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R R -m a It tj 4r. LIUI JJ A ce c 15A silo 41 gj Ila FFI'Max, I. FETRACIfEl 1. 3tudents agAin. p. 2L Vol. 11 noo 11 Nov, 1955 ARIFILE PATRIEI TECOU"WGY Micuresti, Rumania So: Eastern European Accession VoL 5 No. 4 April 1956 PLTHACIL, L. People's avia'.-~on in the service of -)eace. -). 16 Vol. 1, no. 9, Sept. 1955 ARIPII-:,,, Bucureiti. Source: East huropean Accessiono List (1,LkL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 2 Feb. 1956 P'- r, %IA C W-, , L. Tirid Cirl. p. 13 Vol 1, no. 9, Sept. 1955 ARIPILL P-'7,,"LI:-,I Bucuresti Source: hast Luronean Accessiont; Livt lj~, Vol. 5, lo. 2 Feb. 1956 Fulfilled endeavors. p. 4. ARIPILE PAURIEZ Vol. 2. no. 5, May 1956 Rumania Source: EAST EUPOPM1 LISTS Vol. 5, no. 10 oct. 1956 ELYR&M. J.; PNTRLCMX, A. Studies on blood coagulability In peptic ulcer.Sborn. pathofysiol. tray. vys. 6 no. 4-6:286-298 Dec 1952. (GIRL 24.:1) 1. Of the Central Imboratories KM (Fead-ftgen Petracek, N.D.) and of the Internal D"rtment KUNZ (Hea!--Josef Havranek, M.D.) In Karlovy VW7. C----CHGS!.C,V4'IA/Human and Aniulai Physioiogy - Kood. V-3 Abs Jaur : Ref Zhur - Bio-., No Author : J. HavrAnek ana --'. Petracek Tnst : Title : Chunges ill D.I.03C C~otting in Xyocardiru Infraction Before and fh~ring AnticQagw-ant Therapy. 1)rig I~ib : Vnitrni lekarstv-!, cl5y, 3, No 5p 1185-395 Abstract : N) abntract. Card 1/1 PWRACEK. B. Occupational pulmonary diseases. Pracovni lek. 2 no.4:189-195 15 Sept 50. (CTAL 20:4) 1, Of the Institute of Industrial Medicine (Head-H.Petracak, M.D.) in Karlove Vary. FWL)wm, B. :~. I " Placezent of allicotics In caraiste and glass Industry. Pracayni lak. 2 no. 6:318-32k Doc 50. (CLML 20:6) 1. Of the Institute of Industrial Kedicine (Head--N.Petraclsk.H.11.) in Karlove Vary. In I u 4 C 0 EF G 4 X L 0 09 -IT IL n~llvqo WWI* an sm"I Aq pued-d 00- 00- 00- 38 13 a n ft a b 0 a a d a a a 41t, as &1 0 *- 0 . 4. , . . , , . 0 be 0 00 a so 00 00 dmm *-d*P* 00 J= wo won&" p p a 00 00 f4 m- q q I eo OEM k9mmugammM~ PXTR&CXKt B.;ADANN, J, Metabolism of blood proteins in pusumoconloses. Pracovni lek. 4 no.5: 313-330 Oct 1932. (CIkHL 23:4) 1. 0; the Institute of Industrial Medicine (Read-Bugen Petracek, M.D.), Karlove Vary. PLVRA,C . bigen "Momem - lh&*A*Wj~ Now method of determination of prothrombin level in blood. Cas. lek. cask. 91 nn.1:15-21 4 Jan 52. 1. Z Ustavu pracovnibo lekarstvi a z contralnich laboratort at. oblasti nemocnice Karlovy Vary. Pradnosta: MUDr. Rugen Patracek. (PRDTHROMBIN, determination now method.) PSTIACE--K, K. "Czech contribution to t~,,e lkno-wl,z~dge of Etriiopians and their co-antry.11 P-55 (Ceskoslovenska Eti-mografie, Vol. 6, no. 1, 1956, ?raha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Acces3~ons (T-I;AI) LC, 'V'ol. 7, :';o. bl, Au:7u3t 1)58 S)282-)63)Ooq/oo3/ooi/Do6 Z32/1126 AUTHOR i PetrUek, Milos'lav* TI LEs Continuoua-Aotion drier for 3powdered -grained na -31 T and fine terial PERIODICAL i Referatiynyy zhu'rndl, Otdolla",vypusk. 47. XhiMiI0h09kDye i kh6lodillnoye nashinostroyeniye'j,no. 39,1963y 21, abstract 3.47-133-P. 02'echt; pat., al. 82a) 39j no.- 101974) December 15,1 ig6i) TMt In -the dTier~inside a stationary cylindrical drumD having an,~pper and a lower,horizontal paTtition made of apermeable or -porous *Urial, vertical blades are radially arranged on a Tertical shaft res.ohing1he surlaca of the,oylindrical drum and the horizontal partitions thus f orming segment chambers. The space between the lower horizontal part- and the casing serves.'for the distribution of the drying agent and the: space between the upper hortzontal pax'ition and -the casing for removing the: drying agent. 71= lower and uppervalls of the charging and discharge-seg- men blind.-:. Thi) :time taken for one,turn.of the ehaft, its. the -0ard 1/2 PETRAGEK, 0., Inz. (Praha); PETRACROVA, J., inz. (Praha) Effect of pressure on the luviinescence of zinc vulfide powder; barolminescence; discussion. Jemna mech opt 8 no. 12t 394 D 163. S/058/6Vooo/oog/064/069 A057/A1O1 AUTHORS: Petrh6ek,-.Otakar, Petrh6kova, Jana T'LI'LE: A method for the preparation of a multicomponent luminophor PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 10,62, 55, abstract 9-3-109d P (Czech. pat., c1. 21g, 13/25; 21a 32/54; 21f, 83/03; 22f, 15, no. 98266, January 15,*1961) TEKT: A method Is suggested for the preparation of a multicomponent luminophor (L), sccuring a layer with uniform, distribution of grains of the different components (C). The point of the sugggestlon lies in the equalization of the numerical value of the term r2(3-EI) from 13to~:ca equation for the diffe- rent C, where r = radius of the particle (in the given case approximately Vic radius of the grain of L), 3 -= specific weight of L, s - density of the solu- tion, from which L is precipitated. The equalization is effected by a preli- minarycoating of the grains of one or all L, which enter Into the composition of the layer, by a material which does not deteriorate the luminescence of the multicomponent L. The practical possibilities of the application of the sug- Card 1/3 S/058/6R/000/o09/G64/o69 A method for the preparation of a ... A057/A101 gested technology are demonstrated on concrete exivpples for the preparation of a luminescent layer of the kinescope of a black-white television not., which layer is prepared from ZnCdS:Ag and ZnS:Ag. According to the first variant the ZnS:Ag powder (blue luminescence) Is mixed with water to a slurry consistence and to the slurry added 3 ml zinc chloride solution (I part of weight per 3 parts of weight water). The mixture is stirred continuously and 10 ml 12% am- monia solution poured in. The mixture is settled, the water decanted, the re- sidue washed with water, calcinated at gradually rising temperature up to 4000C, washed with 0.5% solution of sodium citrate, dried and mixed with the second C. Afterwards, the pouring of the J. into the kinescope is carried out. According to the second variant ZnS:Ag is prepared like above mentioned and the second C (ZnCdS:Ag - yellow luminescence) is mixed with water to a slurry consistence and into the slurry added 5 ml of a magnesium sulfide solution (I part of weight per 2.5 parts of weight water). Into the continuously stirred mixture 8 ml 12% am- monia solution is added. Subsequently the process is carried out like in the first variant, but the washing of the calcinated mixture is done with a 0.2% - sodium citrate solution. In both cases an equilibrium of.the specific weights of the grains of toth C is attained, and as a result they precipitate in the Card 2/3 S/058/62/ooo/oo9/o64/o69 A method tor the preparation nf a ... A057/AIQI layer with the same velocity. Owing to this, such drawbacks'are avoidea a0 a nonuniform luminescence of the screen (in the center more yellow, at the border blue) and deterioration of the resolving power in direction from the center of the screen to its periphery stipulated by the fact that in the center of the screen grains of the heavier ZnCdS:Ag settle faster and in a greater quantity. B. Ya. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 3/3 S/Oal/62/000/014/020/039 5166/BI44 Ali IHORS I ?etrbo*'*-k, Otal-,nr, PetrVkovh, J'nna TI Usi Processing & multicorrponent phosphor/ PERIODICALs Rcferativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 14, 1962P 386, abstract, 14K13O*(Czeqhoslovak Patent 98266o-January 15, 1961) T M To ensure an identical rate of deposition of phosphor ooii,ponents on X a telovision,acreen the grains of one component are suspended in a liquid t a d coated with a certain empiricallS determined quantity of a lainineseent- 1 inactive smorphouc substa 'nce, which is insoluble in the dispersion M dium,and Otich adheres to the frains of the phosphor. After the grains d m h ve been so coated they'are dried, roacted for' >5 min at a to4erature v 0 lution (1 part in 3 p.irts of water oy weight) is added. 10 ml of 125 ammonia is then added to the mixture with stirring, the mixture is allowed to settle and decanted and the residue is washed with water and fired, gradually increasing the temperature to 4000C. It is then washed again with a 0.5cp solution of SOdium citrate and mixed with the second component. The procedure is completed by pouring the L into the TV tube. Employing an alternative method, the Zns:Ag is treated as above, the second component (ZnCd6:Ag - yellow luminescence) is mixed with water to form a gritty paste, adding 5 ml of a magnesium sulphide solution (1 part in 2.5 parts of water by weight). 8 ml of 12~4 ammonia solution is then poured in, stirrin6 all the -time. This is followed by a procedure similar to that described in the first alternative method, but the,mixture ---after firing is washed with 0.2~ solutiorv of sodium citrate'. In Card 2/3 S/194,/62/000/009/053/100 Method for preparing ... D256/D308 both caties the 8pecific .;ravit.ieO of the grains of*both components are equalized so that they settie down in the layer at the uame rate. This removes defects, such as uneven luminescence of the screen (more yellow in the center and blue at the edges). or an infer-ior resolution away from the center towardo the periphery. The latter defect is caused by the fact that ZiiCdS:Ag graino being heavier, tend to Liet down at a Taste rate an'd in larger amounts at the center of the screen. /-Abstracter's note: Complete trans- lation.-7 __ Card .3/3 5/081/62/000/014/020/039 B166/B144 takar, Patr&Ykov-,--J,.na-,- amulti.coimponent phosphox PERIODICALs Reforativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 14, 1962s 388, nbstract. - 14KI30*(Czec.hoslovak Patent 98266,,January 15, 1961) T XTt To ensure an identical rate of deposition of phosphor cot--.ponents on K ~d a telovision,screen the grains of one coi-aponent are suspended in a liquid t a d coated with a certain empirically determined quantity of a luminescent- 1 inactive amorphous substance, which is insoluble iq the dispersion d m m dium.and which adheres to the grains of the phosphor. After the grains h ve been so coated they'are dried, roasted for > 5 min at a temperature 0 5 0 and wasbed with-a solution of a peptizing agent containing o an oreanic compound or its salt. Example'. 100 g of the blue componprt f of the phosphor are stirred in water until a paste is obtained, then at rred.*ith 5 ml of a 3 X solution of ZnCl.* Into this is poured 10 ml of 1 ii, XH,OH, still stirring continuously; the mixture is allowL to stand FETRACKOYA. M.- JIROUSTr, L, "Polarographic Determl nation of Sulfhydryl Substances in Biological Vaterial. III. Polarogranhic Behavior of Sulfhydryl Substances in Serum and Blood", P. 26o. (CHEMICZ-P LISTY. Vol. 48, No. 2, Feb. 1954, Praha, C7echoslovaki~t) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (FEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12. Dec. 1954, Uncl. - Nj. - FETPUCKOVA~ Ni.RE- cmuiciaAbst. Vol. 48 A pr. lot 1934 (-V ftur delarminstin of thiols in blolotital ma- WWI rMt material, 6vato*k-l(ohling, Marie 4tuAlkovi, sud LuOk Tir;jpek1jUfth:dnf tna0kRa-Z IV, Ctech,). Chem. Uj1y47,I4SS,-MI9&7)~- 'IU potaxographic method was used for the detn. of thials W*Wttrial which Vchi tivicipate aA a rutr,~tinn occurrenct a en cin c goiter. cou ts o the dean. of 511 roinpds. in toniatoes, c2bbage,'and I"d beet: .11tt givim. In thr cabbage juice. a secondary wave wA3! :notktd with a vattotial mom net. (by than IN,' ent I ( C tua a wave. Both witvits lnctra"- on! standing ot boiling the jukv. U. "Nst"I to. Lddkk I sek, Marle Pwk&ova, an wStanislay Va out. Ibid. 1463-B.-The polarographic detu. of S11. Voups -nplied to pork liver and various kinds of pork, bed, and ve-, The application of the method to milk,- egX)otk, and eg; !~ui- ---s unsuccessful. M.Hudlltk~--- PSI" v 1ACKOVA, Harla Polaroftipb1c determination of gullbOry) cor;i~mdi to 06,1030'sica material. fit. PWarographic bebavig'.ar sult. hydryl CwVmods InAmm and blood. LoOk Ilrousek -and MariePetrAftes-4 (Ostiedni endArinol. fistav. Pratue. Ctmh.).-- Chem. Lisly 49, 2W-4(1954); cf. C.A, 4P, 4039a. -PotarGgrapbic dew. of sulthydryl,compdo. Is possible - only in deproteinired blood. Since it Is impossible to det the total amt. of sulthydryl comptix., m-:amtrtmtnts mirst be caffW out under controlled standard conditions Ord a certain traction of free sulthydryl compds. can i~ dtt This fraction changes with the diln. of blood Wore the de- ptoteinization, The pularographic Inactivation of a part of sulfhydryl compds. is due to the combination of sulfhydryl compils. which wa-i tested on the pularogmphy of giuts- so's Of i 00 Ar 0012 flas W, 20 0 ft 30 8 P 0 W 0 6) 0 A-A- 1. a A. P-4-t- e-2,7 Ihn oil :01V 6%~- 1, M. ow, ;ISO* - coo coo d% 0 400 Noe wee ilia iii liiv m 060:0096m:601:020000 0 0 0 0000 .0, v 0 We 0900 fee 0009000 goo goals 00 .00 S : 00 o * a god XOD a ,9,-* see fee goo see goo woo 0 899 to" W.". boll PSAADI -OVv All 410 ;F-& 0 a a -1 w a 5 .0 0 3 8 0.0000000000000000 00 PERMTIS, Albertas; SWIS, L., red.; LUKOSEVICIUS, St., tekhn. red. I- -- [Notion and enerQr)JudejimaB ir jega. Vilnius, Valstybine po- litines ir mokslinez litgaratlu-o:3 leidyk-la, 1961. 78 p. (MIRA 15:11) ()/~-chanics) KRIMS, Patras; - FMAITIS, A., red.; VTSOMIRMS, C., [Differential geometr7l Diferencialine geometrija. Tilulus, Valetybine politines Ir mokslines literaturos leldykla, 1961. 292 P. (MMA 15:2) (Geometry, Differential) BItUDZIBNAS, Povilas; PlJODZIUKA'NAS, A., prof.,, reteenzent; VXIAGAS, V., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; PETRAITIS, A.,, red.; LUKOSEVICIUS, St.p te.khn. red. (General physics) Bendroji fizika. Vilnius, Valatybine Politines ir mokslines literaturos leidykla. Pt.2. [Electricity and electronagnetipm3 Elektra ir elbktromagnetimas. Redagavo V.Vanagai. 1961- 405 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Electricity) (Electromagnotism) VORONKOVAS, Borisas; REMISAUSKAS, Hikalojus; SUGUROVAS, V. . red.; PETRAITIS,, A., red.; FERMCIUS, A.$ takhn. red* (Theoretical mechanical Teorine mechanika. Red. V.Sagurovas. Vilnius,, Valstybine politines ir mokalines literaturos leidykla, 1963.. 782 p. Nechanies) (MIRA 15:3) USSR/ Farm Animals. Q- L- Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol. ~ No 10~ 1956, io 45166 Author :-Petraitis, J~-_ Inst : Not given Title : The Importance of the Bull in the Improvement of a Herd Orig Pub : Soc. zemes ukisp 1957, No. 5, 19-22 Abstract : No abstract Card 1/1 FETRAK, Jiri,, inz,__ Effect of earth freezing on the stability of a stones. Geod kart obzor 2 no.5:96-99 ~~y 156. 1. Statni projektovy ustav pro specialni stavby v ?raze. AMBROS, Kilos, V.; PETRAK,_Jiri_, inz. Is the Proctor test of soil compaction really a standard tes6l? Inz stavby 12 no.10:432-439 0 164. 1. Vodni stavby National Enterprise, Pragu3 (for Ambrrs). '. Stavby silnic a zeleznlc National Fnterprise, Prague (for Petrak). TSELINKO~ M.G. (Zhitomir)i OREICIOV, V.P. (Ryazan'); PANIGH, K.I.; FEDOROVP I.V. (g. Kurgan); KULICHITSKIY, A.P. (g. Kurgan); A.M. (pos. Tovarkovskiy Bogoroditskogo rayons, Tullskoy oblasti); GALLGIVA, M. (Bratislava, Chekhoslovatskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika; YANOVIGH, 1. (Bratislavao Chekhoslovatskaya Sotsialistichaskaya Respublika); KADLECH1K, 1. (Bratislava, Ghekhoslovatskaya Sotsialistichs- skaya Respublika); -PETRAK, .14. (Bratislava, Chekhoslovatskaya Sotsialisti- cheskaya Respublika); PRITOKAp 0. (Bratislava, Chekhoslovatskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Re3publika); LBOV, A.G. Suggestions and advice. F~Jz. v shkole 22 no.6:62-64, 96 N-D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. 636-ya shkola, Moskva (for Panich). 2. Chkalovskaya srednyaya shkola Gor1kovskoy oblasti (for Lbov). YUGOSL-%VL~ Tono; FISLR, Dejan; and 11i,7RAj(, MirJan I Service of Infectious Djsc:_,scs of tile "Iedical Cente, V1- C sluzba Nedicinskog centra) "FOsil-lophilic Nellingitis,, ZaJ;reb' I 'b Vol 88, 140. 4, Apr 66: PP .389-394 stract: -n,-Ii s"frP-"r3' modifiedl, Case histories of 2 boys, boU, 7 5'T,',arsoj6, wllt~, E-03inophilic meninfritis; in both of t.1jen some helminthic parasitosis wjs suspected bilt coljj~ not be definitoly identified or (--or,- firmed. Treatment was sYmPtomatic. 2 tables. I Yuposlav and 9 'Western references. Manuscript reccived 2 Feb 66. 22 U arA V 11107 now'. MA"Ov j1h.j. rMul .itup Are. 22. 236-T(low-1he fro" cams ccalaing ebmt 30% Of bm. j&$,jjr~j. Thret b0 far %Mt -1 j.,Uj.I chg1majotp hk,4UY: 0 1 "PAk1w- wbk'b U"'M MM "I nw her" =." to Iw a monkal "aboble W I.M.m. AlbMisk it 00. N% 0 PAOINA'sk-Ol rM.111IM"t A *"a cyaz (4"n_kjAj (cf. Ijinorr. C.A. 37. 31117, ). (2) A cowN. Cd &W*W sulwf, OM ywk lwlb~l ittv""Pl1ml is, Pout I"= it Is a wrot. "Aid. on. 135-7*. Its ;;~;) &,or., what still in mob. in the pn- d mw- 11PS"- cb,"fla aAw fn= Won Ibrongk vioki to V"%. and olin Pudw by rwVTPt1M. IMM atoll IMMS "Miles. t". 93-V. its browim &"*. fwadws is forettrd %hM the wlyl devir. I - IVr with by.. howrvrr. Is h" INA PETRAK, P. tOesign of the electric-power plant in Opatovice nad labein; development of the project from the original design to detailed specifications." p. 118 POZEHNI STAVBY. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, No. 3, March, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EKAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959. Uncl. ";'TT" I ~' 11 V .. " . 1. ;. 1, it ~, . I.- -- . , ~ - - - - -, I ' Le'. 'in' -a' =- Cr, Pr:~ I` -;-l It -_w, ~ I-C." , - , :: . !7 1 7 nn, I - ~r - 7 - _3 ~a IV, PETRAK. Z. Improving the nuality arid yield of seeds of fodder and sugar beets. P. 3C2. VF-SrN1K. (Ceskoslovenska akademie zemedelskych ved. ) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 6, no. 6, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EU-I), LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1959 Uncl. FETRAI~x Id ek. i~. M, Effect of the virus mosaic infection (Beta virus 2 Smith) on the biologic value of the sugar beet offspring's breeding material in seed and root generations. Pt.l. Rost vyroba 9 no.10:1079-1002 0 163. 1. Vyzkumy ustav reparsky, Samcice. 14 PETRAKEV, Asp. Fiber optics. Yat i fiz Bulg 8 no.1:8-12 Ja-F 165. PETRAKEV, A. 'Fluorescent mic,amM, ie some pogsitilities of its application in jchu,,-,s. Biol i khim 7 no.5:56-53 164. PE4TBAEHILv-V, 1. M., Candidate Agric Sel (diss) -- "Delayed kybridization in the selection of raspberrien". Moscow, 1959. 13 PP (Moscow Order of Lenin Agric Aced im K. A. Timiryazev), 110 copics (KL, No 22, 1959, 119) USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. m-6 Abe Juur : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7~ 19581 30057 Author : Petrakhilev., I.M. Inst ------ Title The Seedinc~s of the No 4-15 Muromka Black Currant. Orig Pub Vestn. s.-kh. nauki, 1957, No 6, 141 Abstract The seccUings were aeveloped at the Sobinskiy Experimcn- tal Point in Vladiinirslmya Oblast'. The plant is resis- tant to Anthracnose, scorch and glassiness. Card 1/1 PETRAKRIM, I,M. Interapecific hem hybrids. Priroda 47 no.10:102,104 0 '58. (MIRA 11:11) 1. *lromekly plodopitomnik. (Hemp) AUTHORt Petrakhilev, I.M. SOV-26-56-10-26/51 TITLE: InterspecIfic .,ie=p Hybrids (L!ezhvidovyye ribridy konop2i) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 10, pp 102 - 104 (USSR) ABSTRACT- Attempting to increase the resistance of hemp to low tempe- ratures and insufficient moisture in the soil and to check whether the characteristics of the wild variety are domin- ant, the author crossed female, cultivated Central-Runsian hemp with male, wild hemp, with subsequent interbreeding of the resulting hybrids over a period of years. The fea- tures of the wild hemp proved very strong and the plants gradually reverted to this type, even under different soil and climatic conditions. The characteristics of the mother plant were lost, In order to weaken certain undesirable features in the hybrids, they were repeatedly crossed with a local variety of cultivated hemp. The resulting second- generation hybrids were found to differ from the mother plant by having a good stalk, and good resistance to cold and drought. The author recommends them for selective work, There are 2 photos. ASSOCIATION: Muromskiy plodopitomnik (Murom Fruit Nursery) Card 1/1 1. Hemp--Culture AUTHORt Petr kh SOV-26-58-8-29/51 TITLE: Intergeneric olylbrida of Rrj3pborry (Mezhrojo-~r7y.3 gl*-Irily naliny) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 8, pp 109-111 (USSR) AB3TRACT: in the article, the hybridization of raspberry and strawberry plants is described. As mother plants the Siberian Red Rasp- berry, the 7,uropean Raspberry, and the standard sort Marl- borough were used. Of the 12 plants obtained, 8 survived. The leaves of some plants resembled those of currants. In the second year, theplants blossomed. In the fourth year some seeds could be obtained. During further hybridization, a plant was developed which is winter resistant and bears much fruit. It had been crossed with the strawberry hybrid Miracle of Keten and Roshchinakaya. The productivity is 16 tons per ha compared to 3 tons of the parent plants. There are 3 photos~ ASSOCIATION: Yuromskiy plodovyy pitomnik (Murom Fruit Nursery) I. Rasp berr i e,,;--Growt h2. Plant.-LWR Card 1/1 Interupec-ific raspberry hytride. Agrobiologiin no.1:138-140 Ja-F (MIRA 11.2) 1. )Jh=omokly plodopito=lk, Vladimirskoy oblasti. (Raspberry breedlngY TOMOVA, Ana; FY-TT4JTV,,Ange~, Tecbmalogy and machinery in the antieroaion cultivation of vileyards on slopes. UY meM selsko stop BAN 4 5-21 963. nt,, 1. Al. I , - . , In ;~o *adovo_~,~,,,-C-, "gul I ~cd I i 1'11~ . 11 . J:oL'~hoznrrj (),00r:'-,'Y I'Ll - 0--0, 3 ') ~') 1;0. 1 , -. 29-23 I .. ;_ . I 33335. ')ayon Yr-,sno.,-ar- :'raYa)- S"(: 1 0 so: Lotovlisl "lurnal-lirj1di Statey '4;o1. :osl,:-,-a, 1(1,49 ,jj~ri. J:~Lo S 0 1;0 110 ? Ila PIT, e asp TODI- 0 tj Nov(' C; to -r2t- t ra- 6A 'T -r0 0;. 0 46P e0 0- V6t' t eal.. -~c 1. rcs - TO AS jcla 1. T e T05 ty~k T t eie as et, 0 PIT 0 ~tl 1~ lqeO-~ 5v 0 to 0-~ q, OT -tea, Vr rs~s crl)":~ITPY USSR CATSCORY 4B.S. MR. RZhBiol') .06 1959, 11"T. ORI G. PUB A B31M it CT In turnis of winter hard.i-ness 'U~L- Siberian rA razpberry dominated thf-,- parerit Corm bu'~,- In tnste and size uf the berrit--s the 1Llbaro v -,r _~ e t v excelled. Th;~ %uthor points Dut that he, hLs v~l- tivated fir.-)t gpneration seedlingS, by remot.-i :.ybrldizatlon, of rhich 13 seedlingE ~i%v.! been 3elected, among Lhleul 3 choice one3 w)-.ich ut h,er-, already been in- troduced into collective farin Production. -- 3. 'Ya. ,,,ra,O~voy 1 D : -,:/ 3 -40- WOVgL.;.PBTRAKM,,A'* .-, Determination of suitable kinetics in cultivating vineyards in narrow rows on terraces with a plough attached to the TIr-30 BDIgar tractor. Izv makh selsko stop BAW no.3t 127-151 162. GSTPOV, S., otarshiy nauclinyy sotrudnil,; PZMLAEOV, A, Safety moasures in coal tran.9porvition or ships of the merchant marine. Vor. flot 21 no,9-222-24 ~~ 161. (MIFL,~ 1/,: 9) 1. Makeyevskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut po bezopas- nosti raboft v gornoy promyshlennosti (for Osipov) 2. Zames- titell I~omandiru otryada protivopozharnoy okhrany Chernomorskogo parokhodstva (for Petrakov). (Merchant ships--Safety measures) (Coal-Tran.gportation) RMV, A. (gAbdanov) Harbor tugboats in fire extinction. P02h.dolo 6 no.12:30 D 160. (Harbors-71res and fire prevention) (HIM 13:12) (Fireboats) KAMHX0V A.S.,-kand.tekhn.nauk;J% inah.; ANTONOV, Ye.G., zi:~ah.,- SMIMOVp A.G., inzh. Use of 25K4SNVFA high-strenkl& steel for high-pressure vessels. T'r Svar.proizv. no.1.33-34 Ja 63. (MIRA 16-12) (Chromium-nickel st$81--Welding) (Pressure vessels-Welding) OVCHAROV, F.F., in2honer; PATMOV, A.G., inzhoner. Heat-ranistant inBulation for rotor windiW of large turbo- generators. Xlek.eta. 25 no.7:30-31 JI 154. (MLRA 7:8) (Wnamos) (Blectric insulators and insulation) PETRAKOV, A,I,. inzh. Dverhead installations with wedge eye ringes Ugoll Ukr. no.6:30-32 je 961. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Dongiprouglemash. (Hoisting machinery) BILTY, Tasilly Dmitriyovich; LTSU, Georgly Dmitriyevichi 12obratatel'; ."MUOT4 Alskeendr:Ivenovich,', laureat Stalinskoy pramil; DOY.A30U. G.B., red.1zd-va; PROZOROTWYA. T.L..; BMYRITA. 2.A., [Mims parachutes] Shakhtnye perashluty. Koskva. Goo.nauchno- t9khn.Izd-vo lit-ry po gornowu delu, 1960. 316 p. (mm 14:4) (Mine hoisting-Safety appliances) LTSAX. G,D.; PY-TRhKOV, A.I. Catchirke, device for the care of a mine hoist. Gnr. zhur. no.F,1:61 Ag 159. (Mine holsting-Safety applieances) (MIRA 11 9) LUBNIN, Aleksandr Illich., inzh.; LlbE111-1AN, Semen Ahramovich, inzh.; SKAZHMK, Georgiy Dr-itriyevich, inzh.; MILLER, Viktor Yakovlevich, inzh.; MPAKOV., Andrey Iyanavich, inzh.; USHAKOV, Nikolay VAD'YAYEV, Gavriil YUkhaylovich, inzh.; TI14NANSKIY, Sammil Yakovlevich, arkh.; KIKIN, A.I., doktor tekhn. nauko prof., red.; BEGAK, B.A., red.; SHERSTNEVA, N.V.., tekhn. red. [Designing buildings and structures for metallurgical plants) Proektirovanie zdanii i sooruzhenil metallurgicheskikh za- vodov (By] A.I.Lubnin i dr. Moskva, Gosstroiizdatp 1963. 321 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Gosudarstvenn~7 institut proyektirovaniya metallurgiche- skikh zavodov (for Tiryanskiy). 2. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu, iL;sledovaniyu i ispytaniyu stallrykh konstruktsiy i mostov (for Petrakov). 3. TSentrallryy nauchno- issledovatel's'kiy i proyektno-eksVerimentallWy institut pro- n,yshlennykh zdaniy i sooruzheniy kfor Ushakov). i on .; tar, 1, 4 1 C I ~.I'jy J'A DOI ANSK17 Yu~~,-,f !'Al A; rily! [3y] S.I.Kaldsh i dr. Moskva, 1;efll-ij, -- - Prevention of intestinal infections among children In rural areaii. Fedistrite no.4:66-'('2 Ao '57. (KIRk. 10 11)) 1. Is Seratovskoy rayonnoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheokey stantall Odeaskoy oblasti (glavnyy vrach B.D.Petrakov) ( INTE5TINRS- -1) 1 -*.AAbEb) (PUBLIC 1EALTH, RURt~L) PITRAKOV. B.D. Axperience in the organization of work in a rural district. 5ovozdrav. 1. Glavnyy vrach Saratovskoy rayonnoy atantsit (Odesekays obleat') (COMMUNICABLE DISMSES. in rural districts) (RURAL CONDITIONS prev.of communicable sanitation and epidemic control 16 no.9:23-28 S 157. (MIRA 10:12) aanitarnO-eDidemiologicheskoy prev. and control diseases)