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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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BMXH. B.p.. dots.; pEmov, I.P,. do_ta.-, PMOV, Tu.S.. kand.takhn.nauk;
KCKW . V.P., assistant
Good manual for higher schools. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.: gor.zhur.
no.4:141-144 158. (MIRA 11:11)
(Mining engineering--Study and teaching)
PTTROV, IJP~. dotsent; IL'IINYTI. A.F., inzh.
Multichnn-~el '-,'-TS system Ath T-olF,rity-amflitirlp block
selection. Iz,,,.vya. chpb.zav. : i7or.zhlir. no. I.: PI -Pf-,
1. Sver(4.lovFViy i-orr;-v instit,:t imerl V.V.V0.hruFh-.rn.
RnkomendovanA k.-fAdr-,r pornoy elektrotekh-';-i.
(?,line communications)
(Rpmote contrnl)
Dust suppression tr7 steam. Koly-ma 21 no.1:27-10 Ja '59.
(MI-,.A 12:6)
I.Vaeso7uzn.vy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut :!rlota i reftikh
metallov, Magadan.
(Mine insts)
FRCLOT, Petr Prokhorovioh, doteent. Prinimall uchastlys: ZTUGIB, V.S.,
,j.P., dotsent. TEM"T, A.I.. prof., doktor
takhn.nauk, retsenzent; BOBMOTICH, A.I., dotsent, retsenzent;
KHOKITMWICH. K.I., otv.r-ed.; DITAKOTA, G.B., red.izd-ve;
5ABITOT# A., tekhn,rad.; LOKMINA, L.N..
[Mine compressor equipment) Rudnichnoe komprossornoe khozisistvo.
Koskva. Goe.nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo lit-ry po gornoma delu, 1961.
227 P. (MIRA 14:4)
(Air compressors)
A.I.I., kand. tokhi . nauk; CIIE.~TKCV, %.K.; VASSIL"Y"N., I-1.V.#
kand. tekhn. nauk; YMMOV, I.P.; KOKH, P.I.; KNITOVENKO# A.T.0
dots.; Ft'&SEDSM, G.Y., inzh.; D`,21AY-E~SYJY, Yu.N.; VCUrIKICV917,
s.A.P prof., cio?tor tpkhr,. nauk; Y~:t'YAN, A.!., k&nl-~. te~d'-T..
nauk, MAY1.1,111, 1~ and. tekhr . nauk; MlitOSIMIK, A.,'.%, kand.
tekhn. nauk; PE-iiiOV.-I-j... kand. tekhr. nauk;
kand. tokhn.nauk; S111--PY.OV, A.I., kand. tekhr- nauk;
AVERBUKEP I.D., inzh.; VARSHOSM, A.V.; i-j17MM, UUS,
V.A. ; ',-'D:EYEV, V.A.; 0,'LTOV, A.A., otv. red.;LTU~F.OV, 'o.].,
red. izd-va; V.V., tek~z.. red.
[Handbook for the op,,rator and mechanic of open-pit nine equip-
ment] Sprnvochnik m,?~hnnika ugollnogo karlera. Morkva, Gos.
nauchno-tekhr-izd-vo lit-ry po pornorm delu, 1961. 639 p.
(MD-.A 15:3)
(Strip mining-Equipment and supplies)
(Coal mining machiLer-y) (Electricity in mining)
A.V..' kand. tekhr.. nauk; CIIE,tTKOV, I.K.; VASIL"Y:%' 1-1 V
kand. tekhn. nauk; YITIMOV, I.P.; KOKH, P.I.; KNlTOVEIFKO,, A.T.,
dots.; FtlSEDISKIY, G.V., inzh.; DbIWENSKIT, Yu.,".;
S.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; 11_:~IYAII, A.I., kan~_ tekix.
nauk; MAYM, S.H. , kand. tekhj . nauk; MIAOSIRUK, A.M. , kanci.
tekhn. nauk; PETROV, I.E., kand. tekhr.. nauk; TIJFTSM-.V, 6.F.,
kand. tekhn-.wmr-,ST-,TM', A.I., kand. tekhr. nauk;
V.A. ; PINEYEV, V.A.; SVIRITV, A.A., otv. red.;1YUBD'.OV,
red. izd-va; MAY,3D4CVI., %'.V., t4ekhn. red.
(Handbook for the operator and mechanic of open-pit mine equip-
ment] Spmvochnik me!chanika ugollnogo karlera. Moskva, Gos.
nauchno-tekhr,.izd-vo lit-ry po Fornomu 6elu, 1961. 639 1,
(MJ~'-.A 1,~:3)
(Strip mining--Equipment and supplies)
(Coal mining machinery) (Electricity in mining)
(Y, Ij .
- --- - --- L - -.- - - -
- I t-) ~ , 1. .- . I - . I . -
. I -'I', . -,,"I L - , I :
cr = mo. 3tro I . '.r - - . .. :. . : - ~ . I . .
; % ;., r , I ., : . , I . -
I . 7, L
a- & -~ 1. K 11 F. . . . . . . . - . . A
?F,7:~07, % P., kar.~. SDET~.-707, E ' 7-
I-r. z h.
Automat i- ur, ~ro I of (-utt'-Yiv rria(-h-.n,-9 m '1~ ~ng -i
IZV. Vy-~.
7, H hr
van a ~ a f ed r y
f,' 4 7
AEIE NR, APE5025975 SOURCL CODE: UR/0051/bb/021/',)(,~!/C,139/0140
A U-MOR :Grechushnikov, B. N. Pet-.-ov-, 1.
shryre V ,
ORG: none
TITLL: A problem of tile aperture of a rouri4.,r i--pectrometer based on a polarization
SOURCE: Orptika i spektroskopiya, v. 21, no. 1, 196b, 139-11io
TOPIC TAGS: Fourier spectrometer, interferometer, interference light modulator, o,,-
tic interference, optic measuremert %,
A8STRJ,C7: 7he authors discuss tne j,iin in the light output from a polarizaticn iz,ter-
ferometer as compared to the Michf.:Ison inter ferunet er. V. K. Stil' an,, A. Mers (cf.
Opt, i opektr., 20, 910, 1966) have shown that the difference between the twl -n:;tru-
ments is not as significant as thc authors had noted in their previous worr. Opt.
spektr., 10, 1309 1965). It is apparent that Stil' and Merts' conclusion is valid
only as an approximation in which the higher order components of resolution are ne-
glected. For large aperture angles, the magnitude of such components is not suffi-
ciently small. To resolve the pn)blem, an accurate expression for percentage modula-
tion as a function of aperture angle can be generated:
UDC: 53S.33:517.512.2
Card 1/2
'. 04_1t2-6'
ACC NRt AP6025975
where JOW is a zero order Bessel function, X = aO"/2n2 for no ~ n e 2 n. This func-
tion is plotted together with the corresponding functions for the Michelson interfero-
meter and the approximate relation
0' n1
61 - VY "
derived by Stil' and Merts. It is obvious from the plot that the modulation for the
polarization interferometer is never reduced to zero, thus the comparison of the
light output based on this criterion is not sufficiently justified. Orig. art. has:
I figure.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 03Dec65/ ORIG REF: 002
Card 2/2_-,C
Monograph UP/
Voronkova, Y-Aena nikhaylavna;Jr(-,chtj!.;'~~;tiikov) Borin Nikolayevich; Dintler, Grigoriy
Inaakovich; Petrov, Igor' Petrovich
Optical materials for infrared eNyincering,; a reference edition (Opticheakiye materia'-
ly d-1,ya infrakrasnoy tn~diniki; Gpi-av,)ohnoye izdaniye) Mioscov, Iz-dvo "Nauka", 1965.
335 1). Ulur-, biblio., Index. (At head of title: A~jul(,mlya nauk SSOSR. Inatitut
kril6tallogiafii) Errata alip innerted. 3,U0() coplc.-. printed.
7011~C Ir optic material, optic er-
ynLii~, optic glass, plaGtic leno
.;F A CCU'-1:-7v,~.1; ';'ne br,), ~, i to 1.1w ;)roportien of (n-jrtaLlin- rub-
GtR11COC, WhiCh Url. M-):.t 'n1portant f-- U ,, A:; )pticstl ma"Ierials in Infrared terlo,oloirt.
it contain.. data or, optical, thonn.;tI, elec'rllrfil, an(I ot)ipr charri-.-
Irtics. which art- ;,ocesmiry for iv- liti ti-~.ntlon of' the.-,p rvocria'.-.
r, e c e ss ary (1,~ t ta, w hil c h ar e r, c at t o r e (I i i i~:, ~, -,- ~; nzl:-, r-
bc(~n j,;atherrd !.oj.-ether and ':4 iuktc;,, u -, w,i i cn ar- N all-
frared 'techniqiies, or are qiiite pron,.;~~,,, W) U1111-
4sir. of tne JarFe iiu,-,;ber of lil 'vrr,' all'o the uiont Interest-
k r, 'J.f. "fstnl & a handbook with the
tyws of i~.JA513 and
t~hs,ructerlntic..-~ of Ivncrlbod In letall. Authorn tire grate-
;,v,_,L to L. D. t-,~-,ayu&ly for Yuiuaijiv. novice! lin(l remarkr., Profersor M. V. Klitalien-
for vulual-ile criticiLl remttrkn, and 1. m. ~;Wyentrova and L. A. 11hkivt%jov
~or help with the work.
J uDc: 548.o L~35/~39
ACC Nil,
PAALE OF [abridged):
Foreword - - 3
Ch. 1. Optical materials for infrared a,)i)lications
Ch. JI. CharacteristieG of optical nYLteriuls 15
C"-I. Ill. Comparative characterinticii of optiml rnaterlaIG 20
Ch. TV. Conntruction of hjuidbook
Literatui-e N7
Index 331
BUD CODS: 1-1, 20/ SUM DAIS: 20.Apr,~5/ ORIG R:Ei: 070/ Oni REF: 641
Card 212--
PETP.i' . , I. ~ . ; ., .:,. - ~ ;, I . ~J.
P'. , ;-!.%, i . . " . I i. " I - . - ., * -7. - : , . ~ zi; ~e F. *- r. I G
." . A ; _- ":- ~ -, I I 1- 5. (~~:~-.A 18:8)
PETRWL,_I.-I., dotsent; -;P~i,;TSOV, G.N., inzh.; SITNIKCIV, N.B., inzh.
Pe~ 'atinj
TLU I - K' e'tower ccrsf.9'-e--7 Of L'e rct-ary =-ec? 'an4s= =--or
or, the .5".. -:.., 'Zi. vys. ucheb. zav.; gar.
- no. I,): i46-11 1)1, 1,,4. (MIRA IF: ' )
1. Sverdlo,iskiy gorn,,y "-suitut imeni V.V. Vakhrusheva. ',~ekom-n-
dovana kafedroy 7ornoy elektrotf~khniki.
bor 1 :3 F~l - I " It
kar; .
~a t I o riti rj~ 0 3
ud ri r, v ric
I ~lft ov :-k 1"I v
j i I it s lid 1. *, : i 01 T.It It I
-joy, 1 V
Selective dust crollee!tion in the boring of rolea.
ugoll.shakh. 4t121-133 164. (!f~ RA I F: I )
PAVLENKO, Yti.p. , ir -r,. ; PFTROV, I i . , k a nd . tek~n. nauk
Applicftt.irr. -, ' wFiter air eject-r-9 f-r -om-bat'l-!g Ug')!'
4C, no.l:o--~- I -In t65. MIRA '1-4'
1. Vost,crmyy nq,lc-nnr).-isgle(i-vatelt!3kiy in3titut po
bpzona3n-.e*'. rab~)- v girnoi ;, myvi'-nn
PFT7011, 1. 11. , V Fir) I. t.-khr. n,mk ; ',A L' FF. i IN , A. I., Ir Find. *eklin.nauk
. I- .
,er I ml ;I ;is.- ~ ,tj I r.W . 3~!-,, i . f , I!)" fm~- " . I , C, .". ,
~ v ,
J1 '63. -AA ~ Is
PAV1,Eh'KO, Y, . P. , in zh. i I ET?DV, I. P. , j nzh.
Results of controlling d,ist d,iring development working witt
the help of a cutter-losider. Vgol 1 39 no. 3:62-6." ',IV ' 64.
(MIRA P:51
1. Vostochnyy nauchno-is9ledavatel'skiy institut jr,
bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti.
AROINV, :-. I. Kand. tekhn. nauk. dots. lieuchno-iseledovatellakly Institut To
stroltalletvu Minigtergtvp neftypncy nromynhlonnosti i KA%E?3HTh;IN. A. q. -
Kand. takh. nauk. i DOiGOV. V. K. - Inzhener I F'7-,TR-OV,_I. '-.- - Inzhener
Izuchenlye naT)ryezh,,niy v krivollneynykIi uchpatkAkh trub)Tr,)vr)dov a uchot-)m
zaahchlemlonlya v grunte. Pego 61)
PETROV, I.P.,inzh.,laureat Stalinskoy promli.
Invoutiguting the state of streso In p1peiines during conatriction.
Tnuiy W113troinofti no-5*5-34 '5 1. (MIRA 12, ?. )
(Pipelines) (Strains and atreenes)
PITROV. I.P..Inxh.,Iaurqat Stalinskoy premij; DOLGOV. V-K-,inzh.,1aureat
Stalinakoy premli
Cold bending of pipes directly on the nippline-laving site.
Trudy VIIIIStroinefti no.5:85-93 153. . (MIRA 12:2)
(Pipe bending)
PMI(YV, I.P., lanrest Stnlinnkoy premit I-andicint tekhnicheskikh nan),.
Method for cnlv',11't1r4: oil nnd Iran pipoglinne tj),irw. nrtuPl r)perAtl"
condItIons Into conalderntion. Trudy VW11 Strolnefti no.6:6i-8i 5jk.
(m.LRA in:1)
(Patrolmun-Pipelinna) (Gns, NaturAl--Pipelines)
ICAMIR THYN. I.G., laureat StalinBkoy premil; PETROV, I.P., laureat
Stalinskoy premli.
Building steel pipelines constructed of spiral welded pipes.
Strot.prom.32 no.12:36-40 D154. (MLRA 8-3)
(Pipe, Steel)(Pipelines)
PITROV I P laureat Stalinskoy premii; KAMERSRrM. A.G.. laureat Stalin-
skov, premii; DOLGOV, V.K., laureat Stalinskoy premil; SWITO. 1.K.,
kandidat takhnicheskikh mauk. redaktor; TOKKR. A.M.. takhnichaskiy
[Calculation of steel pressure pipe strength] Raschet napornykh
stalIny1ch truboprovodov na prochnost'. Moskva. Goo. Izd-vo lit-r.7
po atrottelletvu i arkhitekture. 1w. 165 p. (KLRA R:7)
(pipe. St"el)
GOLOVACHIM. L.P., Inzhene r~_~~Ov, I.P., kitndi&t t ekhnichesirikh notuk;
KUZINTN. K.G., ilthener.---
Stressed reinforc*d multihollow floor panel with poettensioned
reinforcement. Stroi.vred. nef t prom. 1 no.9rlj3 N '56. (MLRA 10:1)
(Reinforced concrete construction)
GOLOVACHTV, L.P. , inzhoner; FLTROV,,_ I. Irandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk-,
KUZIMIN, K.G., inzhener. --
Prestressed hollow panels for f'loors with poettPneinned
reinforcements. Strot.pred.neft.prom. 1 no.10:4-7 D '56.
(KLRA l012)
(Prootressmd concrete construction)
MROV, I.P., k&ndidat takhnichasidich nauk.
- ,
Results of improper organization and poor-quality work. Stroi. pred.
neft. prom. 2 no.2:9-10 7 157. (KIaA 10:4)
(Precast concrete construction) (Petroleuxi.--Pipelines)
~,rslat.un from: Referati% zri r!ia:, r
M.-FHOR: Pet ro~' , 1. P.
TI I'l E- Investigation t)f the Stri-is Dist ributior it, a 720 mm P,t,
and the Performant v )i thv Pipe Layers ~n the Pr~)( ess C,,
Oss I cdov an iye napry a/. henno go so stov a ni~ it I r~ibopro, od a
7-'0 mrn i rabutv trubou~lad( hiko protsesse 't "Wci, Iva,
I-ER'ODICAL: Tr. Vses n L. ,i-i po str-%li o~'vekto ~et! ; gal ') r
9 5 7, N r 9, pp 80 1 i 0
~As rRACT: Bibliographi( ewr~
d I I
I I 1 11 -N
IV fill
0 1
krmd. tekhn. nauk.
la~ring :Apellnos intu ~r-)nches ir-modiately after welding long piT,es.
Stroi. pred. neft. ) no,3:1-3 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:6)
(PiDlines )
TMIN. V.S., kand. tekhn. naukL PETROV, I.P., kFind. tekhn. nauk.
_-- ~
Deformations In structures in macroporous ground. Str-i. tr%bcTrcv.
3 no.?-16-1p J'l 15P. (~ITRA
14 ( 9)
AUTHORS: Petrov, I.P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Spiridoncy,
,ITLEt "Serpentine" '.Jethod of Pipeline Laying ~Prokladka truboprovo-
dov "zmeykoy")
PF-.~IODICAI,s Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov, 1959, Nr 3, PP 10-15 (USSM)
ABSTRAM Geological cinditions make it at times necessary to resort
overground cnstructiuns of pipelines, as fLr instance in
crossing ove: ravines, swamps, certain river3)etc. In these
cases the pipeline becomes subject to such influences as those
of changing temleratureand internal pressure, which require
allowance to be made for longitudinal deformations. This can
be achieved either by the insertion of special compensatory
(U-shaped) sections, or by a method, which prevides for the
pipeline to be laid in a serpentine, or wavG form, with
half-a-wave extending ovE:r a distance of 100-250 m. The
pipeline rests on so called dead aupportatwhich permit of no
movement of the pipelino;and on intermediate or movable sup-
ports on which the pipeline is hinged, permitting a length-
Card 1/2 wine shift of the pipe. The ovorground pipeline construction
PETROV, I.P., inzh.; RIVKIR, G., lnzh.
Drilling rods made of pipes. Bazop.truda. v prom- 4 no.6:2-4 Je 160.
(MIRA i4:3)
(Boring macni-nery)
1,EM)V, I.F., icand.tekhn.nauir; SFIRIWIAJV. V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk
Construct)ng suspension croseings without coopeastiting for
longitudinal deformations Stroi. tr,bo-prov. 5 no.7:8-12
JI '60. (HIBA 1): 9)
PETROV, I.P., kand.takhn.nauk,- SPIRIDONOV, V.V.Aand.tekhn.nauk
Above-ground crossings with angle tx3nds. itroi. trubopro-v. ~
no. 2:6-9 F 161. 14; ~,,
PETROVY I. P., kand. tekhn. nauk; SPIRIDON011, V. V., kand. tekhn. nauk
Design of the supports for lay-ing pipellmes above groufd.
Stroi. trubaprov. 8 M0,4212-17 Ap '63. (MIRA 16:4)
1. Voevoyuznyy nauchmo-Isslodarvatel'skly institut po stroitell-
stvu magistrallsykh truboprovodov (for Spiridonov).
(Pipelines-Design and constructicn)
GW amwilanious Foundry processes
1/1 Pub. 61 - 5/2j
Wbon Petrov, I. P.
"me I Arrangement for the preheating of cupola air-blast
Vftledl~4 # Lit. proizv. 3, 12-14, May-June 1954
Abetrwd g A special arrangement for the heating of cupola blast-air of foundry
furnaces is describmd. The mode of operation of this arrangement
(regenerator), is explained. Graphs; drawings.
Institution : ...
Submitted S 00.
'Making nodWized trog- In it cupola callectar. P
melted stmwl, collected in the forchemiz. frtcd from dall.
and AIS contained Its a Wit Ii Immemd in. the metal. Since
heatm. of the lotthenrth is low In 0, and Its covet prevents
Contact with the 4tm the method provides a perfectlysafe
PATROV, lVan Prokhor i h TRAUTIMMG. B.P.. kaadidat tekhnichaskikh asuk.
TN. L.Ye.. redaktor; SHCKZR AKOV. A.I..
takhnicheoiciy redaktor
LProduction of high-streagth magnesium cast iroal Proizyodetwo vysoko- 14
prochnogo magnievogo chuguna, iz opyta Sysranskogo gidroturbinnogo
zavoda. Pod red. B.F.Trakhtenberga. CKuibyshev] Kuibyshevskoe knizh-
aos izd-vo. 1956. 42 p. (KLRA 10-9)
(Gast iron-Ketallargy)
AUTROR I ~etrov, J.i, -4neineer,
TITLE: An Improved Methol ~,f Nlhgnesium rreatment of agt lr~,n in a
Receiver (Usovi~-rshenstvovaniye metcda mcdifik~ttsii cn-;Cuna
magniyem -r ko~i'!,ikp)
PERIODI~ALi Li teynoye I r,, i zv,,dzi t,/,) I lj'~ F3 Nr pp I I
ABSTRACT% The 3yzranekiy zav,-d tyazn4logo mashinostroyeniya (,~yzran'
Heavy Machine building ilant) has already produced Gver -1,00ct
of machine-part-~ustings of cupola iron, midified Ly metallic
magnesium (addqd in shells Jirectly into the cupola rereiver;.
before the !Y,oderniz-ition of the plL-rt 's :7uT--)1a Nr , JQscrited
In this arti~ Ic -,iqtngq wern only nL(.e F ~Pl 'he
Jesip-.n of t.,.e n-w ver, qri,! i ts T.,-ne6-4,J:r ,;hf. 1 1 .rP illu-
strated. Trit sr.~." 1 to -*,.;i:-i,,e-J Y;it-. ma,-n,s- ri-
different bi-,P !'r.)-n t few ~-.rams
2his is npc,2su~,ry t--~ rssiire t-1: rDrma'i-~n iir, v,Ai, rs
imm-idiately fl-r z~ ~f lt,e tit,, L'I ti 1 ,1 r.~
,.j n I I o r m -i r t h e r -; 1i o - f rm;i t r t ~. r t ' 7- -j r,
t P, ri-j t'. t I r -r.e ~4: -L v -i;~ r
t r.f-, me ta 1 7~L e 9 1 .3 t r f, r .
,ard I,/;f F-r inqtur -e, snp' -.f ',,:. k,-
., - --, - -, -, - t
An Improved Aethod f 'ils*. lr~dn ir. a .-: i v, - -
a r c v 1 1 wlh r,:) -h s r. r h r, f e r (, r. ri r gng
tle sf~e; 9 y ~)u t t (,m th
t, cles r-f mm i fr-P ~..e*raticn :),,' zz, r.,
the stel I
r:,ere kiril
AVAILAbLLi ~,ibrury -.f
Card 212
L 5420-66 EWT(1)
ACCESSION NR: AP5017913 UR/0051/65/019/001/0151/OIL53
'465, A _1/
AUTHORS: Petrov, 1. Pj Grechushnikov, B. N.
TITLE., MO-50graphic method of recording In Fourier spectrometg
SOURCE: Optika I spektrookopiya, v. 19, no. 1, 1965, 151-153
TOPIC TAGS: spectrometry, photometric analysis, Fourier spectrometer,
radiation spectrometer
ABSTRACT: After briefly describing the principles underlying Fourier
spectrometry, the authors indicate that instruments based on the In-
terference of polarized beams produced by double refraction In a
crystal have superior transmission (luminosity) than apparatus of the
Michela(,n interferometer type. In particularit is recommended to
photograph the interference pattern obtained when the entire wedge is
illuminated by a parallel beam of the light under study, and then make
a photometric analysis of the photograph of the interference pattern.
To test the photographic method of recording In Fourier spectrometry,
the authoisconstructed a breadboard device which enabled them to
Card 1/2 UDC: 535-33:517-512.2
- ------------ - ---------------------------------------- . 0 VIO/ 0 A?
L 5420-66
analyze emission of not too complex spectral composition in the visible
portion of the spectrum. The emission chosen for study was the lumi-
nescence of Rhodamine S. The interference pattern was recorded with
panchromatic photographic plates and the true emission spectrum, as
reconstructed from the.measurement data, was found to be quite close
to the measured spectrum. The method is especially recommended for
high-speed emissive processes and for spectra of low-intensity astro-
nomical objects, since the accumulation of the signal afforded by the
photography is then very useful. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 004
Cwd 2/2
Ivan Proki.orovich; :,. , r-,