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m2; '01 the toatraystim to IRBURGISKIY, Alekeendr Vnsillyevich, professor; MIRZANOVSKAYA, L.. redaktor-, ' TA.-N., iekhnIcheskiy redaktor. (fintrition and life of plants) Pituie I thisn' rastenil. Hooky&, Goo. isd-vo kullturno-proevetitellnot lit-ry, 1956. 67 P. (?UM 9: 5) (r1mats-t-Nutrition) USWSoil Cultivation. Hineml W-rtilizers. J-3 Abs Jour: Ref. 2hur-Biologiya, No 1, 1958, 1255. Author : PeterburgBkiy, A.V., Asarov, Kh. K., Smirnov, P.M., Yiddin'--F.A. Inst :Agricultural AcadenW imeni Timiryazev Title :On Fertilizer Effectiveness in the Southeast Regions. Orig Pub: Izv. Tiniryazevskoy Akad., 1956, No 1, 95-LL6. Abstract: In areas of the scutheast parts of Eumpean Russia 20 T/hectare of mmne, without irrigation, gives em increase in grain yield of 2-5 centners/hectare and more. It increases the drought- and winter-resistimce of winter crops:, affecting both the gray forest soils and the rich chernozems very favorably. Its ef- fects exe discernible for from five to six years. Of the mine- ral fextilizers the more effective carbination is phosphorous with nitrogen; used alone, phosphormis is useful on chernozems Card 1/2 -24- T!7MURGSKIY,,.A.Y., doktor gel 'skokbozy&ystvennykb nauk, professor: 1-- -.1- 1V, Kb.K., bindidat sel'skokhozynystvannykh nauk. dotsent-, SMIRINDY, P.M., bindidat eel 'skokhozyaystvenny* nank, assistant: TUDIN, P.A., kanClidat eel 'skokhozyaytitvennykh nank, assistant. Rffectiveness of fertilizers on irrilsted lands in southeastern provinces of the U.S.S.R. Isv. TSKhj, no.2:23-36 '56. (NLRk 9*12) (Fertilizers and manures) (Irrigation) Nutrition, H-3 Abs J011r I Referat Zhur Biole No 16$ 25 Aug 1957., 68954 Author Psterburpgklyp A.- V. Title NiwDevel.~Pments in Nutritior of Sugar Beets Grig Pub I Sakharnaya sveirlao 19560 No 31 37-U Abstract I Through the use of litboled atomsp a number of new laws governing plant nutrition were disclosedo It was esta- bliched that a aignifioant part of CO necessary for plant growth comes frcm soil noisture.2 In nutrition of sugar beets through the soil by equal dooes of nitro- gen in the form of ammonineal saltpeter and ammonium carbonate the latter nutrient was more efficaciouBo It is established that the root is Incapable of synthe- sizing suaroBe; that it will nocumulate in it only entering from the leaves. Cf primary significance to phoi~osynthesis is the seourinf: by plants of a supply of phosphoruso The processes of synthesis take place intensively in the root pyetcnp particularly pynthesis Card 1/1 of amino acids and phosphbro-organio combinhtlonso 4-) V, ral 11utrition USSR/phys,ology of pants,) IMine Abs Jour : Ref 2;hur-BiOj()giyaj No 2, 195f;, r-637 Author : A. V,, Peterbu:oskiy ~~erdd'jlural Acadeiiiy ,yaze"% inst : -TrEMM said Calcium in Experi- Title : Radioisotopes Of Phosphorus 1jutrition and 'the ments for the Study of Plant Aeti()n of Fertilizers. (~, No 3t 105-120 Orie Pub Izv. Timiryaoevskoy 8-kht 195., Abstract Expe,.rimental nonroot nutriti0:1 with P32 established of Na HP 32 0 was applied t 2the 4 J,~ that when a solution n owe;, ^-lover, and corn P leaves of DOtatOs su fl the other was rapidly carried from the leaves to ts, with a organs of the plantg including the roo, L~xpe- rapidity exceeding that of 1 cm, per minute- riments with nonroot nutrition of potato established that between the stems of the same Plant Card 1/3 USSR / Weeds and Weed C,)ntrol. Herbicides. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biolofriya, No 1, , 21,_1 Aur 1957, ~,91,1() Author PeteLLUrp-~, ~' Semenova, Kispleva, V.1. Ti tle 2 U~-,e cf Herbicides for Comhatt~nF 'Weeds ~n Turni.-,y ;n-.r)ns and Drig Pub Zemledelle, `0 11 , 71- h Abstract The treatnent o_' onion sowinrs a"ter sproutinr was conduc- ted by solutions of a triethanolamine sall oC dinitrOT)henol (1) and naphthy.1plithalami ni c ac id ( 11 ) ( in t;,e teXt it, is erroneously named na-,hthylaminorhth_lic cid ~,'hi~-h s not, a herbicide). The onions were n the two-leaf staf-e, an(! tr.e weeds in the eriod of buddini- and lloom~np. The consumt, on of solution I of 1000 1/hectare was te,;ted in doses o' F, 15, 16 kgAectare ~f the ~0,.' herbic2de. Soluti,n I,' was tested in doses o, 6.2; Q.2; 12.1 k~/h-ct-ire of the t)5'b her- bicide. The presprouti-m- treitment was conducted by _iust int7 I Card 113 UM/Flant Physiology Mineral Nutrition. 1-3 Abe jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 5: 1958, 19960 Author : Peterburgskil, A.V. Inst Title Ott the Plant Assimilation of Metabolic Anions AbsrobuO, by the Habitat, Orig Pub DOkl- A11 SSM, 19560 111, Ho 1, 209-212. Abstract Assimilation by radd:Leh and red clover of the anions of phosphoric, nitric, arid sulfuric acids from solutions, and from the metabolie-aboorption state due to absorption by synthetic sorbents -- anionites (amberlite, "TM"., and others) was compm.-ca, iii vegetation experiments con- e.ucted at the Moscow Order of Lenin Agricultnral Academy imeni K,A. Timiryazev. In the experiment -with raddish, the sulfate anion alone provided an equal effect whether in the free or absorbed state. The effect (if the pho6- phate anion was somewhat weaker than that of the water Card 1/2 Vasil!yaFich. dokto:r sal'skokhosysystyawykh asuk, ~Y.. Alsksandz . professor; KAWARLISON. S.1?.. radaL-tor; GUBIV. M.1., tekhnicheakiy -odektor- [Soviet school of agricultureal chomi.stry; presented by the presidium of the board of administrators of thu R.S.F.S.R. Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge] Sovetakais nawhnsia shkola v agronomicheekot khtmil; pradstavleva prazidiumom pra,rlentis Obahchostva po resprostravenitu polItIcheakikh t nauchnykh snapil RSTSH. Moskva. Izd-vo bZnanlie.' 1957. )9 P. (Yeasotusnoe obs)3cfiestvo o rasprostrananiiu politicheakikh I nauchrqy snanit. Ser.,5. no,153 (MLRA 10:7) (Agricult,aral chemistry) PUTEWURGSKIY, A.V. C~' oil azA plant] Pochya i rastente. Izd. 2-st perer. Mosirva. Goo. Izd_vc ealkboz lit-ry. 1957. 121' p. (MIRA 11:4) (Plants--Nutrition) (Soil fertility) -E'!'HK I '10 13 s cl D t L": L Ag ! './II " I -, .,--: ~jI I PIUMBUR -, . I -. ~ I - - (Plant nutrition through roots] Kornevoe pitamie restenii. M,--ekva. Goa. Izd-vo selkhoz lit-ry, 1957. 169 P. OURA 11:3) (Fertilizerr, and mnures) IRBURGSKIT, A.V. FRM.-O"OPWO - wwMOwwMMMw~___ - Effect of a small dose of lime and humus on the uptake of nutrients by plants and their yield on acid soils (with summary In English]. Pocbvovedeuie no.1:96-106 Ja '57. (MMA 10:5) 1.Ssl'skokhozyaystvennaya akademiya J.m. K.A. TimiryjLzeva. (Lime) (Humus) (Plants--Nutrition) --. ---URGSK:[Y. A.V.. doktor sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk, proteseor. cct-~ I- -. Effect of soil ucidity on plants. Izv.TSIhA n0.1:95-117 1517. (MA 10:7) (Plants, Iffect of acids on) (Soil acidity) MOBURGSKIT, A.T!, prof., dok-tor eel 1Fjkokhozyayotv9nnvkh nauk; SIDMOVA, nimchny7 sotrudnik. 9 Ronction of corn to liming [with sumiry In English]. Izv. TSKhA no.3.-131-142 157. 04IRA 119 3 ) (Lima) (Corn ()Wire)) - ,I 1 41 t. ;~ " -, -, " L.61TERBURGSKly, A-V.. daktor seI'skokhozyaymtvennfth nauk, prof. Agrochemical research at the Timirlazov Agricu-Itural Acadetq dmring IM years of Soviet rule (with summary in English]. Izv. TSKU no.4: 91-110 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Agricultural chemistry) /I J-e P, ~b.,q ) ~3 A: , /., A)I'. FTED nGSKIT. - K.K.C,edroits on tl~e availsbility of SI)ij Do*assi= to Dlants ar-d further studies in this field Lwith summary In Saglish). Pochvovedenie no.11:88-97 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Moskovskaya sel'skokhozyaystvennsya skademiya im.K.A.TimiryazeTs. (Minerals in soil) (Plants, Eflect of potassium on) PMFiBTJRGSKIY,, A.V., doktcor sel'skokhozyaystvennykb nauk, profeenor. ---- blb6~ AgrIcUTTu"W chemistry and crop yiplds. Mauka i %hIzn' 24 no.3: 5-9 Mr '57. (MLELA 10:5) (Agricultural chemistry) (Fertilizers and manures) FWABURMIYO A.Ve. prof., d6ktor mauk. " i~. - .. Afting Im mid hu=m to corn hills ibwij~gg p2anting in acid soi2. DWI. TSKhA no.2%41-44 157. (NM life) Oorn (Wsa)) (Idwj4g of soils) (Hwmo) PETERBURGSKUt A.V., prof'. A riew manual on the chemical analyidr, of aoile. Fosl-,rc7eleenle no.1:122-123 ra 162. (MIRA 17:1) FFTERBURCYSKIll A.V,., doktor selskokhoz. naiicp prof.; K(ECRAGINA, Yu.1., mladsMy nauckz~~ sotrudnik Plant assimilatLon of a=onla nitrogen in connection with Ito exchange absorption and fixation by soil. Izv. I'SKHA no.2t 47-61 163. (MIRA 16:10) PETE.RBURGSKIY . A.V,#-.Prol*o New compound fert'lizers. Zeraledelie ;!5 nD.10:34-38 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. f4osikovskaya sel.skokhozyaystvennayiL akademiya imeni K.A. Timiryazeva. K:(Ys_4*V9q__prt)f., dokkor na%Lkl BLIMNOVg F,S.6 dote*$ )MOds DAuke U81336 potaseltm calolum sulfale arA amoalus bicarbonate for feelIlln1mg potatoes. Dckl. ?RU u).29en-54 157, (KM llt8) Obtatoss) (&afatev) PRTMURGSKI-F, A.~V., dok-tor sell skokboxymyst wonzykh asuk, prof.; SwOROVA. N.K., sladohly nauchay sotrudalk Iffect of molybdeAus an clever an& other crops in acid soils (with oussary in English]. 1xv. TSXhA na. 3:59-82 158. NVU 11:7) (Clevor) (Plants. Effect of molybdenum on) PETIMBIhid~iif, A.V. dnktor nollskokhozyaystve~i~uykh nauk. K.K. Godrolts' wort In studying the ateorption coefficient of soil and its Importance in agriculture. Zenledelle 6 no.1:88-92 Ja (Soil percolation) (MM 11:1) (Gedriots, Konstantin Kaetanovich, 1872-1932) BAIASHEV, L.L., prof.; MIGORIYEV, N.G.j, kani. biol. nauk; ZHURBITSKIY, Z.I., prof.; PETERBUBGSM , AJ., prof.; POPOVP P.V., kanc.. sellkhoz. nauk; FLAL-M71CF, P.Ye., prof.; SOKO1,OV, A.V.; ITRCHIN, F.V., prof.; SHKONDE, E.I., kand, sellkhoz. nauk; 12TERUBERG, M.B., kaad. biol. nauk; VOLIFKOVICH, S.I., akademik, red.i KORNEYEV, 14.7e., kand. voter. nauk, red.; NAYDIN, P.G., prof., red.; PLESHKOV, B.P., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; POPOV, I.S.,, akademik, red.; ROMASHKEVICH, I.F., kand. Bellkhoz. nauk, red.; RODE, A.A., prof., red.; ROZOV, N.N., prof., red FATUM~-4tiR,;j14nzh&, [Chemicalization of agriculture; scientific and technical dictionary handbook] Khimizatsiia sel'skogo khoziaistva; nauchno-tekhnichElskii slovarl-spravochnik. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 398 P. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Chler.-korrespondent AN SSM (for Sokolov). 2. Vi3esoyuznaya akademiya sellskakhozyaystvemykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Popov) PETERBURGSKIY, Aleksandr Vasillyevicb [How- and what dith plants are nourisaed] Kak i chem pitaiut3iA rastenila. Moskvat Nauka, 19b4. 153 p. (MI~LA 18:3) f I t.: r i IJ PETERBU.-MKIY, prof . , dok,or sc- 1 1 s':,,okl;c z:,a.,.-s tvennykh nauk; 7 asp.. r art L.Tsuct, of mineral un(I trr.(.-fi cf corn stlmula-,cci ~,y g.-c,wth promoting sabotanCOS. 17%. TSKhj, I ~,i nc,.3: Q8-1A ~-~k 17 - 1. Kafedra agrekhImil 1 akademil lmner, -N:r-,:-VazPvft. r 7- - r7 K7)' 1, ren -M-7 PETERBURGSKIY, A.V.,, prof. Agrochemical evaluation of the new type of compound and imixed fertilizers. Zhur.VKHO 10 no.4:392-399 165. (MIRA 18:11) PETERBURGSK:(Y, A.V., prof. L.N. Prianishnikov. Zemledelie 27 ro.10:116-59 0 161. (PIPA 18,10), 1. Moskovskaya Imeni Lenina eel Iskok.hozyuystvennaya akaderdya Im,9nI Timiryazeva. an: nl: AN clSSR. 3er. I PN ,.s5R M,,,Bk 9y - PRYPIUM-11KOV, Dimitriyy Nikolayevich, akadamik [deceasedj; PETEIfl3URGSKIY)-A.V.j, prof., otv. red. [Fopular agricultural chemistry] Populiarnaia agrokhimiia. Mosk,vap Naukap 1965. 396 p. (1,1JU 18: 7) PEYVE' Ya.V PETERBURGSKP' A.V., doktor sellkhoz. nauk, prof.; GAR, uk; GOUSHIV, N.M., kand. bicl. nauk; KO.--D'IKIK'?, G.I., ka,-.:;. sellk.hcz. nauk; CHE~D'-, G.A., karol.sellkhoz.nauk; RAKITIN, Yu.V., doktor biol. nauk; ZE2XULINSKIY, V.M., kand. sellkhoz.nauk; DEVYATKIN, A.I., kard. sellkhoz. nauk; VENEDIKTOV, A.1-11., kand.sellkhoz. nauk; TAFANOV, M.G., kand. biol. nauk; 80RISOVA, L.G.; BEREZNIKOV, V.V., kand. tekhn.nauk; KONDRATENKO, R.V., st. nauchn.sotr.; BOidSOV, F.B., st. nauchn.sotr. [Chemistry in agriculture] Khimiia v sellskom khoziaistve. Moskva, Kolog, 1964. 381 P. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSMI (for Peyve). 2. Nachallnik laboratorii Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta plastmass (for Borisova). 3. flauchno-issledovatellskiy institut plastmass (for Kor-dratenko, Borisov). I I JLET~R3URG.30Y, A.V., prol.'.,, doktor selloko,ho,-. tifi-,,k; A.V. asgistent Ag~ricultura-l and oconomic advar.-,~I,geci c,.' fertilizers. lzv. TSKHA rio.1:21-33 ('-~I!~A 1. Kafedra agroki-L,.mii i biokhLmii Nosko-vsl~oy Len-;ra se-L'skokhozyaystvfinnoy akaderriii imen-i FETERBURGSKIY, A.V., doktor sel'Bkokhoz. nauk-, prof,; UJUSHEVSKlY. F.V,, kand. sel'skokhcz. nauk Foims of potassium in soils fertilized over a period of many yet.Lre. Izv. TSKRA no.6:113-124 163. (MIRA 27:8) Ph-TERBURC-SKIT, A.V. Use sf Isn E--r voved",j.p Y ru, imeni K.A. PETERBURGSKIY, A*V. Col-lection of vorks of a prominent Russian agricultural chemist. Pochvovedenie no.1:113-114 Ja 164. (MIRA 17-~) PETMMRGSN:IY, A.V. From the tests in the comparative elmkluation of the most recent complem and the equivalent mixtures of simple fertilizers* Zen1jiste biljka 11 no.2/39499-501 ~162 1. Kafedra agrokhimii Timiryanevokoy, Moskva. PETERBURGSKIT, Aleksandr Vas.111yevich, doktor sellkhoz. nauk, prof,; .N,.' I-, red'.,';- KO.MYSHO, Te.G. , red. ; FEDOTOVA, A. F. , teklin. red. [LaWratory manual on agricultural chemistry] Praktikum po agronomicheskoi khimii. Izd.5., perer. i dop. Moskva, Sell- khozizdnt, 1963. 5~1 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Agricultural chamistry-Laboratory manuals) _1,01,~01,j,07, Willic, pj,of.; POSTNIKOV, A.V. . Q , -A.V., doktor ;s, ? naptrant Solid and liquid co~.,.pound fertilizer;3, thoir investi &tion and possiblo use in tho U.S.S.R. [with stumary in EnglishK Izv. TSKILI no.3:103-121 63. (1-M1 16:9) (Fortilizars and mantwes) PETERBIffiGSHY, A.V.. prof, d0kt-O!- Lli2l skoldi. nZwk.. m- .- aladshiy na-u0myy 3,)trudnik Aotivity of tho a 3slw lat,ic-ri of atx' -i' tw-'A ex , ~1-' ~ L-,- plantB. Izv. TM~ no.5-107--IL' t 0,,'. 0"'Tlo" "t, -1 (. p! ,I lit, ~~- - -A.-If- ~.':d !,It ~' ol, PETERBURGSKIY,_A.T., dots.; Prinimali ucha8tiye: ASAROV, Kh.K., dots,; GUOVA., M.H., assistant; KUDRIN, S.A., prof., retsenzent; PFDNIN, M.Ya., prof., retsenzent; GRACHEVA, V.S., red-, BALLOD, A.I., tekhn. red. (Laboratory manual on agricultural chemistry] Praktikum po agrokhimii. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Sal kho2giz, 19~52- 438 p. ~MIRA 16-8) (Agricultural chomistry--Laboratory manuals) TORINO V.S.,1 aleptrantl PETERBURGSKIY, A.V., ;Tof., nauchayy rukovoditall Agrechemieal investiRatione on the Winovka Collective Farm and their role in working out a sei;ntifically based system of ferti2lzinR, Izv. TSERA no.6:83-96 362. (MM 16t6) 1. Zeveduyushchiy agrokbimichaskoy laboratoriyey kolkhoza a. KaUnovki (for Torin). (Fertilizers and nanures) FETE-RBURG-SX~-T,-_AV._, prof. On the farms and in the agricultural research institutions of Great, Britain. Zemledelle 25 no.077-82 AP 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Great Britain-Agriculture) PETERBURG~i-K-11,-Al.gkga-n!~r-3Laoll-~yovieb,. doktor sellkhoz. nauk, prof.; POSTNIKOV, Anatolly VaBillyevich, agrokhimik; VISHNYAXOVA.Ye., red.; KUZNETSOVA, A., tekhn. red.. [New effective fertilizers] Novye effektivnye udobreniia. Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1963. 5f P. (MIRA 16:7) (Fertilizers and manures) ZHURBITSKIY, Z.I., prof.; PETERBURGSKIY, A.V., prof. Imaediate tasks in the field of agricultural chemistrY. Ifest. AN SSSR 39 no.11:76-79 N 162* (MRA 15:11) (Agricultural chenistry-Research) PETERBURGSKIYY A.V. 7- 'Manual on mineral fertilizers.* Reviewed by A.V.Peterbt=gskii. Pochvovedenie no.8:3-15-3.16 Ag 161, (MIRA 14:11) (Fertilizers and manures) PETERW4GSKIY. Aleksandr- Vasil'yevich; CHS.alIKOVA, M.S.., red.; FOPOV., N.D., takhn. red. [Prianishnikov and his theories]Prianishnikov i ego shkola. Hoskva, Sovetskaia Rossiia, 1962. 106 p. (MIRA 15:10) (PriP-nishni-kov, Dimitrii Nikolayevich, 1865-1948) (Agriculture) PETERBURGSUY, A.V.-, doktor sell skokhozyaystvennykh nauk, prof.; I ___ DEBMTSENI, B. (Debreceni, B.) Availability of the phosphates of compound and simple fertilizers to eats in acid and limed soils. I;w,. TSYM no.5:112-120 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Oats--Fertilizers ard manitres) (Phosphates) 'PETumoscyo A.V., doktor ce1'skokhoz5,aystvennykh nauk International symposium on "Humus and Plants." Ze.-Uledelie 24 no-3:8,1,-88 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Humus--Congresses) POUBUMSKUP A.Ve Comparative evaluation of met recont, compound fertilizers and equivalent mixtures of simple fert-I.1i2ers. Pochvovedenie no.9: 35~47 S 161. (IMM 14: 10) 1. Sellskokhozyaystvennaya akademiya imeni K.A.Timiryazeva. (Fertilizers and imnures) TORINJI V.S., awpirant-, PETEMURGSKIY, A.V., naiichnyy rukovoditell, prof. Effectivnees of fertilizer application to corn on he, Collective Farm Kalinovka in Kursk Province. Izv. TSKHA no.3t49-56 161. 1 (MIRA 14:9) 1. Zaveduyij~hchiy agrakhimicheskoy laboratoriyey kb-Akhoza sela KalinovkIq Kurskoy Oblast4 (for Tarin). e.. (Corn (PAize).Fertilizers and manures) IPETERBUROKIY, A.V., doktor sel7skokhozya,ystvermykh Aauk, prof. What are French agricultural chemiatr-f laboratories vor;dng cr.. Izv. TSKhA no.2%217..234 760. ,(MIRA 14:4) (France-Agricultural chemistry) __prof.., red.; ZAVERD, A.S., red.; ITITAIINA, O.V., PETERBURG41KIY A V*j iklin. red. [1-tanual for workers in ngricultural chemistry laboratories) Po- sabie dlia rabotnikov agrokhimicheskikh laboratorii, Moskva, Izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, zhurmaov I plakatov.. 1961. 431 (MIRA 15:S (Agricultural chomistry-Laboratory mmmls) FFM~ YIL.V., glav. red.; ALIYEV, G A , akademik, red.; ABUTALYBOV, V.G., 'OG:IL prof., red.; BERZIN, YA.M fB;rzin;q,J.)P akademik, red.; V1N k- DCVv A.P., akademikp red.; VLASYUK, P.A.,, akademik, red.; '; M-4-H, A.O,,, prof., re-d.; DROBKOV, A.A., prof., red.; KATAIM1.0'V, X.V., prof., red.; KOVALISKIY. V.V., red.; KOVDA, V.A., red.; KEDROV- ZIMIAN,O.K., akademik., red.; LEOPOV, V.A.0 akademik, red - PETER- ~ L-==n IIURGSKIY, A.V., prof., red.; SINYAGIIII, I.I., red.; CIMMIO , V.A., CHANISHVILI, Sh.F., red.; SIIKOLINIK, M.Ya., prof., red.; HCHERBAKOV, A.P., Icand. fiellkhoz. nauk red.; VENGULNOVICH, A., red.; S C DMOSIUYA, 0., red.; KLYAVINYA,A lKlavilm, A.), tekhn. red. [Use of trace elements in agricultixe and medicine; transactions] Frimenenie mikroelementov v sellskcm khoziaistve i meditsine; trudy. 13 706 p. (MIRA 14: 12) Riga.. Izd-vo Akad.nauk Latv"is),oi SSR, 1959. 1. Vsesoyuznoye soveshchuniye po mikroelementam. 3d, Baku, 1958. 2- Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSM (for Peyve, Kovda). 3. All Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR (for Aliyev). 4. All Lat-viyskoy SSR (for Berzin). 5. Vsesoyuznaya akaderiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk in. V.I.Lenina (for Vlasyuk, Kedrov-Zikhman). 6. AN Belcrur;skay SSR (for Leonov). 7. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Sinyagin, Kovallskiy). 8. Chlen-korrespondent AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for Chanishvili). (Trace eleuDnts) (Biochemistry) (Auriculture) PETERBURGSKIYj-A-V.p prof.p doktor sellskaxtoz.nauk; DEBRETSENI, B. aspirm t krailabil-ity of the Phosphates Of COMPOUBd and elaple fertilizers to plants. I zv. TSM& n o. 1: 76-93. 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Plants-41u#ition) (Phosphates) N USYUKINp I.F.p prof.t doktor tokhn~nuuk; -,fL*TZI?JDUHGSKIY, A.V.P prof., doktor sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauj;'-'-'V Ammonium bicarbonate, an effectivo nitrogen fertilizer. Zemledelie 23 no. 2:74-81 F 161. (MIRA 14:2) (Ammonium, carbonate) PRYANISliblIKOV, Dimltriy Nikolayevich, akadomik, Garoy SDtsiallsticheskogo Truds [1865-1QWI: PWJMTJRGSKIY. 2.T.. prof.. red.: THTYURITA, I.T., redo; TRUKHIIA, O.S.. [My reminlecencus) Moi vospominaniia. lzd.2. Koskva, Goo.izd-vo mallkhos.lit-ry, 1961. 309 p. (Wm 14:4) (Prianishnikov, Dmitril likoloevich. 1865-1948) RUDENSKAYA, B.Ya. [translator]; FUKS, Z.V. [,-,ranalator); MERBURGSXIY. A.'F., red. (Ebmger signs in crops; a symposiuml Priznnki golodaniia rai3tenii; abornik statei. Moskva. Iisd-vo lnoBtr,lit-ry, 1957. 221) p. (MIRA 14:2) 1. American Society of Agronomy. (Deficiency diseases in planta) DOLZHANSKIT, L.D.; KOERIF, B.,; NENCHIROV, V.S.. prof., red.; . PRT3UBMSKIT, A.V., doteent; LILITE, A., (Two forage crop yields in one year) Dva uroshais kormovykh Imlltur v god. Pod red. V.S.Nemchiaova i A.V.Peterburgskogo. Moskva, Hook.rabochil, 1946. 47 p. (KIRA 1):12) 1. Upravlyavuahchiy uchabno-opytnym kh02Y8.VBtVOM wFerma" Sel'sko- khozynystvennoy akademii im. Timiryazeve (for Dolzhanskiy). (Forage plants) doktor sel'skokhozyay9tVOnDykh nauk, prof,; TIUIISHVSKrY, F.V., aspirant IoDaching of potassium from the arable layer (with summ&ry in Raglish]. Izv. TSKbA no.4:82-87 160. (HIRA 13: 9) (Soils-Potassium content) (Ieaching) PZTRMUR(!~~V.; KOBRIN. B..; KAT-A", IKOV. V.. (Bolls and plants] Pochra I rastemis. Moskva. Mosk.rabochil, 1946. 66 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Soils) CRIZHEVSKIT, Mikhail Grigorlyevich, prof.. doktor sel'Bkokhot.nauk; AVATEV, M.G., dotsent; ZMMTIKOY, E.A., dotoent; KISILKY, A.N., dotsent;,PMERBURMI'r.--A~Y.,.prof.; GRCMHOTSKIT, K.I., dotsent; OZEROV. V.R., rod.; BACHURINA, A.M.,; BALLOD, A.I., [Agriculture with principles of soil acience3 Zemledelie s oano- vami pochvovedeniia. Pod red. H.G.Chizhavokogo. Izd.2.. parer. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 431 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Agriculture) (Soila) PET eM UR G.' Z I Y, A. V. (Laboratory mumial in af.71cultural chomistryj -,,o agronomichaskci kbLimii. Izd.4., perer. i den. Moskva, Gos. is.d-vo E;ellk-hoz.lit-ry, 1959. 549 p. (MIR.A 13:10) (Agricultural cherlistry) PETZHURGSKIY, A.V.-, prof.. dok-tor Bel 'skc-khozyaystven4ykh nauk Exchange ions in soil and their availablity to plants. Izv. T8J:hA no.6:70-76 159. (HIBA 13:6) (Ion excharq;e) (Soil cherdstry) PETERBURGSKIT, A.V., prof. doktor sellskoldioz. nauk;YANlSHj;VSKIY, F.V., aspirant Investigating the behavior of potassium In turf-Podzolic sandy loams subject to long-term fertilizer usage, continuous fallow and rye and potato monoculturee. Izv. TSEhA no.5:75-94 '59 (MIRA 13:3) (Potassium) (Field crops--Fertilizers and manures) CATMORY : Sniaiic6. Fortilizera. ABS. JC)UR. : M13101., NT,). 4, 1959, Nn., f, U T F Peterblvz,~,~okiy, A.V. 'rinjil-yaZov D-13 ion. K.A. -jrt;j,~f~ of' ORIG. PUB. Dokl. Mlcsk. s.-kh. irn. K.A. Tiriiryazava, 195,7, vy.p. 31, 5-17 tit -If f,~V-tj-,4 .03 7LU.C- The totsA 011t,'- IN n reE;c' -~(l C.,_ -ritnwr/r, ci,nrr- T'I" z;.- r~. e:~i r e T~ T'OdJC 01 1 i I t 17, fl!'rl n' iz,~ ~~ f ranu 1 e 65 min' com- e (I o,, t - r q a r ri :,i i x f r-rt i I ():r. ~) J ri E-1 ) "o r t bv vro_eoses ba~zed on ~tie a4..~sociqtion of phopThoritec! (or qrif,~tes,' of ~Ii`%C; jr~ ey,,~efi- ef,-CC--4 , n ~rJn Card: 28 3; 1)930 11117T PatorbivrpUy, A. v., . TbAlppzov Ag_j0.,1jt,,1ra1 V. P,()rn to LLmo AWAICAtion. !FLJ c "mi-17""sk, 3--kh. akwi., 1957 N, 1 . , 31-11,2 A britif Ljvu-,rjy of Litorature juyj rq3Ljltq of or i l mon to n v099tation por V683013- The "Ming Of SOUS takl3n froM t"a fam Of the Aoade d ~y ari from the aubsidiary farm Dubk." boosted the Yield Of the grogen and graia wi rol_101'lge of the corn. Combiaatict) of IWn th t g he PLIftcamant o~ humuft In tk]o plftating holed &t the ratO Of 1 to /h n a ( on all average) increased the Yield Of th e eare 47 139% and that of t:ao gr"A roughage bY 93% compared it w h the con- trOl (Without humus and lim:Lng). The content of N in th and Ga S grain was increased somewhat under the i fl- f IA a 'I jonae the 11mo and h=us. - V- S. Shmallko _41- CATSC-Ghy cultivated Pir,D!~s. ir,,iastr-, clei feri.,j 5, Su, kjr-. v 'ARS- JO;* RZIB101-, 19 5 6. o 7' ? Pe tt;rrju I V , P's T. T 1-,, The Yil,-' ~ir.u F,jrtilii~~-.',ion of Suror bt~ettj in OR- Pli 5 L .AF3714~'T 1L bFV~j U11, er C,'-~tS CDOPri- J 'It-Alt hu, Hno ~ht,, iverq.,4~, yJ(11d uf raot., 1,9 1:7-13~7 11;jt~~ ~Ir- cilt,,. -,r, flit. ?,~.oun,.,, of t~.e hp,--Iiez, Ei;!,i nri yield accomin8 t- separ%te ragionn of Pr*Lnt~ ia USSR/Cultivated Plauts - Fodders. m Abs Joiu- Ref %ur Biol., No 18, 1953, 82380 Ar t', or Sidorovn, N.K. I.Ist TiLdryazev ALricL~ltiwal :tcadcW Title On tic Si&iifica:ice of Molybdeatm for Clover on Acid Soils. Ori G Pal) Dokl- ~bsk. s.--kdi. akad., im. K.A. Tivlryazeva, 195Y, 31, 43-48 Abstvict Principal miclusioas fron the work of vario-,:s Soviet and forei&; agric-It-tiral chenists o,.,. Vie effect of 140 sa'ts o.-, ~he arowth a:id yields of some :;rasses, espe- cially le,i~iiiiious o_es, ai,.d a brief report o.: field trials carried out ii. 1955 n:.d 1955 at the Ttuiryazev Agricultural Academy Field CLIltivation. Statio:,, L-, 1955, sprayi. ~; of Cie ,,rass zdxture of clover x timthy Card 1/,'? T kA, 300) SOV/30-59-2-17/60 AUTEOR.- ly~u~., Academician TITLE: Conference of the International Association of Soil Experts '~'Konferentsiya Mezhdunarodnogo obshchestva pochvovedov) PERIODICAL: Ifestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 2, PP 74-75 (USSR) ABSTRACT: rhis Conference took place in Hamburg last August. The Soviet delegation took part in the work of two committees I(soil chemi-stry and soil productiveness). About 300 persons took .art in the Glonference, The following problems were discussed; P substances promoting growth in the soil, nitrogen and humus, interaction between soil types and effectivity of dung, distribution of ions in the soil, use of radioactive isotopes for ihve8tigations&wThe Soviet delegation delivered the following reportai.The author of this paper on soil types and effectivity of dung (the report had been worked out together with Professor A. V,..Sokolov)l D. U. Guseynov, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, Azerbaydzhanskaya SSR spoke about the stimulants of !petroleum origin; Professor 'A. V. Peter- -burgWYreported on adsbr~tion proceases,in the soil and -i-he-- Card 1/2 ro-of-n-Furishment of plants. Ya. V. Peyve-,,Corresponding Member, IN ON SO 'or Ile C, Oll C'. Yk tyP,30 S, fkI c, 01. ,Et. CN OU Co It r rov r permutita, c c a s tne ,vater and sgril cul',:-t-o )',rits ~O)Lirrn'-",n capFc. ity 1,el''Ot!x',4~'10 ~,t .3t--'.',l -Icre at L,1u, valueq r) , t:le T)"', ew-r-'ro:u-tilt. in q11 ,_I jr,11 -,It rt-lij~L_(4 the c;i3ej the 0 in '~ PLVersc. e.-'f, ct W' tlie rt, ictirn _-'r) t1j, i.n'jT_rcnm,, nt. Tile a,1t,!O_-. _11 toxic of r- A of' ~!Ci! reacu!or Lilt- moDilc t1, -n, Vo qnd e~ipccir!lly Fo. H e 2/3 L!6 %-,thr 1 t a isr, conn, c t h I ,d t h!, t e nf C - - , " L",- t) ~Ln t rc, bi loq! -u2 proces- us in 'Aii- nepative affectq. nf C', oni" I,c- oy U-wrl io~!c-' i:-, Ean-~y .5 C., ~ -L ir, t,1,? pr7--ril-ctior. 0, I'd ,-'cI-tilization iniroiisl~~ tl-~ IrwRer cf Frokoshev; Card. PITERBMSKIT, A.V. Mantial on methods of agricultural experiments and investigations (in German) by R. Hermann. Revieved by A.V. Paterburgsk-li. Pochvodedenle no.Z-.114 1P 159. (MIRA 12:3) (Agriculture--Experimentation) (Soil research) i POT , Y&J., red.; PETERBURGEKIT. A.V.. prof., red.; GRIGORIYEVA, A.I., red.; BAILWD. A.I.. [Cliamistry in agricultural Khimita v ael'skom khoziaistve. Moskva, Goe.lzd-vo nallkhos.lit-ry, 1959. 247 p. WRA 12:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent M SSSH (for Peyva). (Agricultural chemistry) Uss-R / Soil Scioncc. Vim-;rai Fortilizors. J-4 Abs Jour : Rof Lhur-Biol . , IT o 8 9 19.56' Author ; Potorburgskiy, A. V. Inst TitIJ ilcittioc, of babc~liug Atoi~ls and I'U*,,,, L-i~ )ort-mu,.; iii Studvinc,, tlrc.~ Effuct of F-rtilizurs ai."L Nutrition on PlLntS. Orig, Pub: Sakiiamiayu sv-;kl~-., 1957, No 10, ~--bstract: No ab5tract. -ra I./i USSR / Soil Sciuace. Otg,-Inia Fortilizors. iibs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 21, 1958, 95759. .I.uthor : Inst :Kharkov University. - Title :On the Influence of Humic ;tcid, Humus :~,nd Some Other Organic Substances in Reduced Doses on Crop Harvests. Orig Flub: V. sb.: Guminovye udobraniya, Kiinrli,-,ov, Kharlkovsk. un-t, 1957, 145-161. !-.bstract: Vegetntivo and field experiments with Ppplic3tion of orgnnic substrinces. conducted by tho author at various times between 1929 and 1955 established that adsorbents give a positive effect: active carbon, artificial humic acid and others (in water and sand cultivations); small quantities of humua adhered to beet seeds, small a(Imixtures of Card 1/2 Abs Jour : Ref Mur - Biol., No 15, 1958, 67947 Author : Peterbui:gskiy, A.V. Inst : Title : The Significance of Nitro(,en in the Agriculture of the USSR Orig Pub : Udobreniyo I urozhay, 1957, No 11, 16-25* Abstract : The peremial leguminous Grasses stand in the first place as far as biological transformation of atmospheric nitro- Gen is concerned .. lucerne (300 kg./hectare of N per year) and clover (15o-i6O ka./hectare of N per year). The c_4-ala lec,'Umeq (except for vatch) accutadate nitrogen In much smal- ler qu=tities. A Good harvest of lupine my bind 100-150 kG./liectare per year, itce the amount of N contained In 20- 30 T/hectare of manure. The lupine green mass mi-neralizes more rqpidly than nanure, its principal advantage over the latter; in addition, lupino can be grown successfully on the acid soils of the moist subtropics, the irrigated Card 112 - 38 - 'JSSR/3oll 3cirmce. Minerrd Fertilizers. .'bs Jo-..z-r: Ref Zhur-Bi7~1., Ur 6, iqc,.;-~, 247~2. Auth,-)r Pete rburirai-. i y~ K.; '~:Arncv, P.M.; Yu(Ii n , F. Inst Td tlo Effectiv-i-ness cf Fertiliz,AI.Iri in the Cnutt:-D,,sterr, Re~;ions -f the USSR Under IrriC"ti;-)n. Ori (~ Fb Izv, TI:-Aryr~zcvsR. s.-kh. ).kar!,~ i~56, No 2", ,,bstr,---.t: :ata fro!.. c,,x,)Gri,.iental -'ristitutions of tt.,e South- F/,.St is 7jvc-r, ab,,.;t the 11-)st 3ff'E;ctivc :.iethods )f the aDplicatIon Df i..anum, siderites, --md ::Aner-~l fertilizers 1'.jr v,,.ri3us cr-p-a durin,~ irri-ati-)v.. Card USSR/Soij,. Science - Orcnnic Fertilizers. Abs Jour Ref 7%ur - Biol., No 9, 1958, 39025 Author Peterliurgskiy, A.V. Inst Moscow Agricultural Academy in. K.A. Timiryazev j-4 Title On the Influence of Snall Doses of Lime and Humus on the Intake of Nutriment in Plants and in the Crop, Orig Pub Dokle Mosk. so-kh. akad. in K,A, Timiryazeva, 1956, vyi). 23, 220-227. Abstract T'ne results of vegetative and field experiments, conducted in -,)rA-cr to determine the effectiveness of smaU doses of organic fertilizer and line in their introduction either separately or with a background of FK are given in thic survey. The verotative experinent with oats on lightly clayey Card 1/2 - 14 - USM/Cultivated Plants - Fruits, Berries. M Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biols, No 7, 1956, 30012 Author : Poterburgakiy, A,.V,, Semmova, N.K., Rodina, L.A. Inst Title : Several. Experiments on Controlling Pre-Harvest Apple Fall- Off and the Retention of Apple and Cherry Flowering. Orig Pub : Dokle bbsk* a.-kh. akad, im. K,A. Timiryazevao 1956, vyp. 23, 234-239. Abstract : Tests were made In the orchard of the fruit station of Mscow Agricultural AcadmW in 1953-1954 for the purpose of reducing pre-harvest apple and cherry fruit fall-off by spraying for 2-3 weeks before the harvest with weak solutions of 1-naphthyl acetic acid at 0.001%, 2,4-D at 0-00055% w3d 2,4,5-T at 0.002%. The fruit fall-off was cut from 20-32 to 5.6-14-5%. There was an increase in su(pr content In the fruit and a reduction in acidity, a higter ascorbic acid content was noted. Card 1/2 9 ASKINAZIp D.L.; VOLIFKOVICII S.I.; KATALYMOV, M.Vol PEMMIMSKY, A.V.,- SCUOIIOV, A*Ve; RROVP S.G.; SHKONDE, E.I. lm. menory of Oskar Karlovich Kedrov-Zikhman. Pochvovedenie nc..7:126-127 Jl 164. (NIRA 17:8) PETERBURCZKIT. Aleksandr Vasillyevi", doktor sellskokhoz.neuk; KATSMMISOB, S.M., red.; ATHOSHC93NKO, L.Te., [Mixed fertilizers] Slozhnye udobroniia. Moskva, Izd-vo 'Znanie.* 1959. 30 p. (Veesoiuznoe obBhchestvo po raspro- atraneniiu politicheakikh i nauchnykh znanii. Ser.5, Sel'skoe khoziaistvo, no.19) (MIRA 12:8) (Fertilizers and manures) RUSSHNGO, Zhan Batint [Bounningault, Joan Baptiste); TIMIRTAZRV, X.A.; PIITANISHNIKOV, D.N.; LEBEDTANTSEV. A.H.. prof.; PITERBURGSKIT, A,V., prof.; TX)TARSKATA, L.S., red.; GOR'NOVA, Z.D.. tekhs.rod. rSnlected wnrks on plant Physiology and agricultural chemistry) Izbrannye proizvedenita pa, fizialogit rastenii t agrokhimii. Vvnduye stat'i K.A. Timiriazeve, I dr. Izd.2. Moskva. Gas. izd-vo nol'khoz. lit-ry. 1957. 544 p. [Translated from the French.] (14IRA 12:1) (Ap,ricultijral chemistry) (Botany--Physiology) Card 1/1 I-ET,T3-RZUP%GSKIYJ, 1%.V. "Change of i;he Forms of Potaosium Ln Sod-podzollIc rIE the Result ,f Lr,!-v, Appiluation (if' llotaoolum Fertfli,_,ers." (Moscow A01cuitural Acad(.-my Im. T,rmrya_,.r!v) roport to be prescntcd at the '7th Intl Soil beience Congress, Madiscr,,. 15-23 AuErust 11-1601 NIKOLAYEV, A.F., o+lv. red.; SHKOLINIK, B.I., kand. med. nauk, red.; dAKShEYEV, prof., red.; VINOGWkDOVA, S.F., prof., red.; GRISHCMIKO) I.I., prof., red.; K01d;1LOVA, A.I., k,,.,nd. med. nauk, red.; KONSTANTBOV, V.A., prof., red.; MEDYANIK, it.V., red.; PAP, A.G., kand. med. nauk, red.; PKM.URQ5Kj)L,jYe., prof., red.; SAVITSKIY, V.N., prof., red.; STEPANKOVSKAYA, G.S., kand. med. nauk, red.; TIYOSHENKO, L.V., dots., red.; YANICELEVICH., Ye.Ya.,, prof., red. [Transactions of the Third Congress of Obstetricians and CynEIC010giStS of the Ukrainian S.S.H.] Trudy III s1lezda almsherov-ginekologov Ukrainskoi SSR. Kiev, Gosredizdat 2962'. 370 p. (MIRA 17:5~ 1. S"Yezd akusherov-ginekologov Ukrainskoy SSR. 3d, Kharkov, 1961. 2. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMIN SSSR (for Nikolayev). F. Y e. "Infl.ampatory Diseases of the Cervix Uteri," Fell dsher i Akusher., 140. 4, 1949. PETERIMIRG"'TTY, F. Ye. Dissertation: "Data oi. the ~testicn cf Conservative Surger7 of the Ovaries." Dr Med !~ci, Central Inst fcr the Advanced 29 Jun 5b. (Vechernyaya MoiAcva, Moscow, 21 Jun c:h,l of 'Nonrialignant Neoplazinis Trainfrir of Phyticlane, C 3 SUT 318, 23 Dec, 195L X PZU&SUIMHY, Fedor Yemel'yonovich [Surgical treatment of benevolent CyOtS 2nd eystomas of the ovaries] KbArurgiohaskoe lechenie dobrokachestvennyl-h kist I kistom isiOniks. Honkva, Kedgiz, 1958. 197 P. (MIRA 12:2) (OVARISS--TUMORS) PETF,KBURGSKIY, P. The 5-381 tra-ple pnewaatic bush hamers. -'vt.dor. 25 n0.4:28 Ap 62~ 0-11RA 15:5) (Pneumatic tools) ACC NR: M6035641 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/020/0050/0050 INVENTOR: Peterburgskiy, P. T. ORG: none TITLE: Expansion joint unit for concrete paved highways and airports. Class 19, No. 187068 SOURCE: Izobrateniya, pro-myshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 50 TOPIC TAGS: highway construction, highway engineering, highway expansion 4oint ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for an expansion-joint unit -For con- 1creze-paved highways and airports, which inlcudes a deformable packing anc; dowels. In iorder to maintaia the dowels in a particular position, they are attached to the 1deformable packing via cones formed by supporting rings and bracing rods. Orig. art. ,has: I figure. ;SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 08jun65/ 625 PETMIa, 14. "Grinding stones for pol J shing terrazzo floors." p. 62. (KA M. LzY BUDaII-XIE, Vol. 8. no 2, Feb. 1953, Wirszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Acca3oions, L. G., Vol- 3, No. 5. 14V 199P, Uncl. L,.; ., "'. A taxcrr. in -aanrz:-.r,. - I J - lC- i riianu, " j. i , i,,,,r. 195171 : '~onVii, -nc:c;~ of I, --t i.uj,ope~~n AcE-ssons ';J- ~) oI. (, 1, - ,j, r - - I JUBA, A.-,~PETERFAI, J-.-- On subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis. Acta med.hung. 16 no.3: 217-231 161. 1. Neuropsychistrische Abteilung des KomitatskrankenhauBes, Gyula, und Nervennbtellung des Stadtischen Krankenhauses, Baja. (ENCEPHALITIS pathol) PETEUAI p J. Dr. Adolf Juba. Ideggyogy. szemle 16 no.3,86-92 Mr 162. (BIOGRAPHIES) PErERFALVI, S.; GIPPERT, L.; KOVACS, L. "Increasing the Endurance of the Edge of Saw Blades by Coating Then With Hard Metal; An Innovation by J. Wildmann", P. 92, (RUPAR, Vol. 4, No. 3, Mar. 1954, Budapest, Hungary) SOi Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl.