increased in relation to the quantity of alcohol formed. It is assumed that the acetallehyde remaining after oxidation Into acetic acid Car~A 1/2 BACHRACH, Denes, dr.; LASZLO, Arazka, dr.; B. SZABO, E-;a, dr.; PETTKO, Ema, dr.; KORPASSY, Bela, dr, Effect of a prolonged administration of posterior hypothalamic extract on the thyroid, 0". hetil. 102 no.48:2276-2277 26 N 161. I- Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Korbonctani es Korszovettani Intezet, Borgyogyaszati Klinika es Orvosi Vegytani Intezet. (THYROID GLAND pharmacol) (HYPOTHALAMUS extracts) UP -,I, r -'o) r-, t;- t3c r~~: to: All -A .I.T*(-,-e.F,r. rc ess,. Ea s t 4011p~w =tip polm 9m, ty -0-ju 6F thin 00 013L . 2.4,q;4 48'- DA* .10 lindoW. N40. ti OW DOI Wdite impendftl I&I." of a IM e" pd. -acem adsber thim dabli %a=. V=---;~dts =used no appm cbanm flob eftfa-,. fill" -; -1h d Tlk tiT'gi C t'~ y D,_f 'TI PUTTKO. 1:. F. K ISS, P. . ; ERAMLI. A. The effect of heavy metals on the respiration and redox potential of streptomyces. Acta microb. hung 3 no.1-2:35-39 1955. 1. Chemisches und Biochomischas Institut der Madizinischen Universitat, Szeged. (STRIPTOMYCES aureofacions, off. of heavy metals and an roal'ration & redox) (MMTALS, off. heavy metals, on reap. & redox potential of Streptomyces aureofacions) -~i Wood* ov. 606ma undtn"iA i er C* The sclive Submace of Mwdq off"Wis immaim W p"formwige of Me hypevelynanik frog bewt: "el"vilso 2. 114 11410494in HnSl6b). A. t~e[Aleef ItDg hC*tl .1151WIlded Oil A ~kraub catinuLA oull ntwir brgeowl"amic by treating with a quielan-ontg. Rin. It- ". Pild I be eff" .1,1M -uwk -xt. Pit ... fird Adeette- ..... . 11ph-f.hAl, , I 1W) ind~ t-4 1) N g _toe~f the eeoy~ ~.l -1.1ii-le of the h,.,,l And ur., .. effret6w I I J* I - r- dn. t-l-ed (be .4 lilt- 4.6 he4" f4f ahnvv thm t,alievie,I III, 11w lest-11 of I-Ifal "a cletilclit A bNAkd in in -ac 4 mg tell .,4 ellwelre 111 4 411n I -. -_ ~h- ih~ )itts,jr .,J,, ..itAj.jrj only lb- -,; .4 0, "..-A k -t .4 1 P . - 1.44ted l"M i I Ph, I I I' -.1-t 'el _11" ithout -6A - III, 1_- "I It. eo,'Imtt A bo" ---k -t h-11 fl-f. ~ th, frog heart vindae to thaw 0# A Ntii-i I'll" -Oil I It h- -IA, p-eed I h.2 A rP in --i, -t-, . --ck t--t t- i-strin,, -i n not de- I.v Ph, trw- T%, at- -t.l f ...... It'le- i-eir b? a //Z v. ri.0 pfut-hire I. . .... 2 f, III MIMI, It"," it, Wks of a -ItAct ~"itq w1cmit, :14) 1. rdw- .14 it. total P III S. and items p I i5k. wa, obvisned The innew p content ones, 4 2-, Ati a .30-min hvdfoIv.i4 111 0 25 N I I.R), at (MY'. Tht- -Iw of P to 1.141 ors P vrAN I 106. Ilic ail-w1stioni all-truni c4 the t-liect wAs utenitcal to fhA If Jenine The, high rihow~ n.) Ji, ke -tecic and I h.- I At III 'If b"11"lly 9ANC P to to(Al P miggrat t h It i be Path. mwv- ,leteusim cif a itim - of adenOw sewl. A D/'. and pos- title .1 IT lit ewis"ev 1. defiviiiely test in 0% .4 01' ron tell( The cSill q'ititrof of art 614wrd believe, listawit timur 1. 1) '.1 1) 1 ins 6 A Pill A 11111 let the lima" 1. "erm COM- pit-ttrIv deeveiniA A raim al the lots) A rP -Plent In kele .1 IIII.S.-ir. he,41i InUsCle. tlyee. and kkillICY . wo alit V the rterww~ of Piano". "m it r)wv arr ri- p-I (III a ions I Plot I o I hew effcri Tlin frwwi of A JrP b-cut 1. procelin. " A DP T1w -,t" -b- ciane, in muwi, -t, -4 aet- "- writirlt -etrvs itw hinulno ni th, q ,i-tretated h-" a 0111fir'll -0h I I I' k COAMI d Ow bft" ad trim. asday If -13(1940) -From Jan. 7 thrmigh March 17. le a with txAy wit. of 1 -31 5~ ShOWed AIIC:4L*InV- triltbimPhste cmir"t-" 46 Ing./9 in the h-rt, 2:11 in it* md .4 ,, iii, lives. A quatime -oln- 1. 6 x Ws vlams~d C.. m1twiluit; effects an the linsyl. Vroul March 2V to April 7 the nitens -eiv 0. UU-41.401) ,1"C'"I OJ5) In tht bewt rd 2.14-4.Al (rise" 2%51 in the jFucnrw,uA. ()is May 2 frup with body st, 41-Irt SSW valtM ().=14).:nP (Initan 0.170) in tbo 1,carj, -a L%, j 2.p5) lit ib, gmisty,wite-ius. mid 1-;.V 1.61 mtr..)~ 1 4:4. u) the 11"-f I.tvall 1-waly KRAKLI, A.; PBTTKO. X.F.; KISS, P. Iffect of heavy metals on respimtion and redox potential af Streptonrees &Issue cultures. Act& microb. hang. 2 no.1-2-39-49 1954. 1. Hadizinisch-Cbemisches Inatitut der Univeraltat Szeged. (MITALS. off. heavy metals on reap. & redox potential of StreptoaWees grisous culture) (STRIP.POP.TCRS, off. of drugs on heavy metals on reap. & redox potential) (OXIDATION-REDUCTIO11 redox potential of Btreptomyces grisous cultures) 1% PIKHLE,R, G.; KHOLITSER, Y.; ULIRIKII, R.; FI?J,YDC)Rk'FR, K.; PETTS, F. Unforgettable impressions. Avt.transp. 40 S ,62. (IMIRA 1~:9) (11~ustri&-Relations (General) with Russia) GOYYERP M. [Hoiier, M.); PETTSELI, G. [Pettsell, H.) Electronic musical instruments. Nauka i zhyttim 12 no.10i 49-50 0 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Musical instruments, Electronic)