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PEMOV, Ch. "KPIA-1*0" mounted hole digger. p. 27 MASHINIZIRANO ZEIC-DELIE. Vol. 7, No. 6 June 1956 Sofiya, Bulgaria So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 FETKOV, D.; IOSIFOR, I. Dar experience in treating st,4ttering in a corrective logopedic cemp. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 60 no.7:903--904 160. (MM 44gl) 1. Ux3uzhnoy paikhonevrologicheskiy dispanser g, Tyrmoiro (glavnyy vrach Byrkashki)p Bolgariya. (STMDMUNG) Epidemiology BULGARIA LALOV, N.. E710-Y...-D., TYUPF.KCHIEV, P., and TODOROV, N. "A Summer Epidemic of Dysentery and Measures Taken for Its Control" Sofia. Voenno Meditsinsko Delo. Vol 21, No 3- jun 66. PP 52-55 Abstract: An epidemic outbreak of Flexner dysentery affe:cting 150 persons occurred in a military detachment after membars of the detachment did summer farm work In localities In which cases of dysentery had been recorded among the civilian popula- tion. Prophylactic and sanitary-antiepedemle measures had little effect on the course of the outbreak, whieh--continued for 10 days and consisted of cycles with a durat4 on of 3-4 days, with the maximum number of new cases-occuring In the middle of each cycle. The length of the incubation period in Infections with this disoaiie Is 3-4 days. -One may assume that the outbreak was due to lack of Immunity on the part of members of the detachment affected and that It decreased in intensity as soon as Immunity was acquired. The resistance of the person- nel to Infection may have been lowered because of overstrain due to training: greater emphasis on activities not requiring 1/2 BIT,ZARIA dcrobialogy. HyC,1eric Mcrobinlogy. F J~ Ab a Jo i L- : Rryf Zftttr Ho 20~ 1-)58) 1,10- 90874 Aut,ior : Paviov, StarL-us hav, Khr.; P. Ino t The C- .1uperior Agricultural Ina-zitute T~, " io Sanittu-y -wr, on 1 of Water Resources in t~,o rlovm Area Or i,-, .1'iJb Tinucl'..m t:-. soll-91.-mtop. In-t "G. DLrdtrtN,". L39-02 (BuI43,arLan; res. ':~ss-, Gar.) Abstria -t INTo abstrn--,- . -,70n 0 ard 1/1 MKOV, 0. lubricants for dies for pressure casting wA their parts* pe 116. STROJIFWMKA VYROBA, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol* 7, no. 3, 1959 Monthly list of Past Ew-opean Accessions (EFAI), Wx Vol* 8., no. 7,, JOY 1959 unclao PE-TKCV, G. We cultjivate local kinds of beans, p. 18 (Kooperatvino Zemedelle, Vol. (12), no. 2, Feb. 1957. Sofiia, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, no. 10, Octol-er 1957. TJncl. VABII&MO, S.; 0,5~ Studies of the epidemic of herpangina in the chilAlren's nursery of Panagyurishte, caused by the A-2 and A-21 Cc"ackie viruses. Trudy epidemiol mik-robiol 8t129-134 161 (Publ.1621. 1. Naucherwrissledovateliskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (for Vasilenko). 2. Gorodskays bollnitsa v g. Panagyurishte (for Petkov). PS7KOV, G. ; ?TATOV, K. Hemorrhapic fever in the Panagiwishche region. Suvrem. mad., Sofia 8 no.6:RO-R6 1957. 1. Iz vutreshnogo otdelenie pri Obadinennta grndaka bolnitna; Pana- giurishche (GI. lpkar: K. Kixzmov). (SPIMIC IIEROILTMGIC FBV3R, epidemiolog; in HaIraria (Dul)) PETKOV, Ou. The Krasnovo dams. p.3t. KOOPERATIVNO UNEDEUE. (Ministerstvo no zemedelieto) Sofiia. Vol. 1.1. no. 6, June. 1956 SbURCE: East Europ,-,,an Accessions List, (ESAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 4 no. 12, December 19~6 PETRO, G. I Let us take care of com:;%on property. p.35. KOOPERATIVNG ZIMEDI 'I-H (Ministerstvo no zemedelleto) Sofiia. Vol. 11, no. 6, June 1956 SCUr,CE: East European Ac-essions List, (EEAL), Libr%ry of Congress, Vol. 4 no. 12, December 19'6 PETKOVA, G. PETKOVA, G. Fattening poAltry in cages. p. 28. Vol. 11, no. 12, Dec. 1956 KOOPERATIVIIL) ZEMEDE-LIE. Softia, Bulgaria SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EFkL) Vol. 6 No. 4 April 1957 PETKCV, G. Earned a commend~ition. p-35. KC6PE.RATIVNO Z~1,1;Dl, 'LIE. (14inisterstvo no zemedelieto) SoMa. Vol. 11, no. 6, June 1956 SOURCE: East E-ropean Accessions Lirt, (ELAL), Ubriry of Gongress, Vol. 5, no. 12, December 1~-% 01--~~ --- -- - ---- .~o 1. ;%nuary-F*zr~f7 J~----- lzl~ I . "The PrObIOZ Of ?r-"SntIV- Jr. L scat's ty. " Pray aoscr X.1 . aARZu='I. C~Iftf f 4- D8 krtmollt 413 1.0 rf- 7F.I'o~ .0i 4 Ori-alation and tat :,.Istory of .Ollclno, ~Qmza.; P. 4-10. 2. "oa,zae virus ItialoEy of :wor%.* P !I- 3. "On tat AAClcj*Ml.C ~QrMAI AXd Tississ in ,.on and vm" ace, "t of 6"s l1rus LA~Crkurj_(moadd j-rvtvmr I.V. ?.A. xbortai~ Institute (?rOf*4%,r A.S. a0viicov. Mfdcl*or~, &asocv; p; 'Cancera" SUGstamom .a a 5jrro,4rtln6 ~odjua L04 =4 Poeal4lUZlea a.' ?roLl*.-LI~n ~kL i %A.,:;. 0. too cftcoloEica -.nsritut* in 30j".-P, 5. '&=bnL*a and ~ddlQLVA.* ?VQX49vor A. 3T-*5. locaups.lacal =4tasoj Jr. j4Ldor1a 19D9_1900.* jarcao rlR=I; PP 40-9. "Fundamonts.1 Probloz* In ~* Lazar Patacloey a' AltrIC419mrs.1 'Wer.;ors.. I'locant r--rtx".Q - -"Uo",v Mr Of "as Clinic ro WiNK ; fop 6. Wereati" Mediclad Wtta SOULL2 Cl-.-S-0 d~rlaE Load ProlUOtiOr MIA Ito Taar*pc4%14 &;p"ca;,lor, In too rr to at Cf C4rCaLO L-aA ?*Xmzi~EtE," rr. 3 of tao akr~;S TcDclt^.V. calof Patolcl&,k) in PP 50 39. -:no MAF_nost-.c a6rAficanca a: Cortoan jallcazcro top .cAneds in %as HISacr Lctl~lty in ;Ll I-Vtnt of old olael" V, ". I ,- P" Z;. V. S:r~. and- G. , , tao r I I,% r. MO. Clinic &or N. &ai-POL V. 4043 0, vita tat afalta ~rlt -.qLqlr.1uorY 12 u ado4 zY Dr. P;) 00-62. PETKOVP I.A. Chemical and mineral composition of the nechanical fra--tlons of deep and leached Chernozems in the Central Chornozom Prese.-ve. Ve3t. Mosk. un. Ser. 6: Biol., pochv. 20 no.6:62-75 N-D 165. (tCRA 19: 1) 1. Kafedra f1zlki i inEllorataii pochv Moskovskogo j-,osudar3tvC-u.ovO universiteta. Submitted July 9, 1965. PETKOV, Ivan, dots. Twenty years of Rulgarian pruvlmetry, 1944-1964. Spl.'3un.'~,- ~;,?; 9 no. 1/12:119-123 164. VULCHEV, Iv.; NIKOLOV, T.; )",,JKOV I.; NAIDENCV, IN. "NOMOW-K-0 I Arglorneration of manganese orer. Gcl-fchnik, '- rr.. '. 8 5-9F 162 fpvibl. 163 1. rt-~770 V, T - BBUVSKA. N.; PZTKOV, I., I In erraption in facial lup-as vulgaris treated with massive doses oi vitamin % . Ned.letoplai 41 no.10:1066-1072 D 149. (CUM 19:2) 1. Of the Skin and Venereological Clinic (Director -- Prof. L.Pb- pov, M.D.), University of Sofia, Sofia. JANDA, Josef, Dr.; PRMV, llja, Dr. .. Developm"nt of Bulgarian dermatology. Cesk, derm. 31 no.6: 359-363 Dec 56. (DMMATOIDGY, in Bulgaria (Cz)) ExcERPTA HFD1CA Sec 13 vol 13/5 Derrat010EY XaY 59 1 136. "I'l(LATNIE.NT OF PSORIASIS WITH AMINOPTERINE (Bulgarian te~it) - ;Iutko%- 11. , Botev S. and filebarov St. Sri. lies. Dermatol. and nvreo . IK V ~~nsl_ Sofia - SAVILMED. 058, 9/4(25-34)Tabies I Illus. i Thp authors treated 54 patients suffering from psoriasis with aminopterine. Tile close was half a milligram morning and evening in the course of to days. Twenty !)ahenLi were stibjecte(I to olle treatment course, 29 patients to more courses. The ititervals between the courses were 7 to 10 davs. The authors came to the following conclusion: aminopterine administered in quantities which approach tile toxic amount erased the skin affection in 40-80% of the patients. The curative effect manifested itself surprisingly quickly In comparison with the heretofore known and utilized anti-psoriatic means. The recurrences, how ver, occurred rather quickiy after the treatment was discontinued. It is the authors' opinion that due to the toxicity, the practical use of aminopterine against psoriasis should be limited and should be carried out only under clinical conditions with strict observation of all contraindications and with a most thorough laboratory (especially haematolegical) control. F'AcassiON NRs"A'P4024-335- P/0043/&/025/002/0263/0271 AUTHOR: Kalinkin, B. %; Petkov, 1, Zh. TITLEs Complete nuclear fusion reaction SOMM Act& physic& polordcat v. 23# no, 2. 1964, 265-271 TOPIC TAGS: complete nuclear fusion.compound nucleus. potential, angular momento heavy ion, nuclear fusion reaction ABSTRACT: The fornation cross-section of the compound nucleusa~,(E) has to be known in order to analyze a number of reactions involving heavy ons. Thomas (Phys. Rev., 116, 703. 1059) computed this cross-section in dependence upon the energy for a number of cases, using the approximation of a rectangular hole, heavily absorbing ions. Bat this approach Is very rough, since the interaction of the two nuclei is actually described by the potential. which diminishes exponentially at great distances. While more realistib models have 11ince been prq>osed, there are. now indications that the real value of Cr (E) Is considerably snal I or than that c6mynted for. them (especially arowid 10 =94mcleon). as evidenced by expe"ents in "actions between coaTlex =clel. when the heavy 1/2 ACCESSIOR M AP4024335 target nucleus does not split, The paper computes the effect of 3Argd angaar maments on the process of formation-of the compound nucleus,in reactions involving heavy Ions.' and concludes that the problem of the-balance of the completo angular mome;t In such reactions "largely loses its atutenessm in view of.the authoz-al revilts. Original has 9 equations$ I diagram, 5 graphs 43A I table. ASSMIATIOM Ob"yedinennyy Institut Yaderrykh Issladowdys Laboratorlys, tooratichaskoy fizild Dubm, SSSR (Joint Institute for lbalear Ressarobg Lab.oratory of Theorletical Pbysics) bmHMTED., 26AA63 DATE Am i54r64 RWLt 00 SUB CODS2 IM W REP SOVi 002 '006, 06 QW1 2/2 I EXCERPTA Y-FDI'.A See 13 Vol 13/6 Dbrmatology June 59 1633. A PECULIARITY OF LATE SYPIIILIS WITH A REPORT OF A CASE (Bulgarian text) - Petkov 1. and Illebarov St. Sci. lies, ]not. for Skin and Ven. Dis.. Sofl-a---9XV-1-t-M ED. 1958. 9/5 ( 105- 108) Illus. 4 A report is givea of a case of late syphilis, in which there was at the some time an enormous gumma he site of a child's head on the back, and an ulcergummatous lesion on the chest. These gummatous lesions developed in a period of 6 months, one after the other, and 35 yr. after the onset of the disease. Treatment with peni- cillin-bismuth rapidly led to cure of the skin lesions. Balabanoff Sofia PLTKOV) 11-1) dots. Tasho of dermatovonereal instituticr.-~ ir. l-,6l". Dermato verier "lofia I ro.1:4-5 t(,2. 1. Otgovoren redaktor, "Dennatologiin i vencrologiia". Bu I ga r ia No der~ree listed Det,artment of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the 11irher Medical Institute (Vissh Meditsinski Inst- itut), Sofia; repartment Head: Prof L. POPOV Scientific ReSparch Skin-Venerolwic:il Institute (Nauchno-iz8ledovatelskiya Kozhno-venerolowichen Institut), Sofia; Director: Prof P. POPKHRISTOV. Sofia, Dermatologiya i Venerologiya, supplement of Suvremenna Yieditsina,/-No 1, 196?, pp 12-16. "The Treatment of Severe Alopecias with Hormonal and Neuropl,~gic Drugs" Co-authors: BCfEV, Sht., Department of Skin and Venereal '.,iseases of the Higher Medical Institute, Sofia; ScienLifiC Research Skin-Venerological Institute, Sofia. 112 P~:TK GV - C o n t i n u e Co-aatnors : KAPNII,OV, St., Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Higher Medical Institute, Sofia; Scientific Re- search Skin-Veneroloizic-tl Institute, Sofia, PEKHL1VANOV, P., Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the HiFher Medic:il Institute, Sofia; Scientific Re- search Skin-Venprolovica-I Institute, Sofia, Kl:~YAKOV, Iv., Department of Skin and Venereal Dispases of the Higher Medical Institute, Sofia; Scientific Re- search Skin-Venerological. Institute, Sofia. 21? FETKOV, n.; FILKOV, T. Treatment of mycoses with grigoofulvin. Dermato vener Sofia 1 no.1:28-31 162. 1. 1z Katedrata po kozhni i venericheski bolesti pri WII, Sofiia Ollukovod. na katedrata prof. L. Popov). 2. Otgovoren redaktor, "Dermatologiia i venerologiin" (for Petkov). ~j ~ fik .)1j N MIX 9 T. 'ar %nd IDUM"en of (,()rlr ',o vene r Ch I f(r F-I "~mov, !-,., -- -* , , , - I- ~. L~--)f. , : -, . , - . - ,, . --Z ~-~ ~~;, r - ~. r: - ; ~ , , " . , - , '. , ; ~ , r, - , ~. i . I ( ~ ~ .. m I . I I "~ I'. * rin-11 , ( , "! f-: r) ~,~ r~ .,f I !I j v , - "- " I ~ . t. ] .. . .".- PETKOVI 11., dots* Twelfth International Conpress of Dernmtolop,7. Dermato vener Sofia 2 no.2:9q-101 163. PEETKOV, lordan Vocational and technical education in Bulgaria. Prof.-tf-,kh. obr. 221 no.100-31 Ja 165. (MIRA 18W PETKOV, lordan, inzh.; BOZHILOV, Grozdan, inzh. .L Construction of the roof of the main buildIng of the Maritsa- Iztok I Thermoelectric Plant. Stroitelstvo 11 no. 3:1-7 W-Je '64. PETKOV, lordan (Gorns Oryakhovitsa) Correlation between chem.1.9try -,, school subjectri. Biol i khiM 7 no.6-47 z.7 1",_ ACCESSION NR: AP4042966 6/0048/64/028/007/1207/1211 AMORi Luk'yanov, V. K. Petkov, I.Zh. TITLE- On collective excitation of nuclei in electron scattering ffieport, 14th -22 1969 Annual Conference on.Nuclear Spectroscopy held t~ Tibillal 14 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Tzv. Serlya fizicheskays, v.28, no.7, 1964, 1207-1211 TOPIC TAGS% nuclear structure, electron scattering, nuclear model, shell theory ABSTRACT: The cross sections for''inel'astic scattering of electrons by nuclei with ixcitation of colloctive,nuq~ear states are calcOated. The calculations are intend- 64 to apply to heavy nuclei to which the unified model is known to afford an ade- qpate approximation; therefore the "improved" Born approximation of D.Saxon and L. .J.Schiff (Nuovo Cimento,6,614,1957) and W.Czyz and X.Gottfried (Ann.Physik 21 47, 1~63), which takes approximate account of the distortion of the wave function by H thp-Coulomb field, Is employed. The transverse terms in the interaction are neglect?- edl this should IY3 justified ftt scattering angles greater then,60 for excitation of low-ly1rq lovela by 150 HeV electrons. Only quadrupole nuclear transitions and the 0+-%%& monopole transitions pro treated, ani the nualetir otates-are described in :Card 1,4'2 ~ACCESSION NR-. AP4042966 terms of the nonaxial nualear model of A.S.Davy*oov et al (Kuc~.Phys.8,237,1958; 12,: 58,1959; 24,662,1901; 27il3f,1961). The cross se9tions are calculateo both for nuc-' lot with a constant dens~ty,(shsrp boundary) and,for nuclei with a Gaushian density' distribution. The cross, sogtions for the excitation of the 9ITtat and second 2* lew 29 OX Ug24 ard the ort-p n '156 oy 159 MeV elec v e I transition I Od ,prona were evaluated numerically an examples 4Lnd'the results are prespnted graphically. The..cross see- t1on for exciting the second 19* love, of Ug2.4 was found to be less than that for the first 2* level by a factor of about-12.* Smearing the nuclear surface by employ-; a Gaussian density distribution exerted very little Influence ois the.jjj24 cross': the GdI56 .1 sections, but It decreased cross section by an order of magnitude. Orig.:! 1 art.has: 21 fornulas and 3 figures. I ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya. teoretichesitoy fizikl Ob"yedinennogo Instituta yadernikh Issledavanty.(theoretical Physics Laboratory, Joint Institute.for Nuclear Research~, iUBM17Mt I0.Tan63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP NR MEF BOV: 002 Omni 005' Card 7, 1. 7 7 PETKOV, IV. An attempt to determine the thickness of the earth's crust in Bulgaria by gravimetric data. Godishnik fiz mat 57:12c)-133 162/163 [publ. 1641 PE7KOV, IV.N. A contribution to tho at,iidy of tho Sko-p,lo olirthquako, July A.), 1963. Godiahnik flz mat 57:155-170 162/163 [publ. 1641 PZr.K1WP L "Insecticide fumes in the struggle against blood-sucking inBects and parasites on the deer." GORSKO STOPANSTVO, Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. 15, no. 3, Mar. 1959. S,,/' ~ Monthly list of East Europe Accessions (Er~AI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jtti-j~59 Unclas PETKOV, lordan (Gorna Oryakhovitsa) How I am organizLig and conduci'-tp, aV w.,)ric in tho cberalstry cirrle group. Biol i khin 4 no.5%57-.61 lbi. (Chemistry) PETKOVP lord= K. Quinine tree. Prir i 2nanie 15 no.5:9-12 My, 162. PLTKOV, lordan K. (Gorna Oriakhovitsa) Hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea. Prir i znanie 14 no.10:18-20 D 161, PETKOV, Jordan K. Kliment Arkadlevich Timiriazov, Prir i znanie 17 no. 1,, 19-21 Ja 164& --l RUSAKMV, M. LRuBakievs, 1-1.3; KIUUSTOVA, T.; ANDONCY, P.; PRODRU407, A.; r FRUM'r I.; 111MRARM,, K. [Gru=b%ravj, K.); PAGMV, S. Studies.dT the serum of some migrant birds in the presence of antibodies 00utralizing the West Nile vilrus. Trudy epidemiol mikrobiol W39-141 061 [pUbl,162], PTITTOVO L On acne methods for interpreting the opposite hodographs of the reflected waves in seismic research. p. 217. ODDISEUK. MATERATIKA I FIZIKA. Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. 50 No. 1 1955/56 (Published 1957) Monthly List of East Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9. No. 1 Januar7 1960 Uncl. PETTKOV, lordan (Gorna 6riakhovitBa) Chemical dictation as a form of appraising the knowledge. Blol i kbim 4 no.4:35-36 162. FETKOV, Iordan (Gorna Orakhovitsa) Patriotic education of pupils through teaching of chemistry. Biol i khim 7 no. 1: 29-35 164. P_7r KOV, L Twerrty-eight years in service to ailgarian forestr:~; for second time the hest in his profession; front-ranker of the district. p. 232 (GORSKO SrOPANSTVO) Vol. 13, no. 5, May 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) IZ, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 PETKOV, I. Petkov, 1. Let us follou their examr1ell Front-ranker ir. the prod'Lxticl! of saplin,~s. P.37e. J~Tol. i1, "o. 8, Oct. 1955 GORSKU SI'C)fW'91'V0 Sofiya, Hulf-aria SO: .'.!onthly List of "ast -Luropeazz-, Accct;sions, (i,l,,A.L.), J'C, Vol. 5, I:o. 2 February, 1956 inzb.; aTOY, 1. dote. VEMIKOV, M.,, profe OY Akademician Vladimir 1, Khristor at sixty. Izv good UN noA&5-7 16.3. 1 L Chlenove na Redaktsionnata kolegilap ftlavestiua ns, TeentrAlnate. laboratoriia po geode2iia." Z.Uv-Lhll , ZYe]N-u Tanev; PETROV, Ivan ZhelyazRov; L~ULRIJ,A, N. I., rec . (Russiart-BUlgarian dicionary oi~ nuclear physicq and technology] Russko-bolgar5kii slovarl po iadernoi fizike i tekhnike. Mosk-va, Sovotskain Entqiklopediia, 1965, 42) P. (Milot 18:10) PETY,0119 1.Z11. Amplitude of inelastic electron acattering on nu--Iej. TM. fiz. 2 no.31485-1,86 S '65. (wu. 18.,q) 1. Ob"yedinonnyy inntitut yadernykh ifisledovan.1y, LUKIYANOV, V. K.; PETKOV, I. Zh.- "Concerning Collective Excitations of Nuclei by Scattering of Electrons." report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Thilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. Mal (Joint' Inst Nuclear Res) VULCIIIIN, Iv.; NIKGILV, T., dots., k.t.n.; PETKC7, I.; 111',IDERCV, 11, Preparation of' fluxed manganese agglomerate. Godishnil, khim telch 9 no.2:27-38 162 [publ. 1631. 1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia, "God-ishnik na Klhimiko- tekhnologichesIdia institut" (for Nikolov). PETFOV,- IV. Determining the border surfaces an-1 the speed of layers in seismic investigation with reflected method. P. 175. GODISHNIK. MATERMATIKA I FIZIKA. Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. 50, no. 1 pt. 2 Monthly L.'.st of East Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 91 No. I January 1960 Unel. FETROV, Iv. On some particular cases respecting the hodograph of reflected seismic waves. Godishrlik fiz mat 53 no.2:101-109 '58/'59 (Publ. 60). FETKOV, Iv., dotsent; POSTITIKOVA [tranAlatorl; GANCHEV, G. [translator] Determination of the depth of Mohorovicic's surface by gravimetric data in Btagaria. Izv geod BAN no.4:93-100 163. 1. Chlen na Red&ktsionnata kolegiia, "Izvestiia na TeentraInata laboratoriia po goodeziia" (for Petkov). FETKOV, Iv., dotsent Academician B.B.Golitsyn as seismologist. Flriro-dda Rulg 1.2 119-120 Yq-Je 163. PETKOV, Iv., dots. At the meeting of the European Seismological Commission. Priroda Rulg 12 no.2:111-112 Mr-Ap '63. 1. Chlen na Evropoiskata Komisfta po soizmologiia. PF.TXM. JXI, KinBmatic analysis of the conditions for the recording of head- moot seismic waves. GDdishnik fiz mat 55 noo.2%7-20 160/161 (publ, 162]. DIMITROV, R., d-r; RAIKOV, To.; PETKOV, Iv. Methods of testing and computing the -noble and r&re-zetals and disperood alementa in tho nonforroua-maUl oron In Nlgeirla, Min delo 17 no.7s22-24 .11 162. I.-Upravlenie nGeoloah)d prouchvaniia i okhranalA'a zemaite nedra". JUADI.Jordan 11- Iodine in the nature. Frir i snanie 15 no.8:17-19 Ag '62. PMOV, lordan K. Olives. Prir i zranie 16 no.3z7-10 Rr~63. FETROV, lordan X. (Gorna Orakhovitsa) Role and significance of changes in plant leaves. Prir i snanie 15 no.10s12-15 D 162. -,P.ETKOV., Iordan (Gorna Oriakhovitsa) Ways of student activation in teaching chemistry. Biol i khim 5 no. 2;29-36 163. PETKOV, I.K. Pomegranates, Prir i zuhnie 16 no.918-10 14 '63. PETKOV, I.N. ---- Develop,nent nnd Dr-w-ress of the Seismolorianl Ser7ice ir tne Bulgnritkn Peonlelp ff(-nublir. Bjul. Sov. no netsm. no.t):19-25 Is?. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Ginvnoye geologi(-heskoya unrnvIerliye Bolgrnrii, Sol-tor seymichesklkh insledovnniv, Soviyn. (Bulp,srin-Seisnology) FSTKOVI, Ignat; DAKOV, Vasil C&mdng industry ir. the urban administrative and economic district of-Plovdiv. Godish pik biol 55 no.3:181-228 160/161 (publ. 1621. I" " 111~ rmov, :1 "Organiz,big the work of tlio f,)rcst in,lustr,, ~,n a level during 1954.11 (1 . 1) GOIL33KO :,T2h--'3TV0 (upmvloiiie na oto!,,:Lnstvr) ~;uvct) 3,, ~'iya Vol 1u 140 1 J ~n 1954 1 SO: East European Accessions Last Vol -2- ::c ~, Aug, 10,54 PETIKOII, I.; MUSHTISKI, P. Let us manage the forests of the cooperative fams well. p. 17. (kooperativno Zemedelie, SoMa) SO: Yonthlv list of East European Accession (EEAL) LC, voi. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Uncl. SOIOT3YCHIK, S.; FEMIXO~ , 1. -.1 1., - At the crossroads of air travel. Rabotnitsa 36 no.8:16-17 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Sverdlovsk--Airports) PETKOV. I. W. Ssismic activity of the territory of Bulgaria according to statistical data. Studii astron seismol 6 no.2:2DI-210 161. FETKOV, Iordan K. Means of self-protection in plants. Prir i zranie 16 no.10t 12-18 D'63- PETKOV, Iran, in--h. Organilation and direction of rationalizer activities ir, Bulgaria. Ratsionalizataila 13 no.9s 4-5 163. 1. Direktor ra zavoda za optiko-4nekhanichni priborl. PETKOV, lordan K. (Gorna Orakhovitsa) Antoine Laurent Lavoisier; on the co-,casion oL the 220th anniversary of his birth. Biol i khim 6 no.5:41-43 163. PETKOV, 1. International Conference on Forestsi, Czechoslovakia. P. 393. (GORSKO STOPANSTVO, Vol. 12, no. 9, on some aueElions of forestry in Nov. 1956, Sofia, P,ilgaria.) SO: Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EEAL) V, Vol. 6, no. 12, Decemher 1957 Uncl. 11 711,lil 7. vOrl- ," t~,r '.I)ci ~rt: ri'~ t;! dr; F,nter, rJ - r in tl,., intro f,-~ )-- :-.c,- (Icka 7o1. 7, Bu4al'lik' '~Orithlv HEMVI I. "Some comments on the geology of the Nedelinski nining region." MINIQ DELO, Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. Idi, no. 2, Mar./ 1959. S I? 1.A. Monthly list of East kimope Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, &un 59,, Unclas t,., C) -Y- r) V. 1-cl OIL; - n 5 t 2~, tvie 01% 0 ne- er, bCt";e t Ov. Of e 2-C, lie s _~ , 'I, 0 In e 0, airc _v es. 't ar, re, 01 dl-CC C oa- ce on C- C, 4 ( "I 'I e)rVcd'1-t pre-enc in tv etrj c T-,et _,ZLjsted d" 2: c s clu ~,e 0', Ct ac~ ef Or Of lea- b:11 ~h.c _Tmjean1-sc1 "! -re e asu-f ed yle rood T r1ce baSis ,.re Ca-d The metric 0- + the s c,,Ic,,at;--- Th', --uthor- plesen, -, Values Of LG- nd adjusted a, Irb.,-tractcrl S note: L e--e trans, at on, loc r,.--d 2/2 mmovs 1. "Strict execution of the 198th resolution of the Gouncil of Ministers concerning the economy of timber." p. 294. (Gorsko Stopanstvo. Vol. 9, no. 7. 5e:A. 1953. Sofi7a.) East European Vol. 3, No. 6 4 so: Monthly List oflW&U Accessions,, hibrary of Congress, _.dune 1951, Uncl. 11 . _ - ~ I- KULGh 13'EiM. _3?. , Fl'; fK )%, I -"Protectio- of uieful birds, one biologic--l me-~Ilod 'IQ fight hannful insacl.5 and ro;erits." Gorsko :Ao.-,,anstvoJ, -';OfilVL, VOI 10, .-'Q 6, IV54, I- 2~0 _)O: ~~_,:;tcrn Eurorean Acce:3s_4_),is List, ~ol 'I, :,.o 10, Jet 1~5., of 'On,-ress PETKGVJI I. Trends in afforestation of our countr,,. p. 193. GCPZ~YG I'TCjI'-A','STV() Vol. 11, no. 5, May 1955 Sofiya, Bulgaria I ao; Eastern Lurcpean Accession Vol. 5 l'o. L April !~-56 MTV, T. FETIYOV, T. lorm car- f-r colle-ctinlf- tn uso-, oil at thf- I-achine-Tractcr Station. n. 13. Vo2. 7. no. lci beta 1956. ZE-,"-IF-:-;I,IE. Soflia, Bulgaria SOURC~": East Euronean Accessiong List (E,AL) Vol. 6 No. 4 Anril 1957 FETKOV, I.; KINCIIEV, N. - Gorsko Stopanstvo Our Distinguished workers. p. 138 Presenting the Red Pennant to the Samokov Forest Service. P- 142 (GORSKO STOPANSTV0 Vol. 11, No. 3, Mar. 1955) SOj Monthly list of East European Accession, (EEAL), Le. Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept 1955, Uncl. MFOV, 1. - Gorsko Stopanstvo Work of the Conference of the Raropean Commission on Forestv held in Geneva during 117 m%YAWAhAIV'O Vol. 11, No. 4, Apr. 1955) SOt lionthly list of Fast European Accession, (MAL), Wo Vol- 'to NO*9, Sept- 195.5. Uncl. PETKCrV I TECHMIM Periodicilt MNNO DELO. Vol. 13,, no. 4j, JUly1P-Ug- 1958. PETKOV, 1. New graphic method for determining the effective speed on the hydrograpbs of the reflected waveB in Beismic investigations. PO 77* Ibuthly List of East European kcaession (EPA )-, W., Vol. S~ no. 2, February 1959,, Unclass. q.q 16 S'_ Petkov, S/169/62/000/006/026/093 D228/D304 -ome special cases of I-eflected wave hodographs To:) IC L L He-ferailvnyy zhurnal, ~ieofiziza, no. 6, 1962, 25, ab- stract 0'~_164 (Godis?inik- Sofjysk. un--.. fiz.-mat. fak., 53, no. 2, 1956-1959 (1960), 101-'109) hodo:7-raz)`.s of reflected waves from concave, f.Z -.,and 2onvex havin,; the form of a parabol'c cylinder, ar_~- -in- ves_._:ra~lea Igeneral hodo-raph equaTion is derived for tnis cusE;, e~.E; is an ecuation i.o r -~ n,:~ oariicular caze when the Cy- 4n-ler's 2hu hodographs of waves re- passes throug;i ae-.onLion point. .ccted I'rom boundaries of tne elliptical and the circuiar cyl-'n- drical. -~,y:)es are al-so cxamined. incorrect values of the effective ve_-ociiies may be ob-.ained if no allowance is made for -.-'-e curva- t-ure of -.,~e ref-ectin,.; boundaries. For a concave boundary the ef- ective velocity is reduced; it is exaggerated, however, when ihe _boundi~_ry ii convex. Abstracter's note: Complete transiation.-7 Card 1/1 S/169/62/000/012/017/095 D223/D307 &Ct'lCov, 1.11. TLITLEE: Seismic activity of the territory of the Julgarian 2eo,)lc's 'ae-;utjlic according to statistical data PZRIODICAL: Refcrativiiyy zhurnal, Geofi--ika, no. 12, 1962, 23, abstract 12A216 (litudii.-i ccrcctdri astron. ~i 5 scismol., 6, no. 2, 1961, 201-210 (s-amiary in '-"Um.)) T:-a',T: Detailed seismic chz-xacteristics of the tcrritory of Bulgaria are -iven, com:)iled on the basir. of macroseismic data gathered since 1092. The tc-critory of Bulgaria is in the -,j-'gcan seismic zone, which is apart of tho cxt(~nsive 'Nediterranca-L. earth- qua'--.c bn1t that is tcctonicall., related to the iLlpine-Himaldyan fold zone, where oro-cnac proccs-sess occur. In a gcologico-gcograph- "ulgaria can be divided into two parts - northern and ic respect southern - wh4ch arc dissimilar in tLieir geol,-gic and tectonic structure. B;sides its ova foci, northern Bulgaria experiences tremors from the Car,)athian earthquake zone. The number of toci Card 1/2 3/169/62/000/012/017/095 Seismic activity ... D223/D307 in northern Bulgaria moun-un- to 80. The carthqualce foci. in south- ern Bulgaria axe more active ancl ntmierous. Tlicy nur.,iber 150. '~ ma,) of earthquake cpicenters is presented. Arong carthqiahes that occurred in dif-.'L'crcnt scismic regions of 3ulgaria are described briefly, and their relation to geologic structures io discussed. C.Abstracter's note: Com.Acte translation-7 Card 2/2 LUXIYANOV, VA.; PETKOV, 1.711. Inelastic scattering of heavy particles with excItation of collective nuclear states. Izv. AN SSM-~Serjlz. 29 no.5s823-829 IV 165. (1,P3 RA 18 9 5) 1. Laboratoriya tooretichonkoy finki Ob"yedinennogo Jnitltata yadernykh issledovaniy. PETKOV, lor. K. 1-1- I-vi-TiUbloi modicinsil plant. Prir i znanle 1.7 o t 64. KALINKIN, B.N.; PETKOV, I.Zh. Reaction of complete fusion of nuclei. Acts, physioa Pol 25 no.2t265-271 F 064 1. Ob"yedinennyy Anstitut yadernyr'-.h issledovaniy, taborato- riya teoreticheskoy fiziki, Dubna, S.S.S.R. BUII,,Cv',RL*,/I.'tn-1 Cr~ttlc ~-2 Jour : R-f Zhur - Bi-)l.jl H-1 19, 1r,58, No 88075 j,uthor i Pet-ki-v K., Sertev M. Inst s 1 ~f Eyper-'ncntal Veterinary Medicine, BLO mrian ;',S Utle Ccrt--~in Reflex React.ons of the Sexual "'.Ij-,aratus 7.f the Cnw Ori.? Pub lz-;. In-tr~ cks-.-,eriri. vr2t. :ae,!.,. B"Igar. '-N, 1956, 4, 252-255 ,.bstract ', study was :-iade of the effect X a uechnnical stii-mlation of the clitoris on the functions ()f the sexual r-.prarttus of the c;iw. In thc or2urinental. [7r-)LiT) of -11inals (73 heaels)., aftcr 24 hourv vf observ~:Ltion, ovu:Lation was 3b- served 14.4 percent ;iure often than in the control group (77 ani:r-ls). The fertility of the experinenta-I cows was 9 percent hii~her tliqi that )I* tl-:,-- c.--)wr. of the c,,ntrol 6r~up. Card 1/1 Pat PETXOV,.KH. "The thAification of Hospitals and Clini-cal Institutions. p. 26" (WRANNO DEL40) Vol. 6, No. 3, June 1952, Sofiya, Bulgaria SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions L.C. Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. RETKOV, Khr. [Academio Degrees] Docent Bulgaria [A,rfillation] Chief of the Medical-prophylaotio Administration of the Ministry of National ifealth said Publia Welfare (Lechebno-profilaktic~inoto upravlenie pri MNZSG). (Source] Sofia, Sreden Meditsinski Rabotnik, No 6, 1962, pp 3-13. [Data3 "Pe*spectives of tne Development of the National Public Health in the period of the Building Up of the Oonnunist Society." t,ci BULGAR IA PETKOV, lGir. 4 'Ivell EICU='; CO'L-Itry: Bul,-aria not indicated not indicated Sofia,, LCqL7ii~y~a, No 2, '-'ar/-~,pr 61, pp 55-58 "knbulatory Polyclinics for the Urban Population." Co-author: IV.,NOV9 K., Sofia PETKOV, Koliu Denev Computing the rscil-ations in a ni,ist anJ cciiblc brFioling oystem. Godishnik ri)ash elekt 13 no.-l-.3')-46 '6'3 "publ. 1641j. PI"TIK.-N, K. Let us secure sufficient plants for eacl. decare. p. 17. X-)-)H~TTITIP Za--,3DK,TE, S-)fiya, Vol. ii, no. 4, Apr. 19Q. 5-): ~-onthly Fist of !bast Euroj-.e-an Accessions, (--'&AL), IL, Vol. ~, No. 6 dune l9q, Uncl. F13-TKOV, K. "Reporting for their Annual Activities; the Annual Meeting of the Ph.-Biclans Union of the Vulko Chervenkov Medical Academy." p. 1, (ZDRAVEN FRONT, No. 42, Oct. 1954, Sofiya, Bulgaria) SO: ~Ionthly List of Fast European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 19155, Uncl.