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j: 2ber ieft linva and taU='h6dj D) uI JAL lozd kchm" last.. 1jaA3= I for mdius of oL Is lamduced into the Play ylo4 the lowlt, a function is ubtabed, for, linearCialu m; Tl" e, the HOUMA law deem m with tip auwnx gior, Per.. wt, stud vrM ivhicb meawmments of, a gal affi gret bed thains Lsfactorily.- Withrejularly bmne tba ciponent I MTeasm steadily, - s3 requV- by gpts, on -L~ jwly(tnobvl ~ h ethybayl4tes)i ' - ~buiyleze, -Tht.. lransjtto~ %o the, UmItAng lAw with = t 6 C'~x oil, the We Clukin robir can et th* ala YUGOSLAVIA/Huclorr Fhycics - Nuclorr Power md Toolmology O-b Abs Jour t Rof Zhur F4-zikn, No 12, 1958, No 27085 Author : Potetlin Klrdnik R. Inst : ITOT-M-V1-R- Title :The --hysicri Prrvrotors of the Aquaous HomoCencour Rarctor no Functiono of Tompornturo vnd Rafloctor Thicknoso. Orig rub :Ropts. "J. Stofrn" Inst.p 1956, 39 5-30 Abstrnet sTho ruthors celculrto tho critiert! r,~diun in 1-,rss, for phcricr1 homogeneous rorctor of zero powor vith ur:-niizl on- richod to 20'1'~ (U02SOjj compound) with uodcr-tor. Thoso crl- culrtionn hrve boon crrriod out for vrriour: infinite rofloc- torr (ordinpry vnd hervy wrtor, grrphito) md for v-rious finite thickness of reflector Erdo of horvy v!:-ter in the ter, percturo r-nro fror 25 to 2000 C. Tho effect of thicknose of the rofloctor .,,rdo of horvy wrtor on tho ror.ctivity h-s boon determined for the crso of nn infinite cylinder. It turns out thrt rt zero power the critierl dirionsions of r sphoric~l rorctor with finite reflector ofhorvy wntor are loss C.-rd 1/2 jv, . n~_ V-424-R m FIN 0L3~1E.-kc- I Olt ;TrH A juirr) 1ILv,jgjU _MEYEL (R Irst. 11!pta. Mlut,1~4maj 3, tq, 61 m ~11- .6. uw ~q Poe vr ketterstion experiments. Ttoi ormroslott probte 01 in Itt i co-" Qf a b6modazeiao Tom6ol 3r t* apprev~ rittww 40 00044 io the active,02raWasal W41 the Ali i. aoluvou m allowed ba bo4l "Ji, th o, semrsted, - -StCILM tZkbir aAWUY %h6 flastan best- At taormtdjai4 pmir denair,~ the item On bt mepmw) from N Wiling oolq r1remil ispeoessary. n4 riKkic" tM ~ibl_ iiarmits i Din va Irsuoil the reiatitor'. Ry tw vartw I kivrel 110 the Oi M' jcic4 Mjusto4 $0 any pow- d6mu4 ai 4 ke rs to -"&*I r0": couipt Ibla.vAt Itm 04p" ty, m safety am by water )sck4nply. Isio" Ip my It 6" be 00 *T4 st ;W 0 Ot 6 - U pit - -A 64 6 r6actor. Cs Bull. scs fat vlew-4 ir- I ar,^ Bali 'Oft mwco oil im mwp. E=mmdmlv ML%v=MIMM~==!m go IPA R ffi--Afr~;q. recr--M~i~_K~mi~ 'I'r ~i r47C IV i , -.,t-- f~ L I IN4 YUGOSIAVIA/Colloid Chemistry. Dispersion Systems.~- PI-14 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Kbimiya, No B, 19157, 26"92 Author Anton Peterlin Inst lff;;7enian Aca(:iemy of Sciences and Arts Title *Influence of Tr-tnsverse Electric Field on Characteristical Ifiscobity of Suspension of Dipole Ellipsoids. Orig Pub Razpr. Slov. akad. znan. in umetn. Razr. mitt., fiz. in tehn. vede, 1956, 7, No 1, 17 s. Abstract The inotion of dipole particles in a flat flow in presence of a speed CTadient G and of an altermitinp exterior electric field E was investigated. The mechanical moment acting on every particle and their orientation distribution are com- puted. The rotational motion of dipole particles is not i- dentical to the motion of the surrounding liquid, in conse- quence of which there is an additional liberation of heat H. If 1 the solution contained N dipoles, the heat Card 1/3 YUGOSLAVIA/Colloid Chemistry. Dispersion Systems. 1~-lh Abs Jour :Fief Zhur - ?.h~miva, No F, P'il,~7 26352 1 ,Y Abstract -. ( 2 ) i s sa ti sf d f d I ~,ut th at th c- numerical exi-erimntal and r computed values of Qie ~ and 'k fact/)rs do not coincide. It 4-9 obvious that the cause of the discrepancy is the unaccoun- kint-tic interaction or molecules of the limid. ~;ard 3/-' Distr; 4E3c/4E.3d-. 4 u a --H--m4de of spatW distributi ns of the 2-group nep- ~Uysis 0 W tron flux in it homogeneous reflector. vitrious types 61 tim J,U) dependence of the flux at the reflector boundwy are eumd. /I ~. M. HoUjL- YUGOMITIA/Iluclenr IMysico - Nuclear Tc!cII1-njIoCy and Power C-8 Abs Jour Rof 711.ur - Fi?,Ilm, lic 5, 1959, Illo 10210 Autlior Pcteriin A.P Rebaric M., Stmad J. Inat Title Ubcdo aric! Transparency of RefIcetors in Ono -Dimons i -mal Two-Group Difl'usion Thc-ory OriG Pat Ro-pts. "j. Stefan" Inst., 1957, 4) 29-4L:, Abstract Description of a raothcd of deterrlining the scalar anC T erector (J) neutron fluxes at t,)Lc boundaries of au ply- layere(I reflectors and the calculation of the critical equation wit1i the aW of calculations of albedo and trans- parency c,f individual layers. Fory.-iulas are derivedL for the elenents of Vio albado matrix and of' the transparency matrix for separate spherical, plane, and cylinc-rical layors (in -L~e Calcidati-nis Uso is ma"Ie of 'Ulu tvo-,~,Toup constants). j'o))rwdi~ntion equations are usea, by uhich the aut-h3rs cal- culate the mtrix clcuent of the albedo for 1120, D,,Op am-1 C. Carc! 1/2 15 YUGGSLAVLA/Nuclear Phy!iics - Penetration of Charged ani C. Neutral Particles Through Matter Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, Vo 7, 1959, 15025 Author Peterlin, A., Ribaric, M., Herman, F. Inst Title Albedo of' Non-Horrjogenec%is r~ne-Group Ne'Aron Curre.-As (RS il). Orig Pub Repts. "J. Stefan" Inst., 1957, 4, 43-55 Abstract Use is made of oae-group diffusion theory for tne study of the albedo operator of a layer and of a hollow cylin- der (non-multiplyin6) in the case of an inhomogeneous nei;troii current. Us,_ng double Fo~.,.rier transformations (direct and reverse) the authors obtain an expression re- lating the outgoing neutron current Pout) and the in- coming one (Jill) for a layer of thickness d. Since ti-.e calculations are in jeneral very complicated, several particular examples are considered. For a "thin jet" Card 1/3 YUGOGLAVIA/N,iclear Physics - Ntclear Power and Technology C Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 7, 1959, 15C72 Author Peterlin, A. Inst Title Certain Physical und Memical Problpms in flomogenec-is Reactors Orig Put, Ve-,t. Slo,.,. ker,i. lru5tv%, 1957, 4, No 1-2, 57-63 Abstract WAnuxm imp I ic i -v 3-- pre pirt,. t ion nd vro,*F,.,F o re -i; Iii , i r~n. of ti mur I-a r- prnc,~ of' i hp r- ~,4 011 ,,'nr ire nosed. Card 1/1 31 - YUGOSLAVIA/Nuclear Physizs - Nuclear Power and Technology. C Abs Jour Ref 71-,ur - Fi::ik-,. Nc ', 1959, 1,5058 Author Peterlin, A., Klad,.iik, R. 111st Title Two-Gro;ip Caiculatioij of the Temperiture Dependence of the Physical Parameters of the Li&ht Water Homogeneous Reactor. Ori,, Pub Repts. ".J. Stefan" 1;,st., 1957, 4, 85-56 S i Abstract It is stown that in homogeneous reactor with a,i aquaous solution, of U02SO4 (2% enrichment) can be re~_iluted re- liably and sh,~t down by changing the level and by total emptyi,ig of the water from the container of the reflector in the Lei-aperat-ire ranGe from 25 to 250o C. Results -)f two-group calc~_lations of a spherical reactor with infi- nite water reflector is carried out in active-zone and reflector tr~,mperaturc_-s of 25, 100, 200, and 25,00 C. Curves are given for the dependence of the two-gro-p Card 1/2 .9 - rJuclear power Fiad Teohnol()Fy ,a,- pj-,yjjc yj;Gr,,,j,jVjjk/rjuc) f- Abs Jour Ref -2,ur - Fizik-A, Nr- ' L?59, 15~~58 cri.ti:!aj radi-c F ani the cl-itical mass cn the ratio cf the I.-'Iclear co,,-ce.)t1'nti.')ns -f the water and j235 f,rr va- te.-iperattres. %t '-,~O C, the ooe-group radi~.s of I - the 'bare" reactor 'Is 'L(--es than the correspondii,g two- gro-:p radiu-. This diffeccnce rav. be ne~;lected at R 31", cm'since it decreases with increasing R. At a tem- perat-i-e Df active znne a;id reflector Df 125, i(DC, 20C and 25,~r, C the critical mss equals respectively 1.2, 1.35, i-72 Ft:,d 2.1 kg U235. The rurve Df the 2ritical :-.ass the 'bare react--)r at 2)-, -' lies above tne a-nalogc-~s ve for the reactor with H2 C reflector at 2000 r. Thu5, If the water is re-mved f,-o-,r. the reflector at a working ter-.pcrat-ire of 20C, C, the re,~-tor is cooled to 2'~ C, remainin;_~ s-beritical. Levin Carl 2/2 - 30 YUGOSIAVIA/Iluclec.r Physic3 - Nuclear TechnoloL7 anO, Power C-8 -%bs Jour Ref 71--ur - Fizika, 173 5, 1959, 1,3 10219 Author Petorl'.) A Inst f 1-1 - Title Ibe Sphere Soctor React,,r Oric, Pub Repts. "J. Stefan" In3t., 1957, 4, 39-93 4Lbstract The author investirptes the effect of a conical shape of reactor (at 'Lar-,e cono angles) on the criticality. lie calculates the Cmmotrical parancter (D) of a reactor, witli a shape 3f a spheriml sector (hei(~it n, radius of internal sphero KI, rae~iuo of external sphere, F2) at various C-Iijes 2 ,'itat the nf the colic. Tbe liffusion eqim- tion is wri en in spherical coorilinates. The solution is of the folm ~' - R, (r) Y (y) (where y - coo /('). The Qllk!~-,Ular nji-tiolL of the Solution Y (Y) is expreased in the toms (if Lccundre functi,)r.~; 1) ~) which have the first zero at Card 1/1 0. For lar6e an approxi-rm-tion fDr,,.rLLIa is 16 Distrt 4E2c(j) rTwbSdmAFk tiuatim Cd solatioln., F. KiJE. nd Sillax" 107W - " ' - - n K 5 . 4 1 65-: suet ta. It 1j 1 T wrt. distil cbWdt)X bullon in unfractionated sallipacs of I via I I) 6 de"bul A lpitant (" 9: til xt at ga3ume I , D W-106") U~d cej7) is sadel duam to a, P . . m y The turblifityof the solni Is inta5w ed as a function of the ebana In the intensity a. ~mcattered light, The wattered Y4ht is dktc* propor~ 10=1 to the amount o p Id. poiyrm. and its deprademe '1U on the c) f W d it i h d U ig d . o e o v amn met s det . i p p I lib d b tit t d l f h f $ ( ca e m ospogrAeous ons a m nx so us, o ract y Anown ml. wt. and plattipS %tvrir mly cutvm Vmv%tbt%i , , !W4 Ww"n $be soil. of "Tdi'lls"I Oddr4 and tbl vt "r lonnit, snaking ptv4b)e the proplikel drin. ot - ~431 ib tim L l l mi mr% u les. Lon lo f . ~ 13 u Iq TH 11 " e c CALDC-op. COUNTRY CA i!Erop, Z FCTF a Distr: hE2c(j)/4E3b/493d 7 J ihe~aodynu* stsbMty of macromolocubt ar"I. V -4%W(& ) The influsus of the loqatadbW vIbratiarm of the cWn 116110 LtdtA- mduuIss. E. W. Rich ----hot Yof *A ) of a daW aPW omtdw 2 Rei-6ttry duWty (1 . . tem of opposite mUn wbScb both depend ca the Do. N of l -t 4 h b i l d f h b n e r , em ts e mammo n t e soa t sec on o . t s between the surfaces of the cryaW wbieb are perp-dicular ; tothecaxb. One tem (of pot. sign) comes trom the &.01 ' h N d d i h I% earenees w t . e ot tam emigy an et (wj.) term wim from the amputude tof the =1~" = whkh, opposes chain bunslatim to the to the t lcwjitcdIW thermal vibmtims of the 4 lot.! order ioeigbborm of any chat . the field -# b swea out. as smIgitude 4ommm with imemMag N and h the Ied. Imemses %vith N; As a cmsMutuft of the te ig ~ ft a mirm of swIsce ;mv wW lattke &M the f.ed. h hu h SO emn'. e t at a wto vaue w OurespoWs to t I dynamicaRy staWe thkim of the cMW. With imess- ins temp. WA mmdkr Intametion between adjacent chnin AV i polyethylene, and polytetratuoroethylene. R. Niamm- Pi:,Ti!ALD4, A..; idBAi,,10, M.; J. The time-dependent two-group neutron flux In a hamoguneous reflector (RS 7). In English p. 15 LJUBLJ"A. INSTITUT "Ja~_-'FAN." a-PORTS Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, *;01. 4 Oct- 1,-57 Monthly List of East Lropean Accewsions, (EZAI) LC, Vol. 8. no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. A.; 5'~RNAD, J.; RIBA_iIC. 1,11. Albedo, and transparency of reflectors in one-dimensional two-group diffusion theory (HS10). In English p. 29 LJUBWANA. INSTITUT "JU4:LF SfEFAN.11 RA-UHTS. Ljubljana. Yugoslavia Vol. 4. Get. 1957 Monthly List of Last European Accessions, (MAI) LC. Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. P6TL.RLIN, ;,.; RIBARI~;, ijz~t.~!,.N, F. Albedo of nonhomogeneous one-group neuLron currents (R5 11). In Lnglish p. 43. LJUBLJANA. INbTITUT "JC).'zi STLFAN.0 iiLpolas- JjubIjan2, Yugo5lavia Vol. 4. Oct. 1957 Monthly List of E2st Luropean Acces3lons, (66AI) LC, Vol. 6. no. 6. June 1959 Uncl. FETFj-?l B , A Turbidimetric titrat~o-i cif* F:0-1~ :ti U1.1 IJANA. Yujc)Ft;ivin. vol. h, Oct. 1957 Eonthly List of' 1~srt EuroncE-n Acci-;sion 1,C, Vol. nc. June 1959 'Incl PETERLIN, A.; KIADNIK, R. Two-group calculation of the temperature dapen~ence uf the pn,,sical parameters of the lij,,ht-water homogeneou3 reactor (&i15) In English P. 85 LJUBLJANI~, INSTITUT '1JQ,'i-,F STLKkN." RrPO1;Vr6 Ljubijana, yugroslavla Vol. 4, Oct. 1959 Monthly List of East European Acc-essians, (LEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. Pr-ILRLIN. A. The sphere sector reactor (116 15). In English p. 89 LJTUbLJANA,, INSTITUT "JC,Ln;F 3Ti~Fo-N." K6rUtTS Ljubljana, Yugoslavia Vol. 4, Oct. 1959 Monthly List of East European Acces5ions, (i~~,Al) LC, Vol, o, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. lDftffl" Of A MUMNY149 refiettor on the dimm- skm cd the I dWarmt fteriin. sempmtor". and~~ W, mefen'. (LA-tars, - awlish).-The mutor's crit. mdU arA the crit. Dias" of the U'36 therein ivere caled. frm 2-group diffmion theory for 4 suspension of S07o-emicbed UO* In Hght H,?O at 2D* and for the - m Ction System surroanaed by a rcfltctot of HO coutg. sug- waded M and held at 100'andat 2DD*. Areactorwhich s mibefit. at 20* without the reftector can be crit. when sur-~ i sounded by the UOj-llO reflector at 2OD'. It can be op- *vated at appreciable power d. and controlled by vu i the Pector depth. Clarenoe Heliki- YUGOSLAVD./Chmical Tcchnoloa - Miurdcod Products alld MUir ]1-,?8 Application. Food PioccsGin,~ Lidustry. Abs Jour : Ref 2aur - 10-,imiyn, NO 17, 1958, 59058 Author : Peternel Slavko - Inst : - Title : Scheme for Millin~~ Curn. Orig Pub : Proizv. i Drerada brasna, 1957, 6, Nr~ 3, 39-41 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 YUMIAVIA/Laboratory Equippent) Inotruments, Theri Theory) F. Construction, and Use. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8. 1958, 24949 Author : Peterlin., A.., Copic,, M. Inst : Yugoslav Academy. Title : A Double Capillary Viscosimeter. Orig Pub : Bull. scient. Conseil acad. RPFY, 1956, 3, No 2, 41-42 Abstract : Description of an apparatus for measuring dynamic vis- cosity, in which is elimInated the measurement of effec- tive pressure P(eff,), which constitutes, according to the authors, the principal cause of experimental error in determination of gradient of true viscosity by means of the conventional capillary apparatus. The apparatus described consists of two identical viscosimeters, one of which is filled with the solution, and the other with Card 1/2 Abs Jour Ref ~Zhur - Fizika, 1,14o 2, 1958, No 3302 Author Krasovee) F., Peter-linj A. Inst Not Given Title The influence of Molecular Weight on Glass Temperature and Re- lated Properties of Polyvinyl Chloride. Orig Pub Repts. "J. Stefan" Inst., 1956~ 3y 213-223 Abstract The authors determine the specific volume, the glass temper- ature, and the coefficient of thermal expansion of nine fractions of polyvinyl chloride with molecular weight M ranging from 18,600 to 90,000. It is found that the above prolx!rties depend on M: the specific volume and the coef- ficlent of thermal expansion increase linearly with increas- ing I/M., while the glass temperature diminishes correspondingly. Theset relations remain the same for homogeneous and for poly- dispersed specimens, if the data are plotted on a graph as a function of the numerical everage of M. On the basis of the Measurements, the authors have calculated tentative coef- ficients of thermal expansion of the middle and end groups of Card 1/1 polyvinyl chloride in the solid and liquid states. PETER, Farenc, dr.; PETEME MAILATH, Flour; technikal. munkatara: KERTESZ, IALszlone, dr. Rocent datR or the goiter producing effect of calcium. Orr. hetil. 105 no.9097-399 1 Mr'64- 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Gyermekklinika (igazgato: KiLlin, leszlo, dr.) es Kozegeswiegtani Intezet (igazgato: Jeney, &dre, dr.). -W PETW.,E PIKLER, dr. -,.- ------- .-I., - ., Same basic problems of superv'Isin.g Yrirperies. Nepegaswegugy 45 no.2:33-36 F14. 1. Kozlemeny a Locry uti Modszertani Caecsemootthorbol. A PETLUELP J. Forest transportbtion in Croatia. p. 428. S 11.;*,-.~7YT 1-. (:~r,;St-iC surmrskih inzenjera i telmicarri FNR Jugoslavije) Zs,_-reh. *:ol. 79, no. 11/12 Nov./Dec. 1955. So. Ea-t European Accessicns List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1WD PhTEHN L, J. Working experience and calculating costs of a one-man chain s aw. p. 18. DRVNA INDUSTRIJA. (Institut za drvno-industrijska istrazivanja) Zajreb, Yugoslavia Vol. 10, no. 1/2, Jan./Feb. 1959. Yonthly list of hast Elwopean Accessions L~;, Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 1959 Uncl. BRCICY B.S,.; GOLIC, L.; FFJZRIML J,; SIFUR, J.; ZUNLR, M- ~ The, C&O - Al-03 at lw temperatures. Vest Slcrv kem dr 9 no.1/2:27-3~-S-je 262. 10 Laboratorij za anorgansko kemijo, Institut za kemijo Univerze v Ljubljani. FIG 03t list$ I'll $at$ u tj W a is v a 11 v 10 as a b It 0 a a to a a a 0'r 69 A JL_" I ~A k -A - 1 4 _11 11 A- L__TAJ IS, -_"F IwOP "POP, of rplaaw wool. v N. pylbLIMA Nor, t.%Wpf4 I., lvosh,~ 1011SWROPPOW 0 1"VitAh) I,No 3. IN p(likki). ToOdain 00 a IrOPMON"11611% 110 the CIMISIPM. 44 a 9AM;4C olOtaineil Itsom a 14-mAlv t%-jIMkvj 111,111 IIW Idand -4 JAX110611k. Ourah& proymor. 4 a. was Salbered inu, a Iun,lbr. wa%hj with IFq,() and wpd werhankaDy into down W.81% 13 S-44 MM kmj). live hair (I.:KO7r. Z., 441 mm ' ") 03C c l hi ) f 9 `MX - % vn C &F te 0 L 22 MRS. kmX). OrA drad hair (42 fl ~, 23 441 men long I. nw th"arm (it the d(visn (the only I%vtkm which enishi 1* 44 cim, jillt-cr,q) &1d on U)" 1013"PlIes was 0 1113 men with a variaNfity, cukd Ip*nS*nnwr'% fiwmula. 4 i,til % A PAPINbAl CM-11-11M a00 00 4r z IF410 doiaaq .4 T_ Sold.j .1. 4.6 am 0.. It, we* , d 0111 Dbue" 84 its wan 11111 1WA I'M l 0 0 0 0 WID 4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 O v 0 6 o TZTMEKOO V.,V. CL%iml aspeatig of pseudomyxoms of the peritoum. Top.cmk. 6 noasm-W 960. (FMTOMW,.-Msmxs) (mm 13810) I IrK 7 C F OVS ,Y, E. ; V-:- , V, ; A, E. ; JZ:-,7SKY,F. ; , ~,' ; RM! DTS, F. . ... .. -'- N-cth-,'ad-,ne in psychiatric work. Cesk. psych. 60 11 1 64. - 1. Fsyohi~ trl---ke klinaka -ek,,:oke fa-~ulty Karlovy Univr-rsltv v I'Izni. f t y -- 1 -10717- F-ACtNR, A SOURCE CODE: AUTHGR: Venccrvsky, E.; Sedivecp V.; Peterova E. - Baudi.6. P.; Bz7chta, Js ~2 ORG:. Psychiatkc Clinic, Medical Facultyl Charles Universityj, Plzen (PsychiatricWt klinika lekare3m fakulty KU) TITLE: Clinical experience in therapy using opipramol (insidon) SOURCE: Ceskcislovenska psychiatrie, no. 3, ~965, 180-le2 TOPIC TAGS: drug treatment, nervous system drug, psychiatry ABSTRACT: Rtp6rience with- the use of Insidon (Goigy) is desoribed. The substance is a-derivative of iminostilbene with a side chain consisting of a hydroxyetbyl-piparazinyl-propy:L group. Insidon has an antittepressive and sedative effect, ~md acts in two stages.. In the first, anxiety disappears,'.. Z~n4 later the thy-moleptic e dose tomponent acts$ and a feeling of well-being 16 fiblt. Th used is 50-100 mg 3 times a day*' 7 men and 12 women in ages 18 to 58 were used in the study; patients who suVered from do- preasive colidition did not respond to the drug. Patients suffering from neuroson improved in 8 out of 14 oases- Improvement occurred .very quickly; no side effects appeared in any of the iasese The heart and li"r-ver* not affected, In 15 oases EW was made; in 6 -there was no izdluenoe,.-~4,9,.brairk,bioDotentials were synchronized# and basic rhyt~q slowed down* Origo art& hass 1 figure and I table* CaRs-7 SUB COL~ SUEH DATE: none L BAUDIS, Pavel; DVORA-KOVA, Marie; PL'fF-ROVA, Eva; KULE, Jarns2av; SEDIVM, Vladisla-r Comparison of the clinical picture and treatment of depression during the period 1952 to 1960. Plzen. lek. sborn. 23:71-76 164 1. Psychiptricka klini-ka lekarake fakulty University Knrlovy se sidlem v Plzni (prednostat prof. 1,TUDr. E. Vencovsk~ Dr.Sc.). V-3-11COVSKT, Dugen;- PIE-T-MOVA, Eva Chronic tactile hallucinations. Cas. lek. cesk. 97 n0-30:950-953 18 JulY 58. I J.. Nychintricka klinika v Pl%ni, prednosta prof. MUDr. R. Vencovsky R. V. , Plzen, psychintricka klinika. (HJI LLUG IHhT IONS chronic tactile hallucinations (Ca)) VENCCfVSKY, Eugen; PETEROVA, Evai KULE, Jar,. Preliminary clinical trials with tetrabenazine, Cesk, psychiat. 57 no.6:408--409 61. 1. F'sychiatricka ickarske fakulty KU v Fizni. (TIFUJ44UILIZING AGENTS ther.) c f-5 1 :I ca 1 C: III, ot. r'l 'L 2 c I (I C V L Z-~ -C 7-~ '~.l S VL d;- o;". 5 S V t I-,,, c c fair ir. 3, nonc c0:. 5 dU :-L d -~OXl bU t C1`101- LO iLr, e Vora e, rc:-~a 2 Z. and i~8cu ty of -'redicine- I" AOxic Act;on of Adr,naline Its -Iretabolites,, a Chia trie L11, No 4, 1~ugust ~,3, ;)p L-"'-5tr-ct[Auth0rs' Zngiish sur,-,rjary, modifiud F4d halducl, 1: A case of P lnc'ltory S3-Mo-,O,- .S -101 is Gescribed in a 57-.Year old !,yenosis w Lr' :'jf-a' 'a r,as been giling herself increasing doses of SedasttLmoj for slr,"atic 'e""0 tr06ted ruit~q chior-,romazine combined with cm antiasthluat,c 0 years. in,- was "er PsYchosis subs .ided, but signs drug INithOut adrer,,~-irje. of an inciPiOnt cardiac decoaipensa,,ion mac-le their appearance. A-fter the Sedast~Lmon treatment was resumed her me:~Lal state i=-ediately deteriorated. Athors consider adrenaline the pharn,acr,- 0 j, i C ~-- --Y active COMPOnent of Sedasthron, as the possible cause'of the psyc:,osis. Pypoxaem.ia, the result of asthmatic bronchitis, rzay have been an ad-itional factor. Authors caution against 8 long-term administration of adrenaiine in chronic asthmatic bronchitis. T_Wenty-eight references, including 1. Czech. Cardiology czECliOSLOVAXIA '-1 HUldt, j.; SOVA, J.; PAIC'iLp P.; 26-~ .; VOH- 1:D, R.; LA"N, V.; CAJZL L.- CZP,-:,IA:, V.; PET Pac Charles Univ. 61inic of Interht11-,Dr76tses, 1,ed. ITIKP Plzen, Pre(lro3ta (,'~linika Chorob Vnitrnich Loic. Fak. KU), Prof Dr J. SOVA; Internal Departmont Local Institute of 1!ational 1-;U14Z Zavodni ,-,ealth, -actry I-oqpital (Interni Oddeloni I OdboroveftO podni,,Cu) Skoda, Plzen, 'lead '%Prednoota) Dorent Dr Y po.,.-ORT U 1,1ed. Fac. Charles Univel'sitY (Psychi- I Z;,.psychin-ric Clinic atri3'1,,a i~-iinika Lek. ?ak. I~U), Plzan, Head (Prednosta) Prof I;r E. V~,,ICOVSICy; Siki Pathological and Anatoirical Institute 1-:ed. ?ac. (Sjjluv patoloCiclcoanator-lickY Ustav Lak. Falc- Charlos University Grolln for -he Dev- Plzen; Head (Prodnosta) Prof Dr J- VANE'C; M thods (Skupina HozvO a Pror~rarnovacich ()Jon,..,ont of PrO7rainrring 0 1 KiTLOLIC- Metod v Odborovem podnilcu) Skoda, Plzen, Head Vedouai) A. ky; Chair of Mathematics, El ctrotochnicnl FacultY COlloge of ,echanical Lhginearing (Katedra Matomatiky 2lektroteChnicke Fakul U ty VSSE), Plzen, iead (Vedouci) Docent J. KLATIL; Central Biochem- ical LnboratorY (Ustredni Biochomioke r1N, Plzen, iiead (Prednonta) Dr V- IAIIN- "Use of Digital Computers in the Evaluation of Pathogenesis, Diag- nosiS, and Prognosis of Myocardial Infarotion.11 r-*) I-sYchiatr Ic Clinic sycniatricka klinika~, (Lekarska fakulta), (,h 8rles University, Plzen. -r- - NY - '.~h nr' T, A81- CZECHOSLOVAKIA Prague, Casopis Lekaru Ceskleb, Vol 105, No 24-25, 17 Jun 66, pp 683- 684 Abstract: Computer evaluation of data obtained in thi-. study Df acutTi-n-farct of the inyocardiun is described. 280 Indicators were used which allowed the use of 2200 characteristic codes. A 50 page code was propared. All 260 indicators use numbers 1 to 91 and data on one patient are contained on 4 cards. The first problem is the doternination of the frequency of correlation com- plexes of the most important signs of an acute myocardial infarct. 2 Western references 2/2 ACC NRt AP6025222 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0083/65MO/004/0248/0250 AUTHOR: Venco rsky, . (Plzen); SgAjyp,"; -Po_tUM, E,; Baudis. P.; Valenova, Z. Janovsky, F. ORG, Psychiatric Clinic, Medical Faculty, Charles Universityo Plzen (Peyehiatricka klinika lekarske fakulty KU) TITLE: Clinical experience with nortriptyline~) SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska psychiatric, no. 1~, 1965, 248-250 TOPIC TAGS: nervous system drug, drug effect, psychotherapy ABSTRACT: Ifortriptyline is amitryptyline with one methyl group removed; It is i6-noidered to be a tb)nwleptic with a vqry faet action and a slightly 5timulating effect. It bee all snticholinergic~Oeffect and should not be administered to patients eurfering from glaucoma, cardiac conditions, and a ten.. dency tmrd urine retention. It should not be administered cimultane- ausly with PAO Inhibitors; at least two weeks should pass before a patient who received an MAO inhibitor can be given nortriptyline. 45 patients were treated with the drug,* all suffered frm different kinds of depression. The drug was very successful In 19 cases vbIle in 20 -it hAd only a limited effect. In 19 M changes were observed. 7h9 drug Is suitable for elderly patients. The author thanks H. Lundbeck in Kodani for assistance with the nortriptyline. Orig. art. has: 1 table. [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none VENCOVSKY, B.; PETEROVt, E. Contribution to the toxic effects of adrenalin and its metabo- liteBe Ceak. psychiat, 59 no-4,.217-221 Ag 163. 1. Psychiatricka klinika lekarske fakulty KU v Plzni. (EPINEPHRINE) (PSYCHOSES TOXIC) (CHLORPRWAZINE) (ASTHMA~ (PARANOIA) (HALLUCINATIONS) VENCOVSKY, E.; SEDIVEC, V.; FE'EROVA, DAII-DIS, F.; 7ANCIVSKY, F. I r - - (:h!orprct;-.i4xem-- in psyc~.iatric work. I ~S~. 4-a- ~ - ,'40-24c Ag - "sy- ~ - ~ .. - -- 4a'r4riru k-,'n~ka -'ekarske Farlovy v I'Izni. V NC C I,` K Y o", C, RA'~: V,~ I.", V S K y t -fit - T -it zri r1 rl i t2:1.",(-.? I, r C. 1-:-fl co h I 0 1~ 3 3"- 3F k k i n i r e. SEDIVEC , V. ; BRO:,K(,VA-MOR.AVKOVA , V. ; IIETEhOVA , F. ; ,*A ~(--VSKY , 'F I ?Sycnoses in ijiopa-~!--Ic . 60 no.5:343-347 0 It,4. 1. Psychiatricka klinika a klinAktt (,horob vrAtr-n4ich fii~iilty Kiki-lovy llnivort3ilv, I Izen. L 2951-1 ,~-66 I ACC NR, AP6020DOO SOURC2, C0123 ti/-66~5/65/007/00-1/'~287/028-7 -10?,: Voncov 1'7 3 ~C. (Flzen) seq-~Voc-' ova Daudia'-p.; CRGI Pirrol-datric ClAnic, Modical Faoul~y I'ITLE: ROGUItUS Df nortripty.,,ind treatment of dopr03SiVO conditions ff-his paper was presented at the 7th innual ITs-yaho2harmacological lbeting, Jesenik, 20-23 January 196.,g "CAMCIZi Activitis norvosa superior, v. 7, no. ), 1965, 287 TOPIC TAGS- drug treatmont, pharmacology Rosults of troatmnt of 45 Patients are described. A 4 week period of 'kd-diustration WEL3 irvostigatod; the drug was well tolerated, and there wore few side offects. The results of treatment of depressive conditions were v017 favorable. M6 offoct was obtainod with intramsoular adrdnistratio_q* It does not involve a risk of crabuLism conxioctod with the uso of imiprardne a. LOrig. art. in Enaj -/Tpa-s7 SUB CODZ: 06 / SUM DATE-i none Cc d 95 i,~ -66 A C NR, AMD,2M)l -----------SO--URCE -C-0-DEi-C-~Tod~�[65100710031(~2881028C, -7-- V-nc g, So& ~-oc, Y.; Poterova Daudis,Pt 'syc)datr~v Clin~c. ).'~eclcal Faculty, Cl-iai-lo,-3-TJ-iiversity._-Llron' (Paych~ alrickn I -T-17: Prolind-nnxy report on norPrAar 13sions /-'Is papor was ard-no troatnont of depre Lill- osentod at the 7th Annual PsycYophar~i-acolof',iml Mooting, Jesenik, 20-2) Jaliuary 19-6-27 -6 RCE. Activitas nervosa superior, vo 7, no. 3, 1965, 288 "IC IAGS: drug troatmont, nervous system drug, pharmacology 1A;or~-,TdPra.:dno is a thymoloptic Vhicn Js offoctive in the troatmnt of ~e',Drossivo condit:;ons provailing pjychomotor ji-Libition. Its side offe,-~s are ..,a-lir to tl-,oso of -miprwiTino. The rapid onset of the therapeutic effect is' a f-,roat advantuaGo in its application. Rxporim-nts were conducted on 10 ationts. Norim- is 5-M, yOri(,. art. in .,;nr pranine ropyl-imino-4ibonzyl iV-drochlorid(). )72 .Ljl, su3 coDF,% o6 / SM', DA~'~,-: rjono Card V11COVSKY, E.;PETEPD'IA,E.; BAUDIS,P.; JAI"OVSKY,Fr.; SEDIVEC,V. CliniAl.experiftees with tri-flupromazire. r4tsk. ps7chiat. 59 no.5:336-337 0163. 1. Psychiatricka klinila lekarske fakulty KU, Plzen. VR,COV-QKY, E.; Ph-MOVA, E.; SE-DIVEG.V.; L%417DIS,P. Minical experiences with the treatment of depression with trime- proprimin. Cesk. psychiat. 59 no.5:338-339 0163. 1. Psychiatricka klirika lekarske fab-alty KU, Plzen. 4~ -OVA T 7,; !,C, V.; BAUDIS, P.; Clinic of P -t, yelhiatry a-L-1 IFE-c7l,6-Ecal Pacultv of Charles Univcx,,it-,,, Z -Osy- chiat.ricks. Kliznika Lokars-k.e Fa::ulty KU -*7, Pllscn. "Clinical L,--,-Dcrienco with the Treantmont of Doprcszions Trinopropimine.:] Prague, Cesloslovenska Psvchiatrie, Vol 501, Ilo X 339 Abstract: Tho c'acmical was used a-- su-,)i)lied b., v'rencil firm! SDecia undor the namo of Surmontil. i7t. vjas u,;ed L.: -:rc-a-. va--iC,U3 -,Or,-,,,of do-orossive conditions. The trcat~.v~nt .-ras exended to L I-Tock-3 with a daily dosis of approx. 250 vigr. in 14 out of 35 cases a definite in-,)rz)vcncn-. u viaa notod. Sido ofi'ect3 worc, n--,vcr ~;r;rioun. 2;')' oationts licre follourod by eloctroencephalo,,-,raphy; mnonpt these 13 showed no im-irovemcnt. it seems zhat S-armontil is nott as effective as its nredecessors iraipran-ine and lovo-promazine; it has however the great advant-age of not being toxic. No roferences. 1 /1 VEI~,'GOVSKY,E.; PETEROVA,E.; SEDIVEC,V.; BAUDIS,P.; JAVOVSKY,F, Clinical exper 41ences with Sor-dirol therapy. D!sk. psychiat. 60 no.1:30-32 F164. 1. Psychiatriclka klinika lekarske fakulty KU, Plzer.. VDICOVSKY, E.; PETEWVA, E. Ir - - I Our preliminary clinical experiences with, hrothia--4ene. . 513 no.5:327-328 0 162. 1. Psychiatricka klinika lek. fak. University Karlovy v Plzni. (PSICHOPiWiMAGOLOGY) VEMCOVSKY, Eugen; P-',-T-'-'ii.OVA, Eva; SEDIV.~,C, Vlad, Preliminar7 clinical trials with the preparatior libritm. Ces-'-. psychiat, 57 nc.6*404~-405 '-61. 1. Psychiatricka kliniki lekarske fakulty KU v Pizni. (TiWiQUILIZING AGENTS ther.,) VENCOVSKY, Eugen; SEDIVEG, Vlad.; FETEROVA, Eva; BAUDIS, Pavel !i - jestirliqr, Itopittirl(. ~111111q I (Holo wit"Al 57 no.6:406-407 161. 1. Psychiatricka klinika lekarske fakulty KU v Fizn-i. (ANTIDEPRFMIVE AGENM ther.) FETBROVA, it.; PROKSOVA, A. Role of taraxein In the pathogencois of paychoues, Ceek,Psychiat. 56 no.1:30-33 F 160. 1. Paychlatricka klinika KU v Plzni. (SCHIZOPHRMIA blood) (PROTEINS) CZSCHQ5LGVAE'IA VE~ICOVSFY E. SEDTVLC, V.; PETEROVA, E.; 3AT.7DTS, F.; Itehic a l Facul ty , r, h a rlej I t~y !' Ps-.-,-- -r ic k' a ?--, i - nika Lekarske Fak-tilty KU), Plzen. 11 Orientative Clinica' 3tudy )r -)f by Dlbenz~,- pine (Novaril)." Pra,rue, CO3'r:031OV('-1S1ra Psyc:,A:~fric, Vol 1~2p ?7o )ec 66, -)p 3-6 Abntract Z7_,ut-.nrs' ?"ni-,' ish ,3,,uTir;,jry modifiod-7: N-atrent -)f pntients et tlic psyc" 'AWric (InT)rirtmont at PLIson is discus~~ed. A dose of 50-) mg per 6-ty was adr,iJ_-isr,-red. P~ natientz; s1riowed substantial ii,iprovement, 3 s-me irprovenent, ~ were not cl-vingred. Best theraDeutic resu2ts were obtained in endof7,enous and invol- utional depressions; 100""' of these cases resultod in nractical remission of tf~r- disease. Noveril improves anxLety auitation syn- dromes as well. as apathic- abu-1ic syndromes. It an-ears to be non-toxic. It han a 7ood depn--ssiolytic, apathiolytic, and an- xiolYtic offoct. 4 Wrztstern ref,irences. (Manuscript received 1/1 26 Jan 66). 11 L ~Y' Tn i v er, i uy a Plzen. ~rea:~;;en-,. of 3enre:--ior, 11r,:---ueJ C t I V ia ~,v n 3 8 0/' ..o 0v b E t r,-. c t des ri'bed. In 5 LZ none. C c,a a - t ~n and a:-. x I dr-_- r10 0 r :70 C by u:-.,3 Of a-- no raferences. n~ual J':ectin- at Jesenil,,, 1 22, Jar 60" 82 ACC NR' AR7000897 SOTJRCE CODE: UR/0056/66/ooo/009/1-1043/11043 AUTHOR: Borovik, V. N.; Peterova, N. G.; Korzhavin, A. N. TITLE : Observations of a radio source related to a group of rapidly developing sunspots SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9Zh3l5 REF SOURCE: Solnechnyye dannyye, no. 10, 1965, 67-71 TOPIC TAGS: sunspot, solar radio emission, radio source, radio emission, -r,-Wto_ ABSTRACT: It is reported that in March 1965 the sunspot group No. 23 (numbered~, according to the bulletin "Solnechnyye dannyye" -" Sola r Data") which was under- going disintegration, suddenly increased six-fold in area between March 18 and 19. On March 19, 1965 the flux of radio emission from the source associated with the group and observed simultaneously on two wavelengths, 3. 2 and 4. 5 cm,, through the Great Pulkovo radio telescope (the resolving power of the telescope being il.i 21.3 -respectively), was also seed to increase by almost as Card I / 2 ACC NR- AR7000897 much. The dimensions of the source, constant throughout the entire period of observation, were 1'.5 on the 3. 2-cm wave, and 2',3 on the 4. 5-cm wave. On March 19, 1965 the brightness temperature of the source, assuming its circular outline to be symmetrical was computed to be 120, OOOK on the 3. 2-cm wavelength and 170, OOOK on the 4. 5-cm wavelength. The kinetic temperature of the source, computed on the basis of these data, was 200, OOOK. In comparison with March 18, on March 19, 1965 the kinetic temperature of the source increased four-fold, and the amount of emission eight-fold. The effective center of the sourcels radio emission before and after March 19 was above the photosphere at a distance of (0. 04 � 0. 01) R-.) on the 3. 2-cm wavelength and (0. 05 � 0. 01) Rc) on the 4. 5-cm wavelength. No close correlation was observed between changes in the' area of the optical group of sunspots and the flux of radiation from a radio source corresponding to it, which agrees with results obtained earlier by the authors oil the same wavelengths. [Translation of abstract) ISPI I SUB CODE: 03/ card 2 / 2 ACC N AR6033093 SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/000/007/0045/0045 AUT14OR: Borovik, V. N.; Korzhavin, A. N.; Peterova, N. G. TITLE: Observations of a radiation source associated with a rapidly developing group of sunspots SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 7.51.314 REF SOURCE: Solnechnyye dannyye, no. 10, 1965, 67-71 TOPIC TAGS: sunspot, radiation source, photosphere, sunspot group, brightneso temperature, kinetic temperature ABSTRACT: On 18- 19 March 1965, the size of the group of sunspots No. 23 [according to the numeration used in the bulletin "Solnechnyye dannyye" (Solar data)), which -was in a staCe of decay, suddenly increased sixfold. On 19 March, the flux density from a source connected with this group increased by approximately as many times. The source was observed with the large Pulkovo r adio telescope ill the 3. 2- and 4. 5-cm wavelengyths (telescope resolving power of 4.1 and respectively). Source dimensions, which were constant during the entire perioa, of the observation, were _4~15 _' at the 3. 2-cm wavelength and 2'.3. at the 4. 5-cm Card 1/2 UDC: 523. 164. 32 ACC NR- A 116 033 093 wavelength. On 19 March 1965 the brightness temperature of the source a lcu !a t'~ d, assuming its circular symm-?try was 120, OOOK at the 3. 2-cm wavelength and 170, 000K at 4. 5-cm wavelength. The kinetic temperature, calculated on the basis of these data, was 200, OOOK. Oil 19 March, the optical thickness of the radiating region was 0. 9 at the 3. 2-cm wavelength and 1. 8 at the 4. 5-cm wavelength. Tile emission measure was I NI,ds - 0,5 - 1079. . On 19 March 1965 as compared with 18 March, the kinetic temperature of the source increased fourfold, and the emis- sion measure increased eightfold. Before and after 19 March, the effective center of source radiation was above the photosphere at a distance of ' (0.04t.0.01) R(-) al: the 3. 2-cm wavelength, and -(6.0�0.01) R(D at the 4. 5-cm wavelength. No close connection was observed between the variation in the area of the optical sunspot group and the flux radiation from the corresponding radio source; this is in accord with results obtained earlier by the authors for the same wavelengths. The bibliography has 5 titles. N. Petr6va [Translation of abstract] IDW] SUB CODE: 031 2/2 3 7M 3 S/035/62/000/005/03W098 .3,12-2-0 A055/A101 AUTHORS IIJolchanov, A. P., Kaydanovskiy, N. L., Peterova, N. G. T 171, E: ~)bjervations o:' local sources of solar ra(~~Io emisnion wit.h U,(I ,illd of the great radio tolencopo of Lhe GAO (Main AntronomIcal Ob~jorva- tor-j), on the 2.3-cm wavelength PaRIGDj^AT: Referat'vnyy zhurnal, Astronomiye i Geodeziya,no. 5, 1962, 42, abstract 5A327 ("Solnechnyye dannyye", 1961, no. 3, 6e,-6,j) T The authors reT-roduce the preliminary results of the processirW, of 15 recordingzi of solar radic. emission on the 2.3 cm wavelength, obtained with the aid of tho great radio toloccope of the Main Az;tronomical 0b.;orvatury, t,ho Aca(Ii.:iy of Sciences of the USSR (width of the main lobe of the diagram 1'8). The dimensions of' the observed sources do not exceed the distance beti~een the outer edges of t-e nuclei of the remotest spots in the corresponding group. The 'height of the sources over the photosphere was (0.06 + 0.02) R(D for the source lird;ed with the grOLp no. 594, and did not exceed 0.6-7 R 0 for the groups nos-596,597. The flux of the radio emission from the sources did not vary considerably when t'-e sources moved from. the edge of the solar disk towards its center. Abstracter's note: Complete translation] I. Gosachinskiy Card 1/1 ;- - I ) -,-- -, / ,/ , I /- ( , , ) ~/// I 7 1-0 S/194/62/000/003/052/066 D201ID301 AUTHORS: Molchanov, A. P., Kaydanovskiy, '11. L. and Poterova, N. G.- TITLE: 2.3 cm wavelength observations of the solar local ra- dio sources with the large radio-telescope of the GAO (Preliminary results) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 3, 1962, abstract 3zh311 (Solnechnyye dannyye, 1961, no. 3, 68-69) TEXT: Preliminary results of processing of the 15 recordings of the solar radiation at a wavelength of 2.3 cm are given, as obtai- ned with the large radiotelescope of the Pulkov Observatory (the main lobe beam-width 11.8). Dimensions of the studied sources are not greater than the distances between the outer edges of the nu- clei of the remotest spotB in the corresponding group. The height of sources over the photosphere was(O.06 + 0.02) Re for the source tied up to the group no. 594 and did not exceed 0.07 R for the two, Card 1/2 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 * a ft* One 1 3CIL I c 0 6 a a k a 6 0 ft. a I we elm son eel Slob **a 002 002 002 06b 0611 JO. o0l. 010. 041- bYJ a 's 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 * :d)jw v 2y a a a a It a it a Al 4 a a 0 1 dal I" cm 0 a VA-7 it? "003011P tell#* pletsvils 01) 6,A 41. rov$01 F. caftww .-7p mirsaill "s pars'a AIMMA. Tur. MACA INDI'liTINIT-11. Frkll left. 6 1141(10(1100). -I%xistrikaffigumsaftbeiatg"aHk-A 0 too woo, 0 0 0 0 S'l 'a It a at ii a 916009660060,000020 000000*000000000 elm" $allowlp# an* SOM"Ild a III a R it ft a a sl a 0 9 A 9 00*90*0090900090*0 00 0`0 p 00 too 1090 00 1,1201 ABOXHIN.A.Z.. doktor te)chnicheskikh nauk,prof.Edecenoed); BORODAGM,I.P. k-and. tekhnicheakikh nalik; BROMEM, professor; VASIL"M A.A., laureat Stalinskoy premii: PETnS, kandidat t0dinicheskikh nauk; PCLWIB-NIKITIN.S.M.. kandiMat~TeMnicheskikh nauk; PRUSSAK,B.N., inzhener; RITOY.M.N., inzhener; FEMERG,G.M., inzhener; NSTRIN, M.I.. inzhener; A13EKSETEV,A.P., inzhener; BIRULYA.A.K., professor. doktor tekhnicheskikh neuk; BOLDAKOV,Ye.V., doktor teltnicheskikh nauk-.BOCHIN,V.A.. laureat Stalinskoy premii,inahener; VOIKOV,M.I.. professor; GIBSHW.N.Ye.Ye.. professor, doktor,technicheakikh nank; DONCHENKO,V.G., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ZHURAVIRV,A.Ya., laureat Stalinskoy premil; rVANOV,N.H., laureat Stalinskikh premii. professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; KUVAS(W,A.S., inzhener; NEMSOV, V.L. kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; POLMIN-NIXIT0,S.M., dotsent, kan- didat tekhnicheakikh nauk; IRMNIK(N#Y~.L., Inureat Stalinakoy premii, professor; CRBATSKIY.N.V., doktor tachnichookikh nauk. professor. redak- tor: VOSKRESENSKIY,N.N., re"ktor, KOVALIKHINA.N.F., tekhnicheekly redak-- tor [Manual for highway engineers; road building machinery] Spravochnik inzhenera dorozhnika; dorozhno-etroitellnye mashiny. Moskva, Izd- vo dorozhno-tekhn. lit-ry. Gushoodorn MVD SSSR, 1952. 698 p. [Microfilm) (MLRA 9:2) (Road machinery) 1. P-L7-RS, A.E. 2. USSR (6oo) 7. "The Effectiveness of Spraying with Bordeaus Mixture in Combatting Monilia of Cherry Trees", Sbornik Rabot po Zashchite Rasten1y (Ukr. Nauchno-Issled. In-t Plodovodstva) (Symposium of Works on Plant Protectio:. (Ukrainian Science-Research Fruit-Growing Institute )), No 32, 1951, pp 167-170. 9. Ydkrobiologlya, Vol XXI, Issue 1, Moscow, Jan-Fb 1952, pp 121-132. Unclassifiki. 0 0 py I s 1 0 A_!__.- - - -,, ow too##* P. OOZ C. M. I;IVB-VIL%lt M(CRAW OF 7119 ANTIAC- it 4110 -The tdvAclocy imiu-trie% air divkkil into fiVe re0mal 0 0b Juday 'if %-A"nPAI4t4r PCMIP4 of WaIdAYS Th"Ti- bOUVTTW 6 C, 09 0 oz INS tagr of fUrl NIAny UrW PIAVIII oft PlAn~rl for 16V *am "vKt 6%.. vvjf~ but Lick of foreign credit and di-furlwl 00 InciroA imdilmm- oviv not we their roinpirfim v* I!& too 00- 0 foo 00. 0)0 00- 4)9 0 40'. 941- 09 411* Ve VVWIKAX off a; I I r v I III - 11 a 4 1 A III* 000000 000000 000 0 -0000000000000000 iU&D( DUaloat CPU lwtottob W, ow 41. ~47u. , -I IWe .Po ..046-6 -418 eon 11"IT3141,1191) bana"Jall Ill"NAIIIA" V11.019 SOON At OF 00 C. 11. kWINAl."1111 INOV-111% A%" lots Rvit :0:1 23 0 1 0 Wt." ~r 00 RIAN Yl%'K YKAN MAN. MOMIN --I).ata wt the 1.,,vkpublrnt of 14U-1.1l lvfr~vttwy ill U-t I y in I he jr years are It jvr n. on 00- oo 00 00. '!no* 00 0*- or Vo f"V 111111J."Ib# .00 1411605--wl. -C"v --aic- svi-jo*- 6-.1- ~,W -- ---- r vo IF 4 ism a u it a in it A n it 91 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 SO *0 so 000 0 0 *, 0 014 000000000 00000000 0 0 -so) 0 spit *02 0 on so.; At * 41 * 4 4 -0 40 a S a 00 go! 111 13 Of aft via 811410041 At A G a A 1, a a a 4 AV a n 1. ~ &- 1',l ..,D m tittle o Attl At j '"#I i1.Sj1jj,V 6? Rr,1`8jA1'j.,KV 114. f..f imlu,lfw~ m quotnt C, 00 04) 04) r go) 00, - iTI-Fe 041 w so 'L~, -W -ir- -F--r - V -", A-A-r-T--v -D -a-f 9 0 p IV SO a It a 9 a R a n to a a a a w a a a a 61 1% It 01 a 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . .. 00000000 99000 00 0 9 00 go 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 : 0: 0 A.-O'O so sees 90000 0 0 0 0 0 0 PF TE R,45 6. WobdscaUxi4ous.- Book critig" Card 1/1 3! ?ub. 7o - Wn AutbWa Peters3, E. G, Title I Intenml cod)ustion engInes for construction and road building machines P6riodica 1: Hekh. strol 4 -32. 31 Apr 1954 AI~Straat 3 Critical review of a book by N. Ve Pultnanoy., entitled., "Intorma Combustion EngInes for Construction and Road Building Machines"., is 'he book consists of 5 chaptera -the first tbree of whidbi prestnted. T are entirOy devoted to the design of Disaal and conventional W-11 piston-engInes for construction machines. Institution Submitted &goes FETME3, E. Ft. Cand. Tech. Sci. "Types and Character13tiCS "* 3crapers," Mekh. 3trol., T). B-10, May, 1948 All-Union Sci. Engrr. Soc. of Mechanical Rldr,,. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1958, Uncl. 4 0 * '41 4 4 Sit 11-4-49-998 gas 0 0 0 06 0 go * 0 6 0 0'* & a 0 4 * #10 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 , ~' 0 .1 .1. ;1 11 . . V D - a, u I - .. & . 1 0 . 1~ A 11 L I; _L 1 11 IS- I L 9 0 p i. A i 1; 4 ~11 A. I 00 00 -0 4) -J=Pf&SUWS lwf*Dd- P. NUT$. )in%% ON, Jan In the imprtognatilni wmxl wsth w4m. if ditiftwiplirmits no tlivil 411- wilb w withmit Ole winim ,I 'gher %UtKtSnM a$ inM9, 1141t1, alkilli dWll"WIMMA", %-tat-. tw"Platri still 4) diplomphall., air ~Sddrd to thr *4nv wpatatt IV (it tit any -04) 09 a -9. 00 00 z 0- .00 00 .00 40 00 -00 00 i-ei i 00 f ~ 0 a . z -.00 00 71 too I ar do 4 1 1 a Dd f1# 117 n to It oil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b*o old swom 0l sk. t V. WRIS (K I, Us, Is!7jF) Ivab" "" by ovalmmum 411 C44wk*l oil still ond lutwAss aft &w ,a, kalve (d lftrm*Who of Ili;$ Vint w" Mimi" suit pnwmtu 411=A =0 moreauted. 6043 Miwo% (d) avd p- op6- p- "1 11 cAkakiad hum the vit um wirt and dry. Tbm 1hpw - Ddip is fousid to be a w U'. *H tkw mombrium lpii-os poiptsjf~nx cm the sanw urvv. I I W ~ 03 the twnbrapm &m imM:T1" molto "Ater IV air This Aous that Ow ounditkma ol ~v&pimo& 'alect the t)P- W atiucture W the 14m. Nm rwbuitz. SUVIALf, PWO ap"Vy" unit VA. Am No. W pum no caklaal, . OW obo 114jem 1W1*#Wn klism 4awmined. A. 11. Damomtv 00000 I WOO !0 Cc" U. "I 1., .0 1., -P 0. 10 IT 0. &a a a c 0 EF 6 10 X L A 0 0 TO 1 7 is Sao -0 at roof@$ .1ttl:O ~*0400* 93 ;sat ~1110 t "00 oo C, 0 0 sullillim, ,v Olu N'If I'M .).I a '~ I tm% P90 #iIN 11111A .1 1 jig uIllis IOU" "llplul J41,R)l '11,1% 4-440 113~%Js *UY-1.4mov.) .1 SAM .1 18111M Pu maltuaiw*Japfc, U, =4 to trallmmatsa 00 0:1 W 4 w v ir -T -r - v j jr--T W -1 00 it N 9 it 9 Of 9 L ION it 4A If If (I M 11 Ii eo to a 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 to 0 o-w-t (p 0 0 0 0 7 f T?lip -up AMP bis C*ftki 400 003461,016 w"$ bostp 010 -0 _o* 000 O's 'I woo _09 bow* is *6 Sommal Somilms obl~low Pb& -W urkwo own (r, ik. lm ft (1), 7-4)-1h . A is robawl.4bow briow co n4rm4DYW io Om- an tobLobloard-J. T. 4ow Amp* sit* Illp gibe top 0 #00 IMP* one I a two lose Mira 00 1 sasavo loo off ON L 11!2!!L- 0 41 0 's ' " w er o 0 -0 a O's -0. 46A. 0 W * Me I PETFRS, G. B., inzh. -. Modeling autrmatic control systemns of hoisting mchine speed. Izv. v)-s. ucheb. zav.; gor, zhure no,8:137-142 164 (MIRA 1F,:1) 1. Moskovskiy histitut radioelektroniki i gro-noy elektromekhani-ki. Rekomendovana kafedroy avtomatiki i ul-Ta lya~ui5hchikh mashin. STANCHINSKIY, V., prepodavatell; PETRO, 0 atarahly prepodavatell usehinovedeniya i avtodel& MOM5401;" Nostroik-teachera take the floor. Za rul. 29 no.5:27 My 162. (KIRA 16W 1. Avtomobil'rjy mototmikletnyy klub Dobrovollnogo obahchestva modMtviya amli, aviatsii i flotu (for Stanchinskiy). 2. RoNtronskoy pedagogicheskiy Institut (for Peters). (Automobile drivers-Education and training) PETERS, Giunter (paterap GUnther' Fifteen years of the German Democratic Republic. Stroiteletvo 11 no.5il-5 8-0 164. 1. Head, Section of Bulldlng In the State Planning Commiesion. PETEM2 Gunter, arch. HAMUCKOVA, !i. [translator] The German Democratic I-Lepub-Lic, a modern indii2triae-I ?6z stavby 12 no.10:401-406 16,~. 1. State Planning Covussion of the German De:-,iocratlc Iepib2ic (for Potors). /I'- / I-e, / , -,- VCRONIN, I.K., gornyy inzhener; FSTERS, I.V., Cornyy inshener. Ibmerience of Kalininugoll Trust mine No. 71, with an intemittent work week. Ugol' 32 n0-7:46 Jl '57. (MIRA 10:7) (Yoscow Bnsin--Conl mines and mining) CORSON, Samuel A.; OILEAIJY CORSON, Elizabeth; DMIN, R.A.; ZLTLRS-,-j-F,-_ FEESE, W.G.; S&kGER, L.D. The nature of conditioned antldiiLroUc and olectrolytf~, rotentlon responses. Activ. nerv. sup. 4 no.3/4:359-382 162. 1. Psychiatric List., Ohio Stato Univ. Health. Center, Columbus, Ohio and Yale UnIv. School of Medicine, University of Arkansas Medical Center. (WFLU CONDITMIMD) (DIURISIS) (1UTLEX) (WATEII BUCTROLYU BALIVICE) PETERS, S. In the kingdom of colored pottery* pe 4* TURYSTA. (Polskie Tovarzystwo Turystyczno-Krajoznaveze) Warszawa. No. 5, May 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (ZEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 4, no. 12, December 19~5 BRADT, H.Lq PETERS, S-. __ Heavy nuclei in primary cosmic radiation. Magy fit golyo-Ir 8 ns.l: 47-82 160. (EEkI 9:10) 1. Rochesteri Egreten, Rochester, New York (Gosmic rays) SC 17 L I PRT3MS. Ye.R., kand.tekhn.nauk Soviet excavator milnuf-4et-are. Nekh.stroi.14 no.11:3-6 N '57. (MrRA 10:12) (Excavating machinery) 11 4 11 w A -k a a, to 0 uxubritim Cos" ja tbe calculatioes of bubble towlefs, in the 11191MIlk- at ya*w KAk'sydishv 24, tka==.I,.A.Pcttn&rAlS.N.Lhryadcbikt)v- NO .rA~-S(jjW).-t)ijtu~ constcoct"I on the tmsis of caicn%. and jOractical runs Ior oul oil &capacity 0134OUILCOMPt7dZY&M P"It"It"d- Itill III that the nartbodsOv,, riIjX rc*Wts. 7u cakno. wac applied to a Wirr unit in Gryany 00 ji- Closely OEM A. A tinchtlinsh 00 go 40 0. M-SLA AT go at: ZIP 1P ISO Ofa 0 0 0 o 0 g SATI.Al CLASSIFICATION dTALLtWfJlCAL LOU 0 9 0 Fq * * -6 -6 4- *-:G *AS * a * f * 4 * a * 0 66 0 4 4 0 * 01044,64SO&Sjo sees as Goes Do* 0 6) m 1? 0 It 0 11 V a A A A V A 39, -X 11 V SO M A if it 0 1, .1 Ia 61 a 41 I d 0 aNg ag An 1-11 it 04 0 a 0 1 Iff to d) a a U Ll It 11 fto ri 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ee 0 6 .00 Ae roe I VISO 9 so 4;41 ,A A_j 400 A 00 lee t 09 c *0 004 00 a go 3 logo th 0 040 0 0-;-* i-9-4 6 0 0 4p 101~~, a 11 is U lb 11 a as ii a A it It a Ilwasuislom '1 30 0; 41 Q 4 4SICO 1 0 2 W1.0 I a L a ft v r-MLai"--L- , ' , #--L 1.0 -mak-- 1r!4 -400 -so .00 -so .00 -06 00 see zoo V. 9, OUTAMMOV (Ndt- L W_8 A** coo 0b WOO -00 a$*.ILA AdVAILUROXAL i"1110101 CLASSV!AIJOM so 000 0 00000 00 0-0 o 9 0 010 0 a 0 0 -to 2- 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 lwo* MEAN-.--- 4 2 a *14 * 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 A 4 A A 4 A -9 Al! 6 A 0 4 T O 0 6 o 0 #A 01 . op ;1'6 minu l Slat- u -gm~mrn, A m omit.ilMnS The o% k- " r- That ' h i v F ~ fR m 1w I '"Djuln. alld jIiK*'Q an Wind II,. wm A the of enagnesC, k ~J--I t-"W __I. the %un, q4 he STA3n ImAmu" t4 alumInA gkn4 , Jj-111jutz, jj%pg1r. ItIr quAlility tj thronjjitm o%mic mutt tw C, 06 Lopf IhAls Out .4 AlummA The militul, 1% filed inall C, I Thr1wduct"o, - .4,1 jjjSI% JC-jljIWt.jIUj" AIXI MISICk% jr .1,4.4C A11,1 rt- 0. : 0- 09 %61;8.) --1, C.v cot -,- r W-Ir-d- --if -4 III IU-T -- -- , 7--" oil, 00 K a a 14 U It ft It 6 6 1 2 a 1 1 1 t t t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : a 0000000 0 A,IJTHOR.,,- Pvters,~!F;Y.-, TITLE-. S07-'et' Exrerience .Ln M-c-nif E~-. t iring Ex-,a-.-at-,ni zqove"Ekog~ ekskavc-i-~,)-rr-sti:05Ln:fya). PERTODICAL: llelcha-rrizatsiyn 19--,'7, Ni Il, pp (USSR), ABSTRACT-, The manufactur,- of :j~nce 1.900 is de-sonLbeJ. The totall outl)-~~t of oxc%,,,ntor,,~ b( tween 1900 an(l 1914. vas -59* in 192-'-~ th,- number oi. j-11 RlLtf'l,-3j(j WEJ!3 "00. FiGure 1 :-'lluet~-azes the fir-'-It- Russiar- ax,,-a-ator Yj V, 2'-(~ v o 1, 9 ll~ :~h -,in Z(;'~ nt.~,,d r),% a rail'-,,my truckand hrd H bu--'-at '~:apa- t v c, 2 . 5m . in 1931 began ~,n 2rane PPG-" f L d 480 cf th~sc-- exc.&vn'c!rs vere pro,~uvo.! '~F-Lizre 2). 0.-ie n L - a --8P'~~i-7 i_ 1-5m -'s '--)Un~e4 r'7- a tru:h un4er- bucko t ~ t 5 " u carriage- in- 1936 the ~Kr~lrnv factory otarted prnd-a- atian of LK-0,5 eXCa7ators, illustrated in Figure 3. with trucli un~-er2arrine~ rind 0." rn bucke t -apn --ity~ Irl ~--he same --~ar the i-lcscow pr-d13- 10-6n of F, trnctcr-r-ljuz-Le~ IV! 'Ch' o.-1)5m-' ha-z--a-~ capa~,,ity' -hLe UZTM, pn-du--l a l8rgee t -.'r * t h -ke' -a~az r z! m! n- t ranL. h .Lng indust'ry. Apart froin the abcve-ment~-,,i,ed an -:~ ~ - excaVato--rs were martu f acture d by factories in ELid Card 1/3 Kiyev, the MR-1 lbt,-Jr,-l- the M,,,,-;T. 1~30 all's 19~3.