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PETROV, V.S.'. Structural changes in articular cartilages. epiphyses, the meniscus, ligamentory apparatus and the capsule of the knee joint following parlpheral nerve lesions. Ortop.trsvm. i protez. 18 no.6:11-14 N-D 157- (MIRA 11:4) 1. Is kafedry patologicheakoy anatomil (zav, - vrof. P.V.Simpvek-iy) Leningradskogo ordena Lenins instituta uscvershanstvovaniya vrachey im. S.H.Kirova (dir. - prof. N.I.Blinov) (LEG, innerv. oxper. lasions causing changes of articular cartilares, epiphynos, meniscus, ligamentory aopar. & caDsule of knee in rabbits) (KNER, pathol. changes of articular cartilages. epiphysea. meniscus, ligamentory appar. & capsulo of knee after ejwer. lesions of peripheral nerves in rabbits) TJQ-SRI/ H _Oman and Lr. 1.m -1 Ph ys i ~,.L 3 E7i ON- C:-.-12 Pa t. Ca' k r Ref 711r Di Tit 1 C- Calcilzn, E,~ChUDI--,C --f' Lln-101- tJ;C --f Di5tarbance of 1*.7 lj~:)urvatioi,i. Orig Pub Vestii. IdArurgii, 1957, 79, No lo, 4o-47, 15, Abstract In rabbits with dissection of the sciatic nerve in a roentgenological investigation in the bones of knee Joint, regular regionary osteoporosis was discoverel approximately between t!,e 25-31st days of the experiment. Between the 109-120th days, the initial osteoporosis passed over into the r.ext expressed stage of its deve!L)p- ment (remaining regular and regional). In experiments with tLe dissection of sciatic-femoral and obturatcr Card 1/3 of si lk 1i into tl-.e sciatic, Ot' nerves, I -al and rdcroscopi,~,aj in tl.u b-,nes Df knee Joi,it emer[;ed in a sl:arpvr t1fla,,, _c weaker , - L t Geric's of experimei.ts, a-0 later in ~1,e 2,id series of' experirjej.L.;. However, t',.e cliaracter S c:,.arges in ali -was si:U.1ar. Con7,:q e 'tY, independent1y of' d tilial bjrjus, M-Al "'r,le To t,- .-c early c1la 'e- a.-. incrc3se stai Cr- -1 -/3 GOLID111, L.S.; PETROV, V.S. - ~-~ A method for embedding histological material in metAiacrylate. BiofizikB 5 no.3:375--378 '60. (KU1A 13: 7) 1. Paikhonevrologicheskiy institut im. V.M. Bekhtereva, Leningrad. (HISTOLOGY) (Mh`THACRYLIC ACID) PETRGVJI V.S. Effect of phosphacol on certain structural elements of the blood in rabbits according electron microscope data. Farm.i toks. 24 no.1:88-94 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Laboratoriya elektronnoy mikroskopii (zav. - doktor medi-tsinskikh nauk L.S.Golldin) Nauchno-issledovatellskogo psikhonevrologicheskogo instituta. imeni V.N.Bekhtereva. (PAiLUMPATPONaMETICS) (PHOSPHATES) (ERYTHROCYTES) MYASISHCHEV, V.F.; GOLIDIN, L.S.; )PETROV, V.S.; BOBKOVA, V.V. (Leningrad) Changes in the cerebral cortex of wh-ite rats folloving sme logical effects. Aridi.pat. no.1:70-78 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz laboratorii elektronnoy milxoskopii (zav. L.S. Golldin) Psikhonevrologicheskogo instituta imeni VJI. Bekhtereva (dir. prof. V.P. ~~asishchev). (CEREBRAI CORTEX) 3/205/62/002/005/012/017 D243/D307 1, U Petrov, V.S. '2ITLE: --Electrophysio!o6ical a-ad electron-micros CopiC 4 nvest;_ ,-at.-L'on of some Pecul]"Larities of early damage of ner- vous tissue by x rays 740 v. no. 1962, 752 TIX': compex elec-troencepha-oE;raphJ*c, electron-:n-Jcr,-,sco:D-'c and _;ation was made to detect early morpho-o-i- inv(~sti, ... cal changes in nervous tissue and their part in functional brain disturbances as recorded on an _77-G. Data on this subJect .,:e_-e s-a- ted to 'Ibe few, contradictory and noncomparative. 15 full 7-o,,-rr, vi`~ite raTs, vieighL 2010 - 250 g, received a 600 r dose, at 12.7'rA.Un. froL. a -3 .,UI.:-3) ap:-,aratus. E'lectrical activity cf the b-ain v.y~_s recorded before radiation, then, after 50 - 60 min. an~ ,.' 24 hours, by needle electrodes on the frontal, central and occipital ~-ej,ions of both hemispheres. Records of cardiac and respiratory act:Lvity were :-.ade at the same tine. The animals were beheadc"' 2't .-ours after radiation. Sections of cortical and hypothalamic tuiscue, Card 11-3 '~'//2: 5 /62/GG2/:__'(JL)/C;- ---c;a--, and . . . D307 --'I e c t r D p h , ~ -, , L., D2 `xa- b.! t o , i n e r c- and J'. -V crop 44. n n.1 nter, a-- or 'ans c :..4 n. f e r 4 o r, -,Iae a,.~.-p'_i'uude -.f -1 'e c c r t i c_~ c s f r 2 'C o '114 CD a.-t I - ...o ~'rc)nta_' an, cenzra_ a c" fre~:uency. :.e _r' -oca::.e ::.o--e :,,D n oun c c J i:~ 3 i ud c c, f e 7C 3 d ub-.ed (75 - q_C with no frequenc- c;,an[;e, an.41 -',,e :-es:)Jra-.~~ry vm,;~~s inc-ca-4 75 t- ~'que'ncy 1.0 1. /s,~ c of `~-c-o'nE: 4 :7 .- - . ~_L - ' - '. f 'u-e o-' 4-he J. 11 e aL Do-,en-~-*a--s -.-ema4rc-4 a-. ~V. a P-LA.-I't in "ruquency. wave -'til- with, f.-eq,,.uncy un-" t.';u a;ii~_itu~e of tl-.c :espirll._-~rY v,2 s c) s c t -~o 20-- ::~]-v. -_~-Is 1~'c_-eased electricca]. ~~c 'V-' ~y a c 2 3,- a I e 44sc-~.-an'za*ion -f -Dc~-,on~=ia_ s_rluct"~re 'S'.,*-,- Z:-~ - I :)--cal. and e s-~r-'.;Cture 'Df 0_-~--s f D:- as:71 _~c_;~ar --nd %-_-sse_ ..c-:-.b-anes, 0 V a: an rec-,_r3u-:.n, -,-an-.. f ~.`.e nu.--eD -cteins in -,*-e ccyto7piasm, nuc es o ar, d nu ec) i DIP ,.e neur3nes, i al c -is, nerves and bloo,4 vesoe-s of t'-A e el cor-~ex cIrld ny,-,othalamus. "',e disru-,t4ons of neurone, E'_Jal cell'' 2/3 S/205/62/002/UO5/012/C)17 Electrophys'-ological and D243/D307 nerve and bl3o-i vessel structure, ~ellectable by the electron M-4- croscope, can be --eL:arded as the first chan6es in the brain afTe.:- radiation. The key role of the mitbchondria, highly vulnerable to nudiation, in these disturbances, is stressed. There are 5 figilres. A !3::)CC IAT 101": '.1.,auchno-is--Ledovatells;,iy psikhonevrolcgicheskiy insti- Uut im. V.".. Bekh-.ereva, Lenin.:-rad (Scientific -research Psychoneurological Institute im. V.M. Belchtercv, Lenin- ;.,rad) 0 S U BY I T TE-M October 20, 1961 V/ Caird 3/3 PETROV, V.S. (Leningrad, S-19, u1. Bekhtereva, 1. komnata 59) Electron--Aicroscope study nf some structural characteristics of blood vessels of the central nervous system and autonomic nerve ganglia. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 45 no. 10:29-3'~ 0 163. (MIRA 1":9) 1. Laboratoriya elektronnoy mikroskopili (zav. - dok~or men. nauk L.S.Golldin) Gosudarstvennogo natichno-issledovatellskogo psikhonevrologicheskogo Ins"ituta imeni V.M.Bekhterevn, Leninzrad. NIKOLAYEV, N.I., otv. red.; LENSKAYA, G.N., zam. otv. red.; PASTUKHOV, r.j. B.N.9 zam. otv. red.i FENYUK, B.K., zam. otv,. red.; ISHUNINA, red., AKIYEV, A.K., red.; DGMARADSHY, I.V., re&; DRCZHEVKINA, M.S.., red.; ZHOVTYY, I F , red.; KOROBKOVA, Ye.I., red.; KRAMINSKIT, V.A., red,; KRATINOV, A.G., red.; LEVI, M.I., red.; LOBANOVP V.N.,, red.-, IIIRCNCV, N.P., red.j red.; PLANKINA, Z.A., red.; PYPINA, I M.~ red.; SMIRNCV, S.M., red.; TEH-VARTANOV, V,N., red., TIFLOV, T.Ye., red.; FEDOROV, V.N., red.; PARNES, Ya,A-, red,j PRONINA, N.D., tekhn. red. [Especially dangerous natural focus infections) Osobo opasnye prirodnoocha,govye infektgiii sbornik nauchnykh rabot protivo- chumbykh uchrezhdenii. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962, 271 p. (MIRA 16:5) (COWJTN~ "ABLE DISEASES) PETRDV Viktor Semenovich; EELYAKOVA, IID.V., red.; KOZLOVA, T.A., tekhn. red. (Precious and semiprecious stoneo]Dragotsennye i tovetnye kamni. Moskva, lzd-vo Mosk. univ., 1963. 134 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Precious stones) (Stone) PETROV, V.S. Genetic rglationahip between diamonds and carbonalrta found in k1mberlites. Vest.Mosk.un.Sor.biol.. pochv., geol., geog. 14 no.2:13-20 lEj, (MIRA 13:4) 1. Kafedra kristallografli i krigtallokhtmii. (Diamonds) - PETROV, V.S.; NIKITIN, O.T. Study of the stable carbon isotopes in kiraberlitf~s. Ser.4:Geol. 17 no.3:51-53 MY-Je 162. (N'RA 1516) 1. Kafedra kristallografii i kristallokhimii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Carbon-Isotopes) (Kimberlite) 4- I AH _.-ACC ~"14' M6900022.:- SOURCE ODIDEI UR/0356/65/003/005/0415/0 AUTHOR: Wal I.; Markin, A. So; Petrov, V. So Investigation of emission In extra-axial directions in cylindrical specimens '_oUntodymiumi- glass SOURCEt Zhurnml prlkladnoy spektrookopli, v. 3, no. 5, 1965, 415-420 tAGS: neodymium, optic glass, solid state laser, laser emission ~~ADSTRACT: This paper gives the results of a systmatic:experimental investigation of lassil-emitsi. an in extra-axial directices. The specimens were cylindrical and square gliss'-rOdS with sm-i-reftecting ends and highlypolished lateral surfaces. Optically --tinikorm lieo"i~m'glass was used. Emission an alVavelength of 1.06 IA was recorded otcelfttrically and pb6iographbially Distribution of radiative energy on the -01 -.2 amen taken the fbms bf-~ rings with, no, mission in the axial modes at pe_, Oner$ .on shold value (20%). Increasing I llj~tly higli4rthan the miialm re t int.-energy leads to the appearance of more rings with a different emission thresbold-16i each of them. Emission, was observed at considerable angles to the axis 6peicilmeni., (up to 700).. When the--latoral surfaces of the specimens were pro- finished. no axial mismien W" obselved even when the pumping energy exceeded UDC.* 535.89 1/2 L 11142-" N.Rf NSOO0022 an threshold by a factor. of thres. 'The actual path of the beam within the spech"D Was in 06: distribut Asimiism4 by study Ion of radiative energy in the near awes. It was found that -the beam fbiloms a closed three-dimensional path "within *hs, laser. 7he time relat between various points in the far zone was OISO Lon we thank- -~Bimhuliml* fat constant Interest in this studied. "Ym.cmclus Ai, w6ik mind G. Rautim for maefa Ultation." OrIg. art. has 22 figures end 2 JJL43 2 23MG5/ 0110 ZIP! 004/ OTH Uir: 003 SUB COM, 0 SUN DAIS: -ATWPUSS: J, IF; PUROV~ V,S. (Len'-ngrad, 5-19, 1, komraa 5q Electron mllcroa~oplc of f:-vIaT*-c cortex, thalamus and hjTothalamus of the brain, Arkn. annt., gist. 1 embr. 48 no.1-,-22--Q is 165. (MiRA iE:11 eiektronncy m~kroskopij (zav.- doktor mee, Mauchno-issIF-(1-)vate1Iakogo psl~khnriavr,~',)g~r.hpz3k Institut'l '.,nen' Hf~yh-.arew.. feningrad. SubriiA#-d 14, 19r- ~t CHIBRIKOV, V.I.; PETROV, V.T. Al' U Selection of crudi for the production of BN-IIIY bitumeno Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.10tl6-18 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Novokuybyshevskiy naftepererabaty-vayushchiy mvod. 1. PETROV, V. T. Z. USSR (600) 4. Oaks 7. Nvelonment and rate of ~--rowth of :~ouuf; stands of oak in the steppe zone. Lee. Ichoz. 5 no. 10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, jnniin= -1953. Unclassified. ,.~~~DSKIT, M.V. ; SHOSHENKOV. V.D. Basis for the selection of a system of automatic channel switching of radio links. Klektrosviaz' no.11:25-31 N '56. (MLRA 9:12) (Radio relay systems) 6(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2322 Borodich, S.V., N.I. Kalashnikov, A.M. Model', S.D. Manayenkov, and V.V. Petrov-,_ Radioreleynyye linii svyazi (Radio RelayNetiiorks) Moscow, 1957. 36 p. (Series: Obzory po novoy tekhnike. Energetika) Errata slip Inserted. 3,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po novoy tekhnike, and Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vsesoyuznyy institut nauchnoy I tekhnicheskoy informataii. Ed.: V.I. Siforov, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences. PURPOSE: This booklet may be useful to engineering personnel working with radio relay systems. COVERAGE: The authors discuss radio relay lines existing in the USSR and abroad. They also describe the utilization of tro- pospheric scattering of radio waves in radio and television broadcasting. There are 10 references: 2 Soviet (both trans- Card 1A Radio Relay fttworks SOV/2322 lations) and 8 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Use of Radio Relay Lines 3 Brief characteristics of radio relay communication 3 Existing radio relay lines in the USSR and Introduction of Soviet equipment 6 Existing radio relay lines abroad and their use Economic effect of introducing radio relay communications State of Radio Relay Engineering in the USSR and Abroad 1:5 Characteristics of equipment 15 Antennas and waveguides 2 3 Power supply and automatic control systems of unattended stations 29 Utilization of Tropospheric Scattering of Radio Waves in Comm- unications and Transmission of Television Programs 3.1 Card 2/3 tl L T- / N, TRANSMISSION "Rem3te Signglization and He te Control over Radio Relay Lines", 'by M.V. Brodakiy, V.V. Petrov, G,D. Novspasskiy, and V.F. Zatsepin, Elektrosvyazl, No 8, Aii~&t 1957, pp 26-31. Brief presentation of the fundamental principles of the construction of automation, remote-control, and remote-signalization circuits for the presently designed radio R-60 and "Vesna", relay lines with a num- ber :)f trunks up to 2.5. The operation of the relay remote-control and remote-signalization circuits in the main and intermediate stations is anp-lyzed. Card 1/1 - 56 BRODalY. Mikhail Valentinovich; PRMV, Uktor -Vaaij!-V8-vjch; FRONIN, F.A.,, PMOVA, V.Ye., red,; KARKOCH, K.G.. LAutomation of radio relay lineaj Avtow tizatelia radioreleinykh linii. KosIcva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1960. 49 p. (MIRA 14-.1) (Radio relay systems) s/o1q/6o/o(>o/o18/164/17() A152/AO29 AUTHORS: Petrov, V.V.; Karpov, Yu.P. TITLE: A Device for Measurement the Burning-Out Time of Rod-Shaped Fuses PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobretenly, 1960, No. 18, P. 76 TEXT: Class 721 1 No. 132100 (650635/40 of January 13, 196o). This device for measuring t~e ?im*e of burning-out of rod-shaped fuses fitted with a delaying substance or of other similar pyrotechnical articles is assembled in a case provided with an appliance for the arrangement of tested articles, and con- tains ionizing transmitters for switching the timer on-and-off at the beginning and end of burning of the fuse. The device has t1r following special feature: in order to shorten testing-time, the appliance for arranging tested articles is made in the form of a disk with radially arranged sockets. It can rotate round the vertical axis synchronously with the timer, e.g., an oscillograph calibrated for time. Card 1/1 BOVKUV, Viktor Georgiyevich; KAZARIVOV, Ivan Alekseyevich; KOKOSHKIN, Pavel Aleksandro-vich; LYUBsKlY, Gennadiy Severianovich; IIDOVA!~, Anatol# Isayevich; FETROV, Viktor Vasillye-Ach; PIOI.'TKCVSrIY, Bronislav Aleksandrovich; =AKW, ViTc6lay IVkhovich; ELIRSON, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; MGEYCHUK, Y.Ya., red.; GRIGORIYEV, ii.S., red.; FORTUSHENKO, A.D., red.; BUSANUKA, N.G., red.; SHEIMi, G.I., tekhn. red. [Engineering manual on electric communications; electric equip- ment] Inzhenerno-tekhnicheBkii spravochnik po elektrosviazi; elektroustanovki. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1962. 671 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Telecommunication-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) (Electric engineering--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) SERY AKOV, N.I.; SHEYKINA, T.S.; _FF~t~OV,Vj.; IDBRILI, Z.Ya.; SjXSTT'r'Ir'OVP V.G.; PR('1111", V.P.; LYUBSKIY, G.S.; TSAKOV, I.K.; VCDDDARSKAYA, V.Ye., red. [Automated power supply guarnntee systexs for telecom- munication apparatus] Avtomatizirovannye ustroi3tva ga- rantirovannogo pitaniia apparatury sviazi; infonzatsion- nyi sbornik. Moskva, Izd-vo 11'~Viaz'," 1964. 132 P. (MIHA 17 -.6) TITCURKO9 Makeim Pavlovich; AYOLLO, Mikhail Ouseynovich; 14EZIIIVUY, Nikolay Yakovlevich; PMOV, Viktor Yakovlevich,- BATSE.`-, L-l") red.; SIEM, G.I.p tekhn. red. (Accounting in cormunicatione enterprises]Bukhgalterskii uchet v predpriiatiiakh sviazi. (By] 14.P.Titchenkofi dr. Moskva, 3viazl- lzdat, 1962. 422 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Accounting) (Commmication and traffic) LFMAN, M.Yu.Y doktor tekhn. nauk, prof. (Germanskaya Demokraticheskays. Respublik-a); PETROV, V.Ya., k-and. tekhn. nauk Arithmetic device with parallel action and components operating in cadence. Vych. tekh. [MVTU] no.3:182-205 163. (MIRA 17:2) P -.7 i'.'V Yr.. -ellenairi.Ing the Dositio-I :76-P9 '57. 0 Trudy EST ITU f.,. - -e7-.ters. K KA Fli S I K A L f 3 V L. FEVIOV Ya ,.haracter-st --s L:, -E arsenic ~n t~.e !.:kitt,vra ve Ciei,,I. geu- n KARASIK, M.A. [Karasyk, M.A.]; VASILEVSKAYA, A.Ye. [Vasylevska, A-1E.J; PETROV, V.Ya.; RATEWHIN, Ye.A. [Ratiekhin, IE.A.1 f the TS-ewra~'ny: Distribution -)f mercury in the fossil coal o y and Donets-Makeyevka regions of the Donets Basin. Geol.7~ur. 22 no.2:53-61 162. (niu, 15:4) 1. Institut mineral'nykh resursov AN *LISSR. (Donets Basin--Mercury) L 11226-67 aJT(d)/EWPk1) lj?k C) ACC NRI AT6022375 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0037/0040 AU71-IOR: Kartashov, D. N.; Nigay, A. A.; Petrov, V. Ya. ORG: none TITLE: Certain problems of the recognition of acoustic signals SOURCE: Vscsoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, posvyashchennara Dnyu radio. 22d, 1966. Sektsiya kibernetiki. Doldady. Moscow, 1966, 37-40 TOPIC TAGS: digital electronic computer, acoustic signal, harmonic analysiq, pattern recognition / Minsk-2 digital electronic computer ABSTRACT: The article deals with the possibilities of constructing a device recognizing various acoustic signals whose characteristics display ccrWin stationary parameters. The authors experimented with a specially bui.1t converter of acoustic signals to digital data, whose upper limit of conversion frequency was 20 kilo-cps. Ibis converter operated on the prm- ciple of pulse-time coding and it assured the automatic insertion of digital data oi)to the ina.~- netic tape of a Minsk-2 digital electronic computer, with every one-minute interval )f re- cording being represented in the computer's memory by 1, 200, 000 ordinates recorded In Card 1/2 L 11226-67 Ar ACC NR, 6o22375 5-unit binary code. The internal structure of the acoustic signals --as a-nalyzf-d a to the results of general harmonic analysis, involving; the computation of a ser)es f nates of the acoustic spectrum, correlation function and spectral density. if the value Of of N ordinates of this kind is regarded as a projection of a N-varate vemi , then r-wli syr fic acoustic signal may be referred as a pattern (dius converting it to a problvin ol Pattern recognition) to a specific point in N-variate space of patterns. Then the space may be divided into two classes, S, and S and the separation function for an point in the space may be coln- H y puted as the difference between its distances to the regions of each of these two classes. It is concluded that linear methods of space-mapping may be employed with sufficient effect'1ve).1es8 for a number of comparatively simple problems of this kind. Orig. art. has: I figures. SUB CODE: 06, 09, 20 SUBM DATE: 05Mar66 -Card-2/2 PRINTSIV, A.A. ,inzh4nsr; F=HaVV.1&.4_Y=RDV. V.V. ; LANMV. K.A.. inzhener -, KONSTANTINOV, B.A., imadidat tekhnicheskikh mauk. Rates for electric power. Prom.anarg. 12 no.1:18-22 Ja '57. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Energosbvt Lftningradekoy alektroonergeticheekoy sisteaV (for Printsev, Petrov) 2. Energoebyt Estonskoy elektroencrgetichelskoy sintemy (for Yegorov) 3. Leningradskiy pivovarenrqy 2aVod (for Lamanoy) 4. Leningradakiy inzhenerno-tokhnichookiy inatitut (for Konstantinov). (Electric utilities--Rates) YUMOLVIV, L.S., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; PZTROV. V.Ya.. inshener.. W~ Iffect of the precision in magnetic recording machines on the value of I)ending generatrics of wide magnetic tapes. Trudy W711 no.35:62-73 '55. (HLRA 9:0) (Magnetic recorders and recording) L 11444-67 EVIT~d)/EWI (I (c TG/Bb/_Gr' ACr-RA7,71 7;M4 284 SOURCE CODE: UR/2976/66/000/005/0164/0169 AUTHOR: Surkov, L. V.; Belov, B._I.* ?etrov. V. Ya. L ORG: none 1~ 0, TITLE: Assignment of reliability norms to the individual units of a dAZAtal computer during the initial stage of design SOURCE: Moscow. Vyssheye_tek.hnicheskoye uchilishche. Vychislitel'naya tekhnilca, no. 5, 1966. 164-169 TOPIC TAGS: system reliability, reliability engineering, computer design ABSTRACT: Two approaches are analyzed for achieving the efficient assignment of reliability norms to the various units of a digital computer, e. g., the arithmetic unit (AU), the control unit (CU), and the main memory unit (MU). The problem con- sists in finding the failure rate Ai of these units which will satisfy a given probability of machine failute Q(T)-iin time T. In the first approach the approximate failure rates are expressed as functions of the complexity of units and the relative failure rates of the components. Table 1 gives the averaged failure rates and corres ponding reliability factors KK- the ratio of the failure rate of a component to the failure rate of a resistor for a K-th type Ural-2 circuit. Table 2 lists the relia- bility.factors for the basic circuits of a Ural-2 computer, and tile number of circuits per unit. A more realistic view of the failure ates of the units must take Card 1/ 3 L 11444-67 ACC NR% 0. Table 1. Circuit component Parameter Pulse Induct- Capac- Resist- Tube trans- former ance itor ance Failure 2.4-1o-6 0.3-10-6 0.1-10-6 0.07-10-6 0-08-10'-6 rate Ak reliability 30 1.62 1.25 0.875 1.0 factor Kk into account their manufacturing and operating costs. The authors derive an expres- sion for finding the failure rate of individual units for which the cost of a unit is minimum taking into account the cost of the entire computer complex. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas and 2 tables. SUB CODE; 09/ SUBM DATE: acme/ ORIG REV: 002 MEN= 11444-67 1-Ad'NAv ALOA284 Number of components per circuit Number of cir- 7uCn:Lri cuits per unit Circuit 1-4 a) V30 0 ;_4 d 0 r-i0 W4 U U U V.0 W 0 4 rd F 0 r 0 C: ( CL45 0 Cd 0 W Q 4 1? 43 - C ed w0 0 W4 V4 0 > V r-4 Table 2. Flip-flop .1 5 Inverter 1 Mae shaper Amplifier 1 Blocking 1 osaMator im Gate 2 Card -a 4 2 2 13 5 2 8- 2 4 3 8 4 2 2 6 4 106 671 60 6o 5 13 24 109 49 .74 171 601 - .24 31 51 22 4 1 1 1 11 1 4 J&.12 1 31 3) - B/050/60/000/05/14/020 BO07/B017 AUTHOR% Petrov, V. Te, IV TITLE: Shortcomings in Mercury Barometers PERIODICALt Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1960, No-5, PP, 43-45 TEXT: It is pointed out that the usual regulations concerning the instrument correction for the cistern barometer are not always observed during production, before transportation, prior to its use, on its transference into another room, and at least every third year. For this reason the author tries to find out whether the instrument correction remains unchanged for several years. The investigation of plastic cistern and metal cistern barometers is described. The investigation showed that with metal cistern barometers, no essential changes in instrument correc- tion are observed. Plastic cistern barometers, however, showed changes in instrument correction. These changes are mainly due to the mercury losses as a result of leakiness of the individual joints, k1so other ahartcon-ings of baronetere &re ahvwr- such as, e,g_ tte oxilaticn cf mercury as a result of negligent treatment before it is filled into the Card 112 Shortcomings in Mercury Barometers S1050V6010001051141020 B007/ DO17 barometer. In standard barometers the main shortcoming is the sinking of mercury in the short side. The investigations were conducted within the system of the UGNS USSR (Hydrometeorological Service Administration of the Ukrainska~a SSR), i.e., at the meteorological stations of Gayvoron, Gorodok, Mogilev-Podollskiy, Gaysin, and Kamenets-Podollskiy. There is V~// 1 figure. Card 2/2 GO)ICUROVI, Yurly Grigorlyevichp inzh.; GARRICK, Tadeush TSezarevich, inzh.; SBMUOV, L.G., insh. 1, retsenzent; IVANII, V.F., inzh., retseumut; VULIF, V.V. , inzh., red..; KH=BM, PPA* p tokba, redo (Operation and maintenance of a diesel locomotive] Upravlenie teplo- vozam i ego obaluzMvabie, Moskva, Vse'S'. i~datellsko-pol-igr. ob"edi- 4nie H-va putei soobshobaniia, 1961. 180 p. diagr. (MIRA 14:8) (Diesel locomotives) AUTHOR: letrov, V. Ye. SUVP)0-~8-11-t 25 TITLE: Reduction of iind Velocity to the ileiFht of 2 Meters (rrivedeni,ye 8korosti vetra k vysote 2 m) PERIODICAL; Me teoro I ogiya i gidrol ogiy a, 1 ~58 , Nr 11I. pp 28- ~~_ (,uj.Si( ABOTHACT: The height of the devices used in a system of weather stations hccording to which the velocity of wind is measured almost ex- clubively, differs greatly. For this reason, the values recorded cannot be compared in most cases, which renders a critical re- view of the relative ob8ervatiorial results even more difficult. leveral branches of economy do however require data on the velocity of wind 2 meters above the Fround, such as aFriculture and health resorts. In order to determine these data, .. know- ledge of' the changes in the wind velocity with height in con- nection with the position of weather-observation aiparatus is necessary. Phe ~tuthur gives a survey of the formulas use.i 'I ~ and (2) (Refs 1-5). Assuming that 1 - n - 0 the -author derives formula (3); 1g Z zo zi Card 1,5 1g -Z 0 Reduction of Nind Velocity to the Heipht of 2 Meters :36VI/ 56-58- 1 1-6/25 frum formula ( 2; . Formula ( 3) expresses the lo,-ari thmi 2 lar of wind velocity change with height (where v denotes the wind velocity in the height, v I the known wind velocity in a height zi - here, the height of the wind vane, z 0 - the thicknest, of the ground friction 1~,yer, where the work of the turbulent tension forces degenerates practically to irreFular pulsations (Ref 1) and the exponent 1 - n depending on the stability of atmosphere.). The values of z can be used only for leVE-1 SUr- faces. For vaulted und especially for recedint- forms of the relief and also if the wind vane is not mounted accordinw to instructions (e.g near buildings, constructions and trees) J, they cannot be used For the vaulted types of relief the z 0 -val- ues become somewhat smaller than those mentioned first. For re- ceding forms they may increase several times (according to the depth of ree~eas and aii lack of' local circulation). As the val- ues of' v1contained in formula (3) can be taken lirectly from the meteorological data, only the values of factor k '\Table I) Card 2/3 will have to be computed. This purpose serves the formula (,4): Reduction of *Nind Velocit~ to the Heijvtit of 12: Meters sov150-58-111-~.j 25 lg Z z k = - 0 1g ~ZI z 0 In (4) the value z is constant (2 m). For z the values are as- sumed according to the basement area in the respective season. After substitution of the z 1- values (height of wind vane in meters) and after the calculations required, one arrives at the values of k in table 1. In order to determine the ~iverhge wind velocity 2 meters abuve the ground, it is sufficient if one multiplies the velocity recorded with the wind vane with the multiplier k (Table 1). There are 1 table and 3 Soviet ref- erences. Card 3/3 PLYUSNIN, Lleksandr Kuzlmich,, dots.; BOCHKO, N.A., inzh., retsenzent; FMOIV, V.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; FAY=--*, A.D., otv. red.; I~IYIMT 9 L.S., red. izd-va; SIKIBKOVA, R.Ye., tekhn. red. [Organization of machine repair and equipment as3embly at lumbering enterprisesjOrganizatsiia remonta mashin i montazh oborudovaniia na lesozagotovitellnykh predpriiatiiakh. 2. izd. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1962. 409 p. (MIHA 16:1) 1. Vserossiyski-- Sovet Narodnogo khozyaystva (for Bochk-o). 2. Povolzhskiy leso-tekhnicheskiy institut (for Petrov). 3. Go- sudarstvennyy ~lanovyy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR (f(,r Fa2eyev;. (Lumbering-Machinery) .PETROV, V.Ye. `71)a procoduro of mI,-roe1ItmtI,1 obneirvationo nrid ownplInt.lon of micrucli-matic maps for state and collective farms in the temperate zone of the "' S-S R.' HE w, eved by V.E.?etrov. Meteo-, i gi(iro'-!. F 162, - WIRA 15 2) (',,a cro c Ii-ma t-u- 1 ogy ) FLOTNIKOV) M.A.; YEVSTIFEYEVA, T.V.; TAUBER, B.A.;.FETROY, V.Ye.; ZAVIYADOV, M.A.; NAZAROV, V.V.; AND.POLISKIY, M.G.; OBRAZMV, S.A.; BA1414, A.I.; GATWXVICH, V.A.; CHEVAZIEWSYP', A.P.; DRANISHNIKGV, L.G., retsenzent; ALKEYEV, N.F., otv. red.; SLUSKER, M.Z., red. izd-va; VD(NINA, V.X., tekhn. red. [Lumbering camps; mechanization of work at lower timber landings. A handbook] Lesozagotovki; mekhanizataiia rabot na piahnikh skladakh. Spravochnik. Moskva, Uoslenbumizdat Iq62. 441 P. (MINA l6j6~ (Lumbering) I FET11--OV. Ye. Verifica'i-r of tht: Corr,ct_nFs- of r. of -,in' -a,*E-s Methor;s for ~he Ex--ct :j)EtErine-nn An.l, o-' -ecl'na.- 'on Ar..-ujomr-tric 'n5;t-:jnerts. ;C Thr- author Finc 'or 'i.r- of th(- mif-If, of (!e(,ILnW[,n of' H.c tictim! ch-pct;on f 0 T~ I u L ron hft T o! vanes witf. letter N, from tf,.t- r2trec!L-ri )!' t1c mpr't(;Lon&lI line. rrely on elementary tri;-onometric rr-, iorjr anc ~-o n')t. r~ql- rE anf-ulometric iriFtrumr~ntF. "1e first mie'lod ~.-_es ~h~, br' Fl'iO ruler, ane ti,e Fr-conr~ mt-ti.orl. relie-F on thr or-'Lriar-, clock. RZI-I r 0.1 , NO 5, 1964) SO: Sum. No. 5f P J A PCBDV.T ~-. Reducing the velocity of wind to an altitude of 2 meters. Meteor. i g1drol. no.11:28-30 N '58. (WRA 11:12) (Winds) BOGACHEV, V.V,.; 1.~jNl' V.Ye.; a .eL~gr. ~,our.,O: i'.fisc",fl" K O-f! ~o !:k-va, P-13".. Ir.-tl i 1 Xo r: rir.-. r. I-opov Ka:'edrl: ra(~ j*~07,Pcv, '. . ~"Inw. ~ nee r T, ~.- -.: " - 11 . - , -ar. "FL!- t, .!-I :.e:, tu"I .:,:! t.; - :: -~7 -, a. ~ ;.." , .~ ~* - , ~! , -.f . I . . I . . - ; I. - . . . . - - f .- - . , - I , . -,, . . . , , V - - " # . - - I I . . '. -- 1, .-.. -t. , - I () iz, v I FMOV. Y.A. (Uriupinsk, Stalingradskoy oblasti). Rxtracrurricalar vork in mathematics. Ybut. v shkole no.5:58-oO 5-0 153. (KI-TIAL 6:9 (Mathematics--Stukv and teaching) PETROV, Y. N., YEROSHENKO, V. M., and MOTULEVICH. V. P. "The Effect of Electrical Fields on Heat Transfer By Convection." Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, BSSR, June 1961. Vil YA..';. , re at ~rrient, 1.t -- *.. ' - . - ,,, .1 - - . . I . - - - , .. . . , .. "I. !IL";E:,y -1 - ..., -J, .. -.- . . ...- 1, -:1. 1 -- -j- - ---. ~. ~IE.". ~, . , .... . ~~ -." ~ n, a L~-,wn:, :' :~-:-,.-- ' ',,- ,*; '... '. , ~ . J: . ; " I.. . ~ '. .. ., : . . I :. . , I . . . . . ~~' a'~. LIZ -1 , . -,--I . 1 . : ~-= - -' - -7.' ~- . -- - ) - - - . . ... . .. . - - - . . 1. ~ . .1-1 . . . . . FMROV. Ya.G. -, -- Treatment of snake-bite with novocalu block, Sovet. mod, 16 no.4-35- 36 Apr 1952. (CLKL 22.1) 1. jothoulan SSR. PETROV, YA. P. An engineer'B handbook on the main4enqnce of marina anvines Mosk-va, Gnslesbumizdat. 1 1950. 1 G P . ('l - 169cgj V9651.F414 A.Ya., f.aL,xf f-e-Lsenzer' -L; r.auy, retsen~ent; F-UZk-"' -)tv. red.; "ASIPYLVA, N.V., red. ul,.Its ,.u,Dor ficat~r,,; :ntiicient s of the !,v 7-.,:ineerin~ VPZUekriC, ;T-'ie E,.7rejzal:-~Ln L.Ihel)rloe po5,~-ie ~.ia rtu~!entc-2 E-1 ies-,l,ekhn. ~ii-l MAMONTOVV I.M.; KONDAKOV, N.I.; AILKHIPOV, G.Ye.; SERGEYEV, A.S., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; GURIYEV, D.G.; STUPAWVJ, Yu.G.; FILICHEHO, R.D., red.; FETROV, G.P., tekhn. red. [Measures for protecting farm plants, fruit and berry plantations, and forests against pests and diseases in the Chuvash A.S.S.R. in 1962J Meropriiatiis po zashahits sellskq- khoziaistvennykh rastenii, plodovo-iago"ykh nazasMenii i lsoov ot vreditelei i boleznei po, Chuvaskskoi ASSR ma 1962. 74 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Chuvaish A.S.S.R. Ministerstvo proizvodstva i zagotovok sellskokhozyaystvennykh produktov. Respublikanskaya stantsiya po zashchite rasteniy. (Chuvashia-Plants, Protection of) GAVRILOV, Ye.N., inzh.; GONIK, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; DONSKOY, I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZHUKOV, G.A., :Lnzh.fdeceased]; LAZAREV, Y. P. P inzh. ; NFYEDC;V, S. I. , inzh. ; ff_T_Rc_'Vj-__ Ya,_P,., kand. tekhn. nauk; SAVE;-IYEV, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; FILIMONOV, S.S., inzh.; SHULITS, G.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZOTOV, N.V., inzh., retsenzent; ORLOV, N.N., inzh., otv. red.; KCZLOV, A.D., red.izd-va; PKOPOVA, V.M., tekhn. red. [Water transportation of lumber) Vodnyi transport lesa; spravochnik. Moskvn, Goslesbumizdat, 1963. 560 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Lumber--Transportation) TTP c V, yt, .: . ~amiatka ma-h-.nistu r. ukhc),4,~ za -arosilov-rmi istanovkarni na sudak~-.. "cskva, ~'Oslesbumdzdat, 1"T. 1C n. instnuctions f-r en;-:-.neer:E ~n -aintinanci~ -i' ~.Ieam-nwer -,!Ante: :-n -i: :~. - !,-, - 3 1 - i '. ` ~C: Yanufacturin- ap..-' `echan~c--il ~,n(,inppriri.- -n t, - : -vi-t nion. -ii !-ar.-- of `,'~,nc-resE, lllr3. KACHALOV, P.P., starshly nauchnyy sotradnik; FMOV, Ya.P., kand.taldm. nauk, o tv. red. ; RUZMSOV, V. V. , t~IMF. r-eT.- [Investigating the affect of basic factors on lubrication conditions and the weer of the piston group of heat engines used in lumbering) Iseledovanie vliianiia onnovnykh faktorov us rezhim smazkI I iznashivbnia porshnevoi gruppy teplovykh dvigotelei, pri- monisemvkh v lasnoi promyshlennoBti. Leningrad, 1959. 75 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Leningrad, TSentraln" nauchno-istledovatel'skiy In-titut lesosplava. 2. TSentrallnyy nouchno-issledovatel'BUy institut lesosplava (for Kschalov). (Lambering-Aachinery) (Goo and oil engines--Testing) ruw~ ~n p r GAS MMUCER PrILIZING U*G PIECES OF WOOD FOR USE ON SHIPS. Petrov, I&. P. (loansys Prow. (Timber Ind. ), lob. 1952, 10. 11). .1 -- - PETROV, YA. P. Steam Boilers Hirh pressure steam inotBlIstions for boats of the timber trbnsport fleet. Mekb. trud. rob., 6, no. 1. 1952. 9. Monthl List Of Russian Accessicns , Lilbrary of Cc)ngr,,ss, March n52--Iffft' '-!!IC' - FETROV, Ya.P.; PUZANOV, N.F.; SMOVZH, F.T. (Leningrad) The use of waterways 'Or the evacuation of patients. Sov. 'zdrav. 19 no. 8:67-68 16C. (MIRA 13:1C) (7lFlAIZPGF,-, C,,' SICY : 1.1 WOODED) PWIIC)V. Ya.P., kund.toHin.nailk- Ex-cerience in cons truc ti Li,, st.,ia-r Tower plar.tS ,,,; . . I increased stear. paraTrefe-g. naach. po a F~ - F, -, .. . '57. . - -.,. . - kSteam power plants) PFTRDV, Takev Petrovich: BURGUTIN, K.S., reteensent; KOLOSOV, V.D.. reteenzent; TORBOCHKIN, I.L., retsenzent; KUTUKOV, G.M.. redaktor; PITER"I, Te.L., redaktor; KOLESNIKOVA, A.P., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. [Steam powered vessels] Paromotornyi flot. Maslcva, Gosles- bumizdat, 1955. 306 p. (M!aA 9:1) (Steamboats) SCV/1 12 -1~8 -1 -:"56 Translation from Referativnyy zl~il)rnal, 19 5 8. N, 2 "SSR)' AUTHOR: Petrov, Y~,_y TITLE: On the Calcu-lation of Starting Curren's n Coal -C.j',e- El.e( and Short-Circuit Currents ir. Biancl~ L,--w-Vc.1tage Netwcrks ',K raschetnogo opredeleni,'ia puskovcgo toka elek'.rodvigaterY toka koratkogo zamykar,,.Va v uchastk,:,Nykh setyakh nizkogo PERIODICAL: Izv- Tornskoga politek!~-,-.. in-ta, 1956, 88. pp 244 "~Q ABSTRACT: It is noted that starlrig h--gF-power rrlct(.,r~~ t~!arch networks in a mire -;s acc,:;rripanied by a cons~:d,~~rable vct;,.ge d7l.-T rlv4t -es;Alts in lowered starting curren's arA 'that increases currents -:n -~~er operating consumers Alt is noted that no simple and ac,:-,iiate me,i-,nd exists for calculating startiig curren,s -,Ir,4-r such condicions A ;,;,.-nP`;fied ( tion method is suggested that Js based or equivalent cable le.--,gtl'.F 1-1,e transformer to the motor baing s+aTted and ',-) ~~,~her poin*s ol rr~-~ce-trated loads and also on voltage drop across the tr-,an2f,.,!-znez-; jq!la. t-,og c .:r-en*L- and Card 1/2 SO~/ 112-58-- 1- 556 On the Calculation of Starting Carrents in Coal-Cutter Electric Motcr --I and SY-or- 2-pole short-circuit currents are determined with due allowance )f operal-or, of other motors. A sample calculation, made by the above method, is pre- sented for the case of a coal-cutter MA 191/10 motor w:th a rated starltng current of 510 amp. As compared to a more accurate but more complicated method of equivalent resistances, the error is less than 116 L L L. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Electric 2 --Performnce Card 2/2 FZTRDV, Ya. V. Selecting efficient mgnetic circuits for frequencv triplers. Izv. vym. ucheb. zav.; elektromel-h. I no.4:54-6o 158. (MI'RA 11:;~) (Frequency, multipliers-Maeme tic properties) KIKLEVICH, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; PFMOV, Ta.V., inzh. In regard to A.S. Sergeev's article "Designing of netvork sections in mines according to the starting conditione.n Prom. energ. 15 no.12:40-44 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Donetsk17 nauchno-isaledovatellski3r ugollnyy institut. (for Kiklevich). 2. Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Petrov). (Electricity in mining) Idn. e c c -j5J !-:Ontid L L PUUO , XA,,. V., Rin. Eng.; GALEM, T. C.; MLtnr,,!,Ta'-lN, A. N.; IVIOV, R, !.'., Docent ff. 1. Ozernoi Comments on M. I. Ozernoi's book "I'lectric Engineering in Ugol' 23~ No. 4? 1?53. 301 Mcnth4 Liat of Russian Accessions~ Library of Congress, June -1953, Uncl. PETROV Ye I I -~ On dock of the ship of the future. Znan. sila 32 no.3:2-3 Hr 157. (Atomic MIPS) ()GAA 10:~) I t k ~ '' ~ V FWTROV, Ya.A. inzh.; OVCHARMTKC, N.I.. Jn2h. Devices for checking the condition of the grounding conductor of olactric instruments. Inergetik 6 no.3:31-32 Mr 158. (MIRA Ilt2) Ollectric instruments) PETROV. Ta., In.2h. Davl2e of electric engineer etrak-Y. I no.6:59-60 Je (lathes-Safety Yoronteov. Okhr.truda i sots. '60. (MIRA 13:7) measures) PEMOV. Ye., inzh. Devices for the transportation of harmful liquids. OKhr.tru~a i BOtS.Btrhkh- 3 no.2:72-73 F 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Liquids-Transportation) PETROV,, Ye., inzh. 14schanical clamping of cutting tools. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 4 no. 2:43 F 161. (MIRA 11,:2) (Lathes) FETROV, Ye. m3ovetaknia RosdAam publications in 1963. Sov.profaoiu2, 18 no.2391,W#7 D 162. MIRA 15212) 1. GLavnyy redaktor izdratel'stva "Sovetskaya Rossiya.* (Bibliography) PETROV, Ye. - A now appliance. Okh. truda i sots. strakh. no.6:751-76 Je '59. kMIRA 12:10) k5aws-Safety, measures) ZYUZIN, Yu.; PETROV, Ye. A transistorized portable magnetic tape recorder. Radio =.5: 33-37, 39 My 163. OURA 16:5) (Magnetic recorders Rnd recording) ZYMIP, Yu.; PETROV, Ye. Portable trazioistorized magnetic tape recorder. Radio 31 Je 163. (~UI~A 1 1~ .7 ' , (Magnetic recorders and recording) . . .1 : - - - . tar)o re,ordpr. Ra-- -~ r, :.c- .' ,'1, ~ I . ~ I a ~ I.TRA 16: - * ~ - r..-- o,i I t4rri amd re r.ord ~ ng) ZYUZIN, Yu.1 PETROV, Ye. "Blaknot" small-sized tape recorder. Radio no.8t47-49 Ag 165. (MIRA 180) ,- .~PJUEDV','-T*e"~.!,"In-z'honer. Apartment house built of silicate blocks. Stroitel' no.l: 2-3 Ja '57. (KLRA 10:2) (Aparmtment houses) (Building blocks) PETROV, Ye.; 0VCAAR NKO. N. Role of industrial television in industrial hygiene. 05chr. truda i sots.strakh. no.5:83-84 N '58. (HIRA 12:1) (Industrial television) (Industrial hygiene) KHAYKIN, V.; SUKHAREV, Yu.; PETROV, Ye.; BEKKER. A., inzh. po tekhnike bezopasnosti; POD:STfTV, N.; KOFTLOV, Y., inzh.. Technical information. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 6 no.6: 34-41 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Upravleniye legkoy promyshlennosti Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva Estonskoy SSR, Tall-in (for Bekker). ,--- PETROV, Ye. - -.. Bxtensiblo working platform, Okhr.truda i soto.straVh. no.5:69 MY 159. (91DA 12!9) (Blectric angJneering-3quipment and gupplies) PL-rRov. Yo.: MCMILICIM0, N. -.19SNIL Automatic control of electric lights. Ukhr.truda i sote.strak-h. no-5:P)~-86 H '58- (MIRA 12: 1) (Electric lighting) mliuv, Ye. Self-unloading barrel holet. Okhr.truda i oote.atrakh. no.l:?6 Ja '59. (14 IU 12: 2 ) (Loa4ling aml wiloading--Safety meaBures) BULGARIA/Cultivated Plants - Grains. IM-2 ~Lbs Jour Ref Zhur - Bial-, No 7, 1,958, 2974(, Author Katsarov, K., Petrov, Yet Tnst Title Intro-ducing Correct Crop Rotations to Rice Cultures. Orii, Pub Selskostop. mis"1, 1957, 2, NG 4, 2o4-2lo (bolU,.). Abstract The area taken up by rice cultures in Buic~iria in 1956 amunte" to 12,042 ha.; the crop totalled 30-40 cent- ners per ha. of unscoured rice. The rice cultures may be extended and the crop increased by turnini., tnard correct croD rotations with rice. A qcscription of suCgested crop rotations is Civcn. Car(~ 1/1 -PETROV, Te. Now safety device for a jotatlrq; muchino. Okhr.truda I sots. strakh. no.6:M D 158. (MIRA 1211) (Jointer (Woodworking machinery) PETROV, Ye. Whose poster is better? Okhr.truda i sote.strakh. 4 no.12:2,' 161. (YMA 3j" - 11 ) 1. Predsedatell komissii po provedeniyu Vsesoyuznogo konkursa plakatov po tekhnike bezopasnosti. (Industrial hygiene--Audio-visual aids) PETROV, Ye.. Inzh. Safety belt. Okhr. truda I sots. strakh. .3 no.8:62-63 Ag 16o. (Knu 1):9) (Safety belts) P' "I", Ye. Tilie " iAor- of t devrlop::,#,:,i, ri-, -;It I a, ,-Ec , - ~.. n 11 . 1. _- . .ar!~'ist v 12 1 ~- 2 p I ' , -Z, . r,v 77 re ZY'U?,Tfq, Yuo; PE-j'ROV, Yoe A mwiaal notabooke Radio no*10140m42 0 165e 18812) ZYUZIN, Yu.0 PETRTI-ye. Mumial notebook. WIo no.n244-14 N 165. (MIRA 18i12)